'Axed= September 15. 1939 plEpencog/EnsniAnoxicam PAGE TWELVE and We Wish You .. . HEALTH, HAPPINESS PROSPERITY During the New Year New Portrait Bust of Dr. Cyrus Adler THE LEGAL CHRONICLE RING OUT THE CENTURY A Review of a Critical Hundreth Year in Jewish Life By LEONARD E. ROSCH HEAR, OH ISRAEL! What hose deed? What rile tirlrne? From the day. of Rolm to Bitter's time, Ilmt thou on this earth Peristotted. That thou should be no cruelly per. twitted? Thy children.' 1 hildren are to be pitied For taking the i.141103 their fathers com- mitted. Of being born unto this world • Jew, Earls generation suffering scorn anew. For worts and murder, rape and lust Are the heritage of a people so Bast A people peaceful and industrious Artistic., noble and so studio. That their contributions to humanity Have oven the masses more eqUality, And a better titanic 'In this game of Ilfe To eliminate all rause of war amt strife. Yet, for this, they milt onyou in eon• tempt rile, And lire and hitter oaths upon you PlIsi Mourne you, gas you on the rark; , 111111, with glee when your bones do crack. Born your homes and torture mother.. Steal your sisters, elaughter broths.. Etery effort de they .rhe i ii this earth the Jew to &he. In envy intolerante and hate. Neter does their hitterneen .bale. Barks are bent end brown •re humbled, Hopes unto the dust are erunthled. Yet, still with the passing of the year.. Each generation u.lett through blood and tenni. When? Oh, hen will this unbnPPY Hate Release the Jew from 15101 a fate? One hundred years ago Rosh from professions and Government Hashonah, 5600—the year 1839j employ, restricted in business and sociel life, and the expulsion of all in the common calendar—found ! foreign Jews was ordered. Anti- world Jewry looking forward Semitism was foreign to the Italian . with bursting hope to an era! people, where the Jewish popula- of emancipation and enlighten.: tion numbered only about 50,000. Despite all efforts of the regime, On the New Year, as on each day, the QUEEN ment. Less than a decade before the racial policy did not succeed France had officially recognized in striking root in the past year. QUALITY LAUNDRY ideal is to serve you person. Judaism as a religion. A liberal Refugees ally and individually .. . to satisfy you so com- nationalism was stirring in Eur- The problem of refugees reached ope which was to bring emanci- 1 unprecedented gravity. Refugee pletely that during the years to come as in the Dation of the Jews in Austria! ships plied the seas seeking havens in 1866, in Hungary and Italy , for their passengers. The incident past we shall strive to merit your confidence .. . in 1870 and in the German Em- of the German liner St. Louis, its and to do our share towards a happier and more pire in 1871. passengers barred from Cuba for All over the continent ghetto which they had received landing satisfying tomorrow. walls were crumbling and the permits, was only one of numerous Jews, imprisoned for centuries, cases. Communities 01 refugees were looking out eagerly into also sprang up in the "no-man's- Are ye a people on forenakenT May the advent of the New Year 5700 bring HEAR! Olt ISRAEL! AWAKEN! a strange and fascinating world. New portrait of Dr. Cyrus In five years the first Reform i land" on several of Europe's fron- —DAVID BRODSKY, new hope and new strength to the sons of Israel 113 Slate St.. Detroit. Adler, president of the Jewish rabbinical conference was to be tiers. Jews were forced to live Theological Seminary of Amer- held. New movements—Haskalah under the moot appalling condi- . May the unbounded faith and courage in the tions, starving, shivering with cold, ica, modelled in bronze by Walter and neo-orthodoxy—were begin- face of adversity bring a reward of health, happi- Cohn and now on view in New ning to take hold. It was the era unattended in their sickness, worst America to Have Branch of of all, homeless and unwanted. York City. Zionist Executive of Moses Mendelssohn, Adolph ness and prosperity. The world was not entirely past Cremieux and Isaac Baer Levin- sympathy. The United States led LONDON. (WNS-Palcor Agen- The community of Carpentras son. The establishment of a —S. P. BAKER, President. (France) in 1740 agreed that The term "anti-Semitism" had in the protest against German op- cy) neither grownups or young men not yet been invented. The word pression. President Roosevelt last committee in America to repre- should be permitted to wear a wig "Zionism" still remained to be November broke diplomatic prece- sent the World Zionist Executive with curls. Wigs without ringlets, coined. Socialism was not to dent by issuing a statement de- was decided upon by the Execu- however. were allowed. On trips bawl its birth cry for another l" aouncing the Nazi pogroms as a tive was decided upon by the reversion to the MI • e Ages, an Executive of the World Zionist away from the city Jews often nine years. was joined by the public at Organization. The committee con- dressed like Gentiles as a matter Europe is a ferment of rising he wa the United States, Eng- sists of Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Dr. of safety. Hence the regulation I nationalism and enlightenment, large in also provides that when a Jew re- America pushing out her front- land and other countries. Secretary Solomon Goldman and Louis Lip- LAfayette 4020 2835 BAGLEY AVE. tars, it ita w turned home from a trip he niust H pnendeux lcuitniingof R jeow sh. of Interior Harold Ickes also con- sky. It has been requested to demned the Nazi oppression, in- co-opt, in addition, a representa- The a take off his wig with curls imme- 26 YEARS OF QUALITY SERVICE diately. ish history was in the first phase volving the United States .in a tive for the General Zionists A. of an upward swing. It was a diplomatic incident with Berlin Hadassah and Labor. which resulted in mutual recall of new year of new hope. • • • ambassadors and a blunt State De- Rosh Hashonah, 5700—Septeni- partment statement backing up ber, 1939—finds the pendulum Ickes. Rosh Hashanah Greetings Holiday preetings To AU Seeking to cope with the refugee swinging backward toward reac- Rosh Hashonah Greetings tion. Throughout the world the problem, the Intergovernmental forces of liberalism are retreating Refugee Committee, formed on and bruatlity is in the ascendant. President Roosevelt's initiative, ob- Democracy is on the defensive; tained from the Reich an arrang- Fascism and Nazism—wards un- mentl permitting orderly emigra- known a hundred years ago—are tion. The world was scanned for •General Auto Repair Shop We Manufacture Anything new territories in which to settle 3 SHOPS lending their sway. Bumping, Painting, Towing Enlightenment has passed its refugees. Britain offered several of IN WOOD Service 1051 WOODWARD AVE. zenith and civilization is sweeping heti colonies. The Dominican Re- backward a century, and maybe public, the Philippines and other 13963 WOODWARD AVE. 23253 FENKELL AVE. 11606 CONANT AVE. more. Barriers against Jews are territories were investigated. A 10721 GRAND RIVER AVE. REdford 0160 mounting again. Ghettos with in- Coordinating Foundation was set TOwnaend 6-3595 visible walls, in some ways more up to direct resettlement. A con- brutal than the tangible walls of ference of directors of the Inter- the Middle Ages, are being formed governmental Committee w a s in Europe. Bigotry against the called by President Roosevelt at HARIIONAII GREETINGS Holiday Greetings to AU nosit Jew has been raised to the dig- the White House to take further Rosh Hashonah Greetings! nity of an ideology, "anti-Semi- action. ACME PACKING Rosh flashonah Greetings Palestine tiara," based on a pseudo-scientific & SUPPLY CO., INC. Britain revoked a promise to racial principle. A new people of SOFT DRINKS refugees has been created, driven which she had adhered more or LLOYD V. BARTLEY Manufacturers of • through a hostile world whose less enthusiastically for the past RA. 9680 CARBONATED BEVERAGES 325 W. Jefferson 19215 W. McNichol. Road senses have been numbed by re- 20 years—the pledge to facilitate DRY GINGER ALE establishment of a Jewish home- Corner Shaftsbury peated acts of barbarism. Soda and Ginger Ale Tanks A Jewish homeland in Palestine land in Palestine. Instead, she Hi-Speed Products • Ford has loomed on the horizon and has planned to crystallize the Jews as Benzol Ga. • Car Washing - The Perfect Mixer A HAPPY NEW TEAR begun to dim, like a cruel mirage. a one-third minority within an Tires - Batteries for Gin Drinks We Call For and Deliver The Jove are on the threshold "independent" (meaning Arab) and High-Balls SHIRTMAKER REDFORD 2707 of a new century. It is a time state. 6425 CONCORD First there were the conferences which, as Dr. Nahum Goldmann PLaza 6481 told the recent Zionist Congress in with Arabs and Jews in London Geneva, is "the most revolutionary, aimed at finding an amicable solu- Rosh Hashonah Greetings CADMIUM PLATING turbulent and cruel ever known in tion of the Arab-Jewish problem. 154 W. LAFAYETTE The conferences failed, whereupon the history of mankind." STEVE BODNAR CADILLAC 5574 ' Na 'one year Can be torn 'ff3fn Britain Issued in May a White A !MGS' NEW YEAR the context of its preceding and Paper announcing her intention to 2128 JOS CAMPAU AVE. ensuing years. But this New Year establish the state within 10 years, Mobile.. — Mobile& FITZROY 5855 seems—perhaps because one is so if possible, and to halt Jewish im- Mobilubrication close to it—to mark the end of migration after five years. The Tires • Batteries • Accessories one of the most hectic twelve- Jews refused to accept this policy. 11019 GRAND RIVER months in recent history. Whether Illegal immigration led Britain to NO. 9697 the dire trends that the past year prohibit Jewish immigration for Rosh Hashanah Greetings augurs will be fulfilled, will be six months beginning Oct. 1. But for the historian to say; one fer- the Jews continued to defy Brit- Rosh Hashonah Greetings JACK ROSENBERG vently hopes not. Not all is despair. ain. While extra-quota entry con- Mgr. Wyoming Yard The end of the year saw the de- tinued, the 21st biennial World mocracies trying to forge a front Zionist Congress met in Geneva in Season's Best Wishes HOgarth 2121 to save civilization. Amid the sea August to map a program of re- State Agent of reaction there remained islands sistance to the British policy. NEW HAMPSHIRE FIRE There was no cessation during the of liberalism. INSURANCE CO. In this new century, which past year of the violence in Pales- forces will win? It would be futile tine, although the back of the Arab to prophesy. One can only summar- rebellion was believed to have been A Happy New rear 1028 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg., ize the events of the past year broken. RAndolph 2927 America and let -them indicate their own The most striking development consequences. • • • in the United States during 5699 VI. 2.3237 Central Europe was a large growth in anti-Semi- 8053 MILITARY AVE. ST. The liquidation of the tism, largely as a reaction to 401 SALIOTE Jews of TYLER 5.5758 Germany was pushed relentlesalY events abroad. This rising anti- ECORSE and with gathering speed during Jewish feeling took strongest hold Rosh Hashonah Greetings the past year. A huge pogrom was among a group of Catholics who staged in the Reich last November, listened to the radio fulminations after a Jewish youth had slain of Father Charles E. Coughlin and Sincere Holiday Greetings 5170 VERMONT a German Embassy official in formed such organizations as the TY. 6.3434 Paris. It was a wave of excesses, "Christian Front," which was re- deliberately unleashed by the sponsible for considerable violence Nazi regime, such as the world in New York and other cities. had rarely seen. Arson, arrests Other evidences of anti-Semitism, MR. E. L BLAKE torture and looting were the order exposed by the Dies Committee, SEASON'S GREETINGS Sales Agent ROSH HASHONAll GREETINGS of the day. The pogrom was fol- were a plot involving General Van MICHIGAN'S LARGEST lowed by a billion-mark fine and Horn Moseley, retired, and the ac- WAREHOUSE FOOD the issuance of decrees which tivities of the German-American 3458 WOODWARD AVE. BROKERS • stripped the Jewish population of Bond. Although the danger of anti- its right to make a living, leaving Semitism appeared to be growing, it with the alternation of emigrat- 1730 W. JEFFERSON AVE. it had not yet become important ing or starving. LAFAYETTE 6770 The expansion of Hitler's Reich politically. Anti-Semites who en- The Ultra-Violet Ray tered election campaigns were brought with it an extension of A HAPPY NEW TEAR Window Glass anti-Semitism. Last September, trounced at the polls. To fight big- WILL L. SNEDEKER Germany annexed the Sudetenland otry, several organizations came territory of Czechoslovakia and the into existence, such as the Friends BEST WISHES TO ALL OUR 2.132 General Motors Bide. Jews in the region joined their of Democracy and Catholic Com- JEWISH FRIENDS AND PATRONS MA. 9460 brethren in Old Germany in suf- mittee Against Anti-Semitism, fering persecution. Last March, which fought prejudice as an at- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT the Czechoslovakian Republic was tack on democracy. Brightly Illuminated-- While alarmed over anti-Semi- destroyed. A "protectorate" was es- VENTILATING ACCESSORIES tablished in Bohemia-hloravia tism, the American Jewish commu- Professional Instruction where strenuous efforts were made nity devoted its greatest attention to introduce the Nazi system of as an organized group to succoring 634 W. WARREN AVE. Rosh Hashanah Greetings EXCELLENT CUISINE anti-Semitism. which, howecer, met the less fortunate overseas. Ae rec- COLUMBIA 1935 4400 W. BOSTON BLVD. with dogged resistance on the ord fund of $20,000,000 was sought West of Dexter for the United Jewish Appeal, part of the Czechs. In Slovakia, 5470 CASS AVE. • also under Hitler's domination comprising the Joint Distribution TYLER 5.1800 TE. 2-8278 and more susceptible to anti-Semi- Committee, United Palestine Ap- tism, legislation against the Jews peal and National Coordinating was issued and frequent pogroms Committee for Refugees (which A HAPPY NEW TEAR occurred. The Nazi occupation of was reorganized as the National Memel was followed by an exodus Refugee Service). A Happy New Year! 4CoPYright 1131. S A 5' of the Jews living there. At this QUEEN QUALITY LAUNDRY PRICE WOOD PRODUCTS CO. GRAYSON'S for Beautiful Dresses Michigan Rust Proof Co. 1939 A Happy New Year to You All! 5700 • CHANGE Style changes are not erratic in gentlemen's apparel . . . yet changes are constantly occurring. The alert merchant tailor anticipates these style trends and TODAY designs the clothes of TOMORROW ... assuring a style life as enduring as the fine fabrics and painstaking workmanship of the clothes. No haphazard freaks of fashion are counte- nanced ... good taste must prevail and only those styles adopted which are becoming to the person- ality and physique of the wearer. The modern treatment in the pattern markings of our new Fall woolens will appeal to you. S. A. GRANADIER Gentlemen's Tailor Rosedale Park Service Station 4 % Fred F. Begue p fi GREETINGS OF THE SEASON GORMAN AND THOMAS INSURANCE OF EVERY KIND Representing 50 of the Largest and Soundest Insurance Companies 2ND FLOOR MAJESTIC BLDG. Rosh Ilashonah Greetings and Best Wishes to All Jewry FISCHER'S RESTAURANT WHERE GOOD FOLK MEET AND EAT 1250 WASHINGTON BLVD. Rosh Hashonah Greetings and Best Wishes to All Jewry RESTRICK LUMBER CO. C. A. LYONS Modern Collett and Machine Co. STANDARD STANCHION MFG. CO. SANITARY LAUNDRY COMPANY NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO. JOHN MURPHY id CO. American Window Glass Co. Elgo Shutter FI Mfg. Co. HANDY BRUSH CO. ROY HATHAWAY CHERRY 9187 1743 ABBOTT ST. Waren Honda, °resting , William F. Otto Inc. SADDLERY 19372 WOOOWARD AVE. Toorasem•I s-Me Boston Golf Driving Range Practice Course Lustraglass KRUSE RESTAURANT Metal Mouldings Corp. • A Happy New Year • • 4559 WESSON •AVE. LAfayette 7050 WOODWARD- STIMSON • Service Station Rosh Ilashonah Greetings N. NALBANDIAN & CO. • 3455 WOODWARD AVE. TE. 2-9035 JOHN T. RANCO Wholesale Tobacco. and Confections 9111 JOS. CAMPAU AVE. Trinity 2.1313 CH. 2452 Suite 514—United Artists Bldg. Steve's Garage SCHEU'S DAUBERGER • writing Germany is demanding Danzig. From the Jewish point of view the Free City is already part When Britain Sends a Note of the Reich since anti-Semitic re- strictions have long since been in- When Homo got ambitious first And !Wran ■ led poor Selassie's' throat, troduced. Then Britain turned vociferous And duly sent . "sanctions" note As a result of Nazi pressure , Hungary issued a second and more Th• Euehrer said that Austria drastic anti-Jewish law which Was part and turret of the Reich: Britain roar in tehements curbed Jews to quotas ranging be- Then And stake. - Es Isl ern demurer tween six and 12 per cent in eco- Streirh" nomic, social, political and cul- When Hitler craved Pudenland . tural life. Anti-Semitic action was The Frimu• new to him In haste taken by other nations in Berlin's And offered his "appeasements" pledge. To fight, he tlalmed, was not In taste . orbit When Hitler took Slovakia Italy By force Mn. plebiarite and rote; The development of o6kial anti- Then BORG', cried. "111 tete lt—", Semitism in Italy was entirely a The Yuehrer not • PiMmnt note . development of the past year. Un- Theo resoling Albania til last November leading figures, II Bute rimed. "By Censers troth, from Premier Benito Mussolini Albania ' • my protectorate. Who ,,,,, about Great BrItaini• note?" down, had been outspoken in their repudiation of racial principles. "Ito, ho. ohotares? There's Corfu 0111. I II rot their bloody blasted goat But II Duce was forced to give I'll enn •smoVele Ilella• now— way to his axis partner. Last No- Who rare. about Great Britain's note?" vember an "aryan" theory was Britannia_ BrIttmata. promulgated for Italy, which was Wake us. the time I. net remote! soon will take roar estnnoe- soon followed by concrete measures They Wi's Chamberlain then send • note? against the Jews. They were ousted —N. E ARONSTAM Lem R. Curry Upholstering, Repairing Natural Wood Refinishing All Work Guaranteed 541 E. STATE FAIR TO. 8-5818 A FRIEND Rosh Hashonah Greetings Season's Best Wishes THE PURO WATER FILTER CO. DETROIT Towel Supply Company Water Filters and Electric Drinking Fountains ALFRED J. WISE 220 W. CONGRESS ST. CAdillac 3227 10st I If totlioNIll GREETINGS A Happy, Joyous New Year D. C. MacKenzie Commercial Bindery, Inc. Electrical Installation, Repairs Licensed Contractor Power ■ and Control Wiring All Work Guaranteed WM. F. SAGE. higr. 9558 AMERICAN AVE. HOGARTH 9008 854 HOWARD ST. CA. 4106 SEASON ' S GREETINGS Rosh Hashonah Greetings Lederman Elevator Co... Formerly SQUARE DEAL ELEVATOR COMPANY 314 BEAUBIEN ST. RA. 1387 C. & H. NIELSEN CARTAGE CO. 1338 CLAY AVE. TR. 2.2212 Rosh Ilashonah Greetings! Telephone TUxedo 2.0468 Maintenance Tunings HERBERT LEADBITTER Rosh Hashonah Greetings Atlas Pattern and Mfg. Co. ORGAN BUILDER Rebuilds - Electrification Additions 4002 COURVILLE AVE Detroit. Mich. Wood and Metal Patterns 1336 E. FORT ST. RA. 6605 A HAPPY NEW YEAR CITY PACKING CO. Alarmists rrrrr s of FINE SAUSAGES Season's Greetings 2829 BAGLEY AVE. LAFAYETTE 0156 3257 Michigan Rook Hashonah Greetings! Marvin Dixon's Service Station MOBILGAS—MOBILOILS Goodyear Tire. and Batteries Washing and Polishing 12825 GRAND RIVER at Steel NO. 9465 LA. 5153 BEST 111311E8 TO ALL Nicolay - Dancey Incorporated New Es-a Potato Chip. 5801 GRANDY AVE. PLAZA 2700 A HAPPY NEW TEAR Detroit Towel Supply Co. 2829 BAGLEY LA. 0156 WAYNE CARBONATED BEVERAGE CO- B. F. KICINSK1 6070 SAGINAW ST . PLAZA 2190 0