erica latish Periodical Cater CLIFTON ATINU1 - CINCINNATI 20, ONTO September 15, 1939 /ft EVEIROWEIVISfla iROXIC UI PAGE ELEVEN OUR WHO'S WHO OF SPORTS FOR 6699 ROSH HASHONAll GREETINGS' To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons florice 1514 WASHINGTON BLVD. PHONE RANDOLPH 6565 ' conic within two of tying Ba be 6699 has been marked by fewer Ruth's remarkable record. Ha nk Jewish gains inside the ring, ens," it is composed of Seymour Greenberg of Northwestern, Joe was the big noise of the Arne ri- greater gains outside. Fishback of St. John's in New can League last season, and u 5- BICYCLE RACING York, and Isadore Bellis of Phil- doubtedly deserves the honor so ROSH IIASIIONAH GREETINGS While Lou Cohen and Jerry adelphia. Another year or two the outstanding Jewish perform er o Redman c ntinued as the lead- may bring national titles to one of the year. But close behi nd ing Jewish six-day racers of the of this trio. By IRV KUPCINET That the coming year hold for you all an abundance —and ahead of Hank on acco m- year, Harry M e ndel of Newark For sonic time it has been re- Seven Arts Sports Editor plishments in 1939—is Mor rie of good health, happiness and prosperity is the wish even more firmly e tab- corded that young Seymour s Arnovich of Philadelphia. You ng became lished as the czar of bike rac- Greenberg may someday scale Before 5699 passes out of Arnovich started the 1939 se of the ends.) took over when Ear- the heights in the tennis world. the picture, he might call son with a bang, banging the b all pan of New York re- Seymour was rated No, 4 dur- young 5700 aside and whisper to all fields and had a neat b ut ry Cham signed. Now he is the No. 1 bike ing the past season among na- sagaciously into his itty bitty gaudy mark of .400 for the fir at ear: "Be ■ as good to our Jew- third of the season. He slump ed promoter in the world, wit h a tional juniors by the United ish athletes as I was . . . •nd toward the middle of the seaso gentle hand on the pulse of the States lawn Tennis Association. my father before me . . . ■ nd to a mere .350, but still was in nation's sivday bike fans. Jackie WRESTLING my father's father before him." a fair way to lead the Nation al Gruber, Benny Kaufman and Many are the Jewish stars in Doris Kopsky, while not attain- For 5699 was • banner year, League in hitting—the first Je wrestling, but the name of fluffy CHICAGO, ILL. indeed, especially in baseball, ish player ever to accomplish as ing theid 5698 heights, did very Silverstein of Chicago leads the well in their respective fields. football and boxing. much. list. Young master Silverstein, It is more or less simple by AUTOMOBILE RACING While Greenberg and Arnovic h Big Ten champion a few years Serving Detroit's Best for 40 Years America has only one big t ime ago, intricate checking and cross- were the big noises among th turned professional under checking to single out the fa-' Jewish players, they weren't th Jewish automobile racer. I le's the guidance of Ed White and mou s Jewish athletes of the only Hebrew performers. Ilarr Maori Rose of Columbus, 0., and y has already annexed the Illinois year. Not so simple, however, Denning, catcher for the Ne for two years Milani has b een state title. Short and squat, but entered in the 500-mile Intl n- is it to name the unnamed le- York Giants, generally is r the strengthand speed of a su- gions of Jewish sports follow- carded as one of the finest i e n - apolis Automobile Classic and perman in his muscles, Silver- Sole Distributors ers, who, along with the Irish the majors, Hitting well An failed to finish. But this was an- stein is slowly but surely work- are regarded •• the backbone fielding brilliantly, he is tenor d other year. And Mons. Rose es- ing his way to the top. tablished himself as one of America's sports fans. They by his own manager, Bill Terr of Broadway Market are the financial supports of as "the best in the big leagues. America's truly great racers by ICE SKATING RAndolph 1664 he'll be crooning in his own the American sport stage. Other Jewish big leaguers: Budd y finishing in the money in the 5 00- We Deliver Theirs is it to sit and watch Myer of Washington; Moe Berg mile classic. Europe, too, had its orchestra some day, but the odds and enjoy ■ nd remain anony- brilliant linguist of the Bosto racing story of the Jewish fa ith. are he'll be an Olympic ice skat- mous. But so much for the Red Sox; Harry Eisenstat, littl There wan Saul Klotzky, Est on- ing champion first. Young Bob ion champion, and Signor A. Zit- Sherman he's 20—came within spectators. Now for the ath- lefty trailed recently from D ronngla in nd Italy and Jack Reiss in inches and seconds of earning a letes: troit to Cleveland; Goodwin R o E position on Uncle Sam's Olym- BASEBALL sen, mite centerlielder for th e Sincerest Wishes for a Ilappy New Year to All FOOTBALL pic ice skating team in trials The No. 1 man in 5699 was Brooklyn Dodgers, but now wit h held at Oconomowoc, Wis., last Never before in history of Hank Greenberg of Detroit, who the Montreal Royals of the In football did Jewish perform cis winter. Bob finished second to smashed out 68 home runs to ternational League. Prominent in minor league cir reach the glory they did in 56 99. Leo Freisinger, who set a new CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Iles are l'hil Weintraub, now o f Two of the glamor gridders of 500-meter record in winning the Minneapolis, and Milt Galatzer the year were Marshall Goldb erg trial. Young Bob is sure to im- THOMAS H. EVANS, C. P. A. ROLAND B. KEAYS, C. P. A. of Pittsburgh and Sic] Luckn prove and we may hear from him Ian Indianapolis, both former majo Rosh Hashanah Greetings this coming winter. Members oft leaguers. Both were challengin of Columbia. Both were all-Am er- again It'operl.111, 1939. a A F. American Society of Certified Public Accountants the hitting leaders in the Ameri ican choices, and naturally sco red can Association only last week on the Seven Arts Jewish A II- American Institute of Accountants to show they're intent on re American. Other members of t he "The salt of money is charity" timing to the big time. Others Jewish All-American team w e re AUDITS — SYSTEMS — TAX SERVICE n minor league spotlight are Sid Bill Luftman of Drake and J OC says the Talmud. In another pas- 2035 DIME BANK BLDG. Delivery Service to All Parts Cohen, recently named manager Finkelstein of Brown, ends; P hil sage the term "salted" is applied CADILLAC 2148 Swaiden of New York U., a 0 f Little Rock, Ark., and Murray nd to a man in the sense of "quick- of Greater Detroit Franklin, Jewish shortstop who Alex Schoenbaum of Ohio Ste te, minded," In certain places in 44I8 WOODWARD at Canfield s the property of the Detroit tackles; Herman Spector of Na vy Russia the belief was formerly Tigers. Farmed out to Beau- and Sid Roth of Cornell, guar( Is; current among Jews that if salt PHONE n lora of the Texas League, Morris Katz of Temple, cent er; was thrown in a part of the house Sincere Holiday Greetings TEmple 1 - 4004 - 5 - 6 - 7 Franklin was playing grand ball Al Litwak of Western Reser VC, where it is not likely to be swept . . until he suffered a fractured quarterback; Luckman and Ila r- away, the inhabitants of that a nkle. He is the lad who tppped ry Aronson of St. Mary's, ha If- house will become poor. a II batters in organized ball with backs, and Goldberg, fullback a .430 batting average last year Still other stars: Saul Nechte "ith a Class D team. So prom- of Boston U., Marty Glickm an Season's Greetings sing, he was gobbled up by De- of Syracuse, Art Gottleib of MANUFACTURERS roit and farmed to Beaumont Rutgers, Paul Friedlander of Rosh Hashanah Greetings The most complete line of or further seasoning and ex- Carnegie Tech, Sony Sherm an of Chicago and Lew ](amity al erience. p SO Commercial Envelopes and Specialties In baseball's front office are of Chicago. Plain and Printed Professional ranks already i n- ntrenched two prominent Jew- is h sportsmen . Bill Benswan- eluded Dave Smukler of l'hil a- Established 1901 Wholesale g er, president of the Pittsburgh delphia, Mickey Kobrosky of th VEAL and LAMB 2744 W. Fort Street New York Giants, Jim Kahn of irates, and liarry Grabiner, Lafayette 7200 er, and chief execu- the Washington Redskins, Lero ti ve of the Chicago White Sox. Monsky and Ed Merlin of Broo k- 13716 MICHIGAN 1531.3 WINDER ST. B enswanger is a member of the lyn, Babe Patt of Detroit, sine OREGON 1120 Cherry 1291 D reyfus family that has owned traded to Cleveland. Dearborn, Mich. th e Pirates for years. Grabiner The Jewish coaching rank ROSII HASHONAII GREETINGS st arted out as a kid vender 35 were dominated, of course, I) y ears ago ... and has moved up Bennie Friedman. Michigan's Al radually until now his status American of a decade or no ng 0. ROSH HASIIONAll GREETINGS is that of baseball executive at Friedman, recognized as a grea 2 5,000 dollars per year and liked tactician, was still without ad of "A Complete Line of Building Supplies" by all. Since the death of Lou quote material to prove himsel Rosh Hashanah Greetings C omiskey, president and owner a "wonder coach," but did wor 14250 CLOVERDALE HOgarth 2600 of the Sax, Harry Grabiner has marvels with the material o to ken over the executive reins. hand. e mustn't forget young Gabriel GOLF The gentle art of golfing sti II Pa ul, assistant to Warren Giles, Pr exy of the league leading Cin- remains without a Jewish star o national ranking. Herman Bar ci nnati Reda. Gabe in one of In All Flavors- HOLIDAY GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES ... BEN JR. th e youngest executives in the tint; Westchester; - N: -Y., Tiro; an d State Agent ga me and practically cut his eye Eddies Gayer, Twin Orchards i n Wolverine Ginger - Ale Co. to eth in baseball. the Chicago area, are the top notchers. Ray Eilverstein, Phila PLaxa 7790 619 FREE PRESS BLDG. Detroit, Mich. BASKETBALL delphia amateur, had a momen t Here is one sport in which CAdillac 2130 Jews have a virtual monopoly. of brilliance in the qualifyin lb Long Island University, compos- trials for the National Open. ed of such players as fry Tor- HORSE RACING No. 1 trainer of the year wa goff, captain, and Danny Kap- ROSH lowitz, Ossie Schenchtman, Iry Jewish Maxie Hirsch. Among th HASHONAll Zeitlin, Sol Schwartz, Max Scharf, leading owners is Herbert M Heeson'• Greeting. GREETINGS Woolf of Kansas City. Woolf' 1687 W. FORT ST. was regarded as the nation's best, Lawrih RAndolph 3540 won the 1938 Kentuck Y with City College of New York, Derby. his Technician failed thi composed of such players as Lou Lefkowitz and Mannie Jarmon, year. Jockeys Sammy and Jo e VAN DRESSER BROS. co-captains, and Dave Saperstein, Renick are rated topnotchers Al Soupious, Joe Adler, was well while Harry "cockey" Feldma n TOOL AND INES up in national ranking. One of of South Africa is the leadin g rider in his country. A HAPPY AND JOYOUS NEW YEAR the leading coaches of the-game, HOCKEY HYMAN ALTMAN and certainly the outstanding The year 5699 was an especial) y Announer Jewish player of all time, is Not sad one for Jewish hockey fans II51 Concord Ave. Holman, coach at the College of l'it.roy auto First Cecil Hart, lone Jewish the City of New York. manager in the big league, was We could name any number of Commercial Leases — Improved Property Managers fired by Les Canadiens after outstanding Jewish stars all over the country who excelled in this compiling a brilliant record there. Happy New Year to All sport but that would take vol- Then Alex "Mein Boy" Levinsky, 901 Detroit Savings Bank Bldg, RAndolph 1518 umes so we'll just set down a few defense man for the Chicago Rosh Hashanah Greetings of those who shone brightest. Black Hawks, was shipped off to the minor leagues. With the Dutch Garfinkel of St. Johns, and Harry Weintraub, Saul Nechtem, passing of Mons. Hart and Levin- Harry Bromberg, all of the East. sky went the last trace of Jewish in the sport of ice Also Sid Spellman, Hank Gu- characters Celery the Year Around A HAPPY NEW YLAR hockey. Both were great figures berg, Don Silvers, lazy Rapper- w hen they had it. Levinsky may TOMATOES—CELERY berg and Larry Cohen of the back. Hart has announced he Central Produce Terminal midwest and Kaplan of Oregon, he is through with the game. A. A. BREITENWISCHER Shulman of Colorado, and Wex- TRACK AND FIELD 4216 CASS ler,' Kayser and Gruskin of the COLUMBIA 4438 140 TWELFTH ST. Allan Tolmich of Wayne Uni- South. 8723 W. JEFFERSON AVE. versity continues as the fastest LAFAYETTE 0643 BOXING Jew alive . . . over the hurdles VInewood 2-2230 The name of Jacobs, like Abou Ben Adams, leads all the rest in ... Marty Glickman of Syracuse, the year's boxing review. One is Myron Piker of Northwestern first-named Mike, the other, Joe. dominated the sprinting group. Happy New Year to All Mike Jacobs, with a monopoly There are others who• shine in on practically all leading con- track events such as Padway of Season's Greetings TO OUR MANY JEWISH FRIENDS tenders in all divisions, still re- Wisconsin; Levy, Cornell; Lip- Carpet Cleaning Works mains the number one fistic pro- man, Stanford; Harry Cioman, A MOST HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS of the Achilles A. C. One of the moter of the world. He is part "Work that Satisfies" manager of Joe Louis, in whose outstanding long distance run- NEW YEAR Purses he shares. Ile has a five ners of the oast year is Sanford Storm Sash and Screens for Oriental, Domestic Chenille year contract with Hammeriri' Goldberg whose specialty is in Wood or Metal Windows Rug Cleaning. Alterations Henry Armstrong, lightweight the 880 yards and in the 1,000 Established Since 1910 and Repairs. Upholstered and welterweight champion. lie yards field events. A list of the Storm Sash ■ nd Combination Furniture Cleaning. track and field stars would shape is boss of Madison Square Gar- an HS follows: Doors ■ at the Lowest den. In short, Mike Jacobs has HOgarth 3100 Cash •nd Carry Prices to give the "go" sign before any 60-yard dash—Sum Stoller, Mich. igen; Myron Piker, Northwestern, 4515 COLLINGWOOD AVE. major fight is staged. UNiversity 1.9397 Allan Tolmich, Wayne. Nudging Mike for top fistic 366 PURITAN AVE. honors of the year is Yussell the 100-yard dash—Marty Glickman, Syracuse; Piker, Northwestern; Mussel' Jacobs. It was he who Tenter, Arizona. maneuvered "Two-Ton" Tony 600- yards—Bresnick, N. Y. U. Galento into fighting with Joe Season's Greetings 880-yards--Sanford Goldberg., Rosh Hashanah Greetings . . Louis. Galento, termed a "bum" Niillrose A. A.; Abe Rosenkrantz, and a fistic freak by most ex- Michigan Normal. perts, almost pulled the surprise 100 0-yards—Sanford Goldberg. of the year in his gallant stand Niillrose A. A. against the great Negro cham- pion. But winner or loser, it was SI One Mile—Sanford Goldberg, illrose A. A.; I.ieut. Richard Jacobs' manipulating that got uer, Shore A. C. onto a chance. Detroit's Reliable Dealers In Inside the padded square, one mi ISO-Hurdles (high) Allan Tol- COAL and COKE ch, Wayne: Klopstock, Pacific Jewish champion today totters Ci gist; Len Einsidler. Authorized Dealers perilously on his th rone where 8735 KERCHEVAL AVE. 220 SESTET — SOLVAY Low Ilurdleo — Milton once the Bennie Leonardo, Bar- LEnotox 3876 COKE Green, Harvard; Tolmich, Wayne. ney Rosses, et al, ruled. Sollie High Jump—James Sandler, Krieger won the middleweight 1843 ILLINOIS championship of the world, but Northeastern; Victor Cohen; Temple 2-5245 Princeton. since has been defeated often in Wise, Ha B m ro aa n d i. Jump — Milton Green, 3423 Livernois Ave. over-weight bouts. The rise of Lafayette 4185 New Year's Greetings to All Davey Day, based on his magnifi- Discus — Phil Levy, Olympic cent stand against Henry Arm- Club, San Francisco. otrong, who had dethroned Bar- Sincere Holiday Greetings Put—Howard Brill, N. ney Ross the year before, and Y. Shot A. C.; Danny Taylor, N. Y. U.; the complete and utter collapse Irwin Rubo•, Wisconsin. of Max Baer, were other 6699 ya IlI e ammer Throw—Arthur Loeb, features. Day is rated as a lead- ing contended for Armstrong's Throw—Len Minsky. lightweight title. Baer, after Ba5 Javelin ROSH HASHONAll GREETINGS! lt ,1 0 . 00 oreme !,tir d es — Steiner. heating Tommy Farr the previous year, came 'within brae bout of tim M oa re ra . tik h lod —Will Steiner, Bal- 2030.2040 HOWARD earning a rematch with Joe . 2915 GRAND RIVER Louis. Fortunately he didn't get Phone Lafayette 1070 it. He was defeated by y o ung 1627 W. FORT ST. This year's crop of tennis stars CHERRY 2330 Lou Nova and has since cone mi t ready to harvest any major into fistic retirement. The RA. 7220 Year tit! es yet Strictly "an and corn- TEE • Vienna Sausage Mfg. Co. SINCERE N EW YEAR GREETINGS ORIGINAL LITTLE FLOWER SHOP FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Floral Designs — Plant., Etc. 8200-2nd Ave. MAdison 6267 Le Shono Tovu! EVANS AUDIT CO. That the Coming Year Be Blessed with Happiness, Good Health and Prosperity to You All is the Wish of LOUIS SULTAN CHEVROLET CO., Inc. MAX LEBOW, Sales Manager SALES SERVICE /CHEVROLET PARTS J. LEFKOFSKY'S SONS SALES SERVICE PARTS 5132 GRAND RIVER AVE. TYLER 5 - 4836 Wayne Lacquer & Auto Supply Co. DETROIT TULLAR ENVELOPE CO. K.. SHAPIRO, Inc. HOLIDAY GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES ROMA CAFE 3401 RIOPELLE at ERSKINE Detroit's Oldest Italian Restaurant The Talk of the Town for Our Delicious Food Serving the Finest Class of People Imported •nd Domestic Beverages PLENTY OF PARKING FACILITIES NOONDAY LUNCHEON, 40c BATTAGLIA and MORRIS SOSSI, Props. PHONE TERRACE 2-8090 . 1.5940 A Happy New Year to All Oar Jewish Friends KEYSTONE ENGINEERING COMPANY, Inc. ALEX G. MARION, Pres. 100 E. CICOTTE VINEWOOD 1-8656 RIVER. ROUGE, MICH. Charles R. Combs Standard Building Products Co. Hanover Fire Insurance Co. - PHILLIPS, Central Detroit Warehouse Co. and Merchants Forwarding Terminal Co. STATION WMBC KAMIL MANAGEMENT CO. Rosh Hashanah Greetings and Best Wishes to All ACE LETTER SHOP MULTIGRAPHING and MIMEOGRAPHING 603 Capitol Park Bldg. Cherry 9193 ROSH HASHONAH GREETINGS On this occasion permit us to extend sincere New Year Greetings to our many customers and friends, ACME PIE CO. EASTERN CELERY CO. SCOVERA CARTAGE CO. BREITS AUTO RADIO CO. Northwestern Tom A. Johnson • CARLING'S • HOLIDAY GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES • EAGLE COAL CO. Surplus Material 8 Machinery Co. • KING DISTRIBUTING CO. CURRIER LUMBER CO. Detroit Refrigerating Company • 17507 VAN DYKE Black Label Beer and Fine Ales • SLOCUM 1400 CONTINENTAL BAKING CO. TERMINAL SALES CORP. I gFi