trim 'nick Periodical Cotter CLIFTON ATINC1 • CINCINNATI 20, OHIO sity.26,10.01rOmss. ,. September 1, 1939 litENETRI OrrdEWISfiffiRDIVIGI4 PAGE FIVE end THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 11 JUST 2 MORE WEEKS To Have Your Clothes CLEANED FOR THE HOLIDAYS MEN'S SUITS or TOCOATS • Ladies' Plain COATS, SUITS, DRESSES $ 1 09 Price In,hides Pielot!, and Delivery Make your fall clothes look new by having them VITALIZE Cleaned . . . a superior quality method that will make your clothes sparkle with fresh, clean beauty— perfect in every detaill — each garment beautifully hand-finished. Phone for a pick-up today. COluniblat 1200 FOREST CLEANERS a DYERS 533.547 E. FOREST Cor. John R. and Piquerte inorp (dal you iliani = and we HAVE it ... hats to establish—instantly—your reputation for originality at school and at home .. • Miss Gloria, formerly of the Woodward Arcade, and her staff are ready, willing and able to help you .. . Gloria - Arden Paris Detroit CLIFFORD AT GRISWOLD SUMMEII SPECIAL PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Made to Order 295" MICHEL & KOZIN $ HOME RELIEF SOCIETY WILL MEET WEDNESDAY Eugene Field Society Elects Rabbi Franklin As Honorary Member Dr. Leo M. Franklin has been notified of his election to honorary membership in the Eugene Field Society, an organization of men and women who have made out- standing contributions to A rn e r i can literature. The award was made especially in r ecognition of Dr. Franklin's recently published booklet, The Road to Understanding Between Christian and Jew." Holy Day Services at Hebrew Schools The first special meeting of the Home Relief Society has been called by Mrs. Arthur Gins- burg, president, for Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 1:30 p. ni., at the home of Mrs. Joseph Galperin, 10301 Warrington Drive. Mrs. SALE Ali. and Mrs. Samuel Brody an- nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Jerry, on Saturday morning, Sept. 2, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek. Reception Sunday, Sept.' 3, at 2699 Webb Ave., from 7 to Mrs. Henry Fecheimer and 11 p. daughter, Susan, of Tuxedo Ave. are spending several weeks in Chi- Miss Eve Sherman of Grand CONTINUING THROUGH SEPT. 10TH ea go. Ave. returned front a six weeks' visit /11 LOS Angeles and San Mrs. Donald E. Berger and son, Francisco. Know,. C•ntor4 Engaged to Donald, Jr., are spending a month Officiate at Tuxedo-Hollow and in Montgomery, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Almug I Philadelphia-Byro n H•11. of Webb Ave. returned from their Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Cole of trip to Frankfort, Mich., where The Tuxedo-liolmur Congrega- tion which is connected with the Indianapolis are spending the holi- they were guests at the East Shore Hotel. Tuxedo Hebrew School, as well day week-end in Detroit. as the Philadelphia Congregation connected with the Philadelphia- Dr. and Mrs. Leo M. Franklin, Mrs. Joshua Herbal and daugh- I Ilyron Hebrew School have com- who have been spending several ter, Norme Lee, returned to their MRS. JOSEPH GALPERIN pleted arrangements for the weeks in Omena, Mich., will ar- home after spending two weeks High Holy Day services. The two rive home on Sept. 2. in Frankfort, Mich. They were Galperin is in charge of arrange- auditoriums have been decor- the guests at the Park Hotel. ments for the day, and assisting h a oteliddayand made ready for the Mrs Edwin M. Rosenthal re- her as hostesses are Mrs. David turned Aug. 29 from a week spent Mrs. Joshua Karbal of Webb Arkin and Mrs. William Gordon. Two very well known cantors in Columbus, 0. Ave. entertained a group of Mrs. Sam Arkin, chairman of have been engaged. At the Tux- friends at the Book Cadillac Hotel the ways and means committee, edo-Holmut•, Cantor Moses Zisser Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wine- with a luncheon and mah jong. announces that a store is avail- will officiate. Cantor Zisser is man are guests of Mr. and Mrs. able for those wishing to rum- well known as a Chazon with a Andrew Wineman at their lodge The Bar Mitzvah ceremony of mage to earn their money for fine melodious voice and is a in Gaylord, hitch., over the week- the annual dinner-dance to be Edwin Harvey Caplan, son of hearty Baal-Tefilah. In the end. Mr. and Mrs. Henry nr Caplan of held on Sunday, Oct. 22, at Ilo- Philadelphia•Byron, Rabbi David el Statler. Those interested 3281 Monterey Ave. Was solemn- Ryan will officiate. Rabbi Ryan Mrs. Samuel Glogower of Chi- ized last Saturday morning at should contact Mrs. Al Weisman, is well known here among rab- Tyler 5-8129. Banks for saving bis and cantors. All those who cago Blvd. returned Aug. 29 from Congregation Beth Joseph on 12th money for the event may be heard him the last time he offi- a month's trip through the west.. St. A reception for 100 guests was held last Sunday. Among the secured by calling Mrs. Ralph ciated in the Philadelphia Con- Levy, To. 8-4590. gregation are looking forward to Mrs. David J. Levy entertained out-of-town guests was Mrs. Jen- A donation is acknowledged hearing him again in the High a group of friends at a luncheon nie l'oster of Chicago. The Bar from the Playmate Club. Mitzvah, who is a grandson of Holy Day services. on Aug. 29. Rabbi Nathanson, delivered an ad- The proceeds of the services, dress in Hebrew. both at the Tuxedo and Phila- Mrs. Jack Helper and children delphia Schools, go towards the of Parkside Ave. returned Aug. maintenance of the Hebrew Messrs. Isidore and Harmon 28 from a two-months' stay in Schools. Rosenthal of Hurlbut Ave. re- Frankfort. turned from a visit in New York Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Are- City, Atlantic City ad Asbury Park. fell and daughter, Joanne, wi CURTAIN CLEANING FAULTLESS • Draperies Lamp Shades Slip Covers Table Covers Blankets Bedspreads FAULTLESS Curtain Laundry & Cleaners, Inc. Another milestone, another year . . . and Russeks marks the occasion with a store- wide sale that brings you brand new Fall Well Trees Planted In The Butzel Forest The Jewish National Fund Council acknowledges the plant- ing of the following trees in Palestine in the Fred M. Butzel Forest: One tree in memory of Mrs. Ida Meyers, by Dr. and Mrs. George G. Fineman. A contribution from Mrs. Har- ry Goldstein, in honor of the recovery of Louis Tobin and Sam J. Leve; also in memory of Mandell Schlussel. One tree in memory of Basche Gaberman, by Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Zogol. For information regarding planting of trees please call Mrs. P. Slomovitz, 17417 Stoepel, Un. 1-6972. YOUNG JUDAEA OUTING ON SUNDAY, SEPT. 10 Amateur Broadcast On Altman's Hour Saturday Evening return Sept. 5, from Gaylo rd, Mich., where they are the guests Miss Rosalie J. Freiberg, di.ugh- of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Win e. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Frei - man. eig of Elmhurst Ave, is in De- troit from Washington, D. C Mrs. Joseph Spiegel of Chicago, t o complete plans for her coming Ill., is the guest of her sister, marriage, on Sept. 10, to William Mrs. Henry Wineman. V. Cohen of Washington, son of Mrs. Bessie Cohen. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wallace and daughters, Peggy and Bar- Mrs. A. Louis Gordon, her bara, returned from a fortnight's d aughter, Ann, and her son, Jacob, trip to New York City, Washing. h are moved to Chicago, Ill., where ton, I). C., and Mt. Vernon, Va. t hey are living at the Chicago each Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. David Barbas and son, Jay Allen, of Roselawn Mr. and Mrs. Casper Fliss spent Ave. returned to this city after Sunday with Mrs. Rachel Beige] spending the summer in Cherie- at Shady Rest Farm. voix, Mich. An amateur program will be broadcast over Altman's Jewish Hour this Saturday evening, from 8:30 to 10:30 o'clock, over Sta- tion WAIC. Hyman Altman, director of this hour, announces that there will be provisions for an audi- ence to attend the broadcast, and guests are welcome to come to the radio station's broadcasting room during the Altman Hour. Mr. Altman states that singers, players of all sorts of musical instruments, dramatic readers and other entertainers are in- vited to participate in this broad- cast. All selections must be in Jewish. There will be a first nrize of $10, a second prize of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft and $5 and two lesser prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Alex (merman o f sons, Eugene and Ilannan, are Webb Ave. returned from a tw vacationing in Frankfort, Mich weeks' sojourn in New York C[ for the rest of the season. Eugene CURTAIN SPECIALS Mr. Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Broder joined his parents recently after Menlo. Orthwle re turning from a trip through the spent several days in Charlevoix Cotton, 3 pr. $1.00 state of Maine and Montreal. during the past week. ROM 9a12 $2.95 The Detroit Council of Young Drapes Dry Cleaned Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Jacobs Mrs. Jacob II. Schakne and Judaea opens its season's activi- and Reshaped $1.00 ties with an all-day outing on niece, Louise Margolis, will re- and family of Sturtevant Ave. Window Shade s Cleaned Sunday, Sept. 10, at River Rouge turn on Labor Day from an ex- have returned from South Haven, and Reversed .25 Park. Present members of De- tended stay at the Inn in Charle- where they spent the summer. troit Young Judaea groups and voix. During the past week-end Ed- their friends, and especially those young people between the ages , Blanche and Harriette Krell, ward Wittcoff of St. Louis, Mo., CURTAIN AND RUG of 10 and 16 who wish to be- ° aughters of the Maurice Krells was the house guests of his uncle CLEANERS When come affiliated with some Young ° f Glynn Court, have returned and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Harry 12813 Linwood Judaean group, are invited to with their parents from an exten- Witted!' of Clements Ave. Mr. You Think of TO. 7-9660 sive trip through Canada and the attend. Each participant is re- Wittcoff is the father of Raymond quired to provide his own lunch, ,astern States. Herbert Wittcoff, who was recent- and arrangements for bus trans- ly elected president of the Jewish portation to and from the park Dr. and Mrs. Edward J. Levitt S,° uthern Youth Movement and of will be made. Special features of Muirland Ave., and their chi!. the Jewish Student Foundation of of the outing will be races, dren, Barbara and Billy are the University of Chicago. Ray- ganies and relays, for which spending 10 days in the Adirom. too nd also holds the honor of being You Think of prizes will be awarded to the docks. the director of the National Fed- era tion of Temple Youth, winners. Members of present groups should communicate with Miss Henrietta Almug, daugh- their leaders a few days before ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Almug Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bolotin and the event, in order to secure de- of Webb Ave., and Miss Lorraine daughter, Clara, will leave Sun- tailed information as to the time Wolf, daughter of Mrs. A. Wolf day evening for the motor trip of meeting and definite trans- of Elmhurst Ave,, returned from to Miami, Fla. purtation arrangements. their trip to Cedar Point. The Council is anticipating an Mr. and Mrs. Emil Rose of interesting year of Young Ju- Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rosen- daea activities, both within the baum and daughter, Marjorie, are Fairfield Ave. will return the end of this week after having spent individual groups and public g oasts at the Inn in Charlevoix. the past 10 days in New York events which will be open to City. members of the community. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ginsberg Young men and women interested ° f 1986 Atkinson Ave., will be Mrs. Esther Schwartz, Saphie in Young Judaea activities are a t home Sunday, Sept. 10, from requested to communicate with 3 to 10 p. m., in honor of the Blanche, Kitty and Perry Schwartz 4737 ELMHURST HO. 1010 MISS Helen Kass, Detroit execu. B ar Mit Mitzvah of their son, Ger- formerly of Gladstone Ave. have tive director, Townsend 6-5902 al d Danto. Services will be held moved to 3310 Rochester Ave. as more leaders are needed for at Congregation Shaarey 'Leda, Miss Katherine Nuriek of Tor- the several groups now being or- on Saturday morning, Sept. 9. No onto is the guest of her sister, ganized. Miss Kass will be glad cards. Mrs, J. Burrows of LaSalle Blvd. to furnish full particulars and • It et it.e applications from any Airs. Sidney Barnett is visiting Mrs. A. L. Cohen and daughter, prospective leader. Boys and girls in Charlevoix. between the ages of 10 and 16 Eleanor, of 3311 Chicago Blvd., are welcome to become Young returned from a visit in New York Mr. and Mrs. Charles Monheim City and the IVorld's Fair, Judaeans and will be placed in of Elizabeth, Pa., and their chil- some active group and given dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller complete information by con- Mr. and Mrs. William Taker of Cdassport, Pa., were the guesta tacting Miss Kass. during the past week of Mrs. of 3791 Glendale Ave. announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Monheim's•sister and brother-in- Bernard, on Saturday morning, Luncheon and Card Party !di w, Mr. and Mrs harryL. harry Cum- Sept. 2, at Congregation Beth of J. W. E. W. O. of 1457 Burlingame Ave. !di ins s. Cummins and daughter, Faye, Isaac. A dinner-dance in the Bar Branch Oct. 24 ac companied them on their ie- Mitzvah's honor will be held on Sunday, Sept. 3, at the Phoenix! tu The North Woodward Branch an rn trip to Pittsburgh, Elizabeth Club. of the Jewish Women's European ni d Glassport and other comma- ties in Pennsylvania. Welfare Organization will hold The Progressive Ladies Unter- --- a luncheon and card party at stitzung Verein will hold a picnic the home of Mrs. Samuel AL Pr Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Goldman of in Palmer Park, near the chil- Shore. 7621 La Salle Blvd., on mo inceton Ave. returned from a dren's bathing pool on Sunday, Tuesday, Oct. 24, at 12:30 p. he nth's trip to Havana. Enroute Sept. 3. Mrs. R. Miller is in Mrs. Sol Cohen is chairman, as- P r me they were guests at Hotel charge of arrangements. In the eston, Swampcott, Mass, eston, Fisted by Mrs. William Fisher event of rain, the picnic will be --- and Mrs. M. Rubin. Tables will held on Monday. Mr. and Airs. Irving II. Small be reserved for bridge and Mah Jong players. For information of Ohio Ave. returned from a Dr. and Mrs. Sydney Wolfgang call Hogarth 0254 or Tyler trip to Washhigton, D. C. of Cincinnati, 0., were the guests 4-3013. --- of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Blumberg Charles Wolfgang of Gladstone The organization acknowledges contributions to the Benjamin are spending a few weeks in Ave. for a few days. While in Wisner Memorial Flower Fund Charlevoix. the city they attended the mar- from Mrs. J. Zuckerman, in hon- riage of Miss Myra Komaroff and Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Erman or of her recovery; Mrs. H. Gold- Moe Wolfgang, which was held returned last week from a two Th smith and Mrs. Fabin. ursday evening et the Book weeks' stay at Douglas Lake in TN Cadillac Hotel. Neugarten Sunshine Club to Northern Michigan. While there they enjoyed the exhibits on visi- Plan Annual Luncheon Air. and Mrs. S .R. Sherman, tor's day at the University of who have been visiting with their at Meeting Sept. 11 Michigan Biological Depot, Th The Neugarten Sunshine following week Airs Erman spent children in Detroit, left for their Club's board of directors will with her mother, Mrs. Lutaky, in home in Miami Beach, Fla. meet at the home of Mrs. Jacob South Haven. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stein of Art, 3815 Cortland, Monday Afton Road returned from a stay morning, Sept. II. The fall cam- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jakont In Bermuda where they were • paign for the annual luncheon and daughters returned from an of Nov. 15 will be formally extensive motor trip through guests of Castle Harbor Hotel. Congregation Beth Shmuel launched. Mrs. Charles Aller is Northern Michigan, including Their daughter, Shirley Mae. who Gifts to North End Clinic i Mischa Elman, whom the anxious Redecorated for the to gee every board mem- Charlevoix, Petoskey and Mac- has been visiting In New .York, returned with them. !Times reporta as having received ber at this very important meet- kinac Island. High Holy Days North End Clinic has received I ing. o• is summons for speeding near a contribution in memoryi Bertrand Gottlieb has as his Mrs. Katherine Levitt from Mr.i New York, is in South America Congregation Beth Shmuel of Mr. and Mrs. M. Loeffler and week-end guests, his parents, Mr. Flowers for .11 *cessions -- 1736 Blaine Ave., near 12th St., daughter are 'pending • week at and Mrs. Nat Gottlieb of and Mn,. A. W. Sloman. on ■ concert tour. • 17th ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Isaac Gilbert returned Aug. 29 from a month's stay in California and left Aug. 30, to spend several weeks at her sum- mer home in Charlevoix. and Winter merchandise at really remark- able savings! Shop early and Save! WE HAVE SPENT OUR LIVES CREATING FINER PIANOS....TO ENRICH YOUR LIVES grin „di (# 1.4. g ianos, &soles and prowela '2 4 5 lo $ 895 Musical Pioneers for GO Years EiRINNELL BROS. of Steiwnay 1 5 1 5-21 WOODWARD AVENUE 5r05m5w, 10454 W. Jefferson 14127E leflertom PENMAN LAMB SPF:(1ALISTS Oopo.11e Hudson's -Telephone Cherry WO 15 E. ;wood It R LISSEKS AMBASSADOR OM Growl Itiver 413 S. Wostilogloo, RovOl Oot HARRY BRADLIN Of the Piano Department of Grinnell Brothers Extends an Invitation to his Many Friends to Visit Him at 1515 WOODWARD AVENUE Where Ile Can Display to Them the Latest Piano Creations C. F. SMITH CO. PURE FOOD STORES 90 T H ANNIVERSARY MICH! STATE FBI * 1,000 EXCITING FEATURES * WORLD.FANOUS ENTERTAINERS * RODEO.HARNESS RACING * EXPOSITION of STATE AGRICULTURE INDUSTRIES ADMISSION...15 SE PTEMBER, isrk WHERE PRICE TELLS AND QUALITY SELLS • A STORE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD Dal and Ni g h t THE BIGGEST QUARTERS WORTH IN FAIR HISTORY repainted and modernized. It is expected that, as in previous years, the synagogue will be filled to capacity. Rabbi J. Rabinowitz will con- duct the services. On the feast day he will nreseh .1... second day • well known vieit- ing rabbi Will conduct the serv- ices and will announce his theme later. Congregation Beth Shrnuel is planning a drive for new mem- I