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September 01, 1939 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1939-09-01

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September 1, 1939





cubli•ood WeAtly Ity The dovish Matadi Publish*, Ca, foe.

German Information Bureau of the Anti- STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL
Fascist Relief Committee, in London, in
its August issue carried the following in- It'toNcl.l`DED Flotat PAGE ONE)
'ism under Italian jurisdiction

owed a. @round clear matter Earth S. tau, .t the West-
sta -a at Detroit. Mich.. ender the AAA of Marsh 11. 1STI.


Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

1040 Cable Address, Chronicle

Leedom Cliket
1 4 Stratford Place, Loudon, W. 1, Englaed

Inbreription. M Advance

$3.00 Pet Year

tc moor• roblkerlos all correspondense and neva matter
clot rforb thie office by Tuesday •sening of each weak
en. s mailing antis... :Wily oss ob..Isle of the polar cab.

bs Detroit JesslaTu Chronicle Invitee “rreeyondeau es se&
est. If Interest to dm Jewlah people. but Cattalos. reeposel-
MEI, for IS Indorsem•nt of the •lesse *stormed by the writer.'

Sabbath Scriptural Selections
Pentateuchal portion—Deut. 26:1-29:8.
Prophetical portion—Is. 60.

September 1, 1939

Ellul 17, 5699

Zionism Hurt by War Scare

The Zionist movement has suffered a
severe blow as a result of the sudden turn
of affairs in Europe.
While it is quite certain that the results
of the World Zionist Congress held at
Geneva, Switzerland, would not have been
different had the Congress run its full
sessions, the fact that debate had to be
curtailed and that the delegates had to
rush home injected a discouraging note
in the movement.
Zionist leaders throughout the world,
and especially in this country, have a
serious task ahead of them of keeping
the morale of the affiliates with the move-
ment high, of strengthening their forces,
of educating the Jewish people to realize
that the major solution to the problem of
Jewish homelessness lies in a Jewish Pal-
A war inevitably means trouble for
the Jewish settlements in Palestine. Much
that has been built may be destroyed.
Our hopes may suffer .a temporary set-
back. But the Palestine ideal is not one
for a day or for a generation. It may take
many more years to realize it, and it will
take labor and courage to guarantee its
success. It is ,a task for all Jews. The
weakness of a single Congress, the col-
lapse of part of the structure, the set-
backs caused by worldwide strife must
not be permitted to create despair and
disillusionment. The ideal of an entire
people can not die. In the long run it will
survive and will march on to triumph.

A War-Inflamed World




. . All of which reminds us of
!rag on the subject from hi ,
he new movement that has been
Mrs. Stephen S. Wise's Visit Here
aunchcd in Germany, for the
An Eminent Philologist
olonization of Jews on Mars
phen S. Wise, on Sept. 11, should be an event
Ascoli thenceforth resolved
The entire world is bewildered. British states-
Some Nazi scientists insist
of more than passing interest to the women and to devote his life to reviving
that it can be done, and are men flash saintly smiles and speak of their goy-
men of the American Jewish Congress as well the study of languages in Italy,
calling a conference which will ernment sincerity and of their determination
as the community at large.
which once had been the world
be addressed by Buck Rogers to honor pledges.
If it were only for the reason that she is a center for such knowledge. In
"We Want to Remain ■ Free City!"
But the entire world also knows that the
and Orson 1Velles . . . Refugee
"Working people of Danzig! Use every
painter of distinction and that her portraits and 1854 he founded the first lin-
Arnold Zweig is back in Pales- worst example of abuse of a sacred trust is
compositions have been exhibited in many of the guistic journal in the country
way and any means to demonstrate your
tine and declares that he won't Britain's treachery to the Jewish people and
leading galleries in America; and for the added under the title "Studii Orientali
true opinions. Write to people and or-
leave the Homeland for the next the breaking of the pledge on Palestine.
reason that she is a translator of Aime Palhere's a Linguistici." The profound
ganizations abroad, communicate with
What is the motivating factor in British po-
20 years . . . Those who believe
"The Unknown Sanctuary," Edmond Flag's "Why learning which the youthful ed-
the democratic press of the world and
that the Jewish birthrate in Pal- litical actions? It is clear that the makers of
I am a Jew" and Joachim Prinz's "We Jews," itor showed in the first two vol-
let them know our real feelings. Let us
estine is high enough to keep Munich Pacts are concerned with only one selfish
Mrs. Wise would be entitled to recognition and umes of this magazine won for
prove that we Danzigers have nothing to
pace with that of the Arabs principle: that which is good for England. Had
high honors by the Jewish people. But these are him the chair of comparative
do with anti-Jewish excesses and Nazi
have another guess coming .
not her only achievements. That Mrs. Wise has philology at the Accadernia Sci-
provocations. Let us make known every-
The Jewish birthrate couldn't Munich Pact would never have come into being.
done truly great things will be recognized from entifico-Litteraria of Milan. It
where the wish of our people: We want
keep up the present Jewish per- Were it not for the fact that the present British
a glance at her activities: As founder and head was while he was professor at
to remain a free city. We demand the
contage in the Palestine popula. government is concerned about getting a bit of
of the Child Adoption Committee of New York, this noted institution that he
restitution of our constitutional rights.
ties if immigration is stopped support from Arabic rulers, the latest White
she leads, (lay by day, the work which has placed wrote his world-famous hook
We demand a new election of the diet
. . . That Palestine is good for paper on Palestine would never have been written.
thousands of children for adoption in Jewish "Corsi di Glottologia," which
in a democratic manner and under the
its Jews is proved by the fact The present British government knows that it
homes. Day by day, also, she conducts the af- was later translated into English
supervision of the League of Nations.
that the Maccabi football team can depend upon the Jews, but it is not sure of
fairs of the Women's Division of the American and German, and which won for
Away with the Nazi dictatorship!"
of Tel Aviv, now in Australia, the Arabs; therefore the sop to the Arabs in
Congress, of which she is the president. its author the Bopp prize of the
recently played one of the the form of the latest White Paper which is the
It was under her leadership that the American Berlin Academy.
Arrests of Danzig workers and citizens
sti (ingest elevens of the Anti- most shameful act of cheating perpetrated since
founded three Congress Houses
are reported frequently; they are not iso-
the World War. England has been fooled before;
nodes to a tie.
All the philologists of any im-
in New York as homes for German Jewish •refu-
lated cases, but always in groups of 10,
she may learn that she has fooled herself again
portance in Italy have been dis-
12, or even 20, as on July 19. The arrested
gees as they come to America.
by making a deal that is so utterly dishonorable.
of Ascoli. fie was one of
Here is a record which it is the privilege of
people are accused of high treason. High
Internal warfare is brewing But let no one assume that England will sacri-
among the Jewish War Veterans, fice anything that may even remotely benefit her
very few people—men or women—to build up in the few really great pioneers
treason against whom? Against the Third
and indications are that their schemes of world domination and control of trade.
a lifetime. Mrs. Wise does her bit for her who have given the study of
Reich? They are not part of it. high trea-
forthcoming convention will be Business is business with England, and business
people, for art, for literature, in so modest a language its present strictly sci-
son in Danzig today is everything which
a hot one • . . The faction op- comes first. There was a time when England was way that very few American Jews realize that entific character. Every branch
the Nazis in Germany and their agents
posed to J. George Fredman, even skeptical about the rich Dead Sea project,
she is among the three or four of the outstanding of the science of linguistics has
abroad dislike. The defense of constitutional
who is credited with being the and her colonial officials laughed at it, just as
Jewish women in the world. There are lust felt the influence of his genius.
and international rights, the defense of
maker of commanders-in-chief at many in England laughed over the British interest
a few other names that suggest themselves In the study of the languages
freedom of the city and of the peace of all
in this class of leadership and genuine ability and dialects of Europe and their
countries are equally high treason. In spite
in little Palestine. But there is wealth in the
the present administration with much-alive Dead Sea—and where there is wealth
in the arts. Mrs. Wise's name ranks among the interrelation in the study of Ori-
of the big parades, Danzig is not yet Nazi
ental languages, and in the sci-
giving Veteran printing jobs to England must dominate.
ablest of them all. The Wises are truly wise.
Germany and the world is still at peace. Dan-
ence of phonology—that is, the
a close friend of Allen Zoll, one

zig will never be Nazi Germany if the call
This Commentator just came across an inter-
study of the system of sounds
of America's leading anti-Sem- esting item among his clippings. It is an impor-
of the Danzigers: "We want to remain a
No Ersatz for the Soul
Free City" is heard by the world outside.
The uncertain European situation, aggravated in language — Ascoli achieved
tant bit of historical data which reveals where
!faction, which is headed by Sam- England stands and how she will act when it is
By keeping Danzig free we keep one German
by Nazi greed, makes the following poem on brilliant results. His richly cre-
uel Friedman of Akron, 0., is to her advantage. This piece is taken from the
town free from the worst enemies Germany
ersatz (substitutes) in Germany, by Hilda Zieg- ative and original mind, com-
I that the Jewish Welfare Board now defunct Jewish Guardian of London. It was ler in a recent issue of Opinion Magazine, most bined with a broad, profound
ever had. The freedoth of Danzig today is
scholarship and a rare sense of
had $4,000,000 left over from published nearly 15 years ago and its lesson is
the freedom of Germany tomorrow.
penetration, brought about a
its world-war collections and i as valid today as it was then. It reads:
Men may be nourished by base breed
revolution in the science of phil-
Will Germans rebel against IIitlerism? that it legally belongs to the
And drink of sawdust beer,
ology and opened up new fields
Jewish War Veterans
"A tale, almost fantastic, of hose M.
And eat • roast of venison
Perhaps it must take a war to arouse would seem to us that $4,000,000
for scholars yet to come.
Georges Claude, ont of the most distin-
again the revolutionary forces which are in their coffers would be a pleas- guished French scientists, came to the con-
Though Graziadio Ascoli was
said to be functioning underground.
ant surprise to JWB at this time
probably the greatest member of
elusio n in 1922 that the Dead Sea was a
Or garb themselves in clothes whose wool
engaged as they are
that old Italian family, two other
fabulously rich gold mine—not of various
No sheep would recognize,
Prophecy, like everything else in this —actively
in raising funds for their work
men of his generation also de-
but of the golden metal itself-
Or manage to go out in shoes
uncertain world, becomes speculative, and . . . Twenty years have passed, chemicals,
serve mention. Guilin Ascoli won
—and how he tried to persuade M. Poincare
Fashioned of powdered flies.
almost any hour can bring a crisis one way since the war and JWB no doubt I (Premier) and M. Millerand (President) to
fame in the field of Mathematics.
Born in Trieste in 1843, he went
or the other, for peace or for war, in has spent that much and more urge Great Britain to surrender its Palestine
But falsehood is no substitute
in carrying out its varied pro- I Mandate to France and Turkey, is related
to Milan while still a young man,
For truth as mud for coal,
favor of the aggressors or of humanity. gram.
where he taught mathematics at
by M. Claude himself in the Revue Anima-
And men must learn there cannot be
This is certain: no matter what the LAUGH DEPARTMENT
the Reale Institute Tecnico Su-
teur des Temps Nouveaux. 'I asked M.
An ersatz for the soul.
weapon against the destructive forces,
Poincare for an interview, says M. Claude,
All indications are that Germans know there periore. lie later was appointed
Neck-to-neck for honors as then
for the purpose of submitting an extraordi-
is no ersatz for the soul. But the sad fact is that Associate Professor at the l'oly-
there will be bloodshed. A revolution is best joke of the week are two
nary suggestion to him. He received me at

Germans have not yet learned to rebel against technic School at Milan and
always bloody. But there will be less culled from the private stock of
6:20 p. ns. on 28th October, 1922.' M. Claude
the government that is functioning on ersatz.
made a number of contributions
Harry Hershfield . . . One con-
bloodshed if the German people speaks corns
explained to the French Premier that there
to mathematics, many of which
a Mr. Ginsburg who over-

against its tyrannical government with- heard two Germans of the more
is • small quantity of gold in sea water, and
received wide notice in Germany
The American Path
although this content is not sufficient to make
and France.
out waiting for war.
liberal type discussing Nazism
the extraction profitable, the content of gold
A third famous member of
An interesting example of how a European
Only time can possibly foretell what . . . "The trouble," said one of
and chemicals in the Dead Sea was forty
the Ascoli family during the 19th
the result of the present world tragedy he's his own worst enemy" . . .
times greater than in the ocean, and it
ago in Salt Lake City, Utah, whose Citizen Sam century was Moise Ascoli who
will be.
would be highly profitable to recover the
Ginsburg couldn't help interrupt-
Rosenfield presented a problem to a friend in won world-wide distinction as
gold. He actually estimated the gold content
ing . . . "Not while I'm alive!"
Poland who did not know English and, therefore, professor of applied physics at
he exclaimed . . . The other tale
how to address a letter to him. But the Polish the University of Rome. Pro-
000, and that in 15 years ■ at least one-third
is about the Jew who spent all
friend found a way out. Ile copied the address fessor Ascoli's major work was
of it could be extracted, 'I know that the
him time reading Nazi literature
of Rosenfield's hotel on the envelope and addressed a study of the relation of Mag -
Palestine Mandate belongs to Great Britain,'
netics to Electricity, the results
and newspapers .. . "What's the
the letter as follows:
M. Claude told the astonished Prime Minis-
of which had many practical ap-
idea?" his friends asked him
The threat to basic liberties from the . . "Why don't you read Jew-
ter, 'but the English do not seem to take
plications. His investigations were
"The (Newhouse) hotel,
totalitarian front is now generally recog- ish books and papers?" . . - any interest in it. Would it not be possible
published in many technical jour-
"400 rooms, 400 baths,
for our diplomats to persuade England to
nized, and religious leaders and educat- "Why should 1?- he rejoined ...
nals and brought considerable
"European plan,
return it to Turkey? In return for this inter-
attention to the scientific wal k
ors agree that a well-organized campaign "In the Jewish papers I read
"Salt Lake City, Utah,
vention France could certainly demand a
about Jewish tzores—how
that flourished in Italy during
"Sam Rosenfield."
of education for democracy is a necessity. only
monopoly of gold exploitation from the Turks,
Jews are persecuted and starving
The point of the story is that the letter reached the latter half of the 19th cen-
giving them • share of the revenue.' On 1st
The Congress for Education on Democ- and homeless—and it breaks my
the American—the uncensored American way.
racy which attracted the world's out- heart ._. . But in the Nazi to- December, 1922, M. Claude made the same
It was from such men that
This is a small world, after all.
to M. Millerand without any greater
General Ettore Ascoli stemmed.
standing leaders to the Columbia Uni- pers I can read all about the proposal
success. In conclusion. M. Claude states that

power of the Jews in world
He knew well the long history
versity sessions in New York, various great
this 'gold mine' is now lost to France. Great
affairs, and that makes me feel
of his family and their loyalty
A Prize Story
Britain now knows the value of the Dead
religious and other educational gather- lots better."
to Italy. He himself had tried
One of the prize stories of the year is the fol-
Sea, and, furthermore, the Turks are no
ings have heard emphasis on the needs ABOUT PEOPLE
to carry forward that tradition
lowing quoted from News Review of London:
longer the friends of France.
to the best of his ability. In the
for education.
Harry Hershfield will abandon
"In fact, the Dead Sea is not SO dead as
An anti-Fascist, condemned to the firing
World War he had distinguished
cartooning for good within
it looks."
squad, was asked if he wanted anything
Speaking at the recent summer session his
himself by his bravery and abil-
the next few weeks and will de-
he died. Said he, "I would like to join
of the Catholic University of America, vote his time to a daily syndi-
ity. Italy had bestowed upon him
Here is the secret to English diplomacy. They
the Blackshirts." Before he was put against
many honors for his meritorious
at Washington, the university's dean, the cated box of comment on general will
laugh at what appears to be an incredible
the wall the officer in charge had to satisfy
After a lifetime of
oai7s ,
.t the st
style oeh
f 11
Rev. Francis J. Haas, warned that a aff
thing, and when they discover it to shine with
his curiosity.
achievement and service to his
" H ar ry Hershfi eld an advantageous promise they will grab the good
world movement toward concentrated ex-
"Why," he asked of the doomed man, "did
he could not bear
Says" will be the title of the and keep it. She will keep Palestine, as she is
you finally come to take up such a splendid
ecutive power is threatening basic human feature.
the thought of becoming a man
monopolizing the Dead Sea concession—unless
liberties, and he appealed for education I The Max Reinhardt Workshop, the
That his faith
Jews and the Arabs find a way of getting
"Oh, 1 just thought it would be pleasant
was Jewish made him no less
to organize its opposition to totalitar- ! which is a school for stage and together and of defying a power that is bent upon
to think that when you shot me there would
a loyal Italian. The decree which
screen actors, is making a big betraying both by playing one group against
be one Fascist less," came the reply.
stripped him both of country
on the Coast . . . The large the other.
This anecdote proves at least one thing: that
Deploring that education has become hit
and of honor left him with noth-
Hollywood stud;os pay the tui-
England, the maker of the Munich Pact, can
what he termed "a limping follower of tion fee for some of their most always be depended upon to defend what is good are passionate in their adherence to the prin- ing worth living for. Yet, like
events," Monsignor Haas described the noted stars in order that they for England. But even invincible England may ciples of decency and who arc prepared to fight a brave soldier, his last words to
command were that they be
dangers that come from unemployment may get a post-graduate course learn some day that there is historic retribution to the bitter end against the scourge of the his
to the death to their na-
and from concentrated totalitarianism, i m aasthel l s . trionies from the great which does not permit endless betrayals of modern shirt-movements. And this is as it should loyal
tive land.
weaker nations.
be, if our civilization is to survive.
(Copyright. 19311, a..A I' S
and declared that "to undo these evils

The people of Danzig have already experi-
enced a foretaste of Nazi mismanagement,
and it is not surprising that the opposition
to the threatened "Anschluss" is increasing.
One of the illegal leaflets which circulated
recently in the town read as follows:


Threat to Basic Liberties

No one can possibly predict with cer-
tainty what the result of the present
frightful condition in Europe will be.
With traditions for appeasement and Mu-
nich pacts continuing to haunt mankind,
almost anything is possible. Postponement
of a crisis, through the sell-out of Poland,
is just as possible as war. A British-
French alliance that permits the destruc-
tion of Czechoslovakia, an English atti-
tude that will betray pledges to the Jew-
ish people and that will permit the anni-
hilation of Ethiopia, will also permit any-
thing else that does not touch the posses-
sions and the pocketbooks of the so-called
democratic nations.
The clue to the whole mess is to be
found in the slogan "business is business.”
Business comes first with Russia, there-
fore the pact with the Nazis and the
painting of the swastika in red colors.
Business and colonial possessions come
first with Britain and France, therefore—
appeasement. The only consistent actor
in this drama is Germany. Adolf Hitler
wants Poland, he will then go after Ru-
mania and Hungary, will cast eyes upon
Alsace-Lorraine, then turning his atten- in a democracy is a matter of education.
tion to the Mediterranean and from there Education takes time. Time in this in-
Statue Falls on Ludwig
east, west, north and south—unless he stance is not on the side of the angels.
'Avenging' a Bonaparte
Every student of economic history knows
is stopped.
And there is one great sufferer: hu-
AJACCIO, Corsica—Emil
manity. The youth is to be pitied that it to the Twenties in the United States as
Ludwig took a bang on the
is rules by devastators, by vandals, by a golden age. They were times, not of Vaad Horabonim Urges Support of the Forty Established head Sunday from a statue of
Jerome Bonaparte — but fig-
greedy men in full dress and silk hats, peace but of a hiatus between wars. They
Congregations in Detroit
ured it just squared accounts
who, for the sake of their own power, had in them, as the Thirties still have,
between him and the brother
The Vaad Horabonim. the moment in a light of our reli-
mislead the world, make wars, aspire to and as the Forties will have—unless we
of the great Napoleon.
Jerome, who was King of
create false boundaries.
Detroit, has issued a statement be informed of the problems of
and who has been
Humanity always suffers from wars. tions—the seeds of a more terrible kind condemning the rise of "mush- our people and community but Westphalia
dead for 80 years, was the
room synagogues" during the are also robbed of the essential
No one has ever benefited by a war. Only
This is timely warning, especially to
Holy Days and urging sup. contact and communion which
remarks by Mr. Ludwig in his
the selfishness and greed of terroristic educators. What is needed at this time High
port for the existing 40 congre- has pitiably been reduced from
rulers has prospered from bloodshed.
is a well formulated program for action gations in Detroit. The resolu- every day to these selected Days
While Mr. Ludwig was
There is only one solution to the pres- in defense of our way of life. It is a tion adopted by the orthodox of Awe.
looking over historic relics in
ent problem created by one little fellow task for educators. It is a job that re- rabbis follows:
"We therefore appeal to you,
the Napoleonic Museum in
"The Vaad Horabonim of De- Jews of Detroit, to choose a
the Napoleonic Museum at
with a moustache who is encouraged by quires immediate attention, before totali-
addresses itself to the Jew- regular and consecrated House
Ajaccio City Hall the bronze
a policy of appeasement. Relief can come tarianism gets the jump on democracy. troit
ish community on the month of of Prayer in which you and
statue of the Emperor's
only as a result of an internal revolution.
Elul on the seriousness of the your families' prayers will be
brother fell from its niche
Let suffering Germany call a halt to the
Mosier choice of the place of answered and fulfilled for a life
and struck him on the head.
The author was taken to a
horrible program of greed foisted upon
High Holy Days—days of Awe,
near-by pharmacy, and a
it by the Nazi Fuehrer, and there will be
A Rich Almanac
Judgment and Penitence.
municipal councilor rushed up
no war. The overthrow of Nazism must
to apologize.
"There are about 40 estab-
Marks Dedication of
The cmall pocket calendar annually lished
lead to the democratization of Germany.
"Don't apologize to me,"
synagogues in Detroit
Mr. Ludwig replied. "I had
A democratic Germany could make for
serving the spiritual, cultural
too many things to say about
peace, for decency, for the cementing of America, in collaboration with the head and social needs of the Jewish (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE)
Jerome of Westphalia in my
office of the fund in Jerusalem, again community to the fullest meas-
international friendships.
book.. He has his vengeance
ure. These synagogues, in which
now. We are quits!"
But if a revolution does not come soon,
divine services are conducted
the present situation must lead to even
This small booklet is more than a cal- terpreted, Jewish movements evening's program which was
greater tragedy. The revolt must come
served and aided, are conse- preceded by the Mischa services
before the minds of all German youth, endar. It is a veritable almanac. Those crated and adapted for Houses and concluded with Measly serv- ACCUSE PELLEY OF
who are fed on lies and false dogmas who are interested in Jewish statistical of Worship in which the Divine ices. Cantor Mogill was intro-
by their fuehrers, are completely poi- facts will find a wealth of valuable in- Presence is sought and found. duced by Aaron Agree, president
the Isaac Agree Memorial So-
soned. The revolt must come while the formation in it. It does not limit itself to To these synagogues we ask you of
turn during the coming Holy ciety, brother of the late Isaac
sane Germans see through the demoniacal compiling figures about Palestine but to
season. In these synagogues you Agree. Cantor David Katzman
schemes of the tyrants who rule over covers much that touches the world Jew- will find the proper inspiration of Congregation Bnai Moshe of American democracy. The
ish picture. It opens with figures about and courage; in these synagogues sang Mah Tovu and Mizmor Shir Williamstown Institute of Human
Today there is still time to enlighten the number of Jews in the world from you will find the answer to many Chanukas Ila-Bail. A kiddush Relations, meeting in an hour
puzzling doubts and questions; followed the dedication cere- when the whole issue of war
the world, and especially the German the year 70—when the Second Temple in
these synagogues you will be- mony.
and peace hangs no tragically in
people, that the Reich is ruled on bluff. was destroyed—to the present time. This come part of the great commu-
In their addresses the rabbis the balance, is itself a mani-
praised the generosity of the festation of American liberty as
Tomorrow it may be too late. Today there statistical table, as well as the other fac- nity of Israel.
"It is with disdain that we Agree family. They emphasized members of all religious groups
are Germans who resent the Ilitlerian pro- tual information, are illustrated with
there is need in Jewish life meet and confer."
gram of land-grabbing; tomorrow it may charts. It is interesting to note, from these regard the abuses and misuses that
establishing places of worship today for a positive approach of
be impossible to convince anyone that facts, that there were four and a half of
problems; that the ene-
there are sane Germans left in the world. million Jews in 70, that this number individuals for the 'Yomim mies of Jewry are not aiming Maurice Schwartz will be seen
as King Lear in an English pro-
at Jews but at Judaism
For instance, it is generally believed that
Noroim' These 'extra places' are
duction next season.
Germans in Danzig, who form more than increased to two and a half million in established as a rule for private and that the synagogue must
commercial reasons; they are stand in the center of the fight
95 per cent of the Free City's population, 1800 and rose to the present figure of or
found in most improper sur- for the preservation of Judaism. who reside in the downtown dis-
unanimously endorse the Nazi program close to 17 million.
roundings and are devoid of
Services at the Downtown, trict or who are unable to travel
The information about Palestine is, of synagogue
atmosphere and are Synagogue will be conducted un- to other synagogues for yahr-
of making the city a part of the Reich. course,
of special value. It fills a need in divested of any divine dignity; der the direction of Elmer Klein zeits or memorial services are
But this is not altogether true. The youth
to worship in this syna-
clamor for more territory, but their elders the dissemination of information about moreover, Jews attending these who will be in charge as sexton. invited
places are not only He can be reached at Randolph gogue. There will be morning
do not. Germany To-Day, the periodical world Jewry. Our readers will do well irregular
services in this syna-
deprived of the spiritual atmo- 7307. There will be no solicita-
that publishes news from underground to secure copies of this calendar of the sphere of a consecrated interpre- tion of memberships in the gogue daily. on the Sabbaths and
anti-Fascist sources, published by the Jewish National Fund for the year 5700. tation of the problems of the Downtown Synagogue and all holidays.




for the destructionof democracy and
the enactment of antl.Srolltlatn In Ger-
many, Italy and edit.... refugee-proctor-
In. ountries..

The magazine recently issued
a special number on anti-Semit-
ism. It included such stirring
articles as: "Torture Squads for
the U. S." from the pamphlet
"Anti-Semitism a Threat to De-
mocracy" by Rev. Theodore de
Luca"; "Poison in the Melting
Pot," which tells of the stab-
bing of two Jewish people in
New York; "Some Facts About
Jews" by Phillip S. Bernstein;
"Unser Kampf for Jews and
Gentiles" by Rev. Dr. A. M.
Smith, one of the pioneers in
the goodwill movement for Jews
and Gentiles in Boston.
Kenneth Leslie, the brilliant
editor of the magazine, in an
interview with a representative
of The Detroit Jewish Chron-
icle, issued an appeal for sup-
port of the Protestant and Jew-
ish people in Michigan. He

are contributing our ut-
most to this cause. We have re-
ceived splendid support from
Jews and Christians in this area.
But if our work is to be suc-
cessful we must cover the coun-
try. We need workers in the
Protestant churches and in the
synagogues of Michigan. Please
convey our appeal to them."
As the editor of Protestant
Digest sees it: "The world is
shaken — war rages — the black
forces of anti-Semitism and Fas-
cism challenge America and the
Protestant faith as well as other
faiths." He says the Protestant
church won religious freedom for
Americans. Roger Williams and
his flock in Providence lit the
torch of democratic freedom.
"That freedom is being chal-
lenged today," declared Mr.
Leslie. "It is being challenged,"
he continued, "by the scourge
of Fascism and it is our task
in Protestant Digest to meet the
challenge in the name of Prot-
estantism. Glance at any part
of the world today and it is
seen that the forces of darkness
and destruction are utilizing anti-

' ede

Semitism, not as an attack on
the Jews but upon Christianity
and democracy, which to these
forces are both anathema."
Protestant Digest speaks out
boldly against Father Charles E.
Coughlin. A recent issue carrie d
an article "Coughlinism Destroys
Americanism" by Father W. C.
Kernan, who says:

"The Nast. In tierrnany recocnire

Father Coughlin as one who.. PO G....
In the name so their own u.hrlilit...:

stone time they ridicule A
Things American. Front xhenre
the anointler of this man to Tido
to } ;:tetr1.71:tiirlsIttlett*I 7:17."'ri c li ' te nr.
of the United Mates of Americo! Do o7,
of I1 flllln ^h') Thr 5 1
171141 , "" M
clearer and clearer that Conchlinfan.
: 11
l i Velon ts t'W4
„rot e iZd j.t.r 1::Ite n
%ho tIlilie ✓ It their riclIt•
thrlr rt t•
AnIecloso richts—
which the Declaration o IndePokfrr
declare. cannot be taken from then.

t rt■ '''■

The Protestant Digest speaks
out just as strongly against
Protestant ministers who show
Fascist tendencies and is con-
ducting an effective campaign
against anti-Semitism in the
Protestant church.




of the 'hostess committee, will
be assisted by the following
members: Mesdames A. M.
Hershman, Morris Adler, Irving
Dworman, Robert Drews. Max
Kogan, Benjamin Laikin, 1Villiam
Roth, Jacob Schreier, Maurice
Seiden, David Sheraga, Jack To-
bin and Louis Tobin.
The Women's Division of the
American Jewish Congress
planning an extensive education.
program for the coming seas"",
and courses will be given `'‘.
Dr. Clarisse Fineman. The e
courses will be open to the mem-
bership, and a limited number o
guests. Additional detailed
formation regarding the e .
courses will be given at the fir ,

Keep thy tongue from Vlo:
and thy lips from speaking g
—Psalm 34:11


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