PAGE TWO PIEDnitort AKIN) a1RO2r4lCLIB and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE CLASSIFIED Mrs. Katherine Levitt, One of the SHIRTS RELIABLE II OUSE HELP. Laundresses, women for house cleaning, house maids, women No matter what you pay, no laundry can launder a finer shirt for part time work. By hour. day or week. Schlesinger's, Madison 2526. WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE 14 ibs. D2 Pi in p Walsh QUILTS — Made or recovered from your own feathers or e ces gar. I y n Additional Pounds 531c lb. A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE Flatwork All Rnued 79c 14 lbs. 2 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxe Family Service 79 Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried Additional pounds 7c lb. THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE C FA* 4 Pairs Lace Curtains " $100 TI YUNG FREE Not responsible for nundournt or wind-shipped curtains THE NEWEST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY Double Woolen Blankets 35c Feather Pillows 25c Poch All Ironed Service Flat Pieces WEARING APPAREL Pr, Pound 30c per potted Minimum Charge, $1.80 A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION 10C Li 11,1 1'11ssACHUS LAUNDRY CO. ETTS PHONE CADILLAC wools. Pillows recovered—spe- cial, $1.00. Full line of curtains. baby, shower and wedding gifts. Dexter Quilt & Gift Shop, 11849 Dexter Blvd., at Webb. Hogarth 9050. FOR RENT—Upper, six rooms and breakfast room. All mod- ern improvements. Maid's room. Oil heat. 2944 Glendale Ave. Call Te. 2.9028 for appoint- ment. Sunday after 2 p. m. call Townsend 6-4963. FOR RENT — Nicely furnished room, newly-decorated. Garage. Near bus and car line. 2261 Ford. o unds j August 11, 1939 7423 II Detroit's Finest Jewish Funeral Home FOR RENT — Nicely furnished room In lovely modern home, for gentleman. Hot water con- stantly. Good transportation. 3793 Carter Ave. Tyler 6- 0280. WANTED —Refined couple to share home or gentleman. Rea- sonable,, Near car and bus line. 1986 Virginia Park. DAVID HOROWITZ, teacher of Yiddish, Hebrew, Bar Mitzvah, English and citizenship. Read- ing and writing guaranteed. Free trial lesson. Hogarth 3547 or Tyler 6-1450. GOOD HOME and board for two ladies or gentlemen or chil- dren over 12 years old. Twin beds. Refined surroundings. 3031 Tuxedo. Townsend 5- 3770. Founders of Home for Aged, Is Called by Death at Age of 96 Glowing Tribute Paid to Her Memory by Throng at Funeral in the Home for Aged; Was Hishly Honored for Her Charities Detroit Jewry lost its oldest lingame Ave. An unusual honor pioneer resident when death was accorded her when the fu- called Mrs. Katherine Levitt, on neral services were held at the Sunday, Aug. 6, at the age of lime for Aged, Burlingame and 96. Petoskey, on Monday, with Rabbi Mrs. Levitt, who was one of A. M. Hershman officiating. It the founders of the Jewish Old was the first funeral service to he held in the Home. Burial was in Clover Hill Park Cemetery. A resident of Detroit for 70 years, Mrs. Levitt was active in many charitable causes and was highly honored for her unselfish devotion to numerous movements. She had been president of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Jewish Home for Aged for 25 years and in January, 1928, she was given a void medal by the board of di- rectors of the home in recogni- tion of her services. She came to Detroit from Marinpol. Poland, with her hus- band, the late Joseph II. Levitt, who died 25 years ago. Surviving her, beside Mrs. Abrahams, are three other daughters, Mrs. Hiram Silver- stone, Mrs. J. B. Lasky and Mrs. Lou Elisberg; a son, Henry; five grandchildren and six great- grandchildren. Glowing tributes are being paid the memory of Mrs. Levitt, MRS. KATHERINE LEVITT an d edhundreds ds of ges re- messa Folks' Home, now functioning as ceiv by the family the Jewish Home for Aged, died many kindnesses she recall the had shown at the home of her daughter, needy, aged and sick during her Mrs. H. L. Abrahams, 1160 Bur- lifetime. CZECH REFUGEE TRAGEDY PROMPTS APPEAL TO PRESIDENT; EXILES IN BEIRUT PLEAD WITH FRENCH TO EXTEND PERMIT OF STAY ROOM AND BOARD for one or (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE DNS) two gentlemen in single home. Garage. Telephone. 2659 Pin- without food and water, robbed by the freighter's crew and final- gree Ave. near Linwood. ly dumped on the shores of Pal- ROOM AND BOARD for one or estine, the women clad only in two young men. Home privi- bathing suits and the men in leges. Good home for right pajamas. party. Near car and bus line. Dominican Official Says Bars Are Townsend 5-4256. Down for Refugee Immigrants COUNTY TAXES 3rd installment 1933, 1934 and 1935 5th installment 1932 and prior years 10•YEAR PLANS — Payable before September i with only 2 per cent charge Properties sold to the State for 1935 and prior taxes may be redeemed now with large savings JACOB P. SUMERACKI Wayne County Treasurer PALESTINE FLIER HONORED AT SAYE YOUR EYES JEWISH PALESTINE PAVILION with NEALTH.SITE GUMS 1=7 i tiZ; 1;;VIZ4' 1=1 Wag 19N 1:7 17=1 =7 C093 fre.. t Id z w / '1 L. 7 Nathan L. Miller, Mr. Lichten- stein and Lewis L. Strauss, all of New York, and Lionel de Rothschild, Lionel Cohen, Earl Besaborough and Harold B. But- ler. • bra lowlowl. al.ww /MN be Mello! Infersielskw Our Menne Ostelseto. Ilsestneg entre Vete Las M .• MURRAY'S 1119 GRISWOLD ST. Open Evenings Till 9 P. M. FRESH m MILK Bank Will Aid Hungarian Jew. in Search for Haven BUDAPEST (WNS)—Follow- PASTEURIZED C PER NEW YORK. (WNS) — Voic- ing conversations between the ing his country's willingness to Dutch philanthropist Frank van accept 500 Jewish refugee fami- Gildemeester and Hungarian DETROIT lies "without restrictions," as an leaders it was expected that an 7739 JOHN It STREET TRinity 2-2114 • STANDARD initial group, ex-President Ra- Emigration Bank to finance emi- gration of Hungarian Jews and fael L. Truiillo Molina of the Detroit's Finest Milk 8 Dominican Republic, commander- other "non-Aryans" affected by Johnson's 470 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished , in-chief of the South American the nation's harsh anti-Jewish Per (it large and airy room for young R epublic's army, issued the fol- law may be established with the Rey. Catalog business man or lady. Refined lowing statement here before help of British, American and Honest milk ha,, the butterfat con tent olitInlf minted on the btollirt Jacob home. Reasonable. Near car sailing on the Normandie: "My Dutch capital. It was stated that and bus. Suppers optional. government will take as a first the bank will seek to finance FRESH EGGSvig Silverman Townsend 8-0218, SURGICAL Per Dozen - • - unit without restrictions 600 the settlement of Hungarian ref- MODAL ugees in Abyssinia, Venezuela, UT: Jewish refugee families divided WANTED—Couple, man or wo- the Dominican Republic and Funeral services for Samuel We pa y our male ern• man to share neatly furnished into agricultural, industrial and other countries. Marks, 69 years old. who died apartment. 1910 Delaware, professional groups, with a view IIR E L Zai rig to taking more." Spokesmen for Tuesday, Aug. 1, at his home, ployees better than an Apt. 17. 2903 9717 Otsego Ave, were held at President Roosevelt's Advisory Mindanao Province Provided for Elmhurst ', ee of $42.00 per Refugee Colony the Beth Tikvah Synagogue. FOR RENT— Nice, clean, well Committee on Refugees had no --- TO. 8-178311 Mr. Marks was a resident of comment to make on Gen. Tru- MANILA (WNS) —President furnished room in small fam- Y M week. jillo's ` Detroit for 46 years, and was statement but indicated Manuel L. Quezon told members ily. Board if desired. Good Pertenon4 engaged in the retail grocery transportation. Near car and that the committee is completing of the Jewish refugee committee business. bus. 2492 Clairmount. Tyler the draft of a report on refugee there was no land available in 6-1377. colonization possibilities in the Lanao Province on the Island lie Is survived by his wife, Johnson Milk Depot Dominican Republic. of Mindanao for such settlers. Lena; a son, Dr. Morris IL; FOR RENT—One or two newly- TR. 1-3131 He said the committee had also Rev. Cantor three sisters, Mrs. 'Abraham painted, furnished rooms for Danzig Nazi Authorities Seise inspected an isolated, part of Nathan, Mrs. Jennie Greenberg, DAVID single or couple. Kitchen priv- Cotobato Province, which he Mre. Rachel Keller; three Property of French Citizen GOLDEN and ileges. Board if desired. Rea- Morris Bromberg (left), ace pilot of the Tel Aviv airport, now brothers, Saul, Aaron, and PARIS. (WNS)—The Forei gn thought suitable for refugee set- in this sonable. 9803 McQuade Ave. Detroll's rawartte country to make preparations for a New York-Tel Aviv FOR SALE—APARTMENTS dement. He said any refugee Schmiel; and five grand-daugh- Office was investigating a repo rt, near Rochester. Upper. MODEL ters. settlers would be asked to limit flight, is here shown receiving the American Palestine Good Will published in the newspaper L ; TYLER 111-SIMI Trophy, presented to him fo r his services their efforts to cultivation of to Palestine aviatio n by WANTED—Attractive and intel- Temps, which disclosed that Wedding Cements. citrus fruits, rubber, vegetables Myron J. Bluestone, executive director of the Maccabi Aero Club. lee Performed M ligent young lady as recep- French citizen, a woman of Je w- a nd other crops which would not The presentati on Detrn , r HOMO and by Ape made in the courtyard of the Palestine Pa- tionist. Write details to Box ish origin, living in Danzig, h ad compete with Filipino agricul- vilion at the New was poinlment. York World's Fair. suffered confiscation of her prop- 800, Detroit Jewish Chronicle. tural products such as hemp and Mr. Bromberg visited New York four years •go • the leader erty under the Nazi-dominated of the Palestin e Good Will Motorcycl In loving memory of our dear FOR RENT — Beautiful, fur- territory's property confiscation coconuts. e Squad, which s on it, way to America crossed the Sahar a mother and grandmother, Eliza- nished room with five windows. law of July 6. According to the desert with guidance of compasses only. center of America. Advanc- beth DeYoung, who passed away CANBERRA, Australia (WNS) Comfortable and clean. Gen- newspaper report, the Danzig ing rents prophesied. Rely on 19 years ago, Aug. 13, 1920. —Jewish immigrants, principally tlemen preferred. Shower. $5, authorities seized all her shares In our hearts your tnentory lingere our Facts and Figures. 14wrri, tender and true single; $8, double. Calvert in a Danzig department store, the from Germany, increased the Jewish posters calling on French There I.• not ■ May au. by near Wildemere. Townsend first such incident involving a number of Jewish settlers here Canadians to "oust the Jews, - committee in Chicago under the That we do not think of poi 5-4903. French citizen. Foreign Office at- from 570 to 4,638 chiefly owing and Father Charland, the Sit " direction of some 30 Catholic Oakman Blvd. Sadly missed by her children taches were unable to confirm to the Commonwealth's agree- Agathe des 'musts village priest ' leaders of that city, Its purpose Distinctive home address. and grandchildren.. FOR RENT—Comfortable, fur- the report or to state what ment to admit 15,000 refugees in a sermon urged his congrega is to carry on the work of the Modern 13 apt like new. nished room in home of small measures would be taken if the by 1941. tion to take measures to kee Sold for $§5,00. Rent $5,400. family. Cross-ventilation. Good fact were proven to be true. In loving memory of our dear the village "French-Canadian. p national committee in New York, Ins. Co foreclosure. Consider whose program of activity con- transportation. 2697 Glendale. Nazi District Leader Condemns One Jewish lawyer is reported daughter and sister, Bessie Sider- offer only $22,600. Small Townsend 5-1424. to have been arrested for "ob- sists of a research bureau, in-1 terms 5 , 70 int. man, who passed away 12 years Anti-German Feeling in Nazis Halt Emigration of structing the sidewalk." Mayor formation service and education ago, Aug. 26, 1927, "Protectorate" Jewish Doctors MIDDLE-AGED, refined couple 1 ou left um twelve 5.m •go LONDON. (WNS) — Jewis h PRAGUE (WNS)—Following Forget has organized a citizens' of Catholics to combat bigotry 19 Apt elgh, we cry, es mien )0U PO will share their comfortable committee which pointedly ex- Your piece I. empty, red and grey flat with single or couple. physicians under 45 will not be an appeal asking for aid in har- cludes any Jewish-Canadian resi- and anti-Semitism, radio broad- 3 rooms tiled baths recon- Cr. atone with you oc•i. allowed to emigrate from the vesting the crops in the "pro- Good transportation. Reason- dents but which he declares will casts, speakers bureau and fre- ditioned. New hall carpets, Sadly missed by her parents able. 2230 W. Euclid Ave. "Protectorate" of Bohemia- Mo- tectorate," hundreds of Prague investigate. new Frigidaires, new table and sisters. quent issuances of literature. ravia, according to advices from Jews, including refugees from Tyler 7-2878. In Halifax, Nova Scotia, neut.. Two radio programs are planned top stoves, Rent $7,500 ten- Prague which revealed that the other parts of the former ants pay light and gas. Nor- In loving memory of Hermina FOR SALE — COMMON- Gestapo (secret Nazi police) Czecho-Slovakia, volunteered to rilous leaflets have been dis- in Chicago, and arrangements mal $100,050 value. Sacrifice may extend the ban to include work in the fields. The appeal tributed by a group called "The have been made for the distri- Schultz who passed away Aug. WEALTH. GRAND RIVER Rabbi Abraham Schechter 16, 1924; also Maurice only $33,500 terms $10,000 to SECTIO N. Eleven family Jewish chemists. Palestine immi- was issued by the Czech Minis- Defenders," urging a boycott of bution of educational leaflets as Schultz new $23,500 mtg. Rabbi of Congregation Ahm'ath who departed this life March apartment. Rental per month gration certificates, already al- try of Agriculture to the Prague Jewish merchants and "Red well as "The Voice," official or- communist Jews." Achim and Other Synagogue. lotted to 40 Jewish doctors, will 17, 1938, Jewish Community and Jewish 8317.50. $3500 Down. Mr. gan of the Committee, to all 25 Units , lone dear parent, gone former, In Toronto a leaflet headed parts of Chicago. Performs All Rabbinic Punction• Donaldson, University 1-4000. have to be re-distributed as a social institutions. Besides the now we nil.. your milling foots. result of the Gestapo's action. 2 and 3 rooms baths with Harold Blake Sales Division. refugees, members of Jewish "Trade With Gentiles" is being W. L. White, Son of Emporia nut you left us to 1,111.0114.r, PERFORMS MARRIAGES Jewish refugees must deposit youth organizations, such as the circulated, calling upon Canad- Editor, See s so Anti-Semitis Vote. on earth I it like your places. showers. Elegant tiled lobby Pf37 CANDI:RON A1E. TO. m FOR RENT — Nicely furnished 450,000 kronen in order to trans- Chalutz and Brith Trumpeldor, ians "to free themselves from antique painted walls. Rent W. L. White, son of William The flays and tears are sad without room in fer newly £1,000 although before the decorated home. were cordially the stranglehold of financial ion welcomed a5 vol. Allen White, noted editor of $10,800. Normal value $125,- Reasonable. Use of telephone. German occupation not less than unteere. leeches," and demanding a stop Emporia, Kansas, writing in the 000 former mtg. $70,000. We And nothing :seems lull right; ce we dearly Inc nil Moe 2282 Pingree Ave., between £3,240 could have been trans. Anti-German feeling in Bo- to entrance of Jewish refugees. New York Post, declared that advise offer only $40,000. De- gone. Ten A.M. Ito kind and Might 14th and LaSalle, lower. Ty- ferred. Refugees who hold Pal- hemia-Moravia would be met by It denounces the anti-Fascist he had found no evidences of troit's greatest values in ler 8-4516. estine capitalist immigration cer - severe retaliations Prague's Nazi boycott as a "Jewish trick." anti-Semitism in the course of sound investment properties. but there •ro mme who'll !Inner A roinsoi the plat ip '14 bP, y011 tificates are required by the district leader Konstantin Hoess In Kingston, Ontario, a sim- a 2,000-mile tour of the laid 01110 win w oter flower. mid- YOUNG COUPLE desire trans- Gestapo to deposit 300,000 kra threatened following Q ilaur e. catmwpaNi:_iambisesinikrucnoa MR. BEDFORD Wein west. "I haven't said there is conducted tin the gm.. that Orel hne made . evidence portation to New York end of nen with the National Bank , that Czechs were boycotting Ger- against Jewish-Canadian citizens. no anti-Semitism in this coun- Your loving daughters, son and this month. Can help drive or Homer Warren & Co. plus 150,000 kronen for the man shops. The Insistence of try," grandchildren. the writer said, • "but if share expenses. Write Box 100, "flight tax" and other taxes be- local German authorities or no Newry Dependable Fent. STE AGATHE DES MONTS, there were a rising tide some of Detroit Jewish Chronicle. fore permission can be obtained Creche under pressure that Jews' In memory of our beloved son - it would be trickling down th e to effect the transfer. Unless shops he branded caused stein, of Montreal, was hurt here upper Mississippi basin: a few and brother, Paul Zeiger, who FOR RENT — 3785 Atkinson. Nazi authorities are "inci- stein, satisfied that drops would have spotted the departed four years ago, August Upper five-room heated flat. the amount transferred will be dents" in the town of Sternberg. when a 17-year-old French-Cana- A notice "Jewish Shop" was de- dian, driving a milk wagon, high plains, and I found 12. 1935. none. Breakfast n o o k, frigidaire, invested in Palestine, refugee Open "Re-Elect Mayor faced by Czechs three nights charged his horse into a group painted walls, tile bath. Tyler holders of the capitalist Poor tear. Moe molest. immi- running with the words "Never of Jewish women, and Reading Campaign Head- 6-2213. an 11- gration certificates will be per- mind. we will shop here any- year-old boy t'ou'rs gun atop riding with him ISRAEL FRIEDKIN DIES quarters" on 12th St. you mule mitted to transfer only £500, way." The villagers ridicule the slashed her shoulder FOR RENT — Nicely furnished with a It only mak. our heaM• break; w ho tan tell our Pate? room for a lady, gentleman or the remainder being held in alley. branding of shops that they have whip. This was the first instance "Re-elect Mayor Reading Cam- met. and tan g • all la rain NEW YORK—Israel Friedkin paign .$ couple in home of small fam- ance until satisfactory proof is known to be Jewish-owned for of violence reported since the Headquarters" have been given that the emigrant and his years. of 956 Fifth Avenue, publisher • ily. Congenial surroundings. Posting of anti-Jewish placards opened at 12th and Philadelphia Sadly missed by his parents, last week-end in the Laurentian of The Jewish Morning Journal, Sta., Reasonable. Good transporta- capital will remain in the Holy brother and sister. in the heart of the Jewish Land. Yiddish daily, and of the Jewish Seek to Circumscribe Alien resort village. tion. Tyler 8-4482. NO DOWN PAYMENT en Meanwhile the Gestapo im- American, Yiddish weekly, died community. A committee con- Activity is Hungary on Monday night in Royat, sisting of Dr. Perry P. Burnatine, FOR RENT—Airy room for em- posed measures on delegates to BUDAPEST (WNS) — The Tires . Radios • Batteries MONTREAL (WNS) —As a France, where he Ben Clark, Alex Camel. Morn. ployed lady or gentleman in the Zionist Congress at Geneva Lower House approved ■ bill was spending of recent press reports • home of small family. Cross- and only those who pledge to riving Cabinet ministers power result vacation with his wife, the Goldberg, James Conway and Publicizing , anti-Jewish activities former ventilation. Garage.' Near bus return after the conference, to denationalize citizens without Miss . Diana Dtishkind, many others are sponsoring the formerly S & K Super Service and car. 3316 Grand Ave. near which opens August 16, may be court order, it was reported in various provinces of Canada and a son, Donald. Mr. Fried- headquarters so that the mane Tire and Comers! Repairs named. The Gestapo has taken here. The measure is directed and particularly in the summer kin, according to a statement campaign workers in the 13tH Dexter. Townsend 7-2069. resort of Ste. Agathe des Monts issued and 15th Congressional District= lAbrtentlow—Mandard 011 gnaws. the added precaution to ensure by The Jewish Morning NEWPORT (WNS)—The Jew- FOR RENT—Attractive room in return of the delegates elected. against Hungarians belonging to in the Laurentians, Colonel P. 8820 Linwood it Pingree Journal, had been suffering from as well as the citizens at large foreign political organizations ish Congregation of Newport, A. Piuze, Quebec Provincial Po- Tyler 4-9001 refined home. Reasonable. Good of confiscating the passports of a heart ailment for several Years, may be afforded an opportunity first established in 1658 when 15 Comte. and Service of obtaining the true facts con- transportation. Tyler 5-4340. wives of the delegates who have having anti-patriotic leanings and lice Commissioner, said that he but his condition Our Watchwords against those who leave the had visited Ste. Agatha and var- had apparently cerning Mayor Richard W. Read- Jewish families settled here. will been approved. The Gestapo country secretly. Strong enm- ious other places in the Lauren- improved M recent months. He ing and his campaign for re- oresent to the City • monument The German Government has meanwhile cancelled, without ity Hungarian Nazis who see in t lane, traveling 380 miles, to In- was 49 years old. dedicated to the founders of re- election Mr. Friedkin is credited with Detroit. as Mayor of the City of given permission to the Federa- any reason beinr given, the •ition to the bill has been voiced vestigate the situation and take World Youth Conference Pledges ligious liberty, first established tion of Polish Jews in that passports of all officers and em- the bill means of applying re- all measures to prevent the oc- having introduced modern pub- on this continent in the State of Organization meeting a, in- ployes of the Zionist Organize- Resistance to Totalitarianism country 'to send • delegation to •et-ictions against their leaders currence of any violence or lishing methods into the Yiddish Rhode Island. tion and the Jewish Community. newspaper field when he suc- structions, as well as rallies will AMSTERDAM (Religious W. Selden Washington and El- the third biennial conference of Establish Coordinating Found.. who fled abroad. breaches of law and order. Deny- ceeded his uncle se be eponsored periodically. the World Federation of Polish publisher in ing the existence of a "serious News Service)—A call to the ward Jonas Phillips, direct de- lion The official inauguration of Exodus 1918. He organized a staff of Anti-Semitic Demonstrations scendants of George Washington Jews Abroad which will take situation," he declared that the headquarters will take nl —e The Coordinating dF i sting Foundation. Christian youth of the world to end Rabbi Moses Seizes. will place at the Hotel Astor in New Reported in Canada "there is absolutely no cause foreign correspondents coverin g Saturday night, Aug. 19. when the leading Jewish centers of the resist all totalitarian forces in read the exchange of messages York during the week of Sept. which will cooperate with indi- TORONTO (WNSI—Subvera- whatsoever for 1141,11 worn a rally open to the general pub- or fear viduals and Wrganizations en- lye aritation by Fascist troops I o , making his caner the first l nation and state was Issued here between the First President and Ig, Word to thi• effect was re- gaged f violence or disturbance." in irenroving the condi- in the Yiddish language to pos- ic will be held. The principal at the closing plenary session Seizes. leader of the Jewish ceived from Berlin at the offices tions of beneficiaries and faeili- in Canada and the fomenting of s neaker will be Mayor Reading. . ft person, spirit in Ste. A ra the of the World Conference of eongregation, on the occesion of of the Federation of Polish Jett. t oting , Catholics to Fight Anti•Semitisam sess its own cable service. emigration of involuntary Telegrams of condolence were Entertainment and refreshments W. 34th St., New s ' monis. Quebec. I summer I Christian Youth which repre- Washington's visit to that city. in America, 225 GChicane del rmirranta from Germany, ass des rrceived at the Friedkin home will round out the evening. Ad- York. The resort, produced alarming threats sented about 70 national and in- The re-enactment will tel - si place NEW YORK (WNS) — The here from President mission is free. Activities will eration from Ger- registered here as • limited corn- t o nesee of residents herd Committee of Catholics to Fight Roosevelt, ternational Christian youth on the steps of the aucient New- many will be headed by Dr. Israel nany at 8 p. m. Dr. Born- listing its subscribera as bled week. In the village of Ste. A nti-Semitism hit announced the Governor and Mrs. Herbert H. commence port Touro Synagogue. groups throughout the world. Glicksman., John W. Davis, Paul atine will act as chairman and Barmaid, Agathe there appeared anti- f ormation of a branch of the Lehman, Alfred E. Smith, Sam- will be assisted cVAtoi4 d3A4,6. FOR RENT—New offices under construction over store. Dex- ter at Boston. Will arrange to suit tenant. Suitable for doc- tor or dentist. Call Temple 1.6320. QUART Samuel Marks Is Called by Death IN MEMORIAM Highest Wage Manuel arbacb Jack's Super Service Dedicate Founding Religious Liberty uel Unterm er ad many others. and others. by Mr. Clark