th aw 'milk Pala&al eater CLIFICAT ATINU1 CINCINNATI 30, MO 3-he Only Anglo-Jewish Newspaper Printed ` In Michigan REPETR01 1117 LWISIf HRONICLE All Jewish News All Jewish Views WITHOUT BIAS and THE VOL. XLI No, 12 ■ •••••= " Brilliant Story-Teller Ranked Among World's Wonder- Makers Who Made Hebrew a Living Language for Young and Old Relates How He Was Asked to Write Article for By PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Atlantic Monthly World Jewry sits in mourning longer among the living, but his CATHOLIC PERIODICAL over one of its most beloved sons work is undying. lie belonged in REBUKES JEW-BAITERS who, alas, has been called from the front ranks of the wonder- this life in the prime of his life Drops Name of "Christian and at a time when he was pro- ducing hie very best for the ad- Front" Because of Abuse vancement of the culture of his of This Term people. Abraham IL Friedland is no "The Voice of Social Justice,' which speaks daily for Fathe Coughlin and his magazine, mad false charges and unfounded in sinuations against the Rev. Wal ton E. Cole of Toledo when i charged that he had secured en trance to the office of Socia Justice magagine under th e Congregation Bnai Moshe "smoke screen" claim of writin Honors Its Spiritual an article for Atlantic Month) Leader Magazine. This statement was made to' The Detroit Jewish' Chronicle this week by the Rev. Rabbi Moses Fischer, spiritual Cole who related the following leader of congregation Bnat f acts: Moshe, was unanimously elected When I was lecturing at Har- for life leadership of the Syna- vard University in February I was the guest of Edward Weeks gogue on Tuesday, Aug. I. Rab LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1939 REV. WALTON COLE A. H. Friedland, Pathfinder REFUTES CHARGES In Hebrew Education, Is Dead BY FR. COUGHLIN makers throughout the world who made Hebrew a living language, and he was first among the story- tellers who captivated the imagin- ation of young and old in Jewry. During the past four years a devastating sickness ate away at the very vitals of his body. But his spirit grew ever stronger, and from day to day he rose in stature as a pathfinder in Hebrew educa- tion. That which destroyed his body, inch by inch, could not touch his spirit and his soul. Therefore his creative genius places him high among the immortals who helped make Hebrew a throbbing, vivid, powerful organ of his peo- ple. Telephone CADILLAC Veterans Will Honor David Yulee's MotoOti, MIAMI, Fla.—The memory of David Yulee, pioneer F10- ridian and first Jew elected to the U. S. Senate, will be honored by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States meeting here, Aug. 28 through Sept. 3, for their 44th annual encampment, it was an- nounced by Harry M. Wen- grow of Atlanta, Ga., vice- commander of the J.W.V. for the southern region. The exercises will be held at Bay Front Park on Mon- day evening, Aug. 28, and will be under the auspices of the entire Miami Jewish commun- ity. Stanley C. Myers, presi- dent of the Greater Miami Federation of Jewish Welfare Funds, has been named local chairman of the Yulee Dgy observance and Day Apte has been appointed co-chairmai. Representatives of all local veteran and fraternal organ- izations, both Christian and Jewish, are expected to par- ticipate. Per Copy, 10 Cents ,AGENCY COMPLETES Czech Refugee Tragedy Prompts Appeal PLAN TO COLONIZE 'REFUGEES IN ZION To President; Exiles in Beirut Plead Aim to Raise $15,000,000 for the Settlement of With French to Extend Permit of Stay 25,000 in Palestine LABOR GROUPS OPPOSE BAN ON IMMIGRATION DeValera Expresses Belief Jewish Position in Pal- estine Will Strengthen Antwerp Court Denies Order to Deport Illegal Emigres; Two Who were Saved From Drowning Deported From England to Earlier Haven in Belgium DOMINICAN REPUBLIC OFFICIAL SAYS BARS DOWN FOR REFUGEE IMMIGRANTS PARIS (WNS)—The Jewish Agency for Palestine has com- pleted a plan based on the Brit- Ash Government's recently an- nounced White Paper policy, to raise $15,000,000 for admission into Palestine of 25,000 Jewish refugees, "as soon of the High Commissioner is satisfied that adequate . provision for their maintenance is ensured." It is expected that Palestine will be in a position to absorb about Prophet of Renaissance 35,000 victims of the Hitler re- A. H. Friedland's name is in• gime in less than two years, and separable from Jewry's cultural that 10,000 would immigrate CHICAGO. (WNS)—Death brought to light the deep tragedy of refugee exist- t renaissance whose major achieve- either with their own means or ments are the revival of the He- pe as dendents of eets r sid ence when Mrs. Adele Langer, 46 years old, leaped from the 13th floor of the Palesti ne. The la rgest pnart of brew language and literature. It of editor of Atlantic Monthly. Dur- Congress Hotel last week with her two youngsters, Jan, 4, and Karel, 6. A coroner's is a revival that has been called the sum, or about $10,000,000, ing the course of my conversa- the miracle of modern times. will materialize from American jury decided that she plunged to her death with the children while temporarily tion I told him that I was pre- When the complete story of this and British sources and the re- paring a book on 'Propaganda renaissance, with its enchantment 47% Practice in N. Y. State mainder will be raised by the insane and that she had been driven to that condition by "persecution". Her hus- Analysis' for the Beacon Press But 400 Cities Have No that drew children as well as Jewish Agency in countries ether band, Karel, said that he had practically given away his once prosperous textile our Unitarian publishing house. than England. adults to respond to the call for Jewish Doctors Mr. Weeks said that he would businessto "my oldest employees lingual creativeness, the name of Under the plan of the Jewish like to have me give the Atlantic A. H. Friedland will head the list Agency for Palestine it is sug- becausq I felt that Hitler would Press the 'first crack at such a NEW YORK. (WNS) — Al- Bested that provision should be of the creature of a pedagogic lit- seize it or order me to give it book.' I indicated that I felt though more than 47 per cent made erature and a method of study and for (a) 1,000 students, obligated to the Beacon Press away. We anticipated an order teaching technique which had of the Jewish physicians in the 1,500 children between the with whom I had already dis- of confiscation by the govern- United States practice in New ages of 12 and 15, (c) 4,500 transformed the language that had References to Hungarian Jews by Radio Priest Exposed ment." He and the members of cussed the matter to the point York State, with the bulk eon- n g people b etween th e age s been relegated for centuries to the of agreeing to give them the as Untruths by Rabbi Fischer centrated on the Atlantic sea- oyfou 1 5 and 17, (d) his family were in America on a realm of prayer into a living 3,000 middle- manuscript. We then discussed six-month visitation visa. board between Baltimore and I class families mainly of the means of expression. ages the possibility of an article on By RABBI MOSES FISCHER Boston, there are over 400 cum of 30 to 45 comprising 8,000 The Czech National Alliance Mr. Friedland's success can be propaganda, with special refer- announced this week that an ap- accounted for very simply. Ile was munities in the country with a souls, and (e) 10,000 Chalutzim ence to Father Coughlin's propa- peal had been sent to President Before me lies a pamphlet of has penetrated deeply into his very a master story-teller. He possessed population of 10,000 or more between 18 and 35, ganda, for publication in the which have no Jewish physicians, Roosevelt to permit "persecu- 10,000 Trained Prospects Rev. Charles E. Coughlin .under being, his mind and body! the imaginative mind that links Atlantic Monthly He encouraged according to a preliminary stir-1 It is suggested that provision the title "Am I an Anti-Semite?" ted" European refugees to re- the poetic with the proslic. He fol- me to gather material for this main In America beyond the A Coughlin Quotation lowed a thrilling and fascinating vey of the Medical Committee on i should be made for 4.500 young The title of the book as well as article and send it on when it whole . to htenor e r e o nwt eonntds e sag- contents - th page of os dp path to the minds of his vast audi- Research released last week by !people between the ages of 16 the tw uacems a pamphlet, okto 'a.• time fixed In their temporary per- was ready. the Conference on Jewish Rela- and 17. There are at pr mits. The appeal, made in a aorlfe i r tsthe ence which made his approach and esent they Coughlin ughilin introduces Encouraged to Gather Facts thii tiona. The survey represents boarding schools or other suit- astonishment and perplexity of the letter to the President asking him appeal irresistible. "Following that visit, I re- static copy of the o f ficial paper of some of the findings of a coin- stile houses in the Holy Land author at the fact that it is Ben• to place as broad an Interpre- Popular in Many Lands turned to Toledo and arranged RABBI MOSES FISCHER Wherever there are English- mittee which has been engaged to accommodate thousands of Bally assumed and accepted that the First Ilungarian Communistic lion as possible on the immigra- for an interview with Father for the past three years in a youth. so that new buildings he is an anti-Semite, a full-blooded cabinet from March 24, 1919, with tion laws, was prompted by the bi Fischer is now completing his speaking Jews, his stories are Coughlin. In the telephone con- study of Jews in medicine in the will have to be erected. The hundred Per cent Jew-baiter, a Langer tragedy. versation with Father Coughlin, sixteenth year as spiritual head read by children in Hebrew schools United States. A report on the the following words: "This official emi t would average $150 per hater and enemy of Israel, —not only throughout the United arranging the interview, I said of Bnai Moshe. paper bears out the statement findings appears in the last quer- head, whilst provision for their If Father Coughlin is sincere made by Father Coughlin in the that I was preparing an article Denies Order to Deport . Rabbi Fischer hails from an il- 8 tates and Canada but also in issue of "Jewish Social maintenance will also be neces- and earnest in his astonishment following: 'In Hungary under the for a national magazine. When lustrious rabbinical family which „ outh Africa, in India, in Eng- terly BRI1SSELS. (WNS)—An Ant- Studies" published by the Con- eery for a period of two years. and it is not only a put-up play I saw him at the - Shrine T -again and, in Australia. His "Sipurim Hungarian Jewry some of ference..- ' Together the average cost • per to the public, if he really wants .to atheistic Jew Bela Kun (Aaron were court this week denied the told him that I was preparing its most famous rabbis, authors Yoffie ("Pleasant Stories") have Cohn), apostate Jewa....dorninated Prosecutor, an order to arrest Expressing concern over the youth will be $500 per year. an article for the Atlantic. know why he Is decried and con- communism with its mass murder five Austrian JeWs who hid en- and preachers. He began attend- or years ranked among the problem of adequate medical In Germany no well as in var• sidered as art enemy of Israel, It of more than 20,000 Gentiles In "On April 23 I spoke on "Hit- ing the great Yeshivoth in Hun- I W orld's best sellers, and it is esti- care for the public, Dr. Jacob A. tryIllegally. The ler Over America: An Analysis gary in his youth, where he also I ni ated that hundreds of thousands Goldberg, secretary of the Medi- lime trading centers in Europe. will suffice if he will only peruse period of 130 day, of horror, denial l eo. t h e or der the thpetelower eee e . f children have read these stories cal Committee, writes that "It is there ere today about 10,000 and read this very pamphlet which etc.' " Ilereupon follows a photo- a court was upheld by the Court of of Father Coughlin's Propaganda acquired a sound secular educe- Techniques" at Ford Hall Forum firm. lie graduated from the —more than a hundred have been abundantly clear that Jewish neonle between the ages of 18 he has issued to the world with static copy of the official paper A of Although and 35 who are particularly the query "Am I an Anti-Semite?" in Boston. The following day Yeshivoh at Pressburg in 1903, published—and that they have (TURN TO EDITORIAL PAGE) of the Hungarian Communist tor's warrant of arrest had al- 'PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE I was again the ghest of Mr. receiving the Smicho from the been the must effective media for He will find therein many chapters cabinet w h i c h contain the leged that there was danger of and pages which will answer his names of the members of the the refugees evading legal pro- Weeks. There was considerable author of Shebet Sofer, the popularizing the language and excitement in Boston about my grandson of Chszam Sofer, the making Hebrew loved by the young perplexed query with the thun- cabinet and their aids, marked ceedings since they had no per- dering address of the night before and dean and leader of the Yeshivoh students. The texts of these book- prophetic words "Ate alternately as Jews or Gentiles manent residence in Belgium , the floish"--."Thou Art the Man"! His by Father Coughlin, also a fewourt our conversation was about that and his beth din and also from lets and their illustrations, their c ruled that such • danger meeting and my proposed arti- other eminent rabbis. simplicity of style and vocabulary own book will convince Father ordinances of the government did in fact exist inasmuch as the cle. Mr. Weeks Raid, 'By the ert maintenance of public refugees were unable to leave It is worthy to record that and the charm of the plots, have Eminent Geniuses of Nineteenth Century Were Among Coughlin — if he reads it objectively — that the virus of anti - Semitism order. way, it will interest you to know Rabbi Fischer was one of the led thousands of Jewish children the country and no country was Correspondents of the Jewish Poet Laureate, the that we have heard from Father first "rebellious" Bochurim who who did not purchase these 10-cent- The guileless and unsuspecting willing to receive them. Emma Lazarus Coughlin, at any rate from one j tory-Woks to Jewish libraries to the Zionist movement in reader who doesn't understand the it is believed, however, that of the priests at the Shrine, ask- B ratislava and as such was the Hungarian language, but who the refugees will be prosecuted d raw them on their cards and to ing us whether you are writing first to deliver an address in t the thrill of good reading in trusts implicitly and venerates under the law which provides a I ge , an article. I wrote that while Hebrew. This fact is cited in a lebrew and through them to en- Father Coughlin, will naturally in- penalty of not more than three we had not actually given you book by the well-known writer ich their knowledge of the lan- fer from the introductory remarks month,' r a commission to write the arti- and leader of the Ilungarian nage. away ingrir Irlis7tn that the official document bears out g t f vns oe?" Tidbits from Everywhere both statements of Father Cough- cle, we had encouraged you to Zionists, Samuel Bettelheim But more recently the sphere of gather material.' " Ir. Friedland's influence had been lin as to the domination of the In 1903 the then powerful and A( r w o N Ds e) perT tew da Jew.. The. Rev. Cole's article was By PHINEAS J. BIRON (''LEASE TURN TO PAGE 3 ) LONDTOwN to have been written for the great Hungarian congregation o. atheistic Jews as well as their ((Awl-Wit Ills. a A. F. 5) September issue of Atlantic Agudath Achim, of Chicago, re- ieh refugees, Walter Altmann guilt in the terrible mass murder • Monthly. Due to the work he quested a number of Hungarian and Gunther Mann, were sent of 20,000 Christians within 130 TRANSOCEANIC }fad undertaken for the Unitar- rabbis to recommend a well qual- back to Belgium when it was days and of—as Father Coughlin ified and suitable leader for their ian Fellowship for Social Jus- established that they had per- If you knew Vienna before its says in another place—"fertilizing synagogue. The yet youthful mits allowing them to remain tice, the Rev. Cole asked for Nazification, don't return . . . the vast wheat growing plains of and ERA granted an extension Rabbi Fischer received their un- there until Aug. 31. The refugees That's the advice of experts who animous endorsement and he Hungary with Christian blood." of time, and his present plan is ',rte. saved from drowning in have revisited the Brown Danube A Refutation to write the article for the Oc- took up his residence in Chicago the English Channel after at- town, only to discover that the tober issue of Atlantic Monthly. where he served as spiritual lead. Dr. Trude Weiss Rosmarin But in truth, the official docu• tempting to cross from Ostend, exquisite Viennese restaurants er of Agudath Achim for 20 Calls His Claims "Menace Belgium, in • dinghy. ment used by Father Coughlin in have deteriorated to such an ex- taking an active part in "Christian Front" Magazine years, tent that their cuisine is prac- his pamphlet contains nothing of to Jewish People" communal life, serving as direct- the kind. It does not indicate with Czech Refugees in Beirut Appeal tically unrecognizable. Changes Name to "Social or of many of the charitable and Well-informed foreign corre- a single word any feeling of ani- for Stay Extension educational institutions. Rabbi Action" Prof. Sigmund Freud, 83- mosity against Christians or any spondents insist that Edda Ciano, Fischer was among the first di- year-old "Father of Psychoanaly- PARIS. (WNS)—The French By Religious News Service daughter of II Duce, could make favor to the Jews. Indeed, to have Foreign Ministry is said to be Because an anti-Semitic group rectors of the Federated Ortho- sis," recently created a sensa- him reverse his anti-Jewish pol- attained this illusionary and de . considering an appeal submitted active in the East has assumed dox Charities and the Maimon- tion by stating in his latest book, icy . . . She's the only living captive verification of the blood by leading French Jewish relief the name title, The Christian ides Kosher Hospital, at their "Moses and Monotheism," that person who's not afraid of Mus- guilt . of the Hungarian Jews in organizations asking for at least Front, a monthly magazine of founding. Moses was an Egyptian and He- the minds of the masses of his solini. Rabbi Fischer lectured in the brew monotheism an imitation of social thought owned and edited a one-month ,extepsion, of the oeuVefereata ond listeners lishtiecnhi,altghear marvel- by Catholic laymen, has changed Beth Hanudrosh Le Tore on an ancient Egyptian cult. Over in London Nazi a gents r pirmit tinder which of w are photographing all Germans lin should not be proud. 658 Czech refugees are now stay- its name to Social Action. The Jewish history and homiletics for These destructive theories have are ing in Beirut, Syria, where they editors felt this move to be im- many years. in spite of his busy been critically examined by Dr. who go to pee Warner Brothers , o perative no that the policies of synagogue and communal life in Trude Weise Rosmarin, promi- "Confessions of a Nazi Ste • ' n answer t mY request for are being maintained from funds — truthful When they return to Germany information and the true sent by Jewish relief agencies the magazine should not be con- Chicago, Rabbi Fischer often vis- nent Semitic, scholar and Jew- fused with those of the Chris- ited Detroit as the guest of ish educator, who, in her new they'll find out that they've com- facts in the case I received from in Paris. The refugees face im- ■ prominent Hungarian Gentile the mediate re-embarkation and cc Congregational Bnai Moshe, then book, "The Hebrew Moses: An tian Front organization. mitted a serious crime. - Catholicism and ant 1.tnniltient can answer. beg to ad- sumption of their three-month located at Garfield and Beaubien, Answer to Sigmund Freud," re- have nnth Inn In romninn.'• wild Richard Mussolini will never forgive vise you that if Charles E. Cough.1 search for a haven should the Deventli, editor nodpublisher of on various solemn occasions in futes Freud's assertions that Hitler for officially congratulating in stated in hie broadcast or wrote appeal be rejected. social Action. “Our MP min. In de- its congregational life, and in Moses was an Egyptian, that him on his 56th birthday the , pled to promoting a program of Chria- in his paper that the government 1923 accepted their invitation to Jewish monotheism is an imita- Meanwhile, word was received other day . . . The Italian dic- Ian social reconstruction Inc cord of Bela Kun in 1919 was domi- here from a refugee passenger wi th the estryrilcala of the Popes We assume spiritual leadership, be- tion of the Egyptian Mon creed, tator has become so touchy about nated purely by Jews and that aboard the Greek freighter Astir want nobody to miens,. us with a ing re-elected repeatedly, culmin- that circumcision was adopted by his age that hie birthday is no group who stir 131, metal hatred. ating in his election for life the Jews from the Egyptians, longer announced or celebrated his government has killed 20,000 which drifted for four months We found it noreseary to change.• Christians, if he stated these facts, on the Mediterranean before that Moses was murdered by the he continued, •'hocause certain nth- leadership. in Italy. . waive and tin-democratic group. with he has consciously and with intent dumping its human cargo of 700 In Detroit Rabbi Fischer ac- Hebrews who rebelled against Germany's fishing fleet is so whom we have no common bud. have climated himself immediately can be to mislead people misstated the Danzig refugees on the shores his exacting religious demands, called themselves the Christian Front constructed that it •rtil have thus associated our martial. upon his arrival and became very and that there were truth. of Palestine. It was learned that two Moses's, changed overnight into an ad- with their nafarlana activities,. Thin active in Jewish communal at one an Egyptian and one "After the downfall and collapse a Midi- junct of the Nazi navy. we're of the communist government, in the passengers experienced an- (TURN TO EDITORIAL PACE fairs. anite. told hardships and deprivations, told by Neil O'Hara, our favorite (TURN TO RIGTORIAL gn(lEt Dr. Rosmarin contends that (PLEASE TURN To PADS I) columnist. Freud, who knows neither He- brew nor Egyptian, based his HOME FRONT theories on outdated and unsci- We nominate the Herald- entific translations, and has com- Tribune of Jacksonville, Fla., as pletely ignored the latest results the Number One anti-Semitic pa- of Egyptology and archaeology. per in this country . . . Its front Delegations From Many Cities Attend Funeral Services Freud's book is "a menace to page outdoes Coughlin and the in Cleveland; His Death Mourned by Yishuv the Jewish people," according to rest of the baiter, in its silly Measure Advocated by Hiaa and Other Welfare Organi-• Dr. Rosmarin, for it draws an in Pa estine nations Benefits Entrants Who Came to U. S. attacks against "Jewish domina• analogy between "the murder of tins" of American life. Prior to July 1,, 1924 EMMA LAZARUS . Moses" and the "murder of Je- CLEVELAND, 0.—More than tadruth Ivrith, director of the That New York Daily Mirror sue". Freud holds that: "The Much has been written about 3,000 jammed the Cleveland Jew- Bureau of Jewish Education and Emerson, Edmund Clarence Sted- editorial on Sir Victor Sassoon,1 WASHINGTON, D. C.—Legis- limbs.. their status and extends poor Jewish people, who with its the life and achievements of the man, Robert Browning, James ish Center Synagogue to capacity the Hebrew Schools of Cleveland who is reputed to be one of the I Wien that will considerably 'the legalization possibilities to at funeral services for A. N. and recognized as the outstand- usual stiff-necked obduracy con- brilliant American-Jewish poet. Russell Lowell, Lawrence Oli- controlling financiers of Shang- ameliorate the condition of im- immigrants of this category who tinued to deny the murder of Emma Lazarus, author of "The Friedland, Sunday morning, with ing American Jewish educator and phant and numerous others of hai, was full of nasty implica-!migrante who entered the United entered the their 'father' has dearly expi• country prior to July New Colossus," the poem that is equally great stature. Their cor- tiona . . . One of them was the I States prior to . special delegations in attendance one of the leading American July 1, 1924, but 1, 1924, the date when the pral- from New York, Detroit. Pitue Zionists, were delivered by Mena- aced this in the course of cen- affixed on the tablet of the respondence, published by Co- charge that the Swoon fortune I who are unable to produce "rec• cot quota law turies. Over and over again they went into drat. Statue of Liberty In New York. lumbia University Press (2960 has been burgh, Cincinnati, Akron, Indian- hem Ribalow of New York, ed- built up on the opium urns of entry," without which The legialation has long bees apolis, Youngstown, Canton and itor of the Hadoar, only national heard the reproach: You killed But perhaps the best impression Broadway, New York City) uni trade—which is not true. naturalization is imposeible, was advocated by public Indira NW Binghamton. T ho us•n de who Hebrew . weekly published in our God, and this reproach is of this eminent American Jew. der the title "Letters to Emma A delegation from Germany I passed by both Houses of Con- immigrant aid bodies. iselsdhut could not gain admittance to America; Dr. Emanuel Gamoran true, if rightly interpreted. . . . ass can be gotten from the im- Lazarus" and edited by Ralph L. arrived here the other day on cress and in now awaiting signs. 11AS — the Babe., Shelterbet ' the synagogue lined East 105th of Cincinnati, director of the Not all accusations with which pressions of others. Rusk, professor of English in and sulim remaigran iburt Aid .ftwAsty. The Miss Lazarus carried on a Columbia University, shed 'the the SS. Bremen, and immedi- tu-e by President Roosevelt to ma St. and neighboring streets as a Commission on Jewish Education anti-Semitism pursues the de- et oliv- mark of tribute to the eminent of the Union of American He- scendants of the Jewish people voluminous correspondence with necessary light on the poet's ately proceeded to Mexico,' to become law. start an intensive pro-Hitler cam- The Bill (H. R. 3215) amends ine a are based on such good founda- amber ' - scholar and leader. the great men and women of character and genius. brew Congregations, and Moses tions." the Act of March 2, 1929, under canes," that is the, dams Ansa Paign there. Glowing tributes to the mem- Feinetein, brother - in - law of her generation. She befriended Laureate of the Jews Not much is being written which Immigrants without records and women whe WEN " to Ai* ory of the deceased, who was The Hebrew Moses" is pub• Friedland, who is a Hebrew &I'- lished by the Jewish Book Club, outstanding English and Ameri- Born in New York, July 22, the national president of the His- can leaders. Among her corre- 1849, of wealthy Jewish parents, about it, but J. Edgar Hoover's of entry who entered the United United States nary yens OM M-EASE TURN SO LAST SAGS) secret service men are doing a States prior to June 3, 1921, , married and raised temples but 110 W. 40th St., New York City. spondents were Ralph Waldo RABBI M FISCHER ELECTED FOR LIFE Danzig Nazi Authorities Seize Property of French Citizen; Emigration of Jewish Physicians Under 45 Is Stopped by the Nazi Gestapo STATUS OF JEWIS DOCTORS REVEALED Disposing of a Coughlin Libel rave- The Great on Parade STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL FREUD'S THEORIES ON MOSES REFUTED THOUSANDS PAY FINAL TRIBUTE TO MEMORY OF A. H. FRIEDLAND Legalization of Immigrants Without Record of Entry Passed by Congress IPLCA2I TURN TO PACE 3)