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March 24, 1939 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1939-03-24

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Youth Organize
Correspondent Shows How Arabs and Passover Studies
To Meet Current
Jews Strive for Peace
in Hebrew Schools
Jewish Problems That there are real efforts on 'not send out our

:Don't Let Wash Day

March 24, 1939


Rob You of Your Health
....lt '‘-. j

At a conference of some 30
youth organizations held last
week, a call was issued for all
organizations to join for the pur-
pose of presenting a united intelli-
gent front in meeting Jewish prob-
lems of today. The conference set
the date of the next meeting for
Thursday evening, March 30, at
9 P. m., at the Jewish Community

..._.,. :.=
S. \ s_.
'I N. ...„...4".....,


The conference also ratified a
symposium, which will be the first
in a series of meetings, for Sun-
day afternoon, April 2. The apeak-
ers on the symposium will be
Nathaniel Rubin, Esther Etkin
and Joseph Clark. These three
speakers will then join a panel of
seven lemons and discuss "Jewish
Youth in a Post-Munich World."
Temporary officers of the con-
ference are Max Chomsky, chair-
man; George Meyers, treasurer;
Miss L. Kramsky, secretary; and
Cal Goodman and Meyer Guttman,
members of the board.


Why Not Let Queen Quality Do

Your Washing and Protect You

From This Thief?

Our damp wash is 18 pounds for only
$1.00 (flat work finished). We finish your
light cotton blankets, dry your wash rugs
and fluff your bath towels. Shirts beauti-
fully hand finished with this service
only 12c.


annPle 161411

Sabbath Morning Services:
On Sabbath morning, March 25,

the sermon will be preached by
Rabbi Leon From on the subject:
"The Book of the Priests." Serv-
ices begin at 11 o'clock and last
one hour.

LAfayette 4020

Men's Club History Class:

On Tuesday evening, March 28,
Dr. Leo M. Franklin will conduct
the history class, established some
time ago by the Men's' Temple
Club. His special theme will be
"flow Reform Judaism Came to
Be." The class begins at 8.

Parent-Teacher's Meeting:



BUY Fine Furniture wholesale through
any dealer of your own choice.

WE welcome the opportunity of show-
ing you around without any obligation
to buy.


Showroom Hours-9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily
Monday and Wednesday till 9 P. M.






The Parent-Teachers meeting of
the Intermediate Department or
the fourth, fifth and sixth grades,
will be held Sunday afternoon,
March 20, at 3 o'clock. The chil-
dren will entertain the parents
with exhibitions of their religious
school work. There will be dis-
cussions between the teachers and
the parents and a reception to the
parents and teachers to be given
by the Temple Sisterhood.

..w. ant Drotsi i
The 3 Youman Brothers, a sen- Sao
rational new act that comes direct Mrs. Nate Seitner has returned
from the Rudy Vallee hour, heads
Saks show this home after spending the past few
I great Club
week-end. Unparalleled musicians weeks in Cleveland, with her c
and imitators, the Youman Broth- parents.
are unquestionably re the out- M rrge
s. Geo ha n eft on Su .
standing act of the current
night day for
Columbus,h Mo. l, to spend i
dub season.
with her daughter, ,'
As master of ceremonies, "Slap- the week
who is i attending Stephens'
Happy" Buddy Lester continues, Sybil,
popular baritone Don
while the is held
over by demand. A. Winstin of Davenport, Ia. ,
Aileen Marlowe taps her way to a i s the guest of his children, Mr.
alto round of applause, while the and Mrs. Ted Friedman.
in a great
liarnett Sisters star dances.
Rita Miss Eileen Hirschfield, who is!
troop of novelty
school at Smith Col-'
aire of sinuous acrobatic dances, " attending
lege, Northampton, Mass., will be
old Um Gavluagh's music ''' home this week ' to spend her
'desdiened for dancing." Woodward spring vacation with her parents, r
Club Saks, 8231
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. liirschfield.
rear Seward, caters to parties
and banquets.
Arthur Schwartz, who was the in
guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. l
Jos. Schwartz, over the week end, n
has returned to Cleveland to re-
Card of Sympathy
sume his studies at Case School. 1

The Progressive Ladies its Tinter-
sin- Mr. and Mra. Meyer M. Levy of t
Verein to extends
C crest
ah, Adelaide, I
I. Sugarman and family and Mr. ment of their daughter
J. Sugarman and family to Sherman E. Kn, son of Mr.
m!.'rs'_ : L ,„......"....nont an the and Mrs. George L Kahn, of



face, a curled pompadour combed
And this is what happened at
upward. Seated at the table he
looks rather small, but when he Beth-lskah. A. villager terrorist,
rises you see a broad shouldered, a member of Rozahk's band, was
firm and very energetic young killed in an encounter with the
man. lie is of the type who British troops. Rozahk sent his
reaches a decision momentarily "right-hand" man, Hamad Zawa-
and acts immediately. He picked tha, to bring consolation to the
up the telephone receiver and kin of the slain Arab. When the
Young People's Temple Club:
spoke hurriedly and command- family found out who the emis-
The Young People's Temple ingly.
sary was and in whose name he
Club will present Dr. Leo M.
In the meantime while waiting came, they shouted: "Away from
Franklin in a discussion on Sun-
for the doctor, he carried on his our village, Zawatha. Tell your
day, April 2, at 3 o'clock, at the conversation with the two Arabs. leader, Rozahk, that he is not
Temple in the third floor chapel. He walked over to the sick Arab, wanted here. If not for you who
Dr. Franklin's subject will be:
looked at his ghastly pale face force our youngest and strongest
"What Can Young People Con- and continued his chat.
to join the bands, our kin would
tribute to the Survival of the
The two Arabs related: "For have been among the living
days we lived in caves hiding from today."
the bands. For days we went
Zawatha was followed by a
without food, even without water guard consisting of young people
the same village. He turned
Hadassah Gets Contributions you."
to them and said: "Do you hear
for National Fund and
insults heaped upon my head?
The doctor made a very quick
Youth Aliyah
dagnosis: "The patient is starved, Will you allow this scum of the
exhausted, and he must get blood earth to insult your leader? Draw
Detroit chapter of Hadassah transfusions."
your revolvers."
acknowledges the following con-
Who will give his blood for an
But the members of his guard
tributions to the Jewish National Arab Terrorist?
said, "Zawatha, we want no more
Abba liushi threw off his coat, blood shed. We are tired of living
In memory of Dave Rosenberg rolled up the sleeve of his shirt
in hiding places away from our
from Mr. and Mrs. K. Kutlov and said, "Doctor, see if my blood
wives and children. We are not
and family; in memory of Mrs. is of the type you need?" In the
following you any longer. Our
Max Krell from Mr. and Mrs. Sid- meantime he connected himself by
word of advice to you is leave this
ney Krandall, Mr. and Mrs. Sid - telephone with bureaus and with
place immediately, or we will fill
ney Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph private homes. In the hospital
your body with bullets."
Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gor- where the patient was transferred
The truth is that the suffering
don, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stein- in an hour, there was a group
berg, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas of about 10 Jewish young men of the Yishub is child's play in
with the suffering of
Merrill; in memory of Alick Ros- ready to give their blood to save
enthal from Mrs. Nathan Blum- the life of an Arab terrorist. • the peace loving Arab villagers.
a well organized
rosen and daughter; in memory
The Arab finally recovered and
of Samuel 1Vatnick from Mrs. he is hiding now somewhere where Shemirah, protection, while the
to all dangers.
Ruth 1Vatnick; in memory of the band cannot reach him.
It is significant that during these
Isaac Schakne from Dr. and Mrs.
Here is what the three Arabs
Perry Burnstein; in memory of have to say: "They told us that three years of terror, 36 new
Florence Ruth Troutt from Dr. the Yahud is our enemy. He robs settlements were established by
and Mrs. N. E. Aronstrom; in us of our fields and deprives us the Chalutzim. The port of Tel
memory of mother Etta Cohen of our bread. It is on account of Aviv was erected during these
years of terror. This is something
Slakter from the Slakter
the Yahud that rain does not fall
and in memory of Louis Slakter upon our land. We believe them. that we would have never dreamt
doing in normal times.
by the Slakter family; in honor We were paid 20, 30 and as high as
here is an example of the
o f Michael David Lyon Weisen- 40 piaster a day. This is big
feld from the board of the Huai- money, and we made attacks. But bands' terrorism in the Arab vil-
ess and Professional Division of the band finally told us to attack lages. At the beginning of Janu-
our neighboring Arab villages. We ary, the Mufti's nephew, Al-Khdai
Contributions to the Golden were told to shoot our men Mukh- Al-Huseine, entered with his band
G ood Inscription for Mrs. Sarah tar. We know our Mukhtar. fie the village of Ein-Kerem. It was
Tobin may be sent to Mrs. Philip is old and wise. When we were late in the evening. The villagers
Lipson, 17527 Fairfield Ave., Uni- children he carried us in his arms. were rudely awakened and at the
versity 1-9440, or Mrs. David Sel- Why shall we shoot him? We re- point of revolvers were forced to
igson, 3343 Sturtevant Ave., fused and we ran away. We could gather in the market-place where
Townsend 8-8742. They will also not go to the government hospital. a list of names of 17 "traitors,"
give information regarding tree We knew that there the hand of 17 villagers who refused to pay
planting in Palestine or National the avenging terrorists will reach their fine, was read. Sixteen of
Fund boxes.
us. We came to you, to the Yahud. these 17 had escaped, but the old
The following have contributed We said to ourselves, we will tell Sheikh Ishmail Al-Hatiw remained.
t o Youth Aliyah:
the truth. Let it be what may. He walked out of his house and
In memory of Nathan Schiff- You accepted us as brothers. You haughtily said, "I hear that a
an from the Robert Wallach gave us of your blood. May Allah young braggart would like to see
amity; in memor of Louis Sha- forgive our sins that we sinned me. Here I am. Let him measure
his bravado with my courage."
er from sister, Mrs. Joseph Ben- against you."
The old Sheikh was immediately
amin; in menfory of Moses Kauf-
Abba Ilushi has this to say
an from Mr. and Mrs. Seymour about his Arab shore workers. stripped of his clothes and bru-
rank; in memory of Arthur Last month, February, 1939, at the tally whipped. "This," warned Al-
chwenger from Mrs. Rein- Haifa port, a ship belonging to Huseine, is the punishment that
eimer, Mrs. J. Cohn, Mrs., A. the German Levant Line anchored will be meted out to all those who
'ollak; in honor of son, Marcus, at port. While Arab and Jewish will dare oppose our leadership."
A few young villagers who
corn Mrs. Louis Rosenzweig; in shoremen loaded the ship with
onor of her grandchildren, Bo/- orange cases, a Nazi official of the mumbled some curses were driven
fly Judith Slatkin and Paul boat said to a Jew, "We ought into a large house and the com-
raik Imerman, from Mrs. Alex to dump all you Jews into the mand was given to strip them and
sea." Abba Hushi immediately is- whip them.
For information concerning sued an order to lay down the
"I will not allow any blood to
outh Aliyah phone Mrs. Henry work, "Let the Nazi ship go back be shed in my home, under my
Vineman, University 1-7036, or cargoless." The Jewish shoremen roof," announced the owner of the
O rs. Harry Kopel, University did not ask their Arab co-workers house.
to join them. They knew that
"No, you will not? You are a
meant to be exposed to the revenge pampered child, then your blood
of the terrorists. The Terrorists will be shed first." He was im-
adassah's World Fair Ex- and the Nazis work hand in hand. mediately shot and the villagers
hibit to Survey Palestine Such a sacrifice could not be asked were cruelly beaten.
of them. But when the Jews
It happens very often that the
Health Gains
walked out, the Arab workers militia, without consulting the lo-
civil government, surrounds a
NEW YORK—A graphic survey
1Ve go with you, they said. village and makes an effort to cap-
f health techniques which were
the terrorists. All the mem-
evolved in the United States and k
bers of the village are then driven
exported" six thousand miles to onor is our honor.)
out of their homes and gathered
ilestine by American Jewish'
omen will be the feature of a much upset about this strike. He in the market-place.
"Tell us who are your terror-
major exhibit in the Health Hall c ommunicated with the Mufti, with
f the Palestine Pavilion by Ha- v h arious terrorist bands, he warned, ists," commands the British officer.
e threatened, but of no avail. But there is no reply. They weep,
assah, the Women's Zionist Or-
nization of America, Mrs. Max A message came to the Arab the cringe, they beg, but they
1 litzer, of this city, World Fair horemen saying: "We advise you keep, on saying: "We know noth-
o return to your work willingly. ing.' This is only because the
hairman of lladaasah, announced.
f not, you will return by force." Arabs have no faith in their local
But the warnings and the threats government. They know that the
no effect The Arab work- local government will not give
Plan Salomon Film
ers remain ed firm. "Sharafak them any protection afterwards.
It happens very often that one
CHICAGO.—In large part as a
The following incident took who wishes to give out the names
esult of a trip made to Holly-
wood by Corporation. Counsel place some time ago. Two Arab of the terrorists is placed in an
Barnet Hodes, several months ago leaders of the shoremen were con- auto with drawn curtains, and the
demned to death by the bands. suspects are led before him. He
behalf of the movement to
the services of Ilaym Salo- The accusation was that they were sees the bandits while he is not
on in the American nation, defi- t h e friends of the Zionists. Both seen by them.
nice word has now come that 0 f them were kidnapped and led
It also happens that an old
arner Brothers shortly will re- t o the mountains, the bands' hide- and proud Mukhtar, whose life
e ase a motion picture based on 0 ut. They were thrown into wells, becomes miserable because of the
he life of Ilaym Salomon. The t hey were tortured. But the death terrorists decides to come out
noted character actor, Claude .entente was not carried out. They openly. He knows the danger of
ins, will play the part of Ilaym d id not dare do that, the bands this move of his, and before
Salomon in the Warner Brothels' f eared the revenge of the shore- conning to the British militia, he
film to be entitled. "Sons of Lib- workers. 11 hen a message came writes his will and says farewell
e y.
o the bands saying, "If you will to his family and his kin. Ile

County Auditor
His record as Lieutenant-Governor and County
Drain Commissioner is your assurance of
a sane, economical and business-like 1

death of Max horchak.

leaders we, one
thousand-men stronge, will avenge
their blood." It had its effect,
The two leaders were immediately
It is the opinion of many in-
formed people in Palestine that
had the Palestine governniedt
really wanted to exterminate the
Mufti bands, thousands of Arabs
would have joined them, but these
Arabs claim that the government
is not reliable. The Palestine gov-
ernment does not know the value
Two Arabs carrying a third one of loyalty.
in their arms entered the (lista-
Here is another incident. Bei-
druth Building in Haifa and in - ruthi, a young terrorist leader,
quired for the head of the shore- sought a hiding place from blood
men, Abba Ilushi. They were im- hounds, and he came one evening
mediately admitted, and he, the to the village of Avartha. Ile
Jewish leader who is very popu- walked in to the Mukhtar and
lar with the Arab workers, as- haughtily said: "Prepare for me
sisted them in laying down the a place to sleep, food, drink. I
nick Arab on chairs and he asked will stay here in your village a
"Who are you?" And what can few days."
I do for you?"
The Mukhtar said, "Beiruthi ,
The two Arabs exc hanged you are out for murder and rob-
glances. They pulled nervously at bery, and we, the people of the
the tassels of their "cafiyas" and village of Avartha, want peace.
remained silent.
Go hence, seek your rest and
"Sit down and tell us, don't safety in another village. We are
fear. Here you are my guests," not made out of the same clay."
said Abba liushi.
Beiruthi drew his revolver
They sat down. "Hawapah," one pointed to his bodyguard and said
of them blurted out, "we are "I want wine, meat and a bed
and you, Mukhtar, will provide it.'
The Mukhtar answered, "I am
Abbe Ilushi immediately opened
up the drawer of his desk, care- talking to you in a frank manner
my threshhold. You smell
fully noted the place where his
revolver lay in readiness and of blood, blood of human beings
will find you
turned to them, "And if you are
The result will be that our homes
terrorists, so what?"
will be destroyed, our cows and
"Our comrade is very ill," said
mules will be taken away from us
one of them.
we will be fined, and our few '
"But the bands have their own piasters hidden away in the earth-
doctors," retorted Abba Hushl.
en pots on our ovens will be taken
"Yes, Ilawajah, yes, the bands away from us."
have their own doctors, but we
When Beiruthi was about to
. . we escaped. We ran away
from the bands and we took our strike the old Mukhtar with the
sick comrade along. We are tired, butt of his revolver, the aged
tired. Hawajjah, from shedding man's sons appeared, and with the
aid of many villagers they drove
the blood of our brothers."
Abba Ilushi has a small pointed the bandits out of their home and

the part of Arabs as well as
Jews to break the wav e of ter•
rorism in Palestine and to es-
tablish peaceful relations in
the country is indicated in the
special correspondenc e from
Palestine to the Jewish Morn•
ins Journal by the eminent
journalist, I. L. Teller. The
following is an English trans-
lation by B. I. of important
as reported by Mr.

d in Various
Plays to be P
Branches: Hold Registration
for New Term


According to the Rabbis' dic-
tum, study concerning each holi-
day ought to commence 30 days
preceding the holiday. In com-
pliance with this, in all the classes
of the United Hebrew Schools, the
study if Passover began imme-
diately after the celebration of
the l'urim lesiva], exactly 30 days
preceding Passover.
The children in the schools are
taught the whys and wherefores
of the ceremonies and symbols
connected with the Passover serv-
ice. They study the Haggadah,
they learn the differentexplan-
ations of the Seder symbols, and
they sing the Passover songs as
well as the modern Palestinian
A Passover manual containing
a detailed description of the Pass-
over service, especially the cere-
monies centered around the Seder,
have been prepared and distribut-
ed among the children.
In order to connect the Pass-
over holiday in even a greater
manner with the children, l'ass-
over playlets will be presented by
the pupils of the various branches
of the system. Carefully selected
sketches dealing with the life of
Moses have been prepared and
will be staged by the children. In
some cases a miniature Seder will
be one of the features. These
playlets will be presented for the
public as follows: The Tuxedo He-
brew School will stage its play in
the Bnai Moshe, Dexter at Law-
rence, Wednesday evening, April
5, the evening of the second day
of Passover, at 8:30. Solomon
Kasdan is the principal of the
Tuxedo School. The following eve-
ning, Thursday, April 6, at 7:30,
plays will be staged in the audi-
toriums of the MacCulloch, Brady
and Roosevelt Public Schools.
These plays will be supervised by
the principals of these Hebrew
School branches, M. Michlin, Ber-
nard Panush and M. Mathis. The
presentation of the Philadelphia
Hebrew School play will be given
on Sunday afternoon, April 9, at
2:30, in the auditorium of the
Philadelphia Byron School. The
same afternoon the pupils of the
Six Mile Road School will present
their play.
This is the Bein Ila-Zmanim,
mid-semester, period in the He-
brew Schools. New classes are
being organized in all branches
for children of all ages, beginning
with the early age of 5 for whom
a kindergarten doss is being
opened, and ending with the ad-
vanced high school students. New
classes are also being opened for
Bar Mitzvah pupils.



Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman of
Lansing, Mich., was the guest
rabbi at Temple Beth Jacob Fri-
day evening, March 17. Rabbi
Eric Friedland occupied Rabbi
Zuckerman's pulpit.

The Sisterhood of Temple Beth
Jacob and the Pontiac Zionist
District cooperated in a joint af-
fair on Wednesday, March 15.
The Zionists showed the movie
"After Two Thousand Years"
and the Sisterhood sponsored a
card party following the movie.

"East of Eden" by I. L Singer
has been added to the Marilyn
Weiss Library at the Temple.

The Learsi Girls, a girls' club
sponsored by Mrrs. Eric Fried-
land, enjoyed a hay ride on March

Mrs. Norman Buckner of Ot-
tawa Drive has returned to her
home afte rspending three weeks
at the Battle Creek Sanitorium.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kovinsky
returned from a vacation in

Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Cohen
of Cherokee Road have gone to
Pittsburgh to attend the wedding
of their niece, Miss Rita Gold-

Mothers' Clubs Calendar

Tuesday, March 28, 1:30 p. m.
—Young Women's Study Club at
11518 Dexter. Lecture on operas
"Faust" and "Carmen'", illus-
trated with victrolo records by
Mr. Runyon.
Tuesday, March 28, 2 p. m.-
Linwood-Dexter Club at 11510
Dexter, Book Review.
Tuesday, March 28, 8 P. m.-
Fenkell Club at Midland and
Parkside, celebrating wedding an-
niversary of Mrs. Stella Herman.
Wednesday, March 29, 1:30
p. m.—Young Mothees of Fen-
kell at Midland and Parkside.
Lecture on "Birth Control" by Dr.
Max Wershow,
Wednesday, March 29, 1:30
p. m.—Woodward Club at Jewish
Community Center. Visit to
Juvenile Court.
Wednesday, March 29, 8 p. m.—
Oakland Club at Jewish Commun-
ity Center. Musical program.
Wednesday, April 5, 8 p. m.
Annual Passover concert by the
Detroit Civic Orchestra of 90 men.

Y. F. V. Jrs. Party April 1

The Y. F. V. Jrs. Millionaire's
Party will be held April 1, at
8:30, at the Palestine Association
Hall, Fenkell Ave., corner Dexter.
There will be dancing, games and
For reservations, phone Miss
Kay, University 3-3691.
The Y. F. V. Jrs. membership
drive closed Friday, March 24.
Although this membership cam-
paign officially closed on Friday,
those who want blanks can still
get them by contacting the sec-
retary of this organization, Miss
Alice Sadur, 3787 Glynn Court

Go cherish your soul; expel
companions: set your habits to
life of solitude: then will the
faculties rise fair and full with-
in. —Emerson.

knows that when the militia will
be gone there will be no one to
protect him.









Hurry! Easier Comes Early.'

Men's Suits or

Ladies' Plain
Dresses, Coats
or Suits


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The Vaad Hakashruth takes this means
of warning the Jewish public to beware in
buying products which, are ostensibly "Kosher
Shel Pesach" for Passover.

Unless the products you buy carry a
Kosher seal sanctioned by an authorized Rabbi,
they are NOT kosher for Passover. Insist upon
the endorsement of the Vatic! Harabonim of
Detroit, as this is your only safeguard and pro-
tection in matters pertaining to Kashruth.

In issuing this warning we ask the co-
operation of all local bakers and grocers not
to sell any Passover products that do not bear
the seal of the Vaad Harabonim.


The Belrose Creamery


MILK and
Will Be

Kosher for Passover

You are assured of this fact by the direct supervision
of the Vaad Harabonim of Detroit

Phone UNiversity 1-3600

and one of our drivers will make prompt delivery
to your home.



NOTE: We extend you • cordial invitation to visit our new,

modern and ultra unitary plant at


Melvyn Douglas Sees Poten-
tial American Fuehrera
A rn o n g Fascist-Minded
Industrialists; Warns
Against Putting Wealth
Before Tolerance

monthly, published by Bnai Brith.
Warning that Fascism will achieve
power in the United States unless
"we rectify our economic condi-
tion," the popular film actor writes
"let us not fool ourselves into be-
lieving there are no potential Hit-
lers or Mussolinis in this country.
WASHINGTON, D. G.—There There are—and they are men who
are potential Hitlers and Musso- have no connection whatsoever
IMis in the United States who with the German or Italian regime,
have no connection whatever with who, through the incredible indus-
the German or Italian regimes, trial expansion which has taken
place in the last half century,
have gained tremendous economic
Pointing out that the findings
of the La Follette Civil Liberties
Committee demonstrate that "the
techniques of the Fascists have
served as a model which in many
of its aspects has been imitated
by some of our great industrial
concerns," Mr. Douglas pleads for
a more straight-forward American
attitude of civil liberties. In his
article, which is entitled "It Can
Happen Here," Mr. Douglas as-
sails terrorization of labor organ-
izers and the attempted suppres-
sion of trade union activities,
which he terms the "seeds of an
American economic dictatorship."
The Jew, he declares, has tradi-
tional as well as common sense
reasons for continuing to fight for
democracy against the attempts of
the Fascists to foist dictatorship
upon America. "The Jewish way,"
Mr. Douglas writes, "is the demo-
cratic way. The Jew has his roots
in the idea of the brotherhood of
Melvyn Douglas, suave movie star, man. The Jew has throughout the
declares in the forthcoming April ages lifted his voice against all
issue of The National Jewishoppression.

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