PinikritorrionsfrffiROXICIL PAGE EIGHT ---- EXPULSION FACES 15,000 IN ITALY SUNDAY, MARCH 12 (CoNCIAJOErt FRO31 PAGE ONE) the future be admitted . to the Bucharest Bar Association. 1 Draft, Jews In Forced D Work Program (i1 1 B E R L IN (WIsS) — Having eliminated all Jews from trade, industry and the professions Ger- • many, faced with a shortage of workers, has issued a new decree that recommends the employment) of Jews in public and private businesses. This decree, issued by the president of the Institute for Labor Placement and Unempley- LOA14$ ment Insurance, by authority of When you require addition. Herman Goering, is believed to • al fund., come to this Bank meet pledges made to George Rub- firstl Millions of dollars are lee, former director of the Inter- loaned each year by this governmental Committee for eRf• Bank for all purposes to ogees, that Jews would be given an opportunity to earn a living mon and woman in Greater again. Jewish sources indicated Detroit. Rates ere low and that since the decree says nothing repayments may' be mad. about working conditions, hours or over an extended period, wages, they will be impressed Your steady employment mainly for manual labor. Mean- and payinq ability establish while it appears that a report to your credit. Come in. the effect that the Jewish corn. munity of Berlin must name 100 INDUSTRIAL Jews for deportation daily la er- roneous. Another restrictive meas. MORRIS PLAN ' ore was disclosed, however, for- BANK bidding Jews to use sleeping and dining cars on German railway WASHINGTON IMO et GM. 11515 lines. Foreign Jews were exempt A MINCH 151 TOUI 101011110.0CD from the ban. It was learned that RA. 3960 i kItNIft Haut MOWm ...CI coseotano7 Jews need not surrender gold &ars NM./ MUM Mar dental work now in use under de- crees calling for the surrender of their valuables. Wedding rings, gold or silver watches, and silver- ware may be retained, it was said. • . - -.:--,:". .....„----- Seek to Limit Jewish Activity in Hungary - -4 BUDAPEST (WNS) —Justice Minister Andreas Tasnadi-Nagy called for adoption by the Lower House of his bill "to limit Jewish participati on in the cultural and honor of economic c life" of Hungary. Adop- of the measure will place : lion similar to Hungarian' Jews in a situation 4 assover . . . _ ?;. Germany and Italy. In addition -'' to limiting Jews to seven per cent participation in the nation's ea. ...- . -'").- t a 1 nomic and cultural life, the bill - r7 ,, . -- Mar _ Alumni of I ebrew Polish Federation Junior A CESSPOOL Schools Plans Ga: es Party OF INIQUITY Banquet March 19 riiitil" uo nigIllitb,e Apr' i I 13, a ' R AND SLANDER — Abraham Goldberg of Now York games partywi ' '' ''' "" to Be Guest Speaker the Junior Alumni of th e by " _ I By RABBI MOSES FISCHER The Federation of Polish Jews' Hebrew Schools of Detroe • United will be dancing and gam at There I If there would be such a thing banquet w will be held on Sunday hall -.44.14.W.111aaallt the . March 19, at Lacher , s I of the ancin.g I as an award of a prize for the evening, A. Philadelphia-B yron R He. skill and ability to crowd together Ballroom, C brew School. The come ' Peterboro. - ' with the smallest space the great- The rarderatiao" follows: Fred S of ace is of and Polish Jews, charge a ''. I est amount of ignorance, perfidy allied Federation chairman; Martin • ',al Baral 1, Fla b with Detroit Jewish organ- ence Lipsiti and Sol pool. I and sacrilegious lies, the compiler izations, - for sh iza , is g seeking a f r aid Jew i tickets call Rubin Ise For of perhaps the venal copyist or dB + ii C''• TY in Poland. the pamphlet title "Why are the sufferers ali As 1 The guest speakers at the ban- G-2298 the last meeting a Jews Persecuted for Their Bell- - quet f will be Abe Goldberg, . gion?" would carry off the high famous journalist and Zionist the day, , March 2, at the I ub Thurs. room est award for that unsavory ac- the Philadelphia-gyroc l School, TOLERANCE IS UNAMERICAN' is also • an adminis- in • complishment! the president he stand- • trative member of the Federation 'dent announce t . .. The pamphlet before me consists leader, who Jews of America, and Z. ing committees as felle r Pro. • I • ♦ only of four small pages yet it has of Polish executive I , gram, Sol Panush; press , Shirley director of the Subar; brought about to swallow—like the TY•el, q social, Frieda Sc t i lean cows in the dream of Pharao Federation. Samuel Krohn; met molinsky Fifty Detroit organizations will and -within its compass all the venom, participate the board directors. in this affair, and a At that of meeting poison and malicious slanders special journal then has been printed Purim celebration. Sol which the arch enemies of Israel P nuih, as Esenmenger Pfefferkorn and their for the occasion, giving the linen- p r o g r a m f4 4 4 chairman, ided. . data of the money raised by bliss Ruth Tiktin gave s pre, s ilk have deposited through the cial a talk Federation to be distributed on "Megilath Esther." U nder . . centuries in their voluminous the the in Warsaw by the Polish Jewish works. chairmenship of Fried S molinsky The sheet presents 35 points, leaders. and Samuel Krohn of t he social „ A musical and literary program all alleged quotations from the will also be presented. committee, there were dancing, Talmud and the law codes, each and Purim refreshments. • Wohlgelernter is games of which emits implacable hatred Rabbi E. of the Arrangements for a dince, for organizational memtoers, against all non-Jews, teaches the chairman to be held at I Jack Kahn is president .'** • t ijr.: ., , Jes w to loathe, despise and con- committee, Lillian Smirling, are he ROW borne in F 1 of .the Detroit district, Harry of progress. .5 • - • • ., . fi r 1 ! ir tp I , eider as beasts his fellow-men and • 1, '-' s, • . finally admonishes them to rape Weinberg is chairman of the ban- All those who have g raduated 1 • • ✓ , . and abuse non-Jewesses, to cheat quet committee, Albert Brown is from the United Hebrew Schools ,•. .' y , a • . ... and deceive non-Jews in business executive and director the Chicago ' . 1932 are welcome to join , , • • . • , • Philip of Imber is sec- since transactions, to kill, maim and district, the Junior Alumni. Pk e ase ' . .. call - • celery. 5 - . murder them, if possible. I won- , Rubin preside nt, TY . A All organizations that have not 6-2298, if Isaacs, , 1 i .. ' der whether the compiler did not obtained • , "'- • interested. a./ tickets for the banquet act upon the principle elucidated . - ' : ' ' ' . urged to do so immediately -. by Father Adolph he inb his and are • ' , -• Pi Tau Sigma Im. Frat el ity to by communicating with Philip Struggle," that tittle and ben, 1708 Taylor Ave., TR 2-7433. Mark 10th Found era' * - blacker the lies so more the credo- . .- lour masses will believe them. .1 'a* II , Celebration Is* ,1 shall choose as "samples" some .• - a- , I 7 A M Pi Tau Sigma Frate rnity at of the most outrageous, most bias- A ._—_......emnersi,ip •9 • „ ' -,. Wayne University will mark its phemous statements of the pamph- i • ' lets, especially those which are— Rally on March 12 tenth founders' celebratio Ti live 0 . ' 1 ) • events March 11 to 15. to my knowledge — brought the r• 1 • first time into public "circulation," The Aleph Zadek Aleph, Junior The festivities will or n at a • * e a a / and they touch the most holy do- Order of Bnai Brith, will cam- rush meeting at the 5 ackenzie • e • * main, the holy of holies of Jewish mence its Detroit membership Union in the afternoon 5 f March 12. In the evening, alit mni and life; the purity of Jewish sexual drive Sunday, March 12, 11. , le activities morality! It is the first will meet for an fin- time stag at the Dexter Center. with a , "evil" angels dared to befoul that of the Jews of • 11.1 1 that formal dance in chapters the Engl ish room There are 11 active . 0041 of the Book-Cadillac Ho tel. and soil this province of Jewish in the Detroit area and a total ' -** • . • 0 •-• life, which hitherto was considered of 7500 members throughout the Business meetings u ill take • • as sacred and untouchable even by United States and four countries. place at the Book•Cadills c March • • • . „ • IGO . 4 lb. the arch foes of our people! Per- between the ages of 15 13, and in the evening 5 f March . I .., ., haps it represents the personal and Boys i -4 21 are invited to join the 14, a stag will be given b y George . .. t of the O, ■ "great cause." , at hia wit home. obtained from Philip Rothschild, fraternitybration . a $ A (ientlle girl a MI Sc . Ithrft-)ft r/1- . , . The ce lel clo c March Robinwood, TO 5-4656, 0111 cun be oo otommt ernment to introduce measures for siorted."—Abmla—Zora, 637 es ,.v. so a".' , , otteA :ty.A._tty or tenomore A.Z.A. headquarters, 622 Murphy or 15 with a formal dinner dance in . ," enforced Jewish emigration. 4 ,,,,,,,,r le - . ,A P ,,,,,,t,e,,,,, .., r or or ,,,,,„,„,„.0„. e„,1 inkling of or Bldg. the Book Casino. lei . • — the text can each a text. summing . read A . Z . A . headquarters in , ,51, ,_. 9 ' Alumni from Adrian , Flint, . 1 jig ; into the or 'Falrainlical ...., , It is plainly •o's ",,01 ,,,..,/,,..;*--,-; ., a Seek to Enforce Emigration a pure Wash- Windsor, roil. impure ntention. Cleveland, Ne w York, Ti,, ington, D. C., announce an Eng- Wi of Jews ., , • 0,) to '"'••••. compiler projected Illicit WA rib- lish Esse I Chi o will par. Chico -*If contest test on the e mom normal desires su b. jec to t , Washington WARSAW (WNS) — Discus- . .' in the and festivities. anti the the eshatations of his "What . Essay _-■ .' ' %. •4444 t icipate 51 Jewish mind into Talmud. Dignity i r. lij , sions between Foreign Ministers 2. "A Jew mar violate but not marry I fit Al, Oldest Jewish irate' nity at Me," and an A.Z.A. Hebrew Let- ' Josef Beck of Poland and Grigore , ♦, :-Ir ,- a only non-Jeninh girl."—liad.Shas—it.— s. Wayne, Pi Tau Sigma WI s found- thati thin moo.. and otho„,,. ter Writing contest on the sub- ed Garfencu of Rumania taking place - JI ► ,„,, „,,,,,,,,, „„ not Sr finnal la the March 15, 1929, by Veiswas- 4Iq ject, "Letter of Conciliation to an here were believed to revolve Talmud men ite supper, mime ... I. Arab Youth." National medals se!, the with ' e*, lbs., 'Es., the edits ial staff about proposals submitted to Colo- ... and be disarmed! *There '114% , "1° 41s ao i now Detroit Mi. ca.1 can Times; Samuel i't mint such a book and cash awards will be Adtei, awarded of , 1 nial powers concerning the emi. *to" a. the seer wont, tiaa-saos or e Sandler, laundry firm e xecutice; to the winners. a a gration of large sections of Polish ii" fig akin to it does .1 exist melt., I for Walter Schmier and Jero e Roth. at 51, Plans are being completed in the Hebrew nor Anymie literature. -•,. and Rumanian Jews. Authorita• the — . 1•11 p 1 1 „ n li ceelur'l ---- Perbaps by torsi-thinner or error the National A.Z.A. Sabbath, to be enberg, attorneys; Dr. Samuel live sources hinted that the Rome- elle, la. ma down Gm .1.'1e worth- c.d. held Robbins, resident at Hero F 'd an Kier. ' Friday, ay, M arc 24. . Services March om-o of the ants•Semillth- will t ha" al - In• Berlin axis was pressing Poland non • ' ad ' (Insert upper right. Dorothy Thompson) Ove aili0°- Iluscrt upper left, Mayor LaGuardia/ les, r k whichoni accordi ng to always Ilm teachings be conducted by the boys in fer Hospital, all of Dt oit; and to take radical action against the thoz01 • of Father Adolph, must be up- Irving M. Moss of Lose A various sta roe in Ka nt mei ° Jews following the visit here of chapters. ngeles. o••2 ... c IA ii.4,1,Ssrone•yot or a. iZe..tre• More than 1,000 educators and clergymen of all denominations participated in.this gigantic rally at Car- members on the cam. MN All A.Z.A. chapters will attend pus Prominent SuPI° ihe COI' ,0,, Count Galeazzo Ciano, Italian wiotteter he con tio. Ile may treat her include Phil Eisenbe. OVIIV• negie Hall on March 3. g, presi- The rally Wal sponsored by the Council Againg Intolerance in America, Lincoln Build the open meeting of Pisgah Lodge Foreign Minister. It was under- 4000r ela ', Ill* note a piece of Arnett mesdader- of a Bnai Br .,ii M onday, March 13, dent of the son sophomore and George Gordon Battle, W. Warren Barbour sod William Allen White i1..-20 i7 , treats "1- • stood that Col. Beck was resist- ing, New York. The co-chairmen in • • •ty 5 lass ee; II,. 3„. stamina _ E„,,, it I caossen „nnid at Lachai s, 3153 Cass. Max Kro- member of the university council; . Ilexcend, In spite of I111 loathing and loff, of Chicago, will be Leslie Share, treasurer principal • • sophouore class; Roy G of the ' InIcghtisruinvi=cerstidenn2 44- discard, oink of their anti-Nen/NM . 41 literature luta to the acquire gr.... speaker. . England and France, apta 111 or the swimmit reeDherg, , of„,a• at• ----- • Plans are being made by Chap..° Arthur g team; Cha rge American Bosch , „„„ 5„ ,,ils ‘.....t.ot,,,, Before leaving for Rumania Boy, 8, Gives '417.2;."htls,V"sh.111 .",r.",,se "'"‘"'"`: ter 65 in ir - Po ng chain- for Up the g in • PDro annual waltIr lithis,,,s4a,r charity p ion, and Schur tentr.11.0 it nirsit l"eas: ocr;_nalcr," Foreign Minister Gafencu said Rille SPIVAK TO SPEAK Violates Federal Law 0 Newton Passover Dance. wn member , that Poland and Rumania would er•-•1 7 I beg to illustnsle Om Ir. deposit of of the football squad, 41 Birtay hd P arty .. / seek too pen the doors of. Pales The Joint Boycott Council, I„nw,I,' ' , """`siniiiibf0,nlaa N'sainIrTali7 TriZ The fraternity is howl ed an HERE WEDNESDAY national coordinating agency ne is married 'alimony to a one ...tan; 00 fg;11 tine or other suitable regions for I . I qty., • apartment at 460 Prei tis, in two pitheir Jews nad Indicated Po a d lie h. a large ' - , family them and they for boycott activity in this . that Jr. Congregation T To Aid Kid gees blocks from the campus. both are miry happy with Let /2., and Rumania had refused to imi Ity, li country, try, will present new .evt- 5.151.. who publish is a aeceet ';,- tate the anti-Jewish action of NEW YORK—Expressing the Charges Secret Armies Are dance to federal • authorities . sneoir ' .1 -, \,.,,J of announcement: N, that win 31• horst.. the N ! O f Sh aarey Zedek To Form Permane ra Na. following "3Iy frIeml Menacing Menacin American De- ..1 Germany and Italy. Foreign Min • the proving tnat tne American in n„,,,, ),..... hommy ....rim to too that kini4 on that birthday parties are tional Conference for toter Joseph Beck of Poland plans opini e' mocracy and Defense of Springfield, Bosch Corp. daughter, I.• with err a largo family The Junior Co ngregation t,z "crap y, anyway, and for sissies," • of to open a campaign for Rumanian the emi Daniel Incestuous children and both are ices 411.0440:t .0 Jewish Youth Ur ity Mass., has been defacing the of rr Ord Shaare ion of. Polish and Silbert, of Jamaica, L. I., of them." Y Zed e k h Id Sabbath wry- The truth con. i e grat Charging Ch ' that secret armies are country of origin on items im- ,ant . ...i, last Saturday in the chapel!' Representatives from t he lead- Jews during a visit soon to Lon art" al, est "?.e of the synagogue The resume was • menacing A mencan . de mocracy por. fr om Naz' 1 . German y &legation 'of in.'int" 'ill (Am.,. t'o, tr.:sr don. The 1931 census showed that 17, renounced a contributed party planned in and ing Jewish youth or aniz Mons of during the past few years. This •,, to the ore:, defense, John L. Spivak, noted ported ygromjel, i delivered 1 his honor and to the by Miss Eileen . G ld• the U convene WY Statesgw'll there are approximately one mi aid of r f and author, fresh announcement was made by 34e, this I. at.. it really rum -ire „ helm, and the Prophetical talkab. o a Starch children the $2 he newspaperman ni 19 at th El x House from rom persona man Dr Joseph Tenenbaum, personal investigations of estimated the pearty would cost. • i n:,bidevertf or. 14..:,,t, °t Shirley ,..z..-, Miss o r: vd Gourwitz. Sam in New York aCitye foot!' the put. lei:tint joefwthe.ntottnImpaonpiaulaatriofnivewhialer ITr COnnec: penny/ from Jew any or man or woman. Krohn and Harold Good man were sent will $1 to be the 8 Youth years Aliyah old March . pose of forming a perms nent Na- M AN SCHEWITZ n Poland there are approximately He who lion with present reports that slain or the freeman. Gentile." Mow the h azon.m. i C does compiler like tills genuine three million Jews or 9.8 per cent (immigration) fund of Junior Ha- tional Conference for Jewish Matthew ew Ur y of oroa 1991 Bd- uota qtion of thegen dassah, the Young Women's Or- Ila- Youth Unity. way, proprietor of the Auto- mist/pat? Slow does fit It inn In the (hiss schmnrs ganization of America, and an- F A statement of purp ose, pre • Ri O Jews Must M Raise Own Funds J Lectric Distributing Company, or lila laenilmiallons, )1142frei. Detroit Symphony Orchestra EGG MATZO • WHOLE WHEAT MATZO flounced he would give a like sum to Finance Exodua had pleaded guilty in United ,h4; tow-rtn: her sae weigeler!. IQ': Concerts March 16, 17, 18 pared by the provisional commit. FREE CITY OF DANZIG— to a refugee fund being raised tee, has already been act opted by States District Court on Mon- meele., Jak.Charaknh, 22-1 ant sorry . by the Jewish Sunday School the th Ja- to he to .tdo the preceding inverthe 15 national bodies, eluding: (B,NS)—Six thousand Jews, rich day not to the charge that able a applied The quotation Detroit S ymphony trott Orches- Zadik •n mates Center. lie of has char to whore the Aleph Aleph, i American ' were thrown i into poor obliterated e tht the he country had of o n- . I Only a blaelortsanl ignorance la tra's silver Charity Card Party of the and noo -- alike, ju ' li'l i ee season will ' be Jewish Division, Nazi-controlled been contributing to the latter rattstroll only by class by the his %irked..e eisod •h Congress, Youth oat gin on electric generators which b ht to a trimup brought ' h ant close in "pick" etich on Ilalmanides to ascribe unto Rosenwald Post Auxiliary Danzig Senate, for the purpose of fund weekly out of his coin bank, Hatzair ' I' echalutz, he sold to the city. teaching Malmanides one Orchestra Hall with the three con- ' Hasharner was said today at his home, raising money for their emigra it 8543 ith, on Sunday Evening Histsdruth Hanoar Hallo This fraud was uncovered hint or the n1.4 Malted eharocters tient.- certs of March 16 17 and 18 The 169th St. • , an kind at large, whose greatest whiloi. • — tion. A decree published in the by the Council last March in ehie,d work was translated by the S atur d ay night ish Youth Alliance, Junk r liada•• ' popular-priced sahTemple ederation a complaint lodged with the pillars , National F The Julius Rosenwald Auxiliary Danzig "Law Gazette" made the ot or the the church latin for who the F program, March arc 18, will ' be the of , MasadaYouth, Young People's ' church, into Malmo.... city administration by Dr. dereow is sponsoring a charity card party Jews jointly responsible for rais last concert ever to be played by League, Aristotle aeelaree the Nyman Pagan &win. an in the Y Tenenbaum. • P oa 1 e Z• ic ti, Youth and dance, to be held on Sunday, in g money to finance their emigre position of honor and responsibil• acme of all oho his the orchestra in Orchestra Hall Division, oung , As a result of the diodes- worship of Intellectualism declared- , for, , beginning League for Lab o r Pales- March 12, at 8 p. m., In the Vet- Hon. This decree was designed to itf• egmning with the. 1939-1940 tine, In contrast to the Jewish concePt-dliat ores by the Joint Boycott thed, limmense Is the shame of ..._ season the symphony will play all Judaea, Alpha Epsilon Delta Pi , Young eran's Building, !Listings and Jef- insure Danzig against being left Deport Aliens Charged with Phi Sigma . Numer- Council, the American Bosch kin mohoonidee, woo in eentross to of its concerts i n its ferson. There will be prizes and with indigent Jews and it was ' new home, Espionage hie great prototype Corporation has been cut out Aristotle, has mean • , ices are co - other endorsements refreshments will be served. Pro- said that the Senate was willing MEXICO Inc Temple. . rac nd heel ,a r ad taught lore. compassion ' CITY (WNS)— from city contracts wherever reeds spent for Passover to expedite Jewish emigration, but oected before dline of the lea t am% pity Malmorodm es,. toward the ..- Franco Ghione will direct the March 17. JOHN L. SPIVAK with forging Mexican Jewish it was insisted that the Jews bear Charged Possible. baskets for needy families. wi& co .11. • subscription pro While y night falsifying birth fascist spy activities, will s peak ilmated end purified world th e Jewish n- Thursday costs. Jews of foreign nation passports and of Jewish While the conference is to he rent of Shot slnd the the future to the de. gram as well as the repeat per. primarily refugees in Detroit on March 15, at 8 p. m., ality were included in the joint certificates to for remain y consultative, consultative, f ram i time re«, bliss of the Paradise forrnance of this s 11 ' ro- EraM - - at 2:30 in became l• Y consist In th enJo m t f Dr. A I e x a n d e r Manke's liability decree unless there were desiring to time, it will initiate mass RC- Mexico, at the Fort Wayne Ilotel, as part N - --- eugarten Sunshine Club to the star P• 111. Friday. of (' 04—.4 . 1,,, „al ",..0° Polish Jew, Paul Garbinsky, a ity pro. agreements to the w and unite common was deported by the Department of a tour of 25 towns and cities Double Contribution to yrs rted blasphemer roule put 'n- I th h Vector 'Cello Concert at Orchestra international Vit K will be in charge h ties involving Jewish interests. of Ills bottomless contrary. to warn the American nemole people • of (inlay the season's final concert Sat- grams Hall March 29 of Interior, according to reliable the d anger. - of Allied Jewish Campaign dept; taco. teachings In the code Ian of iIronc•- Maim.. o of the Rabbi Milton Steinber night which will be devoted Park Avenue sources. At the same time Mexi. Spivak, who is touring under Synagogue will ad- Fair Minus Jewish Ex can The late learned dean of the solely to the music of Tschaikov- The 'cello concert by Dr. Alex- Leipzig authorities ordered the depot- the auspices of the International the first conferenc . Ti me i n 700 0 Y ears Mrs, Morton Snyder presided at Rabbinical seminary in Berlin has sky. The program will be dedi•dress of Baron Ileinrich von Workers Order, a fraternal so- a meeting Menke, eminent German- hibits First (WNS)—The famous tation of The Neugarten Sun- once stigmatized a Jewish defamer cated to the memory of the late '. Holleuffer, for alleged espionag antler musician, will be g iven on Le LEIPZIG Jewish e defy , recently y ' completed H y ngsters Trade Fair which opened p zi g p travel Children en 9 s Home Yot directors of the Talmud, shine Club board of that unsatisfied beloved Ossip Gabrilowitsch, activities. Six other persons, de- w h' tc h took him Wednesday evech 29, at h eire thl s wee im o an in e m id s t f week ' th to G Germany, Hal a y, March 6. Party Following an inspiring with the terrible lie of a "ritual recognition of the inspiring and n. in Entertained at Purin drive for scribed as "mostly Germans" were the Drchestra Hall,ning, it was Mar announced dented German Canal Zone and message delivered by Isidore Sobe- murder" and of all the miseries lasting great good he accomplished reported to have been arrested ou Panama this week by the eminent corn-unprecedented orn- un expor p rece badl y n A w ic s h e • ts h h h h e o o the CIII- The boys and gils of f II ed loll in behalf of the Allied Jewish and afflictions that this lie brought in this community during mittee of sponsors. Sot angled had no Jewish exhibitors for needs the with the Baron. America the web w of ere fascist plots Compaign, the board voted to upon the Jewish people he is bent many years as conductor at of the his e dren's Home werer enter' ained which he says are being hatched more than double first time in seven hundred years a dies. Purim party given by the last year's con- to manufacture a "ritual arson." orchestra and as a model citizen. La • and clothing trades, against the American c continent. The textile • ' Auxiliary •.5ary under I he dire'- An offering was also The compiler of this sheet is bent Gabrilowitsch loved the music • . tribution. to Pope to Lead Religious .. tie returned with a Rabbi Milton Steinberg to 0 Be the last bulwark of Jewish •s . com Appeal coun- Bon of Mrs. Jack Gordon and Mrs startling authorized to be sent the Mo'os to outdo even that Jewish apostate of Tschaikovsky, a fellow Forces of World • Against Speaker at Convention of mercial interests in Germany, th t Ruth Friedberg. A bee t supper story whose threads lead to high Chitin to provide Passover relief, and manufactures a ritual rape. Oppression tryman. It is fitting, too, • a was served. All the child ren were Women's League of United have been liquidated and "aryan- VATICAN CITY (WNS)—Fol- offices in Germany, Italy and The e following con t n 'I) u t'ons For the p present resen I am sure these 1 conduct est Kolar will con uc this t i program i are "samples" ized" during the past year, of swamp flowers which for it was he who through all the in • costume and prizes wi a re given lowing the election of Eugenio Japan. acknowledged: Synagogue _ The growth of Anti-Semitism, funniest grow row in thi particular Cardinal Pacelli as Pope appeals til morass of earhdh ys shared the artistic r responsi- for the most original and yed, memory of by Mr.. I fan. W. Potter United he charges, is also directly trace- 0, In may and he.). Miss Co Jr.: run• Kam the prove literary jungle, of will suffice to bility of the orchestra with costumes. Games were pi, the to of Pius Cardinal Paaalli from Europe and brought • Hail Election NEW YORK—Dr. M •• Stein- wi Gab- n. Mrs. David Treater. In memory the nature all its alleged his able to organized fascist agencies. as Pope XII e young- tilting moves were taken of th rilowitsch. States have been It is further ierg, rabbi of the Park Avenue VATICAN CITY (WNS) — Fl • ee• attention calling upon him to as- Spivak says he has documentary u ,-,;,,, . and Mr. Mot at I. B,,re„.,,,, I) Friedman and Mr. of quotations from the Talmud and that the last concert the symphony0 em shown at play. They will ,„ memory sti be . 3yrnagogue and well known author lion of his charges and un- Wiliam K fAvy by MI.. Corinne Mart. law codes. Pacelli as Pope same leadership o freligiousf o r ces evidence at • some future meetinr • Each sat play . e hable ever will ' urchesra p ay in Orchesra Hall child Ind lecturer, will be the guest Pius of XII Cardinal Mr Kra and Y. Sir.. 1. D. Friedman one Mr applauded was given g n a gift. Mien e as • se- in combatting racial and religious imp Mr. aC Spivak data. is the author of - and should be in the nature of a crib child Tlergsteln: In Mrs. Memory of at the opening luncheon sere ' blow was The following cool ribution , to the dictstorships, and persecution, according to Michael oz was Levine by Mr. and Y. C., ute to was the man for whom the hall if the twenty-first annual conven- it was expected that he would % Villiams, Catholic writer in the "Secret Armies" a volume that is air: in means,Tisolnof 13..7,p.h;,,,,..t,.,..,dr. 2,000 Viennese and German largely were built. received: ion of the Women's League of continue the Vatican's policy of creating a stir in government cir- ° memory • of Joseph bilederlander 4 Jews Found Refuge in Pal- A celebrated soloist, Vatk Mn, and Mrs. A. B . Stralse:•. 0, New York Times. he United Synagogue to be held , i will • M r. and Mrs. Edward Krause, Iles. wee Corinne Mors of and of racialism and per- Mir Mellow Francis Balokovic , Yu go sl av violinist, estine During Month it the Hotel Commodore on Tues- denunciation be Mrs: In memory Itachael d Throughout the demo- Mr. and Mrs. Morris En use, Mr h presented as guest artist in i the and .. Loan to Czechs Will Campus tl t-e was British • Th . ,the election lay, May 2, it was announced by critic "cut' 'on world Mrs. Moe Le Letter, Mr. and p Alumni Club Elects by a..noMrrac....) .- : . ' /7. -0... .; Ied...IngFra D. l endh7v.' err 4 --- VIENNA (WNS-Palcor Agen- D Mjor Concerto. drs. Samuel Spiegel, national hailed. In France, Geneva, Eng• Fi of Mr. and Mem I. August ray Mr. and ‘ ...... . Refugee Emigration Mrs Charles A. Smith, ir memory Weadnesday, March 15, the or- of Mm I. II Priem.: In memory of CY)—rmanu _oIn, d resident. Officers 110 hk' t epu y mem- * Sarah Bluma T b'n• Mr. and land, the United States and else- PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia — lane by Pls.] A. Ottenberw In mom- et ber • of the Jewish Agency AJICC11- chestra will play two concerts in Mrs K. D, . German Adolph by Lasky A Ottenberg• German, e I for ' Yahrzeit where there was a chorus of trib- (WNS)—Publication of the agree- Campus Alumni Club of Wayne Joseph Midland, including a children's P .n r" 2 -. fast', of Annette b. M.' rave in charge of immigration, de- * s ute, in which Jewish leaders and mint between Czechoslovakia and of Mother, Anna Wolfso i ; Sarah rogram at 4 p, m m. Kolar ' clared elected Samuel F. AI R.. . here that 2 000 , Jewish ' p direct )r. Harold B. Allen Elected a organizations joined. Great Britain concerning applica- University president elna 11, and r wi" and Pearl Gordon, In no mory of nn- both concerts. migrants have left Vienna for the ensuing President of National Alan lion of the refugee funds pro- Crandon Craig Wolf; Sa nab and the whole of Germany- for Pales- Other officers are: Samuel • at Selec- vises by the British Government Year. Pearl Gordon, in memory of Mrs. Farm School Jews Express PI tine during the past month. In an Contributions to Mt. Sinai Sarah Braverman, vice-president; Henry in a loan to Czechoslovakia din- Wolok, Y. F. V. JUNIORS ra Moss; Mrs. Adoll - h Stein- — tiew of New Pope • secretary; Samuel Margo!. interview conducted as he was Hospital Aun. of those eligible for berg, in memory of hush s nd. Dr. Harold B. Allen, for the NEW YORK (WNS)—Jewish closed a list treasurer; members of the leaving the city for Palestine, Mr. din to a definition of 15, Anyone to contribute sat several years educational di- organizations here expressed pleas- help according of directors, Dr. Jack Wein- The Yiddish Folks Verein Jun- Dobkin stated that thousands of The Mt Sine' hospital ospital Asso- in memory desiring Refugees are board or in honor of some. some- actor of the work of the Near ore at the choice of Cardinal Pa- the term "refugees ng the .fl Palestine s _ _ Dr. Simon Berent, stein, Harry ions will entertain . at an April Jews are crowding c h ciati .1) on rece . _ sa persons who before received the following con- one may get in touch with Mrs and eelli as Pope, seeing in his elec. described in Greece, Foundation :AA r, Josselson and and Morris Lessem. Fool's Day wu. Morris y on o ce Fool s Day i tonsure's pa party tB demanding inhabitedr eman mg certi cates t at to utions for the Mitzvah Fund: Charles Smith, Townsem 8.2080 of May 31, 1938, recently member of the Pheips- lion assurance of continuance is planning a the night of April 1, in Palestine will permit them to find refuge and Mrs. Ralph Paul, Mr. ceded by Czechoslovakia or The organization and h uman. les Stokes Committee to study Indian his predecessor s ' no noble e an program for the coming Association Hall, Fenkell and in the Holy Land. Of the 2,000 and Mr. Mrs. Germans or Austrians who found varied Joseph Newman, n, in i e re g a We're glad M ow Wil- Mrs, Wood W Administration on the Navajo itarian religious policies. season. will begames g , nes went to Palestine this month, memory of Sarah Blume Tobin. son followed the advice o f a good refuge there before Sept. 30, 1938. der A joint meeting with the Dexter. There . and 3, who said, — :eservation has been chosen head j ray were child Anyone desiring to contribute friend and gave up her plan for graduate cha ter at Wayne refreshments. . Reservations . be- . f the. National Farm School, as will be Including BOO Jews, Unmet-say held in the be made by calling UN 3-3691. refugees and their parents. toward the Mitzvah Fund may get a cruise to HungarY Co Ise on the e Ger m s n liner I resident president. This is the half of the Canadian Jewish h Con- Major social affairs The Y.F.V. Juniors membership On January 25, Mr. Dobkin had in touch with Mrs. Ralph Paul, Bremen be incl'uded among the enti- near future. ... The name o r Wilson w discussed a nnouncement of Joseph H. Hage- gresa, President Samuel Bronfman are the annual drive has been extended for two estimated that over 10,000 imml- Tyler 5-6928. For emigration to Pales- being cable to grants. . f500 , 000 0 of the loan has been formai and the award banquet at weeks due to the rush of appii- grants, of whom 8,000 would be doesn't belong on a Naz i steam- d ern, acting president of the dispatched the following ea er's passenger list. Pope Pius XII: "Canadian Jewry tine chool. hundred certificates which the Alumni Medal is given cants. All young men and women Jews from Germany and Austria, Leon Blum will be the guest at d a li . 0 tt C d . Five eel.= to fts and Dr. Allen will assume his new sends you warmest Kr the graduating member to tee' to Jewish ca ital who between the 24 were expected to enter Palestine a Peale Zion extends II be ages of 18 and 3,00 wi irrso P • . function while in Reuben Brainin celebr ted hi' • lakes on AVM I, and with Mrs. felicitations a and each of whom will be al- has been outstanding in the se- are invited to join. Contact Miss on permits granted for the six- this country fo e rtherehric F h 77th birthday on Purim with the tl14111 WIll mak • hIshomdow-fr11- best wishes ye for • o long l'f 'oaf and the Isla, lowed to acquire 11,000 of their tivities of the undergraduate Alice Soder, 3787 Glynn Ct., for month period ending March 31, Prime Minister The is now on of the . I.. third dkn will make r . ex alted private fortunes in Czech crowns, chapter at Wayne University. information. w York n high completion ,1939. . his . . home on the health in • ..the d an" seas en route to New Ilie .11.....1 of TY ..— so __ r lume k • %r, NEW YORK ANSWERS BLIND i i i . ca m p us o