Aarericam ffewisk Periodical Carter C.LIPTON CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PAGE THREE SPALTROITJEWISII al RON ICLE August 12, 1938 — "Exclusive But Not Expensive" RATES BEGINNING $ _ CHILD.REN FIRST .ad THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 35" PER WEEK INCLUDING MEALS THE INN CHARLEVOIX-the-Beautiful, MICHIGAN INVITES YOU! The pine breezes of Charlevoix-the-Beau- tiful are calling you! The Inn is calling you ... to relax taut nerves, relieve cares, forget worries! Come up where the air is clear and crisp. Come up to the Inn— where you'll find rest, excitement, ro- mance, sport, fun ... And that new appe- tite will surely be tempted and delight- fully satisfied by the incomparable dishes prepared by our famous chef. WRITE - - - WIRE • THE INN - PHONE CHARLEVOIX, MICH. W. E. FLYNN, Managing Director ti Ensure Their Chances of Success Children of early school age, or even younger, reach their late 'teens and early twenties almost before one knows it. Then comes the day when a college or higher technical education is neces- sary. Why not make sure now that funds for their education will be ready when needed? I will be glad to show you how it can be done in a simple practical manner. Payment on Drive Pledges Is Urged By Gus Newman Lauds Activities of Eddie Cantor in Behalf of Youth Aliyah to Save Children Praising the accomplishments of his good friend Eddie Cantor, whose devotion to Jewish causes was exemplified by his recent fund-raising efforts in England, Gus D. Newman, president of the Detroit Service Group, finds a silver lining in the ominous clouds of newspaper head- lines. "It is hearten. ing, these days," states Mr. New- man, "when the fate of our people hangs in the bal- ance. to read of the noble effort, the sacrifice of self and the re- sults achieved by such men as Eddie Cantor. "Surely, too, it it a op u r c e of Gus Newman pride to read that in Palestine, on the very spot where five Jews met martyrdom a year ago, the gallant and in- domitable spirit of our people laid the foundation of a new settle- ment, only last week. "Every day there is news of this kind. It cannot help but make us feel that though the whole world tremble on the brink of cataclysm there is still a silver I lining to the cloud. We, who have survived 2000 years of oppres- sion, will survive this, too. "And the greatest assurance of that survival is manifest in the spirit of Detroit's Jewish com- munity whose members made pos- sible our recent successful Allied Jewish Campaign. We can make that assurance doubly sure by meeting our campaign pledges month by month, as agreed; by carrying on as we began. We will not lose the gleam of that silver lining if each subscriber meets hat part of his subscription which is due, promptly, so that the great work we help support can continue without interrup- tion, in the face of all obstacles." has become a landmark in Jewish histor y. From these stations the trains depart from Hamburg, Trieste and Marseilles, for the boats to overseas lands of refuge. One of the greatest film directors in the world told me of a scene w hich he had witnessed early this year in Germany. The mothers and fathers saying goodbye to their children; their last goodbye, and Nazis had given them just five minutes by the clock for their farewell. This director said that if he had put this scene on the screen the peoples of the world would not believe it—the tragedy, the moaning, the sobbing, the cry- ing, and yet, in their hearts, the parents were happy to see their children go. If they could not live, they wanted their boys and girls to go to a land of freedom. The bell rings and the journey toward hope—and peace—has be- gun. The world may be fairly help- less in the face of what will ulti- mately befall the fathers and mothers who are left behind. But one thing the world must do. It must keep these railroad stations open, it must helo fill trains with these youngest victims, and it must keep the gates of refuge ajar for a generation of children who seek hope and peace. If you believe these children have a eirdit to live—if you want to help, please write me in care of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and In line with this work every I will tell you how you can do it. (•opyright. 1919. M. A F. 13. railroad station in Nazi Germany O'Brien Candidate For Probate Judge (CONCLUDED FROM FACIE ONES racily, thousands of others from a similar fate. Within this implacable wall of race hatred, 350,000 men, women and children are prisoners Im- mured in an invisible dungeon, their reserves vanishing and their means of resistance growing feebler with the passage of every day. As terrible as has been the uni- versal campaign of boycott and expropriation against the Jews in Germany, at least it has been mercifully tempered by time for it has taken the Nazi government five years to grind them to the dust. In contrast to this cold pro- gram these same forces required only five weeks to accomplish the same, results in their campaign against the Jews in Austria. This has resulted in the collective sui- cides of entire families, for when a family's savings are sequestered, its home looted, and the family livelihood suddenly cut off, it seemed the only way out. Only one hope remains for these children —emigration. The sal- vaging of young lives caught in the maelstrom of persecution and terror, the rescue of as many children as possible from the degradation of life in Nazi coun- tries, the privilege of giving them a chance for life and normal de- velopment in the United States is faorptrsoject worthy of our best ef- HUN WINS AGAIN (CONCLUDED FROM FACIE ONE) Malin Candidate For State Senate Patrick II. O'Brien is a candi- date for Probate Judge of Wayne County on the Democratic ticket for nomination at the primary election on Sept 13. Judge O'Brien served 10 years as a Circuit Judge in the Upper VISIT SCHOR'S WHOLESALE S HOWROOMS BUY Fine Furniture wholesale through any dealer of your own choice. WE welcome the opportunity of show- ing you around without any obligation to buy. CHOR FIMIITUNP COMPANY 8928 TWELFTH ST. WHOLESALE ONLY Showroom Hours-9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Daily Monday and Wednesday till 9 P. M. PATRICK H. O'BRIEN Sail with L. A. SANITORIUM Annual Moonlight Peninsula of Michigan, and was later elected at Attorney General of the State of Michigan. on their Ile is best known by the fact that he was one of the counsel who successfully fought against the alien registration law of Michigan. This was one of the most spectacular legal fights in the history of civil liberties in MUSIC BY America. The decision declaring MIKE FALK and his MASTER DANCE WIZARDS the law unconstitutional was a Attraction. great victory for civil liberties. Dancing on Both Decks—Extra Added Features k Boat leaves foot of Woodward promptly at 8:30 P. M. Associated with Mr. O'Brien in this court battle against the pub- Tickets in advance, 60c — At dock, 75c and Now on enle at NosIn's, liallt and IihnIntene; Moritz's, 12th lic officials of the State of Miohi- Flare; 12Ih nod Calvert: Oolthetane, linwond and Carters i.e . gan were Theodore Levin, Na- Dorman's, Litton:1dand EltatItnret: Linwood Illakery, 13131 Linwood: Felltnan, Cenkell and Farkaidel Doldenbenra, 4105 Elenhunt al Martin- than L. Milstein and Fred M. eeeee and Mon- n dal; e Boesky* !spates and Collingnood; Illiso'a Butzel, Detroit attorneys, and aro) Owen: Casisere. Oakland and Oxen; Che66..... tere y ; Sieger.% she the late Max Kohler of New 60 Cadillac Square. York. Mr. O'Brien has always stood for tolerance,. for the right of free speech and free assemblage. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL SUNDAY, AUG. 14th, 8:30 P. M. Morris Malin, well known as a ence and that something ought leader in the "landsmanschaften" to be done about them. of Detroit, is a candidate for the Italian skies are so blue at this State Senate in the 5th district. time of the year and the seas are For 25 years Wive in Jewish laughing and Rome continues eter- organizations in this city, Mr. nal (the splendid ruin of the Malin has made coliseum reminds them of the fu- tility of settling things by throw- a host of ing people to lions) and in the friends as a re- presence of all this Italians, one sult of his as- (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONZ) may guess, have no mind to be- sociations. He Daus and Gino Bolaffi, are among have like Huns. the 37 Fascist heroes buried in "Hear ye," shouts Mussolini, has been active the Italian Pantheon at Florence, "and let every one know that in the last four p Fascist shrine reserved only for 1512 UNION GUARDIAN BLDG. even in the question of race we I Allied Jew- those killed defending Fascism ... intend to go straight ahead." ish Campaigns Incidentally, a recent arrival from Ah, no, II Duce. this is no time and during the Vienna tells us that those Aus- Paris World Session Decides trian DOUBTS AUTHENTICITY to be Huns. There is so much last two drives Jews who embrace Catholi- served not only to Have 1939 Conven- singing to be done (what with the cism find no difficulty in obtaining OF ITALIAN "RACISM" sapphire skies and the fragrance as a solicitor M. Malin tion in U. S. permission to migrate to Italy. of the harvest). We'd rather be but also in the HOME NEWS Save' your savings for Giuliano's Italian Tribune Hopes Puccinis, Verdis, Carusos and organizations and on the speak- PARIS (Religions News Serv- But for the conviction of those ers' bureau. other things. Sample Tettrazin is. "Discord" Will Disappear ice)—The 1939 World Congress six officials of a Nazi camp on Mr. Malin was in business for The relatives of Michael An- fares: Against Racialism and Anti-Semit- Long Inland, President Roosevelt 10 years, having conducted a dry One llionn pd Vincent Giuliano, publisher of gelo, Leonardo, Titian and Ra- goods store. Prior to that time ism will be held in New York might have had a Nazi camp as 0 ay phael can't believe it, even though he Italian Tribune, prints an City, it was decided by delegates a neighbor at his Hyde Park es- 81.80 50c he was connected with Pupko'a 51.00 Service Call — Toledo editorial in the current issue un- it is Mussolini himself who says yard goods store on Hastings St. to the 1938 Congress held here. tate . . . Howland Spencer, the Authorized R.C.A. and Philco Service Engineers 3.30 2.05 Lansing der the heading "The Racial it, "From today on we Italians More recently he was associated The Congress decided to alter violent anti-New Dealer who sold VACUUM CLEANERS REPAIRED 5.60 Movement in Italy" in which he are Huns and shall go straight with the offices of the County the name of the organization by his estate opposite Hyde Park to Grand Rapids 3.05 expresses doubt as to the authen- ahead being Huns." 2.90 1.50 Jackson Treasurer, City Treasurer and the omitting the words, "and anti- Father Divine as a spite gesture, Besides, if you are Italian you icity of the reports published 4.10 Planning Commission, and Semitism" to more accurately de- was actually negotiating with 2.50 Saginaw must have a hot reason for hating State thus far. The editorial follows: HO. 4717 scribe its full scope and purpose. Fritz Kuhn . . . The deal was was especially engaged in tax 11525 DEXTER 4.60 During the past few o eeks we have before you can hate thoroughly. 2.76 Bay City Four hUndred delegates 'from called off when Kuhn decided that Ith deep coin ern the new work. Mr. Malin is considered followed 20.70 .11.50 Its Jew nth The perfection of hate is in con- Calumet all parts of the world attended, a Hitler-hailing camp, at FDR's attitude of Italy toward an expert in tax matters and he population. centration and when you spread hopes to be of service to the 1)00- including Protestants, Catholics, front door would be too risky ... We hove walled from day to day Frequent Service to to gain a clearer understanding of the hate over a whole people It gets Jews, Freethinkers, Moslems and Incidentally, Spencer used to pub- pie of Michigan if elected. nit uation. In order to be able to CO• very thin and unsatisfactory. If All Points lish the Highland Post, which dur- Mr. Malin is married and has Negroes. press ouraelves with deeper frankness. you are Italian your hate special- Emphasis upon the rights and ing the 1936 presidential cam- Bet the 1,000 Mien, appareling the five children. He lives at 2046 two Continent.% noon ithatanding all izes. You may hate your wife's destiny of every human being was paign was hardly less virulent in he human Ito entIona abolishing Alli- lover or you may hate for ven- Clairmount. the keynote of the Congress. The its anti-Semitism than a sheet pub- ances and time, appear as the old Detroit Terminal 'archon, when it la a question of the geance' sake. This is splendid, delegates pledged themselves "to lished by Streicher or Winrod, diffusion of pure farts and ideas, and enjoyable hating which may come Washington Blvd. Cost of Living Showing continue united and to struggle defeated candidate for the Repub- In mash casea Italy In not any nearer Are now located in to or more unrierstood than t he to a happy conclusion with a stil- o unto death against racialism and lican U. S. Senatorial nomination at Grand River Ave. Upward Trend Went was to Europe at the time of leto between your enemy's ribs. more spacious, newer its corollary Fascism until the at- from Kansas . . . Speaking of Marco Polo. Whatever hes come to CA. 9000 us In the usual r on foal. in far from That's the fine art of hating. tacks on the rights of the people quarters. did you notice what a In a report recently made pub- are stopped, and on behalf of hu- Winrod, satisfying our mind. But you can't hate an entire peo- close resemblance he has to his Nevertheless. we feel that we We are better able to not any longer 'met pane !ne a, die, nylon ple thoroughly; it makes no sense. lic by Roger W. Babson, world man independence, liberty and German prototype, Herr Strei- serve you in our new f the new problem. You, if you are Italian, cap hate famous economist, it was shown dignity." cher? . . . The other day an offi- A disc torsion based on the spare location. knoo ledge. In o u r po ennlon and In one Jew passionately and satis- Among the speakers were Pierre cial of the New York World's Fair where the cost of living had y guided us so he concepta th a t have factorily, but not all the Jews to- risen more than 20 per cent over Cot, former French Cabinet mem- passed a rather tactless remark WINDOW SHADES p religious prejudices gether. Hating is a specialty to or No racial, Linoleum - Carpeting 1935 levels. When this is taken ber, and Charles A. Davila, for- about Jews . . . Two hours later Ave evei mitt-mil our heart, and until be cultivated like the fragrance into consideration with the pres- mer Rumanian Minister in Wash- he was summoned before Grover • fev years ago had not enterer I the VENETIAN BLINDS of a single gardenia. It is too heart of I talY. Whalen, prexy of the Fair, who ent nation-wide unemployment ington. kluersilini, himself, a chart time Afro, precious to be promiscuously Drapery Hardware . talked to him like a Dutch uncle and the low wages being paid to Ailed Jung to the Government, and mil and other facts. testify In favor wasted. Get Our Prices and Save and then summarily dismissed the workingman, it makes condi- Brock, Candidate for Drain Fas c ism. Free Kalimates Furnished of I admire the Italians' running him . .. Taking no chances on tions look even worse. Accord- Two rabbis will sit On the ex- From the official census. revealing Commissioner, Favors Local losing patent rights in this coun- 50i3O Jews living In Rai) 11 per 1000 away from wholesale hating as inF to figures taken from the ecutive board of the Union of nhalritants) 8625 LINWOOD we find that these Jews Business for Local People they have done from time to time try in the event of a German- Michigan State Department of American Hebrew Congregations. area from femilles transplanted In the Call TYler 5-1230 American war, German industrial Dr Victor E. Reichert (left), lninaula c Italics names and —at Caporetto in the Great War, Labor and Industry, employment Edward R. Brock, Republican firms have turned over their pat- rabbi-elect of the Rockdale Ave- holding as they held In the pent Im- at Guadsljara in Spain recently. during May, 1938, is over 40 per nue Temple in Cincinnati which portant position. In every held States- With the instinct of poets and cent under 1937 levels and the candidate for the Wayne County ents to dummy corporations which like Unseat% &minim and .Jung philosophers the civilized Italians payrolls are less than half those Drain Commissioner, resides at ostensibly are American-owned but Menuhim Denounces he has served as the associate of m en ientlet. like Aaroll, Lombroso, Levl Dr. David Philipson, was. chosen *I, its, Pescarolo, writer. publishers fled from hating and killing Aus- of May, 1937. This means that 1615 W. Grand Blvd., was born which really are owned by Ger- "Cheap Gossip" About tr.. Ilke OA mom, Oa Verona, Della trians in a body. There might a workingman is now making less in the City of Detroit, a tax payer many . . . Last week's political to represent the Central Confer- Wife and Children Seta, Treves, artiste like Misliglianl ence of American Rabbis. Dr. inuslciann like Francliet ti ; Army Clen• be some Austrians to be hated money and paying more for his and property owner, is married, primary in St. Louis was feat- erals like Ottelenghl; land these are with a flaming, consuming Italian 42 years of age, was educated in ured by the distribution of a card Barnett R. Brickner, rabbi of the living expenses. Iced a few names that come to our NEW YORK. (WNS)— hate but it was impossible to hate Avenue Temple in Cleve- ulna while writing) According to Mr. Babson, since the public and parochial schools in Yiddish signed by "Emmett g. Printed and word-of-mouth ru- Euclid From the time of the Imlependence , all Austrians fatally at one tinie. of this city, with a business and Golden, trustee, Ohel Benjamin land, was elected by the Hebrew 1936 rents have gone up 37 per mors that Mr. and Mrs. Moshe Union College Alumni Associa- war., Italian Jeo • •Ploared In the So it seemed best for civilized cent, all food prices 29 per cent, commercial training, as a success- Talmud Torah" . . . Mr. Golden formation of Italy. Menuhin have denied being of What has then happenedrecently people do let the whole matter ful wholesale and retail farm and is an active member of St. Ed- meats are 75 per cent higher and Jewish birth since the recent tion. between the Jews. or their leaden drop and with one accord the all other articles in proportion. produce 'merchant for 20 years. ward's Catholic Church .. . The • and the Italian government? marriage of their on and know It Is We Italians turned and went their Sc, donof know. Mr. Brock is Constable of the press in this country is daughter, Yehudi and Hephzi- Judge William .1. Cody Is true, that Jew. of other nationalities way from the battlefield, leaving When we try to find the reason 14th Ward, having been elected Catholic full of editorials expressing sym- for this it becomes apparent that have contributed in • largescale to bah, to Australian Christians, Particularly Interested in the bitter I entirely, against faarism; their weapons behind them. and is serving his 5th consecutive pathy with persecuted Jews and the underlying factors are higher were unequivocally denied by but we ere reticent In a. crying the ON SALE Yes, it may be hard for Mus- taxes and the various govern- term. He believes in a progres- condemning . anti-Semitism . . . Welfare of Juvenile Idea that the Italian Jewn have con- Moshe Menuhin in a statement sive program yet rigid economy Dozens of non-Jewish business- tributed to such • campaign; and solini to conquer the Italian peo- mental agricultural program. EVERYWHERE addressed to the Jewish Daily more reticent BOIL in believing that ple in behalf of the Huns. Ile in the expenditure of public men in Yorkville, New York When Judge William J. Cody these lastmay he held responsible for Was so brave against the Ethio- Besides 'direct taxes, like the Forward and made available to mentallt y of their brethren. money. lie insists that all con- City, all of them of German de- 111114AADT a Nam {IMMO Co. 0105061 the entire Jewish press. Brand- announced his candidacy for the the abroad. pians and his airplanes are so 3 per cent sales tax that is added tracts that are let out specify that scent, are appealing to the police •. ftexklam" in •me, ement tending to everything 'you buy, there are ing al; the stories as "cheap office of Probate Judge, he was valorous against the Spanish chil- gossip," Menuhin repudiated fully cognizant of the duties that to discourage brotherly tie. thong the dren (of whom he has gotten many hidden taxes that eat up the job be given to the people of for protection against Nazi hood- County, and that an lums, who have been shaking them . Before sailing for Evian, by an article by Mrs. Menuhin in would devolve upon him, having P.tr. lean Inn that ankle, the 11.11.0 as many as 1000 in one slaugh- over 25,cents of every dollar you Wayne Jews, Itall•ti by birthright and crAti• the kadies Home Journal in been raised within the confines of cation, have appeared to to a. good ter). But what can he do against spend. In fact, on a package of American standard living wage down for contributions to Nazi the way, Myron Taylor, head of be paid. funds under the threat of a boy- FDR's American delegation to the which she was quoted as saying Wayne County, and having had patriots, a• good fascists, hefor the Italian people to make Huns cigarettes costing 12 cents, over cott. present antl-senntle movement conference, assured his friends of this goes to the govern- her father was a Tartar and to work out his own future well- the !eye. um perplexed, In the dark. out of them, since they have been half If and when Uncle Sam's post that he is reedy to devote the next THIS AND THAT her mother an Italian. Menu- being in the administration of The .risen question ofrace, does civilized so long and so hare ment in taxes. Thus if a work- •ppear to m as • full explana- ingman smokes 20 cigarettes and office issues a Stephen Foster hin said Mrs. Menuhin never this office. Ever since he was not A 200-acre ranch about 70 miles ten years of his life, if necessary, tion; and We would like Indeed to be learned to particularize in their drinks two glasses of beer a day , Stamp you can credit it to book from San Francisco has been of- to the German refugee problem wrote that or any other article knee-high he has patterned him- able to penetrate •t the bottom of the hates? fancier Symon Gould, who sold matter, to find •nd •nalise the exclusively. and accused an un-named in- self so that he can understand whole They are the kinsmen of the he will pay the government over the idea to his fellow philatelist, fered by its Jewish owner as a of the discord. Fortunately such terviewer of misrepresenting human psychology and the sur- germ gift for any constructive Jewish HIGHBROW STUFF a dincord has not yet argnired irre- great and good Francis of Assisi 145 a year in hidden taxes. Franklin D. Roosevelt. dutible proportion• and we may will the facts based on an inter- rounding attributes of society. hope that It will disappear without to whom the birds came at his purpose . . . A committee of San When John Gunther's new Ilollywood is dickering to bring Francisco Jews who visited the book, "Outside Asia," appears in view he forced from Mrs. Judge Cody is particularly inter- leaving too painful traces In thin call; he called them little brothers, They don't sing "Bei Mir Bist Menuhin. While admitting that ested in the welfare of the ju- humanity•Iready so proven by the since no loving thing was stranger Du Schoen" any more, but a Sigmund Freud to America to fruit ranch is considering four the fall it will contain a passage present hard period of moral, spiritual couple of legal actions over the supervise the medical phase of possible uses: that the land be hailing Dr. Chaim Weizmann as Mrs. Menuhin was descended venile. and material eels. to him. "Dark Victory," a picture with • given to German-Jewish refugees, from the Karaites, a Russian Judge Cody states: "In order one of the great men of all time. They are the kinsmen of the ownership to the copyright are psychological theme. tribe that embraced Judaism, that a _proper perspective may Officially Subsidized Agti-Skritic Pope who protests against selling now pending. that American Jewish farmers be "Greenwich Village Anthology," Menuhin attributed the rumors be given for the edification of settled on it, that Jewish students Paper Appears in Italy the Italian to the Huns ... "Why shortly to be published under the to jealousy on the part of those unfamiliar with the powers use it as an agricultural training editorship of Dr. B. V. Gross- ROME (WNS) —An officially has Italy felt the need to imitate those who resented the refusal attending the Probate Court. it subsidized anti-Semitic periodical Germany?" he asks with shame. center, or that it be converted mann, and with a preface by of the Menuhins to mingle would be in order to look into made its appearance in Italy with "Racialism and exaggerated na- into a vacation camp for under- Clement Wood, will include seven the Juvenile Court, which is the the publication of the first num- tionalism, as commonly spoken of, with them socially. privileged children. poems by Philip M. Raskin, Jew- very nucleus that follows in the ber of the fortnightly La Difesa mean barriers erected between Sammy Reshevsky. national ish poet and JNF leader. wake of an improper and some- chess champion, week-endiag at 8-Year-Old Jewish Boy Is what neglectful youthful life. It della Reza (The Defense of the men and other men, between folk Sol Silverman, progressive ed- Race), the editor of which is Andron's Mountain House, Hairs itor-publisher of San Francisco's is therefore highly important that Telesio Interlandi, number two and other folk?" • • • Killed by Polish Anti- Falls, N. Y,, offered Jimmy Con- Emanu-El, has been named secre- the Juvenile Court be the arm of Jew-baiter and editor of II Teve- A footnote: I am quite aware nell, the hotel's golf pro, to ex- tary of the new Frisco Citizens' Semites the court for the purposes of re, one of the papers that has that I have not been ethnograph- change a chess lesson for a golf Committee for a Forum on Labor proper handling and thereby build been in the van of the anti-Sem- ically accurate in wrapping Nazis lesson . .. Connell's first ques- Problems ... Its objective is In- WARSAW. (WNS) — Leiser for the future." itic agitation. Ostensibly intended and Huns in one bundle, as in the tion when the pieces were set dustrial peace. Rostochawsky, 8-year-old Jewish to deal with race problems from late war when Germans were up on the board was "What's par That new song the whole coun- boy, died in a hospital as a result OLDBRU BEER FILTERED a scientific angle, the paper's first called Huns. They are not in for the course?" try is singing celebrating the ex- of head injuries received from number has a cover on which is a reality of the same racial stock, Rae Cannel, gifted pianist and ploit of Douglas Corrigan, "Gone THROUGH SILK anti-Semites in the township of picture showing a short Roman except as the Oriental Huns daughter of Isaac Carmel, trav- Again Corrigan," was written by Ostrowek, Warsaw district. Crea- sword separating the head of • sweeping out of the Far East over eling salesman of American Zion- three Litvaks, Josef My-row, Ir- tion of "The Polish Information eminwes solerwonli wswo The Detroit Brewing Company, Roman statue from a head repre- western Europe left traces of ism, is chuppah-bound with Milton ving Mills and Ed Weiner. Bureau on Christian Trading senting that of a Jew and another their character among the ances- brewers of OLDBRU beer, has Bader. David Morantz, whose syndi- Places" was announced in Vilna adopted the advanced process of of a Negro. One of the leading tors of the Nazis through mixture cated "Talmudic Tales" appear in EVIAN ECHOES with the object of directing Chris- filtering beer through silk. The articles quotes figures allegedly of bloods. many English-Jewish weeklies, is We have it- from an authorita- tians to Christian landlords that beer is actually filtered through proving that Jews are the prin- The very close relationship be- tive source that the Jewish or- a credit agent in private life , . . under the new law on the control cipal criminals in Germany, Aus- tween the barbarian Huns and genuine silk. lie's just been elected president ht ganizations represented at the layers of business premises has a right the barbarian Nazis is spiritual. L. P. Martz, general manager tria and Holland. Evian conference played • most of the Kansas City, Kan., 'motion Dr. Pers P. Burnstine, Chairman of the Publicity and Radio Yet se one looks at the Mongol to give notice to Jewish business- of the brewery, asserts this new of the National Retail Credit As- ridiculous role, each delegate men, and urged them to take ad- proccss maintains unifoemity of Elimination of Jews from Italian configuration of the countenance Program Committee, of the Forty-third National Encampment pulling in a different direction sociation for the 10th consecutive vantage of the opportunity. Business Begin. Committee of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States, of Mr. Goebbels (who is the min- brilliance and clarity and that . . . That Weizmann didn't speak year. LONDON (WNS)—The elimi- ister of enlightenment) one may pointing to the special Michigan automobile license plates issued nothing is removed from the beer Among the Institutions doing there is due to the diplomacy of Did you know that Governor that lends itself for flavor, bou- nation of Jews from Italian big suspect that there is even more to all members of the Jewish War Veterans in Michigan. Samuel Lord Winterton, head of the Brit- their bit for refugees is the Can- Herbert II. Lehman is the eon of quet and body of the beer. business ?se been started with the than spiritual kinshin. Leve, general chairman, put over the unique achievement when J. ish delegation, who so skillfully tral Jewish Institute of New York - OlopyrIght, 1911, a. A. F. s.) a refugee from Germany, his fa- Mr. Marts states that to his appointment of Senator Giannini be got the Mlohigan Bureau of Motor Vehicles to issue the special Its summer camp for chil- danced around the question every . . ther having fled here after the knowledge, the Detroit Brewing as chairman of the Aquilla Oil license plates to members in honor of the J.W.V. Convention dren, near Port Jervis, employs time Palestine was mentioned There's • Chinese eatery in New abortive revolution of 1848? Company is the only brewery Refinery at -Trieste, replacing York's 'Chinatown that features only refugees as waiters In the be held in Detroit, September 2nd to 6th next. that he succeeded brilliantly in using this process as a standard Jewish interests, the Daily Tele- Chinese kreplach, of all things. keeping it out of the discussion mess halls. It is through glory that free peo- graph reports from Rome. practice. ples are led into slavery. HARRY IIIMELSTEIN • .-CREAT-WEST LIFE ANTI-RACIALISTS WILL MEET IN N. Y. TRAVEL BY BLUE GOOSE LINES RADIO SERVICE DEXTER RADIO CO. LASALLE Two Rabbis On U. A. H. C. Board Window Shade Co. BLUE GOOSE LINES