Thskersordonsn PAGE TWO THLLECAL: OFFERS NAZI CAMP SAMUEL SUMMERFIELD DIES AT 65 August 5 1938 ftONIGLE CHRONICLE L der arrest on suspicion of being IN N. Y. FOR SALE in the country illegally, Alfred „GO WHERE YOUR Theodore Ilesselbein, German Ar- yan writer, is on a hunger strike FRIENDS GO FOR to cell attention to "the plight DeLuxe Family Service 95 Philanthropist and Merchant Had Been Active for Many sons as politically unreliable. The of the world caused by that ter- I FINE FOOD and net Pieces e nd Handkerchief• Years in Detroit Jewish Community Affairs first article of the statute reaf- rible Hitler man." Ilesselbein is . LIQUORS Neatly Ironed firms the constitutional guarantee fighting deportation to Germany TRY OUR Bath Towels sad Underwear tlnued in real estate until his re- of equality for all citizens, re- on the plea that he faces perse- Samuel Summerfield, for many Fluffed Dried gardless of nationality. Accord- cution there for writing an un- tirement several years ago, years a leader in Jewish commu- Additional pounds Yc II.. to the statute, nationality is published book attacking Ilitler's nity affairs and long active in Mr. Summerfield was chairman ing henceforth to be determined by THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE charity drives, died in New York of the Jewish Welfare Federa- the mother tongue, except in the treatment of Jews and Catholics. Up to July 29 he had taken noth- complete for only on Wednesday of a heart attack. tion's relief campaign for $750,- of Jews who may claim Jew-' ing but water for seven days. Ile was 65 years old. 000 in Detroit in 1925. In 1929 en,• nationality regardless of what He has been transferred to the ish Born in St. Louis, Mo.. he he was named president of the language they claim as mother county jail hospital. Ilesselbein THE TALK OF THE TOWN came to Detroit in 1897 to as- Detroit Service Group of the Jew- tongue. The statute also estab- is 40. ish Welfare Federation, when the No matter what you pay, *web sume management of Well Co. group was reorganized. lie served lishes the principle of proportion- no laundry Six years later he established his as vice president of the Federa- ably in state employment, allot- Christian Domestics Over 46 Or- more Jews were baptized in the KANSAS LEADERS ON can launder a finer shirt own firm, Summerfield & Ilecht, tion and was also a past presi- ment of state contracts, elections! dered to Quit Jewish House. Christian faith by the Rev. Char- GOOD-WILL COMMITTEE to legislative bodies and appoint- which he ran successfully for 26 holds in Austria dent of the l'hoenix Club, now WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE les Grimes, the British chaplhin. ment of members of advisory Ger- defunct. VIENNA. — (WNS)• — NEW YORK.--(Religions News Mr. Summerfield was a mem- bodies and other organs of public many's laws, introduced into Aus- American Bar Association Kills Service)—Organization of a state- administration. ber of the Kenwood and Redford Anti-Nazi Resolution The Prague Jewish community tria six weeks ago, were officially D Hs CLEVELAND. — (WNS) — A wide Committee of Jews and Country clubs, his favorite recre- has appropriated 250,000 kronen enforced for the first time when . Christians in Kansas with Clover- Flat Pisces careful!, incest .--. ationsIbeing golf and billiards. ($10,000) to establish a camp in the authorities ordered the imme- resolution censuring Nazi Verse- nor Iluxman as honorary cyhair- Additional Pounds 53{e lb. Mr. Summerfield was unmar- the dismissal of all Aryan wom- cution and praising President man and Senator Henry J. Allen Moravian town of Svatich to diate A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE ' en under 46 from Jewish house- ried but leligcs a brother, Hugo, accommodate several hundred i of Providence, R. I., and a sister, Jewish refugees from Austria un- holds. Women 35 or over may re- Roosevelt's action in convoking as chairman was announced from Mrs. Hattie Summerfield Stern, til they can obtain immigration tain their positions in Jewish the Evian refugee aid conference, the headquarters of the National prevented from coming to the Conference of Jews and Chris- of Boston. His body was brought homes until the end of the year WAS floor of the annual convention of visas. in order not to flood the employ - the American liar Association, flans here. to Detroit for burial on Friday not respousihle for sun-born) or wind-whipped curtains The committee includes among ment market with jobless domes- in Woodmere Cemetery. , THE NEWEST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY The following telegram of con- Aryan German on Hunger Strike tics. The police have instructed when the resolutions committee its members William Allen White reported adversely on the resolu- of Emporia and leading Protes- dolence was sent to Mrs. Hattie to Call Attention to Menace all Christian servants to report to the assembly, a subordi- tant Catholic and Jewish reli- Stern, Mr. Summerfield's surviv- I of Hitler the names of all male residents tions nate branch of the association. sinus and lay leaders from all ing sister, by Abe Srere, president LOS ANGELES. (WNS)—Un- in Jewish homes. Meanwhile 200 committee voted e parts of the state. Lester M. Ell s, Pasch of the Jewish Welfare Federation 'down the anti-Nazi resolution be- general secretary of the Wichita of Detroit, and Gus D. Newman, they were admitted to the cause it involved "the present Young Men's Christian Associa- president of the Detroit Service vide the refugees with free land, that country as farmers -but are now tools anvG credits provided the civil government of a foreign Pon, is secretary. OUR NEW EMERGENCY SERVICE Group: Organization of the Kansas "The entire community has necessary Y cooperation is forth- ' engaged in mercantile pursuits. country, namely, Germany. In the Laundry Brought to Plant by 9 o'clock e. m. will be learned with profound regret of coming front the Jewish commu- Mr. Daniels is said to have told opinion of the committee, the res- committee, it was stated. follows Finished Same Day—NO EXTRA CHARGE the minister of immigration that nity and from Jewish organiza- olution relates to a subject which intensification of the work of the the death gf your brother who if these Jews were deported they is not within the purport of the National Conference of Jews and for so many years was an out- tions abroad. would be men and women without many association." Privately Christians in the Middle West, standing leader and devoted work- er in behalf of Jewish communal Victoria Government Denies Jew- a country and he urged the gov- members said introduction of the under the direction of the Mid- per pored Id EARISG APPAREL • ernment to reconsider. The min- resolution on the floor pf the con - I West Area of the National Con- ish Immigrants Exploit Labor causes. Please accept our eon- ddence in your bereavement. In MELBOURNE. (WNS) — Dis- ister is understood to have agreed vention would have beet) embaras- l ference with headquarters in Chi- pee seed 10C sing since the organization could I ,cogo. Gen. Charles G. Dawes is the death of Samuel Summerfield turbed by the increasingly anti. to study the question further. LATE SAMUEL SUMMERFIELD hardly criticize racial persecution chairman of the mid•west area Minimum Charge, $1.80 his associates on the boards of alien tone of the Australian press, Eddie Cantor Raises Half-Million, abroad while it continued to bar' ' and Dr. James M. Yard is execu- our agencies have lost a colleague the governnient of the State of years. He then sold his interests A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION 1,400 Assuring Rescue for Negroes from membership in the five secretary. to Well & Co. He later became and the beneficiaries whom his Victoria issued a special state- Child Refugees association. The resolution was associated with Alfred Hecht in hilanthropic work benefitted have ment categorically denying ru- NEW YORK. — Eddie Cantor, introduced by Charles C. Burlin- Love is like a rose, the joy of all mors that Jewish immigrants were the Alfred Realty Co.. and con- ost a friend." slashing the wages of sweated la- radio and motion picture star, ghame of New York City. the earth .. . — bor. Publication of the state- who arrives in this country, Mon- Love is like a lovely rose. the ment coincided with the appear- day, Aug. 1, has assured haven 38 More Polish Jews Lose Citizen. world's delight. ship ance of cartoons in The Age and in Palestine for nearly 1,400 Jew- WARSAW. — (WNS) — The The Herald depicting streams of ish refugee children from Central A immigrants entering Australia Europe by raising half a million number of Polish Jews resident while immigration officials stand dollars on his London tour, it abroad who have been deprived E. was announced by lladassah, the of Polish citizenship in the past . by indifferently. The Argus d■ slinciive thyilims printed two anonymous letters, Women's Zionist Organization of month climbed to 116 when 58 ORCHIDS one accusing Jews of cutting America, which is the sole United more were stricken from the citi- mAySttLE VAN wages of sweated labor, and the States agency for the Youth Ali- zenship rolls. The de-naturaliza- YOU CAN ROY QUALITY KOSHER MUTE WITH CONFIDENCE from AOORAIIII (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) about a new wave of Jewish per- other demanding a ban on "indis- vah (immigration) movement. A tions were made under the law PAUL /111011110R1 secution, is urged by Sir John criminate Jewish immigration." , London cable to Ilndassah stated enacted last March permitting MUSIC that Mr. Cantor helped secure such action in the case of nation- United Kingdom's trade and must Hope Simpson in a preliminary this sum in 15 days while on his als who have had no contact with cease to require information report of a survey of the refugee 25 Refugee Familfies to Be Kosher Meat and Poultry Market SPECIAL TODAY English mission under the aus- Poland for five years or who have sous, abofit the constitution of United Settled on Virginia Farms question published under the aus- wit DELIVER 11837.41 DEXTER BLVD. so,,ria. Kingdom firms," NORFOLK, Va. (WNS)—Plans pices of a British Youth Aliyah engaged in activities allegedly 114 DAVENPORT, Phone HOgarth 3042-3 ! pices of the Royal Institute of Hawes Wwwwismo mod Webb anis, Mass emigration of Jewish ref. International Affairs. Recognized for settling 25 German-Jewish committee which included the detrimental to the state. At the Marchioness of Reading, Lady B"" same time three Jewish refugees C001 as an expert on refugee problems ugees to any country, even Eng- refugee families on farms. near land, will create anti-Semitism by virtue of his work with the Richmond, Va., within the next Sassoon, Viscountess Samuel, Mrs. from Austria—Henry David, Leon Anthony de Rothschild, Mr. and Klar and K. David—were sent to there, the Sunday Observer de- Refugee Settlements Com ission two weeks were announced here Mrs. Simon Marks and Mr. and t h e government concentration Rey. Canter clares in a warning to the inter- in Athens from 1926 to 19' , Sir by James C. Page, official of a camp at Kartuz-Bereza on charges Jacob governmental refugee aid com- Jehn recommended radica and local customs brokerage firm. Mr. Mrs. Israel Sieff. MRS. EVA LEVY Austrian Mothers j eceive Assur- of illegal entry. preventive action, rather than Page said that the families are mittee not to send large numbers Silverman 3295 Collingwood Ave. died of ance on Fate of Jewish AERGICAL of emigres to any one country. superficial palliatives, to deal to be admitted to the United on Tuesday morning at the age To avoid the development of anti- with the situation. Specifically, States under the German immi- DANZIG. (WNS) — Threaten- MODEL Child Refugees re lea' of 72. Funeral services were Jewish feeling, the Observer says, he proposed agrarian reform in gration quota. Their transfer is ( Jiwish par- ed with loss of Polish citizenship, Worried Austria wd several Fraetle• held Tuesday afternoon, and bur- several hundred Polish Jews re Alealleme e ents preparing to commended by refugees should be colonized in Poland to overcome dire poverty being financed by private funds. Ph> slrnw< and ial was in Machpelah Cemetery, small groups. hundred children to Palestine to dent in Danzig are likely to be- among the peasantry, which has Hospitals Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelernter offici- Sincpson Urges Radical Program resulted in discrimination against come men without a country as escape the restrictions., of the PARIS. (WNS) — Creation of 903 ating. Survivors are three daugh- handicraft industries in the United Nuremburg laws will receive as- a result of the Polish authorities Jews. to Prevent Creation of Elmhurst ters, Mrs. Minnie Pernick, Mrs. New Refugees States for refugees from Ger- surance of the kindly fate of here to recognize their passports. TO. 8-6839 Lena Halperin and Mrs. Sophie Elimination of economic and Mexico Bars Mass Refugee Colo- many and Austria who would sup- some 2,200 Jewish refugee chil- wsb-cloae Lefkowitz, and two sons, Joel political conditions in Eastern Terfonne4 notation but Faders Selected lily merchandise to American dren already transferred, it was American Tourist Traffic to Reich and Ilyman. Mrs. Levy was ac- Europe, especially organized anti- Cut Off 50 Per Cent Immigrants stores boycotting ,-Germany and said here today by lladassah, sole BERLIN. (WNS) — Intensified tively interested in many organi- Semitic propaganda, that threat- MEXICO CITY. (WNS)—De- Austria was proposed here by I. American agency for the Jewish Nazi anti-Semitism and the Ger- zations, among them Congrega- en to aggravate the already acute scribing Youth Aliyah (immigration) himself as "an enthusias- H. Ilitsehman, vice president of man spy indictment in the United tion Ahavath Zion, Lechem Ani- Saks—Fifth Avenue. Mr. Hirsch- movement. Rev. Cantor yim and the Yeshiva Beth Judah. refugee problem by bringing tic supporter of immigration,' mann said he would recommend In anmver to a cable asking for States are two of the principal Minister of Interior Garcia Teves reasons advanced by travel agen- DAVID the plan to the State Department details of the adjustment of these told a Jewish delegation the cies here for a 50 per cent de- RACHEL KOPEL GOLDEN Mexico will not allow any mass on his return to the United States. children in Palestine, Hadassah cline in American tourist traffic received a series of autobiogra of 0810 Lawton Ave., 74 years — C– Detrolt's Formai colonization of Jewish refugees to Germany this year. Antipathy and case histories written old, died on Aug. 4. Funeral S. Envoy Intervenes with Mex. ;Ales H 0 II IC L but is prepared to undertake an U. by the 15 and 17-year-old exiles to the Nazi regime and the con- services were held on Aug. 5 with RELIABLE II OUSE IIELP. orderly settlement of selected ref- leo for 8,000 Jevis Facing TYLER 0410 quest of Austria are other factors themselves from Miss Henrietta interment in Beth Olem Ceme- Deportation Wedding Cerensoi• Laundresses, women for house ugees whose capabilities are suited lee Performed al tery, Rabbi H. N. Rosenthal offi- MEXICO CITY. (WNSS—Jo- Szold, 77-year-old American cited. cleaning, house maids, womefi to the national needs of the coun- Hume and by Ao- three sephus Daniels, United States founder of lladassah, the Worn- by ciating. She is survived for part time work. By hour, try. Teyes declared that Mexico ON SALE poIntmeot. ` You can see the original mar- sons, Harry, L., Ruby and Dr. day or week. Schlesinger's, is now-- investigating the whole Ambassador to Mexico, is report- en's Zionist Organization of riage contract of Haym Salomon EVERYWHERE Joseph 0.; two daughters, Mrs. Madison 2526. problem of immigration with a ed to have intervened with the America. Miss Szold is now eta- of by taking yourself up to the mu- Sidney Frank of Detroit and Mm. view to facilitating the systematic ministry of immigration in behalf tioned in Jerusalem as head Herman S. Prince of Brooklyn, QUILTS — Made or recovered colonization of refugees. lie said of 5,000 Jews who are threatened the Jewish youth immigration seum of the Jewish Theological • WHARDT a IIICKIA IIRIWING CO. DITIOIT Seminary, from your own feathers or that the government would pro- with deportation on the ground movement. N. Y.; four brothers, J. P. Rosen- wools. Pillows recovered—spe- thal, Joseph, Isaac and Abe Ros- cial, $1.25. Full line of curtains, enthal• three sisters, Mrs. Sam baby, shower and wedding gifts. Goldberg, Mrs. Jacob Goldberg Dexter Quilt & Gift Shop, and Mrs. Hattie Oppenheim, and 11649 Dexter Blvd., at Webb. nine grandchildren. Mrs. Kopel Hogarth 9050. was a charter member of the Bi- cur Cholem and Old Folks Home, was a member of the Shaarey FOR RENT — Beautiful, airy, room in single, adult home. Zedek Sisterhood and lladassah Gliynn Ct., near Lawton bus. and many other organizations. Townsend 5-3764. THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME o...NOLUDEI. FROM PAGE ONE. SUNDAY DINNER Pounds 75c SHIRTS 18 D AMP WASH $100 Lace Curtains T a" r.` 271c Double Woblen Blankets Feather Pillows 35c 25c All Ironed Service 30C FLAT PIECES P GEORGE RUBLEE CHOSEN TO DIRECT INTER-GOVERNMENTAL COMMISSION TO HELP REFUGEES FROM GERMANY 1Yomealle,Com 3 AARON B. MARGOLIS ottuda OBITUARY SIMPLY SAY. . STEINIES REGULARS ON DRAFT CLASSIFIED Manuel Mach Nowl Detroit's Most Modern Jewish Funeral Home OFFERING 011ttipatIptir Orruire DAY on NIGHT I-7 TYLER 4-0666 ph on_ TYLER 5-7177 WERNEY Jewish Funeral Home Office, Chapel & Showrooms 9219 DEXTER at Joy Road SARAH GREENWALD FOR RENT—Nice, airy, well-fur- of 9810 Lawton Ave., 69 years nished room for one or two in old, died on Aug. 1. Funeral serv- home of small family. Quiet ices were held on Aug. 2 with surroundings. Good-transpor- interment in Bnai David Ceme- tation. 3793 Carter Ave., near tery, Rabbi J. S. Specks officiat- Dexter. Tyler 6-0280. ing. She is survived by her hus- band, Morris; two sons. Lewis FOR RENT—Furnished room and and Philip, and one daughter, private bath in single home Mrs. Ida Levy. Mrs. Greenwald with unlimited phone and gar- was a member of the Sisterhood age. Quiet street. Near car of Shaarey Zedek and Old Folks and bus. For gentleman. Ty- ler 6-7235. Home. IN MEMORIAM REWARD for the whereabouts and place of employment of Joe Rosenbloom, last seen by. In loving memory of our dear us at 1635 Calvert, Detroit; and wife and mother, Elizabeth Eicb- Moe Herman, last seen by us man, who passed away 5 years at 236 Rosedale Ct.. Detroit. ago, Aug. 6, 1933. Peoples State Loan Co., 400 Murphy Bldg., Highland Park, In our heart. yourmemory lingers Su eet. tender and true. Mich. There le not a stay goes by That We do not think of you. MOTHER with daughter teach- ing school desire room and board in home of small. adult family. First floor. 'Must be strictly kosher. Townsend That Munich synagogue which 5-9641. Hitler ordered razed was built between 1884 and 1897 at a cost WANTED—Unmarried man with of 900,000 marks . . . The land a general knowledge of shoes alone cost 348,000 marks. and clothing, to assist in buy- ing and selling. State age, ex- LEGAL NOTICES perience and salary desired. Apply Box 70, Detroit Jewish 10 2577 Chronicle. . PETITION TO CHANGE NAME Sadly missed by her husband and son. STATE OS MICHIGAN. Countyof Wayne PC —Prnbat. Court for the sell Huxley Sale Hitler Would Be Non-Aryan If There Were Aryans LONDON (WNS)—"Every one knows there is no such thing as an Aryan race, but even if such a race existed, more than three- quarters of the German people would be non-Aryan, including Hitler himself," it was declared by Dr. Julian Huxley, world- famous British biologist, in an in- terview granted in connection with the annual meeting of the British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. ' He Raid this in the course of a long state- ment on the future development of eugenics. Referring to Ger- many, he said we find there to- day "an example of the absur- dities claimed in the name of eu- genics. It iota shocking story the way the scientific method is being prostituted to perpetuate 17thhegtbyy or;C'er=ter, A. D. Mk at ten o'clorle In the Serennon. to make arid 'ration to ... Id Probate Court fdr an order changing toy name from IDA KAR A FIELN ICE In IDA E. CARSON. ao ording to the pros henna of the otatut• In aura raw made and provided. I tated. July 30. sae. IDA X A RA }ELMICK. teals N. Courtly of STATE OS Warne. so –"A I a Nonsten of the Probate Coati for sal/ County of Wayne. held 0 the Probate rinurt Rooni In the City of Detroit,th• on twenty-mo