America Prick Periodical Carta CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI ICS OHIO PAGE FIVE &AMOK IEWISR et RON ICLE July 29, 1938 Advance Furs and mt. LEGAL CHRQNISL,8 , , linoraes ureetea On J. N. F. Post, 35 Detroiters at Bellefaire's Fete Sy stems - Audits - Taxes More than 800 alumni and 0 guests from every section of the 1 country attended the three-day CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 2 William Hordes. newly-elected celebration July 22, 23 and 24, 1— N, I 1821 PENOBSCOT BLDG. a chairman of the executive coin- which marked the 17th anniver- 3 CA. 3338 sary of Bellefaire, Jewish Orphan 1 3 4 mittee of the Jewish National Fund Council of Detroit, is being Home, and the 50th birthday of ,, 23 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 widely commended on his elec- the Alumni Association, A $10,- tion. James E. Frazer, a non- Mrs. Philip Gurviteh and daugh- 000 gift to Bellefaire was the Dr. and Mrs. Leo Franklin. Jewish attorney, reading of his ter, Judy, of Boston Blvd. re- Alumni Association's contribution election, congratulated him and accompanied by their grandaugh- of turned home after spending four on this doubly gala occasion. in the sent a contribution to the fund. ter, Mary Frieda Einstein Thirty-five residents of Detroit Blairsville, Pa., left on Thursday weeks in northern Michigan. Mr. Feeler .wrote: attended the celebration at Belle- "I see by the current issue of for Omena, Mich., where they will faire, including lierbert Klein, The Monday Night Club will The Detroit Jewish Chronicle that spend several weeks. By MAURIE SAFIR hold a social all day Wednesday, president of the Detroit Alumni you have been selected as chair- Dexter at Burlingame Aug. 3, at the summer home of Chapter; Nate Balaban, director Snapshots: Marge Sofferin look- man' of the executive committee Mrs. Sidney Rosenfeld and Mrs.' Mrs. A. Fieher in Cass Lake. of the Alumni Association; Mau- TOwnaend 8.0155 ing very lovely in her new sports of the Detroit Council of the Jew- Carrie Cron of Cincinnati will ar- Members and friends are invited. rice A. Enggass, it director of Bellefaire, and Mrs. Enggass, and ensemble ... Mrs. Belle Schwartz, ish National Fund. My sincere rive Sunday to be the house a c , o hir re a ( t ititlr eio sn ps ie . ndild guests of Mrs. A. L. Bernstein ' The Lachver Aid Society Will Harry Friedman, manager of the • portrait study of a lovely Jew- inrg of Ping Ave. give their 20th annual picnic on Bejcrest Hotel. ! ish mother . . . Adolph Deutsch the Jewish people have . interested Fred Lazarus, Jr., of Columbus, • Sunday, July 31„ at Shady l'ark, proudly introducing his new mat! theinselven in the welfare of the Mrs, Estelle Alexander of But, near Mt. Clemens. There will be 0.. was re-elected president of the . . . The Jerry Morse's holding less fortunate. It is distinctly a hoard of trustees and directors, fats is the guest of her children. lunches, refreshments 'mid enter- hands ... The Ted Roth's taking national trait. In evidence of my Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Alexander tainment. Members and friends while I. S. Anotf of Chicago, gen- a splash with the popular medico interest, I am enclosing my per- eral chairman for the celebration, WITH THE MOST MODERN are invited. of Calvert Ave. was elected president of the holding a stethoscope in one hand, Nonni check for use in the work." a golf club in the other and with Mr. Hordes announced that the Edith and Alan Kopelson and Alumni Association to succeed Miss Betty Mann of New York daughter, Sally Jean, former De- Edward S. Klein of Cleveland. love in his heart . . . Edith Bar- annual Tisha b'Ab collections will Note in Progress nett, quite attractive and atten-be conducted in Detroit syna- and Mrs. Harry Salter of Tor- troiters, now living in Beverly Michael Sharlitt was reappointed onto have been the guests of their Hills, Calif., are guests of Mr. and for his 17th year as superintend- lion arresting while sunning her- , rogues on Sunday morning, Aug. self . . . Add milestones: Mrs. 17. The work is being carried on brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Wolf of 2127 Oak- ent at the home. At the annual meeting of the Lou Luckoff who celebrated her I under the direction of Rabbi J. S. Mrs. Carl Shalit of Boston Blvd. ' man Blvd. Their brother and sister-in-law, the Kopelsons, have board, Maurice Rohrheimer of birthday anniversary last week I Seerka. 1 . . . and this week is sporting a 1 Max Cavaler and Miss Frances been on a recital tour appearing Cleveland, and Commodore Louie shiny new automobile . . . a Cavaler left Saturday morning, on university concert series. Mr. D. Beaumont of l'aris, former birthday gift from friend hus- July 23, for a two weeks' trip Kopelson was formerly with the Clevelander, were made honorary Detroit Institute of Musical Art, members of the board of direc- band . . Injuries that Flo Ker- through Mexico. and is a member of the Bohemian tors and trustees in recognition and Ann hutzen recently re- nee Club. In California, he is head of distinguished services to the ceived in an auto collision have Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Gilbert home. They are the 14th and mended . . . We're also glad to of Woodingham Drive entertained of the music department of the BUY YOUR see that Gertrude Epstein re- at a dinner party at their home, Urban Military Academy. This 15th persons to lie so honored in covered so quickly from her ac- Rhea E. Cashman announces a on Tuesday evening, July 26, inIseason he was elected to the board the 70 years of the home's exist- cident . . . Our Franklin Hills European excursion tour to start honor of Congressman and Mrs,I of Pro-Musica in California. Out of the 350 out-of-town enceU correspondent reports that on Sept. 3 from New York. John D. Dingell. Among the STORE IN Blanche Siegel who played that Miss Cashman has arranged the guests present were the lion. and I Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabinowitz, alumni who returned for the re- TE union, over 70 came from Chi- Mrs. John C. Lehr, United States I Mr. and Mrs. A. Posen and course recently gave a remark- tour to include four eventful Sat- Best Allowances h, the City DETROIT able exhibition and was the envy urday nights in the 23 days. The District Attorney, Judge and Mrs. I daughter, Geraldine, are spending cago. Detroit sent the next larg- 0 Y on Used Cars of her male gallery ... The Irv- first Saturday night there will be Thomas C. Murphy and Judge I two weeks at Shady Rest Farm, est delegation, with 35, while 27 DELICATESSEN . + land, M came from New York, Other Port DAIRY APPETIZERS i ing Blumberg'e accompanied by a gala midnight fete sailing out of Carl 51. 1% enleman. cities with large representations • even, MIc their daughter, Aline, are Cherie- New York City. The second Sat- 5c Miss Natalie Slonim of Pin_ included Milwaukee, Columbus PET or CARNATION MILK . . . . purchase tor Mee .. vole bound where they will spend urday night gathering will be in Rabbi Leon From has returned 25c Free Ave. is speinling her vaca- and Lou Angeles. next two weeks . . . No one London, England, the third in from a three-weeks' fishing trip SALAMI, WIENERS KRAJENKE BUICK CO. the tion as a guest at the summer Samuel Clark of Chicago, duos 25c seems to get as much enjoyment Paris, France, and the fourth on the lakes in northern Michi- DOMINO SUGAR, 5 lbs. home of Mrs. B. Joseph of Wolf of 1822, was the oldest alumnus 11626 JOS. CAMPAU 25c out of a game of Mah Jong as will be the captain's dinner gen. Ile was accompanied by his SALAD DRESSING, quart present. Ile is 71 years old. Sophie Tolmich and Mildred Gross nephew, Nathan Silverstein, who TO. 8.9357 aboard the S. S. Normandie. 15c BEST NEW SCHMALTZ HERRING, 2 for Lillian Israel won the putting Arrangements will be made for has returned to his home in Cin- L Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koblin Eighty-year-old Ike Cohen of Chi- 25c cago, first child to enter the or- BEECH NUT COFFEE, can .. contest lust Tuesday and the 9 those desiring to remain in Europe cinnati, 0. Find daughters, formerly of 3281 phanage, was made a life mem- hole medal play match was cap- for a longer time to extend their Sturtevant Ave., are now ,residing ber of the Alumni Association. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Rothschild tured by Sarita Lapides . . . tour, for visits to Switzerland, at 18642 Roselawn Ave. III-health prevented his being of Moss Ave. are spending two Dorothy Levy and daughter, Lois, Palestine or other countries. present. are vacationing at Michigana Information regarding this tour weeks in Goderich, Ont. Miss 'Muriel Bean Stark is SELLS TILE BEST FOR LESS And Esther Bronstein is sojourn- may be gotten from Miss Cash- visiting her cousin, Natalie B. 8816 TWELFTH ST., between Hazelwood and Gladstone Mrs., Benjamin Blumberg and Stark of 4069 Grand Ave. ing in Denver, Colo. . Wonder man at 1253 Griswold St., tele- her daughter, Norma, of Oakman where Irving Dworman has been phones Randolph 3368, 3369, the past two weeks? . . . Ben 3370 . Blvd. will leave Friday for Mack- 1 mac Island. 1 Fenton looks just as dapper in a swimming suit as he does on a Mrs. Abe Cooper and daughter, golf course .. . Aside to Henri- Juob Winifred, of Chica go Blvd., are etta Grad and Evelyn Rosenberg: 'People r Tito K i m ‘ party visiting at the Arcady Club at held g M e■ Z =1'4 "I'm terribly sorry girls, really!" LONDON. (WNS)—An erup- 1 A <'!. Lake George, N. Y. They were T.," r 7,"th t l e II 11,7 . • . In a recent pillar we men- 101 er a l e . Gavin ";f:':111 Lee Road, , The committee consisted of tion of anti-Semitic Nazi signs has tioned that Jules Schubot and Beginning Aug. 1 the United accompanied by Miss Marion Mrs. Abe Zamek, chairman; M r s Pen MADE FROM appeared in many London sub- Chicago, Sammy Sofferin were a pair of Hebrew Schools will be closed for of janoin Swimmer, Mr, Int ol S ie -b ill. New English Home just being completed in Russell Woods, Barnett, urbs. The words "kill the Jews" Mrs. Archie I in' ph Rubin. great competitors but after their COSTLIER MATERIALS Mrs llarold Goldberg and Mrs. Morris conveniently located near Dexter Blvd. This desirable resi- a month's vacation. U. letters three feet high were 1,--eiraTc Rabinowitz of Boston, Stroun. Fifty guest. attended. exhibition of bridge Sunday Friday, July 29, was a 0 0 dence is finished in the finest manner—four large bedrooms, carved on Bowling Green at Tot- against a team of novices, they day" for all the pupils of the I Ma", is visiting with Mr. and Pittsburgh. 21/2 baths with Kohler colored fixtures and tile to match— alias Rita Goldstein of ought to confine their competition United Hebrew Schools. The Mrs J. Greenberg of Elmhurst Pa has returned to her 1101110 aft. tenham. The walls of the Finch- large closets, terrace porch and sun deck—luxuriously pan- to golf .. . To the femmes: the United Dairies served the pupils Ave., following his graduation spending her vacation with her um le ley synagogue were smeared with and aunt. and Mrs. Pam Cohen eled library, private dining room and knotty pine breakfast swastikas painted in red paint and "Kiddies" party next Tuesday of the schools with refreshments from Harvard. of Cherokee Road. nook—recreation and card rooms—air-conditioned, two car tar. Swastikas were also painted Should be on your must list ... consisting of United Dairies prod- garage and large trees—and many other modern features you Mr. and Mrs. Sol Eller and family Abner Rosenzweig is spending on the windows of the Labor Par- Remember last year's? . . it's Va spending I heir of toils Road a ucts. would not expect to see at such a low price—complete for a few days at the Edgewater cation In l'arkersburg, W. Va. ty's committee rooms in East • EXCURSION TOUR for members only. only $13,400. Beach lintel in Chicago. ie... Willesden. • Was Ann Katehke of New York Officers Installed by Ohodor- TO EUROPE See 37 other homes as low as $4150 in other sections. with 'al le. Clly is i i spending her The 1938 edition of Knollwood's Arent.% Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r hover Progressive Aid Mrs. Herman Schmier of Santa annual President's Days are guar- RAINBOWS ARRANGE Barbara Drive and Mrs: Abe Katchke of • Ogemaw Road. Society anteed to eclipse all former SUMMER GARDEN FETE Schmier of Fairfield Ave. are vie I Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Kaplan of Chip. lama Riled have as their gurst• Visiting PLYMOUTH, LON DO N, events ... the dates are Tuesday, and Mrs M. L. Braude, Miss roost er The following staff of officers cat' in Frankfort, Mich. HARWICH, AMSTERDAM, HAGUE, Aug. 16 for the women and lb Rude, kter. Max Kauf m an and Nit s. The annual summer garden BRUSSELS, PARIS. Wednesday, Aug. 17, for the was installed for the ensuing term Mr. and Mrs. J. Horwitz and l'hillp goionion of Chica go. formal of Purity Chapter, Rain- Personally Conducted by HO. 4480 14555 WYOMING men ... the committee urges the of the Chodorkover Progressive son, Jackie, of Fullerton Ave. are bow for Girls, will be held again RHEA E. CASHMAN members to make early reserva- Aid Society at its meeting at spending two weeks in Charlevoix, at the home of Miss Millie Schuff WORLDWIDE TRAVEL tions ... Pontiac was well repre- Jericho Temple, on July 11: M. Mich. of 16905 Wildemere Ave. The BUREAU, Inc. sented at the club on Sunday ... Eisenberg, president; Sol Lum- formal has always been a high 1253 GRISWOLD ST., nr. Grand River the contingent consisting of Sam berg, vice president; Gertrude YOU CANNOT EXCHANGE OR RETURN Miss Anna May Adler, who Mr. and Mrs Joseph C. Hirschfield spot in Purity's social undertak- RA 3368 Gilbert, recording secretary; Louis Cohen, Harold Goldberg, Ben was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. and daughter, Eileen, have returned ing, combining refreshments and A VACATION--CHOOSE WISELY Goldstein, Irving Steinman and Bogrow, financial secretary; Ed- II. Berger of Burlingame Ave., home from a short trip to Chicago. music by a popular orchestra. the Buckner Family . . . inci- ward Oberfield, treasurer; Her- has returned to her home in and Miss Schuff, together with Mil- Mr. anti Mr.. Louis Levine Weinberg of Cln•elm dentally, young Buckner (I can't man Bernson, sergeant-at-arms; Youngstown, 0. Mr. •nd Mrs I natl. spent several days during dred Brown, worthy advisor, will think of his first name) is just Sam Brody, Mrs. Eisenberg and the pest week at "11/4 kin.' Island. be dad to supply information if about tops among our junior Mrs. Shusterman, hospitalere; offers the better things in vacation life. Our policy is, and Dr. and Mrs. Perry Burnstine Mine liclene Marienthat register of called at Un. 1-3288. This year, swimmers . . . Where does Nate David Kay and Joe Stone, board of LaSalle Blvd., Dr. and Mrs. the always has been, to give a great deal more for just a little gal the formal is open to the public. Probate Court. in leasing of candidates; Dr. Roy S. Gilbert, Fishman buy his golf togs? . .• more. This simple formula has earned for Totem Lodge its Robert Rosen of Mack Ave., and Saturday on an extentted tour through Idelleo his newest outfit makes him look medical examiner. high standing in vacation resorts. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ravine of Plans were announced for the Woodingham Drive are taking a like one of Warden Lewes board- Air. and Mra. Jerome Levine are Jewish Children's Home Golf Course on Premises Dr. Rosen Outlines Vet era ... Add sweet looking souls : 4th annual ball to be held Nov. lweek-end cruise on Georgian Bay. s, epting felicitations on the birth Youths to Be Guests of of • daughter, Lola Helaine, on gat. Championship Tennis Courts Aspirations in Radio Talk Mrs.. Morrie Aronsson. Tab the 6, in the Aztec Towers. urday. Perfection Lodge at Picnic Indoor and Outdoor Handball Courts It was also announced that the gay nineties party tonight a swell Mrs. Barney Donen of Grand Mrs. Derry Alporn hat returned Indoor Tiled and Steam•Heate,i1 Swimming Pool with Sunday In a recent radio address, Dr., affair . . . It's not too late to postponed picnic will be held on Rapids, is the guest of her moth- home from Ann Arbor where she was Shady Park in Mt. Sun Ray Lamps Sept. 11, in , Robert Rosen, vice-president o make reservations ... Just phone er, Mrs. 51. Yarrows, of Blaine undergoing medical treatment and is now coot Meeting at the home of her Clemens. Private Bridle Path Perfection Lodge No. 486, F. the convention corporation of the Elmhurst 6870. Ave parent., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ermine. Bathing, Boating and Fishing in Our Own Burden Lake & A. M., will have its annual pic- Jewish War Veterans of the Robin/ton, who was re. Abraham Unexcelled Cuisine United States and general hous- his all to help the country of his Anti-Semitic Leaflet Distrib- Mrs. Morris Braude and son, Misr. gyiVilt Block, daughter of Mrs. nic for members, their families Preview Motion Pictures ing chairman for the national en- are leaving Sunday to Harry Hirai, of Buffalo. N. Y.. prior and friends, on Sunday, July 31, uted in Washington Suburb Daniel, adoption. to her nuptials at Buffalo a fortnight at Cass-Benton Park, Six Mile Rd. Brilliant Nightly Entertainment campment to be held in Detroit return to their home in Chicago, ago, h Mr. Robin- has arrived here with "In view of the oncoming en- Two Orchestras, Swing Band and Cuban Orchestra Ill., after a two-weeks' visit with son following their wedding cruise to at Northville Road, A program campment and the crisis we are liermuda. They are making their home Stately Surroundings on an Exclusive Estate WASHINGTON, D. C.—(WNS) Mr. `and Mrs. Jack Tobin and with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. "Meter of games and races has beeen passing through, every Jewish —A n t i - Semitic literature was Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tobin. Robinson, of North Madison Ave., for planned by the committee to start war veterans should join the the present. at 2 p. m., with a baseball game publicly distributed within sight Detroit Post No. 135 of the Jew- following. Arrangements have Miss Marcia Diamond of Long- of the nation's capitol for the On Burden Lake, Averill Park, New York ish War Veterans of the United FIDELITIOUS SORORITY been made to have as guests the first time when copies of a leaflet fellow Ave. is returning Sunday States: The objects of this or- DAVID N. KATZ, Managing Director sponsored by the "Nationalist after a 10-days' visit with Miss Fidelitious Sorority held a so- children from the Jewish Chil- ganization are: Write for Illustrated Booklet or fall Publishing Co." were handed out Enid Baskin of Chicago, ill. cial affair and midnight dinner- dren's Home ••1 To maintain true alleglant e to The committee in charge of ar- in Colonial Village, Va., a Wash- dance at the Springdale Country MR. H. J. KRAMER the United Sint. of America; , tro en- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Dworman honor end purity In public af• rangements for the games and ington suburb. The leaflet said: rage Lobby, Maccabees Bldg., 5057 Woodward Ave. tend,. to . of Webb Ave. have returned home' Club. 1 01111, (0 4 ombat whatever races is composed of Sam Plotler, Communism is Jewish. The U. S. At the recent election of of- and permanency y TO. 7.7967 — TE. 2-8702 Impair the efflo lets er our in, iti•iiiii G I' ne, " en." .. ' Government is controlled by Jews. from a visit with their daughter, ficers, the following were chosen: chairman, Max Reidy, Arthur the doctrine of universal lihert,, Gould, Manuel Heitman, Al 110- The press, radio and theater are Ruth, who is spending the sum- Alice Horowitz, president; Phyllis '''''' rights and full just ice to MI men Jew-owned and controlled. They mer at Camp Arrowhon in Can- Strager, secretary; Ethel Lands- monoff and Worshipful Master - 2. To combat the powers Or bigotry ada. . H. M. Friedman. Those in- and derkneee wherever originating nod have a secret, inner world goy- berg, treasurer. The club plans whortmer their target to uphold the ernment known to few people• to have an informal installation tending o attend are as ked to fair name of the Jew and fight his - Youngs Communists are 100 per cent for Mrs. Milton Klivans of Drllow fo s tigns at Six Mile and and an all-day picnic swimming tiattles 4,herever assailed. spending a few deays '1. To Inculcate and keel , ails. the Roosevelt. Why? Get proof by 1 town, 0., is at Whitmore Lake next Northville Roads to picnic ground. pa rt y spirit of comradeship among the men sending either cash or money or- I with her brother-in-law and is- i' Sunday. of our faith who fought in the y &Hem der to: Nationalist Publishing I te r, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were of the United Mates of America The vocatfonal committee is un. . 4. To aegis* such comrades and their Co." The address is a Washington Michelson, of Warrington Drive. der the chairmanship of Phyllis GOLDMAN, Z.O.A. HEAD, famine, may stand in need of help, SAILS FOR PALESTINE tree all atom rood post office box. encouragement or protection. Strager. BALTIMORE, Md. — Forty ii., p . 1:' ,..14"i g Mrs. Harry Brodie and laugh- '1 To oncourage an,, promote at h- For information regarding thip cur around with • gun Inetrad of German boys and girls, ranging ter, Madeline, of Chicago Blvd. letir s a mong out members and in the NEW YORK (WNS) — Dr. sr • sorority call Phyllis Strager, To youth of our faith are spending the summer at 'AI. To instil love of country and nag 6-1669, or Ho. 9338, or write Solomon Goldman, newly-elected in ages from 14 to 16 years, h r 'e ae he " crol d t 11117d Iltrels?'1'411:a Charlevoix,' Mich. in our jouth •nd to oster f such activities president of the Zionist Organiza- visiting Baltimore during the past Ching we hose to • concentration Ada Kohn, 3010 Chicago Blvd. petuate the objects will tend to per MI camp—and there fur &aimed.. Of tion of America, sailed this week month as exchange students, re- and Ideate of our organieatiob• DR. ROBERT ROSEN eon.... we hare a l. too, bat Miss Ruth Ehrlich of Chicago for Palestine where he is to con- "7. To gather and preserve the r- pa won't find remny welters. ar- RODIN CLUB ords of patriotic sereli e performed ecy b Blvd. returned home Monday from tists, musician., preacher., olden- fer with Jewish leaders on ex- ceived a letter in German that from Sept. 2 through Sept. 6, the men of our faith: to honor their tist• or teas-hero, there. a 10-day visit at Muskoka Lodge A garden party was given by Mrs. tension of American Jewish sup- attracted wide attention in the outlined the aspirations of the memory and ehleld front negiert the Did you •hkerve, If jive raw the in Canada. Oriole% play, that • fellow awned Nathan Fishman and Mrs. Milton pert for the rebuilding of the Baltimore Press. The Jewish veterans and said that Ameri- grave', of our heroic deed. Joe Greenberg WI. right In there "The creed of the Jewish War It Happened to the Jews Miller on June 25, at the spacious country and the enlargement of Times was one of the publications canism Is the organization's chief with She mot of the bp.? Toted Miss Fern Aiken of 3001 Webb home and garden of Mrs. Nathan i m m i g r a Lion opportunities for to print the letter, signed by mrpri•d that some of oar bad- creed. Extracts from his ad- Veterans is that Americanism is Ave. is vacationing in Bermuda. Fishman, 2984 Burlingame. The refugees. His first stop will be seven Baltimore boys and girls, hht the best antidote for all alien •pert. Man are nowAryono By RABBI MORDECAI L BRILL dress follow: like Joe Latent, Henry A nnstrottg, whose ages also range from 14 'isms.' London where he will confer with party was given to raise funds for Joe IlIMsgain, Max Baer, Jesse "The Jewish War Veterans of -- The Misses Hilda and Selma needy families that are eared for Dr. Chaim Weizmann. From Lon- to 16. The letter follows: "We, the Jewish War Veter- thsen Able (etemen. Jim Londe% the United States cooperate with Woo) right, 1933, S A 5' • / .Tuxedo Ave. are spend- Y oe are prohnbly intermted In Jakont don he will fly to Warsaw to the American Legion, V. F. W., ans of the U. S. of America, re- by the Rodin Club. Did yors • learo the sisnidcanew of burning as mach abet Dallimore ing their vacation at Port Stan- study the Jewish situation in Po- all thaws firework% Lod Monday? II aa poosible in your Mort M ay. and the D. A. V. and other Amer- sent in the strongest terms pos- In Rome it was customary to ley, Oiftario, Canada. It woe our Independence Bay eel. - I. pretty hard to see ev eything In eible permitting the display of land. After that he will fly to Pollakoff Loses Libel Action ican veteran organizatione, so while ' ath's, IL you midst Clay read a list of articles stolen dur- three mee.. ts Isn't II? I on hose Palestine. He will return by longer. )on vrould see I■ hy tree learned about the long mean°. we that when a comrade joins our the swastika on the same plat- ing the year at the synagogue Miss Anne E. Brown, daughter speech. free worahip, equality of form with the American Flag. who.' children enjoy. Sou hare LONDON. (WNS)—Another in way of Antwerp, Belgium, where ranks and realizes what the vet- Me right, met, ars and creed, and service on tfle eve of the day of of Mrs. Fannie Brown, has set liolened to our in te r MIMIC. lint the series of libel actions against he will attend a specially con- ri to life, liberty and the Inseaull Mese are onch • smalltart of eran group stands for, he readily The one stands for justice, free- atonement to warn Jews against Aug. 14 as the date of her mar- happinro. are thing. well worth 140 Ono Ile people, their me- joins these other groups if he is dom, democracy and tolerance, buying or in any way dealing riage to Dr. Allan R. Wolfe, son newspapers that had stated that voked meeting of the Palestine eviebrating. Orwarn* Tut see It t tom and %en( Imentis, that we the Pariser Tageblatt, German Foundation Fund. while the other is diametrically now--wr feel II %%kir, Month( son would be Interested In not already a member. with the stolen goods. In the of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wolfe. language anti-Nazi daily in Paris, H MM. ye. tell the 1.4110 folk. learning some of the more I m. "Anti-Semites libel the Jew by ,oppes ed to these rinc D ow •boal 'Shirley Temple, and ening oprelsolly Mace your Pedyant calling him unpatriotic and coo-lcan a true American, especially Venice community such announce- The wedding will take place at had been sold by its former pub- Bnai David A. Z. A. 314 msots, remember to aseullors a few will Mingo, sta m t Hier. calling Ile iance to m e n t a were made regularly the Wilshire Hotel. xr lisher, Vladimir Poliakoff, to Nazi of these thing. to. Foe inrtanee, hare you visited munistic—the Jewish War the Enorh Prat t rem Library ? Horemly. interests, was decided against both? No one can worship two throughout the var : With the Regional A. Z. A . erans Organization is a living an- There ore thoomnd* of booko- Mr. and Mrs. Saul Robins of Poliakoff when the British High 1111IA/W, 11. W. masters. They must be a traitor good bawl and indifferent—la the swer to both slanders. No Jew ItUDLOW, JUNE LoCOM ■ Si, According to Talmudic pre- the Wilshire Hotel have returned Court held for the News Chron- sports meet approaching on Aug anoeh Pratt, and in all Its his- 7, the Alephs of the Bnai David JOHN C► .RPOR 11.1, 151St who has fought and offered his to the one or the other. We, scription the synagogue was to be home after spending the past two t Men 1E5INNON. GIRI.GOItY WEI- the Jewish War Veterans, pledge icle, defendant in the action. Po- Zi trt IZe tett = has all for his country can be called the tallest building in town. weeks at the Spink-Wawasee Ho- liakoff had previously won vindi- Chapter 314 are practicing base- GAND, PARKER HOCSE. In B ltimore-Mare I oa noticed a ball, track, swimming, golf, ten- either of these—justly! It is the most precious things—our Oftentimes this prescription could tel, Wawasee, Incl. these? cations in France and in an action nis and other events to be held Hose yres nod the editorials is only those with blind prejudice lives—to defeat this alien doc- not be carried out. Thus the king the Baltimore lin, criticising our against the London Jewish Chron- in Pontiac. Moot of the track One of 'fillet's oft - quoted sw- trine espoused by the "German and hate that would do so. of Spain in 1261 ordered the Jews Mrs. B. Joseph and her two President Rommel*? llustmart ings has it "an empty-headed man American Bund," which is a icle. men running for 314 have won those who slander Wrilte gnu m very Hwang.. hat "To remind enlarge, elevate, or daughters, Edith and Renee. are not to cannot be a sin-fearing man, nor the fact Is that say he...paper- misnomer; it should be called their letters for track in Central the Jewish race, may I call to beautify their synagogues." Oc- spending their vacations at their generics can la fart, anyone In can an ignorer? person be pious." iligh School during the past year. peak hie mind •boot oar Fres& their attention just one instance. the 'German Nazi Band,' because there is nothing of Americanism casionally, however, European summer hone at Big Wolf Lake. ARENA GARDEN WRESTLING Some of the track men are: Mar- rut. I am referring to that unselfish in it. We pledge to preserve synagogues were very high and Hare yea observed thatesm the The number of windows is a Two Jewish matmen in th e ray Mahlin, Jack Rouman, Lewis ▪ onwery stereo. In all ore. patriot, Ilyam Solomon, an imml Mr. and Mrs. A. Goose and d integrity of our this would anger the church ate synagogue was by preference 12, Item of Italtimons, hare plenty of Blustein, Milton Minkin, Roy Ile helped light-heavy division appear on Ave. Jew. son of 3322 W. Buena Vista grant Polish batter sod eggs to oell? but this number Was not strictly finance the Revolutionary War of country, and be true to the prin- thorities who demanded first place left for an extended vacation in next Monday's wrestling card at Meyers, Irving Rosman, Irwin Ilave y•• our new voting followed. No synagogue was built Independence. His entire fortune ciples of our democratic form of for their church. There is record- Northern Michigan. he *sumo of ma- machine.. ulth the the Arena Bowl. They are Abe Weiler, Harold Milner, Sidney Sens in the time dklateo of all paeans? It Is meter without windows; the example of t the disposal of his coon- government, 'Equal rights for all ed the case at Greenberg, a wrestler of roug h Brodie. to •eite" than mem • different Was • e nt t III where the Daniel (Doi 6:11) was followed, try which was somewhat over with special privileges for none.'" of Pope Innoc lever One every candidates bat Bal- Mrs. R. Bieget is spending the ways, and "Ruffy" Silverstein. • complaint net forth that the syna- timorean. rem to think It_ Ms to have:window; facing Jervis._ former Big Ten star from Chi- Flower. far al ornaaloas — s $600 000 and this money well worth the egret. s-a s hi g her than the neigh- summer at Shady Rest Farm, We should weep for men at gone lam. Dutter-Jzzy Florist, Tyler III-4621 Dual yes think Ws well to be cars. never been repaid. Ilyam Solo- Portland, Mich. boring church. gave their death. but be poverty, mon died in Charles K. Harris & Company Gets Voluntary Contribution for Land-Redemption Agency FASHIONS • At Savings! AUGUST FUR SALE RuSSEKS DEXTER THEATRE ,), ,aavve a NOW AIR COOLED Electrical Refrigeration System Rhea E. Cashman Arranges 23-Day Tour of Europe Scientifically Controlled Always Cool t4 Comfortable 1938 BUICK N OW ller Al Miller JULE 11.11 101E0N I a ALTES LAGER IS BETTER BEER g AL MILLER Hebrew Schools Close for Month "Kill the Jews" Pantin: Matra Sign Appears in London's Suburb • This Beautiful Home FOR SALE FULLERTON 3791 NORMANDIE 23°Ant:f2s297 SANFORD D. ADLER, INC "Lifetime Homes" Bag Olitg Itortes TOTEM LODGE Americanism Is Creed of J. W. V. TOTEM LODGE GERMAN EXCHANGE STUDENTS LEARN LESSON IN AMERICAN DEMOCRACY FOOTNOTES TO HISTORY e