_ &I)ErRorr /Ernsn VIRON ICU sea PAGE TWO r MRS. DORA S. LAPPIN DIES THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME March YISE ti t GAL CHRONICLE Leve President of Straus Executives DeLuxe Family Service NORTH END CLINIC SPONSORS COURSE Hos Will Address Group at Shaarey Zedek on' Sunday 4, 1938 REAL ESTATE VALUES Well-known Soprano Had Sung in Opera in Italy; Was S. J. Leve, well-known in Jew- C One of Founders of Music Study Club Flat Pieces and Handkerchiefs ish social and business circles. di- Isaac llos, shoe manufacturer rector of the Bureau of Investiga- Fifth Series of Bailin Me- Neatly Ironed of Tel Aviv, who has lived in for the Board of Wayne Bath Towels ■ nd Underwear morial Lecturesto Start Mrs. A. C. (Dora S.) Lappin in numerous recitals in this coun- tion Palestine for 32 years and has County Auditors. who was recent- Fluffed Dried on March 9 of 11534 Byron Ave., prominent try, died at 4 a. m. Thursday. Pounds Additional pounds Tc lb. seen the country grow from a Final tributes were paid her at Detroit soprano who had sung in THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE services at Temple Beth El at 1 desert into a blossoming commu- The fifth series of the Dr. Max opera in Italy and who appeared p. m. on Friday, with Rabbi Leon Bailin Memorial Lectures, spore nity, will address the adult cur- Fram officiating. The body was gored by North End Clinic, will be rent events group of the Shaarey taken for burial in Washington, WILL GROSS 15% inaugurated on Wednesday eve- Zedek at 10:45 a. m. this Sun- D. C. ning, March 9, at 8:30 o'clock, at day in the Allen Room of the Born in Washington 49 years Solid brick 9 apt. building, No matter what you pay, synagogue, Chicago and Lawton. the Detroit Institute of Art Lec- ago, Mrs. Lappin came to Detroit 4 rooms and bath each. The public is invited to attend ture Hall, when Dr. George Kam- no laundry 27 years ago. She was identified Like new. Steam heat Urge perman, chief of staff and chief of this lecture, which will be fol- can launder a finer shirt t all her life with communal activi. quick offers as heirs must division of obstetrics and gyne- lowed by a discussion period. At- ties and in musical circles. She liquidate. tendance at this group's discus- WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE cology at Harper Hospital, will studied for three years in Italy speak en "Recent Trends in Gyne- sion is free every Sunday to all $2,000 and appeared in opera there. She interested. cologic Practice." was one of the founders and a Invest this sum—handsome Mr. Hos is a brother of Dov Open to members of the medical former president of the Music Profits in return on 10 apt these lecture Hos, vice-mayor of Tel Aviv. An ro ant i a lli ed pfessions, Study Club; member of Temple Flat Pieces carefully ironed building of solid brick in interview with him appears else- courses are conducted under the Beth El; former secretary of the Additional Pounds 5%e lb. good renting distret. Forced auspices of North End Clinic as where in this issue. Detroit section, National Council to liquidate estate, must sell A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE a part of its post-graduate teach- of Jewish Women•, member of quickly. ing program. The 1938 series, Contributions to the Jewish Hadassah. During the past three ECRU Children's Home scheduled for consecutive Wednes- lc TINT! NO ". UNUSUAL OFFER years she was head of the voice ER NE day evenings during the month of department of the Ganapol School This 12 family apartment ve..ponoltile for sun-burnt or wand-whIpta•ti nivt•Inv March, will deal with the specialty The Jewish Children's Home of Music, on Webb Avenue will net of gynecology. wishes to acknowledge with Mrs. Lappin is survived by her THE NEWEST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY you 8 per cent on invest- In addition to Dr. Kamperman, thanks the receipt of donations husband, two children, Barbara ment. In excellent condition the following three outstanding from the following: and Richard; her father, Louis and a fine opportunity. Price Mrs Abe Rosenzweig, lira sr physicians in this specialized field Steerman of Washington; two sis- Schwartz. Mr. and Mra. Berman Cohen, $35,000—easy terms. have been invited to lecture this Herbert Itt•ikin. • Mr. and Mrs. C. Roth. ters, Mrs. Nathan Libbot of Los 25C year: Dr. Irving Stein, associate stein, Shirley Wayburn, Mra. A. J. Angeles and Mrs. Allan Fisher of S. J. LEVE Koffman. Mr. and Win. Moe Leiter. Be Andrew L. Malott, Inc. professor of gynecology and ob- and Washington. Mn, Herman MAWS, Mrs. A. 0. LATE MRS. A. C. LAPPIN ly elected judge advocate of post I stetrics, Northwestern University; Barsky. Mr and Mrs. 1100 Union Guardian Bldg. Edward Krause. OUR NEW EMERGENCY SERVICE No. 13 5 , of the Jewish War Vet- Dr. Norman Miller, professor of National Council of Jewish Junior', Randolph 9600 of Temple Beth El, Pout!, Laundry Brought to Plat by 9 o'clock a. m, will be erans, now heads the Nathan obstetrics and gynecology, Univer- Hiaterhood Education League. Finished Saone Day—NO EXTRA CHARGE Straus Executives. This organiza- sity of Michigan; Dr. Charles Ma- V tion is composed of a representa- zer, professor of gynecology, grad- tive group of outstanding Jewish uate school of medicine, University At Bnai Moshe March 22; A11- Congregation Purim Pro. professional and business men, of Pennsylvania. gram on March 16 whose program is dedicated to "As Dr. Kamperman succeeded Pia Found 11 RARING A•CARKE the late Dr. Max Bailin as chief humanitarian activities. p ee n d Expecting a turn-out for the Active Year's Activities De- Under the leadership of Mr. of staff at Harper Hospital," Kerensky lecture that will tax the Lev e , this group is now launched stated Dr. Maurice P. Meyers, scribed by Agricultural Minimum Charge, $1.80 capacity of the Bnai Moshe audi- on a more active program of the chairman of the committee of Society torium, the Men's Club of the con- A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION following social and political ob- North End Clinic staff physicians, gregation, which is sponsoring the in charge of the lecture course, jectives: meeting on Tuesday, March 22, re- I. to i(iota(rate with existing ages- "and was closely associated with Dr. Gabriel Davidson, general quests those wishing to attend to manager of the Jewish Agricul- Ica III ',Whittle a Jew ish Imapital for him both professionally and in nit purchase admission tickets early. tural Society, has just issued a Not 2 To take an ai the part in Phila. - friendship, it is fitting that he Reservations can be made by call- report showing that the Jewish tht opie wot It and eniployment welt, inaugurate this educational pro- 3 To help create S better under- ing the congregation office, llo- farmers in the United States have standing of the °lineations and henefita gram." Dr. Max Bailin served as garth 0862. citizenship. A) an of chief of staff and chief of surgery made further progress during I To It take a militant stand in the at Harper hospital for many years Alexander Kerensky was premier 1937. The report deals with the hn o(„00,e, . r tilLam r totins tiaonnist 070.71. : of Russia in 1917 and was one of work of the Jewish Agricultural previous to his death in 1934. n Pe t'ersi ity the leading figures in the overthrow Society in its efforts to expand sing their mint. He was consultant at five Detroi t toe and 1),fir. 6. To ,i ii O gii le with all emhtl. sallons of the czarist government, He fled and strengthen the A m e r i c a n hospitals and recognized nationally when the Bolshevik party took Jewish farming class. 4 To take •n acthe part In •ny and for his many contributions to the for the adsato enient of science of medicine. no,sells over the reins of government and In 1900, when the society was all idea. )oath has been an exile ever since. North End Clinic staff physi- YOU CAN BUT QUALITY KOSHER IMAM WITH CONFIDISNCITI from founded, there were about 200 At an executive board meeting The all-congregation Purim pro- Jewish farm families in the Uni- held at the home of Dr. Albert N. cians who are assisting Dr. Meyers gram sponsored by the Men's Club ted States. Today there is a Prussin, on Feb. 21, the follow- with the arrangements for the will be held Wednesday, March 16. Jewish farm population aPproxi• ing committees were appointed: 1938 series are; Gaylord Bates, Kosher Meat and Poultry Market Entertainment will be furnished by mating 100,000, and there are Anti-defamation and boycott, Rab- Harry Kirschbaum, Saul Rosen- wit DELIVER the Young People's Society and Jewish farmers in practically all bi II. N. Rosenthal, chairman, S. zweig, David J. Sandweiss, Harry 1163741 DEXTER BLVD. Phone HOgarth 3042-3 Sunday School pupils. Admission of the 48 states. Rehm. Itnellaranne sod Webb .1, Love, J. C. Snider: look-out, A. 1 C. Salta-stein, Louis S. Stern, Wil- Is free and refreshments will be Dr. Davidson points out that A. Burns, chairman, Dr. I). Kliger, ham Gordon, ex-officio. North End Clinic is a member served following the program. since its founding the society has 1. Bernstine; entertainment, Frank 2 ■ 11IMII ■•■• The Sisterhood will hold a social granted 12,313 loans aggregating Schwartz, chairman; membership, agency of the Detroit Community meeting next Tuesday, March 8, $7,513,000 to Jewish farmers in S. Rubin, chairman, C. Weitzman, Fund and the Jewish Welfare Rey. Cuter at 8:30 p. m. All members are re- 48 states. These loans are made J. Panel; sick and relief, S. Sni- Federation. Jacob quested to attend. on subsidiary security, repay- der, chairman; cultural, H. M. Silvertnaa The Sisterhood luncheon sched- ment is spread over a period of SURGICAL Abram Jacob, prominent Detroit uled for Wednesday noon, March veara and there is no exaction Gottlieb, chairman, II, B. Letzer, CATHOLIC AGENCY ROHM •BLAMES JEWS FOR commission merchant, died sudden- 23, holds promise of being one of of bonus or commission or Pay- co-chairman; publicity, B. Alpert; St.Loo sz. ly last Friday at Orlando, Fla., at the most interesting affairs ever meat of renewal charges. The ways and means, Dr. Perry P. POLAND'S BOYCOTT the society's Burnstine, chairman. Dr. R. Rosen, beautifully the age of 72. His body was held by the Sisterhood. Members report stresses that Dr. D , Kliger, S. Raskin, H. N. brought to Detroit for burial, and are invited to come and to bring aim is "to make such loans ash njuiz...... (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) soma. , .... 2903 funeral services were held in Clo- their friends. Mrs. Charles Berger cannot 14.,..oh,teknt----,,,Triv"4 . 4-, ---- spasumegzseer.4 Elmhurst ver Hill Park Cemetery Monday is chairman and Mrs. Louis Gr.ns no way iess sterman—or less Ar- with private tub and *TIM "loans are made for afternoon. TO. 8-6839 yan, whatever that may mean— field, assistant. service and not for profit." Marrlasee Born in Lida, Poland, Mr. Jacob than Adolf Hitler, if the word shower baths-at lowest Perfanaad Through its farm settlement lived in England for a time befor German implies loyalty to coun- osenwald Post Makes Pub- department the society guides try, eagerness to prove such loy- 7,77rorn. possible rates in down- Jews who desire to go and alty and readiness to serve Ger- ',zed the firm of A. Jacob & Co. in lic Letter Commenting on Its into farming. Last year 947 in Fore. Gains $111,- mane. town Detroit for perman- 1862 and was the first dealer to Meeting With Stahlhelm sought this department's service. te a 000,000, Largest in the "As for the rest of the state- bring carload shipments of fruit During the year, 111 German Rev. Cantor to Detroit from California and Company's History ent guests. You can live ment from the German embassy, Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: Jewish refugees sought the so- DAVID I can only state that, like all Florida. For 25 years he repre- I respectifuliv submit to your ciety's advice on farming possi- in luxurious comfort sented the Fruit Dispatch Co., now Paper for publiCation a letter I bilities. Some represented groups. The Crown Life Insurance Co. other officials, I never took any GOLDEN oath of allegiance to Hitler as Detroit'. Favorite the United Fruit Co., here. Sur- received unsolicited from Peter Eleven refugee families were es- of Toronto, Canada, has just re- inexpensively. an individual but to Hitler as viving him are his wife, Yetta; Jew from Germany, leased its annual statement and C. Kent, a II 0 II K L tablished on farms. Ten refu- three daughters, Mrs. Harry Frank who has only been in America gee youths were placed in farm A. J. Blumenau, the company's head of the government. That 111.1tit 1144114 oath was effective only as long and Mrs. Thomas Marwil, of De- about a year and a half. Mr. lobs. Twenty - three refugee farm general agent in Detroit, points Redding Cermet. as I remained in the government lea Co-formed IS troit, and Mrs. Lewis Berger of Kent was invited to the joint families were visited by the so- to the breaking of several records. I10110. and by air Chicago, and four sons, Ben B., meeting of Julius Rosenwald ciety's agents. This phase also Insurance in force increased more service. It cannot be considered, SQUARE AT BATES gaol meal. from any reasonable point of Saul E. and H. E. of Detroit, and Post No. 218 of the American is making increasing demands on view, as binding upon me after Louis L., of Orlando. Legion and the Stahlhelm. Ger- the society's service. my resignation or for the rest and democracy during a nation- which is to include 14 members. man war veterans, Wednesday, The society's extension depart- of my life. This is the accepted wide lecture tour to get under The agreement, which is for two Feb. 23, as an interested observer. ment maintains a staff of agricul- Samuel, Frazer Dies years, also provides that funds meaning of an oath taken by offic- way shortly. I trust that this letter will tural experts who bring to the for the anti-defamation work. are ials in all countries." help vindicate Julius Rosenwald Jewish farmer agricultural infor- Nazi Meeting in Chicago Ends in to be raised in the name of the Samuel Frazer died Tuesday in their effort to create good mation on ever v conceivable Riot Canadian Jewish Congress. night in his home at 12245 Ilamil- Post Site of George Washington' ■ Fort will and better understanding be- branch of farming. During 1937 CHICAGO (WNS) — A Nazi ton Ave. Services were held Thurs- to Become Nazi Camp peoples. their experts made 3,275 farm day at Lewis Brothers Chapel, tween all BLOOMINGDALE, N. J. meeting at the Germania Club Hungary Foils Nazi Putsch Respectfully yours. visits, held 180 meetings and broke up in a riot here and led 7739 John R St. Burial was in (WNS) — Residents of this old BUDAPEST (W N S) — A new M. WATERSTONE, demonstrations attended by 5,727 to the arrest of two Nazis, two Clover Ilill Park Cemetery. Colonial town are up in arms over Nazi plan for a coup d'etat is Post Commander. farmers. In addition, advice and Mr. Frazer was born 38 years the discovery that Federal Rock , anti-Nazis and Dr. Eric von believed to have been foiled by The letter referred to by Mr. aid were given to 2,817 who ago in Traverse City. He reopened Waterstone follows: which was used as a signed hil l Schroeter, professor emeritus of the Hungarian police with the sought individual consultation at Oriole Terrace as a night club in "Dear Mr. Waterstone: by George Washington along a romance languages at Northwest- arrest of Ferenc Szalasi, Hungar- the society's central office, and 1934, and last year opened the chain of fortifications extending ern University. The disturbance ian Nazi leader. and 75 of his "I feel that I should do a little 5,636 separate letters of advice Paddock Bar. Ile played a clarinet more from Morristown, N. J., to West began immediately after Wilhelm lieutenants, during a raid on their than just say in a few were sent out. Under its aus- in Sousa'. Band in the World War. words how much appreciated Point during the Revolutionary Kum', organizer for the German- headquarters. Szalasi was twice Sessile and marble Mananumte pices. Jewish Farm Youth Con- Ile is survived by his wife, Le- last night's meeting. War, has been acquired by the American Bund, had concluded arrested in 1937 on similar 7729 TWELFTH ST. ferences were held, also inter- ona; a son, Leonard; two brothers, German-American Bund as the his speech. Professor Schroeter charges but each time was let inter 8-7 lid "I know that it was a real suc- John and Jacob Frazer, and three cess and a very valuable contri- state conferences of Jewish poul- site of a new Nazi camp. The was attacked by uniformed Bund off with mild sentences. As a trymen, vegetable growers and sisters, Mrs. Alois Adler of Buf- bution to our cause i. e. better Nazi purchase of the historic snot members when he tried to ques- result of documents confiscated falo, Mrs. Leo Weisman of Pales- understanding between Jews and fruit raisers. The society through became known on George Wash- tion Kunze. John Fisher and during the raid Szalasi's party this department also operates a tine, and Mrs. Fannie Barish, ington's birthday when a Boy Ray Pauly, were also assaulted was banned. non-Jews. I had quite a long purchasing service bureau, and Now! Detroit's Most Modern Scout troop arrived at its Fed- when they refused to give the chat with some members of the conducts an agricultural night Jewish Funeral Home eral Rock cabin and found it had Nazi salute. Emil Moritz, one of Schopenhauer Quoted as Anti- Stahlhelm after you left and school for farm aspirants. It to obtain permission to stay from Kunze's guards, was arrested on ormasiu thus I could see that your idea was publishes the Jewish Farmer, Semite by Nazis a group of blue-shirted Nazis the complaint of a newspaper right in every respect. I do hope the only agricultural magazine of DANZIG (W N S) — Nazis ANNA DUNN WOLFSON who were clearing the site. Bloom- photographer, who charged the ushered in the celebration of the that you will have other opportuni- its kind in America. I) IT OR NIGHT of 3245 W. Buena Vista Ave., ties along this line. Two weeks A. J, BLUMENAU ingdale, which is in Morris Coun- Nazi had smashed his camera. 150th anniversary of Arthur The society's farm employ- - 73 years old. died on Feb. 26. ago at Mr. Sussman 's home I was ment ty. is not far from Andover, in Fisher and Pauly, who were department is the oldest o than e l8t ,O h00 Phone . e,01 0 0 gi e n he l9 i 3 n g 7, tth hee a t. g Sussex County, where the Nazis among those arrested, filed a com- Schopenhauer's birthday with an Funeral services were held on —must admit — not too enthuse I specialized by Alfred Rosenberg. farm employment Feb. 28 with interment in Clover antic but last night's meeting agency i established Camp Nordland last plaint against William Wernicke, address in the country. It af- eat in the company's history. Total year. a Nazi. who was also taken into chief exponent of Nazi philoso- Hill Park Cemetery, Rabbi I. showed me that my attitude was fords young Jews the continua- phy, in which he cited the Ger- insurance in force was $188,299,- custody. Stollman and Cantor J. II. Sonen- just that which we all ought to ity of acquiring agricultural man philosopher as a pioneer 886 at the close of 1937. officiating. Mrs. Wolfson Nazi Activities Barred in Indiana Jewish Funeral Home klar anti-Semite who had called the overcome — I mean being thin- training by actual work on farms. Bnai Brith and Canadian Jewish Assets increased over 13% to was a resident of Detroit for County Jews "parasites incapable of Office, Chapel & Showrooms Congress Reach Agreement the Past 47 years and a member skinned and chicken hearted. Since its settlement, 18,261 farm $30,771,877, the gain of $3,578,999 GARY, Ind. (WNS)—Nazi ac- "You should not feel so very bad placements have been effected. Rosenberg quoted truthfulness." ork 9219 DEXTER at Joy Road on Anti-Defamation W of many Jewish charitable organ- at the antagonism you met with Through its rural sanitation establishing a record for the corn- tivities in Lake County were out- MONTREAL (W N S) — The Schopenhauer as having said "the izations. She is survived by the various Jewish groups. After department, the society carries pany. Reserves for all policy lie- laved until March 8, by Superior Jew's fatherland is the other three daughters. Mrs. Ben D. bilities gained more than 13%, Court Judge Bertram C. Jenkins long standing dispute between the Holsman of Cleveland, Mrs. Karl all we Jews are split in a thousand on work to promote higher sten- amounting to $27,167,872, com- when he issued a temporary in- Canadian Jewish Congress and Jews." factions and opinions and it will dards of sanitation in and about pared with $23,920,561 in 1936. D. German and Mrs. Harry H. junction restraining the German- the Bnai Brith over which organ- In dealing with the annual re- American Bund from soliciting ization should direct the work of Kvutzah Ivrith Auxiliary Berger. both of Detroit; two sons. take another century at least be- the farm home. During the nest The Ladies Auxiliary of Kvut- Jack of Miami Beach and Jules fore we can hope to have a Jewish year, 1,104 farm visits were port, Hon. G. Howard Ferguson, members or holding meeting in combatting' anti-Semitism in Can- of Detroit;two sisters. Mrs. melting pot. Whatever others think made in the Jewish farming dis- president of the Crown Life, the country until March 8, when ada was finally settled at a meet- zah Ivrith held its third annual David Adel and Mrs. Herman or say—don't pay too much ten- tricts of New York. Through pointed out that the average rate he will hear amotion to make the ing of representatives of both donor luncheon on Feb. 22. There gatherings, public meetings. Feldman and a brother, Jacob lion to it, once you know you're farm interest realized on investments, order permanent. The order groups. An agreement was reach- was a large attendance. Mrs. D. demonstrations and lectures. this of right, you are right. ed to conduct the anti-Defamation Rubenstein, president, Mrs. D. Dunn and 10 grandchildren. 5.177, is extremely gratifying in "It may interest you that I department has reached thousands these days of abnormally low in- named Fritz Kuhn, national lead- Program in Canada under the Markson, general chairman. and er of the Bund. and Wilhelm parted from Mr. Busse with this of rural folk. MABEL RESNICK vestment rates. Kunze, national organizer, as de- name of a new agency to be Mrs. S. Schubiner, publicity The directors of the society called the Joint Public Relations chairman, thank their mane of this city. 55 years old, died outcome of our little private din- In Detroit, the Blumenau agen- fendants. ReuenRic A ha rkrudsh .s. Eugene goelnd e S. Committee of the Canadian Jew- friends and members, who par- on Feb. 23. Funeral services cussion. We agreed that we are are cy made a substantial contribution Ben jamin, political adversaries but that we were held on Feb. 25, with in- ish Congress and the Bnai Brith. ticipated. Congress Nails Nazi Lie there Jacob G. Lipman. George W. to the company's new business total An Once Shebat will be given ' terment In Oakview Cemetery, agree on the one point that the Both agencies are to have equal Naumburg, Alfred Rheinstein. he exceeding the expectations of NEW YORK (WNS) — The BEER IN THE GREEN WULF Rabbi H. N. Rosenthal officiating. must not be a racial or religious Francis F. Rosenbaum, Wolfgang representation on the committee in the near future. Blumenau and the company's American Jewish Congress brand- discrimination In other words, Mr. She is survived by her husband, ed as "a complete fabrication IS BETTER Schwabacher and Lewis L. officials: Mr. Blumenau is well Myer; two sons, Emil and Charles Busse is In more than one respect S. Strauss. Francis F. Rosenbaum known in the community and ranks from beginning to end" a state- COSTS . MORE TO MAIL and two daughters, Mrs. Sam a follower of Hitler but when it has just been elected president. with the biggest "life" producers ment in Der Angriff, organ of comes to the racial problem he does Hoffberg and Rose. His knowledge of in- Nazi Propaganda Minister Goeb- not want to have anything in com- and Richard S. Goldman, treas. In the city. urer. Lewis L. Strauss. the re- surance problems and investments bels, that the congress is alleg- mon with him FRED ALTSHULER tiring president, was elected hon. has attracted to his agency several edly engaged in a survey of Jew- "I hope that this letter could of 2428 W. Buena Vista Ave. 57 mote ewes, avert, avava yver. high caliber insurance men who ish-owned enterprise s in the Uni- orary president. Tws SA)35-400.1 TVS sat. Mizrachi Women's Theater Years old, died on Feb. 26 ' in show you better than words my have resolved to establish an even ted States preliminary to begin- w WeRVT.T' 04.IT Ina mew Miami, Fla. Funeral services a ppreciation of y our work Please larger sales record in 1938. The ning • campaign for the dismissal boansa. en" 'ea RAS,011. *or, Party This Sunday Bnai David A. Z. A. Spon- td PE PAN.' PULP 1.N. watts were held on March 2 with burial extend my best regards also offices are located at 1559 National of all Aryans employed by Jews. PPadaeN" sors • Junior Chapter in the Nusach Ari Cemetery. Ile your Commander and the other [awl awl ' yaP 'ft [ Bank Bldg. and an opportunity is Spokesmen for the Congress de- The theater party of the Miz- i s survived by his wife. Anna; members of the board. offered intelligent men who desire clared that it is "not conducting "Sincerely j•ours, , The A. Z. A. Club of the Bnai to enter the insurance business. rachi Women will take "lace this two sons, Dr. Samuel S. and ■ survey of Jewish firms in the "PETER . David Synagogue is sponsoring a Sunday afternoon, at Littmap's I Louis. and two brothers. Dr. I. United States, and would under "I785 Seward." new chapter, the Junior A. Z. A. People's Theater. All those who I M. and Dr. A. M. Altshuler. no circumstances recommend the Shaarey Zedek Y. P. S. The group elected temporarily have purchased tickets are re - discharge of non-Jewish em- Supper Formal March 12 ployes." Quested to attend this Sunday. I CHICAGO. — (WNS) — Po- Husgaria n City Expels 100 Jews the following officers: President. BUDAPEST (WNS)—One hun- Arthur Wtiall: secretary, Gerald as the date originally scheduled I lice suspect • political motive in dred Jews in the city of Nyire- the mysterious slaying of Max The supper formal of the Young Mann to Dedicate Life to Preach. Snits; treasurer, Leonard Cohen: was set ahead in order to avoid 6.w_ WNW NATIONAL conflict with another organiza- Sammet, 43-year-old German- gynaza, which is near the Ruma- club reporter, Julius Lesnick: ser- People's Society of Congregation 1151 Democracy USED CAR excm...74f wive tion. The afternoon of March Jewish refugee, who was found nian border, have been ordered to geant-at-arms, Abe Gurtzman. - Shaarey Zedek will be held Satur- NEW HAVEN, Conn. (W N S) tors Am S:C. - RTIMIs woof 6 will be the only theater Party dead under the steps of an aban - leave by the mayor after an in- A drive is in progress for 35 day evening, March 12, at Hotel —Thomas Mann, self-exiled Ger- wave iiiiirrrus - ba Toes-anoevn. sponsored by Mizrachi women this doned house on the West Side vestigation established that they new members. The first 20 will Stotler. Julia Siegl and Bernard man author and Nobel Prize win- ancns Lae mac ft TAR s. OWLS, BRIT MOST Cs ma lama reason. Those holding tickets are He was killed by a blow on the were illegal residents. The resi- be considered charter members. Kavanau are co-chairmen of the ner. plans to make the cause of is STIA. M .r POCKET I requested to call any of the fol- head. Sammet, a dentist by pro- dence rights of all the 4,500 Jews The next 15 will be pledge mem- committee on arrangements. democracy and peace his life lowing for information: Mrs. T. fession, was studying at the Uni- in the city were in v estigated and bers. The study group will meet on work, he declared in an address 14,400 of. them proved that they had Segal, president. TO, 8-8270 ; Iv The next meeting will be held March 10. The meeting of March in the Francis Bergen Memorial Mrs. A. Kunin. Tyler 4-5485; ersity of Illinois. lived there for hundreds of years. Monday. March 7. at 8 p.' m. 13 has been cancelled due to the lecture at Yale University which Mrs. I. Rosenthal, TO. 8-7771. Withhold not good from them supper formal the previous night. marked the formal onening of the to whom it Is due. when it is in I proclaim that might is right, A retentive memory is s good Yale Library's exhibit of "The adgiggillIlIlmimmmma Nowadays, w li a t a • e r is not the power of thine hand to do It. Justice the interest of the strong- thing. but the ability to forget There's a gal in New York Thomas Mann Collection." He worth saking is sung. • —Proverbs 3:27 , er.—Plato. is the true token of greatness. called Ming Toy Epstein. will start his campaign for peace Bargains for Shrewd Investors SHIRTS 18 ibs. DAMP WASH WO Lace Curtains Double Woolen Blankets 35c R. b Feather Pillows Kerensky Lecture All Ironed Service 30C FLAT PIECES PROGRESS MADE BY JEWISH FARMERS 10c u SETTS A itssACH LAUNDRY CO. PHONE CADILLAC 7423 AARON B. MARGOLIS Peur nannt I ABRAM JACOB DIES 810 ..iimish.ed outside MOMS All Crown Life Sets Records in 1937 CADILLAC Manuel Urbacb *gutpatlitlic etruicr V For Solo--Apartasoott OBITUARY 11,111,1::M, WERNEY ALTES LAGER Anchors or Wings? V