A lmeria:If frwisk Prrio4cal Carter CIAP1ON AIINUI • CINCINNATI 20, MO PAGE SEVEN' E PETKOITIEWIMI Ol R011 ICA February 4, 1938 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Honeymooning at Sun Valley, Idaho' TRY MILLER'S FAMOUS DELICATESSEN ... APPETIZERS AND DAIRY PRODUCTS . . CORNED BEEF SANDWICH with Pickle .... 12c Final arrangements have been made by the Bnai Brith Juniors Rabbi and Mrs. L. Kaplan of Chicago, III., announce the en for their pre-Valentine dance to gagement of their daughter, Bessie, to Nathan II. Knoppow, son be held Sunday, Feb. 6, in the of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Knoppow of 12th St., Detroit. Open hous Alpine ballroom of the Detroit will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cutler, aunt and uncle of the bride-elect, 2566 Fullerton Ave. on Sunday, Feb. 13 irons 2 to 5 and 8 to 10 p. m. No cards. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Finkelstein of 2925 W. Grand Ave. an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Ida, to Sam Lieberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lieberman of Chicago, III. MILLER'S TASTY SHOP 9001 TWELFTH ST., at Taylor Engagements Bnai Brith Juniors Dance This Sunday TYLER 4-9463 Youth Education League ANNOUNCES THEIR Annual Valentine Dinner Dance Mrs. Goodman Rycus is stay Mg at the Belvedere Hotel, Miami Beach, Fla. Judith Victor, a student at the University of Michigan, arrived Wednesday, Feb. 2, to spend the mid-semester vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Vic- tor of 2982 Elmhurst Ave. The Young Women's chapter of Bicur Cholem is sponsoring a dessert bridge to be given on Wednesday, Feb. 23. at 1 p. m., at Fyfes Auditorium. Proceeds will go for the benefit of needy sick. The chairman of the af- fair is Mrs. M. Hyman and her co-chairman is Dirs. F. Brown. Wedding Calendat Sunday, February 13, at 7 P. M. Feb. 5—Miss Myrtle E. Herschberg, daughter of Mr. and Dirs. Harry L. Herschberg of 1944 Atkinson Ave., to David Redisch of this city. Rabbi A. hi. Hershman will officiate. Feb. 6—Miss Betty Ann Lehvinne, daughter of Mrs. Alta Lehvinne of Covington Drive, to Irwin Littinger of Chicago, III. The ceremony will be performed by Rabbi Joshua Sperka at his residence in the presence of the immediate families. Feb. 7—Miss Lizette Mildred Freund, daughter of Dr. Hugo A. Freund, to Dr. Barnett Malbin, son of Mrs, Rebecca Malbin. DETROIT•LELAND HOTEL (Detroit Room) Dame to the Music of BERNARD BESSMAN'S BAND Admission $5.00 per couple Floor Show by ROTH & BERDUN DRESS OPTIONAL -:- FAVORS MRS. MILTON J. DONER (Mis s Ilse Haas) Announcement! Mr. Julius Weissman 12054 DEXTER BLVD. Is a Dependable Kosher Butcher, His Shop Being Under the Supervision of the Vaad Hakashruth VAAD HARABONIM and VAAD HAKASHRUTH Rabbi Wohlgelernter to Ad- dress Ladies Auxiliary of Kvuatzah Ivrith Meaeritcher Prog. Benefit Society's Yahreafest on This Sunday Tau Epsilon Rho Picks Committees At the last meeting of Tau Ep- silon Rho international legal frat- ernity, Chancellor John Sklar an- nounced his committee appoint- ments for the coming year as fol- lows: Meseritcher Progressive Benefit Society will hold its 20th Yahres- feast, Sunday, Feb. 6, at the Rus- sian Village, 8936 12th St., at 5 p. m. Election and installation of new officers will take place during the evening. Tickets may be ordered from M. Yago, Tyler 5-1697; M. Feldman, Madison 7956, or at the door from Harry Hack, secretary. Program, Milton J. Miller, Joseph II. kler. Milton Roberts. Niembershlp Benjamin Marcus, Prank 1tosenbauni, Albert Sapperateln. Nodal, Jerome Rothenberg, James J Cohen, Aaron Better. Athletic, Benjamin W. (irant, Joseph Alter, A. Allan Cheer. Publicity, Albert J. Silber, Arthur I. Gould. Arnold Mottaah. Under-graduate activities, Benjamin P. Jaffe, Albert E Smith, Joseph 11. Jerkier and Herman Bloom. holarship and loan fund. Benjamin Satyr, Benjamin D. Jaffe, Merwln K. Crabber a. Theta Alpha Lambda The organization also voted to establish an annual scholarship award to the highest ranking fresh- man of Omicron Chapter at Wayne University, similar to the award at present made to Epsilon chap- ter at the University of Michigan. Mothers' Club Calendar Monday, Feb 14, 8 p. to.—Oakland Club. at Jewlelt Community Center, Motion picture 11104 Woodward Ake. show. TUOMIllY, Feb. IS, 1:30 p. Study Club, 11115 Dexter. WM.'. Book review, "The Citadel." by Cronin. Tuesday, Feb. 16, 1 p. m.—LInwood- Dexter Ian Dexter. Card Patty aortal. Tuesday, Feb. IS, 9 p. m,—Fenkell Club. 15701 Parkelde. Debate. "Should Serve a Third President Roosevelt Term?" Wednesday, Feh. 16. 1:10 p. m. — Woods, ard Club. at the Center, 5901 (lass In self-expression. Woodward. Theta Alpha Lambda held its Friday night meeting at the home of Birdie Kutzen on Glynn Court. The charity bridge is to be given on March 2 at Kern's Auditorium. For information regarding this affair and for tickets call Townsend 6-6558 or Townsend 6-8259. Patronesses for the bridge are: Mrs. I. Ilieman, Dirs.. I. Auslander, Mrs. R. Fish. Mrs. B. Sermon, Mrs. L. Gedonke, Mrs. T. Raisin, Mrs. S. Edelman, Mrs. D. Kaltman, Mrs. B. Grossberg, Mrs. II. Kutzen. It was decided that a scavenger hunt and a party following it be given on Sunday night, Feb. 13. The party will start from the home of Sydelle Sermon and fin- ish at the home of Birdie Kutzen. The next meeting will be held at the home of Edna Edelman of LaSalle Gardens. Final arrangements were made for the third annual luncheon of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Kvu- tzah Ivrith to be held Tuesday, Feb. 22, at Lachar's Hall, Mrs. A. D. Markson, general luncheon chairman, and her co- chairmen are sponsoring a cultural and musical event. Rabbi M. J. Wohlgelernter will be the guest speaker. Cantor J. H. Sonenklar will give vocal selections. Aaron Rosenberg will give a reading. The following co-chairmen will assist Mrs. Markson: Mesdames S. Leinoff, J. Rabinovitz, C. Munch, B, Stein, William Diskin, M. Feld- man, A. Panush, Sulkes, B. Fried- good. Mrs. R. Rubenstein, president, urges that reservation for this luncheon be made early. She can be reached by calling Tyler 6-9159 or Tyler 4-4375. All Bnai Brith Groups Co- Operate in Forming A. Z. A. Chapters Here Robert B. Gordon, A.Z.A. Na- tional Deputy for the Detroit area , announced this week that all Bnai Brith lodges in the city are co- operating in efforts to qrganize a number of A.Z.A, groups. Mr. Gor- don states that Marshall 'Lodge, Pisgah Lodge and the Women's Auxiliary of Bnai Brith are work- ing harmoniously to form new branches of the junior Bnai Brith order and hope to have 20 chap- ters functioning within a short time. ONeiligo-nect,4 ARE PROTECTED BY THE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY GREAT-WEST POLICYHOLDERS and their families number approximately one million persons. The following fads will interest them and others. LIVING POLICYHOLDERS received over $11,000,000 in 1937. The Company has paid more than $195,000,000 to policyholders and beneficiaries since it was founded In 1892. 1359 POLICYHOLDERS DIED In the year and more than $3,900,000 was paid to beneficiaries. NEW BUSINESS placed—over $53,000,000—again shows an increase. BUSINESS IN FORCE now amounts to nearly $590,000,000—a substantial gain during the year. TILE ASSETS also show a gratifying increase. They belong almost exclusively to policyholders and beneficiaries. LIBERAL PARTICIPATION RETURNS to policyholders arc being continued. STEWARDSHIP is the Company's watchword. The year's figures indicate the vast and Increasing field In which that stewardship operates and show the Importance of the small savings of many people when gathered together in a co-operative enterprise. Important Items for 1937 Insurance and Annuities In Force $589,511,167 Diversified Investments Bonds and Debentures 49.4% City Mortgages and Properties New Business (including Annuities) 17.0% $53,058,443 Farm Mortgages and Properties Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries Policy Loans $15,269,831 Assets Liabilities 13.8% 16.6% Stocks, Common and Preferred 1.2% $156,805,466 $150,356,098 Cash and Miscellaneous Surplus, Contingency Reserve and Capital Accordingly,every policyholder's equity Is diversified in the above proportions. $6,449,368 2.0% WRITE FOR COMPLETE 46th ANNUAL REPORT u REAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE • WINNIPEG, CANADA SEYMOUR J. COHN 1512 UNION GUARDIAN BLDG. Births Mr, and Mrs. Milton J. Doner are now honeymooning at Sun Val- ley, Idaho. Mrs. Donor was the former Ilse Jan. 20—To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Atkins of Cleveland, 0 Haas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ethyl R. Epstein, formerly of Detroit), a son, Leonard Neil. Jacob Haas of Frankfurt am Main, Jan. 27—To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moglovkin (Esther Shulman) Germany. The wedding took place Wednesday, Jan. 26, at the home of of 227 Owen Ave., a daughter. Jan. 30—To Mr. and Mrs. William Stern of Houston, Texas, the groom's mother, Mrs. Nathan formerly of Detroit, a son, William, Jr. Silberstein, 55 Rhode Inland Ave. RANDOLPH 0446 Marriages FREEDMAN—ALBERT Mr. and Mrs. William Albert of 3240 Rochester Ave., announce the marriage of their daughter, Edith Joyce, to George Freedman, son of Mrs. Bertha Freedman of 1545 Chicago Blvd., on Sunday, Jan. 30. Rabbi Leon I. Feuer of the Collingwood Ave. Temple of Toledo, performed the ceremony, in Toledo. Mr. and Mrs. Freedman left for Florida and Cuba and will be at home after Diarch 15 at 1545 Chicago Blvd. Announce Program for the Bnai Moshe Dinner on Feb. 13 ERMAN—FIXLER Miss Hylda Ruth Eisler, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Eisler became the bride of Jack Erman , son of Mr. and Mrs. David Erman on Sunday, Jan. 30, at her resi- dence, 4275 Allendale Ave., where Rabbi Moses Fischer officiated. The bride was escorted to the canopy by her father. William Barron acted as best man. The canopy, which was donated by the bride's grandmother, the late Mrs. Harry Klein, and her mother, Dirs. A. H. Ender, to the Bnai Moshe Synagogue, was used for , the first time by the bride and her family. A 6 o'clock dinner was served to 40 guests prior to the reception. The table was decorated with white candles and an exquisite floral display. The bride wore a dubonnet suit trimmed with martin which was adorned with orchids. The couple are now honey- mooning at the Lake Shore Hotel in Chicago and will be at home at the Del Rio Apartments in Monroe, alich., after Feb. 15. Jacob Gelbman officiated in the chanting of the seven prayers and the wedding march was played by the bride's aunt, Selma Klein. The bride's mother wore a black and blue satin gown trim- med with white gardenias. The groom's mother wore an ice-blue gown with gardenias. Dirs. Sonia Blum of 2599 W. Grand Blvd. is among the Detroit residents enjoying her winter va- cation at the Floridian lintel in Miami Beach, Fla. PAULINE FREEDMAN Leland Hotel, with Max Leib of the Fox Theater and his orchestra furnishing dance music. Enter- tainment will be furnished by Ftankie Connors and other stage celebreties. Tickets are obtainable by calling Tyler 6-0684. Patrons and patronesses for the dance are Dr. and Mrs. H. Silver- man, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Leib, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harvith, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Feller and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanders. May 29 Date Set For Consecration At Shaarey Zedek The Bnai Moshe Sisterhood will have a social meeting next Tues- day, Feb. 8, at 2:30 p. m. A brief business session will precede the various games. Refreshments will Sunday, May 29, has been set be served. ' as the date for the consecration services at the Shaarey Zedek, Mrs. James Sobel, chairman o Mrs. Sol Q. Kesler, advisor of the donor dinner to be held Sun the class, addressed a meeting of day, Feb. 13, requests the co members of the class and their mothers on Jan. 16. Others who spoke to the group were: Rabbi A. M. Hershman, Philip Rosenthal, principal of the Shaarey Zedek school; Theodore Baruch and Mrs. Kaufman, teachers of the 10th grade classes, and officers of the class. After the meeting, the group met informally for a social hour in the Allen room of Shaarey Zedek. Members of the Sisterhood were hostesses at an informal tea. President of Zionist Organ- ization of Detroit Chal- lenges Editorial; Explains Stand on Partition Dirs. Samuel Brody, who is spending the winter at Miami Bench, Fla., entertained at a cocktail party on Wednesday eve- ning, Feb. 2, in honor of Sir. and Mrs. Nathan F. Margolis (Florence Kirschbaum) of Detroit. The fol- guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. Max Kogan, Mr. and Sirs. Harry Dunitz, Dir. and Mrs. Nathan Fish- man, Mr. and Mrs. James Mar- golis, Miss Sylvia Lemberg, Dir. and Mrs. Louis Brody. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kovan, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lemberg and son, Burton, all of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grossman of Buffalo. N. Y. Miss Edith Abramson of Edison Ave. left for Palm Beach. Fla. and Havana, Cuba and will be gone a month. Mrs. Louis Press of 4053 Tyler Ave. was hostess to a ;noun of friends at an afternoon bridge- tea on Saturday, Jan. 29, honor- ing Mrs. Sam Levin, who is leav- ing for Florida, and Mrs. Helen Isenberg of Newark. N. J.. who is the house guest of her sister. Mrs. Abe Messenger. Sans Helped of the Wilshire Hotel returned front a vacation in Miami Beach. Tea Dansant of Jr. Group of Home for Aged on Feb. 20 Feb. 20 is the date set for the second Sunday afternoon tea dans- ant, sponsored by the junior group of Jewish Home for the Aged, to be held at the home, Selma Slat- nikoff and Rose Pascal, co-chair- men, will welcome the guests. There will be an orchestra and re- freshments will be served. Myron Keys, president of the board of the home, was the guest speaker at the last open so- cial meeting of the junior group. Alan Hagenjos, president, intro- duced the sponsor, Mrs. David Kliger, the officers and committee chairmen, Mrs. A. DI, Ferar and Mrs. I. E. Goodman, of the WPM- en's Auxiliary, were present at this gathering, Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be on Tuesday evening, Feb. 22, The next meeting of the Junior Group will take place in the lounge of the Home, on Tuesday, Feb. 8. LEATHER Accents These FABRIC Gloves 'Spring fashion at your finger-tips . . . calls for gloves that are both fab- ric- and kid, like these Marine blue, eggshell, white, black and brown. On the Street Floor. RU Ss EK S BRIGHTEN . . . JANUARY DAYS WITH CLEAN FRESH CURTAINS FAULTLESS Curtain Laundry and Cleaners 4737 Elnanurst at Broadstreet HO. 1010 Lunching New Offices Saturday, February 5th, and Sunday, February 6th Rhea E. Cashman WORLD WIDE TRAVEL BUREAU, INC. 1253 GRISWOLD ST. R.11011111 336M1-611-70 Official Agent, All line. COUNT NIEZYCHOWSKI Editor, Detroit Jewish Chronicle: WILL ADDRESS YOUNG Your leading editorial of last ISRAEL ON WEDNESDAY week is misleading and L therefore consider it my duty to point out to your readers wherein it errs. Young Israel will present Count The Jewish Chronicle is entirely Alfred von Niezychowski at the within its right in announcing its monthly meeting Wednesday. Feb. MRS. LOUIS HERSKOWITZ stand on the question of Partition. 9, at 8:30 o'clock, at 2961 Joy However, there is no justification Road. .Count Niezychowski will operation of all members in mak- for putting all those opposed to ing the affair a success by report- this scheme in a special class. For ing pledges at the meeting next it is emphatically untrue that those Tuesday. Mrs. Louis ilerskowitz who are opposed to Pdrtition, are and Mrs. Harry Lefko are assist- against setting up a Jewish state ing Dirs. Sobel. in Palestine. That there are those The following program has been among the so-called NEIN-RACERS Annual Ball of Mlawer Ver- announced for the dinner: Toast- who are fearful of the Jewish state ein on Feb. 20 master, Ernest Goodfriend; invo- as such is known to us, and it is cation, Rabbi Moses Fischer; not unwise to hold up such im- The Mlawer Umgegend Verein ;meetings by President Louis pulses into the clear light of day. Gunsberg of the synagogue, and But, my dear Mr. Editor, you know Is completing plans for the fourth Mrs. Harry Meer, of the Sister- better than to include in this class annual ball to be held on Sunday hood; vocal selections by Cantor thousands of loyal Zionists and evening, Feb. 20, at Webster Han, A. A. Rosenfeld; songs and music sympathizers whose love for Pal- Cass corner Putnam. Dave Dia- by Mrs. Anna Forbat; dance estine is not to be questioned by mond and his orchestra will fur- RADIN—LIPSH(TZ routine by Miss Julia Adler; niano any ja-sager. Possibly our anxiety nish the music for dancing. As Miss Helen Lipshitz, daughter accompaniment by Priscilla Earn- for the Jewish state idea is so usual theproceeds of the ball will of Mr. and Mrs. Si. Lipshitz of mon; and Jewish melodies by great that we do not want to wit- go for relief of Jews in Poland. 1932 Gladstone Ave., became the Sidney Gottlieb. A gypsy orches- ness the wanton experiment that A larger sum is needed this year bride of Joseph Radin. son of tra will furnish the dance music. has been foisted upon us by Great for Passover relief. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Radin on I, Mellin is chairman of the af- Additional patrons and patron- Britain. Those who now show such Sunday, Jan. 30, at Lacher's. The a readiness to accept a petty and fair. Ben Golden is floor manager; esses are as follows: ceremony was performed by Rabbi Mr. and Mrs. Leo (MM. Mr. and Mrs miniature statehood may be doing I. Newberg. secretary. Tickets can ilermanoff. Mr. and Mra. Louis Ma- Max J. Wohlgelernter and Rabbi a disservice to the very state idea be obtained by calling Sam Lich- ier, Mr. and Mrs David }Cornfield, Mr. S. Kleinplatz at Lachar's. tenstein, chairman of the ticket and Men. Nathan linen-h. Mr. and Mrs. they claim to revere. Harry Rosman, Mr. and Mr.. Charles The panorama of Jewish history committee, Tyler 6.1971, members Jacoby, Mr. and Mra. Bernard E. Pol- of the Verein, or at the door on SUROWITZ—BLEIER lak. Mrs. Ben Stern, Mrs. Sarah Leicht- covers a wide expanse. Palestine the evening of the ball. On Sunday, Jan. 30, at Con- I man. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Greenfield, has been our hope for thousands of Mr. and Mrs. }tarry Semler. The other officers of the organi- years, and in these days more than gregation Bnai Moshe, Mr. and Rabbi Max J. Wohlgelernter ever Jewish eyes turn to the home- zation are Harry Tigat, president; Mrs. Adolph Bleier gave their and Rabbi Moses Fischer will ad- land. is it a wonder, therefore, that I, Burnstein, vice-president; N. P. daughter, Ethel. in marriage to dress the Men's Club next Thurs- so many of us are fearful of the Rosen, secretary; Henry Green- Louis Surowitz, son of Mr. and COUNT NIEZYCHOWSKI day, Feb. 10, at 8 p. m. on Rabbi results which will ensue from the baum, treasurer. Mrs. Ben Surowitz. Akiba Eger, one of the greatest baby state envisaged by the Royal talk on his book, "The Cruise of Mrs. Max Blotner, sister of the of Hungarian rabbis of the past Commission? Surely it takes a Elected a Director of Theo- the Kronprinz Wilhelm," present- bride, was matron of honor. century. Members are invited. sense of supreme loyalty and vision ing the story of his adventures as George Surowitz, brother of the logical Seminary Admission is free. to see the problem in its larger out- lieutenant of the "Kronprinz groom, was best man. The lines. It cannot be denied that the bridesmaids were the Misses Mrs. Felix M. Warburg has Wilhelm" and giving historical in- tragic urgency in Eastern Europe Norma Greenblatt, Alice Frank, ndependent Detroit Lodge been elected a director of the Jew- formation on an episode in the is a compelling argument. But we ish Theological Seminary of Amer- World War not previously brought Rose Surowitz, Toby Nayer, Libby to Hold Card Party must be strong—for although we Small and Mrs. Harry Serwin. ica and of its library corporation, to light. Sunday have no ready-made solution to the according to the announcement of A social hour will follow and Ushers were: Max Blotner, Felix alternative of Partition, there is refreshments will be served. Schneider. Alfred Bleier, Morris The independent Detroit Lodge even less certainty and less tangible Prior to the meeting at 7:30, Ravitz, Edward Shulman and ■ class in Jewish history will be Harry Serwin. Sandra Bernice Sisterhood will hold a charity card basis for the belief that this new party at Jericho Temple, Joy Road, state can accommodate any great conducted by Irving Schlussel. Blotner, niece of the bride acted near Linwood, on Sunday, Feb. 6, numbers of people, In the words of Young Israel invites the public an junior bridesmaid. to attend this meeting. Following the ceremony, a din- starting at 8:30 p. m. Mrs. M. the chairman of the Permanent Feldman, chairman of the event, Mandates Commission, "The worst ner and reception was held at the invites members and friends to at- error of all would be to create a Young People's Temple Club Wilshire Hotel. Out-of-town guests who attend- tend. Tickets are obtainable from Jewish state that could not live. Dramatic Group Tryouts ed the wedding were Mr. and members or from Mrs. Feldman by and the worst mistake would be This Sunday Mrs. Max Cushner, grandparents calling Townsend 6-2014. to constitute it in such form that At an installation banquet held its creation would mark the end of of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jan. 16, the the effects of the Balfour Declare. at the Phoenix Club Casting tryouts for the spring lancu and Daniel Cornell of following new officers of the Inde- tion, which was confirmed by the dr•mat i c presentation by the Pittsburgh. Young People's Temple Club will Pendent Detroit Lodge were instal- Mandate." After a trip east. Mr. and Mrs. May I suggest in this connection led: President, Ben Schwartz; vice- be held Sunday, Feb. 6, at 2 p. m., Louis Surowitz will be at home president, I. Gross; recording se- that anyone who is interested in the chapel of Temple Beth El. at 13233 LaSalle Blvd. cretary, M. Miller; financial secre- should secure a copy of the new The play, which has been selected by Gabriel Alexander, chairman of tary H. Jackson; treasurer, B. brochure just sponsored by the ROTHSTEIN—BERENSON American Economic Committee for oseph; trustees, A. Feldman, Joseph; dramatics, Is "Let's Call It A Day" Mr. and Mrs. Harvey N. Roth - Dr, H. Lippitt, and M. Kornheiser; Palestine, by Herman L. Weisman, by Dodie Smith. It is • 3-act com- stein (Leona Berenson) were lodge physician, Dr. Adolf W. entitled "The Future of Palestine." edy of family life. There are parts married Jan. 23. The couple I trust that all loyal Zionists Lowenstine, for 12 characters, seven women and left for an extended tour south The Sisterhood installed the fol- will realize that the need of the five men, and will give many an and are staying at the Gotham lowing officers: President, Mrs L. hour is to unite all forces and opportunity to try their thespian Hotel at Miami Beach, Fla. They Cohen; vice-president, Mrs. B. somehow find a way of bringing talents. Others who are interested will be at home to their friends Joseph; treasurer, Mrs. M. Pol- men and money into Palestine. All in the staging and mechanical end after March 1, at 1206 Atkin- lack; financial secretary, Mrs. M. the latest information indicates of production are also invited to be son Ave. Feldman; recording secretary, Mrs. that even if partition is to become present Sunday afternoon. R. Gasman; hospitalers, Mrs. R. a reality many years will elapse Mr. Alexander will direct the M. WARBURG MRS. FELIX Special Meeting of J. W. E. Moskovitz and Mrs. S. Wall. before its consummation. There- play and Miss Harriet Kesselman W. 0. on Monday fore, let us all get to work for the Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the will be in charge of staging. Any success of our present practical en- seminary. Mrs. Warburg hail been member of the Young People's RODIN CLUB deavors. closely associated with the work of Club, whether or not be or she had A special meeting of the Jew• Sincerely yours, A meeting of the Rodin Club the seminary and the late Felix any experience in Temple dramatics ish Women's European Welfare LAWRENCE W. CROHN, M. Warburg was a life director before, Is welcome to come for the Organization will be held Mon- win held at the home of Mrs. If. President, Zionist Organization of the seminary and of the library. first reading and casting of the day, Feb. 7, at Congregation Bnai Baer of Calvert Ave. on Wednes- of Detroit The current enrollment of the play, day evening, Jan. 26. After the Moshe. Dexter and Lawrence, at It is planned to present *Let's seminary is 586 students, Dr. Ad- 1 p. m. Three applications from regular business meeting, mem- Suggests Newfoundland as Haven ler continues in his quarterly re- Call It A Day" in March. ben played cards and nrisee were European orphans, who are ap- for Jews port. The rabbinical department plying for support will be acted awarded at each table. Refresh- OTTAWA (WNS) — New- has 41 students, the Seminary Col- Kovno Daily Banned upon. The recommendation of ments were served by the hostess. KOVNO. — (WNS) — The the entertainment committee with Donations were made to the club foundland might be made a haven lege and Teachers Institute 147, regard to arrangements for the by Mrs. D. Feldman of Bay City for persecuted Jews from Eur- the Israel Friedlander Classes 225, Korno Stimme, Yiddish daily, has installation of new officers wil l and Mrs. S. Rubner. The next ope. the Ottawa Citizen suggests and the Women's institute of Jew- been suppressed and its editor meeting will be held at the home in an editorial. The paper also ish Studies 165. A course given un- and publisher fined because It be considered. of Mrs. H. Rodin. 2003 Blaine proposes settlement of Jews in der the auspices of the Jewish Wel- eTitirized tne now Lithuanian eon- failure to include Flowers for all oteasions — Ave., on Wednesday evening. sparsely settled areas of Canada fare Board at the seminary has an stitution's enrollment of 75. as a whole. guarantees of minority rights. Feb. 9. Dexter-Joy Florist, Tyler 6-6622.