America javisk Periodia Carta ), CLIFTON Amara - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PiEnentonjEwisn ORM 1GLE December 31, 1937 -od THE LFCAL CHRONIC' F Will Your Home Be Their Home? If you are a home owner you probably have to deal with a mort- gage. Payments are fairly easy to make now but if you should die before the mortgage is paid off, your dependents might have a struggle to make the payments. For what is, in effect, merely a slight increase in the interest rate you pay, you can obtain a Great-West policy which will clear off the mortgage for your family if the emergency should ever arise. Let me give you full particulars of this attractive plan. SEYMOUR J. COHN 1512 UNION GUARDIAN BLDG. Barney Droock Dies; LaFollette Friend AN EPIC IN PIONEERING (CONCLUDED }'ROM PAGE ONE) (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGE) (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 1) FERTIG TO SPEAK AT CENTER JAN. 9 in their favor. The Jewish people, however, did not prove equal to grass and the Zionist Organiza- Board of Ilealth of the City o building of Palestine ona compre- the exigencies of that hour. This tion. In August, 1936, he was a Rice Lake; was president of th hensive scale, This intention was failure on their part is due to the delegate to the World Jewish Con- 0 school board there; was selecte meant to be conveyed by the name coincidence of various factors: the gress at Geneva, where he was a by a committee of leading cit i- opposition on the part of Zionist member of important legislative Berth of the city as a nominee fo r given to the fund 'Keren Ilayesod,' leaders in the United States, who committees. 2 CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 2 mayor without opposition in 192 0 or "Foundation Fund." Of the wished to are the Keren Hayeaod 1311 GRISWOLD BLDG. Mr. Fertig will be introduced by CAdillas ans 3 but refused to accept office. II capital raised 20 per cent was to transformed into a philanthropic Judge Charles Rubiner, retiring 3 be handed over to the Keren Kaye- fund for public utility purposes, president of the Jewish Communi- 01 234566 789012345678901234567890 Trees Planted In Pales- meth for land purchase, and 80 and funds raised for economic de- ty Center. Gala Occasion per cent was to be utilized for the velopment on commercial lines tine Honor Memory Mrs. Louis James Rosenberg, remaining branches of reconstruc- only; the growing reluctance to of Droock give on the part of Jewry in Eng- chairman, and the members of her tive work in the following propor- land and America who had already tions: viz, an amount not exceed- land In memory of the late Bar- ing one-third for purposes of pub- made great sacrifices for the sup- ney Droock, who was a devoted lic utility, education, immigration, port of Palestine upbuilding work horticulturist and who took relief, health services, etc., whilst during past years and were now great pride in the beautiful the bulk of the capital—not less engaged in the campaign for the garden he planted himself at his than two-thirds—was to be used relief of the victims of the pogrom home, 2481 Edison Ave., a num- for permanent national settlement in the Ukraine; the absence of the ber of trees were planted in work and industrial enterprise in wealthy Russian Jews with their Palestine. close ties to Palestine in conse- town and country, The Jewish National Fund IC was indeed a bold move on the , quence of the unexpected consoli Council of Detroit announces part of the young fund to make dation of the Bolshevist regime; that five trees were planted in this claim. In every country taxes) the new national tasks of the Go- his memory by the Michigan are imposed and collected by some luth (minority rights) in the Bnai Brith Council; an addi- state authority, backed by the Eastern European countries with tional five trees by Pisgah power of the law and the police. their Jewish mass population; the Lodge of Bnai Brith of which Here, on the other hand, was a economic crisis all over Europe; his sons, Aaron and Dr. Victor group of individuals who up till and, last but not least, the fact Droock, are outstanding lead- quite recently had been ignored asp that Jewry, disrupted by the en; and another six trees were dreamers and vain idealists turn- I events of the War, was totally un- planted by the following: Julius ing to a people dispersed through- prepared for the new task. Owing Deutelbaum, Morris Shatzen, out the world and even lacking in to these circumstances, the result Henry Abramovitz, Ben F. national consciousness, with the of the first years collection was Goldman, Harry Yudkoff and demand that—over and above the most deplorable (S115,000). It re- Philip Slomovitz. usual compulsory state taxes — quired many years of educational they should voluntarily tax them- work to convey to ever wider cir- MRS. LOUIS J. ROSENBERG selves in favor of a communal cles that the fate of Palestine is anniversary celebration commit- was a member of the Rice Lake selves Oddfellows Lodge and a past body which was not yet in exist ` lovely connected with that of tee, have planned to make the noble grand of the lodge; mem- ence and regarding which they every individual Jew in the Ga- evening a festive and memorable ber of the Rice Lake Masonic could not know or did not feel in- luth, and that the donor to the na- occasion. Under the supervision of Lodge; member of the Rebecca lined to believe that it ever would tional funds is in the long run Mrs. David B. Werbe, the Center 8928 TWELFTH ST. Lodge Auxiliary to the Oddfel- exist, The men who made this making sacrifices for himself, for gymnasium will be effectively lows; member of the Eastern claim were well aware how un- his own and his children's future. decorated, offering an appropri- WHOLESALE ONLY Star Auxiliary to the Masonic usual it was. The immediate result of this lack ate setting for the anniversary Showroom Hours-9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Daily Lodge and a member of the Rice But was not the upbuilding of of preparedness on the part of the program. Lake Bnai Brith Lodge. Palestine in itself an event ml- Jewish people was that the system Monday and Wednesday till 9 P. M. The Jewish Community Center An intimate and personal paralleled in the history of the and working methods of the Keren Symphonic Ensemble, under the friend of the late Senator Robert world? Whoever would have be- Ilayesod had to be changed, The baton of Miss Sadie Cooper, and M. LaFollette, Sr., Mr. Droock lieved that the dreams of a Jewish "Foundation Fund," which was to the Jewish American Youth was closely associated with the state indulged in by a Viennese raise by means of one great col- Chorus, directed by Nathan Same 4Ifffff1, entire LaFollette Family. The journalist, would be given interna- lecting effort the capital necessary roff, will provide the evening's present Senator Robert M. La- tional sanction in the name of the to provide the basis of the national musical entertainment. Follettee, Jr., and Governor principal nations of the world? It work of Palestine upbuilding, now In addition to Mrs. Werbe, Philip LaFollette of Wisconsin was just at this time, however, became the Budget Fund and the those who are serving on Mrs. have always maintained a close that such recognition came into ef- Tax Fund of the Zionist Organiza- Rosenberg's committee are: Mrs. and intimate relationship with fect by virtue of the decision of tion (since 1929, of the Jewish Abraham Cooper, Mrs. Arthur S. him. He was a close personal the victorious Allied Powers on Agency). Its task consisted of Purdy, Mrs. A. M. Altshuler, Miss friend of Solomon Levitan, state April 24, 1919 at San Remo to in- raising year by year the necessary Edith S. Ileavenrich. Benjamin treasurer of Wisconsin and an in- corporate the Balfour Declaration funds for the reconstructive work Wilk and Judge Rubiner, ex- timate friend of the late Senator in the peace treaty with Turkey. of the Zionist Organization and the officio. John Blaine of Wisconsin. To the This step aroused in wide circles Jewish Agency in Palestine. Com- Preceding the anniversary cele- day of his death he maintained a of world Jewry transports of en- pared to the first plans and the bration program, the Jewish Corn- close and intimate relationship thusiasm. It was now necessary to extent of the actual requirements munity Center annual meeting and with all of the Progressive lead- guide this outburst of Jewish sen- the results of these collections may election of officers will be held ers and officials of the State of timent from informal manifests- perhaps appear slight. If, however, at 8:15 o'clock. Wisconsin. tins to binding action. One had the difficulty of the task is borne By choice of the leaders of the reason to hope and one confidently in mind as well as the results various Jewish communities in believed that the Jewish masses achieved with the aid of the funds Northern Wisconsin, Mr. Droock would realize the seriousness of collected, the extent of success was made chairman of a perma- the hour and give the fitting re- must be described as by no means nent committee for the raising sponse to the appeal made to them. insignificant. During its 17 years' (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGE) and collection of funds for all Jews Miss An Opportunity activity the Keren Ilayesod has worthy Jewish activities; and Imagine for a moment how dif- raised the sum of over six million similarly he was the chairman for ferently the establishment of the this story. Disraeli, Gladstone, the local non-Jewish communities Jewish National Home would have pounds, which it has placed at the Lord Palmerston, Browning, in connection with all of their proceeded if it had been possible to disposal of the executive of the • Surprisingly low prices for quality work. charitable fund raising activities. give full effect to the original Zionist Organization and the Jew- Tennyson were friends of the • Try Forest fine shoe repairing—see the difference. Ile was a well-read, well-informed program of the Keren Hayeaod: ish Agency for the execution of author's ancestors, and their man and led an active mental and Just at this time (in July, 1920) their manifold colonization activi- visits to the FitzRoy and Roths- • Specialised Shoe Dyeing and Cleaning. physical life. Every worthy cause the military regime in Palestine ties. Everything—excepting, as al- child homes are described in attracted his active support. He had been superseded by a civil ad- ready mentioned, the acquisition • We use the most Modern Shoe Factory Equipment. was a great lover of nature and ministration with Herbert Samuel of land and its amelioration — this book about the Christian got his greatest pleasure out of as High Commissioner. If at that achieved by these bodies since 1921 branch of the Rothschild house. • Expertly trained Shoemakers rebuild shoes to look like in Palestine has been financed with his flower garden. new. time one had possessed the means the aid of the Keren Hayeaod. If But the major and most inter- Besides his sons, Aaron and to buy up all available land, to or- this fact is often not sufficiently eating portion of the story is. • We use only the finest Prime Oak Leathers. Dr. Victor, Barney Droock is sur- ganize a real mass immigration, vived by a daughter, Sarah, and an immigration running into hun- apparent in the reports on Pales- of course, about great grand- tine upbuilding work, it is because his wife, Mary. dreds of thousands, and to create the disposal of the moneys is un- mother Hannah, her able hus- No Charge for Pickup and Delivery by dint of systematic work within der taken not by the Keren Hoye- band, FitzRoy, who was a mem- Most Important Book on a short period the basis for their sod itself, but by the executive of ber of the government, and of absorption and settlement, the sub- the Zionist Organization and Jew- the early Rothschilds. Robert European Conditions sequent difficulties of an economic ish Agency in accordance with the lienrey quotes at length from I CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGE) and political character would prob- budget drawn up by the Zionist ably never have arisen, or if so, in Congress and the Council of the his ancestors' diaries. Ile tells with socialist activities under the a much milder form; the grave Jewish Agency, Their work is thus the story of family objections leadership of Otto Bauer, of whom problems which Jews now have to to a great measure also the work to Hannah's marriage; of the face would have long been solved of the Keren Hayeaod, Mr. Gunther says: banishment of FitzRoy from “thte vitally important factor In the conflict was the bitter personal enmity England for six months in an ef- bete,. MUM the socialist leader, and CLEANERS U DYERS, klar assisted Rabbi Sperka to- fort to break the love affair Otto Douce, • brilliantly cultivated gether with a choir composed of with Ilannah; of his return and dew of 53, W. the brains of the social three friends of the deceased — democratic rawly. A gentleman-PAM- William Cayman, Max Levy and the unquenching love between Cian, Donee acted as the thought inritish Julius Chafetz, Was Long Active in Youth Work; the two; of their marriage, their Frt: II7nrttn" I =17117!Z d.... " Id tthel or One of Youngest Hades- he ens senspelous, he an, fair. An In- From her early youth Mrs. Lif- beautiful and devoted family tenet Om! In the best And worst WINN salt Leaders SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL sitz had been active in Jewish of the world,he composed sound theo- life which was marred by their affairs, She was one of the first to ries, but ens utterly Inadequate to meet nn unforeseen situation, the Importance Several hundred friends and as- associate with the intercollegiate son's tragedy. or elm the ethdence of ahlelt he would sociates on Monday thronged the Zionist Association here, was ac- Only Nathaniel of the house proceed to belittle or deny. Dollfuss, on the other hand,ens about as theoretics' Lewis Bros. chapel to pay tribute tive in Young Judaea and the Jew- of Rothschild—the brother of Successors to a* • flea; he hopped from place id to the memory of Mrs. Sol Waits ish National Fund and more re- place a) instinct. - ELECTRIC REFINING CO. cently had served as an officer of Ilannah—attended her wedding. In his description of the Poles Detroit chapter of IIadassah and Her mother went with her in and the Hungarians, Mr. Gunther 8910 ALPINE AVE. TYLER 4-2246 was one of local Hadassah's young- a carriage as far as the church states: "In the chauvinism sweep- est leaders, She had been active in door, and then turned back. stakes the Hungarians beat even several fund-raising efforts and in Nathaniel and Henry FitzRoy the Poles. A little story is relevant. Roll of Honor campaigns of Had- The proud father of an eight-year- remained staunch friends. assah. "VOX POP" PROGRAM AT old schoolgirl entering a geogra- A number of pages in the YOUNG ISRAEL FORUM A graduate of Teachers' College, phy class bought her a globe. She Sales Rooks — 31.1(okt Books Mrs. Lifsitz taught school in De- book are devoted to a descrip- surveyed it and broke into tears. Interfold Forms—y•nrod yo re,. troit for several years. 'Papa', she wailed, 'I want a globe AUTOGRAPHIC REGINTERS tion of the fight waged in Par- Young Israel of Detroit is plan- with only Hungary on it.'" FORMS Felt ALL REGISTICILS liament for the deletion of the ning an interesting program for ONE TIME CARBON NEU "Masaryk—what grandeur the oath "on the faith of a Chris- its 11th Friday evening forum to name connotes!" is the manner in be held on Jan. 7 at 8:30 p. m. SUPERIOR SYSTEMS tian" when Baron Lionel Na- at the Taylor-Woodrow Wilson which the author commences his tribute to the great founder of the than de Rothschild sought to Synagogue, in the form of a "vox- & SALESBOOK CO. Czechoslovakian R e p u b l i c. He The Woman's Auxiliary of the take his seat in the House of pop" discussion during which in- states that "the whole of his career 2539 WOODWARD AVE. Jewish Children's Home announces Commons. The triumphant re- teresting questions brought up by was moral-intellectual. He was one CHERRY 1860-61 final plans have been completed for sult of this fight, after more the audience on current Jewish of the most formidably learned problems will be analyzed and an- the annual linen shower and bridge men of his time, a philosopher and luncheon whit hwill be given at the than 10 years of being con- swered by Rabbi Max Wohlgelern prophet of almost Judaic stature." ter. Anyone who has some ques- stantly returned by his constit- home, corner Petoskey and Bur- Magda Lupescu of course comes lingame Ayes., Wednesday, Jan. 5. uency, is related with satisfac- tion which concerns a Jewish Rabbi Sperka Makes Radio in for description for her part in problem should write to Young Addresses the life of King Carol and Ruma- Mrs. Ralph Paul, general chair- tion by Mr. Ilenrey. Israel at Cong. Emanuel, so that man of the affair, requests that nian affairs of state. Gunther In his diary under date of the topic can be prepared for open prospective donors contribute Dec. states that SI a g d a "persuades Next Friday morning, Jan. 6, 10, 1838, Henry FitzRoy discussion, sheets, pillow cases, table linens, Carol to save his money. She is, Refreshments and congregation- Rabbi Joshua Sperka will conduct or kitchen towels instead of bath is quoted as describing the alsinging will be the added fea- the Friday morning devotions over according to all gossip, faithful to towels, of which the home has a following experience: him, and this In a country mon- tures for the evening. The public Station WWJ at 7:15 a. m. His substantial supply. strously licentious." is invited, topic will be "Why we are What Walked about and saw the {wept* Speaking of Kamal Ataturk, the Mrs. Paul, 2082 Hazelwood Ave., we are." On Dec. 24, Rabbi Sperka dictator of Turkey, the author Tyler 5-6928, will be pleased to of Smyrna parading the streets or Hebrew Ladies Aid Society delivered an address over Station states that "as great an authority furnish specifications as to sizes sitting before their doors. In the WWJ on the subject "Goodwill in Plans Donor Luncheon as Toynbee suggests that Jewish best suited to the needs of the netting went to • jewith wedding. Theory and Practice." On Satur- The bridegroom was 17 and the blood 'may have been in the family. home. for Jan. 25 day evening, Jan. 1, at 7:15 ix in. bride 13. They had been married Salonika has, of course, been a Rabbi Sperka will be the speaker LATE MRS. SOL LIFSITZ the der before and accosting to the citadel of Jews since the Diaspora; The committee on arrangements over Station WJBK, In a labor many, called 'Doennie,' were con- of 3000 Cortland Ave., at funeral Contributions to Fund of the eettom In their church, kept open for the fifth annual donor lunch- broadcast. This will be one in a hose for w,-en chin. Al the mo- Mt. Sinai Hospital verts to Islam. But Kamal's irre- services which were followed by in- eon of the Ilebrew Ladies Aid So- series of three addresses by rep- ment w entered, • ...tierce ese fragable blondness and his cold terment in Clover Hill Park Ceme- Association ciety met at the home of Mrs. resentatives of the Catholic, Pro- amusing the mousey with specimens blue eyes would seem to preclude tery. Abe Miller on Calvert Ave. This testant and Jewish clergy present- of his an and, I wont own, very more than ■ hint of Jewish—or for Mrs. Lifsitz, the former Victoria affair will be held on Jan. 25, at ing their views on the labor ques- effectually as far •. I coeld Judge Contributions to Mt. Sinai Hos- that matter Turkish—ancestry." Sheifman, died on Sunday at the Lecher's on Cass Ave. This is the tion. Much is said about Pilandski, but age of 33, at Harper Hospital, af- pital Association memorial fund both from the apple... be elicited chief money-raising project of and the proficiency of his attempts. were received from the Steinberg there is little reference to the Jew- ter a serious illness of three this organization. After he had tonciuded his some- ish situation in Poland in Mr. Gun- months. She is survived by her hus- family, in memory of mother Eva Prior to her departure for Cali. Little Women of Hadassah ther's book. It is interesting to band; an infant son, Jacob Robert; Steinberg who passed away Jan. what Ss protracted operations. cof- fornia, Mrs. Julia Ring will be Hold Alumnae Meeting fee, liserers and some sweetmest• note that the famous elephant sto- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron 11, 1937) from Mrs. J. Harvith, hostess to the membership of the ry ("The Elephant and the Jewish L. Sheifman of 2665 Richton Ave., in memory of Mrs. George Cohen: were handed mend This was Pst- society at its next meeting at ;watery to the moth which tha- from Mrs. Al Goldberg, in memory Problem") is here ascribed to the and a brother, Saul. On Dec. 26 an alumnae meeting the Dexter-Lawrence Hall, on t:fated of • tambourine. an ancient of her mother, Mrs. Ida Cove. Poles who think only in terms of Wednesday, Jan. 5. A brief busi- was held at the MacKenzie Union Rabbi J. S. Sperka officiated at species of lute and • fiddle. We Mrs. J. Harvith contributed to the Polish problem. Which goes to the funeral. Cantor J. II. Sonen- as a gesture to former members ness meeting will be followed by the mitzvah fund in honor of new were introduced Into an Inner room the usual social afternoon to which of the organization — those who prove the possibility of variations where the bride held her than NS nephew, baby Goldberg. in describing traits of different members and their friends are have been away to school: Judge through • window, she looked as peoples. The same Is true with re- ingiy about Stalin's right-hand D. J. Healy spoke on fr'Prevention invited. the mete without. Rh. was setts. of Juvenile Crime.' Peggy Mann gard to the story ascribed to a man, Lazar Moiseyvitch Kagan- Contribution to Scholarship no • divan owl wit dressed In wee* Russian who wanted to utter a ovitch; about Leon Trotsky and gave piano selections. The semi- Fund of Hebrew Schools trues brocade. She looked as Mei ties as a newspaperman and as formal being ic iven Jan. 30 one-word-speech over the radio in Maxim Maximovitch Litvinov. In the et home and as thormagbly brosi traveler. the presence of Stalin, and his "Thside Europe," especially the grand ballroom of the Statler Ho- The United Hebrew Schools ac- Sn If she had not there for TM.% spec was the word "Help!" We 1938 edition, is a great book. No knowledges with thanks the con- tel was further discussed, Rona- On the whole, this volume Is bridegroom, &throes* • owe had been In the habit of using this one who is at all interested in tribution of one-half scholarship to The • splendid addition to the liter- find Arta, president; Gertrude boy, was good•looking but we soon Fishman, vice president; Rosa- story when speaking of Germany world affairs can afford to miss it. the acholarshin fund by Mr. and wearied of this wedding sad ature about the Rothschilds. It mond Meyer, recording secretary; en- W ithout it, it is impossible to un- Mrs. Harry Schwartz of Sturte- and Hitler. toned home. adds to an understanding of Lillian Wetsmen, corresponding Gunther ridicules the idea that derstand fully the situation that vant Ave., in honor of the Bar- It is natural that the author Jews dominate Russia and de- dominates the European scene Mitzvah of their son, Sheldon. the Rothschild activities In gov- secretary; Yssyaret Goodman, clares: "Nothing could be farther today. which will be observed at some fu- should conclude his story with ernment circles as well as their treasurer. Rutb Lester and Rose Gittleman helped make the after- from the truth." He writes interst- —P. S. ture date. a description of his own actirt- attitudes on intermarriage. noon a Doge success. Systems - Audits - Taxes CHARLES K.IIARRIS ? d VISIT SCHOR'S WHOLESALE S HOWROOMS BUY Fine Furniture wholesale through any dealer of your own choice. WE welcome the opportunity of show- ing you around without any obligation to buy. Th•GREAT-WEST LIFE , WUNANCA COMPANY .11BAD Or•IG• • W1k1N111.•0 E AND B IS ALWAYS OUT IN FRONT CHOR FURNITUIV. COMPANY CONTAINS ONLY PURE WHOLESOME SHOES INGREDIENTS ESSENTIAL FOR YOUR WELL BEING TRY A BOTTLE - z THE CHRISTIAN ROTHSCHILDS BIGIAROT IL BECKER BREWING CO., Ink DITSOIT REPAIRED CLEANED and DYED By Factory A SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL Ludlum Steel Co. DETROIT WAREHOUSE AND SALES OFFICE Phone TRINITY I-2000 1637 East Grand Boulevard SEASON'S GREETING TO ALL Superior Safety Furnace Pipe Co. 5820 FORSYTH AVE. Madison 3033 GREETINGS... John T. Woodhouse Co. WHOLESALE CIGARS 73 W. Jefferson Ave. DETROIT, MICH. GREETINGS AND BEST WISIIES DUN-RITE CLEANERS DEARBORN 5824 CHASE ROAD PHONE OREGON 5600 GREETINGS AND BEST WISHES STANDARD COMPOSITION CO. Inc. 409 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. RANDOLPH 3107 SEASON'S GREETINGS TO ALL JAMES A. PEARL WINDOW FRAMES 12034 NORTHLAWN AVE. New Methods! FOREST SERVICE HOGARTH 4011 !! Chronicle Want Ads Pay!! FOREST Inc. Mrs. Sol Lifsitz Dies at Age of 33 Contractors Oil and Grease Co. Shower Wednesday at Children's Home