▪ 0 4merkam 'ma Periodical CeNter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 10, OHIO 937 m •••4 THEi ONLY ,ANGL•IEWISH All Jewish News All Jewish View; WITHOUT BIAS FIGHT ANTI-SEMITISM, CALL TO CHRISTIANS Jewish War Minister Leads British Jewish Vets in Armistice Day Parade the 3233 TELEPHONE CADILLAC 1-040 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Violators of German Boycott Fined $75,000 NEW YORK. — In the first case of its kind, three fur con- cerns accused of violating the boycott of Nazi Germany were fined $75,000 by an arbitration board acting on charges brought by the Joint Boycott Council of the American Jewish Congress and the Jewish Labor Commit- tee. The decision to impose the fine, which is to be given to charity, was reached after a three day-and-night session that split the arbitration committee, in a three to two vote. The concerns against whom the fines were levied are: Eit- ingon-Schild Fur Corporation, t h e Balkan Importing Co., agent for I'ellimpex in Ru- mania, and the Alexander Bern- stein Co. I JEWRY IN MEXICO I THREATENED WITH INDUSTRIAL CURBS Two Synagogues in War-Torn Sectors NAZIS CONFISCATE 2,000,000 GULDENS OF DANZIG JEWRY Cardenas Group in Senate Seeks to Bar "Foreign- ers" From Business Warsaw and Lemberg Insti- tutes Closed After Anti- Jewish Disorders STATUS INVESTIGATED BY NATIONALIST BLOC JEWS OF POLAND ASK MORE RELIEF EFFORTS German Legation Assists in Drive by the Business Men's Chamber , Tygel, on Visit to Detroit, Makes Public Impor- tant Statement Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cent* New Babylonian Find Verifies Scriptures JERUSALEM (WNS — Pal- cor Agency) — An archaeo- logical discovery of wide sig- nificance because of its veri- fication of scriptural stories of Abraham's time was reported here by a French expedition excavating at Tel Al Ilariri, where hundreds of Babylonian inscriptions of Abraham's per- iod were found. The finds in- clude many Ilebrew names and accounts of the wanderings of the Semite tribes. PISGAH EVENTS ON 80T" ANNIVERSARY In a cable to the New York Zelig Tygel, executive secre- Times from Mexico City under tary of the Federation of Polish date of Nov. 7, Frank L. Kluck- Jews in America, during a three- hohn reveals new dangers facing Two of the synagogues in the most troubled portions of tho day stay in Detroit in the course Rabbi Foliation One of the the Mexican Jews. His cable fol- earth's surface today are represented in these pictures taken from of which he addressed a confer- Speakers; Gov. Murphy lows: the files of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. On the ence on Sunday, at the Bnai to Be Guest Nov. 21 "The anti-Jewish campaign in left is an interior of the famous "El Transito," ancient synagogue Moshe, and met with a number Mexico attained serious dimen- in Toledo, Spain. Built in the Golden Age it became • church after of leaders on Tuesday evening, sions this evehing when the im- the expulsion in 1492 and was restored as a national monument in at the Statler, disclaimed a de- At its next meeting to be held portant National Revolutionary 1888. The surprisingly imposing edifice on the right is the syna- sire to oppose or criticize the Monday, Nov. 15, at the Mecca- party bloc of the Senate asked gogue in Harbin, Manchuria. Joint Distribution Committee and bee Bldg., promptly at 8 p. m., the Department of the Interior made public a statement by lead- Pisgah Lodge of Bnai Brith has to send Congress a list of the ers of Polish Jewry urging the arranged through the efforts of Conference on Sunday Will Jews in Mexico, a report on their Jews of America not to discon- its entertainment committee, Schools Commence Elect Delegates to Wash- status under Mexican law and an tinue relief efforts. headed by Sam bfaza, for a pro- Membership Drive estimate of the amount of capital ington Convention The need for united political they have in this country. action by American Jewry in be- "This followed the introduction . The annual membership half of the l'olish Jews and a re- Philip Adler, foreign correspon- in Congress of a bill backed by campaign of the United Ile- iteration of the necessity for the dent of the Detroit News who the National Revolutionary party, brew Schools was launched continuance of further fund rais- has just returned from an eight- the supporters of President La- Jewish Education in Amer- ing efforts by the American Com- Thursday evening, Nov. 11, at month tour of Europe. will ad- zaro Cardenas, proposing the ex- ica to Be Stressed at a meeting held at the home of ! mittee Appeal for the Jews in dress the conference of the De- clusion of "foreigners" from all Aaron A. Silberblatt, chairman. Poland was stressed by Mr. Tygel. Conference Hera troit chapter of the American small industries in the country. This campaign, which is gener- As justification of the American Government officials said the mea- ally scheduled to begin the Committee's Appeal for funds and sure was aimed against Jews. More than 1,000 delegates from in answer to a recent statement early part of November, has Aimed at "Foreigners" been postponed this year on 41 states are expected to attend by Joseph C. Ilyman, executive "A bill to exclude Jews from account of the Community the 14th annual convention of secretary of the J. D. C., Mr. Ty- taking part in Mexican commerce Fund drive, and while the cam- gel presented a letter recently Junior Hadassah, the Young received from and barring them from citizen- paign was launched Thursday a representative ship in Mexico had been previous- Women's Zionist Organization of committee of Polish Jewish lead- evening, the workers will not ly introduced in Congress, but go out to solicit before the America, at Hotel Statler in De- era urging the continuance of the was killed in committee as 'un- complete termination of the appeal for funds for Polish re- troit, from Nov. 25 to 28, constitetionala The new bill mere- Community Fund appeal. lief. The letter urges the Polish The delegates will represent the ly excluded "foreigners" from The membership fee in the Federation "to continue the relief 16,000 members of the organiza- taking part in small businesses. United Hebrew Schools is $5 work begun by you, the relief tion. Miss Sophie B. Schwartz "There are about 18,000 Jews a year. The number of mem- work so badly needed and carried heads the Detroit committee of in Mexico, many of whom are bers on the schools roster at on . . . In behalf of the Jews in Mexican citizens. Most of them arrangements. the present time is about 1,000. Poland." entered Mexico at the invitation Miss Adena Lipschitz of New It is the aim of the chairman, Mr. Tygel said he regretted the of former president Plutarco York, convention chairman, an- utterance of Mr. Hyman because Mr. Silberblatt, the president Ellias Calles, but many families nounced that one of the major it was a violation of informal of the schools, Harry Cohen, RABBI JEROME D. FOLKMAN have been here since the Spanish discussions at the convention will promises made by J. D. C. lead- and the members of the com- conquest. mittee to reach the 2,000 center about the education pro-1 ers not to attack the Federation, gram of Variety acts. The meet- Nazi. Support Move mark. gram of Junior Iladassah, The !although refusing to negotiate ing will be open only to the mem- Leads Armistice Parade "The anti-Jewish campaign, convention will open formally on with them. At a meeting in Pitts- bers of the lodge. LONDON. — (WNS) — A which is expected to succeed un- Thanksgiving Day with a keynote burgh, Mr. Hyman said the J. D. At this meeting Benjamin F. member of the British cabinet less checked by President Car- address by Mrs. Benjamin 1Veln- C. regards as "unwise and unde- Goldman, general chairman of the participated in a public Jewish denas, has been directed by the rach of Philadelphia, president of sirable" the "separate and com- 80th anniversary committee, and demonstration for the first time Mexican Chamber of Commerce the organization. The education petitive efforts of the Federation Dr. Victor Droock, chairman of when Leslie Ilore-Belisha, Eng- for Small Industries and the session will follow, with Dr. of Polish Jews." the 80th anniversary membership land's Jewish Secretary of War, German legation here, working Emanuel Gamoran of Cincinnati, The statement of the Polish- drive, will present detailed and marched at the head of 8,000 through the large number of Ger- PHILIP ADLER noted educator, as speaker. "The Jewish leaders, signed by Chief final reports in connection with members of the Jewish Ex-Serv- mans in Mexico, most of them Legend of Zionism," a pageant, Rabbi Rubinstein of Vilna, Dep- the events that will take place icemen's Legion in their annual Jewish Congress at 2:30 D. m. members of Nazi organizations. will be presented by the Central uty Sommerstein of Lemberg. Armistice Day celebration. Lord this Sunday, Nov. 14, in the As- "Under the Cardenas regime Commencement Exercises to States Region, as a demonstration Isaac M. Levine, chairman of the on Nov. 21, at the Statler Hotel, when the 80th anniversary of the Athlone, a cousin of King George, sembly Hall of the Bnai Moshe, consuls were ordered not to ad- Be Held Next Wednes- of an education program, Written Polish Agudath; Adolph Silber- lodge will be celebrated. inspected the Jewish veterans Dexter and Lawrence. Mr. Adler mit Jews who sought to reside in by Miss Deborah Sternberg of Hebei's, head of the Ilitachduth day Evening Rabbi Folkman to Speak drawn up in parade formation. spent several months in Poland Mexico. Only 300 exiles from Brooklyn, national cultural chair- Poale Zion Party in Galicia, Ber- Plans are being completed for Chief Rabbi Joseph Hertz con- and is one of the best informed Germany were permitted to come man, the pageant will portray the nard Zundelewicz, president of the reception to the Hon. Alfred ducted the memorial services at men in America today on the here. Most of them were pro- Eighteen boys and girls have drama of the rebuilding of the the Jewish Small Merchants As- M. Cohen of Cincinnati, inter- the tomb of the Unknown Soldier Polish-Jewish question. Ile has fessional men. No Jews were completed the entire junior high Jewish Homeland after 2,000 years sociation, and others who com- national president of the order; in Whitehall. Major Harry Na- also made a study of conditions among the 300." of the dispersion of the Jews. A prise the committee for the distri- Dr. A. Greenberg of Omaha, school course prescribed by the than. member of the House of in Italy. Czechoslovakia and the reader and 25 persons will be in bution of funds remitted by the president of District No. 6, and Cardenas Studies Petition Commons. was field marshall of Scandinavian countries, has in- United Ilebrew Schools and will Federation, said that it had dis- Governor Frank Murphy. These MEXICO CITY (WNS)—Presi- ]4ceive their diplomas at the com- the cast. the parade. terviewed the heads of several The educational session will tributed about 600,000 zlotys in notables have consented to be governments and is thus in posi- dent Lazaro Cardenas has agreed mencement exercises which will close with the presentation of gold the last 17 months. present to share in the celebra- Christians Urged to War on Anti- tion to speak with authority on to examine the lengthy memoran- Semitism the European situation. dum submitted to him by the Jew- be held Wednesday evening, Nov. keys to new members of the Nazis Confiscate Deposits of Dan- tion and will occupy conspicuous Junior Iladassah Cultural Fellow- places in the program arranged NEW YORK.— (WNS) — Sunday's conference is called ish Chamber of Commerce in pro- 17, at 8:15, in the auditorium of zig Jews ship, a scholastic "inner circle" to for the occasion. Christians of all sects are urged primarily for the purpose of elect- test against the proposed anti- the Philadelphia-Byron School. DANZIG (WNS) — Employ- which are admitted only those who Much interest also centers not only to protest' against anti- ing delegates to the convention Semitic legislation pending in a The following are the gradu- successfully complete a three-year ing the "other methods of elimi- about the address to be delivered Semitism but to do everything of the American Jewish Congress Senate committee, he informed ates: Leah Baschin, Bertha Cohen, course of intensive study in He- nating Jewish influence" promised in the evening by Rabbi Jerome in their power to stop it" in a to be held in Washington, D. C., the chamber in a telegram. Ile George Domnitch, Saul Domnitch, brew, Jewish history and litera- by the Free City's government D. Folkman of Grand Rapids. The news letter to members issued by on Nov. 27 and 28. Detroit is indicated that pressure of public Joseph F.pel, Ruben Hillel Isaacs, after it had repudiated responsi- the Church Peace Union and the to be represented by 20 dele- duties made it impossible for him Sylvia Isbee, Paul Kalmanowitz, ture and Jewish traditional cus- bility for the recent anti-Jewish subject of Rabbi Folkman's ad- dress will be "Refracted Glory." toms. to receive a Jewish delegation, bat American Council of the World gates. Bessie Kramer, Richard Kramer, excesses here, the Nazi police ar- An interesting and effective A mass meeting will be held Alliance for International Friend- Important resolutions on is- explained that the memorandum. Miriam Kumove, Fanny Lipshitz, rested a number of prominent (PLEASE ?VEIN TO LAST PAGE/ which is already in his possession, ship Through the Churches. De- (PLEASE TURN TO LAWT PAGE) Sarah Lipshitz, Florence Rosen- Thursday night to hear ad- Jewish businessmen and confiscat- is sufficiently detailed and compre- dresses on the proposed partition ed their bank deposits amounting scribing the persecution of Jews thal, Rose Shur, Isadore Stein, hensive, to cover the situation. "by Christians and Christian na- Lillian Tron and Kalman Whit- of Palestine into independent Arab to nearly 2,000,000 guldens. Those Meanwhile, it was learned that tions" as one of the blackest and Jewish states. man. arrested included Dr. Leo Gold- the anti-Semitic bill which has pages in the history of religion" Friday will be devoted to an haber, director of the Jewish l'ub- In addition to these 10 boys created alarm in Jewish circles, and specifically denouncing the unusual presentation of reports. lic Bank, which was forbidden to and girls, there arc 14 more who is doomed to die in committee. persecution of Jews in Rumania (PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 1) have completed the junior high Instead of a routine account of Scheduled for Services Nov. 19i and Poland," the news letter de- the year's work by each activity A call has been issued to all school course although they dis- Judge Hertz of Cleveland to clares that "with all the misery chairman, an informal discussion Jewish organizations of Detroit continued attending classes, while Speak on Dec. 3 in the world at the present time some have succeeded in complet- will take place on the platform and the difficult situations in to send delegates to the confer- ence called by the Jewish Na- ing the entire senior course. These among a group of chairmen, whosel which no many people find them- Isidore Sobeloff, executive di- conversation will reveal the year's , tional Fund Council of Detroit boys and girls too will receive selves, there are no people who rector of the Jewish Welfare Fed- for the purpose of enlarging ac- their diplomas at the commence- activities and future plans, show-! are being harder hit and more eration of Detroit. will be the the interlocking relationship ing tivities in Detroit. ment exercises. They are: Frances unjustly deprived of their rights speaker at the late Friday evening Berris, Meyer Danzig, Bernard of all departments of activity. A Under the chairmanship of Hy- than the Jews throughout the services of Congregation Shaarey Is Part of Exhibit of the banquet will be held Friday night, Fischer, Fanny Grossberg. Anna Nazis Are Not Pleased With Zedek on Nov. 19. man Holskin, a committee con- world. Jewish Theological Hecker, Annette Isaacs, Irving with Mrs. Moses P. Epstein of the Re-Election of "Anti-Semitism in any form is sisting of William Hordes. I. Sos- On Dec. 3, the speaker will be New York, new president of Senior Isaacs, Joseph Levin, Anna Olen- nick, D. Graff and Mrs. B. Lich- Seminary an ugly manifestation. The Polish Judge David Ralph Hertz of LaGuardia der, Sylvia Rodin, Esther Shevitz, liadassah, as speaker. people have reason to be ashamed tenstein is mobilizing forces Cleveland, whose subject will be A panel discussion on the rela- The first Hebrew grammar pub- Ethel Shur, Sarah Shur, Lillian of what is being done and what among organizations for work "A Realist Looks at the Consti- tion of communism, fascism and NEW YORK (WNS) — Judge is proposed as a further depres- that was planned at the national lished in America, written in 1735 Weintraub. democracy to Zionism is scheduled Irving Lehman, re-elected without tution." conference held in Detroit in Five boys and girls have been by Judah Monis, the first instruc- sive action against the Jews. The 75th anniversary of Shaarey tor of Ilebrew at Harvard Col- chosen to deliver brief addresses. for Saturday afternoon, following opposition to a second 14-year term Zedek will be observed on Dec. There are 3,000,000 Jews in Po- October. The conference of organizations lege, is one of the items of a They are: Richard Kramer, chair- a party and luncheon of unit presi- land. When Poland was reunited 10, 11 and 12, at special services as justice of the New York State and established after her long will be held at the Bnai Moshe. special exhibition at the Museum man; George Domnitch, Isador dents. A formal dance will be held at which prominent guest speak- Saturday night. Court of Appeals, led an array of ers will address the congregation. partition, the people of the United Dexter and Lawrence. at 2:30 of the Jewish Theological Semi- Stein, Leah Baschin and Miriam The Sunday morning session will 44 Jews who won state, county and P. m. on Sunday. Nov. 21. (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) nary of America, 122nd St. and Kumove. Their talks will center (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) Broadway, New York, arranged about the general theme of Jew- city offices throughout the Empire ' ish values, with reference to the by the Seminary Library and the State. In the Fusion landslide that American Jewish Historical So- Mischna in the sixth perek of the crushed Tammany Hall, Stanley ciety to celebrate National Edu- "Ethics of the Father," "That God made five possessions, or Isaacs was elected president of cation Week. The rare volume is one of the values, his own in his world." the Borough of Manhattan, suc- A Description of the Work of the Hillel Foundations and few surviving copies and is ex- Some of these "possessions," such ceeding Samuel Levy. Algernon the A. Z. A. Groups hibited together with a photo- as the Torah, Israel, the Temple, Nova was elected to the Supreme By BERNARD stat of the bookseller's advertise- will be discussed by the graduates. Court in Brooklyn and Aaron J. Ten years ago, under the guid- The ceremony. of handing over ment of its publication and a num- By EDWARD E. GRUSD ance of Dr. Leo M. Franklin, Con Levy, fighting off stiff opposition, (PLEASE TURN TO :.AST POOL) ber of early American Hebrew Managing Editor, Bn•i Brith Magazine "Give until it hurts" he said gregation Beth El of Flint, Mich. was re-elected to the Supreme grammar and textbooks. was founded by a limited number Court in Manhattan. Six Jews were and he made "This Thing of How Grammar Was Printed of ri, raa Lear. of elected to the Municipal court: Giving," as depicted in henry of Reform Jews in Flint who wor EIRITOR • n MOTE; On the oeranIon of the a(th nntareroary Judah Monis had been dicta- Intel 55055. to he of/nerved bete on bon. tt, ere are ples,11 to prenent • shipped for a long period in a Henry Schimmel, William Katzen Rosenfelt's book, the art of his series of •rtlelee on the work of thlo IntrenotIona1 order by the nhie ting his grammar, to be copied of the Mal It/11h aaaaa The first three arts/Ie. appeared so rented hall. Beth El has grown to . stein, Myron Sulzberger, Abraham life. By precept and example he edit , oerIns of Sit. in longhand by his students, until Ihe f,rIh ankle to • rarest 1,... The fellontn• a congregation of more than . 100 Goodman, Charles Marks and liar (lid more than any other man in he was given • grant by the col- America to make his brethren On Friday evening, Nov. 19. the families and is now worshipping ry Eppig. lege to publish it in 1735. Type The following 12 Jews were conscious of their obligation to The proof of the pudding is in later became president of Adolf was ordered from England. but pulpit of Temple Beth El will be in its own very beautiful Temple Kraus Lodge in Chicago, one of elected to the State Assembly from the poor and the suffering in Is- occupied by Dr. Charles Haven which it acquired two years ago. the eating. and no it is with Bnai the biggest Bnai Brith lodges in arrived in imperfect condition, Its first permanent minister waft New York City districts: Leonard rael here and abroad, with the re- Brith's Jewish youth organiza- the country. A third is now in and had to be completed by a Myers, pastor of the North Wood- Rabbi Bernard Zeiger, now direc- Farbstein, al Goldberg, Ira II sult that huge and unprecedented ward Congregational Church. tions, the Hillel Foundations and charge of the New York branch later shipment A copy was or- Dr. Myers ranks among the tor of the Hillel Foundation of the Holley, Bernard Austin, Hyman funds were collected and distri- dered by the college for each A. Z. A. Both are now 13 years of the Anti-Defamation League. keenest thinkers in the Detroit University of North Carolina and Gittleson, Irwin Steingut, Cherie buted to relieve the distress and overseer, member of the corpora- old—old enough to have produced A fourth served as president of tion, professor, and tutor and the ministry. His interest in civic and his successor and present incum- I Breitbart, Max Turshen, Car to salvage human lives. ',adieus "alumni." Those alumni. the another big Chicago Bnai Brith students were required to pur- social problems is pronounced. lie bent of the pulpit is Rabbi Elmer Pack, Irving Dellinger, Benjamin larly among the war victims of Brenner and Nathan Minkoff, the Europe. There were emendators oldest of them, are still youths lodge. Berger. chase the grammar, for Hebrew is a forceful and eloquent speak- Rise of Michigan Men The 10th anniversary of the latter two being candidates of the and revisor' who attempted to im- in their early thirties, but already er, a roan of broad vision and of was a prescribed study. A Wisconsin Hillel alumna!' is American Labor Party. There were prove upon the slogan of the congregation will be celebrated they are proving the value of Hil- The author was a colorful deep sympathies. Ile is the succes- lel and A. Z. A. in their Jewish now at Oxford on a Rhodes Schol- zharacter. Ile was probably born sor in his Present pulpit to Dr. with appropriate 'services next also 22 Jews elected delegates to founder and leader of the J. D. arship: another recently returned the 1938 state constitutional con C. just as there were promoters Friday evening, Nov. 19. The an- lives. in Italy. in a family of Portu- Chester B, Emerson, now dean of niversary address will be deliver- motion. They were Samuel Un of drives who sought to drama- Space will permit only the brief- from a year of study in Pales- gue0e allure:los, and studied in the Episcopal Cathedral at Cleve- tine; a third received such a good terrnyer and Benjamin Feinberg, tize the need by holding banquets ed by Dr. Franklin. The celebra- est mention of only a few of the Leghorn and Amsterdam before land. hundreds of examples I might Jewish background at Wisconsin's serving as a rabbi on the island Dr. Myers has chosen as his sub- tion will culminate in a banquet on delegates-at-large, and E. I. Ru- of black bread and water and by Hillel Foundation that he is today benstein, Philip M. Kleinfeld, B. throwing lemons into assembling Sunday evening. Nov. 21, when an mention. of Jamnica, and later in New York ject for his discourse at the Tem- C. Ribman, Irwin Steinrut. Abra audiences, but Felix M. Warburg, An Illinois Hillel graduate, who a member of the political depart- City. He is next heard of in Cam- ple, "Conserving These Value*" announcement is expected that a ham Kraditor, Murray Gootrad, though he tolerated various cam- knew ment of the American Jewish came from a village and bridge. where in 1722 he was con- He comes to the Temple in the sufficient sum of money has been Murray Stand, Morris Eder, Ed- paign antics, at bottom abhored absolutely nothing about Jewish Committee. nature of an exchange of pulpits gathered from the membership of Two Ohio State Mlle] alumni, verted to Christianity under the ward Weinfeld, Edgar J. Nathan, the sensational and bizarre is life, attended the Graduate School tutelage of Rev. Increase Mather with Dr. Leo M. Franklin who re- the temple to pay off the mort- William Schwartz, Harold Reigel- public appeals and wanted to de- who later married each other. for Jewish Social Work in New and other local clerk:. Imme- cently spoke from the pulpit of gage on the new building. This man, Max D. Steuer, Alexander send most upon that humane fel- York and is now supervisor for have served, respectively. as presi- has been accomplished largely the Congregational Church, diately thereafter he was ■ P- low-feeling which makes one feel the Jewish Board of Guardians dent of the Columbus Bnai Brith The public is invited to attend through the efforts of Rabbi Ber- Falk, Benjamin Bernstein, Henry Pointed the first instructor in He. the hurt of want and destitution. (PLEASE TURN To Lon PAGE) there. Arwther, who had served lodge and president of the wo- ger. this service. (PLEASE TURN TO 1.1..rr PAGE) TURN TO LAST PA a) BERLIN. — (WNS) — Break- ing through the supposedly iron- clad Nazi press censorship, the underground German Freedom Party is flooding Germany with a pamphlet containing extensive quotes from President Roosevelt's famous Chicago speech in which he urged the quarantine of na- tions disturbing world peace and bitterly assailed dictatorships. Mailed in Stuttgart, the ' pam- phlets were delivered through the snail to foreign newspaper cor- respondents together with another anti-Nazi pamphlet assailing Ger- many's farm policy. Imprisonment for two years and a stiff fine are the punishment provided for violators of a new decree forbidding German citizens to make presents or bequests in their wills to legal heirs who have married Jews or part Jews since the enactment of the Nuremberg laws in September, 1935. The de- cree hits at potential Jewish heirs in another way by forbidding be- quests to persons who have been deprived of their German citizen- ship by Nazi authorities. The first anti-Semitic stamp in history will be issued by the Ger- man postal authorities as part of a new series of postcards to be published in connection with the opening of The Eternal Jew," the new anti-Semitic exposition in Munich. The exhibit features material made notorious by Julius • Streicher and endeavors to prove that the Jews have been an evil force throughout history. )5 IN MICHIGAN DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1937 Vol. XXXIX No. 25 Underground Freedom Party Floods Country With Anti-Nazi Pamphlet dii ETROIT LWISII and ROOSEVELT SPEECH SECRETLY SPREAD IN NAZI GERMANY - NEWSPAPER PRINTED ADLER TO ADDRESS CONGRESS PARLEY 1 1,000 AT CONCLAVE OF JR. HADASSAH 32 TO GET U. H. S. , JR. HIGH DIPLOMAS I t) Sobeloff to Speak At Shaarey Zedek J. N. F. Conference On Sunday, Nov. 21 1" U. S. HEBREW GRAMMAR ON VIEW It 71 JEWS ELECTED IN SEVEN STATES Bnai Brith Youth Movements Franklin to Preach Anniversary Sermon at Flint on Nov. 19 Dr. Meyers to Speak at Beth El Nov. 19 PALESTINE ARABS SEEK SUPPORT IN ROME AND BERLIN Nationalists Ask Financial Aid as Well as Am- munition TERRORISM CONTINUES WITH SEVERAL DEATHS Colonial Secretary Says Po- litical Limit on Immi- gration Temporary JERUS ALEM (WNS-Palcor Agency) — Arabs exiled from l'alestine have named delegations to leave soon for Rome and Ber- lin to obtain support for the Pal- estine-Arab cause from the Fascist and Nazi governments, it was re- ported here in Arab circles, The objective of the Arab envoys is to obtain financial aid as well as arms to strengthen the Arab nationalist and independence movement in the Holy Land. A merciless fusillade of bul- lets from the guns of • large band of Arabs killed five Jew• ish pioneers ot. Noy. 9, as they worked In the field, near Kir. lath Anavim, having bean sep- arated from the main body of farmers. The ruthless assass in. ations occurred about four kilo. meters from Kiryath Anavim, the hillside settlement outside Jerusalem. The five killed, all chalutzim from Kvutzah Ma. Initlleit of the Hanoar Haoeved (Working Youth), were Isaac Migdal, Joshua Pochowsky, Moshe Bargiora, Arieh Mord°. chowitz and Aaron 011ishivsky. Bargiora was formerly known as Baumgarten. Migdal had been a ghaffir. The chief rabbinate of Pales- tine proclaimed the cessation of work throughout Palestine for the period of the funeral which started from the liadas.ah Hos• pita! In Jerusalem and proceed- ed to Kiriat Anavim, where the Interment took place. The meeting of the council of the Histadruth was broken up in the middle of a debate when the report of the killings was received. All five had been members of the Histadruth. The 70 members of the council pro- ceeded as scheduled to the un- veiling of • tombstone for Moshe Beilinson, editor of the Darer, labor daily, but the mood of all the members was is depressed that no speeches of eulogy were given. The only words recited at the tomb- stone were the names of the victims of the Kiriath /snaring murders. The large assembly which had gathered for the tin. veiling dispersed silently. As shooting and bombings at troops and civilians continued, moderate Arabs leaders, includ- ing several mayors, met in Jer- usalem for a conference to combat terrorism. It was de- cided to abandon the extremist policies of the refugee mufti of .Jerusalem and to adopt • new program to press Arab na- tionalist demands. A confer. ence held at the same time by the followers of the mufti re- solved with equal vigor to op- pose the policy of moderation as being Ineffective for political purposes. A large detachment of police and Black Watch troops sur- rounded the Arab village of Sil- wan on the edge of Jerusalem In a vigorous search for the Cer- ro who killed Privates Mil- ton and Hutchinson of the Black Watch regiment on the main thoroughfare below the Jaffa Gate. One of the village ers was kilisd and another see. iously wounded when they at- tempted to resist soldien carry- ing out • search for the ter- ✓acists and for arms. The air. cling of the 'Mage by the troops was made the signal for heavy stoning of individual sol- Police dogs led the diers. troops to three houses where three arrests were made. Two of the houses were immediate- ly blown up as this authorities believed they had found the homes of the killers. Virtually every one of the notable. of (PLEASE TURN To PA014 1) Felix Warburg the Man and His Motto: "Give Until It Hurts" G. RICHARDS Thus the more comforting cor- rected rallying-cry of "Give until it feels good" never gained ac - ceptance and the original legend prevailed to give testimony to &- purer and more poignant motive. After many years of drives and public appeals. Mr. Warburg be- came quite tired of the tumble. the noise, the hectic atmosphere. and excitements of campaigns. It was to the some laenry Rosenfelt the original secretary of the American Jewish Relief Commit- tee, that he more recently ad- dressed certain admonitions. He wanted him to undertake to raise a certain sum of money for the Jewish Theological Semina• He was ready to underwrite the ex- pense of the campaign and willing to contribute to a substantial amount toward the sum that wax sought- "But,' be added, with a sardonic touch of Ma unfailing humor. "I don't want to attend any dinner*. I am tick of eating grapefruits." Following in the footsteps of his famous kinsman. Jacob X. Schiff. and carrying forward lb. (PLEASE TVA* TO PAM