ugentonlz isnetRomaz PAGE TWO November 5, 1937 and THCIE L CHRONICLE LOUIS REDSTONE'S EXHIBIT SOY. 8 - 20 THE BARGAINS OF ALL TIME DeLuxeFantilyServIce c WAR PROPAGANDA AND THE JEWS Works of Detroit Artist and Architect on View at the Hudson Galleries POLAND'S "GHETTO BENCHES" OPPOSED BY 50 PROFESSORS J. W. V. Broadcast On Sunday Morning (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) --- fered photographic proof from of- (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) Station WXYZ will tarry the ficial documents that the Russian German and Turkish anti-Jewish government was instigating po- coast•to-coa s t radio broadcast child and rolled her on the persecutions. Realizing the ineda- groms.) arranged by th e Jewish War ground, extinguishing the flames quacy of this negative approach, Veteran s of America for this Rumanian Propaganda which had already consumed her Great Britain, on behalf of itself Sunday morning at 11:30 and its Allies, had to adopt a plan In June, 1917—two months after clothes. The child escaped with o'clock. Maurice Bordelove, Whereby the Jewish people, par- America entered the war — Pre- only severe burns. president of the Detroit post, ticularly in America, would re- mier Bratiano cabled the Jewish has issued a call to all Detroit gard the Allies as the saviors of Morning Journal that the govern- Danzi g Senat e President Says Jews to listen in on this annual Polish Jews Must Go Israel and be eager to lay down ment had decided to grant Jews Armistice Day broadcast. DANZIG (WNS) N S) — Polish their lives to achieve an Allied vic- equal civil and political rights. No matter what you pay, each Jewish suffering in Rumania both Jews must leave Danzig, Arthur tory. no laundry before and after this declaration Greiser, Nazi president of the Blood Transfusion Groups can launder a finer shirt Danzig senate, told a Jewish dele- Jews, whose names we are au- To dispose of the ridiculous is, however, a matter of history. gation that called on him to pro- thorized to speak, and who scarce- charge that all peoples in wartime WE HAVE THE BEST EQUIPMENT MADE test anti-Jewish excesses. Greiser ly know what they should most are not blood-brothers, it is inter- said that Danzig must act in con- deplore, the inhuman method of esting to point out that soldiers formity with Germany and con- persecution used by the National during the World War fell into sequently German Jews her e Socialists of Danzig against our one of four groups for the purpose P cm carefully Ironed would be treated like all othe r brothers in race and religion in of blood transfusion: Group I, the Free City, or the indifferent Additional Pounds 51fie lb. Germans, but Polish Jews ha 5 per cent; Group II, 35 per cent; no future in Danzig. He failed inaction of international bodies A VERY INEXPENSIVE SERVICE Group III, 10 per cent; and Group in spite of their obligations to to say what he meant by equal IV, 50 per cent. There were men t reatment for German Jews since secure observance of the terms E CRU and women of each blood group in t here are virtually no German of the Danzig constitution and every race. " FRICIC respect of the rights of all its Jews in Danzig. Not responsible for sun burnt or wind-whipped tune'. Thus, the chief problem of the citizens." Disorders in Danzig various nations in wartime is how THE NEWEST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY A tacit admission that the anti- to get men of each race and creed Jewish excesses in Danzig during Italian Students Protest Ghetto so aroused that they will enlist the first three days of complete Benches in Poland and fight for the sake of ideals. Nazi political control were ROME. — (W N S) —Jewish In the case of the Jew, whose life planned and executed with the and non-Jewish students in the has been lived for centuries in the knowledge of Nazi authorities, universities of Milan, Padua, midst of cross-currents of racial came from Abert Foerster, Nazi Bologna, Rome, Florence and prejudice and national antago- OUR NEW EMERGENCY SERVICE fuehrer here, in addressing a mass other cities of Fascist Italy have ni,ms, the problem in the past has meeting when he warned the Po- Laundry Brought to Plant by 9 o'clock a. m. will be made public the text of a strong been to make hint feel grateful to ish Jews to cave peaceaby unless Finished Same Day—NO EXTRA CHARGE protest against the establishment the nation which calls upon him they wanted to be driven out by of ghetto benches in the universi- for aid. Granted this, his patrio- renewed violence. Foerster's ties of Warsaw. The protest was tism has usually soared to the warning contradicted previous of- addressed to the Polish ministry limit, and he has been a generous ficial statements in which blame of education. It MARINO A PPA RV 1. per pentad giver, in both his possessions and for the disturbances was laid at his life, How, then, in the World the door of "irresponsible de- l'" P"'" d McLaglen' s Brother Arrested for War, could nations that had HAROLD ROLAND SHAPIRO IOC ments," 11 of whom have already wronged their Jews win them Minimum Charge, $1.50 . Trying to Palm Off Anti-Semitic In September, 1916, the Russian been sent to prison. back? How could those who had Defying Nazi government au- Propagand a as Espionage Data government was pleased to tell the A MOST RELIABLE INSTITUTION served Israel well, enlist the en- Jews of the world that Mr. Bro- thorities who repdiated responsi- HOLLYWOOD, Calif.--(WNS) lire support of their Jewish pop u- ido's request for permission to be bility for an outbreak of anti- —An attempt to palm off anti- lations, and beyond that gain th enrolled as an assistant advocate Jewish violence here, uniformed Semitic propaganda as secret data support of the powerful Jewry in in Moscow, which had been re- and non-uniformed storm troopers on espionage led to the arrest Amercia? fused by the ministry of justice, renewed their raids on Jewish here of Captain Sydney Leopold II On Feb. 12, 1917—two month was nevertheless granted by the shops and attacks on Jewish resi- McLaglen, brother of the movie before America declared war o Czar! On Oct. 1, came news that dents. Semmes of stores owned by actor, Victor McLaglen, on a Germany—Rabbi Stephen S. Wis the Russian government had en- Jews were abandoned as their charge of allegedly attempting to informed the congregation of th proprietors field in panic. Jewish extort $20,000 from Philip Chan- PHOTO SHOWS LOUIS REDSTONE'S DRAWING, "LARGO ST. Free Synagogue of our duty to in larged Jewish educational oppor- home-owners barricated them- c ellor, wealthy young watch mak- tunities. Refugees from Poland all toe and DOMTNICO, NAPLES, ITALY" fuence the German people to ove told of hardships and cruelties un- selves in their houses while others er. After McLaglen's arrest, throw Hohenzollern Prussianism der German rule. By January, fled. More than 20 Jews suffered C The works of Louis Redstone, among the trees looks substantial hancellor reclared that the for- Although he was moved by th 1917, the American Jewish Com- injuries and Jewish property mer had agreed to provide him well known architect and able and livable. loftiest ideals of humanitarianis damage was estimated at $25,000. with data for a book on espionage artist, will be on display in the YOU CAN BUY QUALITY KOSHER MEATS WITH CONFIDENCE from "I want to stress here one mint —and reflected the views of ou mittee itself published two Russian press items purporting to show The renewed rioting in the face but the material he turned over Hudson Galleries for two weeks many artists often miss—the dec. that opposition to equal rights was of the arrest of 65 persons t urned out to be "merely anti- beginning with Monday, Nov. 8. orative quality of a picture—how 'outstanding Jewish leaders— hi plea against Germany evidence waning, Soon thereafter, news ap- charged with participating in the In a preview comment on Mr it serves or does not serve as an Semitic propaganda" and he re- earlier uutbreak indicated that Redstone's works, Samuel A. adornment in a room. Redstone's the success of years of Allied of peared that Minister Protopopoti fused to pay the $20,000 Mc- proposed to enact into law a meas- the Nazi officials were unable to Laglen wanted for it. McLaglen Cashwan, prominent Detroit watercolors and black and white forts to lure American Jewis WM fiELITER 11837.41 DEXTER BLVD. • opinion into the Allied fold b control their own followers. An said that the British and German sculptor, expressed his views for studies are intrinsically decora- ure for the relief of Jewish dis- Between Burlingame and Hebb Phone HOgarth 3042.3 The Detroit Jewish Chronicle as tive—an architect can understand playing on the delicate emotion abilities without parliamentary official communique blamed the consuls here know of his activi- of a Jewry whose brethren i sanction; and ordered the gover- disturbances on excitement over ties. follows: such matters better than most "I saw them without the bene- painters do—he paints in a high eastern Europe had suffered fa nors to stop disturbing Jews who increasing Jewish immigration more than the normal horrors o fit of being hung in the excellent key, stresses color rather than Christian Church Honors Jew were without domicile. March, from Poland. The Nazi party surroundings of the Hudson Gal- subject matter. and limits him- war since 1914, How the Allis 1917, brought a revolution in Rus- Promised speedy punishment. for NEW YORK. — (WNS) — A leries. Yet I was surprised and self _to sizes that may easily fit won us over, and why their ene sia, thereby eliminating that coun- the guilty. Christian church that regained impressed with t heir freshness, in our own modishly small rooms. miss failed, can now be told. try as a moral liability on the Congress Asks Leagu e of Nations its property through the efforts Russia n Propaganda clarity and directness of attack, "His color moods are all typical hands of the Allies, of a Jewish lawyer, paid tribute Aid for Jews of Danzig HAVE YOU TRIED Our Special SUNDAY DINNER . . When England in August, 1914 let alone the novelty of their sub- of the many places he has lived GENEVA (WNS) — League of to him when the Community The Talk of the Town .. Jed. matter. I say I was surprised, in or visited—the heat and sultri- entered the war on the aide o Nittions intervention in behalf of Church of New York presented because one does not expect such ness of the Orient, the cool quiet Russia, she realized that sh a scroll to Salmon 0. Levinson, free-handling of the watercolor of the Paris Quais and bridges, would have to dress the Russian The Monday Night Club Re- the Jews of Dans,jg was asked by Chicago lawyer, at a luncheon the World Jewish Congress in an technic except from artists long or violent contrasts of rock and bear in sheep's clothing in order to Elects Its Officers given in his honor here. Mr. Levin- appeal made public here. Pro- practiced in this medium. Yet Mr. sea on the Palestinian seashore. attract Jewish support for the al testing anti-Jewish excesses i n son and George E. filmset of Redstone is by profession an "Often during his work as an lied cause. And so, within two New York recovered the property The Monday Night Club met at architect who properly makes art architect for the Levant Fair in weeks, it was announced that Eng Mrs. L. Constantine's home, 1925 Danzig since October 19th, th e after four years of financial and his recreation with all the free- Tel-Aviv he would find relief land was fostering a spirit of lib Elmhurst. Election was held and appeal laid the blame for them legal disputes. on the Nazi government, Nazi dam of attack in his watercolor. from the strain in painting some eralism in Russia! It was reported all the officers were re-elected. "Moods, scenes from the Bibli- ancient Arabian fortress or that the Czar was about to gran They are: Mrs. J. 5Ianaser, presi- party and Nazi controlled police. Ask A. A. U. to Lift Boycott on cal Orient, France, Italy are de- mosque, or spots of the old city the Jews equal civil and politica dent; Mrs. H. Lipsitz, vice-presi- z Describing the situation in Dan- Germany is as having "an aspect of a meted with the assurance and of Jerusalem. Many of these rights, Soon thereafter it was an dent; Mrs. A. Fisher, financial sec- veritable pogrom," the Congress STOCKIIOLM. — (WNS) — truthfulness of a man who knows sketches were bought by .natives flounced that Jewish students and retary; Mrs. J. Gallant, recording Rev. Casten appealed for immediate restora- An appeal to the Amateur Ath- construction, as that the bridge of Tel-Aviv who, no doubt, could doctors would be admitted to the secretary; Mrs. I. Cantor, treas- Jacob tion of "the legal situation." letic Union of the United States sparkling in the distance is really well appreciate the captured courses of the Russian Red Cross urer; Mrs. A. Green, chairman of Signed by Dr. Stephen S. Wise as to revoke its boycott against Ger- Silvernuus The Campus Alumni Club cele- a bridge and the cool blue house moods of their country." Society, To show that the Russian the press committee. The next chairman of the Congress' execu- vyritonrAL many was made here by the In- brated its 10th anniversary as an bear and Jewish lamb would dwell meeting will be held at the presi- tive, the appeal said the Jewish MI klisL ternational Amateur Athletic Fed- es V•yuy. organization at Northwood Inn, together in unity, the Jews were dent's house, 3791 Tuxedo, on situation in Danzig is a "matter tion," "Our Criminal Courts," and eration in a letter addressed to Proyllys Oct. 24. reminded that the Czar had ap- Nov. 8. of deepest concern to millions of the A. A. U. convention. "Tribunes of the l'eople" are au- pealed to his Jews in the Yiddish The featu:e of every meeting is thoritative studies in this field. X short talk on a contemporary Prof. Moley served with Judge tongue! Annbuncement was made 2903 that Jews were to be made officers topic by a member of the club. Elmhurst Ephraim R. Gomberg, member Samuel Seabury in the nationally in the Russian army and navy Harry Josselson, teacher of lan- known investigation of the courts TO. 9-6839 guage in the Detroit Public of the board of directors of the and of the District Attorney's of- The Jews of the world were ex Marriages Schools, spoke at the meeting of Men's Club of Temple Beth El, fice in New York City. In 1931 he pected to rejoice because a non Performed Oct. 28, on "The Status of Inter- was appointed by Governor Frank- commisioned Jewish officer in Rus sia had been recommended for the national Languages." The speaker ' lin D. Roosevelt as research direc- at the next meeting will be Albert tor of the New York State Com- Order of St. George. They were Silber. mission on the Administration of asked to believe that German Rev. Cantor Justice. As a result of the work charges of Russian persecution Joseph Steinberger, charter member, after a long leave of ab- of this commission there was cre- were untrue. The full text of a DAVID sence, has returned to resume ac- ated in New York the Judicial Russian manifesto against perse GOLDEN tive duties as a member. ' Council and a Low Revision Corn- cution of the Jews was published Detrolt's Ferorlte by the American press. mission. Subsequently, Prof. Moley A bowling team has been or- )1 0 II IC L In May, 1915, an item appeared was selected by Governor Roose- pinked under the leadership of TI trill •-•tre velt for the task of personally as- blaming Russian persecution o Wedding Ceremon Jack Weiner. Any club desiring a De Performed at match may do so by calling Irving slating him in the collection of Jews on German influence, and Horne and by Au- Rosen, at Townsend 6-1336. data and the formulation of policy declaring Russia's enemy, Ger m.1011.11. for his presidential campaign. This many, to have been the cradle of anti-Semitism. group that he then assembled came In the middle of July, 1915 to be known as the Brain Trust, which, as Prof.,Moky describes it, Grand Duke Nicholas was said to , is simply a popular description of be offering the Jews in the Rus ROSE EZRAY , f the expert service that men trained sian Army an opportunity to 40 years old, of 413 Pearl St., in the science of politics can and found a united and independen Lansing, Mich., died Nov. 3. Fun- I should give to those who are in Jewry, by retaking Palestine. era! services were held on Nov. On Oct. 1, 1915, came the news OFFERING ' the practice of politics, 4, at Werney Funeral Home. with ' Prof. Moley accompanied Mr. that a Jew, M. Weinstein, had interment at Beth Tephila Ceme- been elected to the Czar's council. Roosevelt to Washington in 1933 tery. Rabbi Herman Price of DAY OR NIGHT , and served him in a confidential Professor B. S. Basch in a speech Lansing officiated. She is our- Phone MAdison 2525 4 capacity during the famous one in the Bronx, New York City, op- vived by her husband, Eli; a son, hundred days' congress in spring posed an attack on the Czar by the Marvin, and a daughter, Leah; of last year, when Congress formu- Jews in the United States, As EPHRAIM R. GOMBERG her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli fated the main body of ligislation showing its humanitaianism, the Jewish Funeral Home Kroskin of Palestine; It wo sis- tern, Pauline and Lillian Krimsky will act as chairman at the ad- now known as the New Deal. Ile Russian government announced Office, Chapel de Showrooms " of Lansing, and three brothers in dress to be given by Prof. Ray- served as liaison officer between that it had given traveling per- 613 CLAIRMOUNT AT 2ND DUCK SPECIAL 4 door ewer oulan—$1022 &load et Ant. Prulence124 slits eidenall line Europe.. mond Moley on Wednesday, Nov. the President and the American mission to the wives and children and err e4 9. of men who had emigrated to the 10, at 8:30 p. m., in the main au- delegation to the economic and ditorium of Temple Beth El. An monetary conference in London. United States before the war. it Meaning — the Most Modem Automobile in NATHAN CHATLIN To call its TORQUB•FRES SPRINGING forum will follow Prof. Mo- He resigned his position with the was reported that Deputy Zamys- Monuments of Character of this city. 64 years old, died open ride velvety is only to part-picture its ley's address. the World is the now 1733 Cuick — with government to assume the editor- lovsky was howled down when he on Nov. 2. Funeral services were ride.Use the words jarless,level,floating, ship of "Today," a magazine de- attacked the Jews in the Russian held on Nov. 3, with Rabbi H. N. DYNAFIASH ENGINE and TORQU•EE SPRINGING Duma. (In June, 1916, however, voted to the publication of an in- serene—and you come a little closer. Rosenthal officiating. lie Is sur- ADDRESS BY HOLEY the American Jewish Chronicle of- dependent and authoritative inter- vived by four sons, Sidney, Bern- F YOU'VE put a sparkling 1938 Buick 0 Rut still you neglect the directability this WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10 pretation of public affairs. The ard, Charles and Bert. ILIP.IACH through its thrilling paces— circulation of this magazine rose car gets from its new rear springing, the steadily to the 100,000 mark, which BLUMBERG BROS. LEAD (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) HARRY S. SOLINSKY reduced risk of skidding, the simpler main- And tried to say in words what this stand- was unique among journals of of 8051 Woodrow Wilson Ave.. tenance, and longer rear tire wear that go PRUDENTIAL SELLERS out car's got— 66 years old, died on Oct, 29. has been more in demand for busi- opinion in this country. In Feb. with ness associations in the past two of 1937, "Today" was merged with Funeral services were held on And found to your surprise you couldn't Insurance Men Lauded by the y Oct. 31 with interment in Clover years than he has. Ile has con- "News-Week," with Prof Mole as t. can't cramp a new Buick into begin to do it justice— No, hio you Local Mossier Hill Park Cemetery. He is sur- tinued his teaching, his editorial editor of the combined magazines. words—only its action can tell its story. Listen, don't think you're the only onel Omen. and Marble linalmoot• Ephraim R. Gomberg is chair- vived by his wife, Mary: three work and has also enjoyed the con- Records of the Prudential In- 7724 TWELFTH ST. daughters, Rose Selling, Mrs. A. fidence and friendship of' the lead- man of the meeting. Tickets are And wherever there's a Buick dealer surance Company of America re- "It's gotta lotto umnohl" say trier-outers Eller 114192 Davis and Mrs. Edward Green- yrs in the Federal government. His priced at 50 cents and may be ob. there's a chance to try this great car out veal that Blumberg Bros., well vainly trying to express all the marvel- field, and a son. Charles Selling. life has been an adventure in the tamed at Grinnell's and Temple —now, today! study and practice of politics, Beth F.I. An open forum will fol. known Detroit insurance firm, ous things they've felt. topped the company's leading Prof. Moley was born and raised low Prof. NIoley's address. HARRY M. JACOBSON "Umm,oh producers for the months of Sep- /" meaning zip—flash — power. in the intense political atmosphere of Toledo, 0., formerly of De- • There LT: be tae etaer t" MATCH THESE YALUESI tember. In a letter notifying "Ummpld" meaning all you ever ex- trolt, died on Nov. 2. Funeral of Ohio and has spent his life in or • loved one than the 711nehat them of their feat, Frank L. Kling- Complete with DYNAPLASIt engine and pected to find in a car—anda:real deal services were held in Toledo on the study, practice and teaching of SHAAREY ZEDEK Y.P.S. and orderly handling of the TORQUE•PREE SPRINGING, these models Nov. 4. He is survived by his government and politics, In 1907, TEA DANCE ON SUNDAY bell, local manager for Pruden- funeral arrangements. else in addition! deliver at Flint, Mich., at these price*: Buick wife, Anna; three Ions. Sidney. at the age of 21, he was elected The Young People's Society of tial, pointed out that there are ATTENTIVE PERSONAL Fact SPECIAL business coupe, $145; Buick SPECIAL thousands of Prudential Agents, is — demonstration, not Jerome and Lewis to his first public office. Ile re- Shaarey Zedek will give a tea conversation, and a daughter, SERVICE .. . 4 - door touring sedan, MO; CENTURY 4-door is the thing to describe this new Buick. Mrs. Bertram Krum). ceived academic degrees at Ober- dance on Sunday, Nov. 7. at 3:30 and to be in first place for any one month is a marvelous achieve- touring sedan, $151; ROADMASTElt 4-door Its College and Columbia Univer- p. m., in the social hall of the touring sedan, $1545; LIMITED II-passenger ment. The letter follows: sky, and a number of honorary synagogue. To say it's quick—nimble—agile is to do There will be no sedan, 57354. Special eneessories, local tares "It is a great distinction, an you degrees elsewhere. Ile t a u only fractional justice to its DYNAFLASII h t charge and everyone is invited know. to be listed as if say and freight extra. SI DELAWARE AVE. one of the In loving memory of our dear political science pn the Mark Han- to attend. This will be the last engine and what it does every time you TRINITY 2-3211 leading producers among the thou- wife and mother, Anna Popkin, na Foundation at Western Reserve meeting where application for touch off its thrifty power. who passed away two years ago, for three years, served as director membesrhip may be made and sands of Prudential Agents all Dec. 1, 1935 (5th day of Kislev). of the Cleveland Foundation for everyone interested in joining the over this continent, but to be in the first place among all of the four, and since 1923 has been at organization is urged to attend. God f all leaders for any one month is a her honor Columbia University, where he is It HI. will Another feature of the after. marvelous achievement. You have now professor of public law. Put In our beerta noon will be the appearance of that distinction for the month of Ph. lingers still For 12 years he devoted himself the Panic, the organization's pub. Her ni smory is Its today September, which fact has made to a study of the relation of crime lication. A• Is the hour she onned away. This vear's editorial all of us here connected with this and the administration of justice staff Is headed by Jay Frankel and agency very happy indeed. Sadly missed by her husband and served during that period in Devora Friedman and their tom- and children. "Please accept my heartiest a directing and advisory capacity mittee includes Annette Manson, congratulations upon this splen- A "SRAL to crime commissions in Ohio, His- Sylvia Katz. Annabelle German. hi°Tm VAtut One of the country's leading anuri, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Vir- sky. Rebecca Kahn, Allen Wes- did work. You have our sincere ----- biographers is doing the life story ginia, California and New York. ton. Morris wishes for a continuance of your Shillman and Maurice Schwartz is planning a of Julius Rosenwald ... But Mar- He Sydney has been recognized as the lead- Freedman. The Panic is distrib. very successful career in the in- Yiddish production of Arnold vin Lowenthal', authorized biers- ing authority on this subject in this uted fete of charge and will be surance business." Zweig's war novel "The Case of The members of the firm are raphy of Henrietta Zzold has been country. Three of his books, issued at the regular meetings Sergeant Griacha." Irving W. Blumberg and Louis delayed. "Politics and Criminal Prosecu- once a month. C. Blumberg. Flat Pieces and Handkerchief. Neatly Ironed Bath Towels and Underwear Fluffed Dried Additional pounds 7e lb. THE BEST UNIVERSAL SERVICE Pounds SHIRTS 18 lbs. DAMP WASH $100 Lace Curtains-- r 27ic Double Woolen Blankets 35c Feather Pillows .-1. 25c All Ironed Service 25c FLAT PIECES ASSACHUSETT PHONE CADILLAC 7423 rre C AAILON,B. 3IARGOLIS Kosher Meat and Poultry Market Go Where Your Friends Go for Fine Food and Choice Liquors .. . BOESKY'S ON TWELFTH STREET 12th and Hazelwood Campus Alumni Club Chairman of Moley Lecture on Nov. 10 0 OBITUARY A Modern Jewish Funeral Home OppatIptir erruirt It WERNEY I Manuel Mach GILBERT'S ARGO FURNACE OIL LA 45oo IN MEMORIAM g Srif Riler ON DISPLAY AT THE AUTO SHOW AND AT ALL BUICK DEALERS'