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January 22, 1937 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1937-01-22

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Alai= 'elvish Periodical Carter



January 22, 1937


Donor Luncheon of
Bnai David Feb. 16


Mrs. Morton Espar, general
chairmen, extends an invitation to
Mrs. Leah Lipsitz of 2457 W. Buena Vista Ave. announces
all members of the Bnai David
the engagement of her daughter, Jennie, to Emanuel Lester, son o
Synagogue and their friends to
Mr. and Mrs. Morris J. Lenter of 2638 Richton Ave. The wedding
attend the annual donor luncheon
on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The pro- will take place April 28.
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Dorf of 9168 Goodwin Ave. announce the
engagement of their daughter, Faye, to Julius Bashin, son of Mrs.
Anna Bashin of this city,

Party of Women's
Young Israel on
Wednesday, Jan. 27

Arrangements are now com-
pleted for the Chamisho Osor
b'Shvat celebration, sponsored by
the Woolen's League of Young
Israel, in the form of a bridge and




Wedding Calendar'

50 Years of Professional Pharmacy

Jan. 24—Miss Esther Si. Kahle, daughter of Mr. and Sirs
Abraham Kahle of Atkinson Ave., to Benjamin Jones, son of Sirs.
Adolph Jones of New York City, at the Book Cadillac Hotel.


Jan. 24—Miss Sarah Plotnik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abra-
ham Plotnik of 2461 Blaine Ave., to Morris Terniack, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Terniack of 2216 Clairmount
Feb. 7—Miss Sara Forman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Forman of Richton Ave., to Milton 1.. Gilbert, son of Mr. and Sirs.
S. Gilbert.


For Boys' Graduation

"Sandy Ross"



Tr o


Double - Breasted, Belted Back Style Oxford-
Blue With Subdued Plaids of the
New Smooth Finished Fabrics

These are handsome suits for now, for this coming
Spring and the year 'round! The styling, the tailoring
and the new fabrics will make your boy stand out from
the crowd in a way that will make you very proud.

Hudson's MY'. Stotet—Sceond alas—Fa mar


Prices Subject to 3%

Sales T..

Jan. 6—To Mr. and Mrs. William P. Greenberg '(Rose A.
midnight lunch, this Wednesday
Love) of 14802 Ilene Ave., a son, Joseph Jerome,
Jan. 12.—To SKr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Pastor (Etta Escrow) of evening, Jan. 27, at 8:30 p. m., at
the Bnai Moshe Synagogue, Dex-
13725 LaSalle Blvd., a son, Albert Barton.
ter at Lawrence.
reeds will go toward sponsoring
Jan. 16—To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crier (Laurabelle Robin-
The purpose of this affair is
the Sunday School and contribut- son) of New York City, a daughter.
two-fold—social and for raising
ing to other worthy causes.
money for junior and intermedi-
Mrs. Leon A. Slavin, general
chairman of the program booklet,
Prizes will be awarded. Tickets
can be reached at To. 8-4541. Any-
INSTALLATION MONDAY can still be obtained from any
one desirous of earning pledges
member of the committee, consist-
may call Mrs. Joseph Jacobs,
Longfellow 2457, chairman of the
Mrs. Al Weisman will continue ing of Mrs. Abbe Levi, Mrs. Abra-
ways and means committee. The
On Sunday evening, Jan. 17, at the installation of officers of the ham J. Rosenshine, Wm. Charles
following additional pledges are a ceremony of lovely appointments Home Relief Society to be held Gellman and Sirs. Harry Portnoy,
in the Italian Gardens of the Book on Monday, Jan. 25, at the Wil- or from any member of the or-
Mesdames Rose Avlson, Mather Dorf-
shire hotel.
man, Ida Isrey, Dorothy Jones, Jean- Cadillac Hotel, Miss Hermina
Mrs. harry Shulman, chairman
ette Jecolts, Doris Katz, °oldie Kane, Phyllis Brock, niece of Mr. and
Sally Kramer, Sera Lahr, Shirley Lich-
of the program committee, has
tenstein, Sara Lopatin, Mre, Moseowlts,
Elton atelener, Lillian Morris, Marton ton Ave.. became the bride of arranged an interesting program.
title. Sophie Solace, Ann liottenbero
Barney Forman. Rabbi M. Fisch- Mrs. Rose Wasman Pollack, well-
Freda Romer, Debbie Sampson, Esther ,
Seigel. Sally Solomon. Mrs. J. Sperka, er, assisted by Cantor A. A. Ro-
Harriet Steinberg, Rae Rudd, Kate senfeld, performed the marriage.
Schuldinger, Mrs. Sandebrao. Blanche
Helen Eisler sang "0 Promise
w'Il Ile me, Ada Wolk, Yeti. Garber, Ida
Garber, Getty Itlitvelee, Dorothy 511510. Me."
(- ,oldie Who.,
Dinner for 160 guests followed,
The Sisterhood attended the
Dr. Leo M. Franklin will oc-
after which a reception was held.
bazaar of the Los Angeles Sani-
cupy the pulpit on Sabbath morn-
The bride was beautiful in a
torium on the evening of Jan. 18
ing, Jan. 23, and will preach on
white lace gown with train and
to tender its donation.
the subject: "The Pillar of Fire
her long tulle veil was caught to
There will be an open meeting
and of Cloud."
her tiara which was made of tiny
of the Sisterhood on Monday, Jan.
At the Sabbath Eve services
seed pearls. Her flowers were
25, at 8 p. m. There will be card
Friday evening, Jan. 29, at 8
white roses and after the cere-
games and refreshments.
Dr. Franklin will speak on
mony, she wore a shoulder orchid.
the topic: "The Jew in Public
Mrs. Edward Greenspon, aister of
the bride, was matron of honor
The Temple Forum
and Edward Greenspon was best
On Tuesday night, Jan. 26, at
man. The bridesmaids were: Mrs.
8:30, the Temple Forum will pre-
Sante Levine, Miss Gertrude
sent Prince Huliertus von Loewen -
Abramovitz, Miss Selma Feingold
The pep rally and tea given by and Miss Sally Goodman wearing
stein of Bavaria and his wife,
the Ladies Auxiliary of the Kvu- peach, acquamarine, orchid, rose
Princess Helga von Loewenstein,
tzah Ivrith. Wednesday afternoon, and blue gowns respectively and
who will speak In a symposium on
at the home of Mrs. A. Panush, carrying bouquets of roses. The
"The Meaning of Fascism." The
was a huge success. Miss Mildred ushers were: Sante Levine, Morey
Prince: "What Fascism is Doing
Feldman, pianist, gave several Abramovitz, Ilarold Bernhard and
to My Nation." The Princess:
piano selections and A. Rosenberg, Leonard Bernhard. Master Nor-
"What Fascism Does to Women."
recital. Refreshments were served man Klein, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Admission, 65 cents per person.
by the hostess who was assisted Emanuel Klein was ring bearer
Young People's Temple Club
by the following: Mesdames L. and was dressed in coat tails and known soloist, will be accompan-
The Young People's Temple Club
l'anush, Rubinstein, D. Markson, top hat. Pauline Goodman, small ied by Mrs. Lillian Rabinowitz is sponsoring a formal Valentine
J. Rabinowitz, A. Sulkes, D. Stein. daughter of SIG and Mrs. Adolph Sarnoff, gifted pianist. Miss Hel- dance to be held in the Italian
Arrangements have been com- Goodman was the flower girl ene Fellman, assistant to Donald Gardens of the Book Cadillac
pleted for the second annual donor wearing pale yellow crepe and Armand, director of the dramatic Hotel on Saturday night, Feb. 13.
luncheon, which takes place Feb. carrying a colonial bouquet. Mrs. art department of the Detroit In- Temple Beth El Religious School
2. A prominent speaker was Emanuel Klein wore black velvet stitute of Musical Art, will gave
The l'arent-Teachers' meeting
secured for this affair and musical and a green orchid and Sirs. A. dramatic readings. A luncheon of the intermediate department
talent arranged by the chairman, Homonoff wore black crepe with has been scheduled for 12 noon (grades 4, 5, 6) will meet Sunday
at which attendance is optional. afternoon, Jan. 24, at 3 o'clock,
Mrs. A. Sulkes.
fringe trim and an orchid.
Mrs. William Roth, University first with the teachers and after-
The following pledges were ac-
Among the out-of-town guests
1-3156, is taking reservations for wards in the Brown Memorial
were: Miss S. Amster and Si. Za-
Meetiattles M. Harnett, F. Gordon, I'.
the luncheon, which should be Chapel where they will he ad-
Liallowne, H. Itesain. A. Ilichrovsky, M.
by Saturday, Jan. 23. In- dressed by Rabbi Leon Pram and
Kaminsky, M. l'eurtnan. a. Kamtniner.
Hollander of Cleveland, Sir. and
M. Itnttenberg. A. Earden, 111. Shur, J.
stallation ceremonies and the pro- Dr, Leo Si. Franklin.
Sirs. S. Bernhard and sons,
Niolm. k Lenmen, J. Sherpa, J. Katz,
commence at 1:45 p. Joint Men's Clubs Meeting
A. Caplan, II, Kalman, II. rudwiske,
Adolph, Ilarold and Leonard of
II. Itieninntl, A. Libido, I'. Pinter. A.
Flint, Miss F. Stein of Indianap- m. Mrs. Charles Cornell. presi- and Dinner
Ito, It. “reen, A. Weitzman, It. 11100,
dent, extends an invitation to all
The annual joint fellowship meet-
olis and Sir. and Sirs. L. R. Klein
A. Armlet. J. Mack, Myer Finkel, Man
members and friends to attend ing and dinner sponsored by the
of Lansing, Mich.
For reservations call Euclid
Men's Clubs of Temple Beth El,
The couple left on a honeymoon the luncheon and installation.
Funds for Passover relief are Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Con-
9055-J or Tyler 6-9159.
trip to Florida.
being raised through a novel . gregation linai Moshe and Congre-
clock project under the direction gation Bnai David, will he held on
of Mrs. Si. S. Arkin. Detailed Thursday, Jan. 25, at 6:30 p. m.,
Sliss Rose Gelfand, daughter of information relative to this un- at the llnni David banquet hall,
Mr. and Mrs. Si. Gelfand of 9903 usual project may be obtained Elmhurst and 14th Sta. Rabbi Bar-
McQuade Ave., became the bride from Mrs. Arkin, Longfellow
The Mizrachi Women's Organi- of Samuel J. Cohl, son of Mr. and 4952, or from members of the nett R. Brickner will speak on
the subject: "What Unites and
zation of Detroit held an Oneg Mrs. Cohl of 3353 W. Boston society.
Divides Jews."
Shabbat at the home of Mrs. Sof- Blvd., in Bnai David Synagogue,
The 14th birthday of the Home
rin, 2677 Calvert. A large num- on Jan. 17.
Relief Society will be celebrated
ber of members and friemis were
The bride wore a gown of in the form of a dinner dance at
present. The organization is plan- ivory satin, with fitted sleeves and Northwood Inn on Feb. 3, at 6:30
ning a paid-up luncheon on Feb. a long train. The only adorn- p. m. All members and friends
3, for its members. The luncheon ment on the gown was a scallop- are invited. Mrs. Arthur Gins-1
will be held at the Bnai Moshe ed pearl collar. A long tulle veil berg, University 2-3467, is chair-
Mrs. J. C. Hirschfield is spend-
extended from her juliet cap. The man of this event. and is now ing n few days in Detroit this
bridal bouquet consisted of gar- taking reservations.
week as the guest of her sister,
SHAAREY ZEDEK Y. P. S. denias, white roses and lillies of Grateful acknowledgement is Mrs II n y Weiss.
made for the following contribu-
the valley.
The next meeting of the Young
Mr. and Sirs. Sam 0. Rosenberg,
Miss Blanche Whitefield, maid of tions received by the Home Re-1
People's Society of Shaarey Zedek honor, was gowned in ashes of lief Society:
who recently moved into their new
In memory of Benjamin D. home at MG Green Ave., will hold
will be held Sunday, Jan. 24, at roses bengaline, and carried a
3:30, at the synagogue. The after- bouquet of yellow roses. The Marx from Mr. and Mrs. J. J. open house on Sunday from 3 to 5
noon will feature an "old fashioned bridesmaids, Miss Esther Gins-
and from 8 to 10 p. m,
In memory of Benjamin D.
movie afternoon." Joe Mashe is in burg and Miss Ethel Anne Burn-
charge of the program. Coleman stein, wore powder blue bengal- Marx from Dr. and Sira. Robert
Miss Sarah Bernstein left en
Kovan, Sam Jackson, Harold Ha- ine gowns fashioned along the brews.
Sunday for an extended stay in
From Sir. and Sirs. Al Homon- Florida.
ber. and Sam Lezell will sell re- same order as that of the maid of
honor, and carried bouquets of off in gratefulness for the re-
covery from illness of Mr. Hom-
On Jan. 31, the group is plan- premier roses.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg
ning a sleigh ride or a hay ride,
are leaving this week for Florida
The bride's mother, Mrs. Gel- onoff.
depending on the weather, at Mag- fand, wore a gown of coronation
where they expect to spend the
nolia Riding Club. All members blue velvet, and Mrs. Cohl, moth-
next four weeks,
and their friends are invited. For er of the groom, wore a gown of
further information call the chair- brown velvet. Both wore cor-
Mrs. S. Spero has returned to
men of the affair, Miss Florence sages of gardenias.
her home in Cleveland, after
Siegel, Madison 2231, Morris Shell-
After a short trip east. Mr. and
spending the past two weeks with
man, Townsend 5.1386, or any Mrs. Cohl will be at home at 3310
her daughter and son-in-law, 51r.
member of the committee which W. Chicago Blvd.
and Mrs. Max Kahn.
includes Flora Beckman, George
Elaborate arrangements are
Schreiber and Charlotte Finkel.
Mrs. Etta Beckman and daugh-
being made by the Men's Club of
The group will meet at 7:30 In
Sir. and Sirs. Oscar Eisenberg Bnai Moshe for an all-congrega- ter, Rosy, returned home after
the past four weeks with
front of the synagogue.
announce the marrine of their
A study group meeting was held daughter, Evelyn, to Joe Holtz- 3, at 8:30 p. m.
her children, Mr. and Mrs. 1. Korn
Jan. 21 at the home of Elaine Sit- man, son of Mrs. Jennie Holtz-
nick. Irwin Shaw, director of man, on Sunday afternoon. Jan. tions will take part and will offer
About 14 friends of Mr. and
Fresh Air Camp, was the guest 17. at the home of Rabbi Si. their wares in • cultural, edu-
cational and entertainment pro- Mrs. Charles Levy gathered at the
Zager, 3026 W. Grand Ave.
gram for the enjoyment of con- Country Club Friday evening to
Plans are progressing for the
gregation members and their dine together in compliment to
Young People's Society "Night
friends. The Junior League. their departure for California next
at the Theater" to be held on Feb.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peripsky
14 a,t the synagogue. Ralph Bern- of Owen Ave. announce the mar- Young People's Society, Masque week. The Bay Cityanc plan to
stein and Miss Sara Stein. in riage of their daughter, Dena. to Players and Sunday school pupils spend the remainder of the season
in the sunny state, with Los An-
charge of dramatics, announce the Samuel Turken, son of Mrs. Lana will participate.
A group of ladies will serve geles as hub for travels elsewhere
cast of one play. They are: Sylvia Turken, on Sunday. Jan. 17, at
Shatzen, Charlotte Finkel, Doro- the home of the bride's Parents. lunch and refreshments at the in the state. Among the guests at
conclusion of the entertainment. the Dinner were Mr. and Mrs.
thy Heideman, Irene Pollack, Rabbi Joshua Sperka officiated.
Among the out-of-town guests I The hostesses are: Mesdames Gerald Goldfarb of Saginaw.
Sophie Stulberg and Evelyn Rob-
James Sobel, Eugene Gelbman,

ins. The cast for the second play was Mrs. K. Rosenfeld of Phlla
Morris Weinstein, Irving Sims.
Miss Ruth Ginsberg of North
will be announced at • later date. delphia, aunt of the bride.
The bride and groom left for Alex Stein. A. A. Rosenfeld. Max Jackson St., opened her home to
Officers Elected by Chevra their honeymoon, visiting in Chi- Gross, Jacob Gelbman, Isidor members of the Junior Hadassah
caro and Cleveland. Upon their Katz, Bessie Greenspan and Harry this week. Reports of various com-
Kadisha of Beth Te-
mittees working on charities were
return they will reside at the Meer.
phila Emanuel
Harry Rosman. president of the read and collections on the Jewish
Men's Club, requests all members National Fund was reported far
to attend and to bring their ahead of anticipated returns. Mitt
At a meeting of the Chevra
Kadisha of Congregation Beth Rabbi Israel Miller to Speak friends,
Ginsberg was appointed chairman
The Father and Son dinner ar- of arrangements for the groups
Tephilah Emanuel Cemetery, J.
at Cong. Emanuel
ranged by the clots will be held annual spring' frolic to be held in
Sherits was elected president, L.
on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at 6:30 early May. The appointment was
Kramer, first vice-president and
Rabbi Israel Miller of Ham- P. in., in the banquet ball of the made by Miss Beryl Voight, presi-
M. Levitt, second vice-president
The Chevra Kadisha takes this mond. Ind., was Invited to address congregation. A committee is dent.
opportunity to thank M. Weiswes- Congregation Beth Tephila Eman- working on arrangements to fur-
err for his past service as presi- uel, Woodrow Wilson and Taylor, nish entertainment for sons and
Yes indeed, that doable-mosey
this Saturday. Jan. 23. Rabbi Mil- parents. Members wishing to at-
ler Is considered ono of the out- tend are reaueated to make res- bark offer ea double mellow OW
Cigarettes is still open. Geed
Flowers for all eecasina — standing leaders among the
far SO days heel today.
tion office.
Disater4ey florist. Tyke II-8612. younger rabbis.


Kvutzah Auxiliary
Holds a Pep Rally

Mizrachi Paid-Up
Luncheon on Feb. 3

For Your Health ... SPA BATHS

Turkish Baths and Swedish Massage

For Ladies and Gentlemen

Management of MILTON J. SAFFIR

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Baths Swedish massage, Sunlight, the greatost adjunct to your medi-
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See our large assortment of Graduation

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all styles in the newest and
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Silks, satins, novelties,
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Baked Goods — Kocher Meat — 13etlealeasen — Daley
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When Yon Want Foal
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You Can Be Sure of the Style as

Well as Quality at Gervais . .


• Exclusive Furrier

Windsor, Ont.

Rainbow Assembly
Dinner on Sunday


Started for College I

Bag City Natts

Gathering Planned
at the Bnai Moshe


Purity Rainbow Assembly No,
12 will hold a formal dinner-dance
Sunday, Jan. 24, at Northwood
Inn. Reservations can be made by
calling Leona Rosenberg, Town-
send 7-2482.

Only 6 years old—but beaded
for • college education. And
you can get Pa same &draw
team for your child, building
a special fund for Ills educa-
tion by a plan of small, rear
tar payments. Write today:
Investors Syndicate ( (insert
your local address and same).

Living Protertlow
Represented by

Walter Berlow

130A Kul...1W Bonk INdg.
Cheery 170

Bnai Moshe Ladies
Take Reservations
for Dinner March 7 M. S. "Batory" Leaves for

A regular business meeting of
the Sisterhood of Congregation
Bnai Moshe will be held on Tues-
day. Jan. 26, at 8:30 p. m.
Mrs. }ferry Meer, president, re-
quests a good attendance as a
great deal of activity is necessary
to make the donor dinner on
March 7 a success.
Reservations for the donor din-
ner are being taken by Sirs. Bes-
sie Greenspan, chairman; Town-
send 6.6771, and her assistants,
Mrs. Freeda Weinstein, Townsend
6-0694, and Mrs .Ethel Sobel,
Madison 7044.
Reservations are also being
taken at the office of the congre-
gation, Ilogarth 0862.

Card Party of the House of
Shelter Auxiliary Feb. 3

Mrs, Hyman Altman, president
of the Ladies Auxiliary of, the
House of Shelter, announces that
• card party will be held on
Wednesday, afternoon, Feb. 3,
at the Jewish Community Center.


The first sailing this year, of
the Gdynia America Line carried
a good list of passengers of dif-
ferent nationalities for many
countries of Europe.
Among the paaaengers on board
were Lester Cohen, American
novelist, and Mr. and Mrs. Cohen.
Mrs. Helen Zimet, Mr. and Mrs..
Paul NASSAU and Max Rosenberw.
well-known Ic.ather importers:
Mrs. Ruth Lynn, widow of the
Danish Consul General Ove Lynn.
formerly of Shanghai; Mr. and
Mrs. F. A. Atteburg, president
of New York Latch Co.
On her voyage to New York.
the "Batory" brought with her
lamas Friedman, the celebrated
Polish pianist who is making •
tour of American cities, Among
the passengers was Rabbi Ben.
jamin Halberstein of the Conrre-
tration Erste Gorlitzer Rodnaer.
The next sailing of the 'Batory'
of the Gdynia-America Line will
be Feb. 14.

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