4 meriam Amish Periodical Cotter CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 30, OHIO 1 ePervorrlaisntkozocul j November 6, 1936 an Woman's Auxiliary of Hebrew Schools GUARD. AND YOUR • BE EYES • SAFE With Health-Lite Cl By SARA DUSCOFF ROBERTS fitted Eyes examined, gl by registered specialists at • price you can afford to pay. MURRAY'S 1119 GRISWOLD ST. masers, or. mleMzen Ave. next to YISTIRDAY TODAY L TOMORROW Alto laacr • A YS THE SAMt GOOD tilt THE BEER IN THE GREEN BOTTLE. For Your Health's Sake" • HOTEL MINERAL LI MENC• Mit MOAN in the trentin•nt or RHEUMATISM qi•IATICA ARTHRITIs • NEI YtITIS and • MAWS HIRORIA10. REST :. REI.Ax • PIETARY I AA , 1,i i• A postcard from Edward G. Robinson, sojourning in England, bears this message: "Got lost in a London fog—almost as thick as the kind seen occasionally in Cali- fornia—but don't pass that last crack on to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce." Don't be surprised if you hear about a wedding involving Ed- ward Warburg, son of Felix, and Mary Cushing, a kinswoman of President Roosevelt . . . Ditto for Sir Victor Sassoon, wealthy Lon- don Jewish banker, and Mimi Vatou, elder of the Patou sisters. i Some 15 years ago Ijoined the Woman's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools, headed at that time by the late Sarah Simons Kaplan, who was an inspirational leader and with whom it was a real privilege to be associated. At the expiration of the term of her presidency I was prevailed upon to accept that office, and it was only with the assurance of Mrs. Kaplan and Dora Ehrlich and the other staunch members of the or- ganization, who are today active in the auxiliary, that I would receive their full cooperation, that I ac- cepted. At that time the auxiliary func- tioned actively but the membership by cohiparison was small. Today we are truly proud to boast of a large and active membership corn- prised of a young element of wo- men who feel it an honor and a privilege to cooperate with the Ile- brew schools. The Hebrew school is my pet in- stitution, due to the training and inspiration I received in my early years from my deceased father, the late Louis Duscoff, who devoted his time and energy to the ad- vancement of Hebrew education. His keen foresight made it possible for the erection and construction of several school buildings in the then newly developing Jewish sec- tions. These schools are properly ventilated and adequately equipped with all modern facilities so that attending Hebrew school became pleasant for the child. Hebrew education in this trying era is vitally essential so that our youth may acquire a knowledge of the teachings of our forefathers and familiarize themselves with the language of our people. The Woman's Auxiliary holds its meetings the fourth Wednesday of each month. The only money-rais- ing function of the year is a donor luncheon held in January. The gatherings are made. interesting and attractive. A timely message is delivered by an outstanding speaker, followed by a musical pro- gram. The proceeds from the luncheon, together with the dues and various contributions, go to defray the expenses incurred in arranging transportation for the children. Those who live at some distance from the schools are con- veyed to and from the schools by special buses. The Woman's Auxiliary renders both financial and moral support to the Hebrew schools. Its board and members are always ready to cooperate with the faculty. I earnestly and sincerely' urge all Detroit Jewish women to join re THE I.FGAI (. 11110NICI F MEMBERSHIP DRIVE, HOW OBSERVANCE OF EDUCATION STARTS AT CENTER MONTH WAS FIRST INAUGURATED Seek 500 New Affiliates During Month of November "Five hundred new members for the Center during the month of November" is the slogan of the membership campaign which will begin at the Jewish Community Center on Nov. 7, and continue throughout the month. Special programs free to mem- bers are being planned for Satur- day nights during the month, be- ginning with a free membership dance for intermediates on Satur- day evening, Nov. 7, at the Center on Woodward and Holbrook. On Saturday evening, Nov. 14, a free membership dance will be held for sub-seniors and seniors. For both of these affairs admission will be by membership card only. All members of the Center are actively organizing to make the campaign a success. Special awards in the form of free mem- berships are being given to mem- bers bringing in a specified num- ber of new members during No- vember. All during the month the Cen- ter will receive visitors at club and class meetings and at spec- ially arranged affairs in order to acquaint them with all of the acitivities. Anyone interested is invited to come into the Center to see the type of activities of- fered. The Center Bookelt which is now ready for distribution will be sent to anyone making a re- quest for it, or it may be picked up at the office. Nazis Oust Jewish Director of the Bank of Daazia DANZIG (WNS) —M. Meyer, Jewish director of the Bank of Danzig, has been ordered by the Nazi authorities to resign his post within 24 hours, on pain of im- prisonment. Anticipating the complete Nazi- fication of the Free City of 'Dan- zig when the Diet meets again, a crowd of Nazi ruffians beat up scores of Jewish merchants who were displaying their wares at the public market. While the police stood by without interference, the Nazis destroyed the booths of the Jews, seriously injured at least a dozen Jews and then smashed the fruits of a number of Jewish houses. the. Woman's Auxiliary of the United Hebrew Schools. Their sup- port will help these schools to make better Jews and Jewesses of our growing generation. The Alumni Ass'n By J. KELLMAN Education Month cannot be al- lowed to pass without noting the Alumni Association of the United Hebrew Schools. The group was The Following Story is Taken From the Detroit automatically organized with the. graduation of the first class from' Jewish Chronicle of Sept. 6, 1927 the Kirby Center in 1929. Underj the able tutelage of the staff of the United Ilebrew Schools, groups well versed in Hebrew and Palestinian spirit were graduated. They naturally fell in with the Rabbis and Laymen Meet and Discuss Program for Alumni organization which was Jewish Education primarily interested in extending the spirit of the Hebrew school A joint meeting of the members of the board of the United among the graduates. The first Hebrew Schools and local rabbis met Wednesday evening at president of the Alumni was Max the Philadelphia-Byron Talmud Torah to consider the pro- Weine. Among others who fol- posal for an "education month" in October. lowed him were Max Chomsky, Present at the meeting were a number of conservative and Seymour Tilchin and Harry Selig- orthodox rabbis of the community, Rabbis A. M. Herhman, E. son. Aishiskin, J. Thuman and Z. Lieder. The Alumni Association, during Members of the board of the United Hebrew Schools its existence, has engaged in many MAX CARP FRED FABER present at the meeting were E. Rabinowitz, chairman; S. J. activities of both a social and Friedberg, L. Duscoff, H. Goldman, M. II. Zackheim, R. Seal- cultural nature. Ambitious mem- %IP ter and S. Sosensky. Bernard Isaacs, director of the schools, bers started a publication, and it seemed that a permanent organi- was also present. Mr. Rabinowitz, in opening the meeting, explained its zation had been established. In purpose as the strengthening of the cause of Jewish educa- 1923 the Alumni Association cel- tion as expressed in the work of the United Hebrew Schools. ebrated the 10th anniversary of The rabbis present promised to co-operate with the He- its founding by an evening de- brew schools with whose work they are in full sympathy. voted to the late Aaron D. Mark- A motion was passed to denominate the month of October son. A picture of Mr. Markson as the "Month of Education." Rabbi Hershman then moved was presented by the Alumni to that a committee be appointed to interview all rabbis in the the United Ilebrew Schools. city and urge them to devote one of the High Holy day serv- This organization, however, has ices to Jewish education. Friedberg and H. Goldman were been beset by many difficulties. As our 'Hebrew schools have ex- appointed on this committee. Another motion was made and passed to interview the panded and more graduates have :hairmen and presidents of all Jewish organizations and urge been added to the list, age and hem to invite one speaker on education at their meetings. nterest, differences have de- H. H. Zackheim and Bernard Isaacs were appointed on this veloped. Many active members went off to colleges and profes- tommittee. Mr. Isaacs reported that the teachers of the United He- sional schools. Others went to live as Chalutzim in Palestine. The wes,/ Schools pledged themselves to make a house to house depression also took away many urvey in the interest of Education Month. from activities because of late work. By 1934, the organization, ring classes in Chumosh, Rashl for the reasons mentioned, seemed and Jewish history beginning with to have breathed its last. : the Second Commonwealth. These, Last winter, Barnard Isaacs courses are under the able guid- and Harry Seligson took it upon ance of Berl Aronovitz, one of the themselves to breathe new life teacher!' of the local Yeshivah, into the organization. Many of and place every Friday eve- the older mebers and graduates Irving Bunim, national chair- ning, take 8:30 o'clock at the Young were interested. A nucleus of 25 man of the Young Israel education lIsrael Center on Joy Road. or 30 members responded to a committee and head of the ex- The class in Talmud continues' call for a meeting. Carefully nur- tension college, will 'attend the every Saturday afternoon, 3:30.: turing its spirit, the organization mid-western convention here Nov. 5 p. m. Rabbi II. Shulman, a bril- has undergone a veritable re- 26-30. Mr. Bunim, a prominent I tient Talmudic scholar, leads the naissance. Meetings were held leader in the Young Israel move- class. Other study groups are in once or twice a month at homes of ment, has gained wide reputation the process of organization, and different members. A spirit of in the East in the field of adult it is the hope of the education corn- j solidarity toward their common Jewish education. He was instru- mittee to interest the entire mem- interests and goals was developed. mental in founding the Young Is- bership in these courses of study. Programs were presented, songs rael extention college in coop era- of Palestine were sung at every lion with the deans and faculty of The alumni also success- Peggy Solomon, noted British meeting. the Rabbi Lau Elchanan Yeshi- fully worked as a unit in the last vah and Yeshivah College. The aviatrix who participated in the, Allied Jewish Campaign. course of study of the college has recent National Air Races and From this small group has de- attracted thousands of Jewish Ruth Chatterton Derby, was a veloped a functional unit which adults in the east and all Young recent visitor at Paramount Stu- expects to make itself felt In the dies. Miss Solomon is internation-1 Israel branches. life of the community. The local education committee ally known for her daring exploits cultural The association has as its tenta- headed by Irving W. Schlussel, an- in long-distance flying, notably tive aims for the year: nounces the opening of Friday eve- from England to South Africa, MAX CARP, Seey.•Treas. 1. Organization of a special FRED FABER, President junior group. This group would 13200 LINWOOD, Corner Tyler be organized to eliminate the problem of age difference and Phone Townsend 8-2214 would be sponsored by the older group. 2. Founding of a publication • for the group. 3. A thorough study of the Mrs. Simpson is Jewess, cultural and industrial develop- Is New Cry of the Nazis ments in Palestine. 4. Social functions for the NEW YORK (WNS) —The junior, as well as for the older By ABRAHAM J. LACHOVER poor Jewish editors who have group. The officers feel that the or- The United Hebrew Schools' been racking their brains in for a "Jewish angle" to ganization will grow in numbers membership campaign, conducted vain and functions. Much time is re- annually, serves two distinct pur- Mrs. Wallis Warfield Simpson's sensational affair with King quired as none of the members poses. It constitutes one of the Edward VIII have found • are of Independent means and can sources of income upon which the "friend" in an unsuspected devote only part of their time to schools greatly depend, and it the activities. The organization, establishes a closer relationship be- quarter —the editor of the "American Bulletin," organ of of necessity, is now in a period of tween the community and the slow development. The officers school. The membership campaign the American National Socialist and members feel that once the affords the schools an opportunity party, a Nazi outfit. According organization and its technique is to bring home to the community to this gentleman the whole af- perfected, It will undertake a the fact that thd educational prob- fair is nothing less than a Jew- constructive program of social lems are as weighty as the physical ish plot. Mrs. Simpson, he says, is a Jewess whom the Jews be- and cultural activities that will and material problems, if not more. lieve to be "a reincarnation of be of value to the community, as The sponsors of the campaign Esther who saved her people by well as to the United Hebrew always stress the fact that it is tricking the King of Persians • Schools. the duty of all those who are in- into signing an order of death terested in Jewish education to his own people," Not only organize more firmly and to pur- for is Mrs. Simpson Jewess, says sue more steadfastly an intensive the Nazi editor, • but she was propaganda for the maintenance brought up by a Jewish step- of the Hebrew schools. father in Jewish surroundings A large membership of the and is being used as a catspaw NEW YORK, N. Y., — Con- United Ilebrew Schools strength. by Jews to win new rights for tributions of American Jewry for ens the base upoh which the school the Zionists in Palestine. stands, and multiplies the number Palestine land redemption through the Jewish National Fund reached of contacts for the institution, and Edgar C. Levey, former Speaker an all-time high during the fiscal consequently makes more parents year concluded on Sept. 30, figures Aware of the need of giving their of the California Legistlature, has become the first Jew in 102 years submitted to the October meeting children a Ilebrew education. The leaders of the community to be elected great senior saga- of the board of directors of the Jewish National Fund disclosed. who are connected with the United niece of the Improved Order of Red en . . . In two years he'll The meeting was held Oct. 27, un- Hebrew Schools and who are in- be the great incohonee of the der the chairmanship of Dr. Israel terested in this educational endea- order. vor go out to the Jewish corn Goldstein, president, at the fund's munity during the membership headquarters, 111 Fifth Ave., New campaign, and, through personal 60,000 Bessarabian Jews Face De- York City. portation The report for the fiscal year, contacts with the prospective mem- BUCHAREST (WNS) —Sixty covering the period between Oct. bers, make it clear that the pri- mary object of the United Hebrew thousand Bessarabian Jews now 1, 1995 to Sept. 30, 1936, shows that the American branch of the Schools Is the perpetuation of Jew- face the threat of deportation culture. These men who are within a year in consequence of Keren Kayemeth Le'lerael had an ish income amounting to $479,932.48, intimately acquainted with the • new decree which forbids aliens work of the schools further inform to remain in Rumania more than a sum representing an Increase of 65 per cent as compared with the the prospect that this educational 12 months, Although these Bea- fund's income during the preceding institution brings the child nearer earabian Jews have lived within fiscal year. Compared with the to his parents by enabling him to the borders of what is now Ru- fund's receipts three years ago, share in the experiences of his mania since 1919, they are not by imbuing him with his citizens. Refugees from Russia this year's total represents an in- people, religious ideals crease exceeding 800 per cent, the him its language, and by teaching during the war, they were never its history, etc. naturalized and are now state- receipts • in 1933 having been They emphasize the fart that the less. Hitherto their status has ;144,276.78. Hebrew schools have already suc- been winked at but it is now ex- ! In submitting his report, Dr. in raising • generation pected they will be forced to leave Goldstein stated that almost two- ceeded which is a credit to the Detroit the country. Pending further de- thirds of the total was obtained as Jewish community. velopments they will be barred ■ result of the regular Keren Ka- The friends of Jewish education from holding jobs. yemelh activities, the income from most continually engage in the Assurances that his government which amounted to ;307,301.17, of interpreting the problems would accord full protection to MORE LEAUTFIA SAYER STRIME STTUNG while the net receipts of the Jew- task of Jewish education to the Com- the Jews were conveyed by Pre- ish National Fund's share from SAFETY 17A-11:-KALED HYDRAULIC BRAKES the United Palestine Appeal for munity and this is done in a very mier Geog Tatarescu at an audi- 1936 amounted, up to Sept. 30, to efficient manner by the sponsors of ence he granted to a delegation LONGER WHEELBASE-117 LICH ON '4" AND 122 INCH ON V' the campaign who engage annually of American Jews of Rumanian $172,672.41. LARGE' UNIOACI AND WARS Till COMPARTMENT The board of directors took cog- in enlarging the membership rea- origin who came here to study ter of the schools. the condition of their co-reli- nizance of the fact that the report PERFECTED SAFETY CUM-POINT STEERING gionists. for the year just concluded LARGER LINISTIR BOOMS re FISHER represents an all-time high. In the 26 years since the establishment MESA= FOWL" AND ACCELEYAHON WITH GUAM ECONOMY tennis, checkers and to while away of the American Bureau of the a pleasant evening in conversa- WOOER DOORS—LOWER UNOBSTRUCTED !LOOKS Jewish National Fund, the highest tion. recorded income was that of Oct. Ping Pont Exhibition to be Given ADNSTABL1 1111140 3-PASSENOMI FRONT SEAT The club purchased four tennis 1, 1925 to Oct. 1, 1928, the peak by District Champion and IMPROVED KNEE-ACTION It/Di tables and equipment as perma- year of the prosperity period in R -up the nent adjuncts of the club and will 1920's. In that year. The the in- Men's Club of Shaarey PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS come of the Jewish National Fond 7,edek will meet regularly during also have available. for the en- of America amounted to ;479,017.- the season on the first and third joyment of members, checker 69. Monday evenings of each month. boards, chess seta and other The only announcement of meet- games. ings will be through the Shearer A Men's Club bowling league Is Milt Gross, famous humorist, Zedek Recorder and The Detroit in process of formation and a dialogue writer and creator of the Jewish Chronicle, and members ping-pong tournament will shortly character, "Nix Baby," a n d are urged to watch these an- be arranged ax well. Charles Sherman are in Hollywood nouncement& At the next meeting, on Dee. 7, for conference with 20th Century- The last meeting, on Oct. 26, another exhibition of table tennis Fox studio execs relative to their featured a talk by Herman Ja- will be presented by the Detroit, play But This Is My Town? Be- cobs, executive director of the state and district champion and fore the play could be produced in Jewish Community Center, on the canner-up. This time the New York. Darryl Zanock read a "The Jewish Center as a Directive match wili -lo held off the ita• copy and liked It to well he pur- Force," and Yiddish and foreign of the social hall where grater chased it for the films. New York's 'songs presented by Mrs. Ruth space may be afforded the eon- Broadway was scheduled to se* I t Lederman. Following the meeting 'estants and greater opportunity this falL the members stayed to play table to show their skill and 'DWI's. Make Plans for Education Month We cordially invite you to attend the • OFFICIAL SHOWING of the New 1937 Chevrolet on Display at Our Modern Sales Room and Service Station SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7th Bunim Will Attend Conclave of Young Israel, Nov. 26-30 "A Complete Car" "Completely New" LINWOOD CHEVROLET,Inc. ON DISPLAY! The Hebrew School Membership Drive RVerffreth DE -AND YOU'LL DECIDE • J. N. F. ATTAINS ALL-TIME HIGH FOR 11' 1937 AMERICA'S FINEST LOW-PRICED CAR The Crowning Achievement of Pontiac's Policy of Giving More for Less matter what other important business you have on hand—be sure to see the 1937 Pontiac*. You'll be well repaid, for Pontiac has built a new six and eight that have no counterparts in the his- tory of motoring. The new Silver Streak is bigger—full five inches bigger—and what a difference that makes in roominess, riding ease, smartness I It's an even better value— R EMEMBER—no enriched with more basic advance- ments than any new car at its price. And it is even more economical than last year's Pontiac, official economy champion of its price-class I Come in— see the latest, greatest models of the most beautiful thing on wheels—let your own eyes prove that everything points to Pontiac for 1937. It is America's finest low-priced cat, IyagER C4R1 BEM? VALUE GRE4TER ECONOMY! "See Your Nearest Pontiac Dealer" 1 Men's Club Games Night on Dec. 7