wericait Prish Periodical Colter CLIPTON AVIHU• - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO 1 PEDeritorKkivisit CAROM ICU July 31, 1936 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE King Herod, Great But Cruel Ruler SERVICE...Friendly, Conscientious and Complete... of the destruction of the Tem- ple—the Temple fiat Herod rebuilt, the Temple that Jesus knew"—is an ideal time for the recounting of important events in the years of our his- tory which immediately pre- ceded the advent of the Chris- tian era. Rabbi Minkin records most fascinatingly the story of the man who is known as Herod the Great but whom Jewish his- tory has branded as the Ter- rible. It is the story of a man the day of whose death was a holiday for the Jewish people in Palestine. One of the most remarkable personali- ties of pre-Christian times, • leader with marked ability and a great capacity for creative- ness, the reign of King Ilerod I was nevertheless one of the most tragic in all history. Few rulers have their records as stained with blood, and only a handful of tyrants in history are known to have been his equal in vengefulness. That in • nutshell tells you what you can get at Charlie Gehringer's No service stations. matter what your car needs are, We Invite Your Patronage. Chas. Gehringer Fred A. Epps WASHING & VACUUM ON ALL CARS. COMPLETE SPECIALIZED LUBRICATION FIRESTONE and ATLAS TIRES — RADIOS COMPLETE ACCESSORY LINE ON EASY BUDGET PLAN POWER Charlie Gehringer Stations, Inc. FRED A. EPPS, General Manager 2331 W. DAVISON 4277 CASS AVE. I between 14th & LaSalle TO. 7.9252 at Canfield TE. 2.8631 AN HISTORICAL ACCIDENT Rabbi Minkin's commendable biography gives a complete pic- ture not only of the life of Herod but also of the history of Palestine during the cen- tury that preceded the Christian era. It is the story of an un- forgettable accident that had brought Herod to the Jewish throne, and the relationship re- mained unfortunate ever af- ter." Half-Idumean and half- Jew who married an Hasmon- ean in order to strengthen his claims to the throne, Ilerod —is the man who has purchased a Great- was unable at any time, in West Retirement Annuity. You can assure spite of his great constructive yourself this way of a monthly salary of reign, to win the confidence and $50 — $500 — any sum you wish to com- the love of his people. The re- mence at 55, 60 or 65 — to continue as sult was that he lived in con- stant suspicion of those who long as you live. surrounded him, and he packed his court with non-Jewish cour- The cost is not great, the income is guar- tiers in preference to Jews. The anteed. You have no investment or re- atmosphere of suspicion was investment worries, and a Great-West heightened by one murder after Retirement Annuity has a generous cash another perpetrated after the and loan value, in case of need, after hatching of plot after plot, some true and some forged, payment of the first premium. upon his life. On Herod's head was the guilt of the death of Write for rates at your present age. his brother-in-law, Joseph; his wife, Mariamne, the Hasmon- can; Alexandra, mother of Mar-' Janine; his two sons by Mari- amne, Alexander and Aristo- bulus; of Antipater, the son of his first wife; leaders of nu- 1512 UNION GUARDIAN BLDG. merous sedition movements and Detroit, Michigan many leaders among the Phar- isees and the priesthood. REPRESENTING Herod came nearest to win- ning the affection of his peo- TIIII ple when he rebuilt the Tem- ple. "It was the Temple that Jesus knew; where his brother ASSURANCE COMPANY James spent whole days in DEAD OFFICE' WINNIPEG prayer, which his early dis- ciples regarded with the deep- eat affection and veneration, and whose sole remaining west- 2 Jackets of Cellophane Seal in OLD GOLD'S Prize Tobacco ern wall Jews still bathe with their tears." But Ilerod com- mitted the indiscretion of plac- ing the Roman eagle over the entrance of the Temple, and with one stroke he destroyed all the good that he created. Shortly before his death, with the spread of a premature ru- mor that he was no longer among the living, a fanatic out- burst drove Jerusalemites to • state of frenzy, they stormed the Temple and tore the Roman insignia from the wall. The feeble and prostrated Herod ac- quired a new lease of life and FOR A SINGLE brought the offenders before ROOM WITH BATH him. Asked what had prompted That's our offer— their action they replied fear- every single room lessly, The Torah," "The of- with private bath fended Law." Leaders in this 1 2. 12v 13. uprising were condemned to be burned alive. Thus, "the path FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK of blood that followed him all his life did not dry up till he reached his grave." THE MAN WITH A CARE-FREE FUTURE SEYMOUR, J. COHN GREAT-WEST LIFE Our Pledge to ou When You Visit DETROIT 2. s2r$3. HOTEL 800 A magnificent modem hotel right in down- town Detroit. Fine food at low ccst. ROOMS CSTORD t DELL frbrorq Dower ISIRDAY TODAY I TOMORROW COUGHLIN'S ALLY ORGANIZES ARMY SIU Semite, explained that the storm troopers would be organized to guard the polio for Lemke. The real purpose of the storm troop- ers, however, was revealed when he said they would have to have "the right physical and mental qualifications." (CuNCLUDED Fltrim PAGE ONE) INAYs Yes SAC ■ JOD THE BEER IN THE GREEN BOTTLE Reservations Available for Several Campers at Camp Avrunin Rabbis Hit Religious Issue in Politics CHICAGO (WNS) — Attempts by "certain forces in American life to "inject racial and religious prejudices into the forthcoming presidential campaign" were vig- orously denounced by the dele- gates to th• 10th annual confer- ence of the Rabbinical Associa- tion of the Hebrew Theological College. of Chicago. The confer- . ence called on members of the Association ''to urge upon their respective communities the need to judge the issue upon a purely :American basis." With four more weeks remain- ing before the end of the camp season, Mrs. Clara Avrunin, di- rector of the Camp Avrunin on Big Wolf Lake. near Grass Lake, Mich., announces that accommoda- tions have been made available for several extra campers by the con- struction of • new bungalow which carried out throughout the sum- was just completed. mar, including athletics, swim- An interesting program is being' ming, arts and crafts, dramatics. I YEAR BOOK OF JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION TO INCLUDE NAMES OF DONORS TO CAMPAIGN (CONCLUDED from EDITORIAL PAGE) IF YOU WANT YOUR WHITE Will Include Contributions from $5 and Over; Unpaid Ac- counts of Previous Years Will Also be Marked; Wineman Urges Immediate Payments on Pledges CLOTHES TO 1.:OK LIKE NEW ON YOUR VACATION . . . SEND THEM TO FOREST NOW ...FOR A Year Book containing the names of all contributors to the Allied Jewish Campaign will again be published this year by the Jewish Welfare Fed- eration of Detroit, it was announced this week by Henry Wineman, chairman of the Federation's board of governors. Mr. Wineman stated that donations of $5 and over to the 1935 and 1936 campaigns will be listed in the book. lie also stated that unpaid accounts of previous years will be marked. In an appeal to all contributors Mr. Wineman urges 100 per cent pay- ments on pledges in order to make as fine a showing as possible in the forth- coming Year Book, which is expected to appear in about eight weeks. Mr. Wineman's appeal, addressed by mail to all contributors, is as follows: %auk, DRY CLEANING The Jewish Welfare Federation will publish a Year Book again this year. It will include a list' of all contributors of $5 and over to the 1935 and 1936 Allied Jewish Campaigns, showing the bal- ances due on 1935 pledges. In addition, unpaid accounts of previous years will be marked. • At present, this is the way your record would appear in the Year Book: 1936 1935 1935 Pledge Unpaid Name Pledge • But in spite of this tribute, the author, throughout his book, points to the hate which faced Herod on all fronts. "Herod's unsavory reputation," Rabbi Minkin tells us, "has scandalized the church no less even than the synagogue; in fact, the former even more bit- terly than the latter; for, by some juggling of dates, history has connected the birth of Jesus with the last days of the Judean king, although in all probability they were four years apart. As Herod was said to have attempted the an- nihilation of Judaism, so it was said he tried to nip Christian- ity in the bud by slaying the infant Jesus together with the babes of Bethlehem. The story goes that when the Wise Men came to Ilerod with the ques- tion, "Where is he that is born king of the Jews?' the king was seized with a panicky fear, for it was just the kind of ques- tion that was calculated to arouse his jealousy and suspic- ion. Herod knew that he had not been born a Jew, and, least of all, king of the Jews. The frightened king thereupon made inquiry of the Magi as to when and where the star had appear- ed, commanding his butchers to slay all the babes of Bethlehem under two years of age." Rabbi Minkin points out that in spite of the chronological dis- crepancy—Jesus was not yet born when Herod died at Jer- icho—this story was neverthe- less believed by millions and found its way into the New Testament, the liturgical plays of the Middle Ages, the Canter- bury Tales of Chaucer, "mak- ing the name of the 'baby-kil- ler' one of the blackest villains in history." Herod's biography by Pabbi Minkin, in spite of what ap- pears to this reviewer to be an unsuccessful attempt to defend and glorify him, is neverthe- less an important historical work. It is replete with infor- "a double-crossing betrayer and liar." Such a sweet singer of the Gospel. No wonder the usually genial Dr. Townsend was inspired the other day to say that "maybe we need a preacher as president." Gerald Smith and Charles Coughlin are doing their level best —which is "some" best—to dis- credit the salutary influence of religion and its representatives in the social economic sense. The de- lusion of Townsend's impossible promises to the indigent aged is now being used by two of the most blatant Fascist influences in America to exploit their own ends. Get the program $200 or over to every 60 years of age and over; wealth limited to 3 1,4 mil- lion but guaranteed variously at $5,000 to $15,000 minimum per person per year; and then added to all that the general hocus pocus of Coughlin currency concepts decked up in a garnishing of so- cial justice platitudes. Coughlin 'More Dangerous This fellow Coughlin is the more dangerous of the two "di- vines." Ile has an intellectual flair which is not present in the rau- cous ramblings of Mr. Smith. IL: is far shrewder than Smith. It is not beyopd possibility that, now that it is happening here, the set- up may be Smith, manoeuveted by Coughlin, the one who pulls the strings. And poor old Dr. Townsend will be out in the cold. When he plays with these fellows, he's beyond his depth in the po- litical puddle. All of which means those Cath- olics, Protestants and Jews of the clergy who have tried to represent a fine, aggressive yet non-demagogical social justice are going to be harder put than ever. The reactionaries are going to use the argument of Coughlin and Smith in opposing religious concern with political and eco- nomic problems. The real liberals, seeing the enormous following of Coughlin and Smith, contrasted with the feeble following of the truly representative religious champions of social justice, are going more than ever to question the significance and value of so- cialized religion. The only answer is for Catho- lics to-continue in the steps of the papal encyclicals and not of Charles Coughlin; the representa- tive Protestants to repudiate Smith and his antics, Socialized religion is going to be an integral part of the new and more just social order. We cannot let it be discredited by Coughlin and Smith. HOME RELIEF SOCIETY APPEAL RENEWED PLANS ANNUAL EVENT IN POLISH DRIVE (CONCLUDED FROM PARE out of the fact that the Jews closed their establishments dur- ing the general strike called to protest the Przytyk pogrom ver- d ict. Continuing its war on the Jews, the Nazi regime of Danzig has banned the Warsaw Moment, Yiddish daily, from the Free City for six months, as a result of an article in the Moment attacking the Danzig regime. A number of Jews were seriously injured here when anti-Semites attacked a meeting called to protest the violation of Jewish rights in Dan- zig. L Columbia 4200 CLEANERS 1 DYERS 533.547 EAST FOREST • AND NO1V • • • A NEW Salami & Sausage by Gunsberg * • A New Taste! • A New Form! • A Better Product! NOW ON SALE AT YOUR. DEALER Always Ask for Gunsberg's SALAMI — WEINERS — BALONEY TONGUE — PASTRAMI ---CORNED BEEF And you can be assured you will always obtain the best, freshest and purest products. Gunsberg Provision Co. RANDOLPH 2545 1016 NAPOLEON STREET •THIS SUMMER .. LIVE! Three little words which sing in the hearts of those who owe themselves a REAL vacation( THE INN Luncheon and Special Meet- ing of J. W. E. W. 0. Monday, Aug. 3 CHARLEVOIX-the-Beautiful, MICHIGAN NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON Rabbi Wohlgelernter Joins Appeal A CONTRADICTION There is contradiction in mation and reads fascinatingly. Rabbi Minkin's story of Herod. It is most valuable for every After giving a complete ac- biblical student and every li- count of Herod's barbarism and brary. brutality he concludes with a glowing tribute to the man who RABBI BEQUEATHES knew only hate. There is in $10,000 TO J. N. F. inconsistency in spite of the excellent case built up for the (CONCLUDED FROM rave c ■ Nri cruel king. In answer to the question whether Ilerod was self all but the barest necessities of life in order to increase the "genius or tyrant, hero or de- sum he intended to leave to the mon, a superb king or s base cause of Palestine land redemp- assassin," Rabbi Minkin de- tion. clares: "Whether the one or the $1,000,000 to Charily other, he was the only king of NEW YORK IWNS)—To carry' Judea to east a glow of splen- , on his various philanthropic in- dor over his unhappy country terestn, the late Aaron E. Noe- before its sun set not to rise 1 man, Jewish philanthiopist and again for many a day. Genius former president of Sears. Roe- buck and Co., left $1,000,000 to or tyrant, Herod alone under- the Assistance Fund, Inc., it was stood how to disentangle the revealed when his will was filed Gifts to North End Clinic complicated affairs of his na- for probate. The Assistance Fund tion during what were perhaps was organized to distribute his penny to Jewish insti-1 not ■ North End Clinic has received bequests. A codicil in the will but the most turbulent years of its The chief beneficiary the following contributions: revoked ■ bequest of 1100.000 to tutions. existence and give it at least the Federation here. was the Portland Art Museum,1 In memory of Joseph Ash of semblance of outward power. which received 1200,000 to build , Cleveland from Sidney F. lleav- $1,000,000 for Naa-Jews • new wing in honor of her par- enrich and Mrs. Benjamin L Hero or demon, during his long PORTLAND, Ore. (W N SI — ents, the late Solomon and Jo- Lambert. reign, he was the mastering The will of the late Minn Ella sephine Hirsch. Her father was , For the Social Service Fund: brain, the grappling will and Hirsch, wealthy spinster and de- at one time mayor of Portland,' in memory of Mrs. A. Shiffman dominant hand which gave his scendant of one of the pioneer and from 1889 to 1892 served as ! from Abe Shiffman. Jewish families of the Northwest. U. S. Minister to Turkey. Miss country an era of uninterrput- ed peace and prosperity such as created a stir in Jewish circles Hirsch also bequeathed 150,000 I George Cukor is to head the di- here when it was learned that to the Portland Symphony Or- rectorial staff of the new major it had not known since the the had bequeathed $1,000.000 to chestra and $50,000 to the Chris- company resulting from the days of King Solomon. The pre- merger. various charities and individuals, tian Science Church. C LADIES' PLAIN WHITE DRESSES COATS OR SUITS... si00 LI The July executive board meet- ing of the Home Relief Society was held at the home of Mrs. William Roth of Canterbury Drive. Plans were discussed for the annual dinner dance which will take place on Oct. 25. The Home Relief Society is grateful for the following con- tributions: The Jennie Newman Estate in memory of Mts. Jennie Newman. Mrs. Sam Schwartz in honor of her son's list birthday. A special meeting of the Jew- for Polish Jews ish Women's European Welfare NEW YORK. — Rabbi Max J. Organization will be held Monday, Wohlgelernter, executive direc- Aug. 3, at 12 noon, at Congre- tor of the Union of Orthodox gation D'nai Moshe, Dexter and Jewish Congregations of America, Lawrence. A recommendation of has assumed the chairmanship of the hoard of directors will be a committee on congregations of heard in regard to a relief pro- the American Committee Appeal ject for orphans in Poland, in for the Relief of Jews in Poland, addition to the 15 orphaned fam- a non-sectarian o r g a n i z a t ion, ilies who are on the regular sup- which is at present conducting a porting list of the organization. drive for $1,000,000 for the pur- A free luncheon will be served pose of alleviating extreme desti- before the meeting at 12 o'clock. tution among the 3,500.000 Jews All members are requested to in Poland. The committee under attend and be on time. the leadership of Rabbi Wohlgel- ernter will make a strenous effort Mlawer Umgegend Verein to obtain the support of Jewish to Honor Memory of religious bodies and synagogues Mary Mellin for the work of rescue carried on by the American Committee Ap- The Mlawer Umgegend Verein peal. The membership of the committee will include distin- and its Ladies' Auxiliary will hold guished rabbis and outstanding • feint memorial meeting on Aug. 6. at 8:30 p. m.. at Jericho Tem- Jewish laymen. Abraham I. Kandel and Z.1 ple, at the end of "Shloshim," to Tygel, respectively vice-president honor the memory of the depart- and executive director of the Fed- ed member, Mary Mellin. Iler untimely and sudden pass- 'ration of Polish Jews in Amer-I ica, nailed last week on the Beren- ing is not only an irreparable loss to her family. but also to garia to participate in the ses- sions of the World Jewish Con- the organization of which she hasebeen • tireless worker. Due as Switzerland, gress at Genera, the representatives of Polish Jews to her unstinting efforts, the Lad- ies' Auxiliary of which she was in America. the organizer and secretary, has grown and contributed moral and At the end of the 15th century , financial support to the Verein In there secured in Russia ■ series its social and charitable work. of conversions to Judaism on the, Members and friends of the part of high court officials sod Verein and the Auxiliary, and even members of the Church. This frienes of the family, are invited "Judaising Heresy," as it was to attend the meeting. known, was soon stamped out. Vitalize dry cleaned and hand' 90 finished. aift02a COUGHLIN AND SMITH DISCREDITING INFLUENCE OF SOCIALIZED RELIGION CONCLUDED ctiuiu EDITORIAL PAGE MEN'S WHITE LINEN SUITS OR BUSINESS SUITS . Vitalize dry cleaned and hand finished. P ices include pick-up and delivery. Your pledge is a definite obligation and we know you intend to meet it in full. Therefore, will you make this payment today and help us publish a 100 per cent paid list of all Allied Jewish Cam- paign subscriptions? You can — if you will. PLEASE DOI judice, hostility and intolerance of the whole world hove ob- scured many of the really splen- did things he had done, or tried to do. But when the mists of myth and fable that have hung over his reputation have clear- ed away, Ilerod will be found to be one of the most inter- esting and fascinating charact- ers the world has known." Just remember that Vitalize dry clean- ing restores original life, lustre and fresh newness to your summer clothes! Call Forest Cleaners now! The pine breezes of Charlevoix-the-Beau- tiful are calling you! The Inn is calling you ... to relax taut nerves, relieve cares, forget worries! Come up where the air is clear and crisp. Come up to the Inn— where you'll find rest, excitement, ro- mance, sport, fun ... And that new appe- tite will surely be tempted and delight- fully satisfied by the incomparable dishes prepared by our famous chef. WRITE - . - WIRE - - PHONE TILE INN • CHARLEVOIX, MICH. a Our Classified Ads Pay Contributions to the Jewish Children's Home Is The Jewish Children's Home of Detroit wishes to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following donations: Henry Morris, 3016 Richton. Paul Bernstein, 3840 Monterey. Packer's Outlets, 8600 Grand River. Mrs. Bessie 51.4it irshell, 15495 Lesure, in memor her mother, Mre. Rose Parshell, and her sister, Rose Parohell Yager. Mrs. Irwin Cohn, 4205 Fuller- ton. Harry Rice, 3295 Elmhurst, in memory of his daughter, Reva The name J:w has come to have a two-fold meaning. On the one hand it signifies religious affili- ation, had on the other it denotes descent from the Jewish people. In the past, the two meanings were seldom distingu i shed in those who were born in the faith. Member- ship in the Jewish household rr•- urally implied afflictionwith the Jewish reli=ion, even as adherents, to the religion meant membership In the Jewish household. Conse- quently, as soon as a person hi-oho with his faith, he ipso fade broke with his people, and was generally considered outside the Jewish pale, With the rise of secular we. tionalism among the Jews the sits. ation has changed. Men who have alienated themselves reeseio • usty from the Jewish religion WOO* times claim pride in their Jewish descent and cheerfully join tin ranks of Zionists sad Maar as- tionalists. tiecorth•lests, In • Is■ stricted sense faith still contl- totes the chief determi••* al Jewishates. • Rice. Fannie, Leon and Rose Fried- man. 5200 W. Boston, in memory of their parents, Ellis M. and Minnie Friedman. Oscar A. Adele, 2505 W. Bos- ton Blvd. Max Ginsberg, 11618 Dexter Blvd. Dave Goldfarb, 11618 Dexter Blvd. Faith the Chief Determi- nant of Jewishness?