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July 31, 1936 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1936-07-31

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wed= ,fewisk Periodical Cotter


NIATRog faun (hRornall

July 31, 1936


Real Estate Bargains

Back to Normal

Apt. shortage, higher balldinfli
costs, Advancing rents. Get
down lo !ogle. Illg profit op-1
portunity ahead. Consult ux In
confidence, safety.

10 Apt.

Normal $50,000 value. Solid
bk., all 3 rooms wall beds,
white tiled baths, Frigidaires.
Chicago Blvd. district. Sacri-
fice $19,000. Only $4,000 dn.

14 Apt.

Normal $75,000 value. Solid
brick and steel 3 story, 3 and
4 rooms, Kelvinators. Carpet
halls. Rent $5,000. Sacrifice
$25,000. Only $5,000 down.

16 Apt.

Normal $90,000 value. Solid
brick and steel 3 story, all 3
rooms, tiled baths, build-in
tubs, showers. Sloan valve
toilets. Kelvinators. Rent
$6,300. Former mtg. $50,000.
Sacrifice $32,000. Only $6,500

20 Apt.

Normal $100,000 value. Solid
brick and steel 3 story, all 3
rooms. Special Marx Smoke-
less Grates. High grade mod-
em property. Finest in the
city for the money. Sacrifice
$35,000. Only $10,000 down,
Mr. Bedford

Homer Warren & Co.


Our rod Ai Century of Service

Jewish Publication Society
President Feted in

Men's Club and Young People's Society Arrange Summer

Jack Solis-Cohen, Jr., president
Social Event on Steamer Put-in-Bay
of the Jewish Publication Society
of America, was recently the guest
The most important social event Aug. 3, on the Steamer Put-in-
of honor and principal speaker at
a dinner given by the Jewish His- of the summer for the Congrega- Bay. All arrangements for the eve-
torical Society of England in the tion Shaarey Zedek will be the ning have been made by the Men's
Gustav Tuck Theater at the college moonlight on Monday evening, Club and the Young People's So-
ciety. It is anticipated that all
of the University of London. Gus-
members and their friends will at-
tav Tuck, former president of the
tend. The committees of both or-
Jewish historical Society, the
ganizations will act as hosts to the
donor of this beautiful theater, was
new members and their friends.
the host at the dinner.
Novelties and entertainment will
Many prominent Americans vis-
be provided. An unusual floor show
iting in London at that time were
complete the trip. Refresh-
guests, among them the Rev. Dr.
ments will be served on the boat.
Barnett Brickner of Cleveland,
Higgins Orchestra will
Rev. Dr. Ephraim Frisch of San
furnish the music for dancing.
Antonio, Texas, Rev. Dr. Harry J.
Tickets are being sold rapidly.
Stern of Montreal, Canada, Dr.
The committees in charge of the
Harr y Friedenwald and Miss
moonlight are: Abe Schmier, Har-
Blondheim of Baltimore.
ry Satovsky, Elconan Saulson,
Mr. Solis-Cohen has been con-
Harry Shulman and Dr. Leonard
ferring, with leading English-Jew-
Sidlow, for the Men's Club, and
ish citizens on the work of the so-
Abraham Satovsky, Barney Kava-
ciety and reports an increased in-
nau, Sylvia Shatzen, Beatrice
terest in the British Empire on
Steinberg, Dorothy Heideman, To-
the work of the Jewish l'ublication
by :layer, Melba Sklar, Harold
Society of America.
Helper and Marvin Rosin for the
Young People's Society. Any in-
formation concerning the moon-
light may be secured by contract-
ing any member of the committees.

Think of see when the pounding
Paws at the aand in n8 , 111,1, glee:
Or the freezing wind on a winter'. day
gets the glittering ire Chill trees asway:
Or when In some bread open 'pace.
You meet the night sky, face to fac e ;
And tip from the dale, field come noon.
Send RIP a thought hecause it'll June.
01, recollect I felt the worth
or all the lovely things of earth—
horning leaven and shady tree,
Of snow and Idly anemones,
Of stones washed
In rippling
Of curving roads end hooks-- and books--
Of barking doge, and the brave noise
Of blithe expontulatIng boys.
of flre'• multicolored spell,
Of you—my friends that I loved so well.
And you, In your love that was My
Remember I lived. forget I died.


FOR SALE---Stores and Apartments

10401-17 ftakiond (coy. Belmont), I store., 4 aid., ear slap.
12202-14 John It . (roe. Louisiana). 4 *totes. 3 ...He”. 4 note.
Outdate!, I store, 2 Hate, frame bldg., full basement.


Oakland, 11 stores, a apartment., brick, full tomeninit.
Omnd Riser, 1 store, I flat, bldg. 2100.
19923-83 Hamilton, 6 hiOrri, 4 flats, cor. Buena lista.
(.rund Ither, double store, I fiat, excellent market.



The Detroit Bank





DOUBLE-MELLOW Old Gold Cigarettes




and set fire to a Government
forest; the fire was extinguished
by the troops. One British sold-
ier was slightly wounded in 'a
fall during the clash. Convoys
on their way to Jerusalem and
Tel Aviv arrived safely at their
destinations without damage or
casualties. In a battle with Arabs
at Nablus, one British officer and
20 Arabs were killed.
Five Arabs, including Commu-
nists and a government official,
were arrested in Lifta after a
search by the authorities revealed
considerable Communist literature
and four rifles.
Only because a freight train
was by chance shunted from a
nearby siding 10 minutes before
a Haifa passenger train reached
the spot near Kalkilyeh where
Arab saboteurs had torn loose
the railroad tracks was a ter-
bible disaster that might have
cost the lives of scores of Jews
averted. The Haifa train car-
ried 100 Jewish passengers. The
20-car freight train was derailed
as it passed over the dislocated
The first break in recent re-
strictions against communication
with the outside world occurred
when the Government ordered the
lifting of the censorship on tele-
grams to America and Europe,.
for the time being.
Two British soldiers of the,
Cheshire regiment were wounded
as they were standing guard over
a plate-laying gang along the rail-
way line near Tulkarem. They
were shot by three Arabs who
had been loitering suspiciously
near the railroad and whom they
had challenged. The assailants

Three thousand Jewish refu-
gees from the Arab disorders in
Palestine are now in need of
public assistance in Tel Aviv,
it ma. stated at • meeting of
the Community Council. Owing
to the •d eeeee stand taken by
the Government against relief
for the refugees, in its an-
nouncement that grants
gradually being reduced for
them, the Council decided to
withdraw its participation from
any welfare program for the
Jewish victims of the Hots.
Hear Arabs Will Seek Mussolini's

In anticipation of a possible un-
favorable verdict by the Royal
Commission of Inquiry which is
to investigate the Palestine dis-
orders, Arab political leaders
here are reported to be prepar-
ing to send a delegation to Rome
to attempt to enlist official Ital-
ian support for their claims in
Palestine. The ostensible object
of the visit would be to convey
greetings to Mussolini on his con-
quest of Ethiopia.

The traditional pilgrimage
which Jews throughout Pales•
tins and f rom all parts of the
world make to the Wailing
Wall on the 9th of Ab to me-
morialize the desruction of the
Temple by the Romans has
been canceled this year owing
to the uncertain ,tats of 'attar-
ity in the Old City.
Arab Daily Predicts End of Dis-
turbance, to Come Soon

The Government is expecting
the Arab general strike to end
soon, Falastin, Arabic daily, de-
clares in response to an inquiry
from a German shipping line. It
is also announced that work on
the Jaffa port, suspended during




The wood is gone, the trees become grey ash,
Within one night died the work of years.
The shots the brigands fired
Missed the mark. But the fire they laid
Seared our hearts.
From out this night of murder's crimson sky
God's tear fell on the newly hardened rock
Into our hearts.

E- iery Fur Coat is marked at a very special
price during August..We advise early selection

Do you remember how year after year
The green rose up
Grew up into a forest, to first shadow
Over the burning yellow shadowless vale?
How under trees we sang in the full moon.
In our forest,
How we stretched our tired bodies
Upon mu ground in our own green wood.
Do you remember?

Brought before ■ Jerusalem
court on murder charges, a
German deserter from the
French Foreign Legion, testis
fled that he had been employed
by Arab brigands in the hills of
Palestine to instruct them in
guerilla war f are methods
against troops and police. He
was arrested on the Syrian bor-
der, and told his story when
extradition proceedings were-
begun here to remove him to
Syria, where he is wanted for

The murdered trees we shall inter.
But our hands now holding rifles
Will swing the rake anew
In the new morning when new trees we'll plant
On yellow mountainsides.

Eminent Author Tracks Down the
Man on the Street in His
"Millions of Dictators"

Emil Lengyel, eminent author,
lecturer and historian, has under-
taken to track down the man on
the street—in New York, in Lon-
don, in Berlin, in Moscow, in Rome
—for his attitude toward govern-

Jewish Watchman Killed by Arabs
From Ambush

Abraham Donani, 21. a Jew-
ish watchman at Even Yehuda in
Emek Defer. and a native Pales-
tinian, was killed by Arabs shoot-
ing from ambush while he. to-
gether with three other watch-
men, stood guard over the colony.
Ad Difa', organ of the Grand
Mufti, commenting on the Royal
Commission to investigate the
causes of Palestine disorders. de-
clares that the Arabs are "sure
that 85 per cent. if not all, of
the Arab demands will he met."
Spent $875,000 to Settle 1,000





ments. The result is one of the
The sum of $875,000 was spent most fascinating books of the year:
by the Jewish Agency for Pales- "Millions of Dictators," published
tine for the settlement in rural
communities of 1,047 Jewish fam- in Palestine and to continue their
ilies in the past year. it was an- Plans for emigration. The anti-
nounced here. The funds were Zionists are trying to influence
furnished by the Palestine Foun- Jewish leaders here to shift Jew-
dation Fund, financial instrument ish emigrants from Palestine to
of the Jewish Agency. This ex- other countries.
penditure covers the period be-
ginning with the last World Zion- 3 Jews on Trial for Alleged Bri•
ist Congress, held at Lucerne in
bery of Arab S•boteurs
August, 1935. In making public
JAFFA (WNS—Palcor Agency)
these figures the Executive of the —A sensational trial opened in
Jewish Agency pointed out that Jaffa when three Rehoboth Jews
its agricultural settlement activi- were charged with having at-
ties have not been interrupted by tempted to bribe Arabs to uproot
the Arab disturbances.
trees in ■ Jewish grove. Arab
It was also reported that dur- constables testified before Magis-
ing the six months ending July trate Bodilly that the defendants
1 the Palestine Land Develop- had prepared to surprise the Arabs
ment Company, central Zionist in the act of sabotage. Jewish
organ for the purchase_ of land, opinion here views the affair as
increased its capital stock by ap- a plot to trap Jewish police at
proximately $725,175, which Rehoboth. One Arab witness ad-
brought its total capital to $1,- mitted lying to a Jewish police
422,175. During this period the officer, and another prosecution
company purchased 11,200 dun- witness testified that almost 8.000
ems of land, located chiefly in trees have been destroyed in Jew-
the Valley of Jezreel, and sold ish groves in the district of Re-
land valued at $220,000 to Jew- hoboth.
ish purchasers.

Families in One Year

Toscanini to Conduct Palestine

Actions Committee to Meet

The Palestine Philharmonic Or-
chestra will begin its first season
this year under the baton of
Arturo Toscanini. it is announced
here. Among the other conduc-
tors will be Issay Dobrowen, for-
merly of San Francisco and Hans
W. Steinberg, former director of
the opera in Frankfurt, Germany.
The season's program will con-
sist of 26 concerts. of which 10
will be given in Tel Aviv, 8 in
Jerusalem and 8 in Haifa.

LONDON (WNS — Palcor
Agency)—The next meeting of
the Actions Committee of the
World Zioni IA Organization
scheduled for Aug. 25, will con-
vene at Zurich.

German Jews In Palestine Urge
Reich Jews Not to Be Alarmed

BERLIN (WNS)—At the very
moment when anti-Zionist circles
were attempting to capitalize on
the fears of German Jewry that
immigration to Palestine may be
suspended. the Union of German
Jews in Palestine sent a message
to German Jewry urging them not
to be frightened by developments


and Grealesi

Now in Progress !

Do you remember when we carried water
On tired backs and watered them,
The tiny trees of our hardy hope?
How tender green the other year
O'ercrept the yellow mountainside,
How in the evening we still raked the earth
After our hard day's work.
How lovingly we caressed our trees
The mornings we went to the fields.
Do you remember?

The Average Man
Viewed by Lengyel



On the Murder of Trees in Palestine

with your dinner

the disorders, will be resumed in
the near future.
Kassam Qayam, Hebron Arab,
was shot and killed in a Haifa
street when he opened fire on an
Arab constable who challenged
him as he was carrying a load of
automatic pistols. The constable
was seriously wounded and
Qayam's companion and a small
boy were injured.
Monashe Steinberg, 60, was
added to the list of Jewish victims
of the disturbances when he died
of shock in Ilaifa.



by Funk & Wagnalla, 354 Fourth
Ave., New York City ($ 2 ).
Dealing with the attitudes of
the average man, Lengyel under-
takes to learn his views on .gov-
ernment and on the management
of his country's business, and he
sees him "dictating to dictators
and writing history."
The author visited France,
Russia, Italy, Germany and Great
Britain in order to interview the
average citizens, and he also inter-
viewed the average man in this
country. The results form such in-
teresting and informative reading
that his book assumes outstanding
value among recent historical
Mr. Lengyel leaves his reader
with a sense of relief that all will
be well with peoples and govern-
ments; that the people's dictates
will bring about proper adjust-
ments. The author sees the aver-
age bourgeois who enjoys some
security as being independent
enough to be the dictator of dicta-
tors. Ile believes that in Russia,
if a sufficient number would have
objected to collectivization, the plan
would have been abandoned. "To-
day," he writes, "the idea has
largely overcome opposition and is
on the way to final triumph. As
the Russian village is becoming
more articulate, the Kremlin de-
rives encouragement to continue on
the road that leads to collective
Discussing Italy's average man,
Mr. Lengyel writes: "The modern
dictator is a leader because he
knows how to follow his own fol-
lowers. Mussolini started out on
his Fascist career as a mortal foe
of Socialism. Ile was forced by
tidal waves of public opinion to
turn toward the very thing he had
set out to crush. He has re-
peatedly declared: 'The end of
capitalism is here,' and 'Italy is
no longer a capitalist country.' In
spite of his appearing to mold
Italy as if she were putty in his
hands, it is really he who is putty
in the hands of forces over which
no dictator can exert control.
"In Italy the old forces of de-
mocracy are merely hibernating.
One day they will come forward
purified. Fascism is a temporary
expedient, since its anti-democratic
attitude is not in line with the
general trend of progress. Human
evolution lies in the direction of
greater freedom for the individual,
not in his becoming the slave of
the nation as an inhumanly mur-
derous abstract principle."
Mr. Lengyel believes that "if
Marxism really performs a social
function, it would exist in some
form and under another name even
if Karl Marx had never lived.
Great ideas are not the inspirations
of Individual genius but the echoes
of the genius of time."

Selecting furs during this August event is not only a wise idea
from the standpoint of economy, but permits you to choose furs
made from the finest peltries—f resh from the workrooms where
they have been made with extreme care by unhurried craftsmen
during the quiet Summer season. The range of sizes and in-
triguingly new and lovely styles is unbroken., '

( Air Cooled Salesrooms)

ANNIS FURS are. BETTER FURS Established l887 , 1





Nazi Plot Involved
In Spain's Upheaval

ATHENS (W N S) — For the
first time in history the blue and
white Jewish flag is fluttering
atop famous Mount Olympus. It
is customary for the flags of all
nations participating in the Olym-
pic Games to be unfurled on
Mount Olympus during an Olym-
pic year. This year, during the
ceremonies incidental to the light-
ing of the Olympic torch. mem-
bers of the Maccebee Sports On-
ion climbed the mountain and
Planted the Jewish flag there.

:1)91S1111 ,I

arrest of four Nazi propagandists
by the Left Wing government of
Catalonia has given rise to ru-
mors that Nazi funds played a
part in the Fascist revolution. It
is also reported that Nazi desires
to prevent the holding of the
anti-Nazi sports carnival, sched-
uled to have opened here on
July 19, influenced the timing of
the revolt. Anti-Fascist circles
here point out that shortly before
the revolt the Fascist press in
Madrid published a number of
violent attacks on the German
Jewish refugees in Spain and
urged measures to prevent the
admission of more. During the
sanguinary fighting in Barcelona
150 German Jewish refugees resi-
dent here enrolled in the Republi-
can militia and fought beside na-
tive Spaniards in repulsing the
The revolution
Fascist rebels.
has blocked, for the time being,
the entry of an additional 200
German Jewish refugees, for
whose admission government ap-
provel had been obtained just be-
fore the civil war broke out.
The cancellation of the anti-
Nazi games left scores of ath-
letes, including 23 Jews from Pal-
estine. stranded on the Franco-
Spanish border. Five of the
French athletes were slightly
wounded in the fighting at Bar-
celona. The Americans and Ca-,
nadians escaped unscathed. The
Jewish athletes have sent an emis-
sary to Paris to seek funds to en-
able them to return to their na-
tive lands. The French athletes
were taken back to France in • ,
steamer sent here by the French
Government. Before leaving
Spain the athletes, including the,
Americans, were given an official
reception at the government pal-1
ace by Luis Companys, president
of Catalonia.

0,„,, ,a, 0, lox
,, ,. v• odt ,,, rid


Nazi Plot Involved in Spanish

■ at has decided not to send • team' '

Notwithstanding the fart that
the American National Recrea'
tion Association is boycotting the
World Congress for Leisure and
Recreation, Gustavus T. Kirby,
treasurer of the American Olym-
pic Committee, signed a eulogistic
telegram sent by the delegates to
Hitler, gave the Nazi salute, and
then nominated Robert Ley, head
of the Nazi Labor Front, for
president of the Congresn Ape
peering at a presa conference Mr.
Kirby gave signs of admiration
of the Nazis.

I . I. ,..

bed sod tarp v,

. ■



liu ,





, ,
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Now in Progress

Without a doubt-one of the most unusual events of the
year. The finest in Furniture, featuring the newest in
styles, recently purchased at the FURNITURE
MARKETS, are now offered at unbelievably low pri-
ces. Compare the values - buy now - and save at

have opened a new CONTRACT CARPET DEPART-
MENT in which we offer a complete carpet service.
The best makes are featured. Savings up to 25% are
assured you if you have your home carpeted by





9925 Dexter Blvd., at Boston

to the chess Olympiad at Berlin.
as her leading chars masters. all
Evenings to 9:00 P. M.
of them Jews, have refused to
go, Last year Poland's all-Jew-
ish chess team, consisting of S.
Tartakower, Paul Friedman, A.
Neidorf and II. Friedman, took
third place in the world chem. pions, by the Austrian Swimming
Federation for their refusal to
t sa y mthi: s eu xip i:ecn t. -
j e o di ntothe e O f 12,1
VIENNA (WNS) — Alfred
Guth is the only Austrian Jewish 'ion of eight other Jewish ath-
athlete who has accepted the in- letes.
vitation of the Austrian Olympic
Committee to represent Austria
BERLIN (WNS) — Anti - Nazi
at the Berlin Olympics. Invita-
tions were extended to 11 Jews. literature distributed from un-
The World Jewish Congress
There's a Chinese laundryman The suspension of 15-year-old known sources wu found In the
will be opened in the Hebrew Ian. in New York by the name of Harry Ruth Langer and of Judith cabins allotted to the American
Deutsch, Jewish swimming cham- athletes when the members of the

Jewish Flag on Mount Olympus

,,,, ,,,1110
,1 111 , 1 1 .


Buy ?.. with Confidence at America's Fur Headquarters' 91-4-
-4' ',,
..cola nip if,t 161h1, ■

WARSAW (WNS) — Poland:

American Gives Nazi &dote
Berlin Parley

II. t

li1P,(11 dl


9332 Oakland Ave.

Sunday to 5:00 P. M.

American Olympic team reached
the Olympic Village.
Jewish athlete of Olympic calibre
in Yugoslavia. Greece and Bul-
garia has declined a place on the
Olympic team, it is learned here.

Abraham Goldberg, Zionist
orator, is boasting of his first
grandchild ... The mother is Abe's
second aug ter . •

A Nazi agert has been arrested
in Zurich for trying to poison
Heinrich Bruening, former Cow-
man Chancellor, by doping his

Sam Jere spent 10Veeks In the
film capital drawing a fat salary
without haring worked far mit
one minute ... The picture he was
supposed to hare nada was


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