America ffewish periodical Cotter CLIFTON ATINUX - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO All Jewish News All Jewish View: WITHOUT BIAS yaw VOL. XXXVIII No. 9 Jews Are Panic-Stricken as Coup Is Staged by the Nazis 32 NATIONS WILL BE NEW YORK (WNS) — Such AT WORLD CONGRESS anti-Semitism as exists in the United States is personal, not political prejudice, but "the way to make it political is exactly the method Mr. Hamilton has blunder- ingly adopted—to drag it into the campaign by letting a political GENEVA (WNS) — The anti- leader get all heated up about it," Jewish discrimination of the Nazi it was declared by General Hugh regime in Danzig drew a formal S. Johnson in his daily copyrighted protest to the League of Nations column syndicated by the United F from Jewish quarters when Dr. Feature Syndicate. Commenting Stephen S. Wise, president of the on recent statements by Mr. Hamil- Committee of Jewish Delegations, t ton that President Roosevelt had telegraphed the following mess urged Governor Lehman to run predicted stand, it was learned when Avery chairman sage to Anthony Eden, British again to get Jewish votes in New an of the Amer. Foreign Secretary and president York, and by George Peek, ex-New velt, in his hate and fear and sil can Olympic Committee, made Dealer, that his plan to sell 800,000 of the League of Nations Coun• Bassi, has sold his Americans public the new salute which the the L fnis , fp"I o tstteores; cil: "The committee is deeply bales of cotton to Germany had i American will use. The men will Lest "plat moved by the news from a Ger- been blocked by "Jewish influence" fail to doff their hats as they ;ma the man source concerning serious in the Roosevelt Administration, arouse readers of the Highland reviewing stand and extend their modifications of the Danzig con- General Johnson said that both Post, the correspondent tells how arms parallel to the ground, while m had "pressed the keys that stitution. The committee draws men he saw a young man by the name the women will only extend their the attention of Your Excellency open the organ pipes of prejudice of Blumenthal, in Providence, shoot arms. a Christian boy with a borrowed The arrival of the American to the menace these constitute to and intolerance." Warning that "the Jewish peo- gun. This, thecorrespondent says, teams coincided with the open- the equality of rights of Danzig are not an issue in this cam- p cam- m .vv er is ic ean asnd can Ge o x e: Jews, which is guaranteed under Jews, ing of a huge Nazi propaganda p because they "don't vote as the constitution of the Frec Cityaign" exhibit in Berlin, designed to show and the League of Nations." a people, and the candidate who error Lehman will rule", foreigners the achievements of counts on that is in for a disap- pointment," General Johnson de- Commonweal Says Prejudices WIII the Hitler regime. At the same Jews Panic-Stricken Be Exploited by Demagogues , time the Reichswart, one of the were manifested by both speakers and the crowd of worshippers. DANZIG (WNS)—Danzig Jew- clared: "If we are to maintain the principal media for disseminating ry found itself at the complete principles of the American con- Armored cars and airplanes were brought into action by the British military to NEW YORK (NCJC)—Repre. anti-Semitic propaganda abroad, fj ht off stitutional electoral sentative religious journals struck issued mercy of the Nazi-controlled goy. a special issue containing g a gang of Arab terrorists who attacked a convoy between Anebta and Tul- this week at attempts to inject the an appeal for anti-Semitism. ernment when the Nazi officials which karem in one of the most severe engagements of the current disorders. The encounter, religious issue into the forthconts made public a series of decrees w ing political campaign. abolishing hing the constit utional of Nations. guar- lasted for several hours, resulted in some of the heaviest casualties yet suffered WiA Ltu i lSe mi n kPa mici n g raPw g o. 7I e.s a. this The Commonweal, leading Ca i antee s of the L eague publication declares that "no na- by Arab brigands. At least six are known to rave been killed. No casualties were re- All Jewish organizations face im- ported among the troops or passengers in the convoy . Paper "" t.' n should permit itself to re- Reveals Details of "gious "The Reli Issue," mediate liquidation through a de- ish Plot" Against U. S. that religious, racial and class an. w ain in the service of the Jews, cree ordering the dissolution of Evidence of weariness among Arab merchants as a result of the Arab general w ho control the world's finance KINGSTON, N. Y. (INNS) — tagonisms "will be unscupulously all parties and societies whose strike was manifested during a The gory "details" of an alleged exploited by demagogues and un and instigate revolutions." Great members propagate "reports like- g at the home of large meetin care is bein g exercised byfe "Jewish plot" to ' capture control principled politicians as they were th ly to endanger the state's inter- Abbad Share, prominent business eNoainzi npgo lice toeopn rt envefe nw t Urges France Erect of the U. S. Government through in 1928, and in other years of ests." The Nazis were also given The meeting adopted • foreig n a revolution scheduled to begin at political excitement" and asserted visitors. Jews have been warned carte blanche in the arrest and Monument to Dreyfus man. resolution to send a memorandum imprisonment of Jews and other i je'w t l r om the Arab high Committee stet- in the Highland Post, minded qualities of normal Amer not to attempt to obtain soft P AR eI So.l — a rtne(otnVIN a S p ol — 1 n Irofenr e c oti ae to enemies through a decree exempt- l nngrd eutsrhueali then teAhder ea eibot ieer,:ohlen il , l t r i a h asso a newspaper published by one Will mans must strive to provide a drink concessions, and they have ing police actions from judicial monument Flenk in the nearby town of High- antidote for these poisons." i been refused licenses for all buse Reply to Al Segal by James o; ti r e n the reviews, and permitting police to sasses in which they might pas- Efforts to arouse racial and re. D y prevent any public meetings. A victim of the cele- greatly weakened them economic- I. Ellmann and in Cur - Poughkeepsie. The Highland Post, ligious prejudice were assailed bi sibly meet foreigners. The Propa- t buhre ag e e t ednden:0 prna p a t [ref guesi)e,Aruniffn race special decree intended to "liber- i l .r nef, T 1,:ye s g S. J. Duncan-Clark e is hi wee l ganda hlinistry also instructed rent Editorial k ate Danzig from the Jews" pro- and turned anti-Semitic only re y Jewish publications to refrain - column on the c h urchn pa g e of th hibits the practice of shechita. 4 on Royal Commission cently, quotes its "special corres- Chicago Daily News. from making any mention of More decrees restricting Jewish words "No More Dreyfus AI- Al Segal, feature writer who, AI at Providence, R. I., as Named to Investigate Asserting that "the slimy snak Jews participating in the games. rights are expected, and a mass fairea" should be on the mono- in •n article in last week's issue ii At th exodus of Jews from the city has Missouri Rabbi Raps Racial Issue the authority for the "plot." of race and religious prejudice meat, the paper declares, add- Palestine Disturbances in Campaign A c c o r d i n g to this corres- creeping out of its jungle, male, of propagandists especially train- of The Detroit Jewish Chron. begun. ing that it should be erected TOPEKA, Kan. ( W NS)—"Both pendent, who claims to have at- volently intent upon using the cal ed to spread Nazi racial theories ids under the heading "If I in front of the War Office. LONDON (WNS — Palcor Were the Zionist Leader," ad• candidates of the major parties tended the convention of the Zion- paign to poison American though among the visiting athletes were Consider Protective Measures Agency)—Earl Poet, chairman am free from anti-Semitism and ist Organization, of . America at and feeling and goodwill,"- th -given their final instructions and 'rotated a policy of "peace" in LONDON (WNS) e--- Leaders of the Wheat Commission, has measures the are protection of other prejudices based on race and Providence, he learned of the assigned to places as guides, which his urged Jews to submit (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) of English for Jewry considering been named head of the Royal watchmen, janitors, waiters and to • plan., for the curtailment Commission to investigate the of immigration and the stop- similar jobs in all places where the Jews of Danzig. A memoran- causes of the Palestine disturb- Vigorous opposition to Nazi page of land sales, is criticized foreigners will gather. dam to the League of Nations is ances, according to the London for his views in two statements. being drafted, calling on the Daily herald. The commission, An answer to his article ■ appe•rs anti-Semitism and acid theor- League to take the necessary which will probably consist of in an editorial in this issue, ies and to the •ttempts to deify steps to protect the Jews of Dan- filfveeinm eeezgo befrso,n and another reply comes in the Hitler ■ are voiced • in a 4,000- zig from Nazi revenge. i w uin "til no ortdeb rega in s form of •n interesting state. Bernstein Says Rabbis Did word letter of protest drafted been restored. Other members mint by James L Ellm•nn, for- w b y 10 of the most militant anti- Not Ask Exemption 32 Nations to be Represented •t of the Royal Commission, ac- Campaign to Plant 100,000 ..axi Protestant preachers, who mer president of the Zionist • World Congress World for Jews cording to the Daily Herald, Org•nixation of Detroit. Mr. in Zion as Ana - • re threatening to circulate GENEVA (WNS) — 32 na- will be Field Marshal Sir Wil- Ellmann's statement follows, the document secretly among war to Vandalism tions will be represented at the liam Birdwood, former mom- followers on. DENNIS, Mass. (NCJC)—The The present Zionist position World Jewish Congress opening of forces at Gallipoli; les s the government replies to , j A mI mS in erg oafl ion arg ou n e s, loo nf d contin u ing action taken by the recent conven- mender NEW YORK (WNS)—Impor- Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka, chair- million. of their here on Aug. 8, it was announced Sir Horace Rumbold, former immediately. [ion of the Central Conference of by the secretariat. The temporary tent additions to scientific knowl- man of the Jewish National Fund it Nearly 5,000 J e ws were sen . an "affront to peace" in Pales- American Rabbis in requesting ambassador to Poland and Ger- agenda made public includes, for edge of the relation between bac- Council of Detroit, announces the many; and Reginald Coupland, recognition for Jewish con annual appeal for the Jewish Na- tenced to virtual starvation when tine. Let s stop immigration for the opening session, an address teria and plant tumor as a pre- professor of colonial history Dr. Nahum Goldman review• liminary to a major discovery in tional Fund for the redemption of the Nazi press made public two a year, atop buying dunams of tious objectors in time of war, was at Oxford. the soil of Palestine will be con- new decrees designed to prohibit land. That would stop irritating explained by Rabbi Philip S. Bern- ing the general Jewish situation; dealing with tumors in humans a speech by Dr. Stephen S. Wise are expected to result from the ducted in local synagogues on Jews from engaging in the wool our neighbors. And all would be stein of Rochester, N. Y., chairman Monday evening and Tuesday and rag industries. At the same well. His advice, I fear, spells of the Committee on International ally. The memorandum also asks on the German Jewish question; unique experiments undertaken Peace of the Central Conference, that the Arab merchants be re- a review of Jewish economic ptob- by Dr. Michael Levine of the morning — Tisha b'Ab eve and time the police began arresting ignominious defeat in the worst who is vacationing here, leased from- further participation scores of Jewish cattle dealers on possible way. Isms by Jacob Lestchinsky; an& Montefiore Hospital laboratory morning. the charge that they were cheat- We may have reached an i Rabbi Bernstein said the resolu- in the strike. Rumors are re- ins- Rabbi By growing tumors on a discussion of Jewish relief by staff. Committees will address con- to be circulating among the gregations gathered at traditional ing the peasants. Nazi law for- passe. But this has happened to tion adopted by the conference had A. Efroyken., The Congress will plants and flowers Dr. Levine has Tisha b'Ab services and will so- bids any discrimination against us before here and elsewhere. It been distorted by the press and Arabs that the general strike is deal with problems affecting im- already discovered valuable in- l- formation expected to lead to ma- migration, the rebuilding of Pal- licit funds to speed the work of Jews on purely economic grounds, is of the essence of our history. that, an a result, protests had been due to come to an next week. and this excuse has been invoked If we be extreme in demarding received from Jews. Street -Hawkers' Protest escine and the organization of the jor developments in cancer re- Palestine's redemption. to eliminate the Jews from an- an untrammel ed immigration, The position taken by the Cos- In Jaffa street-hawkeri sent to Congress. Opening sessions are search. Tree-Planting Drive If you suffer from sinus trouble how much more extreme are the tral Conference has been the sub- High Commissioner Wauchope a scheduled for Saturday evening, As an answer to the vandalism other U. S. field. Protests Arrest of Ameri• Arabs in insistin g on its complete ject of adverse comment in the memorandum in which the gov- Aug. 8. The Congress is expected or some car ailment you can of the Arabs who are destroying cm, for Insulting Streicher cessation. Jewish press. to conclude its deliberations by blame it on your race, according ernment was accused of indirect- trees in Palestine, a campaign has The American consul-general 400,000 Moved by Ideals ly supporting the Arab general to Dr. C. Pl au S nyder of Phila- Bernstein'. Statement • Aug. 10. been launched in this country to in Berlin is endeavoring to oh- Declaring But can we stop as easily as MAXIM LITVINOFF , plant 100,000 trees. -- delphia, who told the annual con- Rabbi Bernstein's statement fol- strike. The memorandum in- lain the release of Ludwig Hoff. Mr. Segal would want? We have ows: German Zionist Organ Opposes vention of the American Osteo• forms the lligh Commissioner that MOSCOW. — (WNS)—Maxim that "tree murderers shall not man, German-born naturalized expended some half billion dol- "On June 26 certain New York the hawkers have now resolved BERLIN (WNS) — Die Jue- pathic Society of Ophthalmology Litvinoff, Soviet Commissar of have the lust word," the Jewish American citizen, who has been lars in developing a barren land. and Philadelphia newspapers car- to divide themselves into two dische Rundschau, official organ and Otolaryngologs that the fre- National Fund appeal states: arrested in Nuremberg, capital of Its benefits flow, as they will no vied the report that the Central groups, one to carry on the sale of the German Zionists, has come quency of sinus troubles in this Foreign Affairs, was given the Fellow JP WS. Doundlexa contblenee In in unnhnk. Nazi anti-Semitism, for allegedly doubt continue to flow, to the Conference of American Rabbis in of merchandise, the other to pro- out against the forthcoming World .country is often due to inter- Order of U. Lenin, honor ri the S. S. the R., highest by the Soviet o h e b e o d rhoboyd. ideals, session at Cape May had passed test the first against Arab ter- bsi7oeC"it"i'Zi, 'ile. sa'sej s;,:nt '‘;``'.;::, insulting Julius Streicher, Ger- Jewish Congress at Geneva. Em- marriage among various races. in 0 t 0 i,r0e00Arsaob ulsnem e‘orywliere to the arts of wanton .1.• many's most notorious Jew-baiter. e 4 n ig kroee sotifilueetwioreeirpo fre eel om n ucerfn phasizing that the Congress is Showing that the ailment resulted Government and the Central intro, stir exemption rori. Ritgainst whom the police 'Ion which took place In PAlentltn. Executive Committee of the Com- Hoffman, who was arrested on by terrific pressure of hunger, of il ta uriT ,itewrovIncee. tic ion. give insufficient pro- powerless to do more than issue from some form of nasal deform- munist Party on the occasion of pro- (PLEASE TURN TO LAST PAGE) (PLEASE TURN TO P 5GS St by religious impulses, by specula- Li protests, the Rundschau points ity, Dr. Snyder - said this deform- his 60th birthday. - Live motives—all of them com- death it had everything right but out that neither the Jewish lead- ity ,is frequently traceable to , . The Arab press reports that bined—have come upon the land. the facts. The conference did not American Arabs have contribut. ors nor the Zionists of Germany structural nasal differences be- They have commenced to build pass such a resolution, nor would ed the sum of $2,640 toward the tween various races. will be represented. the basis for a new, more pram- (PLEASE TURN TO Legs PAGE) (PLEASE TURN TO I /IT PAW110 • • tical spirituality; have laid the • foundations for a revived, si n inclusive, inclusive, culture; have set in an improved social jus- tice. Have started the basis of Each Home Room Has a Special Project; Weekly Assem- vast commercial relations in the Continue Drive for Relief of bly Marked by Interesting Programs, With entire Orient. All of these hold Stricken Jewry in out a promise of something so Visiting Speakers and Entertainers Poland new and so vital that we must Survey of Florist Supply Houses and Shops Reveals Large Each home room in the Jewish which have already been presented sacrifice all we have in its de - Quantities of German Goods Sold Here; More prominent members of Community Center's Play School have been a talk by Lt. Johnson tense. But we have been creating envy Public Cautioned on Boycott Detroit Jewry came to the sup- and Day Camp is a regular bee- of the Police Department on all about us. So have we been of their stricken brethren in hive of activity these days. Each "Street Trades," one by Officer doing for some 20 centuries. We HAVANA (WNS) — Jewish nation of an international com- D Preo of the Police Department are inured to that. But does the The League for Human Rights, ticks made in the United States leaders here are at • loss to un- mitres to draft a formal proposal Poland during the past week with group is busy working on a pro. on safety, y, together with the or- solution lie in giving up what with offices at 807 David Stott or in countries other than Ger- derstand what is behind the plan for submission t o th e Cuban gov- liberal contributions sent to Jo- ject which will be exhibited at ganization of a safety patrol. Bldg., this week reported that a many." we have achieved by ceasing our of Representative William Sirs- ernment in September, had an sept II. Ehrlich. treasurer of the Lhi e :m end of the Play School zes• Honor Heroin Memory labors for ever no short a time? recent survey of florist supply League's Activities vich of New York to settle 100,- hour's audience with President A Herz] memorial program was Conceding defeat? Letting the houses and florists' chops reveals In a report on the League's 000 German Jews in an industrial GOMPE: ' After the audience Mr. American Committee Appeal in One of the groups is making a held on Tuesday, July 14, at vessels rust in harbors where that large quantities of German activities, Mrs. Schaflander point- colony somewhere in Cuba. Their Sirovich issued an statement in charge of raising Detroit's $26,- children's park and playground, which time Philip Slomovitz, edi• suffering goes an apace? Goir.g merchandise are being sold by ed out the following program of mystification arises from the fact which he said that the Jewish 000 quota of the national $1,000,. stressing health and safety as- for of The Detroit Jewish Chron- on with arms folded, while those them. work pursued during the past six that Dr. Sirovich announced that colonization plan is to be taken coo fund. pests. Another group is making isle, was the guest speaker, Ja m"; of our enemies are raised in corn- The League for Human Rights, months: President Miguel Mariano Gomez up by the Cuban cabinet. In his l M. L. Prentis, treasurer of • circus, including big tent and Van Vliet showed motion pictures I bat? Our tents down, while the organization through which "Investigations and surveys were was greatly interested in the pro- statement M r . Sirovich said: General Motors, Herman Osnos, side shows. A relief map of of Palestine, and Mrs. Sol Q . 1theirs are pitched? We in the the boycott of German goods and made of types and amounts of Hope to Settle 100,000 well known merchant; Max J. Palestine with airports and farms Kesler played the piano. ject almost at the very moment services is being conducted here, German merchandise in stores. . open elide they in ambushs . "There are a half million oCe Kogan, William F. Friedman, is being worked out by • group that the Labor Department issued During the past week, Dr. Ross! cautions the public to carefully Basis of Und tiding "Interviews with merchants, a new ruling imposing strict curbs pressed Jews in Germany. We member of Detroit House of Cot- of the younger children. Navin of the W. J. Kennedy Diary gave . That way lies not the solution, examine containers when buying buyers, heads of departments, ri n g at l e a st b 100,000 to ors throughout Cti. hope toWi rection Board; Madison Electric Field with all the players is the a talk and • demonstration on Mr. Segal. True enough 11 , you flowers and plants. It is pointed etc., asking for their co-operation, ha. Since the new ruling makes Cuba. th plenty of capital and Co., Greenberg Insurance Co., Joe project of still another home traffic rules and regulations, and ,ey ,"Israel is no warrior; no out that many of the white and and n woe that no further per- it virtually impossible for aliens industrial e quipment it would E. Radner, Abraham Cooper, Mr. room, and Noah's Ark, containing Emil Zuckley, a cartoonist from bomb thrower; no machine gun- colored pottery figures with open- chases urging of German merchandise be to obtain jobs and gives the Labor really establish Cuba as an in- Malzberg, Mr. and Mrs. Lee wooden animals made by the chit- Hollywood, illustrated the art of ' nor." And yet if . there be no Ines for the placing of plants and made. . Department the ri ght t o forc e em . dustiest country, and unemploY- Gladstone, Dr. Perry P. Burn- dren, is slowly taking form. cartooning. , way to peace than by struggle, flowers come from Germany. "Investigeti.n of all complaints Assembly P rrrrr ms During the next few weeks as , can we abandon what is neces- Many of the lace-paper bouquet players to discharge alien workers ment and free Cuba from the stine, Theodore and Sol Levin, and reports that German mercy. native or naturalized onus of • one-crop country. It Dr. Robert Rosen, Isenberg, whenever In addition to all of these se- part of the assembly programs, I nary in self defense? It will not holders and paper doilies used as andise is being sold in stores. Cuban i s foun d w h o i s fitted for I wouldn't dash with the Present Purdy & Co. Albert Goldberg, tivities some of the groups are the W. P. A. Marionettes will per- I, help as to do it. We cannot avoid backgrounds for corsages are Boycott Prepagaada the Job, and provides that any i Cuban n ationalistic labor laws. Mrs. J. Friedberg, M. Korobkin studying the Morse code on a form, and a Tisha B'Ab service , meeting the enemy with the weep- German-made and are plainly "A monthly bulletin is issued job vacated by a foreigner must : which were enacted against un- and Louis Kaufman are among sending set, weaving baskets, sew- will be held. Lionel Fink will! ens he insists on. When war is marked "Made in Germany." filled by a Cuban, Jewish leadd employment. The Jewish move- contributors who responded dur. ing, knitting and compiling • speak on "Jewish History in iroug b ht t to us to t I lay due, down arm, s According to Mrs. Noefll the t t obi:joa enl i i tt ej ta e‘ s o ; well L:ep h leo l F e tw o n n in ao ti u on ens e i e n - d not interf er ing a l ga wek. a book of poms . e d short s toriechigan." s gee i ment to Lech:rifle:der, secre ring ho tic movie W sde:e ft Ln by rheas children them - MI The closing program, which will I means self extermination. That c e J . Newton sent a fine ue- l 'al woulZion is- with the Cubestine set lers ers are wondebe could admitted refuith- Is t; tary unneces- dicated t their interest Ls the boy- no one must ask. Such choice, "it is absolutely l mint nor the Prussian Biro-Bidjan contribution with an eneoug- out repeal of this ja. w be held on the last day of the made many times, failed us. His- sary for any florist to carry Ger- cot[ Bulletin contain, item, of project. Some Jews do not wish ing letter to Treasurer Ehrlich, Every week all of the home school, Aug. 14, will be an oper• tory records with greater tip man-made products. We have re- national interest Congressman Sirovich, who has project. - as Iasit as news gone to Los Angeles to confer! to try to enter Palestine at pre"- expressing his utisfaction with rooms are brought together in the etta in which about 20 children provel armed opposition to dare liable information that almost of and warnings against Milne with Louis B. Mayer, film mar- i ent bemuse of the Arabian the work done in Out deserving gymnasium for an assembly pro- will take part under the direction ietesse TURN en esngt every German-made product can items of German manufacture [PLEAS/ rums TO PAO! X / gram. Some of the programeof Sidney Laurens. (PLIAS/ ream ru PAUL) OPPOSITE XDITORIAL) nate, in connection with the for- be auccesafully substituted by ar- IPLIAIN TUN,. to LAK raw. Zionist Organ of German Jewry Is Opposed to the Movement JERUSALEM (WNS-Palcor Agency)--The instant death of Anschel Kimchi, 21, Jewish laborer, who was shot by Arabs while returning from work in a Jewish orange grove near Hedera, in- creased the total number of Jewish victims of the disturbances to 48 as the disorders entered their fourth month of killings, bomb- ings, arson and sabotage. An Arab religious teacher died of apo- plexy while making an inflamatory speech against the Jews, during the Friday services at the Mosque of Omar, where strong feeling's sh ertsw"nwoh n atsw ob e bA i ANSWER ER DEFEATIST ON ZION PROGRAM Litvinoff EXPERIMENTS AID Honor On 60th Birthday SYNAGOGUE APPEAL CANCER RESEARCH DURING TISHA B'AB ____ EXPLAINS C. C. A. R. MILITARISM STAND ■ Immigration Possibilities For Jews Are Reported in Cuba and Peru ■ MORE DONATIONS Center Play Sehool and Day FOR POLISH FUND Camp a Bee-Htve of Activity League for Human Rights Outlines 6 Months Activities •