1 nsk PetioSeal Cotter ericalt Pi CLIFTON AVENUE • CINCINNATI 20, 01110 EVErgorrikwun aiRoma4 May 29, 1936 VICTORY LUNCHEON OF ALLIED JEWISH CAMPAIGN ON FRIDAY WILL CONCLUDE 1936 DRIVE WE'RE NOT SATISFIED UNLESS YOU ARE! (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE ONE) That's why it pays to buy your Ford from Ginsberg—the house of neighborly interest and personal attention. ing that improved financial con- ditions warrant success for the dri,e, Mr. Peiser declared: "It is but fair and just to expect that the Jews of Detroit will do the little bit that spells the difference between despair and hope. We have accepted a definite obliga- tion and I am confident that with , a little bit of effort we Shall hon- or it and shall be able to say to the hundreds of thousands depen- dent on this drive for our share in this great relief effort that we stand back of them and are ready to provide the necessary help in a Jewish tragedy." Abe Srere and Henry Wine- OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS man, addressing the workers, de- Always More Than 250 Desirable Used Cars for Sale clared that the drive can and must be a success, and that the 2,000 unsolicited donors can and PINGREE 6400 12515-45 GRATIOT AVE. must be reached in order to as- sure victory for the campaign. Orgaeizations' Captains . An additional list of captains of organizations, whole aggre- gate contributions is nearing the Pisgah Lodge ■ nd Women'. Auxiliary Arrange an Evening of sum of $15,000, is given here- with: Entertainment for Next Monday $50 GINSBERG Motor Sales Service Sales B'nai B'rith Lodges to Meet at Leland Next Monday night, Pisgah open meetings. During the past Lodge No. 34, B'nai B'rith, and two months, the lodge's quarters Women's Auxiliary No. 122, will in the Maccabees Bldg. has been hold a joint meeting in the Col- taxed to capacity and many were onial Room of the Detroit Leland turned away. With a larger hall Hotel. Every member of the everyone will be comfortably B'nai B'rith, their families and seated. Last Monday night the general friends are invited. A program of entertainment is committee of Pisgah Lodge held being arranged by Dave Diamond, a regular meeting at which time a member of Pisgah Lodge's en• routine matters were disposed of, tertainment committee. Mr. Dia- and a report was heard from mond promises a group of vaude- Harry Yudkoff, chairman of the ville acts by prominent local en- moonlight committee of Pisgah tertainers. Julius Deutelbaum, a Lodge and the Auxiliary. Mr. past president of Pisgah Lodge, Yudkoff stated every method of has a tidrnely message of interest publicity will be employed to make the moonlight a success. to all. Herman °mos, president of Tickets have been distributed to Pisgah Lodge, states that a Ian. all local B'nai B'rith Organize- ger hall was secured for this joint tions. This moonlight is to be meeting, to accommodate the held on the Steamer Tashmoo on large crowds that attend these I June 14. WORLD UNION TO HOLD INTERNATION MEET FROM JULY 10 TO 13 Jewish leaders from all over the world will gather in London July 10 to 13 for a series of meetings in connection with the World Union for Progressive Ju- daism. .With representatives from England, America, France, Ger- many, Holland, Hungary, Sweden, South Africa, Australia, and In- dia in attendance, the topic "Free- dom and Authority in Progressive Judaism" will be considered as the main theme of the conference. Dr. Felix A. Levy of Chicago, president of the Central Confer- ence of American Rabbis, will preach at a World Union service ot the West London Synagogue Saturday morning, July 11. The meeting will be opened on the pre- ceding day day by an informal dis- cussion of problems of the World Union. On Sunday, July 12, Dr. Israel Mattuck of London will preside at a round table meeting at which Dr. Max Dienemann of Offenbach-am-Main will speak. Dr. Dienemann is now In Palestine in- vestigating conditions relative to establishing Progressive Jewish re- ligious work there. The govern- ing body of the World Union will meet on July 13. The World Union, formed 10 years ago to stimulate Progressive Judaism, today has affiliated units in all parts of the world. Its of- ficers are Dr. Claude G. Monte- fiore, of London, president; Dr. Israel Mattock of London, chair- man of the board; and the Hon. Lily II. Montagu of London, hon. orary secretary. American mem- bers of the governing body are ARGO FURNACE OIL LA 4S00 Rev. Cantor David Golden Detroit'. Tare.'. 111011111L, Appointment EUCLID NMI Wedding Cense. ores Performed at Nome wad Monuments of Character Manuel Urbacb lawseasimee 7729 TWELFTH ST. Grand. sad Marble ISCCIJB 7191 Rey. Canter Jacob Silverman •CRG1CAL MOSITI. Is sea& rmenee lehreletma9 samosas. 2903 Elmhurst TO. 9-6439 Fartermedi Mrs. J. Walter Freiberg, Dr. Jul- ian Morgenstern and Dr. David Philipson of Cincinnati, Mrs. Henry Nathan of Buffalo, N. Y.; A. Leo Weil of Pittsburgh, Dr. Felix A. Levy and Harry N. Gott- lieb of Chicago, Dr. Max Cur- rick of Erie, Pa., Dr. Edward N. Calisch of Richmond, Va., Rabbi Isaac E. Marcuson of Macon, Ga., and Samuel B., Finkel of New York. Well Known North Businessman Dies Alabinhoker Umgegend Vereln Pre, Samuel Levine; vise-pros., Mr. Gelfund; necy., J. nhuman; Dean., Mr.. J. Goodman. 876 Avultah Municipal Society Pres., Milton Marwil; secy. and treas., Nelms Wineman. {10 Beitser Desaarabler Social Club l'ren.. Sol Faudem; vice-pre.., Rob. Margolin; secy., Mr, Beanie Fan• dem; treas., Lou. Kat, Delegate. Louie Kato. Harry Bennett. III Iles Boob Congregation Delegatem Morrie Fisher and Louis Nonanehok. $50 Rerennitser Aid Society 1118 Individual member pledgee Total Pres, Harry Glidenhorn: vice-Ores., Jos. H. Pevin J. Ea/Ottani and Ric Shetiowich; treas.. Sol land. Delegates: Jon. H. Pavin, Nathan E. Beth Gear Congregation $20 Rore; Pre,, N. Taker; vire-pren., P. tree , . Wickman; I. eery., Goodenberg. $10 Beth Isaac Cong. Ladle. Aug. $150 Beth Tephila Emanuel Cong. Pr.., Wm. Sandier; vice-pre,. Ja- cob Shevits; secy.. Aaron Kahn. Delegates: Wm. Sandier, M. Schnei- der. 810 Incur Choleos Jr, Pr., Morris Megy; secy.. Manuel Siegel. Delegate: Alm Meinner, eta Istril Girl.' Club Blue Preo„ !Urn S. London; miry., sirs. Delegate: Goldie Pearlman. M. Chaenko. {II Dinal B'rith Pingah Lodge, 31 Pres., Herman Oen.; vice•pre , Benjamin Starrua: escr.. R. Meyer - F .Goldman. Dele- treas.. Hen nohn: gate.: Henry M. Abramoyita, Morris Shatsen. 850 >A' nag lhold W ■ onen'e Aug. Prea , Men. J. IVelngarden: vice- pre,. Rene Needle; necy.. Mrs. L. Zack; Wenn., Pearl Itottenberg. Dele- gates: Mre. W. Main, Mrs. Lillian Weingarden, Done Needle, Pearl Stol- tenberg. sir K. Nudlemen. Bin•I Moshe tiring. Pres, Ben F. Goldman: vlee•pre•.. lienry Nogrady; John Adler; treas., Sam Gunsberg. Ml Hats.: Rabbi Moreil Fiseher, lien F. Gold- Philip Blumenthal, 75, West Branch businessman and well known in Northeastern Michigan, died last Saturday following a re- cent illness. Blumenthal long was one of the leading citizens of West Branch and had taken a prominent part before his health failed him in various community enterprises. Born in Kurland, Germany, he came to this country when a young boy. He had•been engaged in the mercantile business for the past 62 years. Surviving, in addition to his widow, Clara, are five children, Mrs. Arthur Katzenberg of Bos- ton; Mrs. Albert Berwanger of New York, Mrs. M: D. Wittelsho- fer of Detroit, R. M. Blumenthal of New York, and Martin Blumen- thal of West Branch. Funeral services was held at West - Branch, Monday, under the auspices of the local Masonic order, of which Blumenthal was a mem- ber, and Monday afternoon burial services were held in Bay City at 2:30 at the I. 0. B. B. cemetery. Barney Bremen Dies at the Age of 48 Barney Bremen of 3265 Boston Blvd., a resident of Detroit for over 30 years, died May 22. He was born'in Russia 48 years ago. Funeral services were held on Sunday, May 24, at Lewis Bros. Funeral Home, with interment in Machpelah Cemetery, Rabbi A. 51. Hershman officiated and was as- sisted by Cantor J. H. Sonenklar. Special rites were also conducted by the Manic Lodge of which he Was a member. Mr. Bremen was a member of Congregation Shaarey Zedek and was known for the zeal and devo- tion with which he contributed to many important causes. He was treasurer of the Red Seal Oil Co. of Lundale, Mich. Surviving him are his wife, An- na, his son, George K., and his daughter, Geraldine. PHILIP SELIG APPLEBAUM of 2644 Richton Ave., 84 years old, died on May 24. Funeral services were held on May 24 with interment in Machpelah Cemetery , Rabbi A. M. Hershman officiating He is survived by three sons Moses C., Louis and Myer M.; • brother, Louis, and • sister, Mrs. Abraham Lewis of Los Angeles. SHARON MARGOT YUDKOFF of 3236 Cortland Ave., 4 years old, died on May 27. Funeral serv- ices will be held at Lewis Bros Funeral Home on Friday, May 29, at 11 A. M. She is survived by , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yudk off. LOUIS GOLDMAN of 14862 Appoline• 61 years old, died on May 26. Funeral services will be held at Lewis Bros. Fun- eral Home on May 29, with in- terment in Machpelah Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Bessie and two daughters. Corrine, and Mrs. Joseph Decker. FUNERAL DIRECTORS 7739 John R. St. PAGE THREE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Trinity 2.2114 man, 150 Hinal Mnehe SIM erhoo.1 Pres.. Mrs. E. Klein, $16 Brit h Slioloin of Detroit Pres., Samuel Berman; eery., Harry L Dormer; treas.. 'am Mord, Dele- gate . Ruasell Koslow. 119 Chenetochover Rajoner Merritt Pres., T. Milberg; vice-1.•.. B. Kolln; secy., A. Fot; tree.. B. A. Leerier. Delegate.: J. Tchudow, Winter. 815 Chernigover a Loyever Aid Roc. Pres., I. Kovaryky: viee-prea. L. Miller; secy., S. Miller; treas.. R. 1.10.. Delegates: Mrs. Awl& Mrs. 1. Kovaniky, H. Rogent MIT. 1. Seedberg. $16 Detroit Ind. Junk. Peddlers' Uni o• Me Pres., Wm. Aro:melt.; e-pree. N. Cohn; i.e., Moses Mole., tress., II. Margolies 110 El Moshe Cong. Nee. I. Petrick; vice-pre•., Monks A. Berndort; mu,. A. /Dinner; trees., N. Gilbert. Delegate 1, Pat- rick. 11 El Moshe Ore Lain. Aug. Ooldman. Pres., Mr, Investment Ase'n Fathers' Club Pres., Morel, Udkovich; secy.. N. J. Itonnin; treas., I. ilieraose. Feldman , Baths or Arethu. 1155 (Mt. tleniens) Allman. Through Mra. 810 Fenkel Ladies Loan Amin. . Pre, Mr, M. Finkel; vice-pre , . Mrs. II. Schwartz; secy.. Mrs. Intents Davis; tree, Mr, D. Factor. Dele• kale: Hasa Louts merove.e. pledgee k trre it o Arl;e IL Knoppow: Dean., J. Iteltnstolti Delegates: Sam Snyder, DecIrt Greenapan, Nag Onletein. N lower Unigegend Vereln III7 Individual pledges list Total Pres.. ItenJamin Golden;viemProi. , Davis; army., I.. Fried; M. treas., Israel Burnsteln. Deleados. Max IL Davie, 1. MellIn. 115 blogilower Pros. Ald Society Pres., Barnett Zalealn: vice-pees., Louie Feinberg; mint, Denial P. 7,1.1n; treat, Phillip Jaffe. Del, gates: N. Jacobson. B. Zaleein, N. Atkin.. $56 olleheeri e1 u hn i t" Peen, Mrs. Mrs. Joe. Weingarden, Bridge Club Ill Pres, Mot Joseph WeIng•rdea. 1175 lionerer Pros. Aid Society Pres., A. Thomas; vire-pies., I. 1 1f. chits; eorye., J. Zeimanov. 1. HOY man; treas., Mr. Lena Hendelm. Delegate.: A. Thorn., Joseph Hoff. man. $1 I Alio. Study Club of Detroit Pres, Mre J. M. Berets; vicmpres, Edith Ella Davis; secy., Mn. B. Pearlman; areas., Mrs. Davi, Cole. Neugarten Punehlne Club 8100 Pres., Mrs. Emil Eckhouee; Tioe- pre,, Mrs. SentuelRlache Mrs J. E. Newman; secya., Mrs. Abe VIneherg, Mrs. Max Cohen, Mrs. Ar- thur Gotteaman ; treas., Corrine Northern Prog. Ladle. Soc. e 115 rases., Mrs. I. Drapkin; area Bolofsky; .cy.. Mr, Robins; K Mrs. Lefkowite Delegate.: Mr, Fetich, Mn. D. Robins, Mrs. Tannenheue. Ontrowitaer Friendly Vereln (Member.. II 1 eel., 8. Plegden) Kereh; secy., Mrs. A. 11, oenbers. Palestine Rebekah LOIlle It 111 $5 Pres.. Mrs. Sigmund Reiner; WO , Min Dorle Rankin. Delegate& Be 11 Mr H. Ronenfeld, Mre. Pearl Cinaker Prog. Ald Society ISO Pres., Louis 14.111B; viee-prea, N Collier; seoy., A. Parven; trea , A. Pauli. Delegates: Mn. Fannie Shapiro, Max Oberneld. Peale! Zeire Zion Br. 3 157 Pres, B. M. Lalkin; J. Tromti- ka; treat), T. KetnInker. Prinirone BenevolentClub 150 Pr... Mrs. P. Ilermelin; vice-pre, N. mathWeinberg; seeto i Mm. F. Friedman; treas.; Mrs. F. Margolin: Delegate.: Mrs. Irene Rodman, Mr.. Vette Weinberg. Progressive Ladles Unt. Vereln $125 Pr.., Mrs. H. Epstein; vice-pr... Mrs. L. Lindenbaum; secy.., Mrs. 11n. Mrs. Kreuger; tree., Mrs Wm. Detonates: Mr.. R. Miller. Baiter. Mtn Jennie Itosengatd ISO Radom. Ald Society Pien., W. Finkelstein; vice-prat, N. Woiok; eery.. W. Wrotsieweky; tr,•... M. Weiman: Delegates! M. Freedman. P. Lunilierg. Rodin Family Club Pres., Mrs. Fannie Rodin; eery., Mr, N. Finhman. 115 limner Progresnive Vereln vice-pre., S. BortoolT; Pres.. M. Solomon; seeps., 8. Kempner, A II. soma: treaa, 11. l'olk. Dele- gates: Sam Koopennen. A. Saginaw, L. Sugarman. 110 SokolIcker Vereln , Pres. J. Cohen; vice-peer, J. Waterman; secy.,. I. Becker; trea , J. Fun. Stun fielo•erts. Capital Hotel (Mt. 121 eternal.) Through Mre. H. Altman. Esther Steinhaok, Edison Hotel (Mt $16 nn) Lin $19 Sunshine Inub (Kant Side) Hirschfield; Marian Pre,, Mr, secy., Mn. Hirechberg. $15 Powalkor Ind, Pron. Verein Prea, S. Petereon. HIS i •Kerstelenar Aid One. Tillie Citrn Men. 11. Shultz; vice-Pres.. Pre., Mrs. J. Gorman; eerY.. Mrs. Moine Stormy; Rel., Mrs. Tillle Klasky. Delegatem I. Sonnick. Intel/en Gob aliInskY. United Hebrew School. Women's Aux- iliary 111.75 Pros., Mrs. H.Kaplan; vinbprea, M re. Wolf Kaplan; weep., N. Jack Freedman; trea s.. Mrs. Geo. Rob- ert.. Delegate: M.. M. H. Zack- helm. Hebrew Ladles Aid Society . free., Mr.. N. Finkel; vIce•rea. Mew. D. FIchwartm .cr ., Mrs. Fannie Danl.: treas., Mrs. D. Factor. Bele. gates: Mrs. Elfreda Greenwald, Mrs. Helen Lellmon. Jewiah Wnmen's Mutual Ald fee . . —870' C. CitrIn; vlimpres., Pres.. Mrs. Mrs. L. Solderman; secy., Rom Kap- lan: treas.. Mrs. I. Anikorf Dole- Fates: Mra B. Corn. Mr, S. Cohen. ItsdePendent Detrolt Lodge Pr... Myer Cohen; secy., Henry J ackson; treas.. Thomas Eanes. Eve Prenstauer Maternity Aid JewInh National Fund ladies Aux. 1315 Pre., Mrs. 8em Ileymon; tel vice. pr... Mr..Derry Kraft; Ind vice. pre,. Itra A. 1, Markson; ird vice- Pre , . Mnr. chi...) Brody; lth • ISM WErl. A. Feltner; secy., Mra. 1. Goodman; treas., sirs Maw Hayman. Delegates: Mrs. C. Brody, Llghtetone, Mrs Jo, Mr, Lau. B onin. 1176 Iedekalt Pres; glen Abe Irmienberg; sire- urea, Mini. Harry Lev seer.. ales. John Keetenherg; trout_ Mrs N. Baker tit- legatee: Mrs. J. Harcith, Meg Abe itolenberg. Mra S 1 25 1 4 00 8 425 , Pre, Irving E. Adler; vice-pre. Morris Wiener; secy., Edward Rothenberg; tree, Rubin Teicher. Adler. P E. Irving ea: r. Greenberg, S. Reiner, Morels St.11411, Tots! JUNIOR HADASSAH The last general meeting of tlre Detroit unit of Junior Hadassah Frifridly Loan Club Pres. Mrs. F. Steckler; eery.. Mrs. will take place Sunday afternoon, Mollie Hummer; treas., Elea Wein- June 7, at the Stotler Hotel, at eteln. 115 2:30 p. m. The annual elections amino SO, of Detroit Pre.. Morn;, tinurwit•; vier-pres. of officcrs will be the main fea seer., Arthur Jon.; Devid Dele- ture of this meeting. Included in are•.. Lawrence II, Jon.. the election slate will be a list of gate: Joe Jon., David Barber. $05 Hebrew Ladles . Sod. Fund the board and new committee Pros., Mrs GlicklIch; vlq/-Pres. , chairmen. Outgoing officers and Met. Harry Diamond; nem. Mrs. R. Carts; tree, Mrs Celia Schmidt. 3100 chairmen will summarize the year's Monte Relief Soo. activities in their reports to be :has. Cornell: xlee•pre•., Pres., We submitted to the president. All Men. H. KOMYr; .0', Mre M. P. Arkin. t rens Canter; D el members are urged to attend this Mrn. Sam Leve, Mrs. last meeting of the season. Anthony Deutnch, Mrs. Anna Mom, Sire Harry M. Shulman, Mrs. A. Junior Hadassah wishes to cor- Weisman. fie dially extend its thanks to the men Infants Service Grout, Pre,. Mr, Rosen; sire-pia. who participated in the dramatic Mn. It. Goldsmith: secy.. Mr. D. performance, "Mrs. Bunir-trat- N.V1111111: treas.. Mrs. I. e. Katz. Leigh," which was presented last rn•n. 8.110311 Jewish Community Center week at the Statler Hotel. The Jewish Nat'l Worker:. Alli•nee male members of the cast consisted Morels Shaver. rte-pre•.. I. Pres A Liebe.; rc1., Wm. Mord. aril of Irving Glncklick, Adolph Silver, N. Linden; treas., Harry Rehumer. Marvin Raskin, Harry Zeman, Jewieb Icemen , European welfare 1111 Morris Koeuk, and Harold Marko- org. a North Wood'd Br. Pees.. Mrs. J. Cohen: viee•Prea.. witz. Due to the splendid cooper/- Ism In sirs I. satessmsn; ties of these young men, who are Levin. Delegate•: Mrs. A. Entain, members of the Young Men's Jew- Grs O. Silverstein. Mra J. Redblett. 1119 Kiev lirog ish Association, the dramatic peen vice-pren. H. Pen Plotkin: Pre, tr.... forrnance was successful. Chain, icy., Harr, Ermine: Morro Torgow. 1.1 ...... Tent. Plans for a joint board dinner nick, 11. Slaneroff. Williem Piotkin in conjunction with the Senior unit Mr. .4 Mrs. I. .1.1. Mr and Me,. and the business and professional William (Mo.. IS Roblin. Family Invent ment group are being completed. The Pre.. Loot. Sh•poro: vice-Preo. Den date will be announced in the near Kaplan: sere. . Lillian Chornek1; 1,050 Chomoky. f tieu re. 1125 Korostlehm er Aid Societe All details concerning the eon- Pre.. harry R.ker: Mempres.. Ea- eluding social event of the season ter Ron•, secy.. Morrie Mal S: Cot Kea.. J. Berke. ore to be announced at the next tier. More. 11•110. 1311 meeting The organization it plan- ner Floeiete Kotler Pr.. Alen H Berson: ning to atttend a dinner dance, Benjamin Stein; t•usa. Leo. Bob which is to be held June 21 011 tho x her. Delogete: • 11 O.., $711 S. S. Moronic in conjunction with Leas. of Jowish 'Women , Org Pre... Mra. Fred Olnsburt. the Purity Chapter of the Eastern 171 Lat etoer Verein Star. Sarah E. Shur and Francts Pr... Morris Bintrow; viee•pres.. I. Kanter; ere,. Harry Moran; (ream, Moran are in charge of arrange- Delegate: Karl Blake. NOM. ments. firibm, Mn Minnie Rieke. SILO 111 Aid Poelety Pres. N. Finkelstein: secy. K. noon, treas.. 11 Wei. Delegate. , Laundrymen'. Is Gor•len. I, gnIderrnan. II. Hue' Mein ale Laundry LanM• pre al Mob Pres. Mr• N Woinotein 1 11.-canee• Tent Pr .. Judge Samuel Brenne r: vire! ' It•nd •e lm•n; me, and pr. .. lir Alumni to Initiate Hebrew Graduates 20% Discount Sale ON Wedding • Shower and Graduation Gifts Nil German Goods Sold Club Exchange, 107.10 . 11EXTER TO RENT SPACE In new mill now being built. Per- cent... 10•1, r-operistIon •o to 10 more lite merchan t.. tVee Mr. Cherub k. Gd. Central Arcade Mkt. 11155 PION AT 1.1N1%04111 TO. 11•11301 Eteithig. TO, 21.1•16 CLASSIFIED RELIABLE HOUSE HELP. Laun- dresses, women for house clean. Mg, house maids, women for part time work. By hour, day or week. Schlesinger's, Madi- son 2626. QUILTS—Made or recovered from your own feathers or wools. Pil- lows recovered—special, $1.25. Full line of curtains, baby, shower and wedding gifts. Dex- ter Quilt & Gift Shop, 11649 Dexter Blvd., at Webb. llogarth 9050. Pr. FROM I 'Aug ONE) linking of the scheme with the Palestine situation may have the effect of preventing England from considering any reduction in Jew- ish immigration to Palestine. :— Urge League to Protect Jews of Danzig LONDON (WNS)—The Jews of Danzig are suffering so much from Nazi persecution that the League of Nations must take immediate steps for their protection, it was declared by Rhees Davis, former member of the British cabinet, in an article in the Jewish Chron- icle. Mr. Davis, who has just returned from Danzig, told of the boycott of Jews, the incessant at- tacks on the Jewish population and the Nazi provocation from which the Jews suff.er. Fa ' Organ Attacks Blum ROME ,(WNS) —The Jewish- nem of Leon Blum, premier-desig- nate of France, was made the sub- ject of a biter attack by La Re- gime Fascists, official organ of the Fascist party. Terming him "the Jew Blum," the Fascist pa- per attacked him for defending sanctions against Italy and implied that his Jewishnesa had something to do with it. MINERAL BATHS—Treatments for arthritis, neuritis, rheuma- tism, seiatiea and colds. Also Reich Exports Declining Turkish and reducing baths. BERLIN (WNS) — London re- Wayne Mineral Baths, 630 Front ports that the Third Reich was St.. (Ft. of 2nd Blvd). Randolph rapidly nearing complete bank- 6744. ruptcy were substantiated from official Nazi sources when the BUSINESS OR PROFESSIONAL government made public its for- ladies or gentlemen des-ous of eign trade figures for April and making acquaintance for the revealed that German exports purpose of matrimony, write were again declining. Despite Box 50, Detroit Jewish Chron- the huge government subsidies and icle. Strictly confidential. the numerous financial manipula- tions, German exports dropped FOR RENT—Beautiful furnished 3.5 per cent over April and 12.1 room for a young man in home per cent as compared with De- without children. Everything cember when a high point was modern. Call Townsend 7-2983. reached. It is estimated that if the present decline continues Ger- FOR RENT — Nicely furnished many wil !again have a trade de- room for a gentleman. Reason. ficit. able. Near car and bus. 2257 Mass arrests of Jews charged Hazelwood. Garfield 5442-J. with "race defilement" continued FOR RENT—Light, airy room for throughout the country, it became a gentleman in home of couple. known when Der Stuermer pub- Near Clairmount car line. 9345 lished a fiat of 32 Jews who have been given long prison terms on McQuade. Euclid 4638-M. this charge. Not content with the economic FOR RENT — Large room for gentleman or lady in private ruin of the Jews in Germany, the home. Webb near Linwood. Nazis, through the Federation of Townsend 6-5191. Please call Retail Merchants, have now taken steps to undermine the trade of Monday. Jews abroad, The Federation has FOR RENT — Three-room fur- issued a confidential circular to nished apartment for summer. its members advising them bow to Cool and airy. References. 3345 boycott Jewish merchants abroad. Richton, apt. 206. Townsend --- 6 - 3283. Jewish General Temporary Rader RODKINSON'S Talmud in Eng- lish, ten volumes, regular price $63, will sell for $20. Also, Ed- wards' 2-volume biography of David Lloyd George, priced at $7.50, will sell for $2.50. Call University 1-6972. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR — Per- manently and safely removed with multiple electrolysis, by an expert. Reconummded by physi- cians as the surest method. Edith Ecksta t, Electrologist, 520 Washington Acade Bldg., 1540 Washington Blvd., Clifford 3896. of Ethiopia ADDIS ABABA.—(WNS)—A Jew found himself the temporary ruler of Ethiopia when Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Italian viceroy of Ethipla, left for Italy and placed Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, his sec- ond in command, in complete con- trol. Meanwhile 150 Jewish so', diem who fought with the Italian army have reached liarar where they will settle permanently as Italian civil officials. Rabbi Ter- racino, chief Jewish chaplain of the Italian forces here, and. Cap- tain Maziano, commander of the battalion of Jewish volunteer', have returned to Italy. FOR RENT — Nicely furnished room for • gentleman or a lady Plan Monument to Victims of in a private home. Linwood sec- Pogrom tion. Reasonable. • Call Town- MOSCOW.—(WNS)—In mem- send 8-8375. ory of the Jewish victims of the TO RENT — Comfortable fur- Ziatopol pogrom during the' Rus- nished apartment for the rum- sian war of the 1920s, the Jewish mer. Good transportation. Call settlers in the Zlatopol region are planning to erect a monument, it Madison 7774. was announced in the Moscow FOR RENT—Four beautiful fur- Emee, Yiddish daily. nished rooms with lovely porch. Mail Used by Terrorists $45 everything included. Couple WASHINGTON.—Rep. Samuel only. Available for 5 or 6 Dickstein, (Dem.), New York, months. Spielman, 3729 W. Bos- chairman of the House Immigra- ton Blvd. tion Comittee, demanded investi- ROOM AND BOARD for two gation by the Justice and Poet- school children above 12 of good office departments' of reports that habits, or parent and child. Good "terrorists" are seeking to "de- home. Mother's care. Townsend stroy" Jews and Catholics. Dickstein said that if Postmas- 7 - 0485. ter Cert. James A. Farley and FOR RENT — Nicely furnished Director J. Edgar Hoover of the .room for a gentleman or lady Federal Bureau of Investigation, in single home. Small family. are unable to take proper steps, References. 3263 Carter, near he will appear for Congressional Dexter. action, Meanwhile, Rep. Charles Kramer (Dem.), California, charged that the mails were be- ing used to distribute propaganda to foment "anti-Jewish" hatred, and asserted that he also had complained to the Postoffice Dr Invottetiout Prosounced by Rabbi pertinent If the departments decline to I Jerome D. Folkman of Jacks.. McDonald Awarded Honorary Degree By Union College Impressive ceremonies marked the 52nd graduation at the Heb- rew Union College which took place Saturday afternoon May 23, in the college chapel in Cincinnati. Dr. Julian Morgenstern, president, ordained 13 men into the rabbin- ate. Dr. Abha iiiilel Silver of the Temple, Cleveland, who was vale- dictorian of his graduating class at the Hebrew Union College in 1915, gave the baccalaureate ad- dress. The honorary degree, Doclor of Hebrew Law, was conferred upon James G. McDonald of New York. former League of Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from Germany, who is now on the edi- torial staff of the New York Times. Maxwell Silver of New York, • graduate of the Hebrew Union College in th eclass of 1916, and a brother of the baccalaureate 'speaker, was awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity. Rabbi Jerome D. Folkman of Jackson, Mich., a graduate of the college in 1931, pronounced the invocation. Dr. Bernard J. Bomberger of Albany, N. Y., • graduate of the college in 1926, was awarded the first Kaufmann Kohler Memorial prize of $500 for his essay on The Rabbinic Attitude Towards Proselytiution and the Social Position of Proselytes within Jew- ry in the to-called Talmudic Period." The Alumni Aaociation of the United Hebrew Schools is plan- ning to initaite the new graduates at a party to be held on Satur- day evening. June 13, at the Philadelphia-Byron Hall. An In. .. lira N Bachman: Mee-pees.. Pr teresting and unique program Is M. te. LIpirtp: nary. 11.. 1. A. K•tein: Doan, Mr. 11 Tensor. being planned by the committee Meooriteher Ind. Toon' 1.401. in charge, which consists of the P.a. Mrs. I. Dishell; elempries $. 01 following members: Esther Char- Mn n WM.;• . Mrs. t- Hal- Mn F. Engelman. perm: new, chairman; Evelyn Sarah Lan- IWItestm: Mrs. L Cohen. Mn J. Alvin Karpis, former public day, Allan Weston, N/101111 Bach- IlAk enemy No. 1, was spending his Mich Home Protective Age7 n 14 halter and Blanche Fiedler. Pr., J Suiten.; Moe-pr.. A. honeymoon In New York with Mrs. grushkr:set'l .. J. Winslow; trwaa Benny Baker, Paramount come. Karpia, the former Grace Gold- M Prirr IIMegatee: Harry Silber, elan, is a former vaudeville stooge. stein of Hot Springs, Ark., while Jon Sollnian, Mich. Preerweire Vends 1 He toured the United States with, the police of the country were 1 A.m.; eice-pre•-• Z 1 ". 00 • LA. Iwo id Kligor, Jed. Armee' Dr r e M•Imonides Medici!! Poe. Women, REICH AND ITALY Theological Seminary PLAN TO SETTLE Commencement June 7 JEWS IN ETHIOPIA Real Estate Bargains 40% Net The commencement exercises of the lewish Theological Seminary of America will be held on Sun- day, June 7, at 4:30 p. m., in the seminary quadrangle, Broad- way and 122nd St., New York, N. Y. The charge to the graduates will be delivered by 'Dr.' Simon Green- berg, special lecturer in educn- lion at the seminary and rabbi oY Congregation liar Zion in Phil- adelphia, Pa. The bacealauereate sermon will be delivered by Dr. Herman Hal- perin, rabbi of Congregation Tree of Life of Pittsburgh, Pa., on the Sabbath preceding the commence- ment. A portrait of Dr. Morris Le- vine, who was professor of Bible at the seminary, and who died In the course of the winter, will be presented to the seminary by the graduating class. The degrees will be awarded and the prizes announced by Dr. Cyrus Adler, president of the rnar . Max Max Drob, rabbi of Con- course Center, New York City, course will deliver the invocation. On the Intestml cash; 37 opts. ie. Woodwartl. cm-Client con- dition; 0115,000 normal Istwe, foreclosure price 5410.006.- Yutt gel tired ler $11,000, sig,000 mortguge 5% Integost. attull psyment• le years. 1.1. ea property while paying for Itself. 69 Apts. Normal ,woe •330,000; are 6.1. ilont exeellent emulltIon; big rent all. Foredo nod price Imo. tint, half. Ibuttilro. 8%0,000 duos, 11 Apts. 3 ton 10.1 west aide; 1 titeenn hod; excellent condition. Stoat 94,00o, price FIS,MMI pay $3,0011 down. Doubt, your num., herb 8 Apts. mom,; fine locuti.l, rant eidet new electric refeig., I 1,160111 heat; s‘rellenl otnniltion. 14.1 to tug. abb. Prior 51t,000; term.. Itouble your miry here. 4 Apts. 1)nleit tyPoi ' i steam heel; Ideal le tundra. Eine locution; rseell•mt n.5111an. A 113.000 INsetiesed mace Michigan Jewish Ladies Aid Society Gives $200 to Drive A meeting of the Michigan Jewish Ladies' Aid Society was held at the residence of Mrs. D. Schutt, 16905 Wildemere, on Tuesday, May 19. A luncheon was served by the hostess. The prin- cipal speaker of the evening was Abe Lachover of the Jewish Wel- fare Federation, who spoke in be- half of the Old Folks' Home building fund. The society voted to pledge $200 towards the campaign. Mrs. D. Salle, president; Mrs. L. Cohen, vice-president; Mrs. A. Goldstein, treasurer, were appoint- ed to represent the organization at a luncheon given by the fund committee at Hotel Statler en May 21, to complete final ar- rangements. make the investigation, Dickstein said he would seek to reopen hearings this summer and fall by the Howse committee investigat- ing un-American activities. Kram- er is a member of that committee. Dickstein told the Department of Justice that since the House inquiry concluded last January, there had been evidence that "foreign elements" were distrib- u t in g subversive propaganda, some among Government em- ployes. "It is urgent that these mat- ters be invesigated immediately in an effort to discover who Is financing these drives,"• Dickstein wrote. "If you believe you do not have the authority to make the proper investigation, I shall call on Congress for further power for your organization to crush this menace." Kramer said most of the litera- ture which he wanted investigated was mailed from the Pacific coast, $4.500. 11.50C for deed, ammo* noes nor. 10 sewn. MR, 11151). FORD, • Homer Warren & Co. 15 REALTORS • Our tod S4 Century of Smoke _ I FOR SALE Homes — Good Income Property — Business— Industrial • Apartments BROKERS — INVESTORS ■ are invited to inspect our property books The Detroit Bank Brolly Mgt. Dept. RA. 55183 1211 Griewold, tor. Slate 253 Kighy AltT ('ENTER II large 114101114, 5 bathe 115 W. Chicago Iteslrooms, 5 Bath* Maki. working • 1105105, APARTMENTS, RESORT PROPERTY VAIEMS, INS1NEM4 1111441(5. ANSTIIINII IN RUSIN/04S OPFORTUNITIEN • 1A)AN14 NICAIll o Tgatr ON ANY BONIMIOLDERII Management, Ina. 205 W. Congress CA. 9606 Let Us Act As Your Broker ((cavillers. LeiA41,95 10 11101111 PtICE POIICI FOR DETROIT HOTEL „..: —... 1 ... - ,....: . ... , . ngceDs p_eior irct i afford R . color An no. -- --4444. TOY i Or an of le tt; , \yi , 1401 Ely , s, l'ULLER FACING tutus fail1/4 Boo R.o.,.. 'Travellers everywhere are tallUng about )/ ... lits cr.' s: ,...., new SZ:s2.1° -53. NO R Notel price 'fullr's for a to 0,e c,ornfortable room on ingle rightindeven wit h% both. Wonderful locatoat Circus Perik- facing Grand ceivable comfort and luiury town Detro . ry con ve the finest of food vpth us well os 1° 0111 NED'S NEW AUTO SUPPLY SERVICE STATION Ned's new Auto Supply Service Station at Grand River and West Chicago Blvd. promises to be rec- ognized as one of the landmarks among s•rvice stations in Detroit. At the recent ground-breaking ceremonies, the firat shovelful of earth was turned by Councilman John W. Smith, and the ceremony was witnessed by Police Commis- sioner Heinrich A. Pickert, Dep- uty Police Superinetndent Fred W. Frahm, F. Arthur Plant of the Austin Cenetruction Co., M. R. Mead, district manager of the Firestone Tire ■ and Rubber Co.. beaides the family of the owners. William, Charles, Aaron and Sam Gershenson, and their mother, Mrs. Melly Gershermon. Ned's group of stations has evi- denced its progress even during the period of severest depression. Its branches are scattered all over the city. Years ago, this unique family organization, then headed by the ailing father, started in a very small way the business which now is oneof the largest In Its Bold. in this country. After the death widow and her sons and daises. ten carried on, with the as controlling every detail, not oat? of the business bat of the persee., al life of each of her children, dim spite the fact that some of thent' then were of age, and all now en% • Celebrating the 10th •niteurs', wiry of its founding ta Ned's Auto Supply Berries atelkies les continued be expand sad erect ever more modern male strafe/ fie points and eenstentlly boa • grew& is Jae retain/ et nen and In the nanher et ad outman it serve" ream tor nor.