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September 27, 1935 - Image 18

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1935-09-27

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A merica javisk Periodical eakr



EMU' R071



E'11 1111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112

New Year Greetings to All!

The Service Life Insurance Company

(Continued from Page 14)

Mr. sad Mn. Henry Morris mod rhenily
1653 Shulman.
Extend their met wiener to their frIensle
for a Happy mid Proepelous
New le..


JOHN A. FARBER, President

M. E. O'BRIEN, State Manager


Mr. and Meg Sour Sayer and Fatally
MAO Maitland An,
Extend their best with. to their Wt.
lives and friends for • Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Extends It's Best Wishes For

I A Happy New Year to the Jews of Detroit _75:

Mr.. I. Surku and Family
310 Delmont Ale.
Extend their beet wishes to their mis-
time and friend. for • Hap. and
Pr/onerous New Year.

"A Happy New Year - and it's another opportunity to make the
coming year a happier one for you and your family. If you could do
that at a slight sacrifice you would jump at the chance wouldn't you?

Mr. and Mr.. Jacob Nadler
and Family
339 Osten Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friend* for • Happy and
Prosperou• New Year.

If you could feel secure in the knowledge that your family will be
protected against financial want and that your old age will be com-
fortably cared for - that would obviate a great source of present
worry. Life insurance has effectively solved this problem for many.
It will do it for you.

Mr. .eel 11ro. J. M. Netnoeg
and treentisone. Mark.
2923 heirond
Extend their beat wiehm to their reW
tires •nd friends for • Hap/3 and
Proepero. New Year.

Mr. and Mn. Joseph Noonan
and lam.
Clements Ate.
Extend their beet wiehes to their Yela•
time and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

The Service Life Insurance . Company will make it possible for
you to insure a Happy New Year to your family. It issues policies to
cover contingencies at low cost, and will be pleased to furnish facts
and figures.



$500,000 New Business in Sixty Days

Although the Detroit Office of the Service Life has been in opera-
tion only sixty days, M. E. O'Brien, the State Manager, reports that
over $500,000 of new life insurance was submitted through his office
during that time. This is conclusive evidence that the Service Life (an
OLD-LINE LEGAL RESERVE life insurance company) is enjoying a
very rapid growlh and is offering a very attractive line of policies.


Opportunity for Experienced Life Insurance Salesmen

Experienced life insurance salesmen are requested to call on the State Manager

or on any of the General Agents and Special Agents listed below.

GEORGE W. GRAY, General Agent



201 Guaranty Bldg.


of the

I am now operating The Northwest Auto Wash, located at 12025 Grand
River Ave., where you can get the same fine personal service that I have
always insisted upon. In extending you a cordial invitation to visit my new
quarters I am mindful of your valued patronage in the paast and for which
I shall always be grateful. -W. T. WILSON

I also wish to take this opportunity of wishing all my Jewish Friends
and Patrons a Happy and Prosperous New Year

Northwest Auto Wash

10 Minute Conveyor Service

51111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E11111111111111111111111111111111111111MINSIIIIIII11111111011111il inil il if il a

Mr. and Mrs John. Martha and Fondly
5407 Loin/fellow
Mr. and Mrs. funae! Mints and Family Extend their best wishes to their rola-
900 Chicago laisti.
three and friends for • Happy and
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
Protherous New Year.
tives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
1U. and M.. Herbert Mete and Family
1554 %login's, Park
Mr. and Mot Earl D. Mrs
Extend their best wishes to their rela-
WilthIre Hotel
tives and friends for • Happy and
Extend their best wiehee to their rela-
Protherous New Year.
thee. /Mende and clientele for •
Ham and Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mra. 1.11 II. Mark.
11545 Seen. Ave.
tie, and Mew Sam Mann and Elentily
Extend their beet wish.. to their rela-
15971 feel A.C.
and friends for • Happy and
112tend their hest wishes to their rela-
Prosperous New Year.
De. end friend. for a lime end
Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Pool Mmienthnl and
Sion. Leslie
4037 Cortland Ave.
Extend their best whiles to their rela-
tives and friend. for a Homy and
Pompom. New Year.
Mr. and Mrs Hy Million
Inel CollIn.00d Ave.
Extend their best wishes to their tele-
tives and friend. for a Happy and
Prothero. New Year.


Storage Company





6554 Hamilton Avenue

Madison 3960


Mr. and Mr. Nathan D. Nieto/re
and Son
/531 Pinto,. Ale.
Extend their beet wish.. to their rela-
tive* and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Rangy New Year

to you all


Keaton. 24 Hoore,
706 charmingly itte•


Circuit Court

niched rooms-141
oboes the Wee-

lee ml
your g
sound unciolvithed
sleep on night long.


rimy center a the eity's most

Img •thvitio. Lawn/ on.

gee 000000

Within S inieste1

WALK el "Radio City."
Anson end 69 theatres.


Rosh flaahonah Greetings

'2" '3"

11,e1te red beet/s1 mew .4 104
ffi Geeig••• teem.


Real Estate


Randolph 4594


31r. sent Mrs. Louis Omen.,
and Family
3019 Fullerton Ate.
Extend their ', beet wish.. to relative..
friends and members of Ahav•th Zion

Mr and

Ostrow .d Family
1117 Clements Ate.
Extend their bent wiehes to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy and
Prosper., New Year.

Mr. and Mr. Mal Oberaeld
and Family
2691 Richt. Ave.
Extend their hest wishes to their rein-
time and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Dimly Miller
%shinier Hotel
Extend. hie best with.. to hie rela•
lives and friend. foe • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs Jan. Mark.
and Family
1334 Calvert Ate. •
Extend their beet wish. to their rein-
time and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Am. Nerve
and neatly
PIM Width Ave.
Extend their beet wiehee to their rein-
tin. and friends for • Happy anti
Prosper.. New Year.

Mr. and Mn. 'oomph Miller and Pow.
31131 Cortland Arr.
Intend their beet with. to their rel.-
Lien and friends for • Hopp, and
Prospero. New Sear.

Me. and Meg Gee. h /slim and Family
241 5 T ed
Fatted their beet with.. to their rela-
tives and friends foe a Happy ••d
Protheron• New Year.

Mr. and Mn H. Meer and Fatally


Emend their best wieh.re their rela-
tive. and friends foe • Hap. end
Framer.. New Year.

Mr. and M. IMery Mils mad Tawny
Ilia %Mb Ave.
?trend their Mot wish. to their rola.
Or. and friends fm • Memy and
homer.. New Year.

Mr. and lire. Gem. R.N.,
nn Prue
Extend their best wines to their rel.
tins and friends for • Happy and
Protherou• New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ihieenberg
and Family
1100 toinefellow Ale.
Extend their beet wishes to their reins
tivo and friends for • Hero, and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mr e. R. I,. Rosen and Famlie
16515 11.11. Ace.
Extend their beet wishes to their eels.
time and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mot lhold Rubenetein
and Fondly
f43. Clairniount Ate.
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
tires,friends and patients for a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.

Mrs hate H. Itromillial and Iknill)
119/0 Fsflaort
Extend their beat wishes to their friends
and patrons for • Happy and
Preerrorro• New Year.

MG. lnarld Oppenheha
end Enmity
1900 Chico.° DIA.
Extend their beet wishes to their mho
Dyes •nd friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. amt 31r, Joseph Robin% and Family
11510 Caked Ate.
Extend their best wishes to their rela.
laves and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Anil. Purdy and Family
1215 Atkinson Ave.
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
' tins and friend, for • Happy and
prosperous New Year.


and Mrs. It. Makin and Family
1030 Tyler Ave.
Extend their best wishes to talk rel.
tins and friends for • Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. Iten
and Family
459 E. Euriki Ale.
Extend to their many friend. their best
wish. for a Happy and Pro.
per.. New Year.

Dr. ■ I.
e Park r
. J e rterwn
'lin a 1.■
1 11612
Rate.s his best wadies to his relatives
friends and clients for
and Proeperous New Year.

Mr and Mm.. Adolf Pomerantz
and Family
e740 Richton
attend their best wishes to their rela-
tives and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn. M. H. Prints and Family
:Ile Caron l'imet
Extend their best while. to their rele•
tires and friends for a Hanley and
Prosper.• New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Pannell and Family
TM H. Philadelphia
Extend their best wines to their rel.
tine and friend. for • Happy and
Proepero. New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. J•
Poineker and Ia.°
CIO Chicago Died.
Extend their best wishes to their "le
tie. and friends for • Happy and
Pr.:omen. New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. Morris Roembere
and Family
162111 Ohin Ave.
Extend their beet wishes to their re!.
Oyes and friends for I Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn. Harry Ron and Tamp,
as Mnemehumits Ave,
Extend their best with. to their re's ,
lives and friend• for a Hopp, and
Protperous New Year..

Mr. and Mrs. Jar. Reader
M Pantile
till Ilaseinemd Ave.
Extend their best ale.. to thew rd.
time •nd friends for • Happy and
Prooperou• New Yea.

Mr. and Mn Thilip Robineen
and Fatally
Wet Taardo Ave.
[stead their heel wish. to their ref•;
tines •nd friends for • Hippy and
Praetor.* New Year.

sod Mrs. 1. Habbeessite and tantill
Ix. 41eleroie Ate.
Extend their beet wiebm to their rela-
tive. and friends foe • Havel •.d
Prosper.. New Year.

in Club

it. bed
the eninr
Josiah community of Detroit or
• 11•Prr and PenPerouir
New Tmr.

t:. irons

Dr. and Mn. A. a. Re6 1,41 .

3711 Webb A.,

Extend their Met whbee
their rela-
tive. and (He'd. for • timer and
Prosperone New Tear.

Mr. and Mrs Rohe.
and Family
221•• irongtellere Are.
Extend their best withee to their reie•
tine. and friends for a Happy and
Prospers. New Year.

Mr. and Mn Albert
sod Paned,
fill Calvert Ave.
Extend their best with. to thole him
lives mid frimde for a Happy aid
Proem... Nee Year.

Mr. and M.. 3111che1 Shin and Dewily
tin Belmont Ate.
Latend their beet wisher to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mr.. Robert Motels
and Family
too Moolinter. At..

Extend their best wishes to their rela•
tires and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mot Men. A. Rhode', tool Son
9153 N. MnrtinileJe
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for
Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. M. leimon sad Fealty
3249 %%ebb Ave.
Extend their beet with" to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Proepero. New Year.

Mr. and 31ra. 5Iner Shugermaa
and Innilly
2011 ilineloosai Ave.
Extend their bent wiehes to their rel.
tires and friends for • floppy and
Proaperous New Year.

Mr. and tire. Said Romenman
and Family
0.35 Cortland
Extend their best wines to their rel.
Gan •nd friends for • Happy and
Proepero. New Year.

Mr. and Mr, Benjamin /Schwart•
and Family
non Elmhurst Any.
Extend their heat wine. to their rela-
tive. and friend. for a Happy and
Prothero. New Year.

tire. III. Rabinowitz and Family
155/t Glynn Coon
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
lives and friend. for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and tire. Jimph stolarsky
and Family
0953 s trolls
Extend their beet
hales to their rel•
lives and friend. for a 114PPY end
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn,. A. Ilmenitual
and Family
2431 PIngree Ave.
Extend their beet wiahn to their rel.
tine •nd friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr, and 11..
rolilumel and Eamify
3311 Chinn lilt d.
Extend their bent wishes to their rela-
tives •end friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.


Me. anal Mr.. II. Mouth, S•holnick
3311 Chic.° Hint.
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
lives and friends for a Happy and
Pro...roue New Year.

Cantor and Mr, J. Sonenklar
and family
2275 fatten Ave.
Extend their beet wish.s to their rola-
mem and (Mends all member,
,. of con.
pertain,. sheeny Zoilek for n HaPPY
end l'imperom Sew leer .

Mr. and tlre. 31thilel Stark
Itostort Illtd.
Extend their best wine, to their reia•
tires and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and 51r, William Siren In
anI Family
2659 Webb AI,
Extend their hest wishes to their rel.
tine •nd friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Me. and tire.
Nolan and Family
0051 Pinehuret Ate.
Extend their best whiten to their relm
Gym and friends for a happy and
Mr. and Mrs Harry Stine and Family ,
Pompon. New Year.
tilt Chicago Hind.
Extend their best wishes to their rein- i
Mr. nnil tin. stem H. Mermen and
tine and friends for a Happy and
Daughter, Jean anal Axon
Prosperous New Year.
1,11. Place
Extend their beet wine. to their rela-
Mr. and Mn. Mandel Slobin
tives and friend. a Homy and
and Family
Proeperoot New Year.
1327 leelle
Extend their best wishes to their rel.
Mr. and Mn. Henry Schweirt•
tines and friends for a Happy and
xn I Famly
P rosperous New Year.
thil Tesler Ate.
Mr. and m ez.
J. Shnin and Family Extend their best wish.. to their rel.
tires and friends for • Happy and
2810 Rolle An.
Prosperous New, Year.
Extend their beet wines to their rel••
tine •nd friend. for • Happy and
31r. reel Mr.. A. Mery and ramify
Proeperoue New Year.

Fistend their best a hillex to their reln•
tarn niol friend, for a li•ppy end
Prosperous New Year.

51r. and Mr.. 1.1d Sobel
and Family
11001 Lane Ate.
Extend their best Inane to their rel.
live. and friend. for a Hann/ and
Proeperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn. Bernard Shiner

d tinselly

4543 liolrongf Ale.
Extend their best winea to their rela-
tives and friend. for ■ floppy and
Proeperous New Year.

Me. and Mrs Morris shale. and Family
321. Cnit rd Ate.
Extend their Met wishee to the Feral.
Community In general for a Happy
and Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn. MN; nrolinsherg
NMI thmlit
. tr.
Extend their beet whine to theta relay
tires snd friends for a Happy and
Proepero. New Year.

Mrs. Fannie tale..
2101 Welth Ale.
Extends her hint
I.e. no her reia•
thee and friend. for a /1/11 , 1.) and
Prosmrou. New 1 era.

Men Morita Prinnider

and family
err Ale
Extend their best wise* to their rein.
lives and friend. for • Happy and
Prosp rous New Year.
Mr. and Mrs. Moe D. smith
.0 Mumble.
3210 Monterey As..
Extend their best wishes to their 4.41-
hr. and friend. for • Happy an
Prospero. New Year.

Me. and Men. Jack stone
Si,. E. Jefferson
Estend their beet wishes to their eel.•
toes and friend. for • Happy and
Pr ■ perous New Year.

fle. and Mrs. Joseph 1. Staub
and Daughter
Alt nleutesant
Extend their beat wishes to their rel.
Oro end friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and 3irs... 1117, Tre.h.11;i1;11c.14 and 1 amity

Extend their best wishes to theirrel.
Line and friends for a 11.. and
Prospero. New Year.

Dr. and Mr.. Ale. 11•. handers
and family
24 Colorado
Extend their beet wines to their eel..
tine and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mm. Philip Memos'. and Kona
3t7I Monte., Ayr.
Extend their best wishes to their otle•
time and friend. for • Happy rod
Proopero. New Year.

Mr. end Mn. Jos Mahe and Family

Extend their beat ins.. to their rela-
tives •nd friends for • Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

'he. and ■ Irs. Ilantid schakne
:lila Rot luster Al,
Extend their best wish.. to their eel,.
Ines and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Me. sad Mn A. ttamoom and Family
Extend their hest wish. to their eel.
•nd friend. for a Happy and Pumper°.
New Year.

Mr. and Mr, Mamie. M. Salle
and Family
505 F.Itarami
Extend their beet to their rein.
tins and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mea. Nathan schrelber
and Family
11311 Imulelloa
Extend their beet wiehes to their Tea.
Ores and friend. for a Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Mr. Jacob H. schakne
and Son. Herbert
2113 firtzehtood A ■ e.
Extend their Iwo with. to their rela•
tims and friends for a Happy and
Prmperoue New Year.

Me. and Mrs. Al salami. end Daughter
Hendee. ► 49 Cameron
Extend their best wish. to their reth.
tit. and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

tive. aid friend. for • Happy and
Proeperoos New Yew.


Mr. and Mrs Mesita Pporter
red Fatally
1430 Mai. A re.
Extend their beet wishes to their rele•
tim. and friends for a )tarp/ and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. runt Mr.. defer Terthefo

11e. .41 Mrs. Harry Weinberg
Of Weinl ■ erg's Had Hour 4141111(
Wish Their Deny Friend. and Listener.
A Happy .7 Prom...roue New Year

and Faintly
3310 Siturtennt Ave.
Extend their beet wishes to their rah.
times and friends for a Harpy and
Proeperous New Year.

pit. and Men tt, P. Winkel.a
meld limighter. Hillie
1711 Collingwood Ave.
Extend thel -
•7eat wishes to their rela-
tive. and friends fors Happy and
Pt./mos New Year.

r Mr. and Mrs.

J. Inman, and Nran
0003 To Iftl s
Extend their beet inches to their rel•
lives and friends for ■ liaPPy and
Prosperous New Ye..

Mr. and Mn, Dodd Tucker and Family
2033 Monterey Art.
Extend their best aright, to their rel.
lives •nd friend. for • /fanny and
ProsperouoNew Year

11r. 811111 Mrs. Daniel Tenwhin
and family
VIII 11181.
Extend their bent whine to their rela-
tive• and friend. for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

11r.and Mrs C. Femme
13125 LaSalle Blvd.
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
Gael •nd friend. for • Happy end
Protheroas New Year.

Mr. .1:11,r1.1ritmprIToLngehm4,n4Danilt•

1115 hOun earn
Extend their best whitee to their rela-
tive. and friends for a happy and
Prosperous New Year.

In. and Mr, Worry A. Torrik
3131 Burlingame Ate.
Extend their best what., to their relit.
Dees and (Meade for • HAPPY and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Met Ales TM1311 and Family
16160 in Salle ItItil.
Extend their best wishes to their My
tine and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.


SW and Mn. Inula A. Wallow.
X/III lamps
3300 Clemente Ave.
Exten.1 their host ainhee to their rela•
titre and friends for a 116PPY and
Promperna New Year.

Mr. mot tie.. Joseph toll. and Italy
3283 Ilurlingume
Extend their beet wiehee to their
Heel and (.1endis for • Happy and Mu.
Ph:opera. New Year.

Dr. and 1Iro. Morton ?groom
and children. Fleenor and haul David
R101 ilazelalml
Extend their beat wishes to their Map'
Hem and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Mr. and Mre.J. N. Yarn.. nod Montle
136.11 Dexter
Etwend their beet wishee to their Ma-
li•. and friends for • Happy and
Proaperous New Year.

31e. end Meg Jittery l'uilkoff
and Ithughter
3236 Corellued
Extend their bast wiehes to their rola-
• three and friends for • napp
y and
Pr./mous New Year.


111.11 Ort anl .a ll e
,, 1 7ild i tietrolt
t pp
Extend,. Iwo wiehee 'to
the e ntlre !an-
kh Community for a Happy and

?Mahal. (lab
Extenda beet wiener. t o all Ile members
the eriminunity In general for
a lispyr and
New Year

Mr, tool Men Nan/ Zulelmck
and Iheughter
Extend their beet wish. to their rel.
tine and friends for a Happy and
Me. and Mee. Jose Vilnorn and Fatally
1300 Glynn (owl
Mr, and Mn. Towel %HWY
Extend their Wet wishes to their rem
and Eamify
tine* and friends for a Hann/ and
Extend their best wish. to their rela-
Prooperous New Year.
tives •nd friends for
a Happy and
Proepero. New Year.
Mr. and 511, A. II. Weinstein
and Family
Rev. and time. N. 74thilltowskI
3093 Chicago Hint.
and lisegliirrs
Extend their best wish,. to their eels-
11e.t Ninely-elehili 41.
live. and Mende for • Happy and
sea, fork (11,
Proeperous New Year.
Ilairmi their heartiest New Year greet-
end int wish.. to their many
in Detroit and vicinity.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wes.
and Family
1917 11.elerowl Ave.
Extend their heat wiehes to their rein. Mr. and Mr, Mean Tad, and FikallY
lives and friends for • happy and
1 VI ...phi. Are.
Promperous New Year.
Extend their hot eds.* to their rela-

tives and friend. for a ii•P. and
31r. and Mrs. Julius Wel.,
Prospero. New Year.
a n F'amll y
Mr. and Mn, sun
beck a n
d Mali,
Ostend their hest
el t nt "sr ht Atn o.. their rel. ,
Es ti:in.d.. t.hinti*fbrie:s:t::
tine and friends for • HaPPY and
t • Atolntheir eeke.
Proeperout New Year.

Mr. and Meg Herbert II. Warner
nnd Son, Jo..
2124 Calvert Ate.
Extend their best withee to their rota-
time and friend* for • Happy mad
Prosperous New Year.

Me. and ?lot Jioeph Weisberg
and Homily
MI6 Tatior
Extend their beet wishes to their rola-
Dv. and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and .11n Geo.

J. WM. and bon

i Extend theile rna bln it'w
* ITI7esA ( t o '. their rein.
live, and friend. foe a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mn limey III.
77 31 al
Extend their best wisher, to their rela-
tive. and Mende 'or • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and /dm Al Nelsen. and Family

Extend their
■, rheis Act* O their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy rod
Prolperous New Year.

31r end Mrs. Kamer! Meing•rden

lied ills lee Arr.

Extend their bent withe• to their
and friend. foe • Happy and
Prospero. New Year.

Mr. and Meg A. Illsner and Family
Joerphlro Ave
Extend their best wishes to their mis-
time and friends for • limy and
Pros/serous New Year.

Mr. amt

M.. A. 111.k. and Family
2174 Pasadena Ace.
Extend their best whiles to Os. •ela-
Hem and friends for • Hoge sad
Prospero. New Year.

Me. and Mr.. Louis II. Schnetak
and l'amilt
en. 1.1endale
Extend their best withes to their *el•
ti•es and friend. for • Heppe •
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mrs. K. Pilaster and Family,
1411 Panattena Ave.
latend their beet wishes to their helm
time and friend. for a Happy and
Proeperous New Year.

Pr. sad Mn Harry Teary
1474 Valterl Are.
; Extend their best wink. to their rel•.
tire. nod friends for a Happy and
Preepereas New Year.




Mr. and Mr.. Mee 11einer aunt Family

/dr. and Mn Kelm. Maarten
W Family
OWLS Milelmehre Ave.
Coen/ their beet we.. to their role
tires •end Meath foe ► Harry and
Pr.... 141M Year.


Select your fall and winter wardrobe from our new line of
imported and domestic fabric's NOW ...Then, well personally
design, cut and tailor it to meet the exacting requirements
of your individual figure . . . May we see you soon?

Mr. .4 Mrs. Joseph stein and nuttily
no, Idedstone
Extend their best 'Priebe. to their rel.
tine and friend. for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Rabld and Me, 8. stn.= and Flunile
9311 Loosieln
Emend their best wishes to their rels•
time end friends for • Happy and
' Me and Mn. shone She( ow and
Dowehter. Elleabeth Snub
Proeme.s N. Year.
trol4 Elenherte Aye.
Rabbi mot %Ir. I. ',Oilman sml Family Extend their best wishes to their eels.
time and friend. for • Happy and
tiro Ibisehreed
Extend their beet wiehes to their rela-
Pretheroue New Year.
tives and friends for • Happy and
Peneperous New Year.
Dr. and Mrs. Alex W. Ponders
and Family
IS Colorado As*.
Mr. I. Sebnline and dam/tier, Nettle
Extend their beet althea to their TOs•!
Toad Blaine
thee and friends for a Happy and
Extend theft best with. to their rela-
Pro...roue New Year.
tin. and friends for a Happy end
Prather,. New Year.
Mr. nod /Ms. J. nehol•iek
and leassIly
Be. and Mee. Charles A. Smith
1123 Webb Are.
sad Fatally
En end their beet ann. to their rela.
10341 Chlems Med.
trees •end friends foe • Harpy gad
Extend their beetwith. to their '<Li-
Fenger°. New Year.
lly. and Monde fee • Happy and
Proeprene New Year.
Mr. ead Mee. A. small and Futile
the: lido. Ave.
Mr. and Mn A. Mem.
Extend their beet wt.. to Owl, oh-
mad BrogItter. Nelms.
time. friends and Petro. fro •
3417 Atkiroms
Happy and Preeporou• New Teat
Intend their hest wish. to their rela-


L'Shono Tovu Tikcsevu

To All Our Friends
May Peace and Goodwill reign
everywhere now and forever more!

Mr, and 11r, Harry M. Shuint ►
sons, Marshall and Duddy
2419 Mel* Ave.
Extend their best wiehes to their rel.
ti•es and friend. for • Hap. and
Proaperous New Year.

Mr. and Mr; Hasid H. Mldrer
and Eamil
1005 I !linen Mot.
Extend their best wishes to their igia•
lives and friend, for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

ilr. and Mr, Louie Ity•. nisi Family
11374 It oodingham Drente
Extend their beet wines to their rela•
tins and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. aad Mn Man Malt%
and Dasehlor, Peng.
flea t ve. Am.
Egtesd their beet with. to their rela•
hem and friends for a Hare, and
?mayoress New Year.


and tire. Hugo Msflomon and family
fin M. Grand Ann,
Extend their best wishes to their eel..
tines and friends for • happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and 31r. baize Shot.,
and Family
01771 Longfellow Are
Extend their best althea to their rela•
time and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr, and tin. Abe lionlinteig
.1151 Family
2159 l'Ingen
Extend their best wiehe• to their rela-
tive' ano friends for • happy and
Prosperous New Year.




Mr. and Meg I. Show,. and Fatally
O. Maine Ave.
Extend their beet wishes to their eel.
Dv. and friend. for • Happy and
Proepero• New Year.

Mr and Mn. Meyer L. Prentio
Ur. and
d M
Mn. G. achinagel
and Itualle
13 Kann Ave.
teas liedmonel Drive
Eatteitt.hnedir fbrie,entd : fisolr: ;1,1 ,7,h:7;41.1z. Extend their int alai... to their rela-
tifs., Mende end Perini. for •
Happy. end Primmiorin
Pr.:mono. New Year.
New Year.

Mr. and tire. firm Posner and reality
3266 Elmulint Ase,
Extend their lint wine. to their rel.
tins and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.


Mr. and Mrs. Nal Siegel
and Ilanaliter. eolith
1110 Atkinson AV,
Extend their best wishes to their rola.
tin. and friends for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Sin. Ihina South .eel Family
2131 Blaine Ave.
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tive. and friends for • Happy and
Prosperoue New Year.

Me. end Mn Einil Rom
3311 Chicago Illtd.
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
tives •nd friends for a Happy and
Proem°. New Year.


Mr. and Mr.. Aar. M. Pregenon
and Family
2507 W. Euclid Ave.
Extend their beet with. to their rela-
tive. and friend• for a Happy and
Pronto°. New Year.


Rosh liashonah Greetings

37e, and Mrs. Hurt Pelee,
'Worst Hotel
Extend their heartiest New Year greet-
ings and he. isiahes to their many friend.
in Detroit and vicinity.



1 , Ile. and Mn.. sant 000on and Enmity
2073 Taylor Ave.
Zatond their beet wishes to their rela.
lives and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.


Cherry 4356



tives and friends for • Happy and

Prospero. New Year.


Special Agents

Mal .Mrr, ,4111 Ratner and Family
2509 Inzelarnal Ate.
Extend their hest wishes to their rela-
tives and friends for • Happy and
Prosper.. New Year.

Mr. and 31.. Abraham Blender
tool Family
8141 LaSalle loot.
Extend their beet wohn to their Ma-
I iir. and Mrs. Nest Raskin and Ilunily
tivea end friends for a Happy and
and Mrs. Anna Min.
Prosperous New Year.
M I tt
Extend their beet wishes to their rela-
Mr. lend 31.. Julh,, lilenikoN
tives and friends for • Happy and
3315 Collingwoml Ate.
Prosperous New Year.
Extend their best wishes to their rein-

Mr. and Mn. thin lilln and Mom,
Iternard and 'Richton
Extend their beet wishes to their rel.
live. and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

M. E. O'BRIEN, State Manager


400 liaise Ate.
Extend their best with. to their rata-
thee and friend. for a Floppy and
Prosperous New Year.


Mr. a
and ■ Lot Harry
end lambs
Extendd th":""u.
e ..1112
r be wish.
Leila Ave.
• to
I' their
P" and
Dees and friends f

Proeperous N oe r w a ll


Mr. and Mre. licnimunin E. Vero
and Family
23111 Edina As
Extend their beet withee tO
. their ram
times •nd friend. for a
Happy and
Primps.. New Year.

Mr. and Men. J..., zior
sold Family
., . 7 rrd, .t mod ;lb , i . l
e .: dk I .. at:se:Ar
e la: 9,,h; i m..


New Year.

?Ie. and Mrs lade



and Fah
tat 11..1.1.1
Extend their beet
wieb,a to their eel..
lives and friends for a Hume' and
Promero. New Year.

Mr. and 11r, ?Sloth ?imam .d


11131 /Mash Pit.
Extend their best wishes to their rein.
Gym and friends for • Happy and
Proops.ou• New Year.

Dr. .t1 Mee. Wm. 0. Zlem
and Dant
11303 Sorn.sa..
Extend their beet within to their rela-
tive• and friends for a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.


and Mrs. M. borer mod Daagbaank
faradic newt ?Sue,
faradic Grand Ave.
Extend their best withm to their vela-
lien and friend. to ,
a Hang and
Prosperous New Year.

Additional Greetings arriv.
ing too late to be classi6m1
will be found on p.g• 8
- .
Section 1.

Windsor, Ont., Greetings


and Mr.. II. P. Weller and ramify
549 Chandler
Intend their beet with" to (belerete-
ll.. and friend, for • Happy and
Prosperous New Year.

Mr. and Mew Sham H. Neiman
and Family
3434 India
Ezteed their hest wish. to their eels.
tines and friends for • Happy and
Pomp... New Year.

Mr. and Mrs M. Pinkelman sad Res
II. M. Philadelphia
Extend thew best with. to their rela-
tives and friends for a Happy and
Pr:opera. New Year.

Best Wishes from

Garnet A.

Stevens Candidate


Mn. Sloes H. Mete aid tamable.
eat lerolle
Extend their boot wine. to their rel.-
ti•n and friend. for a Hamm and
Prooper.. New Year.

31r. and Mn A. Witmer and Family
Ma Josephine Av.
Extend theme beet whites to their rela-
Hr. and friend• for a Happy and
Prosperous New Tear.


and Mr.. a. M. PlUeehem
and Family
1063 Calvert A..
Elterel their been wish. to their role.
tines and friend. fm a 'luny and
Prospers. Hew Year.

Mr. and Mn Harry wwser,.. and hen
tint le he Inc.
Exteed Huh boot IVV•►11* to their rel••
thee .Mfriends for • Happy and
Proornotte New Year.

11..1.sersh Greettnin


Bewail and
at ail kinds



F. Inatayt 1.•-11vory


NIN DOUR '_1111'.

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