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August 30, 1935 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1935-08-30

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Self-Respect and the Olympics

Lights from


A Kellogg Pact for Religious Freedom

Self-respect demands that liberal coun-
tries should band together in a boycott of
Tidbits from Everywhere
Ise. the Olympic games.
PeLliaboa Weekly 1, To Jewish Chronicle Naus•. es..
Religious Persecution in Germany is No Crime in the Modern
The Nation, great liberal magazine,
mattm March I. 1114 at th1 4
Datem4 m
(Copyright. 1135, by 8. A. F. at
1 19
&See at Detroit, MIA. ander tbe Let et lf malt
justly points out in its editorial, "Boycott
When you hear that Eddie Can-
General Offices and Publication Building the Olympics," which we reprinted last tor, in addition to his already long
The eulogies on the grave of the
week, that a boycott of these international list of activities, is a radio con-
525 Woodward Avenue
Managing Editor, The Commonweal
late dowry-chaser "Prince" Alexis
T•Seaduteat Cedilla/ 1040 Cable Address' armlets games will cause the German people to sultant, don't laugh. It's a serious
Mdivani, killed in an automobile
Lamina Onkel
take note of a fact they are unable to business with Eddie, husband of
accident in Spain, forgot to own-
Editor's Note: We present the full teat of ■ n address deli•ered by George N.
14 Stratford Plan, London, W. 1,
learn in the German Nazi-controlled press: the famous Ida and father of the
tion that Alexis supplemented his
Shuster, managing editor of The Commonweal, a Catholic weekly, at the Round
well known five Cantor Girls. As
income by working as a special
Subscription, in Advance.--.....-.--48.00 Pee Year that the world is outraged by the occur- a matter of fact, we are told that
Nazi intelligence agent in foreign
Institute of Human Relations last Monday, Aug. 26. Mr. Shuster's views are of
De Wore publication, 1a eorreepoodeem and aeon matter
Eddie Cantor, Radio Consultant,
. . . His companion on
sped(' significance as coming from one of the best known Catholic lay-leaders of
woes rasa tan edam by Towels gentles of eaelt len& with the editors of the Nation that a boy- Inc., employs 20 workers in offices
his ride, Baroness Von Thyssen,
Mae. mollies settees, kindly an nee fide of the tam ealy.
this country.
located in Hollywood, New York,
belongs to the German industrial
The Detroit Jewish Chrotkiele belt. eorreepoodeam OM VA. two "very tender spots—its prestige and Chicago, Detroit and Boston and
family which financed Hitler dun-
*eta of intend to the Jewish people, bat disclaims mermel-
does a quarter of a million dollars
by the 'writers
ing his climb to power ... Princ-
was no more vigor-
Malty to as ladoneount of One •lewe ILIPT011.11
its pocketbook."
business a year to date. That's no
ess Catherine Radziwill, submit-
Again we reiterate that we are encour- joke. Eddie's part in this new busi- question is why do the three major religious ous fulminator against Catholics in government ing an article on the Rothschild.
Sabbath Readings of the Torah
consists of advising agencies groups in Germany find themselves in so diffi- than the now famous Pastor Niemoeller. My to our managing editor, reveal,
Pentateuchal portion—Dent. 10:18-21:0
aged, in spite- of all the tragedy that ema- ness
and prospective radio time buyers
Prophetical portion—Is. 51:12-52:12
nates from Germany, by the evidences of and users as to whether or not the cult a position? No doubt a part of the answer own good friends among the Lutheran clergy that her famous series of articles
of Prussia did not disguise their antipathy to on Ilitlerism in Liberty Magazine,
Ellul 1, 5695 friendship for the position of Jewry by ideas they have for radio pro- most be sought in the realm of politics, eco- Dr. Bruening. They believed they were not in which she charged one of the
August 30, 1935
eminent non-Jews, and the demonstrations grams are ideas that will "sell"... nomics, psychology and metaphysics. But at
German Rothschilds with partici-
of protest that come from Christian quar- Cantor will resume his radio least an equally large part can be dug out of hostile to the Catholic Church, but in spite of pating in the movement which
broadcasting in September and for the history of inter-group relations, and it is that they lived in constant fear and distrust of financed Hitler, were read and ap-
Weizmann at Zionist Helm
ters. The consistent policies of the for- about one or two months the pro-
proved by a prominent member of
that Church.
eign correspondents in unearthing details
will be transmitted from with this I shall deal.
family . . . In inner
Dr. Chaim Weizmann's return to the of persecutions; the support given them grams
Suffering from Race Prejudice Disease Rothschild
the Hollywood Studios of the Co-
What is the present attitude of Orthodox
Nazi circles at Berlin Pole Negri
helm of the Zionist movement does not by the American press, the outspoken lumbia Broadcasting Co. The Greek Catholics and Lutherans in the Fatherland to-
Catholic Germany, for its part, suffered who may be a has-been in thi ,
Parkyakakas (Mr. Ein-
from a minority complex of long standing. Dur- country, but seems to have enough
I; come unexpectedly. In spite of the at- policies of magazines like the Nation, in- comedian,
stein) will return to the air lanes ward one another? Never since the Reforma-
A. for the N. S. A. P. officials,
tacks which are continually leveled upon dicate that the situation is not a totally with Cantor ... After his record- tion has there prevailed such a spirit of friend- ing the 1870s it had been necessary to hold the S.
holds the spotlight ...She herself
breaking week of personal appear- liness and mutual respect. Here are some ex- fort against the numerous onslaughts which
him by Revisionists and their sympa- hopeless one.
helps to spread the rumor that Dcr
at a Los Angeles theatre, amples of what Catholics are saying. During June, made up the Kulturkampf. And though 60 Fuehrer has taken the place of the
We are encouraged also by the definite ances
thizers, it is recognized that he is the
Eddie Cantor and his "league of
had passed, Catholics were still on the late Rudolph Valentino in her
dominating figure in world Zionist affairs, statement made by Judge Jeremiah T. Ma- nations" departed for a brief the clergy of the archdiocese of Cologne issued years
defensive in 1920 to 1932. They clung tenac- heart ... It has been noticed that
and from the first day on which it h e left honey, president of the Amateur Athletic vacation before beginning confer- a collective response to an attack by Profeisor iously to every boon which political fortune Herr Hitler devotes much more
the presidency of the World Zionist Or- Union, that he will propose at the Decem- ences on his new film for Samuel Boerger. They said in part: "It is repeated brought them, and far too infrequently realized attention to his attire than ever
ganization it was expected that t would ber meeting of the A. A. U. that the Uni- Goldwyn. With the Jewish come- again and again in the speech that it is time
before and that he misses quite a
went Rubinoff, the "Russian"
that this political fortune was a side issue de- few cabinet meetings ... The near
not be long before he is recalled to leader- ted States should not participate in the dian
musician; "Frenchy", his Swiss to stop the disputes between the Christians de- pendent upon the whims of fate. While they future will tell us whether Pols
1 games. In a coast-to-coast radio broad- valet; "Henry", his Danish nurse; nominations. We know of no such disputes,
Negri will become the official or
It is, of course, a matter for deep re- cast he declared that the United States "Paryakakas", the Greek comedian, but we do know of a vehement struggle against courteously respected the laws of religious even unofficial first lady of Nazi-
gret that the movement should be so lack- should withdraw from the games because and Benny Holzman, Jewish man- both Christian Churches, in which they have to peace, they remained for the most part firmly land . . . Leni Riefenstahl, the
ing in dominating personalities—just as ' , the greatest aid that America can give ager of Eddie Cantor Enterprises. defend themselves against neopaganism. It is locked up in the Center stronghold and made blonde actress of questionable Ary-
this struggle which troubles our people." On few efforts to understand or co-operate with an ancestry, who is said to hold
Jewish life generally is at present impov- those countless millions suffering in Ger-
the dual position of director of
Enthused over the great devel- November 11, 1934, the official organ of the dio- the religious life outside the Church.
erished in leadership—that it i becomes many at the present time is to make posi- opments
of the Jewish homeland
The two Christian groups lived in the Nazi film propaganda and special
necessary to retain the veterans rather tive declaration to the Hitler government in Palestine and its future possibi- cese of Berlin declared that Catholics and Pro-
lady friend of Der Fuehrer, is not
than draw in new and younger blood into that we will not take part unless the un- lities, Paltiel Buchner, former testants cherish certain treasures in common. It light of historical tradition rather than of the going to take the intrusion of Pohl
lying down ... As a matter of fact
r-boy cantor, is in Holly- praised the Lutheran pastors "who have in these
4 the movement. But that is not Dr..Wei.7- just, inhuman and unsportsmanlike con-
to confer with Jewish film days fought a self-sacrificing battle for the both was formidable. It was generally believed this duel might develop into a
mann's fault. In fact, it adds to his cm- ditions which have been created are elim- wood
company executives and to try and
that obscene theaters and cabarets were Jewish battle with Frau Goering, wife of
nence that he should possess those quill- mated forthwith."
the flamboyant Prussian premier,
interest them in establishing a Faith, deriting strength from profound religious products. The glib irony which a few metropoli-
ides which make him indispensable to
Assuring that he would press for action studio and producing movies in conviction." Catholics have, the journal con- tan newspapers controlled by Jews permitted joining in the scramble for prem-
iere feminine honors in Hitler.
tinued, "for spiritual reasons followed the strug-
that the convention this year should carry Palestine.
Mr. Buchner, who is sales man- gle with great sympathy." In his sermon on themselves to use when discussing religious land .. .
Dr. Weizmann returns to leadership in out its 1933 resolution which promised not ager
events or issues was bitterly resented in cleri- PERSONAL
of the Palestine distributors
the Jewish national movement during an to send an American team to Berlin if of Westinghouse Electric products, "The Freedom of the Church," Cardinal Faul- cal circles. Further proofs of Jewish perversion
Governor Harold Hoffman of
important epoch in Jewish history. Just evidence were established that Germany with headquarters in Tel Aviv, haber declared: "It is not true that the con- and irreligion were found in the emergence of New Jersey is going to be in the
headlines during the month of Sep-
fessional schools direct the attention of the
as in the days when he first achieved fame continues its anti-Jewish discriminatory told the writer:
of Jewish Communists. Though intelligent men tember and the subject will he of
as the prophet of Zionism,. at the time policy, Mr. Mahoney said that he believed
"With the establishment of • children to the gulf between the two Christian
special interest to you, my friends
when he secured Great Britain's pledge American youth "would not get a square motion picture industry in Pales- churches of Germany and therewith educate individuals might do, it was preposterous . Dr. Chaim Weizmann will be
we in the Jewish homeland them in the spirit of religious conflict . . . The
for the upbuilding of the Jewish National deal" in Germany, and added that "irre- tine
new president of the World Zion-
feel that through the romance and
Home, as embodied in the famous Balfour futable proof seems to exist that the dis- glamor associated with the indus- believers in the two old confessions live in re- to hold the bulk of German Jews responsible for ist Organization when the Zionist
any widespread moral ill. Nevertheless race Congress closes at Lucerne . . .
Declaration, so does he rise again at this criminations in Germany against Jewish try a great tourist business to the ligious peace. Hatred and disruption of the na-
prejudice had taken root in many Lutheran Morris Rothenberg, before sailing
time as the person who embodies the rut- athletes have been continued in such a homeland can be developed. In tional solidarity do not spring from the differ- hearts, and I must admit that not a few Catholic for the Congress, told a gathering
Palestine we have three groups of ences between the Catholic and Protestant
ing spirit of Zionism. It must be reinem . - manner as to justify a definite and posi- artists,
of 20 people that he will definitey
the Habimah Players, the
reject the presidency of the Zionist
bered that the present World Zionist tive decision by America that she will not Ilahohel and the Matures; also creeds. Today they are the result of the anti- leaders suffered from the same disease.
Organization of America at the
Congress expresses the opinion of more participate in the Olympic Games in Ber- many talented dancers, musicians thesis between Christianity and paganism."
next convention . . Meyer W.
composers who could be of
than a million Jewish voters who cast lin unless conditions are radically changed and
struggle for decent inter-group relations waged Weisgal, former Z. 0. A. "Koch-
service in providing talent for mo-
their ballots at the elections for delegates at once."
' and present theatrical pro-
tion pictures. For the time being
by numerous heroic Christians. But in the
throughout the world. This is the largest
Added importance is gained by such re- we are willing to forego the mak- from Protestant sources are at least equally im- 1930s a quite different situation existed. How ducer, is now a guest of Professor
Reinhardt at Leopoldkron-
single voting group in our history, and it bukes from reports of discrimination ing of pictures in the Hebrew pressive. I shall quote just one, from a priv- was it possible that at the same time the fidelity schloss,
Salzburg . . Reinhardt,
is the living representation of i progress against Jews in other international con- language for the world market and ate letter written by a Lutheran clergyman:
Wefel, Kurt Weill and Weis-
of Jews to German cultural and social ends
produce them in the English
achieved in Palestine by Jewry n the last claves. A report from Berlin informs us to
gal are completing final produc-
language. We would, however, re-
being proclaimed, a Jewish nationalism under
that: "The Howard League for Penal Re- serve the privilege of making pic- church here (in Koenigsberg), this dreary, the guise of ultra-Zionism was also being fo- tion plans for "The Road of Prom-
scheduled to open in New
h, more than form, one of the most important organize- tures in Hebrew for exhibition in rainy Sunday morning, I am convinced that the mented? Why was it deemed wise so to stress ise,"
There is one factor which,
York not later thaif Dec. 15.
Palestinian market. From Ger-
any other, elevates Dr. Weizmann i in the tions of its kind in Europe, is not repre- the
for Western Christian civilization solidarity that foes could name every porno- ROGERSIANA
many Palestine today has techni-
estimation of his people. When he left sented at the 11th International Penal and cians
One of the last people to talk
and mechanical experts who la the Catholic Church , . , There was hardly a graphic playwright or shoddy pamphleteer to
Congress now in session here are ready to lend themselves to the dry eye in the crowded church after the Catho- the post of accredited spokesman for Jewry?
to the late lamented Will Rogers
the presidency of the Zionist
m i t Penitentia
he crashed to his death was
he did not shirk further responsibility in because the German government informed making of films. From the other lic army chaplain had preached so convincingly
It seems to me that anybody who seriously Israel Goldstein, mayor of Juneau,
the cause. He traveled in European coun- the league that its Jewish president would groups I have mentioned we can of the unity of faith in the church and charged weighs the contrasts between the German yes- the
city of Alaska • .. Will
all the artistic talent neces-
tries and in South Africa, and helped be persona non grata. As a result of this secure
us to love with true Christian patience all those terday and the German today, or who reflects Rogers was a very close friend of
sary to produce fine pictures."
greatly in mustering that strength for the action the league, always an important FINANCIALLY EMBARASSED who are attacking the Faith."
on the questions which now trouble civilization Dr. Stephen S. Wise whom he vis-
ited every time he came to New
Palestinian efforts which resulted is the participant at past congresses, refused to
Benny Baker, young funmaker
And what is the relationship between the as a result of reawakened race prejudice, will York . . . Rogers donated con-
achievements of recent years. It is safe send delegates to Berlin."
in Paramount Pictures, has for a Christian faiths and Judaism? In his Advent conclude that the major religious groups must siderable money to Gustave Hart-
a major share in most
" to say that he
There are no exceptions to German chum Eddie Rubin, brother of Ben- Sermons of 1934, Cardinal Faulhaber outlined shoulder a goodly part of the blame for what has man's Israel Orphan Asylum, al-
in n the Jewish Na- bigotry and unfairness. A government ny Rubin, also a laugh provoker. the point of view which seems to prevail gener-
advertised his
recent accomplishments
happened since. If they had manifested one though Will never
he holds some sort of rec-
contributions , .. One of the com-
tional Home. Thus he has earned the and a people that can be unfair to lawyers Though
ord for having played 12 conse- ally outside Nazi circles. He said that it would tenth of the desire to respect and sustain one ments of Will Rogers that never
honor which Jewry continues toshower
- and to doctors will also be unfair to cutive weeks at the Palace in New be futile to overlook a number of problems another which now animates them, the genius of saw print referred to the incident
York, young Baker had tough days
upon him. Zionists are translating this athletes.
when one of the best known Amer-.
when he first landed in Hollywood. arising out of racial differences, but declared Adolf Hitler would have expanded itself on in-
honor in terms of placing on his shoulders
Therefore nothing should be left un- As he recalls them now he tells a that the Christian is bound not merely to re- terior decorating. The lesson is not no difficult ican politicians received a Nazi
again the mantle of the late Dr. Theodor done to strike at such discrimination gruelling tale of his privations. "In gard the Jew as fully entitled to salvation, but to grasp, and it may be of considerable value to diplomat in pajamas ... Will said:
"Ile should have met him and
whenever an opportunity presents itself. fact," he invariably says, "I was also to cherish Hebrew tradition as the funda- the United States.
greeted him with the broom and
ment accepted and established anew by Christ.
Every tender spot in the present Reich out of Eddie's money."
Naturally it is difficult to suggest anything the dustpan in his hand" ... Few
We have all been witnesses to the heroic strug- that might improve conditions in Germany. Cer- know that Will Rogers, while in
be detected at which to strike in JEWRY MOURNS HIS LOSS
Germany, had an opportunity to
Two Demands Upon the World must
order to secure justice.
Will Roger's tragic death came gle carried on by Protestant clerical and lay tain general conclusions might, however, be meet Hitler . . . That was in the
as shocking news to Southern Cali- leaders to safeguard the position of the convert
drawn from our collective experience with those days when Adolf was still far from
German trade must be boycotted.
Dr. Nahum Sokolow, in his opening ad-
fornia Jewry, both inside and out- Jew inside the Christian churches, and to defend conditions. I think it high time to realize that the chancellor's chair . . . Rogers
Liberals everywhere must see to it that side
dress at the World Zionist Congress now
the movie industry, for he was
the invitation, telling
in session in Lucerne, Switzerland, said neither they nor their friends should use known and beloved by Jews every- the values enshrined in the august Jewish tra- no persecution of religious minorities by a mod- refused
Putzi lianfstaengl, "I'm not inter-
that the Jews make two demands upon German boats in travel.
where. The great comedian showed dition. German Catholics have acted similarly, ern state fails to affect profoundly the relations ested in the subject of house paint-
between that state and others. Might we not, ing" ..
the world.
And the Olympic Games must be boy- his friendship for the Jews in ma- as a thousand documents attest.
ways and he was always ready
Such is the picture today. But what was therefore, in the hope of serving the cause of CHUTZPAH
cotted. It should be pointed out to every ny
and willing to help personally and
We heard a story the other day
"These two demands are our postulates,"
American athlete that no self-respecting also get others to help a worthy it five, even three years ago? I think it not in- international peace as well as the causes of which
might be entitled "The
he said. "They are complementary. One can-
person has a right to give courage to the Jewish cause as evidenced on the correct to say that the final tragedy of the Wei- personal and religious freedom, suggest that our Height of Chutzpah" ... A chutz-
not exist without the other. It is all the
more necessary to emphasize this strongly,
worst enemy ever encountered by demo- the numerous occasions he gave mar Republic could not have occurred if the government take the initiative in drawing up • pinik met Mischa Elman, the violin
liberally of his time and great bitterly anti-Catholic bias of prominent Pro- an international agreement, similar to the Kel
virtuose, who was one of the most
because on this point there is still in many
cratic form of government by attending very
talent without charge at benefit testant leaders
both Jewish and non-Jewish circles much con-
had not succeeded in poisoning logg Pact, the signers of which agree to accord famous child prodigies of his time
staged for Temple israel of
... "Are your children musical?
fusion of thought and prejudice. It is mere

in the capital of a criminal government. Hollywood, Mount. Sinai Home for
was the question put to Elman . • •
cell-deception, error and delusion to regard

Zionism as an anti-thesis to equality of rights
or as a mere substitute for thin. In this point
all good Zionists are united. We are prepared
to face any misery sooner than give up our
rights as human beings. In all civilized and
free states the Jew is a citizen. In his civic
relation to the state of which he is • member,
he desires to be nothing else; to deny to a
Jew his citizenship is to insult him. As a
Jew and as a Zionist, proud of his race, true
to his historical tradition, he devotes in his
daily life his intelligence, his wealth, and when
occasion demands, his life, to the state of
which he is a fully privileged member.
"Ile cannot and will not be stateless. His
change of nationality, his naturalization in
Paelstine, must be an act of his free will.
So, fully privileged Jews go to Erctz Israel
as free men, without having to be expelled,
overwhelmed and economically ruined. Zion-
ism signifies not a driving out of the Jews to
Palestine but a spontaneous return of Israel
to his land."

In this statement is summed up an im-
portant portion of the Zionist platform.
Jews go to Palestine voluntarily, even
when they are free men. And in lands
where they propagate Zionist idealogy
they in no sense resign their rights as citi-
zens. On the contrary, they emphasize
it and insist on the equality which is due
them not on sufferance but as of right.
The demand for equality becomes a ques-
tion of honor for which Zionists battle
together with all other elements in Jew-
ish life. Because Zionists seek to make
Jewish life natural and unburdened by
the yoke of inferiority, they in a sense be-
come the leaders in the movement to se-
cure mislay for our people everywhere.
Dr. Sokolow's address adequately ana-
lyzed the attitude of Jewry in the present
world crisis. We ask of the world at
large that we be permitted to rebuild our
anciert h-, r, eland, and at the same time
we insist on our natural rights as citizens
in tb. 1, -, d, of our birth. At no time shall
we ene•-i - en an iota of our natural rights
as citizens among the nations of the world.

The Late Dr. Polozker

The community's recognition of a man's
services is usually best tested by the man-
ner in which the various elements respond
to the contributions he makes.
The spontaneous tributes to the late Dr.
Isaac L. Polozlter are remarkable demon-
strations of the esteem in which he was
held. Ile was liked both as man and phy-
sician, and as a public servant he had the
respect of ill groups in Detroit.
For the Jewish community it is a signal
honor that one of its members should have
been so highly regarded.

Czechoslovakia Not Anti-Semitic

In spite of the large Nazi vote polled
in recent elections in Czechoslovakia, the
country of which the eminent liberal, Dr.
Masaryk, is president, constantly provides
evidence that it is not anti-Semitic.
The latest demonstration of friendship
is the suppression by the government of
Czechoslovakia of the notorious anti-Semi-
tic newspaper, Aufbruch. It was ex-
plained that the government will not tol-
erate incitement to pogroms because it
is determined to protect its Jewish citi-
Czechoslovakia is thus one of the bright
spots in the darkness of Eastern and Cen-
tral Europe.

The Palestinian flag flies over the chess
tournament in Warsaw, together with
flags of 19 other nations. This is the first
time that a team from Palestine partici-
pated in an international chess champion-
ship. Palestine is providing brain as well
as brawn in bidding for worldwide Jewish
equality on all fronts.

Chronic Invalids in Los Angeles
and the J. C. R. A. Sanatorium for
Tuberculosis at Duarte. One of his
last fine acts of charity was a con-
tribution of $200 he wired in to the
Screen Stars Benefit Baseball
Game held very recently at Los
Angeles for the sanatorium.

(Copyright, 8 A. F H., 11, 31)

For Ilugenberg and his associates, the social re-
form program of Bishop von Ketteler and his
associates in the Catholic hierarchy was noth-
ing short of "Bolshevism." So widespread was
the distrust of "political Catholicism" among
the Protestant clergy that the phrase itself must
be laid at their doorstep, where the Nazis

Reinterpreting Our Heritage

mit injured minorities to present their grievances "Oh yes, was the reply, "my girl
to the World Court? Such an agreement would
Nadia playa the piano, and my -ton
seem moreover to be fully in consonance with Joseph plays the violin" . . "I
the spirit of the Covenant of the League of am pleased that Joseph plays the
violin", was the comment of our
Nations. Even a less sorely troubled future chutzpinik. "Maybe one day h
generation might successfully base its hopes fo
. . to
. be another Ye udi
g ho
r inv , up
a nobler and better common life.


The Secret Anti-Semitic En-

EDITORW NOTE Thle le one of the eerie* of girth les by noted writers outlining
condition.. In the world Imlay and their effect on AlllYr Ir. and Jews Leo
Soars. who continuo. the thscuesion in thin article. l• the author
EDITOR'S NOTE: The Nazis have pub-
of “The Jewish Cartoon." an •ntholoay of Jewish literature to he puh-
lished • Bible of anti.SemItient which
Willed Pep,. IT. ty Farrar • Rinehart.
only 100 per rent Aryans can pur-
chase. The writer of this article
caste Into poseemion of this worldly
printed and secretly distributed En•
tyclogyedla and reveals Its contents In
(copyright. 1115, by the National Council of Jewish Wooten)
this antasing disclosure.

Among the consequences of the the end of the 18th century. Thus
upsurge of anti-Semitism during the contemporary problem of the
the past few years is the quest character or relevancy of our na-
for enlightenment and knowl- tural tradition is a direct con-
edge about Jewish life and his- sequence of the economic and so-
tory by both Jews and non-Jews. cial transformation through which
This trend is noticeable in the in- we are now passing. Culture has
creasing literature about Jews been wrenched from its ivory
that spawns out of publishing towers and has been given an air-
houses; it is a dominating fea- ing in the market place. The
ture of the work of a considerable changing quality of our reading,
array of national and internation- the emergence of • large body of
al organizations and institutions literature for the common man,
that are concerned with the prob- and the growing recognition of
lems of social relations. A dec- the need for widespread adult
ade ago Jewish education was education, attest to the fact that
looked upon, in many quarters, as there is a direct and unseverable
part of our medieval baggage link between cultural growth and
that should be jettisoned or as a day-to-day living. A national
cultural ornament for quaint, heritage or tradition is no longer
nostalgic folk. Today it is uni- conceived in terms of a formal
versally conceded to be a social intellectual tradition. It com-
necessity. Only about the char- prises the total expression of the
acter, substance and direction of social life of a people: the ideas,
Jewish education is there dis- the institutions and the mores
agreement—how shall we be edu- that dominate group life, and
cated? Toward what objectives? their conscious and subconscious
But this problem is not due to interrelation which together ex-
the phenomenal advance of anti- plain the direction and the tone
Semitism. It preceded Hitler and of a tradition.
Heart of Problem
Bismarck. In reality, it was co-
By • grange irony of history,
extensive with the process of
secularization that began toward

(Copyright. & A. F. 8, lilt)

BERLIN: "I am not of Jew-
ish descent and I have no Jew-
ish relatives, nor have I any
Jewish blood in me. I promise
not to sell this book to any-
one or give it away as a pres-
ent I testify on my word of
honor, that I am not acting as
the agent of any other party."
This is the certificate you
would have to sign before you
could hope to obtain a copy of
"Sigilla Veri" ("The Stamp of
Truth"), the first anti-Semitic
Encyclopedia ever published,
four of the six volumes of
which have already appeared
in Germany.
I am lucky 'nought to be in
possession of a photographed
copy of this encyclopedia on
Jews and Judaism. published
in Nazidotn. I have known for

will u




(Copyright, a


F. Ft, 1131)


beaten by the police; in the
gro teacher who, attending a gen-
but my interests are not limited
eral teachers' meeting at one
to may own group. Now it oc-
the hotels, was made to take
the freight elevator; in the light-
curs to me that there exists
skinned Negro boy, who came to
in the United States • racial
me not long ago.
discrimination a great deal like
"Suppose," said he, "you were
that which we see exercised
a person of more than average
ability and more than average
•gainst Jews in Germany. I
education and high a mbition.SIT
refer to the limitations that
pose all that and suppose in gado
are placed upon Negro.. Can
Lion that because of the color of
you view with alarm the treat-
your skin you were denied evert
ment of Jews without looking
opportunity to which your
ents and your education entitled
in the same way at the similar
you. What would you do?" When
treatment of Negroes in the
I look at these people I can 11m
I expect •
United States?
better the similar ig-
I might add
frank answer.
nominy that has fallen upon them
Jews in Germany; I know
that I am • Negro ... A T. D.
Indeed, to thoughtful Ameri- as kinsmen who bear
can Jews the events in Germany with us.
Not Government Polio'
are the more painful because we
This Negro youth who asked
see no close at hand the victims
question is like brother
of just such
has been inflicted on German to the German Jewish youth who
a similar question by
I see them in the Negro wo- fleeing from Germany and coo•
city to establish his
man who works for me; in the
Negro youth, educated in the uni- life. For the Negro there is r
yet, the similarity
versity, but who for the lack of
other opportunity is the doorman between the lot of the Negro i
at the hotel; in the Negro child the United States and of the Jew
festering in the slums in which
is not a Poi'
we keep our Negroes; in Negroes at least, oppression NEXT
who on small provocation are

Dear Sir:

1 am not • Jew,


















hi r











d it






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