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August 09, 1935 - Image 10

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1935-08-09

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together with Professor Drozdoff,
economic and financial support of the most effective, opportunity Nicholas Haritonoff, Glieb Derju-
the peoples of the world, and that
insky and I. I. Ostromiolensky.
which has so far occurred to tell The liberals are now organizing
nient of Germany is pursuing an the use of economic sanctions is
own committee. Dr. Butler
insensate and relentless attack
"The Olympic Games should be has not withdrawn his offer to
and systematic campaign of perse- as a peaceful weapon against a
cution against all of its Jewieh
moved from Berlin not only to extend the cultural facilities of
Columbia to the Brasol committee.'
citizens and workers, as well as renew our support of the boycott
impress Germany but to preserve
against the Catholic church and against the products and services
Anti-Semitic Volume Banned By
other minority groups,
all American citizens to give their games are supposed to promote
"And Whereas, the Nazi Gov-
aid and co-operation to the ,
international friendship by an ex.
ernment has ruthlessly destroyed
PRAGUE (WNS).—The Czech -
strengthening and the extension
the economic defences of the Jew-
of the boycott as an appropriate hibition of sportsmanship and oslovakian government has con-
fisc a - ted an anti-Semitic volume '
IA citizens and of her organized
means of expressing the condem- fair play. Fair play in Germany!
workmen in a manner unequaled
ntitl d
nation by the American people of Can any one who read the press ee "Moses, RobberChieftain
in the h i s t or y of al civiliza- the revolting practices of the dispatches take stock in that? and Bo lshevik," in which a Ger• I
tion and contrary to all the funda-
Hitler Government and as a Where do the athletes come from?
mental principles of Democracy
attacks the Jews and Ju-
means of liberating the German From the various youth organize-
as conceived by the founders of people from oppression.
tions and sports clubs. But the deism.
our country, and as traditionally
The conference condemns any Nazis are now wiping out Cath-
espoused by the American people, individual Jew or any Jewish olic and Protestant, as well as
Mexican Conflict
"Therefore, this conference group, wherever such person or Jewish, bodies of this kind. If W I L L I A M S TOWN, MASS.
calls upon the Congress and the group may be located, for having these organizations are dissolved, (WNS).—A commission of three
President of the United States to any dealings with Nazi Germany or are refused permission to use men representing the three major
express to the German Govern- whether official or otherwise.
the sports grounds, what chance faiths is at present in Mexico to I
ment abhorrence and condemna-
"This conference urges upon have they for training athletes? investigate the Church-State con-
tion of the American people of the Amateur Athletic Union and Moreover, with Nazi race and (lid there on behalf of the Amer- ,
its policy of oppression and perse- the American Olympic Commit- State philosophy declaring all non- ican Committee on the Rights of i
cuion which it has adopted par- tee to rescind America's condi- Aryans and church youth organi- Religious Minorities, officials of
ticularly against the Jews and tional acceptance of Germany's nations enemies of Germany, what the Williamstown Institute of Hu-
against other minority groups,
Invitation to participate in the chance is there for fair play in man Relations have revealed.
"And Further, this conference 1936 Olympic Series as a solemn competition for the Catholic, The findings of the commission
appeals to the Government of the obligation in defense of the spirit Protestant and Jewish youth?
are to be reported at the Williams-I
United States to giie its support of sportsmanship and the prin-
"Nazi papers and propagandists town Institute at its sessions to
to the proposal that the League ciples upon which the Olympic have the temerity to assert that be held at Williams College late
of Nations assume direct respon- games are founded.
the news of the outrages being in August.
sibility for adequate provisions
"The conference urges upon committed in Germany is not
to be made for the care and re- American educational institutions true. So vehement has this sort
French Summer Resort Scene Of
habilitation of the refugees from to refuse the exchange of profes- of assertion become that the Ber-
Germany and that the Govern- sors and students from Nazi Ger- lin correspondent of The London
PARIS (WNS). — Posters de-
ment of the United States co- man on the ground that such an Times recently felt it necessary to
departure of all Jew-
operate in this endeavor.
exchange of professors and stu- write a special article for that
"This Conference regards the dents must be regarded as the in- paper warning the English pub- fah visitors are appearing at the
nearby town Bruneaux. In Jewish
economic boycott as the most ef- troduction of agents of the Hitler
lie against being taken in by the circles it is felt that the local
fective weapon in combating the regime within the United States, denials of ....azi spokesmen, This authorities are encouraging the
Hitler menace, believing as it who carry on a Nazi propaganda veteran correspondent of a paper anti-Jewish agitation.
does that the Hitler Government against democratic and civilized which, because of its -semi-offi-
cial connections with the British
cannot retain its power without society."
Government, is noted for its ex- JUDGE FUCHS RETIRES
me caution, virtually told the
Deutsch and Joseph Auslander, En g lish public that they could
for instance, are punctilious art- place no reliance whatever in
ists behind a mask. Their Jewish reassuring reports from
G er-
. he
Judge Emil Fuch, head of the
souls are swathed. They speak
many; that where such report?' Boston Braves baseball club since
did not emanate from direct Nazi 1923, has meted from this pin
his Jewishness or the bitter and is a young man in Montreal, travelers they came from ion by turning over his controlling
named Abram Klein, who never
empty half-remorse of his last put on the mask. Ile has created travelers who had no opportunity share of the stock of the club tot
to meet and could not possibly
Charles F. Adams, the other m a. I
dreadful yiars or, above all, hie an English of his own within the
talk with Germans who could in-
jor shareholder. Judge Fuchs de-
triumphant: "I ant a German true English of contemporary form them.
clared, in a statement, that he is
"The facts are clear. Nazi Ger-
poet, well-known in German lands. writing, but he has adapted it
to his Jewish needs. More will many wants the Olympics; wants now out of baseball for good and
Though driven forth from
be heard from him and about them so much that it will not is returning to the practice of law.,
Germany his love and longing him. .
hesitate to make promises con-
never died and many an Aryan,
I could tell a similar story about cerning their conduct which it
Earthquake Forecaster
before 1993, forgave him much
has not the slightest intention of
for the sake of those verses:
Shakes the Gibraltar
cept and not quite except Andre keeping. The greater the moral
"Denk ich an Deutschland in der
NEW YORK (WNS).—Reuben
Nacht," "When I think of Ger- Spire); I could speak of Gustave effect, therefore, if the games Greenspan, Greenwich Village
many by night." We too today Kahn and Camille Mauclair and are taken now to another place
forecaster of earthquakes who
wake up in the middle of the night the Jewish Catholic Max Jacob. where fair play still prevails! has
been amazing seismologists
and think of Germany and think It would mean little. It is the There are plenty of other cities
his accuracy in forecasting
of all the poets and thinkers and same story. The same wretched which would be glad to entertain earth tremors, scored another vic-
scientists of our blood and tradi-
a disturbance he fore-
tion who spent themselves for that true and great poet if he begins more pleasant to visit just now; cast for the Mediterranean region
barbarous and ungrateful people by denying what is truest and there is plenty of time in which on July 31 caused 600 tons of
greatest in himself as a man?
to 'Orange the shift. Why should
and added to its glory and robbed
• • •
America and the rest of the na- rock to fall from the famed Rock
us in that measure. ... Have we
which will be represented in of Gibraltar into the sea. Green-
learned the lesson? I wonder.
is no theory of mine. It the contests continue to condone
is This
After Heine the Jewish poets in is
the truth of life that works even tacitly what is taking place span
his forecasts
on c ional
the gravitational
Germany (with one or two excep-
Except in a very few poems
tions, J. J. David, Ludwig Jako- of Werfel there is not a tone in in Germany by acting as though ull of the planets on the crustal
Berlin were today a seat of fair /Runs of the earth.
bowoki) simply plunged Into the all these poets like the tone of
stream. They ducked under. They Bialik. Even in his sect n d and sportsmanship?
"To let the Catholic, Protestant
no longer excused their Jewish- esser language he at once strikes
Jewish youth of Germany
Ness or, in fact, took any attitude the note of the major poets. The
toward It. The great game of others are all minors. Even In know that the outside world is
ignoring one's Jewishness began, Yiddish ("In Shchitah-Shtot" or not indifferent to the persecu-
the great game of the highly sub- "Dos Letzte Wort") Bialik is great tion being inflicted upon them,
limated false-face. These men --skilful, polished, elegant, minor, and to let the Nazi leaders know
with the masks of German poets mannerised with small or trivial of the horror with which their
produced, it is not to be denied, originalities, but great, like the brutality is regarded, let the ath-
a body of extraordinarily noble other great poets of the other letic authorities of America move
and accomplished work. Most of peoples. Which is the point. to take the Olympics from Ber-
them were sincere enough. They Which, as the geometry books lin! A move of this sort made in
this country will be followed in
thought the mask and the face say, was to be proved.
other countries. It will have im-
(CAPPI- Iiht, 1115, by )1 A. F. 8 )
had become one. Hugo von Hof-
mediate moral effect inside Ger-
mannsthal, Leo Greiner, Rudolf
many. It should, therefore, be
Borchard, Ernst Lissauer, who
made without delay! Germany
wrote, you remember, the Hate
must be told!"
Song Against England during the

World's Window

French Dressmakers
Boycott Nazi Ships

war, and Alfred Mombert. All
men with a touch of genius. But
PARIS (WNS).— Acting upon
their work is too perfect. Or too
the request of American dress buy-
gesticulatory. They are too Ger-
ers, the Paris dressmakers, through
man to be genuine. They are
Pais, their trade association, have
either too exquisite for vitality discontinued shipping New York
or too insistent for final sincerity.
bound models on the German ship
In the ultimate depth of them Bremen and will now ship them on
there was a tremor of uncertainty the new French liner Normadie.
or of fear or of stubbornness. We The action of Pais will shortly be
will be German poets . . . we followed by dressmakers not offili-
must. . . . Great art cannot have
that torment at its core. It must sled
with this organization,
spring from instinctive self-affirm-I
U. S. Plans Shake-up of Berlin
anon of the artist in his totality
Embassy to Weed Out Pre.
as man, as unit of a community,

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The Commonweal Editorial

The Commonweal, Cat ho Ii c
weekly, has called upon the Cath-
olics of America to boycott the
Olympiad to be held at Berlin
next year in a strongly worded
editorial which scores the tactics
of the Nazi Government. "We
summon each and every organi-
zation identified with the Church
to make it clear to its members
that participation in the approach-
ing games means endorsement of
wilful and violent persecution,"
the editorial says at one point,
and at another declares that the
official Nazi literature "is not
merely anti-Semitic and brutal
stuff, but is pagan to the core."
Avery Brundage, president of
the American Olympic Commitee,
and former president of the Am-
ateur Athletic Union, still can see
no reason for American non-par-
ticipation in the Olympics, but
Jeremiah T. Mahoney, present
head of the AAU, favors a boycott
of the Berlin games. The News,
tabloid daily with a circulation of
over 1,000,000 has come out edi-
torially in favor of the United
States "refusing to send any rep-
resentatives to the Olympic Games
next year." The AAU, however,
is in the meanwhile going ahead
with preparatiosn for the Berlin

Nisei Officials
as member of a historic tradition.
Franz Werfel, whose lyrical . WASHINGON, D. C. (WNS).—
A sweeping shake-up of the staff of
work is his best, comes off more
the American embassy in Berlin to
valiantly. lie e was caught up ' in root out officials regarded as
the fervor of the post-war reac-
pro-Nazi is being planned by the
tion—the great brief "expression-
State Repartment following the dis-
ist" fervor for brotherhood and
covery that some of the embassy
peace. Hence the time gave him
officers have been coddling the Na-
Jewish subject-matter, themes
sources here
that a Jew would honestly em• assert that the pro-N azi sentiments
brace with his deepest self. There- of American diplomatic officials
fore his best poems, though writ- in Berlin were responsible for the
ten in German, are written in failure of the State Department
the natural tone and tonality of to take a more firm stand toward
a Jew, of a far child of the Nazi persecutions. It is also that
prophets and
. . . John White, counselor to the Amer.
• sages.
• •
ican embassy in Berlin, went so
In England and America the far as to delete from Secretary
great game of wearing masks still Hull's speech when the speech was
goes merrily on. Mr. Siegfried published in Berlin in order not to
Sassoon is a very fine poet. Like offend the Hitler regime. The
Werfel he was lucky, as a poet, forthcoming shake-up is the result
in that he pleaded for peace and of the determination of President , JUDGE SAYS JEW'S
wrote of the nameless horrors of Roosevelt and Secretary Hull to
war. But in England that was talk plainly to the German Govern-
less singular than in Germany. meat henceforth.
And Mr. Sassoon's mask is on.
tiny. I certainly cannot take the
Mr. Humbert Wolfe, perhaps the
Savaet Finds No Basis for
Either children from their mother and
most distinguished Jewish poet in
Aryan or Jewish Race
order them reared in any faith
England today, employs all the
latest methods. He is a marvel- ly
of 111 other than Catholic, on which the
it is YORK
to speak or
sous technician of English verse.
ac- first marriage was based."
There is a studious simplicity of Aryan or a Jewish race today,
The daughter, D 0 I Ores
cording to Dr. Nathaniel Schmidt,
cone onset ms yircuusny. •ar se professor emeritus of Semitic Ian- baptized and is being raised •
verses say: "Pray don't imagine guages and Oriental history at Catholic. The son was also bap-
that because I'm a Jew I'm given Cornell University. Dr. Sch midt tized a Catholic. Both children
to any passion or excess; I n‘ said that "no living person can have been living with their moth-
just an English gentleman who affirm that he is an Aryan in the er, but the court agreed that the
writes verses." But since Eng- sense of being • descendant of father may see the children at
land is a reasonablyi
c-y-ze- those who first used a speed like an y t i me.
country in which it isn't quite that of the Aryans, without any
good form utterly to ignore (like admixture of foreign blood.
any common snob or climber) living Jew knows enough about his
Austrian Jews Warned
what one is, Mr. Wolfe condo- lineage to affirm that he is a de-
scends to betray from time to scendant of those who first adopted
Not to Study Medicine
time an oblique and witty consep the language of Canaan in Pale-
ousness of what he is; as in his stine, without any mixture of for-
VIENNA (WNS) — Follow-
supposed epitaph on Gilbert e i gn bl ood,"
ing the refusal of the minister
N. Y. Police Prob. Gun-Toting
of health to consider any appli-
Here lies Mr. Chesterton
Br Nazis
cations from Jews for positions
Who to heaven might have
Following charges that uniform.
in local hospitals, the Jewish
go ne, ed Nazis have been carrying loaded
Medical Association of Vienna
But didn't, when he heard the revolvers at recent Nazi meetings,
issued a warning to Jewish
Police Commissioner Lewis J. Val-
young men not to undertake the
That the place was run by Jews. entine has ordered a sweeping in-
study of medicine. The warning
Where are the Jewiah poets in vestigation. In announcing the
called the position of Jewish
America? They are few. For investigation, Commissioner Velem.
doctors in Austria "catastro-
our numbers we have contributed tine said that although some of the
phic." The minister of health's
cingolarly little to American liter- Nazis may have gun permits these
decision has the effect of bar-
ature. Once I saw a nobly Jewish permits do not entitle them to car.
ring Jewish internee from prac-
poem by Jean Starr Untermyer. ry the weapons for public display
ticing in municipal hospitals.
have seen no other. Babbette and possible intimidation,

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