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January 11, 1935 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1935-01-11

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Americalt 9ewLsti periodical Cotter





To br wire jeu wre setting Cumers's
Producte nut.. mire that the
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To our new Kirsh.

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until you try the.r. now jou can .at
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fed hot.

Try Our Kosher Beefenette


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Pontiac Organizes
New Hebrew School

Organizations at Statler Jan. 27


All Societies Must Elect Their Representatives at
Once to Attend This Meeting

Hershovitx is the Presi•
The monthly meeting of the De-
a dent: M•x Chomsky Is
troit Chapter of Hadassah will be
Chosen •• Teacher
held Wednesday, Jan. Id, in the


Congregation BINH Israel of
Pontiac celebrated the third year
of its existence and the begin-
ning of its Hebrew School with

(Bosh, Ike ner




Important Conference of Jewish


Congressman Dingell Honored With
. Important Committee Appointment

"it is no reflection on the sere-
Cougres.sman John D. Dingell
of Detroit was signally honored ices of other Michigan members
last week when he was selected of this body, who have included
for membership on the important William Alden Smith of Grand
Ways and Means Committee of !Rapids, Joseph W. Fordney of
the House of Representatives.
1Saginaw and the present Repub- '
Serving only is second term, Ikon member, Roy 0. Woodruff
Representative D'ingell's devoted of Bay City, to be gratified by
service during the first two years the honoring of a Detroiter. On
in office won for him the recogni- the whole these others have rep-
tion which he was given by the resented fairly the interests of
Democratic party leaders when he Detroit as well as of the rest of
was selected for this important Michigan and the nation.
"Yet there have been occasions
The Detroit News in an editori-: in the period of Detroit's growth
al commending Congressman Din- to the rank of the country's a dinner arranger, by (he Sister.
gell, under the beetling "Rep.,' fourth largest metropolis when its
The congregation and the Sis-
Dingell's Advancement," stated as lack of representation on this
follows in lauding the Detroit' committee has been felt. We be- terhood were brought into exist-
member of Congress:
lieve Mr. Dingell as well qualified ence through the strenuous ef-
"The appointment of Rem John as any member for the respon- forts of Lazarus Hershovitz. Pon-
D. Dingell, of Detroit, to the sible place to which he has been , tiac had been for years connected
House Ways and Means Commit- called and feel Detroit is war- through Temple Beth Jacob with
tee is an event deserving more , ranted in being well-satisfied with the Reform movement in Jude-
ism until Mr. Ilershovitz , a
than passing notice. To the best his appointment.
of our knowledge he is the first I
"Michigan, too, is to be con- er and an officer of the Temple,
Detroiter in Congressional history gratulated on now having in Mr. organized Pontiac Jewry's Ortho-
to serve on this committee, which; Woodruff and Mr. Dingell—also dox group. Together with Mrs.
by combined authority of the for the first time in Congressional Morris Blumeno, Mr. Hershovitz
organized the women's group.
Constitution and the House rules, history—not one but two mem-
is the originator of all Federal bers on the Ways and Means Com- Pontiac now has a growing and
influential Orthodox synagogue.
tax legislation,
This year the congregation de-
cided on an intensive educational
system to be offered by the Tern-
ple through its Sunday School.
Zedakah is sponsoring a pep
Accordingly, the religious com-
mittee, which consisted of Sam
meeting on Monday, Jan. 14, at
2:30 p. m., at Hotel Snider. A Address to Be Delivered by Markowitz, H. Sacolick and H.
Rabbi David Cedarbotim
Monson, conferred with Bernard
program has been arranged by
of Lansing
Isaacs of Detroit in regard to the
Mrs. S. K. Slobin, chairman of
establishment of a modern lie-
this meeting.
Rabbi Joshua Sperka of Con-
An old-fashioned get-together brew school system. Max Chem-
gregation Beth David will be the and stag dinner is scheduled for sky was appointed the instructor,
speaker of the afternoon, and Jan. 17, at 6:30 p. m., by the and an enrollment of 30 children
Mrs. David Kaliman will render Men's Club of Congregation Shaa- was obtained.
rey Zedek, to be held n the social
vocal selections.
The dinner, which had been ar-
This pep meeting precedes the hall of the synagogue. Rabbi ranged by the Sisterhood com-
avid e arbaum of Congrega- mittee, of which Mrs. L. Lutaky,
$5 annual donor luncheon to be
held Feb. 27, the proceeds of tion Beth El, Lansing, will speak Mrs. L. Hershovitz, Mrs. S. 51ar-
which go toward helping the aged, on the subject "If the Jews Held kowitz, Mrs. W. Mitchell and
providing layettes, and giving a Plebiscite'
Mrs. M. Blumeno were the mem-
coal and food as supplementaty
'I he address will be preceded by bers, for the furtherance of the
aid where necessary.
a full-course chicken dinner. A Hebrew School, was addressed by
Mrs. Herbert Wallace is chair- program of light entertainment Mr. Isaacs as the principal speak-
man of the donor luncheon and has been arranged, and smokes er. Others who spoke were Mr.
Mrs. Morris Davis is co-chairman. will be supplied.
Hershovitz and Mr. Chomsky. The
The following is a list of
In the arrangement of this of- toastmaster of the evening was
pledged luncheon donors repo-ted fair, Harry Shulman, president of Sam Merkovitz.
at the Jan. 7 meeting. Further-he Men's Club, has been assisted
The officers of the congregation
pledges will be listed as they are •by Saul Levin and Nathan Mil- are: Lazarus Hershovitz, presi-
received: stein of the entertainment corn- dent; S. Merkovitz, vice-president;
J. Benjamin. mittee.
Mesdames Carl Arta.
Morris Cove, M. 11)e5. Joel Charrls,
J. Jacobson, secretary; S. Levine,
Members of the Men's Club treasurer. Besides these officers,
carry Colman. Joseph H. Ehrlich, Ray
Freedland., Nathan Fishman. I. 001- and of Congregation Shaarey Ze-
M. Blumeno, H. Sacolick, William
den. Jeanette Gilroy, Milton Greenblatt.
William Hordes. I. M. Her., Meyer dek are invited to bring their
Mitchell and J. Ketchel serve on
Harry Kay, male friends.
John Reetenherg.Pleaae
Dinner reserve- the board.
, Abe ,.
Mew M eyerson, Lou is
Rosenberg, Daniel Itachmiel, Sant Ii..- Lions should be made at once by
The officers of the Sisterhood
kin. Max Rosenbaum. Max Rothenberg. calling Lo. 2784 or Ga. 6200. Ad-
Fannie Rodin, George Itoninowite Jack
are Mrs. J. Ketchel, president;
ItobinowIts. Leonard Shapiro, J. trhu- mtbitmon ts rue per person.
M. Blumeno, vice-president;
man. Max Spoon. Meyer Silyerbiatt,
Jomph Staub. Hattie Weise Jorreph
Mrs. J. Jacobson, recording sec-
Wiener, and the Mimes
Mrs. William Mitchell,
Fay Wallace.
corresponding secretary; Mrs. L.
Ellmann Explains Accept-
Jewish National Fund, annual
ance of Membership on
election of officers was held re-
Jabotinsky Committee
sulting as follows: Lewis Lands-

man, re-elected president; Dr. Is-
James I. Ellmann, president of rael Wiener, vice-president; Syl-
the Zionist Organization of De- via Ross, recording secretary;
troit, in a statement made this Diana Cooper, corresponding sec-
the establishment of Pal-
week emphasized that his accept- retary; David Zeff, treasurer.
The organization thanks the cor.
ance of membership on the Jabo-
Congressman Dickstein intro-
tinsky Reception Committee was many friends and individuals and
merely an expression of his per- The Detroit Jewish Chronicle for duced a bill into the new Congress
sonal regard for the man and not cooperating in making the fifth an- creating a permanent committee of
13 members to guard the country
nual dance a success.
for his party.
The newly elected officers will be against subversive activities by
"I accepted membership on this
committee simply because I admire installed at a party on Saturday aliens and foreign countries. It
Vladimir Jabotinsky as an out- evening, Jan 13, at the home of would be called the Committee for
the Preservation of American De-
standing writer, speaker and lead- Sylvia Levine.
Any young man or woman in- mocracy.
er. By serving on this committee,
• • •
however, I wish it to be known terested in the work of the Jewish
that in no sense do I, endorse the National for the redemption of GERMANY
Revisionist Party and its pro- the soil of Palestine is invited to
Hitler is uneasy. Last week, af-
gram", Mr. Ellmann stated. communicate with the secretary, ter reports of a new purge, he
Miss Jeannette M. Steinberg, Miss Sylvia Ross, 1641 Taylor Ave. called his followers together for a
who also accepted membership on
new pledge of loyalty In the par-
the Vladimir Jabotinsky reception Flower Fund of Jewish Old lance of American sports fans, it
committee, endorsed Mr. Ellmann's
was a pep talk.
Folks' Home
The Frankfurter Zeitung's re-
The following made contribu-
tions to the home in lieu of cent attack on the anti-Semitism
Julius Streicher brought an ans-
flowers: In memory of Arnold
The last meeting of the Skillet Alexander, 51. Phillips, 678 W. wer from Propaganda Minister
paper, Der AngritY,
Knitting Club was held at the Warren Ave; in memory of Ben-
home of Mrs. A. Polinsky, 3322 jamin Freidenberg, Mr. and Mrs. which characterized the Zeitung
Glendale Ave., on Monday after- Sidney J. Allen, 5440 Cass Ave.; article as "impudence. "
noon, Jan. 7.
The Nazi government last week
in memory of David D. Goldsmith,
Mrs. M. D. Harris will have the Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Koffman, reiterated its Jewish discrimina-
next meeting at her home, 3350 2983 Sturtevant Ave.; in memory tory legislature. Jews were warn-
Tyler Ave., on Jan. 14, at 1 p. m. of Mrs. Jacob Grosberg, W. E. ed that schechita, the Jewish ritual
Fitzgerald, 1448 Wabash Ave.; method of preparing meat, is for-
in memory of Max and Charlotte bidden in Germany and that any
Harris, Mrs. N. H. Lyons, Flat- evasion of this law, including im-
bush, Brooklyn, N. Y.; in mem- portation of meat, would be • pun-
ishable by a fine of 10,000 marks.
ory of Leo Morris, Charles Gros-
Jewish lawyers were forbidden to
U Fermis . Extew•
berg and Joseph Wolf, 2716 18th
advertise themseves as former law-
Neva Eudw•ed
St.; in memory of Mrs. Vera Par-
years because in this capacity they
by (...ding
shall-Shiffman, Mr. and Mrs. Sid- earned a partial living in handling
ney J. Allen, 5440 Cass Ave.; matters not necessitating appear-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Bieber- ance in court,
stein, 2715 Cortland Ave.; Mr.
• • •
and Mrs. Milton Gordon, 746 Col- SAAR
ling-wood Ave.; n memory of Mrs.
Ewald 10467
This Sunday is the day of pleb-
Eva Schaefer. Ilimelhoch's Coat, escite. Expert opinion is unani-

1545 Woodward Ave.; in MOW is predicting a victory for
De t
memory of Mrs. Flora Schreiber, Germany over the status quo ad-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry .1. Bieber- herents. A new element has been
Rev. Cantor stein, 2715 Cortland Ave.; in introduced, however. Under the
David Gold's' memory of Isaac Solomon, Mr. League regulations governing the
and Mrs. S. Jackson, Betty Rae plebescite, protection is guaranteed
and Josephine Elaine Jackson, to minorities in the Saar and thus
Groswell, Mich.; in memory of the League has the right to break
Weddi ee Ceres« Abraham and Jennie Warshofsky, up the Saar according to the re-
N. H. Lyons, Flatbush, sults of the election in each of the
nies Feder...1.1
15 districts voting. As a matter of
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Horn e and by
fact, the election, according to the
League provisions for the Saar, is
vert Ave. in memory of her not binding; it is just a recom-
brother, Moses Trunsky, and ant- mendation which the League may
or may not accept.
i • ter-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Leitson.

MEETING Shaarey Zedek Men's
Club Dinner Jan. 17


The Ladies' Auxiliary of the
Jewish National Fund has con-
to cope with the present
tracted Littman's Yiddish Then-
problems facing Jewry.
ter, 12th at Seward, for the eve-
Aaron Rosenberg, the outgoing
I president of Pisgah Lodge, gave
an accounting of the major ac-
tivities and accomplishments of his
administration. A resolution in
memory of Fannie Miller, late wife
of Jacob Miller, was presented to
21r. Miller at this meeting.
Harry Yudkoff, newly installed
president, in his inaugural speech
stated that a concerted effort will
be made during the ensuing term
to increase the number of members
in good standing.
It is the intention to stage one
major intellectual event during the
coming terms as well as several
outstanding programs on regular ,
meeting nights. One of the first
programs which is now being for-
mulated is a father and son night.
Mr. Yudkoff asked the co-operation
of all the members to make the
coming term one of interest to all.
The following officers were in-

social hall of the Shaarey Zedek.
Feverish activity is reported by dozens of Jewish organi-
Rabbi Joshua Sperka of Congre-
zations in Detroit 'in the selection of delegates to represent
gation Bnai David will address the
them at the important conference of Jewish organizations
organization on the subject "Wo•
which is to be held at hotel Stotler at 2:30 p. m. Sunday,
men of Two Worlds."
January 27.
An additional attraction at the
It is reported that the selection of delegates is accom-
mettini, will be a short discussion
panied by discussion of the need for a new building for the
of dramatic and radio feature work
Jewish Old Folks' Home, in view of the conference being
by Helen Howard of CKLW, who
called for a discussion of the Old Folks' Home problems.
is also the director of the drama-
Organizations which have not as yet elected delegates
tic group of Iladassah.
are urged to do so at once. If necessary, it is urged that
The third meeting of the dra-
meetings of these organizations be called immediately
matic group will take place Mon-
for this purpose.
day afternoon, Jan, 14, at 2 o'clock,
It is expected that at this conference important state-
at Hotel Stotler. There is still
ments relative to the need of a new Old Folks' Home will be
an opportunity for members to join
made by leaders of the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit,
the dramatic group.
including Kurt l'eiser, executive director.
Friday, Jan. 25, has been desig-
nated as Hadassah dues day. This
is to lit followed on Wednesday,
Jan. 30, by a complimentary lunch-
eon for all paid-up members.
The membership is urged to note
that the regular day of this
The 34th annual Detroit Auto spring and summer creations by
month's meeting has been changed
to Wednesday and that the place Show will be held here in Conven- Milgrim's Inc. The newest modes
has also been changed to the so- [ion Hall during the period of Jan. from l'aris will be shown and
12 to 19, with the entire populace fashion revues will be presented at
cial hall of the Shearey Zedek,
eager to view the 1935 models.
various times throughout the show.
In a setting of unrivalled splen.
Another feature of special in-
dur, the show domittee'of the De- terest will be the Little Theater
troit Auto Dealers Association will of the Automobile.
present more than 300 passenger
Admission prices to the Detroit fling of Feb. 12. Choice seats
cars representing 24 makes. The show will be 40 cents, the lowest in can be obtained from members
show will be the largest one-floor the history of major automobile ex- or by calling Mrs. H. E. Lippitt,
The newly organized Junior
exhibition of motor cars and will
chairman of this committee,
Council will meet on Sunday, Jan. grace an exhibit area of more than hibits.
More than 5,000 dealers from all Madison 8754, or her co-chair-
13, at 2:30 p. m., at 89 Rowena three and one half acres.
over the country will be in Detroit man, Mrs. J, Kunin, Garfield
St., the Council House. Election
Nearly a score of special added

during Show Week to attend the
of officers will be held.
attractions promise to further en-
Members are continuing Jew-
Five officers and five directors liven interest in the 1935 show. annual convention of the National
Fund box collections
will be chosen. The nominating There will be a Style Salon which
committee, under the chairman- will include not only the very new- Donald Richberg, NRA chieftain, and are at the same time working
membership cam-
ship of Evelyn Sulzberger, has est modes in automobiles but also
selected a slate. Other nomina- the first showing in Detroit of dent, will be the principal speakers paign. Women who hold .1. N. F.
to receive these
tions will be accepted from the
be held Tuesday night, Jan. 15.
collectors and consider joining
floor. Only members in good
Two other important meetings the organization.
standing will be eligible to vote. ODESSA AID
scheduled concurrently with the
Mrs. Samuel Ileyman, chairman
Following the election, a pro-
Auto Show are those of the Society of the membership campaign, can
gram will be given by Elaine , DANCE THIS SUNDAY
of Automotive Engineers, esti- be reached by calling Townsend
Schlesinger, who will entertain
mated attendance of 2,000 and a
with a piano recital.
The Odessa Progressive Aid g roup of 300 Automobile Editors 7-6851.•
There is still an opportunity Society's 23rd annual dance will f rom prominent papers all over the
Among those serving on the
for those interested to join the be held in the ballroom of the Fort country:
membership committee are: Mrs.
Junior Council. Many- varied in- Wayne Hotel on Sunday, Jan. 13.
M. Rosenzweig, Mrs. A. Knop-
In addition to Mr. Schulte, the
terests are to be followed for the The Venetian Troubadours or-
show committee includes, H. H. pow, Mrs. R. Cabot, Mrs. Max
coming year—social, cultural and chestra will play.
Shuart, show manager; John H. Goldberg, Mrs. A. Panush, Mrs.
civic. Future plans include a
The Odessa organization, on Thompson, Peter J. Platte, Walter A. Smilo and Mrs. E. $achse.
dramatic attempt this spring in Jan. 8, installed the following J. Bomb and James M. O'Dea.
Feb. 19 Is the evening selected
the Little Theater.
newly-elected officers: David Welt,
for a joint Chamisho Osor b'Shvat
Work at the resale shop and president for the next six months,
celebration with the J. N. F.
the Council House has already succeeding Sam Belkin; Sam
Council. A fine program has been
Agudath Herzl Young
been organized. Under the chair- Bruck, vice-president; David Tei-
planned for the occasion. This
manship of Dorothy Rosenthal. telbaum, financial secretary;
Judaea Club
affair is to take place at the B'nai
clothes and other articles have Charles Dricker, recording secre-
Moshe Synagogue, Dexter at
been collected.
tary. The entire installation pro-
Agudath Herzl Young Judaea Lawrence.
Those desiring informatimi gram was conducted under the met Jan. 6 and heard an address
should call Miss Stern, Ivanhoe supervision of Sam Shayne, fol- by Dr. Israel Wiener. Morris
0557, temporary chairman.
lowing which a midnight supper Bonin, one of the founders of the
Y. P. S. of B'nai David to
was served, and there was music club, also gave a talk.
Prenzlauer Maternity Aid and entertainment until 1 a. m.
Hold Dance
It was decided to help the
There were 500 people in at- Michigan Ladies' Aid Society
party by sending four members
A regular meeting of the Eva tendance.
The Young Peoples' Society of
of the club to sing. They are /3'nai David will hold its second
Prenzlauer Maternity Aid was
Abe Mitock, William Fitzerman, annual dance on Saturday eve-
held Tuesday, Jan. 8, at Hotel
Statler. Several cases were re- Zviller Ladies' Aid Society Jacke Pearlman and Abe Burn- ning, Feb. 9, in the social hall of
The sixth annual bridge party stein.
ported on and taken care of.
the synagogue. The social com-
This year the group will cele- mittee consists of Raymond Lev-
Three cases were 5-ecently dis- of the Zviller Ladies' Aid So-
charged from the Women's Hos- ciety was held at the Club Ex- brate Chamisho Osor b'Shvat ine, Benjamin Kott, Miss Tillie
pital. A report of the donor change. The president, Mre. L. with a party. The children of Heideman and Miss Evelyn Gross-
luncheon was given. The presi- Fineman, thanks the chairman, the club will sing songs, recite man. Tickets for the dance rosy
dent, Mrs. George Cohen, thanks Mrs. J. Beaman, and her co- poems and tell stories about the be secured by phoning Townsend
all members, friends and viillleus workers, for making this bridge holiday, under the direction of 6-3698 or Townsend 6.6798.
organizations for their coopera- party a success. All members are I. A. Lawton, director of the
The next business meeting of
tion. Master Philip Starkstein, urged to attend the next meeting, school. The party will be held the Society will be held next
son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stark- to be held on Monday, Jan. 14, at the school, 9341 Oakland.
Tuesday evening at 8:30. Plans
The new publicity chairman is for the presentation of Ibsen'. "A
stein, entertained the ladies with at 2:30 p. m., at the Russian Vil-
lage on Twelfth St.
Martin Winokur.
several musical selections.
Doll's House" will be discussed.

34th Annual Detroit Auto Show Opens
Saturday Evening at Convention Hall

Council Juniors

To Pick Officers

Harry Yudkoff, president; Jos-
eph L. Staub, first vice-president;
Herman Osnos, second vice - presi-
dent; Rudolph Meyerson, secre-
tary ; Morris Shatzen, treasurer;
Benjamin Marcus, assistant moni-
tor; Dr. Harry Tanner, warden;
Harold M, Silveraton, guardian;
Rabbi Harry Z. Gordon and Dr
Victor Droock, trustees. Daddy
Adolph Freund third trustee wh
I ts sojourning in Florida will be
officially installed at later
' date.
The above named officers were
installed by the following past
Julius D eut elba um, Aaron
Droock, Jacob Miller, Nathan D.
Rosin, Henry M. Abramowitz, Ben
F. Goldman, Nathan D. Metzger,
Dr. Victor Droock
Following Mr. Yudkolf's Inaug-
ural speech the following commit-
tee appointments were made:

Ant I
lon CommIttm:
Dr k, ehnlintan; Rabbi Leo, M. Aaron
its, Rabbi A. M. lierahm•n, Rabbi fenitt
Frain ,Rabb( J. Suer., Milton M. Alex-
ander, Jame. I. Elimann, William Fried.
man, Jacob Miller, Sant Keene, Bon Mar-
Athletic Committee: 8 .Matt.
Degree team: Joeelth Staub. chair-
man; Harold M. Silveraton, Ella. Gekl•
berg, Herman Litlky, Aaron Rosenberg.
Director of Publicity; Rudolph Met.-
Entertainment committee: Jacob
Rom. chairman; Samuel J. IBM
• monlat• chairman; Julius Stross, Jos•
Jones. Samuel DubrItunty, Ben
taboo. Jullua D. London, J. K. Stocker.
Finance committee: Jacob Milli.,
chairman; Harold M. lillverston.
Intellectual ad vancement commit tee:
Henry AbramovIts chairman; H. MAD ,
runannoclate chairman; Ben F. Gold-
mm, Meyer Welsenfeld, E.
Aaron Rosenberg.
Law. and
legislation committee:
Adolph Freund, honorary chairman; Na-
than D. Rosin, Aaron Drssek.
Membership committee! Herman Oenoa,
chairman; Dr. Ham Tanner. &amorist•
chairman: Joseph Kohn Benjamin D.
Lieberman, Benjamin WM
Orphan'. Horne: Adolph Finaterwairl.
Ro•osistement committee: Albert
S Goldbe
l r5 rg.
an d claltatlen committee; Rabbi
Gordon. chairman.
Social service commIttm: Harold M.
SlIvereton. chairman; Sam Liob, Robert
Crain.. Morrie Moscow, H. Oondfrien4.
Women's Auxiliary: Nathan D. Mete-
gor. chairman; Nathan D. Rosin.

A meeting of the general com-
mittee of Pisgah Lodge will be
held on Monday, Jan. 14. The offi-
cers request all members of the
lodge to attend the meeting on
Jan, 21. Further details will be
an ee
n k
orced in The Chronicle next



1 •







Monument, of Character




Illtnuel Mach

Grub. mail Marble Illsamemee



Mrs. Rubenstein Opens New POLAND
The conference of Jewish leaders
Piano Classes
in Poland to appeal to the Jews

Mrs. Rose Rubenstein of 2901 of the world, especially the Joint
Clairmount Ave. is organizing Distribution Committee, is a reve-
more classes for piano beginners, lation of the almost hopeless plight
only four in a class. Mrs. Ruben- of the three and a half millions of
stein was one "of the first teach- Polish Jews. The plight of the
ers conducting piano classes here Polish Jews is revealed as worse
and has had success with hey stu- than that of the German Jews. The
dents. With many years of inference to be drawn from the
teaching experience and having action of the Agudath Israel depu-
attended the finest summer ties in leaving the government bloc
courses in normal and class train- last week further indicated the
ing, Mrs. Rubeastein is one of hopelessness of the plight of the
/ the competent teachers in Detroit. Polish Jews.

The New Master De Luse Chevrolet Coach

The New Standard Chevrolet Coach



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.efllt IP. Del price of New
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mot pollee.


AND UP. Ilitt Price of Ma."'"
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MM. With ham.... otrace Der
and Dm lock. the B., print t.
$25.110 additional. hi... writ-
ten, Sc chasm. without notice.


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