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December 14, 1934 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1934-12-14

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League for Labor
Silberblatt Named
Sperka to Speak at
Music Study Club
Former Detroiter
Palestine to Meet
Reporter of Judge
Services on Friday
Program Tuesday Has Key Position
Thursday Evening
Moynihan's Court "Stan: Super-Monkey or Sub-' The Music Study Club of De-
In Movie Colony

The Detroit branch of the League
for Labor Palestine will hold its
next meeting Thursday evening,
Dec. 20, at the home of Harold Sil-
ver, 3710 Richton. Philip Slomo-
vitz will be the speaker of the
The League of Labor Palestine is
a national organization which is
assuming the leading position of
importance in the Zionist world by
virtue of the influence it is exert-
ing upon young men and women !
whom it is attracting. While it is
primarily organized as a labor
group, it makes a study of every
angle of Zionism an claims to en-
roll a large number of young pro- ,
fessional men for the advancement
of the Jewish national cause.
The League for Labor Palestine
is a cultural and educational move-
ment and publishes a very fine
magazine, the Jewish Frontier.
Visitors are invited to the meet- I
ing next Thursday evening.

Pontiac Sisterhood
Bazaar Dec. 16-17

The Sisterhood of Temple Beth
Jacob of Pontiac is sponsoring a
bazaar on Sunday, Dec. 16, and
Monday, Dec. 17, at the Tempe on
Orchard Lake Ave. The public is
Mrs. Irving Steinman is acting
as general chairman with Mrs. Sam
A. Cohen as co-chairman. A sewing
committee under the chairmanship
of Mrs. J. S. Varon has been busily
at work for some time completing
articles for the sale. Mrs. Barney
Wyman assisted as co-chairman.
The committee included Mrs. Wil-
liam Present, Mrs. Jules Fisher and
Mrs. David Cohen.
Cakes, cookies and jelly are be-
ing made for the sale under the
chairmanship of Mrs. Benjamin
Goldstein assisted by Mrs. Jacob
Kovinsky and Mrs. Benjamin
Swimmer. A highlight of the ba-
zaar is the supper to be held Sun-
day evening at 6:30 o'clock with
Mrs. J. S. Meyers in charge. Wait-
resses under the chairmanship of
Mrs. Lewis Harris, are Mrs. Da-
vid Cohen, Mrs. Abraham Zamek,
Mrs. L. Parish, Mrs. Morris Kamp-
ner, Mrs. M, Kurland and Mrs. La-
zarus liersovitz. Hostesses wil be
Mrs. Jacob Barnett and Mrs. II. J.
Jacobson. Mrs. Lester Grossman
will act as cigaret girl.
Booths at the bazaar are being
supervised by Mrs. J. J. Wainger,
Mrs. Celia Blumrosen, Mrs. S. P.
Benson, Mrs. Louis Orman, Mrs.
Herman Dickstein and Mrs. Fisher.
Potted flowers are being arranged
by Mrs. Elmer Berger and Mrs.
William l'resent. Mrs. Jack Frink
will act as cashier.



With the installing of Purity
Chapter's new corp of officers, head-
ed by Worthy Matron Agnes Yar-
rows, which took place on Monday
evening, Dec. 10, active plans will
go forward for the first affair of
the season, the New Year's Eve
party to be held at the Book Cadil-
lac Hotel. Announcement of this
affair has already brought many
Choice tables are available but
early reservations are urged. All
officers are on the committee to
act as hostesses and can be called
to place reservations which can also
be made through Mrs. Ann WeM.
beck, Trinity 2-0041; and Mrs. Syl-
via Rosenberg, Townsend 6-1158.

Dr. Kleeman in U. S. to
Aid Ort Fund in Germany

NEW YORK.—(JTA)—A for-
bidding picture of the Jewish situ-
ation in Germany, Austria and the
Saar Basin, with local relief or-
ganizations helpless to aid the suf-
ferers, was painted by Dr. Wilhelm
Kleeman, formerly president of the
Berlin Jewish Community and the
Dresdener Bank and now head of
the ORT Reconstruction Fund of
German y.
Dr. Kleeman, erstwhile col-
league of Dr. Iljalmar Schacht,
financial dictator under the Nazi
regime, arrived in the United
States, last Tuesday after a stay
since March, 1933, in Amsterdam.
He left Germany after resigning
his position with the Dresdener
Bank of his own free will, he as-
serted, and was not in "exile." In
fact, he said, he will return to
Germany next Summer.
As head of the ORT in Germany
he came to this country to obtain
assistance from American Jewry
to further the work of that organi-
zation in his native land. The OPT,
he claimed, is the only organiza-
tion capable of aiding the victims
of the Hitler regime, since prac-
tically all German-Jewish relief or-
ganizations have broken down un-
der the strain of attempting to
provide for the harassed Jews in
Germany .
"Everywhere, in all Jewish com-
munities, there prevails a dismal
feeling of insecurity, while dis-
turbances continue to mar the
smooth flow of Jewish life," he de-

Halevy 'Singing Society

With the major social event—the
successful dance held last Sunday—
over the Halevy choir is now work-
ing more industriously than ever
on the program for the tenth jubi-
lee concert. The oratorio to be feat-
ured at this most important musi-
cal event on the Halevy calendar
is "Doe Naic Lid" with melody by
Haydn and arrangement by Froh-
Rehearsals are held every Mon-
day evening in room 123 of North-
ern High School under the baton
of Dan Frohman. The first kuar-
ter of an hour 8:45 to 9 p. m., is
spent in unison singing during
which- time the following songs
have been studied "Nacht," "Shlof
in Sisse Ruh," "Umruh Mein." At
the next rehearsal a new series of
numbers will be introduced promis-
ing something new in singing.

Jr. Hebrew Ladies' Aid
The Jr. Hebrew Ladies Aid So-
ciety will have a Latka party at
the home of Edith Miller, 4020
Humphrey, Saturday evening.
The next regular meeting will
be held at the home of Helen Mul-
ler, 9137 Delmar, on Thursday,
Dec. 13. Plans for a dance will be
discussed. This will be an open
meeting, and prospective members
are invited.

Aaron A. Silberblatt has been
appointed by Governor Comstock
as one of the official court re-
porters for Wayne County, and
was sworn in on Monday, Dec. 10,

Angel" is the title of the lecture,
to be delivered by Rabbi Joshua
S. Sperka at the next Friday eve.:
ning gathering on Dec. 21, at
8 :30 p. ni., at Congregation B nal
David, Elmhurst at 14th St.
The theme will deal with the
degree of progress possible under ,
these two opposing philosophies of
After the lecture, appropriate
hymns and a closing prayer in
the main auditorium, the program
will be continued in the social
hall of the synagogue. The pro-!
gram in the social hall includes
community singing of Zniiroth
and folk songs, a well known solo.'
ist, and dramatic readings of the
classics in Yiddish or Hebrew
literature. The evening will close
with the singing of Hatikvah.
Dr. Leo M. Franklin was
the guest speaker at the Friday s
night gathering on Friday, Dec. 7,
on the subject "As Jew to Jew."

If it's from Baumgartner's, it's Right!

troit will hold its regular program
meeting at the Downtown Y. M.
C. A., Tuesday, Dec. 18, at 2:30
p. m.
A Chanukah program will be
A playlet "The Unlighted Me-
norah," depicting on incident- in

Romayne Goldsmith, former De-
trait girl, holds one of the inter-
' esting key positions in Hollywood
!which makes it possible for her
to watch all the stars behind the
Leather Jackets
scenes and to note their foibles
Beautiful Moire
69c to $3.50
$6.95 to $12.95
and eccentricities.
She is known to Hollywood as
Rornayne, the script girl and sec-
$1.95 to $5.00
$3.50 to $5.95
retary extraordinary to Wesley
Full silk lined. Maroon,
Ruggles, one of the leading direc-
Lavender and Black—
tors. Detroiters will remember
$1.95 to $4.00
$3.50 to $5.95
her as the daughter of Mrs. Paul-
ine Goldsmith who resides in Los
35c to $1.95
Angeles, and the late Henri Gold-
$1.95 to $8.00
smith, who was well known here.
Initial 'Kerchiefs
She is the sister of Mrs. J. Cohen
to $22.50
35c to 50c
$1.00 to $3.00
of 2996 Monterey Ave., Detroit.
Mrs. Sylvia Parzen, wife of Rabbi !
All gifts appropriately bored for Christmas
Herbert Parzen of New York,!
formerly of Detroit, is another
of Romayne's sisters.
In her present position, Ro. I
mayae Goldsmfth has had occasion
to meet the outstanding actorsj
and actresses—and if an inter-1
eating human angle is desired I
about them, she can tell i.t The
stars' pranks, their differing hab-
its, etc., never escape Romayne- HADASSAH'S DRAMATIC
she can't help it, being in her
important post of watching the
Dr. A. B. Elias, linguist, jour-
as court reporter for Judge Jos. nalist and lecturer, was a guest
"works" and of making certain
The newly • formed Hadassah
eph A. Moynihan of the Wayne in Detroit last week in the inter-
that the stars—the best of them—
Dramatic Class will hold its first
Circuit Court.
study their lines.
eats of the Pro-Palestine Federa-
regular meeting next Monday,
Mr. Silberblatt has been en- tion of America and the Pro-
Dec. 17, at 2:30, at Hotel Spitler,
the life of Felix Mendellsohn, will
gaged in general court reporting Palestine Herald of which he is
be presented under the direction
and will continue to meet there
work in this city for the past 20 one of the editor's.
of Mrs. Walter Lichtenfeld.
on the second and fourth Monday
years and has had occasion to
During his stay here, Dr. Elias
The cast consists of the follow-
function in this capacity in every succeeded in enlisting the aid and
ing members: Mrs. Saul Sarnoff,
court in the City and County. He encouragement of a number of Mrs. J. S. Souls, Mr. Jack Aging,
Zedekah again appeals to the
also has been for a number of Jews and non-Jews, including Mrs. I. Silk.
women of Detroit for support of
years the official special court re- among them James I. Ellmann,
the 1935 $5 donor luncheon which
porter for the office of the Prose- president of the, Zionist Organi-
cuting Attorney of Wayne County. nation of Detroit, and Rabbi Leon will be sung by a quartette from will take place Feb. 27, at Masonic
the Temple Beth El Choir includ-
Since 1884
Judge Moynihan, himself a for- Fram.
ing Mrs. Howard Salzenstein. Temple.
mer court reporter before his ad -
The aim of the Pro-Palestine
Mrs. Herbert Wallace is chair-
mission to the bar and subsequent Federation, of which the Pro- Mrs. Charles Alpern, Dr. Albert
Prussin and Saul Sarnoff.
elevation to the Circuit Court Palestine Herald is the official ' Sadie Cooper Alper will play man of the donor luncheon com-
bench, has stated that his new organ, is:
mittee and her co-chairmen are
the violin, accompanied by Miss
court reporter has the qualifies-
Mrs. Morris Davis, Sirs. Max Ko-
lions and experience necessary spirit To
of promote and foster a Rose Bassin.
The usual social hour will fol- van, Mrs. Saul Davidson and 51ra.
for this exacting position and is
esteem between
good and
will non-
and low. Mrs. Samuel Schaflander Irwin Cohen. This general com-
tween Jews
happy to welcome him to his of- J ews.
charge of arrangements.
mittee is assisted by the following
ficial famil V.
2. To combat antagonistic at-
pledge card committees: Sirs. Jos-
tacks made by reactionary and South Africa to Barter Wool
eph ‘Visper, Mrs. Louis Friedman,
prejudiced Gentiles intent upon
for £2,500,000 in
Mrs. Joseph Miller, Mrs. Joseph
raising religious and racial issues
Nazi Goods
Staub, Mrs. Max Simon, Mrs. Jos-
to the detriment of human prog-
hua Karbel, Sirs. Meyer Meyerson,
CAPE TOWN, South Africa.— Mrs. Louis Please, Mrs. Max Solo-
promote a better under-
All arrangements have been
completed for the second annual standing of the historical prob. (JTA)—A barter agreement with
vich, Mrs. Theodore Schaeffer, and
dance of the Jewish Youth Coun- lema of the Jewish people among Nazi Germany involving £2,500,-
Sirs. Carl Aria; ways and means
cif of Detroit, to be held on Sun- the Gentiles.
committee: Mrs. Louis Shugarman
4. To assist in the defense of 000 has been signed, Finance
day night, Dec. 16, in the grand
and Mrs. E. Kline; card parties
ballroom of the Book Cadillac the Balfour Declaration and in- Minister Havenga announced last committee: Mrs. David Friedman, afternoons of each month.. About
sist on the Palestine Mandate be- week. The South African govern.
Mrs. Wiliam Wiener and Mrs. Rob- 30 women have already joined
ing carried out in letter and ment guaranteed to buy German ert Sobel; savings boxes, Mrs. Rose this class, which will be directed
and Mrs. Irving Gould, mis- by Mrs. Harold Kurtzman, local
goods to that amount and pay for
cellaneous, Mrs. Henry Levitt, Mrs. teacher of dramatic art, known to
it with South African wool.
Chevrolet Production to
Sam Salk, Mrs. Edward Fisher and radio listeners as Helen Howard,
Commercial circles are waiting
conducting the C. F. Smith and
Mrs. Nate Goldman.
Show 35% Increase
to see what manner. the govern-
The above committees will be People's Outfitting programs over
ment will dispose of the German
Sunday Special:
Station CKLW. All Hadassah
Production of Chevrolet passes- i goods, particularly in view of the glad to hear from anyone who
ger cars and trucks for the model fact that Jewish firms and distri-
for only
year 1934 will show an increase of butors are determined to refuse eon and help in the Zedakah work. class, the fee being 60 cents for
8 - Course Dinner
each meeting. Dramatic offerings
approximately 35 per cent over to handle German-made products.
will be presented to the public
corresponding figures for last year,
from time to time. Mrs. Max
At Oar nrllrsawn Counter!
it was announced here by
Blumberg has been chosen chair-
14e lb.
M. E. Coyle, president and general
man of the group, and Mrs.
17c lb.
manager of the Chevrolet Motor
The Little Fellow Got
Spain l'aeoe on Delloollawn Cu, Peale., (Whalen, Na.
Myron S. Steinberg will serve
The Alumni Association of as financial secretary.
the Limelight
i Temple
Analysis of this production
Beth El religious school
Mrs. harry L. Kopel is one of
We feature the famous Vienna Ilyipsa Kosher Product.
shows that all three Chevrolet
announces an open forum to be the active membera
lines—Master models, Standard
given on Sunday, Dec. 16, in the
models, and trucks—made gains in
social hall of the Temple, at 4
1934, the highest percentage of
o'clock. The speaker of the after-
gain being registered by the Stand-
noon will be Simon Shetzer, and
ard series, the world's lowest-priced
a social tea and dancing will fol-
P0 0 M
six-cylinder car.
low the address.
Some idea of the bearing which
The president of the organize-
Herman Bernstein, 1 or mer
this added production has exerted
tion, 11. William Goodfriend, ap- United States Minister to Albania
on the country's economic recovery
pointed Phyllis Schoenfeld as and well-known journalist and ed-
may be gained from Mr. Coyle's
Hotel. The entertainment com-
chairman of the tea, assisted by itor, has completed a book en-
statement that payrolls for the first
mittee is planning a novel sur-
Edna Goodman, and Henry Aus- titled "The Truth About the Pro-
10 months were 45 per cent greater ' ,
prise for the affair. Music for than for all of 1933, Wages and
lender as chairman of the forum tocols of Zion" which Covici,
dancing will be played by Earl
committee. This is the second fo-
salaries paid to Chevrolet employ.:
Walton and his Dixie Dandies Or- ees, up to November 1, totalled
rum sponsored by this group, and
You can live in
chestra of radio and ballroom $67,606,994.59, he said.
members are asked to bring their
trait's newest downtown hotel—yet be
fame. Proceeds from this dance
within a few steps of your office—very eco-
will be used by the Jewish Youth
The public is invited to attend
There are gods in everything—I!
at these reduced permanent rates.
—Prom the London Star.
Council in assisting worthy and even in hell.
this meeting as guests of the
needy cases as well as organiza-
Alumni Association. Members of
the organization are especially
urged to attend.
1 , 1-7 11L
. 411
The committee in charge an-
nounces the advance sale of tick-
ets has been large, but those de-
siring to attend who have not
purchased tickets may do so at
the door. Thirty-five Jewish or-
ganizations comprise the Jewish
NEW YORK, (JTA)—Fourteen
Youth Council, and they have all
new members, including scholars,
cooperated in the plans and the
journalists, teachers and rabbis,
selling of tickets for this dance.
were inducted into the Jewish Aca-
Charles Wolok is an active
demy of Arts and Sciences.
member of the committee in
Daniel Frohman, veteran theat-
charge of the dance.
rical man and president of the
Actors Fund of America, who be-
came an honorary fellow, was the
only speaker. Others who were
elected honorary fellows were:
Prof. Franz Boas, Rabbi H. Pere-
Detroit's Largest and Best
Car Washing
ira Mendes, Prof. Morris R. Co-
Calamitous conditions threat-
hen and Franklin Pierce Adams,

ening the collapse of the Yiddish
"F. P. A."
and Hebrew schools in Warsaw
Members elected include Rabbi Friede will publish in January.
and other Polish cities are re-
Louis I. Newman, Prof. Milton
Inspired by the further distribu-
vealed in a report to the Joint
Handler, Dr. Elias Lieberman, Dr.
Distribution Committee by Dr.
Hyman llalpern, Robert B. Brodie, tion of the forged Protocols of
Bernhard Kahn, its European di-
Rabbi Israel Goldstein, Rabbi Da- Zion, Mr. Bernstein has written
rector, who states that he has
yid de Sole Pool, Dr. Jacob Green-1 the complete history of this spur-
berg and Morris Ryskind, one„of ious document. His book con-
granted them financial aid to
the authors of "Of Thee I Sing.
avert their immediate closing
In addition to regular Sabbath' l 60
thins not only the Protocols them-
down. If the schools should
close, the report indicates, thou-
College Student. C e r man selves and the first complete services, the Junior Congregation
sands of children will be deprived
translation into English of the also introduced new customs to
Refugee, Urges Zionism
of an education and a large num-
French "Dialogues in Hell' upon celebrate Chanukas last Saturday,
for Jewish Youth
ber will face starvation. The
which the Protocols are based , in the prayer room.
Joint Distribution Committee is
Kalman Whitman, a newly-
NEW YORK.—Miss Toni Cohn, but also excerpts from both docu-
one of the beneficiaries of the'
ments arranged in parallel col- acquired chazzon, officiated as

United Jewish Appeal.
city who traces her father's an- umns showing how the authors of cantor. Jerome Sonenklar chanted
cestry in Germany to the 16th the Protocols lifted material from the Hallel service. Miss Rose
— *IL
Syllabus for Study of Future
century, visited the national head- the "Dialogues in Hell." In ad- Rosenthal delivered the resume,
List .Catalog
quarters of Junior Iladassah, the dition, Mr. Bernstein has included and Theodore Leibovitz, who de-
of U. S. Jewry
Young Women's Zionist Organi- documentary evidence which ex- livered the
Oa. rents and erlearon ever LINO j
zation of America, at 111 Fifth plains how the Protocols were "The Significance Of Chanukah." 1411, 1 ....t ha. o f buena.. Si. matter
The National Federation of
Abe Gordon, sponsor of the on; and
" T. "(1
Men's Clubs of the United Syna-
lieu catomer• tirtaL
Junior Congregation, delivered a
to participate in the work for the Semites.
gogue of America, N. E. corner
ttrae br u in s tc;..r o=loln b le:17 d'Ijoe a. to i
speech explaining to the Juniors
upbuilding of Palestine.
Broadway and 122nd St., New
•nelt Wrier
;or '
' Pl;;;K
" ;:i
Miss Cohn, who is 19 and ex- Supplementary Prayers for the origin and significance of the ; orders
York, has issued • pamphlet by
or Nalco,
Hallel pryer.
Rabbi Eugene Kohn on "The Fut-
we,. far Tea MC Cat
High Holy Days
Next week, Miss Evelyn Kopel-
Bancroft, and is now a student at
ure of Judaism in America: A
R. IL. FOUC & CO.. Dana, IBA.
man will render the resume and ' Lana Car Norton Paeans le do, way;
Hunter College. She had attend-
Syllabus for Study Groups."
Dr. Mordecai M. Kaplan's "Sup-
Conolon—ealow Staab
ed the "oberreal shale" in Ham- plementary Prayers and Readings Charles Frie,,Igood will give the
The syllabus offers suggestions
Prodaot of Dart Moe AtIrenlaae •
"The, Sower," a gigantic bronze figure occupying the center of burg before coming to this coun-
for the conduct of a study course
for the High Holidays" has been'
of seven weeks. the study being the Jewish national pavilion at the Levant Fair, attracted the atten- try last June with her father, published by the United Synagogue
based on Rabbi Kohn's recently tion of more than 600,000 visitors from all parts of the world who Sam Cohn, a wine exporter, and of America.
Reduced Charges on Money also been lowered.
published "The Future of Judaism came to Tel Aviv to attend the 6th Palestine and Near East Trade her brother, Willi. Her mother
It is reported that about 4,000
Transmissions to Europe
Exposition. The exposition, which reflected the marvelous progress and two sisters are still in Ger-
in America."
The Him Remittance Bureau,
copies of this prayerbook have al-
of the Jewish National Home, came to a close last week.
Through Hies
Practically every issue affecting
ready been taken by synagogues
which has been in operation sines
This bronze figure, the handiwork of a noted Palestinian artist, ter recently left Germany to live
American Jewry is included in the
throughout the country.
1920, has transmitted for Arneri•
The Hies Remittance Bureau.
study, and the syllabus is a fine symbolized to the vast audiences the work and accomplishment of in Spain.
Dr. Kaplan, who is professor of
Miss Cohn chose Junior Hades- homiletics at the Jewish Theologi- functioning under the name of can Jews since then doe. to $35,-
help for groups using the author's Jewish rational capital, which is being contributed by Jewry through-
out the world and invested in the upbuilding of Palestine by the sah as the organization through cal Seminary, states in a foreword the Him Immigrant Bank, a de- 000,000.
Jewish National Fund and the Palestine Foundation Fund (Keren which to express her Zionist to this book:
partment of hte Hebrew Shelter.'
American Jews who wish to
photo- ideology, particularly because the
"It is only as an interim con- ing and Immigrant Aid Society,I
NEUGARTEN SUNSHINE CLUB Kayemeth le Israel and the Keren Hayesod). The above is a
graph of the pavilion containing illuminating charts replete with organization is now engaged in cession to an immediate need that 425 Lafayette St., New York, has, send financial aid to their rela-
abroad may avail themselves
giving home and education to those (prayers) contained in this made arrangements whereby Its
The regular monthly meeting facts and figures concerning the work of the two Zionist funds.
More than 20,000 live on JNF land in Palestine, rainirg their German refugee children in Pal- booklet are given in English. It is service to American Jews, who of the service of the Hies Immi-
of the Neugarten Sunshine Club
will be held Monday. Dee. 17, at livelihood by their own labor; 4,000 have been provided by the JNF, estine. The children's village hoped that before long the Jewish are desirLas of transmitting funds grant Bank.
1:30 p. m., at the home of the with urban and suburban building lots in the cities of the Jewish which Junior Hadassah maintains spirit of our synagogues will be abroad to their relatives, will be
secretary, Mrs. Abe Vineberg, National Home; 100 public institutions have been provided with sites near Haifa has enrolled thus far sufficiently rehabilitated to make it greatly enhanced.
Don't prophesy to the man who
By this arrangement, a redue-
2986 Monterty. Refreshments by the JNF; 160,000 dunams have been freed from malaria. The 13 refugee children, and more are feasible for these prayers and read-
eta see farther than Too can.
three principal valleys, of Jezreel, of Zebulun and of Ilepher, have expected to be admitted later.
ings to be published and recited in tion in the fees for sending money
will be served.
A good drum does not require
to Europe, and particularly on
Plans for a new membership been reclaimed for the Jewish people by the Jwish National Fund,
which owns one third of the total Jewish land possessions in Palestine.
orders upon Torgsin in Soviet bard striking.
The drunkard knows not the
drive will be discerned.
One can see heavens through Russia, is made possible. The
A poor man is short of wit. •
The Detroit News radio tea is The JNF sows, indeed, in the land of Israel the grains of its develop- shame of wine—nor the abstinent
its glow.
a needle's eye.
ment. The Jewish people reap the harvest.
fees of cable remittances have lean horse long of hair.
to be held in February.

Gifts for Men!




Dr. Elias Enlists
Pro-Palestine Help

"Giu ifitritifure Iffis

Zedakah $5 Donor
Luncheon Feb. 27


rUrttiture tompant;

Dance of Youth
Council Dec. 16


Best and Most Delicious Dinners in Detroit


Beth El Alumni
Forum on Sunday

Bernstein Dissects
Falsified Protocols SAVE


f2A, (

Pays for Your


at this fine hotel P''




Academy Inducts
14 New Members


Jewish Schools in
Poland Collapsing





Jr. Cong-eegation of
Shaarey Zedek




' and Mailing

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