•S'A . ••••ft• -•• • •• ■ •••••• ■■■ •••+ • PIE*TROCKAIIIMI 91 ROXICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE PAC1' ZIONISTS DIVIDED ON WORLD CONGRESS ( (X)NCLUDED FROM PAGE l y ties as is now advance d i n con- ' nection with a hastily convened' an early date. The leaders of World Congress. There is, of the American Jewish Congress, course, still much sympathy in particularly Dr. Wise and Mr. Zionist ranks with thi' original! Deutsch, subsequently expressed idea of a World Congress, but the their readiness to abide by the relation between such a Congress! decision of the Z. 0. A., and pro- and the Zionist World Congress posed to recommend to the Euro- has never been made clear and pean Jewish World Congress Com- immediate tasks and obligations, mittee the postponement of the including a desire not to obstruct plan for a later time. In fact, the work of the Jewish Agency the Zionist decision seemed to would preclude the possibility of lave helped the American Con- at this time plunging into large gressists out of a dilemma since elections and organization plans they were then not prepared to involving a complete reorganize- go ahead with the original plan. D on of Jewry. This is not re- While publicly combatting the at- i girded to be the opportune time titude of the Zionists, Dr. Wise for working out problems of dem- was subsequently reported to ocracy and representation. It is have expressed private satisfac- a time of unprecedented crisis tion with the decision of the Z. ;and in such a time the immediate 0. A. on account of the Situation (tasks of the hour bulge above indicAted• It is stated that prior everything. to the holding of the Geneva Con- The Jewish Exponent of Phila- ference the administrative com- mittee of the American Jewish delphia of Sept. 21 is authority Congress in discussing plans of for the statement that Dr. Ste- this conference instructed its del- phen S. Wise ran away from the egation to Geneva not to vote for last meeting of the administra- a World Congress to be held next tive committee of the Congress year. The Zionists in the ad- because his report of the Geneva ministrative committee of the proceedings was not received with Congress were especially strong alacrity. This meeting of some in counselling postponement. But three weeks ago is still shrouded things took an entirely different in an atmosphere of secrecy turn when the American dele- which is entirely at variance with gates came to Geneva. In view the spirit of democracy and open of this the Zionist leadership is covenants. Still various rumors reported to be especially resent- persist and from these it may be gathered that the questions with ful. But the Zionists are above all regard to several items of the mow bent upon concentrating all Geneva program—nad they are their energies upon immediate reported to have been vry polite tasks relating to Palestine and questions—which precipitated the they do not want to be diverted storm came from the Zionist side by such experiments in organize- of the house. THE WEEK IN REVIEW CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 1 ) ban, the first few days, was con- sidered 60 per cent effective. A small rabbinical group bolted the Kashruth Association and said It would give special dispensation to daughter poultry under its super- eision. Seventy-two of the 132 city poultry markets accepted the terms of the Kashruth Association. But an we write, the entire mat- ter is still unsettled. Seven hun- dred Bronx butchers refused to accept poultry bearing the Kash- ruth Association tag. City offi- cials, however, announced their support of the rabbis. AUSTRIA The threat of revocation of the citizenship papers of Jews natur- alized after the war finally came to pass last Wednesday when the government deprived 78 natural- ized Austrian-Jewish citizens of their citizenship rights. The gov- ernment move, which was not un- expected in view of Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg's known desire to deprive post-war naturalized Jews of at least part of their rights, is expected to affect at least 30,000 Jews who became citizens of Austria after 1919. It also raeans that henceforth no Jew can became an Austrian citizen. Thou- sands of Jews will lose jobs as they lose their citizenship. This step by the Austrian gov- ernment is reminiscent of the Nazi government's early steps against so-called Eastern Jews who mi- grated to Germany during the World War or immediately after it. It definitely puts the lie to any statements made in the past, or that will be made in he future, by Chancellor Schuschnigg regarding the reassurance of the rights of Jews. GERMANY I 0: a 0 O O 0 U 0 ••• O U 01 Cl tin icl is SC Ns m , A ct T1 a, is C 'Central Committee of Germa n !NAZI EXPERT FOR REICH PRESS ASKS Barcus Paintings I Jews Advised by Coughlin to Stop Jews is for Relief and Reconstruc. ANTI-SEMITES AT HEAVIER TAXES ON Now On Exhibition Apologizing for Their Activities 1,125,000 ,125,000 Marks. Accord- PROTOCOL TRIAL JEWISH RESIDENTS tion, The John Hanna Art Galleries, Michigan's finest and exclusive art galleries, is sponsoring a "one man show" of water color paint- ings by Frank Barcus. The sub- jects are all of local scenes, col- BOYCOTT MEETING CALLED IN LONDON BEGINNING NOV. 25 (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE I) in increasing volume as time goes on. From a material standpoint, the boycott has proven to be a blessing instead of the handicap that was shortsightedly predicted for it." Referring to the coming meet- ing in London the preface of the pamphlet states: "As this book goes to press an- other Non-Sectarian World Con- ference is to be held at London on Nov. 25 to intensify and co- ordinate the boycott between the various countries at which out- standing leaders of every race and creed and of organized labor from all parts of the world will be represented." Test for Sanctions Seen . There is mit forward the idea that should the boycott be suc- cessful in obliging Germany to recant in her treatment of liberals and her race discrimination, it will have been shown that an ef- fective substitute for the horrors of war "has at last been found"; that it will have been demon- grated that economic eanctions are effective upon a nation against whom they are directed. The officers of the Non-Sec- tarian Anti-Nazi League are Samuel Untermyer, president; Mayor Fiorello II. LaGuardia, vice-president; Dr. Abbe Hillel Silver, vice-president; Louis My- ers, acting treasurer; Bernard G. Richards, executive secretary; James W. Gerard, vice-president; Arthur S. Tompkins, vice-presi- dent; Dr. A. Coralnick, vice- president; Colonel Theodore Roosevelt, vice-president; J. Da- vid Stern, treasurer, and Mrs. Mark Herrin, acting chairman of executive committee. The Nazi Labor Front instituted a new and bitter anti-Jewish cam- paign to convince the workers of Germany that "association with Jews, even with decent Jews, is inunoral and harmful" because the Jews are a menace to Germany. the assassination of King Alexan- POLAND der of Yugoslavia and the ease Charges that "the Polish gov- with which his killers entered ernment is condemning 3,000,000 France. In reality, however, it is Polish Jews to annihilitation" were a widespread anti-foreign drive of made last Wednesday from the the greatest magnitude. It is be- triburill of the Polish Sejni in im- lieved that about 500,000 foreig- pressive speeches delivered by Rab- ners are now in France. The drive bi Dr. Joshua Thon, president of is not directed against German- 'the Jewish Deputies, and Rabbi Jewish refugees but will affect Lewin of the Agudath Israel, part them. Leaders of the drive esti- `of the pro-government bloc in the mate that there are 35,000 Ger- ,parliament. The rabbis claimed man-Jewish refugees living in :chat the Jews- are being "annihili- France. led" by the government system of RUSSIA 'taxing the towns and favoring the Michael Kalinin, president of the villages, Jews living in the towns. Soviet Union, told Joseph, Limberg, it win also said that the govern- newly appointed head of the or- ing's!, given no relief to Jews and ganization committee for Biro-Bid- hinders Jewish relief organizations. Ian that he desired to see a Jew- tabbi Thon conclude! with • crit- ish Socialist republic in Biro-Bid- eiarn of the Polish friendship with jan within the next five to eight (ass German by demanding that years. Poland turn away from the Nazi Erection of a technical institute nferno and resume connections for metallurgy in Biro-Bidjan was rich civilization." ordered by the Soviet Commissar In England Neville Laski, pees. for Mining and the director of the ident,of the Board of Jewish Dep- Jewish Technical and Engineering uties, expressed the view that pub- Institute in Charkov, Moshe Levi- lic opinion must be aroused against tan. has already left to start work the Polish government by the Jews on the proiect. as a protest against the treatment Meanwhile plans are being of Jews there. "If we take the formulated for the first all-Bid- • view," he said, "that the Polish Ian congress which in to open De- government has done everything cember 11 , in its power to Implement the min- PALESTINE ority treaty clauses, then we say Egyptian papers report that the something that is untrue and use- English government intends to less." postpone indefinitely the roganiza- Criticism of the Nazi regime in German is now not allowed in Po- tion of a legislative council in view of changed political condi- land. The suppression of • mass meeting of German-Jewish refu. tions in the country. The Jewish Agency denies the report. It is gem by the Polish government prone, this.. They attempted to claimed that High Commissioner Wauchope will announce the post- read a resolution denouncing Nazi ponement on his return to Pales- persecution in Germany. tine. The Polish Supreme Court ruled The memory of the late Baron that it isn't ■ crime to deface shops owned by Jews with swastikas Edmond de Rothschild will be per- petuated by ■ colonization project and anti-Semitic slogans. Immediate dissolution of the of the Jewish National Fund to be named Edmonde. Britt Trumpeldor, Revisionist Julius Simon, president of the youth organization, and of the Palestine Economic Corporation , Brith Hachall, Revisionist military group was demanded in a heated expressed the view before leaving the United States for Palestine editorial in Carets Warsawska, that the Haifa Bay section would Enda* organ, which berated the soon be a flourishing city of at government for allowing the exis- slice of "Jewish organizations of a least a 100,000 with thousands of factories. Professor Patrick Aber- litary sharsct , r." crombie of England, he said, had Protests against increased anti- been engaged to do the town plan- wish ornstement in the streets of ning for the city. laneand the strict application "Aryan paragraph" in Danzig ENGLAND Major H. L. Nathan, Liberal M. .a pp'' sted to no avail to Dr. Creiser, Nazi vice-president of the P., speaking in the House of Com- Danzig Senate. His answer was mons, stated that no German-Jew. rems-ss-inital and conditions daily ish exile has proven • public bur- den. Rather the refugees, espe- grew wnrse for Jews. cially the ocientists—and in this FRANCE Lord Rotherrnere's papers concur movement started in France A —have been of great value to Brit- last week to be rail foreigners. ish industry. reaction is It was announced as a • ( CONCLUDED FROM PAGE 1) that there were so many Jews in° the government after all. He spoke of them as a group as con- taining some good material and others not so good—but declared the group in no sense differs from- the Protestant or Catholic officials some of whom are excellent and, others who should be eliminated. Lauds Morgenthau But when he spoke of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgen- thau Jr. he emphasized his love and admiration for the man. In- sisting that he knows Mr. Mor- genthau better than 99 per cent of the Jewish people, he declared that Morgenthau is the finest and aisles man in Washington, that he honors him for his sincerity and honesty and that if ever he were removed from the Cabinet it would be a good reason for turn- ing against President Roosevelt. Father Coughlin found two points on which to criticize the Jews; not advertised them with their , protests. Is there danger o: the rise of Fascism in this country, and is the recent Democratic victory pointing to a Roosevelt dictator- ship? Again Father Coughlin an sx•ered in the "A d' tutorship is impossible without an I army, and sop have not and prob- ably never will have an army for such a purpose," he replied. Returning again to the prob- lem affecting German Jews, Rev. Coughlin insisted that Jews should fight for their own rights wher- ever they are, although Jews throughout the world should pro- vide funds for relief. Whatever is done, he advised, the United I States Government should not be' Involved in this controversy with another government, just as he opposed the interference of the United States Government in the Mexican persecution of Catholics. The Mexican Catholics, he main- tained, should fight their own bat- tle for their own rights, although American Catholics are justified in supplying the means for such a battle for justice. First, they emphasize the Jew- ishness of a person in public life, and over-publicize his significance, insteal of soft-pedaling it. Predicts New Immigration FRANK BARCUS Second, they apologize too much, instead of taking their posi- The movement for the settle- orful and beautifully drawn. Al- tion for granted, and instead of ment of Jews in Palestine was though Mr. Barcus has traveled fighting for their rights every- completely ridiculed by Rev. extensively throughout Europe, where. Coughlin. Ile could not under- Canada and America, he s finds stand why Jews should want to go Opposes Boycott and makes the scenes around De- to a country which is so impover- Rev. Coughlin took occasion troit Just as interesting as the old ished and which he believes has world subjects. Mr. Barcus was also to condemn the attempts to no agricultural possibilities. His born in Milwaukee and received establish an embargo against Ger- father and mother, he stated, had his early art training at the Chi- many or to boycott German just returned from Palestine and cago Art Institute and the Society goods. The Germans,' he main- they speak of hotels closed up and of Beaux Arts Architects. Among tains, are not responsible for what their windows broken and people the local teachers that he per- is happening in Germany. It is living in poverty. He was not sonally studied with are Wicker Hitler and the man back of him, convinced by the interviewer's and Sepeschy. The exhibition Goering, whom this Catholic lead- statement that, to the contrary, will be open to the public for er blames. Therefore, he told the there is a boom and a housing three weeks. interviewer, to boycott all Ger- mans is to harm those who are shortage. What substitute would he offer not responsible for the Nazi out- JUNIORS CONDUCT for Palestine, for the settlement rages. "Why," he asked "should SABBATH SERVICES Cardinal Faulhaber and his brave o f refugees? "Let them come to the Mississippi Valley," was hi s group, who are the most effective answer. But the doors to this ICONCLUDED FROM PACE I) fighters against Hitler in the country are closed, he was r - churches of Germany, suffer from minded. "They will be reopened morning. Marvin Reider will de- the boycott?" again," he declared. He could What other solution would he not say when—present conditions liver the sermon. Louis Weisen- feld Will be the Baal Kore. Rabbi propose? Rev. Coughlin answered are against reopening America's , A. M. Ilershman will extend with conviction that the methods doors—but they will be reopened greetings to the Junior Congre- pursued by Catholic and Protest- again one day. Conditions are ant ministers are the only,effect- certain to improve. There will be gation. Regular Sabbath Day services ive means, and he insisted that an emerging from the present were held in the little chapel last Jews should do likewise, that Ger- crisis, and then there will be re- Saturday by the Junior Congre- man rabbis should rise up from newed opportunities in this coun- gation of Shaarey Zedek, An- their pulpits and demand justice, try for the immigrant. insisting upon their citizenship other capacity crowd attended. "You have a great deal of faith Herbert Levin acted as chazzon, and condemning all efforts to rob and confidence," the interviewer Miss Amy Cohen delivered a res- them of their rights. remarked. What about the dangers in- ume of the Sedra and Bertram "Without confidence we are Gordon gave a sermon on "The volved for those who dare to lost," was his parting assurance, Jews and the Balfour Declara- speak up against Nazism? as he again urged that Jews tion." This suggestion Rev. Coughlin should stand up erect, demanding As a special service to com- refused to take seriously, insist- their rights, never apologizing. memorate Armistice' Day, several ing that Hitler would not dare short prayers were offered, songs harm the Jewish preachers. HILLEL AT U. OF M. were sung and at the conclusion And he added: "There are other . HAS NEW PROGRAM of the service the entire congre- ways of ending Ilitlerism. Remem- gation joined in singing "My ber Gideon . . . . " (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE it Country 'Tis of Thee." Reference to a possible anti- On Saturday morning, Nov. 17, Semitic movement, regarding the Jews" by Dr. Heller; "Introduc- Miss Evelyn Koppleman will give possible effect of which he was tion to Mishna" by Dr. Heller; a resume of the week's Sedra and questioned by the interviewer, "The Jews and Near East Civili- Charles Friedgood will deliver a merely brought a smile of con- zation" by Prof. Wm. II. Worrell, brief talk. A new custom will tempt to Father Coughlin's lips. Department of Oriental Lan- be introduced, a member giving "Every such movement is either guages; "The Jew in English Lite- a brief talk on the significance of dead or dying," he said. "We rature" by Montague F. Modder, prayers sung during the service. shall always have the Ku Klux instructor in English Department; Mandell Berman, vice-president Klan or some shirt movement. "Rashi's Commentary on the Pen- of the Junior Congregation. will But pay no attention to them. tateuch" by Dr. Ileller; "Talmu- inaugurate this custom this Sat- Ignore them." dic Precepts and Personalities" by urday. Calls Dictatorship Impossible Dr. Heller; and there will be also He advised ignoring a lot of be a series of lectures and dis- "Do not pray for tasks equal things. He believes that the Pro- cussions in the history of Zionism, to your power; pray for power tocols of the Elders of Zion would the economic, industrial and cul- equal to your tasks."— Phillips never have had such a large tural development of Palestine Brooks. circulation if Jews themselves had under the auspices of Avukah. IIIII ill!, i t ' t ills (CVNCLUDED FROM PAGE 1) shoes and smaller wearing apparel. There are also several supply stores. it is interesting to learn that the several hundred Jews have more than a thousand employees, the majority of them Costa Ri- cans, men and women and, of course, non-Jews. Every peddler employs at least one non-Jew. It appears, however, that this revival of business and industry had in- voked the majority and envy of a small group of Costa Rican merchants and landowners and this group is responsible for the wide anti-semitic attacks which are being made in a number of local Spanish papers. This group also circulates the "protocols" and other anti-Jewish literature. The Jewish settlers feel that they are lonesome and separated from World Jewry and although the President of the Republic seems to have liberal tendencies they are somewhat panic-stricken be- cause the Jews are accused of be- ing Communists and undermining the foundations of Christianity. The Jewish community has three institutions, a Zionist Organiza- tion, a Jewish Center and a Free Loan Fund. In view of the situa- tion, the Costa Rican Jews have united and have created a Cen- tral Jewish Committee for the purpose of protecting their in- terests. Nevertheless, they have appealed to Bias and through Hies to American Jewry for aid if it should be needed. ers, (CONCLUDED FROM PAGE I) ees and pedlars to recently pros- perous merchants and land own- era, and include former inkeepers and leaders in the professions. The working capital of the loan kassas, which are one phase of the rehabilitation program of the i rag to that organization, these kassas have been enabled to funs. tion through the help given this year and in 1933 by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Commit. tee and the American Joint Re. construction Foundation, the lat- ter represented the J. D. C. and 'the ICA. IT'S THE QUALITY that makes Stroh's Bohemian Beer so popular. Flavor and quality are always associated with Stroh's Bohemian Beer because it is the only American beer that is Fire Brewed. Don't take anything else. See that you get the best. That's Stroh's—the beer with the delicious flavor. P01 SALE IV METTER ['KAIAKS VENCEZEZ/21=== Reich Officials Put "Protocols" On School List BERLIN (JTA)—Virulent an- ti-Semitic books, including Dr. Al- fred Rosenberg's "Protocols of the Elders of Zion and World Politics," the late Theodor Fritsch's "Manual of the Jewish Problem" and Dr. Guenther's book "Raciology of World Jewry," last week were Added to the list of books for use in German public schools. Dr. Bernhard Rust, Nazi Minister of Education, issued the order. It is thought that the inclusion of these notorious anti-Semitic books in the list of books used by children in the schools is the di- rect result of the appeal recently issued by the Nazi firebrand, Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, asking Ger- mans to read books by Nazi au- thors and to help develop the "new German literature." Dr. Goebbels recalled the fantastic bonfire of last year in which the books of all Jewish and liberal writers were burned. He urged Germans to build a literature, "just as they had destroyed one." Use of the books named, it is held, will poison the entire gener- ation of German school children, who may grow up ignorant of the fact that the anti-Jewish material they have read has been com- pletely discredited in the outside world. BEN BEY CLUB On Wednesday night, Nov. 14, final arrangements were made for the wienie roast which will be held Saturday night at Belle Isle, at which time new members will be initiated. Charlie Wolok was appointed chairman of the Ben Bey Club 9th annual dance to be sponsored on April 21, the place to be named in the near future in this paper. The next meeting will be held at the Jewish Center on Wednes- day night, Nov. 21, at 8:30 P. M. t A EiRewEo ossti ANON CHOICEST , '5, , C - ". 0 . MATE RIALS 0.3 B Y ot 0/1 BRO 8 ■ O:10!7,1. ic11!‘1" w it _you might say there are few things that cost so little and give so much • 1,54. Warr it WAS Tana° Co.