• PIE DerRonlovisn THE 1.F , AI. CHRONICLE POLAND'S ACTION ON MINORITIES TREATY DEFENDED BY ITS CONSUL COMMUNITY FUND INAUGURATES 1TS - $2,500,000 DRIVE Are Germans Really Anti-Semites? car, who does not exert himself to U. of D. Plays Duquesne imitate his masters and to surpass Next Friday (Continued from Page One) And now for those who turn therm (Continues from Page One) eitement against the Jews, The Duquesne University, the only So day after day, month after away from my question, because (Continued from l'age One) may bring only such news as is ap- tiny show their wounds and say; month, the German people hear the team that beat the University of !three men left the courtroom after dente. Therefore the Jews of Po- giving the Hitler salute. proseel by the Ministry of Pro p a- see this s, this s i the answer to such same thin g s Th e more e d uca fed Detroit Titans in 1933, conies to the dinner-meeting of worker 3 geode. It is, therefore, wrong to a land should assume a favorable at- At the same time, the Warsaw question. Well, I belong to those among them may have resisted, but Detroit next Friday evening, Oct. titude towards Poland's demands Lawyer's Association unanimously on Monday evening, Oct. 15, at ask people who come from Germany who can show wounds ... never- then the relentless propaganda had 20, In spite of the fact that the made in Geneva.' adopted a resolution condemning in Hotel Statler. what is happening in the country. theless, I ask the question. Perhaps its effect even un them. The masses Dukes were beaten by West Vir- The daily Moment says: Emphasis was placed at this They ran only report on the tic- 1 ask it more specificalfy: Who are had long since been broken down ginia 7 to 0 in an early-season strongest terms the anti-Semitic e•Tbe principle. etpreracd by Me Reck I Polish lawyer, Nowodoworski, for rally on the need for securing a rurrences in their immediate vicin- the anti-Semites in Germany?—the in spirit. "The Jews are our mis- game, Coach Dorais regards them to Geom. •gree with oar lethal /14••••• tag. we weleeme them. There can be issuing an appeal to the public to larger number of subscribers from ity. If something takes p!ace in an masses, the individuals or the goy- fortune!" If business is desperate- as one of the most formidable me otatea otthin the Leurse ...addend boycott Jewish attorneys. the middle class group, in sub - ad scent village, which might cause ernment? ly bad because the whole world teams on his schedule. The Titans shuns G f e rt As president of the National scriptions ranging from $2S t criticism in foreign lands, they an ye e st fp ea w retr - are all steamed up over the battle, farrago cordial. It ir clear I h61 The German people are not anti- nee ht 4.4 minority protectloo niu.t he Democratic Union of Lawyers, fl00. ° don't even hear of it. Foreign the workers too, because of the possibilities it x a e rds is tr newspapers whose correspondents Semites! This can, and it is im- rights than in any other civilized offers for vengeance. James K. Watkins, president o Nowodoworski issued a circular "The Lwow daily Chwi!a says: , are better informed arc prohibited portant that it should be demon.: land in the world—if culture is Next week's game will be the Toland .. deciondinn in I,eoe"N i• • urging a boycott of I'olish Jewish the Community Fund, pointed ou M.! It kWh demand. an immediate whi- ; attorneys and calling upon Polish that Detroit has less subscriber ' in Germany. Anyone who circulates steeled, if not for us, then for our burned and corrupted—if the mid- last of Detroit's night engagements a rumors is heavily punished. children who, it is hoped, will re- die-class ff., The problem of p•i act ion of ass „ is starving— flitter ex- this season and should be the hard- in this class than any other cit !institutions to dismiss Jewish la•- n. MN be on Pantries Y I by al BeeliN yers. He threatened to "expose" of importance in the county y , Thus, no one knows anything, turn to a saner homeland. Just as plains a" of this (in his speech of est fought. No particular effort left .1“ the wit." appeal to seivershar minprilf in the Gazeta Warszawska, Endek Compared with Cleveland, whoa even about his next door neighbor. there was once in England a forced August 17 in hamburg) by say- will be made to "peak" the Titans The same daily stresses the rrgan, all of those who retained population is a half-million les e The fact, that nut long ago, there exodus of Jews, even as in Spain jag' "There is an international for this contest, as Michigan State fact, that Poland had enegretically Jewish advocates. He was formerly than Detroit's there are 95,79 were pogroms in villages in Pomer- and in Turkey—countries in which conspiracy against us." on November 17 and Washington A Torgsin Order will austained the only pe tition I president of the Warsaw bar. subscribers to the Communit Y 5 aria was withheld from the world, Jews today live side by aide, and The Jew is to blame. State on December 1 remain the be highly appreciated by submitted by the Jews to the and became known only because the in mutual respect with their Confer on Dansig Situation objectives. The championship of fel: Who within Germany can re- Fund here as compared with 205, your relatives in the So- League of Nations, namely Bern- Spurred on by the alarming re- , 693 contributor s to the Clevelrn - Jews affected were insured by low-men—just ad the Jews at some main aloof from this? No one. It Michigan will hinge on the game heim's petition for the protection ports reaching this city about the fund. d Swiss insurance companies. In Ger- future time will again enjoy their is impossible. A year age, in the with the Spartans, while there is viet Union. many, it is still unknown. of minorities in German Silesia. full human rights in Germany. perilous situation of Danzig Jews, Torgsin offers 15,000 Reviewing the history of th e introduction of my book, "Murder a good caner that the Cougars The following declaration adopt- precipitated by the aggravated Due to these suppressions some Let as now consider }shat is hap- —Made in Germany," I wrote: "It will come east with the Pacific different domestic and ed at a mass meeting of Jews in anti-Jewish policy of the Danzig fund which was created in 1918 •. pen ing in Germany to Coast Conference championship un- day. Since I is 1 Jews can say, in all sincerity, true that imported articles of high the city of Brzesc is characteristic government, the Jewish Organiza- . .111r. Watkins said that at the the beginning of the Nazi move.: ment passed athe German govern- der their belts. law which prohib- of the general attitude of Polish tion to Combat Ilitlerism has called ( time there were about 10 eminnu t everything is all right. They did quality. Clothing, shoes, mcnt, anti-Semitism has been con- ited Jews from slaughtering cows a nity funds in the country, whil Jews towards this question: foodstuffs and other mer- an immediate conference here. The not have the opportunity of listen- stantly preached to its followers. I and calves in their customary man- today there are about 400 such Mg to doctors in hospitals on the Millions of party members, as well ner, according to their ritual; no fear of even a reprimand . . .No, --rue Jew. of Poland were ant taken chandise are for sale. by Jargon. by the Gewernment . . de- purpose of the conference is to • community che.l. Dutch, Belgian and Czechslovakian as millions of storm troopers and law appeared, however, which the Germans are not anti-Semites, rialto. to relate farther collaboration with adopt the strongest possible defense ore loteremitewel organ. et talocriiie* treaty measures in the interests of the re than ever there borders tell of wounds, the horror those in work camps— a group would have prohibited the slaughter although the present government is Prices compare coatrol. The .hrwo of Poland have newer using every conceivable effort to is an imperative need to support of which is indescribable. They which constitutes more than three- of the Jews themselves, in a man- smiled tiovnielree of the minority treaty. Danzig Jewish community. the C ommunit y Fund," .1r. at have not seen Jewish school chit- fourths of the entire German peaner a hundred times more brutal make them so. Since the masses We Mae ample proof. that the Poll.), Dictator's Wife Aids Poles on Government emitter all it. clillen. bins said. Ile stated that while dren whose entire lives have been pie—are also forcibly subjected to than ever an animal was slaught- could not be persuaded to take this States no) Kashruth .i -' Irmitment. We therefore do government funds provide for re ' wrecked . .. but why keep on re- the most unrestrained anti-Semitic erect; and never since January 30, course, the government wag forced fro any eartailmeat of our Ju.I rigida For Urge!, sedan to resort to a boycott on April 1, As a result of the intervention of lief for unemployed, the federa posting these things! (Must I di- propaganda emanating - bound to wet- Oia the contrary. ae are et from their 1933, was anyone punished who Mir boleni• Mme Pilsudski ,wife of the Polish se* your load bank se drehdre step geese to add that it is shameless, leaders. murdered a Jew." The same thing 1933. ge *weal aimed at e nendltsilwa of dictator, Jewish children fed in funds do not provide for hospi authorised agent No, the Germans are not anti- talization, child care, clinics d - nay, it shows a lack of decency, ledrelly treaties th : 177,7 All of them must listen at least still holds true today. municipal institutions in Warsaw similar efforts which depend en - to take pride in being greeted by a once Semites. Considering the methods a week to lectures on the race ra nc'e 12117,41. lore I will receive kosher food, instead of ,4: of Iel'e " Therefore, I say: The German A. prtL"1 6 tirely on the Community Fund Nazi, or even to desire such a problem. No one may contradict people are not anti-Semites. If the employed there has been little suc- mlaeritIna The Jew. of Poland entre. being compelled to eat food forbid- These funds must be provided by • thing. The management of the the speakers, who declare that Jews German people were anti-Semites, cess to date in the attempt to re- Is the Polio). Go.ernment their homes. and prallisele for it• In.) treatment of iden by the Jewish religion. North Sea resort, Nordeney, recent- are obnoxious and inferior. duce this great nation to barbar- all Y. citizen. without difference of rare ' Madame Pilsudski intervened af- Individual gifts, he stated, be- ly announced that despite the fact there would not be a single Jew cause if the government were to or rued... The entire people must read the alive in Germany today. For the ism. If one did not believe this, I ter a delegation of Polish rabb is am ;sending this letter simul- care f or these agencies it wend( that Jews had been prohibited from German newspaper and listen to last year and a half, it is con- must admit it openly, one would, "1 taneously to the editors of the Jew- appealed for her help and told her cost more, and besides the vast I visiting this resort, since last year, the German radios which for the stantly being stated that the Jews indeed, be driven to desperation. that the Warsaw municipal author- ish Criterion in Pittsburgh, Pa., ous agencies insist on non-govern - many applications were received last 18 months have repeated the are responsible for all misery, in For if one were forced to acknowl- Every Friday and B'nai B'rith Riess ignored a demand that the ment care in order that they -I from Jews who went as far as to same statements And it is con- other words, if they were to dis- edge that a group of fanatical at AMTORO, 261 Fifth Ara., N.V, children be given kosher food. Magazine in Cincinnati, Ohio, s houl d include r e c ommendationa from ceivable that in this, the most abso- appear, all misery would cease. scroundrels could reduce a great, autonomy, Nazis, urging "Faithfully yours, that they he permit- lute of all monarchies in the world, Germany is pervaded by indescrib- gifted people to insensate murder- Mr. Watkins further pointed Rabbi Officiates as Tailors Vote "J. Matusinski, I ted to come. These are the ones to there is even one minor official, able, ghastly misery, Anyone may ers, simply because these people lacking in a goal for all mankind. out that while last year a sum of ' Strike "Consul of Poland." whom nothing has happened). speakers, editor, or radio announ- kill a Jew without the slightest had suffered so much for two dec- It is therefore proved that the WILNO (JTA)—For the first $300,000 was secured from funds ades, then life would be completely Germans are not anti-Semites. — ' impounded in the banks, there is time in Jewish history, a strike of on Ruling Potial Courts Issue no hope of securing such a sum Jewish workers was officially pro- Anti•emitiss this year and it is iMportant that WARSAW (JTA)—ln two cases, claimed at a synagogue with relig• the entire quota of $2,500,000 for in widely separated parts of Pol- ious ceremonial and with a rabbi this year's drive be raised. officiating. and, Polish Courts last week ruled Jewish tailors here, planning a The canvass this year, Mr. Wat- that anti-Semitism is not a crime. In each rase the anti-Semites were strike for higher wages and better kins stated, will be conducted working conditions, assembled at through industrial and profes- f reed. In Poznan, near the German bor- a synogague frequented by them, sional groups, and in the main and took a solemn oath to hold to the house-to-house canvass will of der ,a court acquitted the editor demands until they won a vic- be eliminated. a scurrilous anti-Semitic sheet, their tory. The rabbi of the synagogue Wielka Polska, whom the ,govern- Emphasis was placed by Mr. ment prosecutor accused of incit- officiated and blessed the striking Watkins on the fact that the tailors. ing the Polish population to at- Community Fund does not serve Large crowds gathered to watch merely the fellow who is down tack and kill Jews. A Wilno court also acquitted the unique spectacle of a strike be- and out, but provides service for three Polish Nazi leaders, although ing proclaimed in a synagogue. the average citizen, through play one of them openly admitted in- grounds, settlement houses, chin ice, etc. This is not a society Job," he stated. "It is a social job. It i a business job. Too much empha (Continued from l'age One) Again Assumes Charge of Mother. sis was placed in the past on the • Clubs; Will participation in the fund of the be Welcomed at peace in Europe, had shown his t Festival • Saturday wealthy. But it is not their job, terest in the Jews by his actio ns --- but the community's." during the Polish minority cris is A harvest festival and a get- and his insistence that the Jews o f James McEvoy, general chair- the Saar be protected in the eve nt acquainted rally of the United man of the Community Fund, was that Germany should be victorio us Jewish Mother's Clubs of Detroit absent from the dinner on ac in the plebescite to be held in th a t will be held on Saturday evening, count of illness. A statement he district this January, M. Bartho u Oct. 20, at the Jewish Community addressed to the gathered work- further demonstrated his friend' i. Center, 8904 Woodward. ers was read by Mr. Watkins. Mr. This function will serve to for- McEvoy emphasized that nese to the Jew by a message he a eon sent to the World Jewish Conte :, molly introduce Louis Sobel, the tribution to the fund is a civic tore when it convened in Genes .a new executive director of the Cen- duty and urged special emphasis last August. The slain Foreig n ter, to the Jewish mothers of this on the gifts of $10 to $100. "De• Minister was most emphatically a community. It will also serve as trait contributes less per capita edentate of establishment of fu II an occasion to welcome back Miss than any city I know of," he rights for Jews in the various cou n • Mary Caplan who organized the wrote. first Mother's Club at the old Han- tries of the world. A telegram urging wholehearted nah Schloss Bldg. on East High UNITED STATES St. about 14 years ries Miss Cap- support of the fund was also read Louis Zahne, chairman of the German -American Voters League lan again assumes her post here as from Dr. Leo M. Franklin. The dinner-meeting last Mon- and directing genius of the Friends director of the Mother's Clubs, There will be a musical program day was featured by a model of New Germany, emerged from solicitation enacted by Joseph p. featuring as soloist Mrs. Simon lot week's German day celebration in New York as the Nazi chief in Weingarden of the Music Study ! Glaser, el, ,,rman of the commer- Americo. The political activities Club. Jack Weisberg and Max cial and pi ofeesional unit of the of the New York Nazis -ace taking Pecherer will provide the instru drive, and Harvey P. Wallace, chairman of the industrial and form and they hope to be a power mental music. Among the honored guests on ; manufacturing unit. in the coming elections, Charles F. S. Campbell ex- William L. McLaughlin, vice- this occasion will be Milton M. piesident and editor of the English Alexander, under whose adminis• plained a series of slides entitled 'section of the New York Nazi or- nation as chairman of the educa- "Children vs Dollars," describing gan, the Deutsche Zeltung, was in- tional committee of the United' the work of the various Commu- dicted by the Brooklyn Grand Jewish Charities the movement for nity Fund agencies. The' dinner • meeting opened Jury for committing criminal libel Mother's Clubs was inaugurated. McIntyre of the advisory cum- with an invocation by Rabbi Leon upon former Magistrate Joseph mince of which Mrs. Andrew Pram. Besides Rabbi Fram, Goldstein. Wineman is chairman, together among those seated at the speak- .GERMANY with the presidents of the various er's table were Israel Ilimelhoch, Again—and probably more than ever Every dollar of this year's objective of Speaking in Berlin last week, Mother's Clubs, will act as hostes• Julian Krolik, Albert Kahn and Reichsfuehrer Adolf Hitler for the sett, before—"Detroit's Needy Need You." leyer L. Prentis. $2,500,000 is going to be needed— first time admitted that Germany Prior to the program on Mon. is suffering severely front the ef- imperatively needed. ay, music was supplied by a The various Agencies that depend fects of the world-wide anti-Nazi SACHAR TO SPEAK group of musicians from boycott. Admitting that Germany HERE ON SATURDAY elect e A ll-City wholly, or In part, upon your Com- High School Orches- was facing a severe winter, Hitler Federal aid is not, and cannot be, avail- tra, under the direction of Ar- attacked the "devilish Jewish in- (Continued from Page One) munity Fund dollars have done valiant thur H. J. Searle, instructor of ternational campaign which is at- able for these purposes. music in the Detroit high schools. tempting, with the aid of interna- liedatimh, the Shaarey Zedek work during this current year. But Ileadquarters of the campaign tional finance, to break down the Men's Club and other groups. a re at Hotel Statler. It is Detroit's taskLDetroit's obligation German people." IV rote Jewish *wish History they are sorely pressed—greatly re- There was a disagreement at a In addition to being director — it must be met. cabinet meeting aver the problem of of the !fillet Foundation at the SCHOOLS TO START duced budgets and Increased demands admission of Jews into the German University of Illinois, Dr. Sachar MEMBERSHIP DRIVE army during the next war. Gen also teaches cand make next year's problems unusually — ourses in mpara.,1 The Seventeenth Annual Campaign for eral Von Blomberg, Nazi Minister five religion (Continued from Page One) Jewi sh cohistory of War, raised the question. Ile at this university. He is the acute—the Community Fund must not au.' funds begins October 22. Plan for it pointed out that the Jews could thor of the popular "History of chairman, who opened the meeting fail them. contribute atjeaet 50,000 soldiers the Jews" published by and expressed his intEntion to in- and give to it as freely as you can. Knopf in the next war. Ile also called at- in 1930. crease the niemhership to 2,0)0, the tention to the fact that the Jews spoke: Bernard Isaacs , Born in New York City i n ' A following aron m. p, R had made good soldiers in the 1899, Dr. Socha gerson obert R. r Wee educated ruin I. Cohn, a World War and had lost 12,000 t W ashington Isnivereity and men in it. On a:count of die- 7ackheini and Judge Harry II. Kei- agement among cabinet members, Harvard. lie concluded his sou•' " an. re membership committee for the entire matter was referred to dies with three years of research et the University of Cambridge, the purpose of panning the ram- for settlement. Hitler Following is a list of services sustained by the Detroit Community Fund—and theAgencies through which they function: England, receiving the degree of point in all its deta ils was ap- England, PALESTINE ed consisting of: Judge Harry Doctor of Philosophy. Upon re- t KA Ma, , FA.31ILY SERVICES . JEWISH CHILD PLACEMENT BUREAU r ic , !s Reports from London indicate turning to this country he eldest:. Robert GIRLS' PROTECTIV , LEAGUE AMERICAN RED CROSS JEWISH CHILDREN'S I10116 Nathan Milstein, • that good progress is being mad e tithed his reputation as a (OUSE OP TIIE GOOD SHEPHERD writer Irwin I. Cohen, Samuel Sternberg ARNOLD HOME METHODIST CHILDREN'S 110ME SOCIETY in the negotiations between th e and l ecturer LEAGUE OF CATHOLIC %OMEN ASSOCIATED CHARMES MICHIGAN CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY harry Cohen, chairman, and Aaron Executive body of the World Zion MICHIGAN HUMANE SOCIETY Ticket. Now an Sale MIL( FUND ASSOCIATION M. Preterson, ex-officio. The official COUNCIL OF SOCIAL AGENCIES het Organization and the members NARCOTIC. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION ICORSE BRANCH ST. FRANCIS HOME FOR BOYS Tickets for the Sachet lecture date for the opening of the cam- of the Zionist Revisionist party. SALVATION ARMY HOME & HOSPITAL are still available at 25 cents psign was ST. JOSEPH HOME FOR BOYS HAMTRAMCK BRANCH set for Thursday, Oct. ze W ILLIAMS HOUSE A new train, the Blue-White ST. VINCENT'S ORPIIAN ASYLUM IIIGItLAND PARK BRANCH %OMAN'S HOSPITAL Express, will be launched In No- each, if bought in advance of the 25. Dr. A. E. Bernstein, who to- SALVATION ARMY CHILDREN'S HOME RIVER ROUGE BRANCH vember, making the trip between lecture. On the night of the meet- gether with Mr. A. A. Silberldatt SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL ROYAL OAR TOWNSHIP BRANCH Haifa and Vienna in four days. init, tickets will sell at 35 cents was very active in last year's mem- CHAKtf*TER BUILDING FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION each. bership campaign, offered his home HEALTH Cheap fare will make the trainac- BOY SCOUTS YANDOTTE-TRENTON BRANCH Tickets are available from niem-, for this gathering CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL OF MICHIGAN ciosible to immigrants to Palestine BOYS' (SUB OP DETROIT FAMILY PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION hers of the Zionist Organization,' High School Graduation Nor. 14 COTTAGE HOSPITAL while the fast time of the train CAMP /IRE GIRLS HEBREW FREE LOAN ASSOCIATION LINCOLN PARK BILLNCII GIRL SCOUTS will make it possible to send perish- and at the Zionist office, 1044 The graduation exercises of the JEWISH SOCIAL SERVICE BUREAU high school of the United Hebrew Y. M. G A YANDOTTE GENERAL HOSPITAL able Palestine products to Central Penobscot Bldg. KING'S DAUGHTERS' & SONS' HOMS Schools have been set for Wed- T. IV. C. A. DETROIT EYE, EAR, NOSE a THROAT HOSPITAL Europe, STAGE'S FOR TIE HANDICAPPED GRACE 1103PITAL —O. P. D. PISGAH CONDUCTS needay evening, Nov. I I, jn the LEGAL AID BUREAU RUSSIA HARPER 110SPITAL-0. P. D. auditorium of the Philadelphia- P1111.1.18 WHEATLIT HOME / 7 A Soviet decree last week restor- MEMBERSHIP DRIVE , RECREATIO.N and SETTLE.11E.NTS JOINT COUNCIL ON COMMUNITY NURSING Byroil School. Twelve boys and POLISH AID ed fell rights of citizens, includ- BAPTIST CHRISTIAN CENTER NORTH END CLINIC SALVATION ARMY girls have completed the high BAY COURT HOME ing the right to obtain bread cards P.ARKSIDE HOSPITAL (Continued from Page One) - school course which includes a SERER-11MS BUREAU astnanwoots cost mrty CENTER and to vote, to the clergy of all ST. JOSEPH'S MERCY HOSPITAL-0. P. D. THOMPSON 110M1 thorough study of the Mater comsat:roll caxna faiths. The decree is helieved to membership committee, at which Prophets OF HIGHLAND PARE ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL-0. P. D. TRAVESSIS AID in the original, the Ile- DODGE COMMUNITY lioUSK mark the cod of harsh' treatment time ■ large group of new annli- brew language SIGMA GAMMA CLINIC and literature, VISITING HOUSEKEEPERS FRANKLIN strrs.rssevr accorded religisin groups by the cations will be voted upon. All Jewish history, • special SIGMA GAMMA CONVALESCENT HOME study of TIRO! AIR SOCIETY Soviet cow roment.. VISIT:NG NURSE ASSOCIATION indications point to a large class the Comment or Rashi, and a CARE OF CHILDREN HOLIDAY HOUSE AUSTRIA in honor of Alfred M. Cohen's study Je h Ethics. The boys AUXILIARY HOUSE OF FROVIDENCZ JKWIIII COMMUNITY f.ENItIl PROTECTIVE WORE Despite the publication in the birthday. 'h ac tors ee vo FISHER HOMES NRIG111101111000 CLUE d SIG BROTHERS of MeachaPook government paper, that The officers of the lodge urge time to the study of the MI.1511 AGT /TENS TO BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME COUNCIL OP CHUICHES, SOCIAL SERVICE DEPT, Talmud Pia Agodoth Israel had poised the members, their families and while the girls pursued the etuay alILDRLN'S AID SOCIETY 11011111 WRIGHT IIIITHIMENT PLORLNCE CR TRENTON HOSPITAL Itevernment's stand in creating • friends to be present at the meet- of the Aggadah. PELICIA.N SISTERS' HOME TAO RITA toSIIILNII Y HOUSE roan REPUBLIC ghetto school system for Jewish ing to be held on Monday night, URBAN LEA1.13 A. M. Hershman will be school children and the resulting Nov. 6. The intellectual advance- the Rabbi principal speaker at the gra- lack of unity among Austrian Jews, ment committee is arranging an duation exercises. R •b b . • miss of the orthodox group and outstanding speaker at this meet- Aishishkin, whose grandchild, the Zionist group has been formed. ing. Akivah, is ere of the graduates, A united frets now exists on the will deliver an address in Yiddish. bash of meal representation of A man ran get his wife's alien- The graduation exercises are WI group.. Mon by talking in his sleep. open to the public. TORCSIN UffR GIIFTS i fa- vorably with those in the United 17th Annual Campaign of the WEEK IN REVIEW Miss Mary Caplan Returns to Detroit DETROIT COMMUNITY FUND October 22 to November 2 HUMAN NEEDS CANNOT WAIT "DETROIT'S NEEDY NEED YOU"