v ixeriewt "'with Palatial Carta CLIPTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO PiEbETROITAWLIetioinwIL •••••• ■ and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE •••• ■ • SAYINGS WITII SEC,IRITY • PROTECTION PLUS FROM I SAVINGS WITH SECURITY MONEY that did 20 YEARS' WORK IN 14 YEARS • There is a safe and lure way to make your dollars work faster—to make them do their work in less time. It is by investing them in a GREAT•WEST LIFE profit-sharing policy. Here your money shares in the profits of one of Canada's foremost dividend paying companies. I Folks Home BY-THE-WAY REFUGEES FIND A HOME IN PALESTINE ; Old Gets Gift From By DAVID SCHWARTZ (Continued from Preceding Page.) (continued from preceding page) side, to catch a glimpse of Yajur, Nahalal, Kfar Yeshoshuah, Kfar Yecheskel and, finally. the twin Kewuzot of Tel-Joseph and Ain Herod. All these were names not unknown to the boys and girls, also a gift of their youth organi- zation training. They greeted them as acquaintances, and when the cross-road sign of Ain Herod and Tel Joseph hove into sight they sang out merrily: "Main Sta- tion of Ain Herod." Again they broke out into song, responding to the greetings of the older pu- pils of the Ain Herod and Tel Joseph school who had descended to the railroad tracks to welcome their new companions. In the crowd were two lads belonging to the German group who had pre- ceded it to Palestine. Boisterous greetings! All the way up to the settle- ment, the troop was met by mem- bers of the Kewuzah streaming down to catch a first glimpse of the new contingent added to the 600, among them 90 recently come from Germany, which con- stitute the co-operative community of Ain /larod. At the top, In front of the dining room, the ver- me but not to toe." Then the Emperor rushed to an- other part of the garden and paus-,• ing abruptly, turned to the Jews and asked: "Why don't you cat swine flesh?" So you see how modern the old • Emperor was, or rather how an- dent we still are. The Emperor wanted to he the Fuehrer, the, Chancellor, the President and the God Well, it may interest you to know that the Jews were finally proved right in their contention that the Emperor was no God, and not even much of a Fuehrer, when a per- enemy tional • of the Emperor stuck ■ knife in him and the old Im- perial Geezer died like any °Min- nry fool. • • • ands of which was crowded with the rest of the residents, the ubi- quitous photographer snapped the scene. be The boys and girls housed in wooden barracks until the permanent concrete houses un- der construction for them are completed. The temporary ar- rangement is fully adequate. The barracks are well-built, the floor- ing firm and closely laid, and the walls protected against wet and wind inside and outside. On the second day, the rest of the bag- gage having arrived, the rooms were stocked and beautified with the equipment provided by loving hands at home. Within they lost all blance to barracks and as- .el a homelike, cozy air. The quiet and the expedition with which these arrangements were made again seemed to the observer the outflow of the habit that had been fostered in the camps of the youth organizations in which the members of the group had served their apprenticeship before they were designated for Palestine. In the meantime. hundreds of boys and girls are standing ready in Berlin to be absorbed into ad- ditional Kewuzot settlements. A State Board 46 Bottles of Liquor Received of Local Through M Liquor Commission Branch George F. Carroll, manager of the Detroit branch of the State Liquor Control Commission, had heard his Jewish friends speak of "Kiddush." Last week, when the pioblem faced Mr. Carroll about disposing of ■ quantity of confiscated liquor—all of which was tested and found to be pure—he called Mark Cooper, Jewish manager of the retail store at 339 State St , and asked hint for the meaning of the word. When Mr. Cooper informed him that it is the prayer 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Increased profits come to those who have a knowledge and understanding of how to use their accounting records for administration and management control. CHARLES K. HARRIS COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 1317 GRISWOLD BLDG. — CAdillac 3338 Mat* E. um& F. A. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, Rugs • Linoleum . Window Shades Drapery Rods of sanctification over wine on the Sabbath and holidays, Mr. Carroll expressed a desire to turn some GET OUR PRICES FIRST Window Shades Cleaned and Repaired of the available liquor over to 48441.11.4 la Ithellaa monde• FAInuales Eurn141•4•1 Fran , Jewish institutions. MISSIONARY JUDAISM This explains the receipt by the The age was very much like that Jewish Old Folks Home on Sept. 5424 LINWOOD AVE. Mew Garfield 1230-31 of our own; an age of unrest. 20 of 48 bottles of liquors, with Christianity was just emerging and the compliments of Mr. Carroll's Judaism was opposed because it OW1(10 SO 00 office, in behalf of the State offered a radical challenge to the Liquor Commission. idolatry of the day. Many of the Mr. Carroll expressed regret Jews did missionary work for their that confiscated wines were not religion and many of the finest available, but he stated that if pagans were adopting Judaism. Put lour money to work like, that. with a GREAT. such should be available for dis- Who knows but that Judaism it- NLE`T LIFE profit•sharing plan.Write for details self might not have conquered the GENEVA GENERALITIES only run away from us, but run tribution in the near future, other and in- amuck. Groups of men Jewish agencies will be remem- world, if not for Paul, who tame along with a form of Judaism to (Continued from eceding page.) dividuals who ought to be work- bered. ing in harmony with our interests which had been annexed the doc- and ideas permitted themselves trines of the Trinity, the Resurrec- Judaea, second the emotion. FRAM WILL PREACH ON to become embroiled in a sensa- 1512 UNION GUARDIAN BLDG. tion, etc. This is one aspect of the • • • tional stunt relating to the boy- FEAST OF CONCLUSION DETROIT, MICH. situation and it would be help- cott that was most hurtful and SWIMMING SUITS IN (Continued From Page One) ful to hear from our readers, injurious to Zionism and Pales- REPRESENTING PALESTINE as to how ready they are to tine. The men at Geneva, who Just returned from Palestine, Yom Kippur eve and partici- have talked so much and have Mrs. Archibald Silverman an- abandon their immediate tasks done so little to promote the boy- pated in the services Tom Kippur to obligations and go that if you are going and urgent nounces against German goods and morning, and condt.cted the en- • Palestine, you need not stock up out into the world to light out cott ASSURANCE COMPANY services, could find a larger and tire Memorial Service Yom Kip- with clothing in advance. Pales- and redeem certain conceptions much more useful field of action pur afternoon. He took occasion •■•■ •D 01, C1 •••WIIMMI•tt tine, she says, now broduces al- PROTECTION PLUS PROF7T • SAYINGS YM71 swam • PROITCHON PtM PROM than exploiting the unfortunate during the services to thank all most every commodity you can of selfish-determination. but comparatively insignificant who were kind to him during his think of. Of course, if I refuse to be situation relating to the German illness, .taming especially Rabbi "Even the women will find the That is the reason our rushed into a hurried world refugees. Overcome by a tragic Leon Fram, who carried the full type of bathing suit that exposes Supplying the burden of the Temple ministry Colonial Room is becoming as much as is exposable," she de- congress, I will be told that I fate, these refugees entering Pal- during the entire period; George. increasingly popular —that am not helping to fight the estine attempted to salvage what Galvani, who in ,addition to his clared. Proper Grade Somebody asked her about cigars. Nazis. I may even be called a was left out of the wreckage of beautiful singing and excellent and prices which will be and whatever the de- their lives, "Well," she replied, "Mr. Lipsky of Oil as direction of the main Temple sure to please your sense of will find his brand produced in Fascist and told to don a shirt tails, about which there is much of a prescribed color. But I confusion, some allowances may choir organized a special quartet economy. Pale;tine." Specified by the to enrich the services in the "Well, there's lots of us, includ- don't belong to any such brig. have been made for extraordinary Brown Memorial Shapel; Alvin D. circumstances. But a conference, smoke five-cent ing columnists, who We serve a seven-course Maker of Your ade. I am only trying to pro- which had to give comfort to Hersch, who read the services cigars, too." dinner for $1.25. mote an organization of Jews, Hitler, by searching for evidences and preached the sermons at the • • • Oil Burner Ilashonah who will keep their shirts on, of Jew-hatred in the most distant special services Rosh THE LEAN YEMENITES parts of the globe, could not pos- Eve and Yom Kippur Eve in the I remarked in this department any kind of shirts. ARGO OIL CORPORATION sibly resist the temptation of a social hall, and Rabbi Louis I. week about the muscular prow- last this score But it is exactly on Lafayette 4500 headline about "Palestine Break- Egelson for having come from ess of the Yemenite Jews. This Cincinnati to assist in the serv- CHARLES E. FEINBERG, Vice-President muscularity is all the stranger of fighting the Nazis that the ing the Boycott Front." when one realizes that they are not Geneva confrerees did not know We Zionists, too, were at one ices. Temple Choir by any means a rugged looking what they were doing and still time almost entirely immersed in The Temple choir, which has people. On the contrary, they are do pot know what they are theories and abstractions—mists been serving the Temple so faith- a thin, ascetic looking group. and illusions of a glorified galuth They are all made in Detroit I asked Lotto Levensohn, the about. When you are fighting through which Dr. Zhitlowsky, fully and so earnestly, now con- and are Palestine scribe, how to account for the most vicious and formidable Dr. Dubnow and other poetic sists of Mrs. Jacob Schakne, Wade and Ounranteed by this emaciated appearance. She foe which the Jews have had in philisophers are still sailing. We Mrs. H. Salzenstein, Mrs. G. STRICTLY KOSHER .511 nor e.nplowo Sr. INtroller•, tans told me it was due to their attitude. have long since emerged to face Winegarten, Mrs. R. Pollack, Mrs. Itl.lping our ■ II,. In n(1.1111011, we Ilellter She said she once asked a Yemen- hundreds of years, and when a world of harsh and stern reali- M. Benyas, Mrs. Charles Alpern, to all .tore., fre.lt dx11,, the follonInl ite mother how much the family you are facing an unprecedent- ties. We have stood the acid test, Mrs. J. Souls, Mrs. E. Sloman, Pr.•104t.: Salami, Wieners, Bologna, Corned spent on food and had received the ed calamity that is hanging over and are battling on. As the ad- Miss B. Edelstine, Miss Lillian answer "Well, we waste two pounds one, central, pivotal country, Beef, Pastrami, Tongues, Beefen- vance guard of the forces that Fagan, Mies B. Buchman, Max a month on food." Eating was ette are made of the best and t Rosenberg, Dr. A. Prussin, D. you don't proceed to Geneva or are struggling for the survival Pechinik, M. Applebaum, H. Ra-1 freshest kosher meats. just a waste to her. anywhere, to furnish a lot of of the Jews as a people, we can- den, S. Sarnoff, S. Rose, R. Sil- Watch far the blue and yellow not escape the obligation of label with the name Gunsberg and diversions and distractions from" arousing to a sense of reality all ver. Russel Silver sang the can-1 WHY HE RETURNED CASS - BAGLEY DETROIT, MICH the names of the rabbis who super- There are some people who go to the main, all-important, fate- those who are identified, with tore! parts at the Brown Mem-1 vise the Kashruth. Palestine and do not like it and ful and decisive battle. If you interests related to our own— oriel Service. The other mem- Dr. Bernstein of the Palestine De- to the one great cause.—(The bers of the quartet were Dr. A. ne000 00000000000 CiOttientael000-000000 0000-00000000-0 000-0 partment of the Zionist Organiza- are really determined to fight New Palestine.) Prus•tin, Mrs. Chad" Alpern and tion makes it a point to ask every Ilitlerism to a finish and you Mrs. H. Salzenstein. one who returns the "why for the RANDOLPH 2545 fight it with real force and 1016 NAPOLEON ST. return and perhaps the quaintest "The glories of the possible are We may nay to the bee, neither answer yet given was that of an genuine foresight, you do not thy honey nor thy sting. ours."—Bayard Taylor. S old orthodox Jew. This old Jew assemble to compile a list of said in Yiddish: "Es is nischtah horrors prevailing in other coun- dort zu davenen." "There is no tries and give the Nazis forty- place to daven here." Imagine saying that about Pal- seven different alibis. Dr. estine—and yet there is a modicum Goldman's address, in which he of truth in the contention—in that scoured every nook and corner the old kind of Palestine, the kind of the globe for evidences of that existed 15 and 25 years ago, when old Jews went there to she anti-Semitism, in which he pro- is no longer existant. Then the duced a perfect world-atlas of Jewish settlements consisted only persecutions is the very anti- - of these old Jews and synagogues. ' thesis of statesmanship, espe- Detroit's Largest and Best Equipped Car Washing Today, Jews don't go there to die Plant cially at a time like this. Dr. but to live. • • • Nordau's reviews of Jewish LUBRICATION — BODY POLISHING world conditions were delivered A PURIM STORY FOR at assemblies of an entirely 'SUCCOTH If what Herman Sprier, presi- different character and for it dent of the United Rumanian Jews, says is true, then Mme Lupescu, completely different purpose. Those who invoke the name of who is the center of the political cyclonic disturbance in. Rumania Nordau in order to bestow sonic first came to know King Carol fulsome praise upon the new when she was sent, as a spy, to do President of the Committee With- a little detective work for Queen out Delegations show singular Marie. Marie sent Lupescu to spy lack of judgment and understand- on Carol. It appears she found out ing of the situation. Our cuss a great deal about Carol—and I against Germany is not strength- Carol no much about her—that the , ened but weakened by strewing "Home Run" spy and the King fell in love with I at this time instances of wrongs one another and the spy became and injustices done to our pe o- Both out in front—both leaders in their fields, . Anterican.Foreign the king's mistress. And they do ple elsewhere. There is nowhere All-Wave because of "pep," smoothness, action, power say that she has stemmed off the I in the world a condition that ap- anti-Jewish attacks of the anti- !proaches Germany, and that is that conquers all obstacles. Semitic Iron Guards. So here is • the thing to concentrate on I a good Queen Esther—Purim story. am saying nothing about the psy- (Model 1150, VS..., Owe) Only its Succoth. chological effect of everlastingly If you can't attend the World Series Games— I drumming in upon the world and Threc-11,iggcr" POLISH PROPOSAL constantly reiterating statement ,. get them on a the next best that the Jews are being hounded ON THE MINORITY thing to being there in person — enjoy the exciting and driven from every spot on PACT WITHDRAWN Receives all standard American Model 11115 ;hewn oho.* play-by-play description with the faultless reception earth. There are some ver y broadcasts and all principal weighty reasons for doubting the American and Foreign afforded by 11 1111.00 performance and tone. Come (Continued from Page anal American and foreign short- value of perpetual calamity howl- religions in the territory it ad- All-Wave wave stations. Super class A in and get your PI i I If:0 trout—and follow the World This criterion, by mg. ministers. audio system, oversize PHILCO The Geneva Conrerence showed Series Games front the first ball pitched—alai football which every government must ex- electro-dynamic speaker, bass compensation, 4-point tone con- pact to be judged, is one of the lack of restraint and lack of games—and hockey—and local and national political Super class .1 Audio s)stem, standards on which states off judgment. and if it foreshadows trol, automatic volume control, clectro-dynamic speaker, bass developments—and have the most fascinating enter- good name are based." the Brit- something of what the Wor1 , 1 shadow tuning, station record- compensation, 4-point tone con- the same marl- something ing dial, eight PHILCO high- , ish statesman said. tainment and enjoyment all the time. 401, automatic volume control, The great powers insisted that agement, will be, I can only pray , tliciency tubes. shadow tuning, 8 l'hilco high- the minority treaties constituted for' a long series of postpone- , fficiency tubes. ' a definite limited problem and nicety. The question of the rep- suggested the possibility of re- resentation in and the authority vision tending toward • gradual of the Geneva Conference cannot liquidation of the entire system be quickly disposed of. Presum- of minority protection. ably we were all represented in Representatives of minority it. all Jews. all Congress Jews, Including the wonderful, new HIGH-FIDELITY groups of liberal newspapers in all of us who share • certain t e Pll I LC0 w ith tonal realism never before Europe, including the Manchester positivist, aggressive point of known in rad... Guardian, have insisted all along. view. That may and may not that the Polish proposal was a mean at least a certain kind of mere trick to enable Poland to majority. But how about minor- Ilundreds of Michigan telephone users ;rid herself of the minority treaties ity rights? Are not the Jews en- Yew old radi• 000000 ph without the onus of being classed titled to them, I mean those Jews know the value of telephone service in suclt &towed •• as • violator of international who cannot swallow the whole P"/".•"1 appeal or Geneva program. I would accident Picknesft, emergencies as fire, agreements. The Polish generalization pro- for justice to the Paris Commit- You knor the PHILCO leer et. sureru.0 ruallera• burglary. And they know that the quickest posal has been advanced previ- tee—but I have been there be- fine• that you tii:a nith PHILCO ously at League sessions by other fore. fray to summon doctor, firemen or police "Two-Bagger' were signatories of , We Zionists have much at stake nations which is by telephone. ►*4•.141 9.067 Crawl minority treaties. notably lion- i in all Jewish activities. We have "A He .:0 • especial responsibility in rela- "QUALITY MERCHANDISE FOR 53 YEARS' gary and Lithuania. The pro-lan flue Remiss.. 3.hy Coed Just one such call, when lives or property work for Jewish right. Rion to posals Were rejected. and to the question of wider are endangered, may be worth more than (ss.da lac, imasesata aas ahem) On completion of her last communal responsibility. We have lifetime. al,••••) a for (Mao( III. rervice the cost of the 4.4 STEINWAY REPRESENTATIVES* flicker, Mae West passed around been pioneers in the field. Re- a few baubles to her co-workers cently, however. for reasons that a 2313.21 Woodwrd Ave, Detroit . . a mere $15,000 worth of need not now be enlarged upon. Has automatic volume roe- 0 TO ORDER A TELEPHONE, VISIT, F.Iecl70- dyoamic speaker, 14IT7 E. lefierses Ara 16464 W. Jaen. 4.44. 137E3 Wasolvvil Ant. presents . . . lust.her big-hearted • we have been remiss In taking a trol, electro-dynamic speaket. • t simplified toning, satin finish- stand toward the company ...1positive intellectual WRITE OR CALL THE TELEPHONE way of thanking nit obinet, satin finish. 413 liVaalantaa Ara, Revd Oak. penalty a ed cabintt. an d not one per so n was forgot-;these questions BUSINESS OFFICE i ten, from the ass istant prop man I been that a movement which we. -- - -- -rm --- Froffr,,n,r.,P,r ,T ,r6r-,t,,,r..-:r,,,,r,,xzxt,T6V61'6FfT6FI'P'111 ,4;7E61.'6`c,71=41311442$411011111.1 If you had taken a GREAT-Wrsr 20-Payment Life Policy in 1920 it would be paid-up this year. In other words, it would only have required a fraction more than 14 premiums to be paid instead of the 20 contracted for. You would have no moie premiums to pay; you would have imurance protection for life; and in addition you would continue to participate in the com. pane's profits each year. This is the actual history of policy number P183394. LaSalle Window Shade Co. I 1110E LEITER . fine food —GREAT-WEST LIFE attractively served I DETROIT LELAND Buy Gunalierg's Products Always COLONIAL ROOM The GUNSBERG PROV SION CO. Dexter AUTO 5 WASH DETROIT • LELAND Chronicie Want Ads Pay , 5. MOUVIVizziMAMbintikiimizMtUft , 12005 DEXTER BOULEVARD Corner ELMHURST Taii:5:NzIr Both Winners TIGERS anti PHILCO MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. PHILCO PHILCO 5 65.00 EVERY HOME 49 New 1935 Philcos--$20 to $600 NEEDS TELEPHONE PROTECTION Very Easy Monthly Terms PHILCO Only $20 tto the director. I ours elves, have treated, Ku not Na PHILCO $29.95