PIEDLTROIVENISIICIRONIGLE and THE L2s- srss. CHRONICLE "ABSOLUTE NAZI LEADER " IN THIS COUNTRY DEFENDS BAN ON JEWS, MILITARY DRILLS MALIK MEMORIAL MEETING HERE ON TUESDAY, JULY 24 — (Continued from l'age One) 1RUBINER ELECTED Shetzer, Gessner Sheriff Petitions TO LAND PROBLEM colony. CENTER PRESIDENT Another resolution calling upon Are In New Z. 0. A. Filed by Behrendt the United Jewish Appeal to allo- (Continued from Page. One.) I (Continued from Page One) cate, in accordance with the deci- Governing Body - Friends of Henry Behrendt last I sion of the 18th Zionist Congress, PLEDGE NEW DEAL be ome co-founders of the new ready won the respect of a host week tiled petitions for his can- The new administrative corn- of Detroiters because he is en-1 pledged to aid the administration one-third of the fund raised in the ' of the Jewish National Fund in. United Slates for relief and set- i "And you still have that feeling I of Aggadah he has not ye done didacy as Sheriff of Wayne Coun- mittee of the Zionist Organize-; dowed with an unusual , judicial reaching its $400,000 quota for tlement of Jewish refugees from after the happenings of the last 1 his duty to the elementary sc h oo l ty upon the Republican ticket, and Lion of America, elected at the' temperament, and because he heal this year, and in securing the par- Germany in Palestine, for the ac- cCor_ and he therefore prepared another the former. Sheriff has consented annual convention just concluded proven that he judges all matters' ticipation of American Jews in quisition of land through the has been here ever since Chris- week in Germany?" Mr. M to run. in Atlantic City, N. J., includes on their merit and not on the ' mack asked. I set known as Divrei Aggadah, l Columbus—" Cr top the establishment of Kfar Ussish- Keren Kayerneth, was referred Mr. Behrendt has been interest- two Michigan Zionists. They are: "Why, certainly," said Gissibl I "The Words of the Aggadah," strength of sentiment or preju-1 kin, the new Palestine colony for consideration by the incoming Ile would not be eligible as a! nber," Mr. Dickstein finished,! apparently astonished at the ques: I i Which is written expressly for ed in police work practically all Simon Shetzer of Detroit and dice. which is to be named in honor of administration. met f his life. After returning from Hernias Gessner of Escanaba. I thin. I hild n re and which is being o SC h 00 C oo ' "Impartial, fair-minded, sincere Menahem Ussishkin, Zionist lead- "be cause of his Jewis Ile testified that his salary for used in all modern schools of Pal- er and world president of the Mr thoroughly steeped in Jewish , said ' and carne " f4l r;, Ile seemed to enjoy the giving his time to the development I estine, Europe and also America. It seems that sonic people are al- THE WEEK IN REVIEW I tradition, Judge Rubiner is the Keren Kayemeth. much. •Sch ways looking for an excuse to make whom it of the Friends of New Germany i In all this work he has been assist- ideal person for this post. Nu- , The resolution calls upon all an excuse. eft act on Mr. Dickstein, as district leader of the Middle 1 ed by his faithful life-long friend, (Continued from Page One) merous groups of many shades of American Zionists to affix their . let ; speechless. • West his $40 a week. Mr. Schnuch ' J ..: a 11 Itvnitzki. o r nion form the constituency of signatures upon the Ussishkin 'And that is what you call gni a e i ,, d ins O s ail osala r y as national i water against all parties from the t he Jewish Center. To guide Tribute Rolls, and by making con- We cannot eat the fruit whilst mted 1 s In the field of Hebrew educe- i Air ierican organization?' leader wa ' a aweek. 1 , them, it is necessary that we have tributions of 70 cents and morel the tree is in blossom. I lion there was also a noticeable • • Mole, Calls Group "Menace" Mr '. McCormack, taking up thel lack of Hebrew poems for the a man og Rubiner s good f Jude • Among the other witnesses was youth, poems that are written in qu rstioning again as chairman. I POLAND judgment and ability to lead and I Raymond Moley, former Assistant a lighter vein and also in an easier 'Yes," replied air. Schnuch. No slightest infringement of direct. I am personally very Secretary of State, who testified language. It was Bialik, the "Let us not split hairs," said Jewish rights under the Constitu- happy over Judge Rubiner's elec- - id e ' tion of the Free City of Danzig tion, and I am confident that the I Re presentative McCormack. " T h that as editor of the weekly To- author of the great poems "Ila- I will be tolerated, the president of community will be highly pleased , Na zi party in Germany placed day he had been interested in the Mathmid" and "Be'lr Hallarei- limitations on its own mem- problem of Nazi propaganda in the Danzig Senate asserted in an over his selection in a very short gah," who. wrote poems for chil- ' au :h o f official communique to the press. time, when we shall surely see be rship. Then the Friends ? - ' America and his magazine had car- dren. During the last decade he Four members of the Polish anti- the excellent results of his leader.' 'w Germany, an organization in tied a series of articles exposing Ne has written hundreds of poems it. Semitic society, the Nara, were th a United States which you e- , and tales for children. ship." sentenced to 14 days in jail each "Whether an organic connection BC ribs as sympathetic to the Nazis, I can safely say that among for attacks on Jews in the city opts this same limitation. Now is proved or not," he said, "if an ad For what it costs you to maintain your old car— authors uthors who devoted their entire , park in Warsaw. is i't it because this exclusion was , organization in this country has life to the creation of material you can easily buy a new Chevrolet. An employee of the American plied in Germany that it was , me ideals as that in Ger- ap ■ t he sa for children, very few have con- Jewish Joint Distribution Commit- many, it is a menace to this coun- tributed as much as Bialik. to Bowed here?" With liberal allowances now in effect, we can , tee was one of the five Jews in an Detroit Jewish Chronicle Linotype , "Yes," said Mr. Schnuch. try." His loss is felt at every turn. Man Writes Parody on show you that buying a new Chevrolet will not I unpunished and unchecked attack st m The testimony of John Schroe- Representative McCorackne ". Popular Song Bialik • Keen Ob by Naras here. only save you money—but will give you the iestioned him about the um- der, managing director of the • • • qt On Bialik's sixtieth anniver- best performance you ever had from a low- 113 M11111,11 GREENI1A1.1111: o armed detachments which appear Hamburg American and North sary which was celebrated just I UNITED STATES priced car. a , meetings of the Friends of New German Lines, was introduced in one year ago, a voluminous book , 1 Private hearings by a sub-com- ermany. hlr. Schnuch said they the form of the transcript of a I mittee of the Congressional coin- 0, you Nazi man, of known as "Safer Bialik" ("Blank's' Telling the people of your super w ere an Ordnungsdienst (Service hearing in an executive session Mr. I mittee to investigate Nazi propa- Book"), was presented to him. ' Order) and that this uniform the committee preceding BEHRENDT plan, HENRY BE anda were conducted in the Bar h d r's recent departure for This book was edited by the fans- differed only in insignia from the Here and there, where'er you can, ous poet and critic, Jacob Fich- the Spanish-American War, he en-' Administration Building in New the Schutzstaffel, or picked ins Germany. of Correspondence of the German man. It contains a wealth of new tereil police work in Lansing, York. John W. McCormack, chair- 0, you silly man! ner guard of the Nazi party troops lines was introduced to show that, literary material, all dedicated to Mich., and became, first, constable,' man, in charge. Open hearings are Why don't you get wise in Germany. deputy sheriff and later chief I scheduled in the Supreme Court You can't pull the wool over man- on the recommendation of Dr. Bialik on his anniversary. It also chief . kind's eyes Wears the Swastika During the Building there for near future. I Luther, German Ambassa- includes a series of Builik's letters o f police at ansing• With your Nordic, Aryan, pure I Mr. Schnuch identified an ex- Hans dor, and Dr. Otto Kiep, German published for the first time. I am World War, he was appointed adopted. plan, amination blank for Friends who Consul General at . New York, fa- translating here for the readers United States marshal for the! Byron D. Miller, head of the 0, you Nazi man! wished to become members of the District of Michigan,' Woolworth Co., before sailing on vors in the form of transportation of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle Eastern Ordnungsdienst, which showed were given to American writers one letter which shows what a which was an office of consider. 1 the Bremen or Germany,refusedInstead of a great man, you're merely a hate man, they were required among their and lecturers who visited the new keen observer Bialik was. This able importance because of the 1 to comment on the truth of the for more than report that the F W. Woolworth You will not last so long, ' qualifications to show their serv- Germany. The letters revealed letter was addressed to Dr. Mayer roblems. lie continued Co. was no longer buying goods With Goering and Goebbels and ice in the Storm Troops and the favors were granted in the be- Pines of Berlin, and is dated Oct. w this capacity I ' in . Streicher and Schmitt from Germany, where the company Schutzstaffel of the Nati party in 11534 EXTER BOULEVARD 15, 1930. The letter in part eight years, which extended under has been attacked and boycotted And the rest of your brown shirt Germany as well as war service lief that it would be "in the na- T BURLINGAME reads: the jurisdiction of three presi- t throng. for being a Jewish-owned firm. Mr. tion al interes." nd decorations in the German After this appointment, Miller refused to make any state- Heil! You Nazi man! a " . . . I want to tell you again dents. ' ungfellow 0577 Amon g tho se mentioned as re- a rmy. and again what I had already told he served as United States Jury meat With that cookie-duster mustache cipients were Colone l Clare on the subject. "It doesn't say anything about E. Powell, writer and lecturer; ou and that is: save as much as Cdmmissioner. During the years Clarence Darrow, president of on that serious pan, ervice in the United States Burton Holmes, travelogues; Karl you can of your possessions and 1931 and 1932 he served as Wayne the American Inquiry Commission You'll wake up in the well-known Li-my," remarked Representative K. Kitchen, columnist; Mrs. Helen put it in the only safe place we , County Sheriff, during which time which held hearings on Nazi activi- "can," deCormack. Appleton Read, art critic; and Jews have in this world—in Eretz he became a figure in the public ties in the United States, at New Oh, you Nazi man! "No," said Mr .Schnuch. Yisroel. If I had the power I eye as a result of his war waged York, and heard testimony of Nazi others. "What is the swastika?" Mr. It was shown also that the would have forced you to go to against the gamblers and other atrocities in Germany and the at- tempt to spread propaganda in M cCormack asked suddenly. Na. steamship lines engaged on or- Eretz Yisroel in order to save racketeers in Wayne County. "It is the emblem of the ders from Germany to buy adver- yourself and your children. I While sheriff of Wayne County America, declared that he hoped ,ional Socialist Party," answered tising space weekly at 50 cents have a feeling, a presentiment, Hitler got killed in current dins Mr. Schnuch. a line in the Deutsche Zeitung, that days of sorrow, days of mis- he introduced many reforms in turbances in Germany. The Com- "Isn't that a swastika pin in the the newly established newspaper ery are in store for those of us the sheriff's office and brought the mission's hearings were broadcast button-hole of your lapel?" Mr. which champions the cause of the living in the diaspora. Escape sheriff's forces up tp the point over a large net-work. • • • lIcCormack continued. while there is yet time. If you of efficiency required of a metro- New Germany. "Yes," said Mr. Schnuch calmly. Mr. Dickstein said: "I want this cannot save all of your posses- to PALESTINE Mr. Dickstein at this time en- introduced as evidence of sub- sions, save part of them. Do as poltan district, without cost n, the House of Commons, Sir hi I tell you or you will regret at the county, and for the first time tered the questioning. the deputy sheriffs became uni- P ilip Cunliffe.Lister, colonial sec- "Don't you think it is wrong for suly. Ha er Considers Himself Parse. the end. retary, said there were 14,000 un- der your Astoria local to drill with a "Besides, if men like you will formed officers. With the use of employed Arabs in Palestine at the toted by Jews iwastika flag?" he demanded. • not settle in Palestine, who will? the facilities of the Detroit police ,nd of April. Chancellor Adolf Hitler of G "What do you mean, drill?" . ees It is my opinion that those Zion- broadcasting unit, the road patrol , Palestine Jewish leaders, com- Mr. Schnuch. ninny, whose anti-Semitic pol ici asked Mr. equipped with radios, which plaining that the 2,000,000 pound "Good old fashioned Prussian led to an economic boycott against 'sts who do not actually make an' was es o loan, being floated by the admin. the activities act drill," said Mr. Dickstein. the Reich, considers himself per- ffort to settle in Palestine, give materially a . istration would be paid for by the • "if they carried the American secuted by the Jews, the congres- the lie to their preachings and the 'this unit. Jews, and benefit only the Arabs, flag also, they are within their sional sub-committee investigating public has no faith in them . . . " pushed without cost to the county. he were informed that a 40,000 pound In an interview given out, — rights." replied Mr. Schnuch. un-American activities was in- has stated that he is in a position grant will be made for an Arab Mr. McCormack interrupted: formed Tuesday. First Memorial Meeting • to stand upon his record made Industrial School, while 20,000 The information that Hitler . "We are not discussing legal rights. The first memo rial meeting to during his former term of office, pounds will be lent from the fund It's a question of citizens conduct- views himself as the persecuted tribute to Chaim Nachman Bialik any for a similar project for Jews. ing themselves in a way to show a rather than the persecutor was was held on the day of his death but will fully co-operate with In a dispute over the presence double allegiance. We don't want given to the committee at its sec- in Atlantic City, shortly after the and all p lens which can be forma- As wholesale distributors for the Blau Brewing Co. fated for the economic reorgani• of the Nazi journal "Voelkischer ■ all anyone here doing things which ond public hearing by George Syl- closing of the Zionist convention, in Wayne County, Pontiac, Mt. Clemens and ration of the sheriff's office, and Beobachter" in the Y. M. C. A. li- show • double allegience." venter Viereck, war-time German when word reached the delegates cities surrounding Detroit. that the proposed brary in Jerusalem, Waldo Hein- "We haven't shown any double propagandist and confidant of the of the great poet's death. Ad- he has stated t permitting the rear- richs, general secretary of the Y. d Try the femme, Old Heidelberg dated beer, a beer allegiance," said Mr. Schnuch. former Kaiser. Viereck Said he dresses were delivered by nationa l Morris Rothen- ganization of the county govern- M. C. A. resigned. He had exclud- g uaranteed to be older than six months; also the "The gentleman's evidence speaks warned Hitler at their last meet- ! de rs, inc luding of the Zionist Or- meat has his complete support. ed the paper on complaint of Jew- Black Beer and Private Stock Beer. Try them ing that his anti-Semitic policy berg esident tor itself," said Mr. McCormack. z lion of the office ish members of the librar commit- pr ' Mr. Schnuch said he had been an was injudicious. and see the difference. sought ganization of America. The Has- tee. An American will "When I pointed to a sign read- karate was chanted by Rabbi of sheriff, he insisted, should take to take his place. American citizen since 1925. lie CALL COLUMBIA 2618 the lines of eliminating the road was born in Germany, he said, ing 'Jews do not bathe here.' he Joshua S. Sperka of Detroit. In a reply to a question in the patrol if arrangements can be served Ms country to the replied that the sign was unauthor- House of Commons by Sir Josiah made for either the state police World War and came to the United ized," the witness continued. Vienna Pays Final Tribute to or the various municipal police .wedgewood, Sir Philip Cunliffe- States in 1923. lie studied at the "Herr Hitler then turned to me County to take Lister, secretary for colonies, gave Bialik. forces in Wayne University of Chicago and obtained and asked whether it was not true VIENNA. (JTA)—Amid scenes over this work. Mr. Behrendt assurance that in spite of rumors, his degree as Doctor of Philosophy that Jews were excluded from cer- pointed out that Wayne County there was no secret ban on Jewish o from Yale, he added. tain beaches in the United States. of deep mourning the body - f Hebrew is unique in that it has within it. doctors in Palestine, or in any Tells of Absolute Command "Much to my humiliation, I was Chaim Nachman Bialik, H its other if the British dominions y ea- • • . . boundaries several metropolitan Representative McCormack forced to tell him that was true. poet laureate, was reverentl thousands of police departments, namely, High- MEXICO questioned Mr. Schnuch about He later said that he did not per- carted through the streets of v 1- , land Park, Hamtramck, Wyan- the division of authority within the secute the Jews but that the Jews enna Tuesday by . Mexico which contains 15,000 Friends of New Germany and was persecuted him. Such Jews as mourners. A last tribute was paw dottc, Dearborn, Ecorse, River ha's not escaped the Billikopf, menace informed that the national leader were not opposed to the Nazi re - the poet by the Jews of V ienna Douge, Grosse Pointe and Detroit, Jews, of Ilitlerism, Dr. Jacob had absolute command; he appoint- ginie would not be troubled, he and by delegations of Jewish no- with its police department of bet- director of the Philadelphia Feder- ed a district leader to supervise all declared." tables from many countrie s . her than 3000. The proposed ation of Jewish Charities reported, There were no funeral orations. amendments would give these on his return from a month's stay the locals in a given sector of the Viereck admitted he had re- United States and also appointed ceived $500 a month for four The huge crowd of mourners si- municipalities the right to extend there. German propagandists from We also carry a full line of Soft Drinks, Pop, Ginger Ale and Other Beverages the local leaders on nomination of months from Dr. Otto Kiep, for- tenth' followed the hearse for the police authorities beyond Berlin are engaged in infecting the the district leaders. He said the mer acting German consul-general hours along the roads leading to their territorial limits and thereby country with Nazism. From 8,000 Also Seltzer Water local members of the Friends had the southern railway station, o eliminate duplication of efforts t 9,000 Jews reside in Mexico City. here, and $1,000 • month front no voice in choosing their leaders, Carl Byoir Associates, publicity a b ody Was , placed on a and result in increased efficiency They are in control of the apparel where the From Trieste, and a saving of thousands of dot- industry, p a r t i r u I any women's but only in sending a delegate to representatives for the German train for Trieste. the national convention to choose distinguished lore to taxpayers. lie further wear, hosiery and knit goods. Ma- g roup Tourist Information Bureau. lie where are stated, however, that until such terially, Mexican Jews are better the commander in whom all power sh COL. 2619 acted as "public relations adviser," Palestinian Jewish leaders 4421 BEAUBIEN was centered. i awaiting the body, a Trieste- arrangements could he definitely , off than they would have been in Mr. Schnuch admitted he was he explained. designated a.s made, the people in outlying corn- the U. S. Lloyd ship, specially Viereck said he had conferred nominated for the post and his se- • • • of honor, will carry munities are entitled to full po. lection managed at the convention regarding the Byoir contract with a transport CUBA lire protection. of July , by Fritz Gissibl, who with • member of the propaganda min-'the body to Palestine. --- A charge that "Polako-Jews" . Heinz Spanknoebel was one of the istry and that the public relations I were w ens. responsible for the attack on Bialik Burial in Zion original organizers of the pro- it firms of Ivy Lee and Edward Bers! RE JEWS ABC paraders on June 17 in lia- r. nays also had been mentioned. JERUSALEM . (JTA I —Devoe her movement in this country. Mr. 1 TURK GREECE . vane, which was broadcast by ex- POUR INTO Gurion, member of i i he politt- S anknoebel fled last October when h tremists among the reels utionary ical department of the Jewis . Gifts to North End Clinic 113 he was indicted on the charge of I party over a prominent radio net- (Continued from Page One) Nf'oar Palestine, — acting as an agent of a foreign gov- work, is spreading among the Cu- Jewish ernment without registering with North End Clinic has received II of the nal Council of Palestine, pulsione have been due to a mis- ban masses. After a short respite, N a ti o the State Department. Mr. Gissibl, the following contributions: S. Persitz, member of the interpretation of the new edict ' tension has returned among Cuban who took his place at the head of In memory of Charles Srere,I Mrs. Turkey has been divided Jewry. the Friends of the New Germany, from Mr. and Mrs. Ben B. Fenton. executive of the Tel Aviv muni- whereby n t o - res id ence zones." gave it up later with the public ex- In memory of Mrs. Arthur Col- cipality, and a Palestinian Hebrew i Meanwhile hundreds of victims Hebrew Ladies' Aid Society planation that Nazi headquarters ten' of Grand Haven, Mich., from writer as yet unnamed, here been an all-Palestine commit- of this misinterpretation are in Picnic Sunday in Germany had ordered all Nazi Mrs. Isaac Gilbert. named as The annual picnic of the lie- party members to get out of the In memory of Herbert T. Slo. I tee to handle the arrangements desperate straits here, in other t and , for the burial of Chaim Nachman Turkish cities and in Greece s: brew Ladies Aid Society takes Friends to avert criticism. man, from Mrs. I saac Gilber since they have hurriedly di Mr. Gissibl, who followed Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Max Loewenstein. Bialik, Hebrew poet laureate. In memory of Samuel A. Slo-! I A new quaer rt of 100 houses posed of all their possessions in place at Rouge Park, Warren Ave., Schnuch on the witness stand, said: Sunday, July and 15. games. There will he refreshments "I did everything to put him m an, from Miss Eth e l M. Gitlin for German-Jewish refugee set- order to comply with the eviction entrance, Good- through as leader of the Friends at and Mr. and M. rs Max Loewen- ' tiers in the Haifa Bay colony of order. . The chairladies are Mrs. E. Good- man, Mrs. G. Kallush, Mrs. R. lid- the convention." Immediately after to urei,i,s" b stein. of Jewish Refugee. Thousds ni hno7. man and Mrs. E. Engel. Bialik, ioinalail Fund in Mr. Schnuch's election, Mr. Gissibi the Jewish Nat in memo ry of Bernard E. Ans.. nameedKiriatB in Homeless in Turkey said, Schnuch appointed him die- pach. from Mr and Mrs E. !ilex the de ad Hebrew poet laureate, it e West SALONICA. (JIM — Jew i s h trict leader of the hi id ■ 11 Loewenstein. .was announced today. The cor- break out unless the refugees are ou Sought America. Csesshm of the new town is to be refugees forcibly ejected from ' per. o> dcia in nonpr s When asked how he could square Turkish frontier zones continue remove . d . shortly. Some f40,000 will f birthday. from Mr. and Mrs. Louis o to to pour into Orestiada, Greek his appointment with the enter Unauthorised E.Isles. the Nazi party to all party mem- James Rosenberg. !be invested in the project, half I. f rontier town on the route to In honor of the 75th birthday b eupplied by SouthAfrica LONDON. (JTA) — The Turk- arriving are Istanbul. Trains berg to keep clear of the Friends, of Isaac Goldman. from Mrs. A.. Jewry and half by the settlers. ish Embassy 'in London informed there packed with Jewish women the Jewish Telegraphic Agency he said that he had mailed a letter Copeland and M. -- rs II. C. Gross- . teSepti of resignation to the Nazis two of Condo!. and children driven from Adrian- that the Turkish government, Iniey e happy vocation et lbe Margrand of the Greet ; W • echope's Messsee weeks ago. Ile said he had also rn an. "ale t,, an unknown destination. "learning that totally misguided once to Widow sumiiI For the supplementary medical AWAITS YOU. HAPVINISS AMD BEAM 1111 MGM filed an application for American MIT DUOTMINT assistance fund, in memory of VIENNA. i.ITA I -- Among the The men have been placed in • local measures have caused • citizenship di the belief that it Charles Srere, from Mrs. Sam messages received here was one concentration camp near the number of Jewish citizens to leave Largest Hotels on the Great takes,1000 cool, outside rooms, at mod- in would be better for his work, Turkish township of Ouzoinkipru. their homes in certain provinces erate rates. finest Bathing Beach in the world, so gradual in slope, a to- view of the American attitude The fate of the Jews in this camp to Istanbul, immediately In memory of Samuel A. Slo- ,bope, High Commissioner of Pal- re child can enjoy it in safety. There's fishing, Golf, Tennis, Dancing... ward non-citizen' which the Con- is unknown. The men were bru- and e•tine, who said: "Please accept ordered those responsible to be man, from Mrs. Sam Gerson. gressional committee has made evi- endless attractions for young ond old. Our Midway is filled with the For the Weil appliance fund.' my deepest sympathy in your be- tally separated from their fami- tried. The government informed ovelties. Moderately priced, appe- dent. latest, clean, modern, enticing n from 1'ictor H. Weil. reavement. The untimely death lies. Many of the children have the deportees that they could re- "When did you file the citizen- a disappeared and the frantic moth- tizing meals, as formal or informal as you desire, even to Picnic Grounds. of your husband has inflicted turn home immediately. The en- ship appiclationr Mr. McCor- Wry of G•tor Point. Ideal grievous lose upon the Jewish ers were unable to search for their tire question is now closed." Katowice Asks Parley to Settle AUTO TOURISTS .. plan yew joanwy with a donglafal mack asked. : people and deprived Hebrew lit- children. Fan parkin space for 6000 an. Disputes for a der. o weistwocl or raw mom vocation. "This morning," replied Mr. According to the refugees. all letters WASHINGTON. (JTA1 —In- KATOWICE. (JTA1—The Zi- erature of • man of lette whose .Pao. onist organizations of Katowice' A.S411 the Jews in Turkish Thrace have sisting that the Turkish govern- GissibL Hitler Ialath.thaa r SNaoma. "Do you still consider by Awls, OW lasso 1. U. S. twee Mar 5.5 last week proposed to Zionists all genius Hebrew largely revival contributed of modern times.' to the • been exiled. Their property was ment harbors nothing but the hay leader of the German pteo- the over the world that • general Zion-I Bialik's widow declared she did either sold for next to nothing most cordial feeling, toward the NAIL THIS SPECIAL COUPON AT ONCI TO . or abandoned. ple?" living in Turkey. the Turkish ist conference to deal with the, not want speeches during the fu "Of the German race," Mr. Gia- Railway stations at Albollou. Jews "Of German blood growing dissension and ill-feeling tnerai. but only the traditional Jew I.ulebourgas and Tylolosis are Embassy here denied that there sibl corrected. was a strong anti-Semitic move- among various Zionist factions be ish ceremony. and o. A - MAIM, C.. Crier Pale sesee•sv, OWL parked with more than 1.000 ment in that country. In an ex- wherever found, in Germany called to meet in Katowice this Jewish refugees awaiting trains Plums semi ma. wawa, etivIlwa., ever ova hike as Cedar Pell 04,1 Vehicles outside." yi. ththt,heE.h y JeLish e wncw Aiv rv e hti in vep October. t ention t o for Istanbul. Conditions at the cl usi “Does that seem proper to you conference would meet A ne ws article ca ll s at Such a M sm. American citizen, if you stations are reported to be inde- explained the recent outbreaks in on the fiftietrioniversary of the .1 the fact that morn automat lee are boom ens?" Mr. McCormack Katowice conference of the Cho-1 owned by American people the n scr:hable. Only a few wagons are !Turkey against the Jews, being A.ddrus available and the mass of refo- Roesler Zinn- bathtubs receipt of an official communi- peon& litically" veve Zion. pioneer the in . e. . •re re peu there s% e don I ileum it in me e WIN IS, 3 kin the A 1. 9:.%1I1 govern- , the dead , ch . whi cation fro ibl hurriedly. "I was let group._ and in 111r. rte. weeld !reek funny treine to go , most unsanitary conditions. - It is I (Continued from Page One) Drive a New Chevrolet and Save Money! 0 YOU NAZI MAN!' COME IN TODAY-- SERVICE SALES SLATK1N BROS. DEXTH CHEVROLET `COs ' GOOD PEOPLE TO DEAL WITH' nnounanv • the appointment of *WHITE STAR* BOTTLING WORKS' FULLY- AGED gr-1 *ibelberq BreW-DATED ...BEER White Star Bottling Works edarPoint onAkekrie