American ,fewish PerlaSeal Center • ellTTCN ATENUZ - CINCINNATI 30, OHIO PIEIATICOITAWINICARCl/Ota. PAGE SEVEN and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 15,000 JEWS ENTER ZION IN 6 MONTHS (Continued Over 200 of Them SALE STARTS TOMORROW ! Every standard make—late models—all types. Buy transportation at Detroit's lowest prices.—Minimum down payments —generous terms. 2 LOTS — OPEN UNTIL 10:00 P. M. WOODWARD at PALLISTER DEXTER st MONTEREY Authorized Ford Dealers GUS BEN NEWMAN-KAISER, INC. A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and zee a fine picture every day of his life in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beauti- ful which God has implanted in the human soul.—Goethe. TERKIall itsrrit: BATHS RI "1" CHEEK LINWOOD CHEVROLET'S NEW SERVICE STATION NOW BEING COMPLETED Of interest to motorists in the northwest section Of the city is the announcement that Fred Faber and Max Carp, who recently form- ed the Linwood Chevrolet, Inc., are titr..s .nit:NTs SPA BATHS 1416 1.11111CARI, At t:N1 E ClIrrry 00 -01 Opp. Ihnholin Men's Days: and Tavola,. Thnr ■ da,, sulurday Sunda, 41-1110or s,rnier. Al..“ 01011 for Mrn Man111,. 5114111 ..ald ■ and .0(1r, 1:111 In V NI. onoI FrIda, 1 a P. W. From Page OW per cent. Countries like England put all obstacles in the way of immigrants; such a policy is in- capable of defense. Follow in Footsteps of Hersl, Lady Simon Ad•ises Jew..were urged by Lady Kath- leen Simon, wife of the British Foreign Minister, to fight to build up a strong Zionist movement and create a Jewish homeland. Addressing a meeting in mem- ory of Dr. Theodor Herz!, founder of the modern Zionist movement, Lady Kathleen hailed Heal as "one of the greatest patriots the world has had. "If I were a young Jewess in- stead of an old Irish Gentile, I would be in the thick of the fight to build up a strong Zionist move- ment," she delared, adding, "I am a Gentile married to a Gentile, with not one drop of Jewish blood in our veins." "HITLER WILL EXPLAIN TO THE WORLD" Bloch Exhibition of Rare Hebrew Books Thomas, Detroit News Cartoonist, Looks at the German Situation Collection of Rare Hebrew Book. Specially Arranged for Sum. mar Visitors in July, August Bloch Publishing Co., the oldest Jewish publishing house in Amer- ica, has arranged a special ex- hibit of old and rare Hebrew books which may be seen at their establishment, 31 West 31st St., New York. These include some unusual Ilebrew books dating back as far as 1524. Many of the title pages of these volumes are EVENING, GOOD MY FRIEND S fascinating and quaint. The collection includes volumes printed in these cities and years: Armini, 1524; Savigneta, 1664; Venice, 1546; Cairn, 1740; Augs- burg, 1540; Mantua, 1563; Rive- de-Trinti, 1559; and others in Amsterdam, Sulzbach, Furda, Yes- nit; Constantinople, Carcow, Nur- enberg, Altona, Basel, Frankfurt and Antwerp. The exhibition consists of Bi- bles and books on rabbinic liter- ature. One of the curiosities in Police Order Fails to Deter March to Herzl Grave VIENNA. (JTA)—Austrian po- lice last Sunday prohibited the an- nual march and procession of Austrian Zionists to the grave of Dr. Theodor Ilerzl, founder of the Zionist movement, who is buried in a Vienna Jewish cemetery. , Thousands of Zionists of all fac- tions, however, came to the ceme- tery singly and in groups, formed a procession and marched past the grave in tribute to the Zionist leader. The procession this year was marked by the presence of large youth groups of all the Zionist factions. Presence of a large' number of Trumpeldorites, mem- hers of the Revisionist Zionist !,youth organization, evoked wide comment. the collection is a Hebrew Bible which is translate,' into the Tar- taric language but the translation is made in Hebrew characters. It was printed in Onboquoi in Tur- key mire than a hundred years ago. All those interested are cor- dially invited to inspect these in- teresting volumes, between 10 and 5, except Saturdays and Sundays. Bloch Publishing Co., of which Charles Bloch is president, is now in its 82nd year, having been established in Cincinnati in 1854, and in New York in 1901. Jewish Savants Get Brazil Uni• varsity Posts SAO PAULO. Brazil. (JTA)- Ladies' Day•: Three German-Jewish professors, Dr. Felix Raivitcher, formerly professor of botany at Freiburg University; Dr. Ernst Breslau, formerly professor of zoology at Cologne, and Dr. Heinrich Hum- boldt, who has lectured in chem- —Courtesy Detroit News. istry at Bonn, arrived here to as- sume posts as lecturers at the Seeks to Locate Joseph Finstich newly created University of Sae in Detroit Paulo. Young Judaea Re-elects Gov. Leh man, Levine CINCINNATI. (JTA) — David Levine of New York was re-elect- Hotel .1...,Enoloil.111.4). I.:: I.o ∎ Itt... ed president of Young Judaea at and .;•ddleirn making the Jews responsible fort AT LEAST 9 JEWS the national convention here. "distortions" and "inven- the REPORTED KILLED Governor Lehman of New York tions" of the foreign press with Mrs. Estherson of Baltimore !State was re-elected honorary IN ROEHM A woman's smile is sometimes : I regard to the situation in Ger- Wire-Tapping Frustrated Goer- would like to locate her cousin, more dangerous than her frown. president of the organization. i many, and has sought to turn the I ing's Removal; Results in 's Death Gregor St Joseph Finetich, formerly of Her- Other officers chosen were: first (Continued from Page One) I wrath of the storm troopers from I tlitchey, who lived in Detroit and vice-president, Frank Ruben; sec- the government toward the Jews.' is still believed to be here. Those ond vice-president, Leon Gold- the Vice Chancellory and intim- The Deutsche Wochenschau, in-1 PRAGUE. (JTA)—Otto Stras- berg; third vice-president, Laur- ate collaborator of Vice Chancel- fluential Nazi publication, declar• ser, whose brother, Gregor Stras- knowing his whereabouts are asked to communicate with Joseph II. ence Meyer; treasurer, Louis P. tor Franz von Papen, who was one ing that Germany has a shortage ser, was sho in Chancellor Ilitler's Rocker; and secretary, Miss Ra- of the men who lost their lives in of raw materials and that food week-end t "housecleaning," dis- Ehrlich, 237 Gratiot Ave., Ran- dolph 4365. cille Srolowitz. All are from New the suppression of the Roehm re- and clothing ration cards have al- York City except Ruben, who re- volt, was a Catholic theologian ready been printed, charged that I sides in Boston. FRED FABER and a master of the Hebrew and this is all the fault of the Jews Long Run Jeanne Levinson of Cleveland, Yiddish t n ues a friend revealed and demanded that Minister of Proud Father: "I hear my son erecting Detroit's newest and most won the regional oratorical finals. to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Economics Kurt Schmitt use the made a 98-yard run in the big odern Chevrolet Sales and Super ' 1 Levine announced that the During the World War and the great powers conferred upon him game." ervice Station on the corner of funds for the Young Judaea clubs German occupation of Poland, to regulate supplies and trade Coach: "That's true, but did he inwood and Tyler Aves., one ' will be allocated this year from von Bose was chief of the German generally in an investigation of tell you that he didn't catch the lock south of the Avalon Theater • the national budget, thus provid- censorship of the Jewish press. the activities of the Jews. man ahead of him?"—Octopurt• When completed it will be one ing a financial set-up emanating Ile frequently discussed with Jew- Even in Berlin, the capital, long f the most beautiful in the city from the members themselves, ish friends and acquaintances queues are assembled outside the endering a complete and modern rather than by subsidies from problems of the Jewish religion, food shops. The scenes are rem- hevrolut maintenance service and I outside organizations, as has been iniscent of war-time days when it was revealed. yell also embody a Ili-Speed Ga • the case in the past. He also fore- Berlin, city of rumors as a re- the Allied blockade of Germany cast the extension of educational was at its most effective point. sult of the rigid censorship clamp- and athletic programs of the or- Berlin, deprived of accurate in- ed down everywhere, hummed with d st a t e d reports of a new pogrom against formation as to what is going on, that musical, dramatic and ora- 'the Jews in the Silesia area. A hummed with rumors and "inter- 1 forint activities will be put on an 'definite campaign of agitation pretations" today and read into • interstate' basis. against the Jews was, however, the announcement of Chancellor Revaluation of the function that under way here. Hitler's week-end vacation in Pa- youth is to perform in society in A new program of incitement eerie a forecast of his permanent general, and Judaism in particu- against the Jews took the form of retirement. lar, is an essential part of present- blaming them for the French-von The city was also agitated by For Snood, Comfort and Safety day Jewish life, Rabbi Samuel Schleicher "conspiracy." Jews reports that storm troopers were Travel By Train! Blumenfield, director of Jewish were accused of fomenting the planning to avenge the deaths of GREGOR STRASSEis /timid congested highways and youth activity in Chicago and hon- "'plot" and a certain well known their leaders and with speculation parking problems. You arrive orary president of Avukah, ide- German-Jewish journalist now in on the fate of the storm troops. closed that Gregor received a let- freaked —not worn out —and (dared in an address at the nation- Paris is charged with having been A line of demarcation between ter from Hitler 10 days ago in have extra time for fun at the Fair. al convention of Young Judaea. the go-between for General von "Aryans" and "non-Aryans" in which the Chancellor offered him The slogan of Young Judaeans, Schleicher and the French gov- the matter of their names was de- the positions held by Hermann