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May 25, 1934 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1934-05-25

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aw••••• ■•■■••■ •=alle



Made and Guaranteed by

Prominent Industrialist, Lib-
eral Donor to Jewish
Causes, Was 68


Joseph W'. Allen, prominent
Detroit industrialist and one of the
most liberal donors to Jewish
causes, died Saturday night at the

Watch for the blue and yellow
label with the name Gunstserg and
the names of the rabbis who super-
vise the K•shruth.

age of 68.

Funeral services were held
Tuesday afternoon from the home
of his daughter, Mrs. Harry Gold-

.Guneberg Products are famous
for their excellent taste — our
Salami, Wieners, Bologna, Corned
Beef, Pastrami, Tongues, Beeten•
ette are made of the best and
freshest kosher meats.




Awnings Made to Order






STAR Tent and Awning Co.

Work is Guaranteed — Estimates Free
Euclid 1 - 0114

Hadassah Gained
Flint Hadassah
4,000 New Members
Elects Officers


man, 2305 West Boston Blvd., with
interment in Clover Hill Park
Surviving him are his wife, Ma-
mie; two daughters, Mrs. Goldman
and Mrs. I. M. Lewis; two sons,
Harold and Sidney, and a sister
MN. Jennie Berger of Elmira,
N. Y. •
Mr. Allen was 'born in Odessa,
Rusia. He came to this country in
1881 and started in business in
Utica, N. Y. In 1915 he came to
Detroit and founded the Detroit
Bedding Co. from which evolved,
in 1920, the Allen Industries, Inc.,
makers of automotive ilsulating
When Mr. Allen first started in
business in this country he had as
his partner a boyhood friend and
school-mate, Morris Hurwitz. A
tragic coincidence is the news that
came shortly after Mr. Allen's
death that Mr. Hurwitz and passed
away in Syracuse, N. Y.
Mr. Allen was a liberal donor to
all important Jewish causes, and
was an outstanding contributor to creases are reported in the infant
funds for the upbuilding of Pal- luncheons fund.
welfare fund and the school
During May, the 300 chapters
of Hadassah throughout the coun-
try will wind up their fund-raising
activities and submit their re-
ports to the Iladassah convention
a for permaueol
I apable mn
in August.

We Welcome • • • •



miles ma ■ Itio n. Masi he end dam.

and real familiar 1,1111 Detroit.

Ma II% Detroit Jr01.11 itronicle.


TION—Let the Mickey Manage-
ment Co. relieve you of your
property worri2s. For efficient
management and economical
maintenance, call Mr. M. H.
Goldsmith, Cherry 9689.

Newly Appointed Ford Dealers


Lincoln Motor Cars

Longfellow 5200

14531 Woodward Ave.


Manuel Urbacb



n Year: Raw-
l.... 2444.144
by Lading

of Wisconsin. lie was a member
of Pi chapter of Phi Sigma Delta
Fraternity. Surviving his are his
events, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan
of 2301 Hazelwood Ave., 66 years Beerbohm; • brother, Alex, and
old, died on May 19. Funeral serv- sister, Mrs_ Samuel Katzer.
Ices were held on May 22 with in-
terment at Machpelah Cemetery,
Rabbi Joshua S. Sperka officiating. To U nveil Tombstone Sun-
He is survived by his wife, Annie;
day Over Grave of
a daughter, Ruth; three sons, liar-
Albert Miller
old, Sidney and Elmer; two broth-.
era, Noah and Sam, and two sis-
ters, Mrs. Dora Cohen and Mrs.' On Sunday, May 27, at 10:30
la. m., the members of Jericho
Freda Sachs.
Lodge, No. 490, I. O. 0. F. will
ESTHER GOLD I unveil a tombstone on the grave
of 2660 Clements Ave., 34 years of their deceased brother, P. G.
ien ild,
A Ii l lodge
a eri
brd o t ht e h re s
old, died on May 21. Funeral eery.1 Aib dertfrM
kind l y
ices were held on May 22 with and
interment at the Jewish Society ceremony. at B'rith Sholom Ceme-
Cemetery, Rev. S. Mogilevsky of- levy, located at Masonic and Little
ficiating. She is survived by her Mack Roads.
husband. Morris.



Plan Branches in


of 3318 Richton Ave., 52 yearn

LONDON. fJTA, — According
old, died on May 21. Funeral to a dispatch in the London News
services were held on May 22 with Chronicle, the Nazi government
Interment at liar liarmoria Ceme- has authorized the opening of 18
:German factories manufacturing
. —
women's clothes in England on the
following conditions: 50 per cent
of 3288 Richton Ave., 69 years of the materials to he used in the
old, died on May 23. Funeral English branch factories must be;
iir,etreeicees nw
tearet hjiladivoinewMa je2m4etwerityh, o r eli n t e r i n m aa n t h e o r( i r n m ; a an tg ro u y se t e r e n m re et t



Euclid 10467

Rev. Cantor
David GoIdol Rabbi M. Fischer officiating. Ile must supervise all financial trans-

Dodd Won't Comment on
Jewish Problem

NEW YORK. (JTA) — Sailing,
for Germany after a nix-week)
visit to this country, William E.
Dodd, United States Minister to
Germany, refused to discuss Jew-
ish problem with reporters who

'II . , •

his post in Berlin on the United
States liner George Washington.
With but a few minutes left
before lines were cast off, a re-
porter told him there were Just
two questions to which he would
like to have answers.
"Thete are just two questions
I do not care to answer," said the
ambassador. "I hope we don't
have in mind the same subjects."
"Number One: Do you antici-
pate any relenting on the Jews in
"That's Number One on my list
of two, also," said the diplomat.
"And the other is-7"
"Is letting OR on German Jewry
a bargaining point in German debt
"And that," said the ambassa-
dor, "is Number Two on my black-
list. I'm glad I met you. Good-


TURIN. UT,. I — The entire
board of the Turin Jewish com-
munity resigned last week. The
board was split owing to a con-
flict between the Zionist and non-
Zionist elements. The quarrel
arose when Turin newspapers de-
clared that Fascism and the ac-
ceptance of Zionism by Italian
Jews could not be reconciled.
Advocate Ovazza, prefect of the
province, was appointed govern-
ment commissioner for the Turin
Jewish community.

actions, and there must be no dia..
missals of workers in the home
factories in Germany.
Services were held on Monday,
By establishing branch fat-
roadie, Career
elm Per Imam, at May 21. for Norman V. Beerbohm . tories in England, the German
at Lewis Brothers' Funeral Home, !firms hope to be able to compete
Horn. evil
with interment at Clover Hill Park lin the sale of goods to the British
Apirei ■ treest
Cemetery. Ile was 26 years old colonies and dominions and in the sought to interview him lad Wed- i
A bad man is far less dangerous
2.04 MO
and graduated from the University English market. ,
nesday just before he Failed for than • cunning one.



is survived by his wife, Cecelia.

NEW YORK. — Increases of Mn.
s J. Eugene Bloomberg Again
4,000 members and $35,000 in
Chosen President
collections up to April 17 as com-
Sirs. J. Eugene Bloomberg was
pared with the corresponding date
last year was reported by Hadas- re-elected president of Hadassah at
sah, the Women's Zionist Organi- the annual meeting and luncheon
zation of America. Confidence in at the Jewish Community Center .
a sound economic revival in this Other officers named were: First
country and an intensified interest vice-president, Mrs. Joseph Cooper-
in the Jewish problem clue to Nazi stein; second vice-president, Mrs.
activities are the general reasons Louis Colish; recording secretary,
for these increases, according to Mrs. Gilbert Feinberg; correspond-
Mrs. Samuel J. Rosensohn; na- ing secretary, Mrs. Ilarry Mills and
tional treasurer of the organiza- treasurer, Mrs. Maurice Rotenberg.
'The board of directors includes the
honorary president, Mrs. Louis
"In addition, the Hadassah Lebster, the new officers and Mrs.
health work in Palestine makes a Joseph Block, Mrs. Manuel David-
profound appeal to the women of son, Mrs. Hyman Podulsky, Sire.
America, particularly at this time, Samuel Magidsohn, Mrs. Edward
when Iladassah is providing med. Rosenberg, Mrs. Ben F. Weiner,
cal care to thousands of German Mrs. Ellis Warren, Mrs. H
refugees, Mrs. Rosensohn said. Mrs., M. Gold, Mrs. S. S. Pearlstine,
"The organization ha s built up a Mrs. B. Winenian, Mrs. William
modern public health system in Hauser, Mrs. David Ackner, Mrs.
Palestine that is steadily raising Phillip Catsman Mrs. Harry Bern-
the health standards not only of stein, Mrs. Morris Fishier, Mrs,
Palestine but of the entire Near Sam Moskovitz, Mrs. I. Sendler,
East. liadassah's newest project Mrs. Arthur Weiss, Mrs. Joseph
is the building of the Hadassah- Shuirman, Mrs. Robert Kostoff,
University Hospital, which is to Mrs. George Dickstein, Mrs. Joseph
be a medical center for healing, II imelhoch.
teaching and research, and to
At luncheon the invocation was
ihich eminent scientists exiled given by Mrs. Alma Buckner and
f rom Germany will be invited as reports of the president and secre-
medical instructors and as heads tary were heard. Plans for a donor
of departments."
dinner dance in Noveinher were
The largest increase in current partly formulated and a benefit
collections is in the funds for the bridge and garden part was an-
Iladassah Medical Organization, nounced to be held soon at the
the main unit of the Iladassah home of Mrs. Louis Lebster.
The radio broadcast, "Iladassah
health work, which includes hos.
X-Ray institute, a radiology insti- Marches On," directed by Mrs. Ben
was enjoyed by the group.
pitals, clinics, health centers, an
Lute, school hygiene service and The luncheon was to charge of
Davidson of the Infant
educational campaigns against
contagious diseases. Relative in- welfare committee.

YOUR SHOES. Too long? Too
short? Too wide? Too nar-
row? We can make them over
up to two sizes larger,
guarantee perfect fit. Over 30
years' experience. M. KANER
SHOE REPAIR, 127 E. Grand
. River, 12916 E. ,Jefferson.

Day for Parents
At Camp Avrunin

Camp Avrunin announces that
the camp will be open for parents
'his Wednesday, Decoration Day.
Parents desiring to enroll their
children for camp, as well as those
who have already registered their
boys and girls, are urged to visit
camp on that day.
Camp Avrunin officially opens
for the children on June 15.
Directions for motoring to Camp
Avrunin are: Take Plymouth Road
to Ann Arbor, U. 5.-12 to .Grass
Lake, at Grass Lake turn left and
follow signs to Camp Avrunin.

Wide Assortment of New
Merchandise at Olen
& Wein

A wide assortment of specially
selected merchandise for sport and
summer wear is now on display at
Olen & Wein's smart haberdashery
9038 Twelfth St., at Clairmount.
The discriminate dresser will find
everything he needs for his sum-
mer wardrobe at this popull. store
and the proprietors, Jule. Olen
and Sam Wein, are on h nd to
personally serve their customers.
With Decoration day coming
next week, Jules and Sam are of-
fering some attractive specials.
Heading the bargains are straw
hats—smart, goodlooking, light and
cool—at $1.35 and up. Another
feature is the famous Freeman
sport shoes, all white and black
and white for $5. Other specials
are Hickok sport belts, $1, sport
trousers $1.65 and up, polo shirts
$1.25, Terriers, 95c and many
others too numerous to mention.
Ohio and Wein are open every
evening and Sundays till 6 p. m.


MOVING—by carefully, selected
and courteous men. High qual-
ity service. Rates reasonable.
Also storage. Cadillac Storage
Co., 12th Street and Tuxedo.
Phone Longfellow 9400.

FOR RENT — A beautiful six-
window room in a modern
house, by • couple. For a gen-
tleman. Near bus and street
car lines. 3296 Elmhurst. Ave.
Townsend 7-4794.

—Our child has married and
our hearts seem empty and our
home too large. Desirable room
available. Garfield 6475-R.


FOR RENT—Neat, airy furnished
In order to allow more time for warmth, charm and intimacy.
room With refined private fam- preparation, the sailing time for Staterooms have the inviting
ily. Lady preferred. Monterey the Palestinian trip which is being cheer of home and every modern
Ave. Call Northlawn 8764.
headed by Rabbi Leon Fram has convenience, even to dressing
been postponed to June 30. An- table and telephone communica-
ROOM FOR RENT, for young
man or woman. With couple. other important change is that the tion between rooms. The cuisine
party will sail on the Leviathan. is matchless and the diversions
All modern conveniences. Call
This, undoubtedly, will be par- are many. Every variety of deck
Longfellow 3227.
ticularly good news tq the tray- sport, brilliant concerts, gay
dances—all no impromptu you
FOR SALE —Grocery and meat
lit universally think they were arranged for your

market doing cash business.
Selling on account of illness.
Information and literature re-
Will sacrifice; no reasonable America's greatest ship. While
garding thin trip ran be obtained
offer refused. 6001 30th St.
the grand manner, sheer splendor by calling U. S. Lines, Ca. 7665,
FREE PIANO LESSONS and elegance never eclipse her or Rhea E. Cashman, Ra. 3370.
—Realize your musical ambi-
tion. No piano necessary. A
course of 12 lessons free by a
new method. For information
write Box 100, Detroit Jewish
The directors of Camp Nahelu kitchen staff from the best of food
WILL SHARE APARTMENT with. announce that they engaged for the ' obtainable in Detroit quality mar.
business or professional woman.; camp season a distinguished dieti- bets.
Call during the day at Randolph clan, chef and assistants, who are
Only high-test Jersey pasteur-
8044; evening, Euclid 3713-W. employed during the entire year In fired milk, cre5m, butter and cheese
the cafeteria system operated by are used. Kosher meats of the
Three married couples wish ■ the Board of Education. highest quality are delivered daily
fourth couple to share summer
The dietician, as well as the to Camp Nahelu, and eggs, vein-
home on Union Lake, $85 per kitchen staff, is scientifically tables, and fruit come from Nah-
couple for June. July and Aug. trained in chemistry of food, culin- elu's own farm and nearby farms.
ust. One of the couples will ■ ry science and home economics, Parents are invited to Camp
share your cottage if you have highly recommended as beat fitted Nahelu to see for theinaelves what
one within driving distance of to plan, prepare and feed children Nahelu has to offer for their chil-
Detroit Call Mrs. Saul Parker, at Camp Nahelu. dren's summer vacation.
To. 6-6507.
The kitchen in Camp Nahelu is For information call Townsend
furnished with all modern equip- 7-6890.
WANTED — Graduate life guard went: two large. frigidaires, with a
Directions to Camp Nahelu: U.
fo Unser Camp and Ki d T'S" I
capacity of over 100 cubic feet and S:10 (Woodward Ave.) through
A Tao •,r, wt:o can spe
speak.;eareisth all up-to-date appliances. !Pontiac to M-15! M-15 through
luently for office.
Write B.
Daily menus are planned by the 'Clarkston, turn first gravel road,
Platkin, 1536 Tyler Ave.
dietician and prepared by the' follow signs Perry Lake to camp.

Camp Nahelu Dietician, Kitchen Staff
Recommended by Board of Education

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