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May 04, 1934 - Image 4

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The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1934-05-04

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and in a
ish issue


Published Weekly by The Jewish Chronicle Publishing Co., Inc.

later id .. Second•class matter Mi.sh 0, 1916, at the Past-
e at Detroit, Mich., under the Act of March 3, I1179.

General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle

London Office:

14 Stratford Place, London, W. 1, England

Subs cription, in Advance

$3.00 Per Year

To in sure publication. all correspondence and news matter
must each this office by Tuesday evening of each wen.
When milling notices, kindly use one side of the paper only.

Tee Detroit Jewish Chronicle invitee correspondence on Imh-

'wets of Interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims rennet..
Mite for an (adornment of the views exp eeeee d by the writers

Sabbath Readings of the Law

Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 21:1-24:23
Prophetical portion—Ezek 44:15-31

May 4, 1934

lyar 19, 5694

sense made it a Jew- I

By breaking with President Roosevelt
and with Morgenthau, Coughlin revealed
his true nature. Not all is well with the
priest of the Shrine of the Little Flower.
He was a power with a large radio audi-
ence. lie stands in danger of losing his
popularity and becoming discredited be-
cause he is uttering words of hate and
venom. When he falls it will be a mighty
The Rev, Coughlin's wild statements
about Morgenthau and the international
bankers whom he by innuendo links with
Jewry is the best proof of the old saw:
"Whom the gods would destroy they first
make mad."

OurEFilm Folk


HOLLYWOOD. — Anent this
Imooted question, we do not state ,
I we merely quote: "Selznick
pumped the promoter (for Norma ,
Talmadge) and got the itory of
the little flat in Brooklyn, where
Mother Talmadge with sound Jew-
ish sense, tried to overcome the
deficits in the family budget ere-
kited by the inability of her easy-
going Irish husband to make
money." Thus Benjamin }lamp-
ton in his "History of the Mo-
vies" describes the parents of the
Talmade girls and the basic need
which drove them to movie car-
eers. If you like this . version • • •
help yourself.

• •
Sidney Fox is aflame again
• . . this time the heart-throb
i s • red-headed Joosh lad . . .
Erwin Gelsey, screamie 'crib.

Anti-Fascist Activities.

The Creation of a New Jewish Art

Rubin, Palestine's Eminent Painter, Declares New and Hope-
ful Jewish Art Is Being Created.


rCnayrIght. 1934. Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Intl


ERY FEW PEOPLE who come to Palestine
fail to see Rubin. Everyone certainly hears
of him. No one knows his first name; he
himself may have forgotten it. He is just Rubin
to intimates and strangers alike. His fame has
spread beyong the confines of the country in which
he has made his home, following upon many years
spent in France, Italy and America, acquiring and
as assiduously discarding different trends of art
that have finally given way before that new fashion
which, at a glance, is wholly "Rubin."
By saying, "That is a Rubin canvas," you stamp
its origin and locale just as effectively as though
you were to call it an El Greco, a Goya, a Gauguin
yr a Franz Ilauls, in the case of other countries.
For Rubin's work expresses and depicts the great
Hebrew traditions which are distinct from the
ritual-Judaistic manner of Pilichowsky or Boris
Schatz. It was Binlik, poet laureate of the Jewish
people who declared, "Rubin's concepts are rooted
in Hebrew tradition."

all who know him farniliarlY, he is a creature
abounding in youthful vitality. Call hint a young
man at 40, and one will not be far wrong. He was
born in Rumania in 1893, has studied art in the
Bohemian quarters of leading European capitals,
has been in America, and is the most exhibited
artist abroad now living in Palestine, with a long
record of paintings hung in the principal galleries
and academies of Europe and America.
"My proposal for an exhibition in Tel Aviv
of the works of famous living Jewish artists has an
immense political and economic importance," he
said, lounging on a sofa the brocade covering of
which has figured in at least one of his paintings.
"The onslaught upon the Jewish genius in Ger-
many has shown that we need an area of concen-
tration so as to demonstrate, and perpetuate, the
great power of living Jewish artists in modern


Tidbits and News


tCrOnleht, Mt J. T. A.1

Morris Rothenberg the other
day somewhere or other remarked
that there was a better spirit
within American Zionism. Much
of the fires of the old feud seem
to have been extinguished—th e
mars have healed, etc., etc.
Why not then make a formal
end to that whole bitterness busi-
ness by some gesture to Brandeis,
say 1.
I think it would be a very fine
. • •
What a dramatic chapter in
American Zionist history that
Brandeis split was. Some day
someone who knows all the ins
and outs of the thing is going to
write it up and it will make plenty
good reading. Especially inter-
esting will be that meeting in
London—when the Zionist Con-
gress met there after the war—
and the leadership of the Zionist
movement was offered to Bran-
The Zionists handed the crown
to Brandeis and thrice did he re-
fuse it. Or once at any rate.
Men who were there tell me they
will never forget the scene.
• • •
Who made the chief speech of-
fering the crown to Brandeis?
None other than Louis Lipsky.
And Lipsky was at his best. And
when Lipsky is at his best he's
good enough. How he lauded
Brandeis! But it was more than
just fulsome flattery. It touched
the very vitals of everybody.
Brandeis began to weep. The
whole place became a river of

While it is natural that Nazi and Fascist
Class Struggle in Palestine.
activities should be broadcast in all their
Sentiment among Palestine Jews is
Lovely June Grabiner ... after
details, it is equally as natural that anti- a successful
screen test , .. was
divided between sympathy for or antipathy
Fascist efforts should be veiled in compara- offered a most desirable movie
to t le three Revisionists who are on trial
calling for nothing but
tive secrecy. In view of the fact that the contract
featured parts . . . and she RE-
on' the charge of having murdered Dr.
opponents of the reactionary movement FUSED! She is a Chicago social-
Chaim Arlosoroff, eminent labor Zionist
ite . . . the daughter of Harry
must work under cover, because of the Grabiner, secretary of the White
leader, It is to be hoped that the truth
espionage laws in the various countries Sox baseball • club.
• •
will finally triumph, and that if the three
New Palestine Art Being Created
where Fascism rules, information regard-
Like Potash and Perlmutter
men are innocently accused they will be
"The eyes of all Jewry are now turned to
Weber and Fielde (Joe and Lew)
It is the tradition of the simple folk types of
ing the efforts of the liberal elements is of have remained partners for a life-
Eretz-Israel. We are going to have a medical cen-
speedily released.
the Yishub and also of the vital urge of the Pal-
necessity limited.
, time. Their career together long
ter, a music center, a center of the liberal profes-
Unfortunately, this trial has so seriously
estinian landscape—dominantly influenced by the
lantedates the era when Fay Tem-
sions here. Why not an art center? It is essential
It is heartening, therefore, occasionally pleton, William Collier, Sr., and great Hebrew revival that goes on unceasingly.
• aggravated the situation that extreme
that in present-day conceptions of Palestine, art
Rubin has been brought up in this traditional-
to learn of the successful activities of anti- Marie Dressler performed in
bitterness threatens to divide the Jewish
occupy a leading place. There are so many
Fields' New York Music Hall. Lew
Fascists. We are informed by the Trans- Fields' fame stretches back some ism—he says he was a Yeshiva-bochur (Talmudic symbols to show the awakening of the Land of
population. A class struggle which Pal-
student) once—but he has traveled a long way to
Atlantic Information Service that an offi- 57 years and still endures. Today adjust it to his own version. His is a mystic en- Israel—the settlements, the spirit of Chalutziuth,
estine can ill afford dominates the Jewish
you can find hint around the stu-
cial communique of the police of Dresden dios, dapper and spry in spite of thusaism for the simple as well as for the macabre the revival of the Hebrew language and literature,
scene in Eretz Israel, at a time when unity
the regeneration of a whole people. Art has its
his 67 years. Ile has three chil-
—a joyousness that is shown in his trio of sombre
reveals interesting facts about the system- dren,
claims to adequate representation in that symbol-
themselves becoming well-
and harmonious effort for the rebuilding
Sated musicians, throwing out the whole aura of
atic underground work carried on by the known in movie work ... Dorothy, Chassidism, in his inimitable landscapes of Gali- ism."
of Palestine should reign supreme.
wrote the theme ditty
• A new Palestinian Jewish art is now being
enemies of the Nazi regime. This report a for tunester,
lee for Judea, in his still paintings of flowers,
"Dinner at Eight" . . . Her-
The various parties fn Zionism, including
runs true to form in that it labels all anti- bert, song-writer, works with Rod- massed hues, and birds, in his study of grotes- created, asserted Rubin. The day of the tradi-
tionalist or religious-motive picture was passing
the Revisionist, owe it to the Jewish people Nazi efforts as communistic, and thus com- gers and Hart . . , Joseph is a queries at a merry festival-making.
• . .
to put an end to this struggle for class ments on the recent arrests of 300 "ene- scenarist. • • •
His Canvasses Have Rhythmic Turbulence into a more colorful time, and something less re- WHY BRANDEIS REFUSED
Melded to form, fresher, more vital, was evolving.
His art is not static; it changes with the mu-
I don't believe there has ever
rule. Efforts of extremists in the ranks of mies of the state:"
Since she testified against the
"Flowers, wide landscapes, trees, types, are
been any public statement as to
tations of his ideas, the fluctuation of his concep-
mu, who stole her jewels, Mae
linked with sky and sun anti rolling countryside in
the Histadruth—the Jewish Labor Federa-
the reasons Brandeis then gave
Investigation disclosed that the dissolved
West takes no chances ... she
tions. But he manages to hold on to something
the new Jewish art. It is an entirely new phil-
for refusing to accept the world
tion—must similarly be curbed. Every
Communist organization collected dues from
hired a couple of bodyguards
essential, inimitable, in ell his canvasses, and that
leadership. Perhaps it is even yet
osophy making for an unique Eretz-Israel art.
many members. Unemployed, supported by
and also bought an armor-plated
is "Rubin." One of the best known critics in Eng-
ounce of Jewish energy must be devoted
"Tel Aviv must give the inspiration in the too early to tell such things in
the National Government and the cities, paid
limousine which not even ma.
land has written that Rubin paints landscapes of
the prints. But I am only giving
10 pfennig weekly; those employed paid 35
chine gun bullets can pierce.
toward the realization of the prime task of
creation of the art center. What greater influence
a few brief notes, anyway, so it
• • •
Palestine as no one else does, that his canvasses
pfennig. It was also found that a paper,
over cosmopolitan political and economic life at doesn't make too
the Zionist movement—the upbuilding of
much difference.
"Arbeiterstimme," was published and exten-
Junior Laemmle is such a bas-
have a rhythmic, ordered turbulence, There is in
the moment is conceivable than this demonstration
In the first place, Brandeis said,
sively circulated in the districts of Dresden.
ketball addict . . . and waxed ao
the Jewish National Home. But instead of
his work a characteristic sincerity and vigor, an
the leader
of Jewish talent? in their moments of relaxation,
The paper was sold for 10 pfennig, and con-
enthusiastic during the recent
unforgettable originality that has singled hint out
creating such unity we find our people
the statesmen, the politicians, the economists, the of the World Zionist movement
tained lies from abroad about conditions in
inter-studio tournament ... what
should be a man who can speak
to be the leading exponent of the new Palestinian
Germany, mainly based upon the Brown Book.
with his papa's studio showing
leaders of the world today turn to books, to paint-
divided. Instead of devoting themselves to
Hebrew. lie couldn't, and he said
art, to which an earnest band of young Jewish
Other papers ..., published in Czechoslovakia,
every sign of outstripping the
ings, to concerts, to the theater, and it is natural
he was too out to begin learning.
the task of redeeming the soil of Palestine
were also sold. In the districts of Chemnitz,
other lots ... that he ran to the
artists are devoting themselves.
• • •
which must speedily be made Jewish prop-
preparations for the publication of a new
jeweler's and purchased a big
Sitting with Rubin in his spacious studio on the
what they see, read, or hear.
paper, "Kaempfer," were uncovered. The
loving cup for the winners. But
erty, Revisionist Zionists appear to be more
it will be remem-
"It is in this way that we can make our im-
printing machinery as well as office equipment
suddenly toward the finish, Colum-
concerned with efforts to raise a defense
bered, Mr. Ford was suffering
the sparkling blue Mediterranean and the shining,
and manuscripts, were seized by the local
bia (the dark horse) nosed up and
pression upon the 'Aryan' world and create per-
from a bad case of anti-Semitism,
fund for the three Revisionists. Such a
police ... There activities, apparently, served
golden strand of the picturesque foreshore, we
crossed the line. And what did
manent Jewish values in universal art."
and Mr. Brandeis gave this as his
the purpose of contacting the illegal labor de-
these stalwart champs receive? A
new fund-raising project merely serves to
talked about his recent paintings and about Jewish
second reason. Ford would say,
Rubin is not a painter alone; he has designed
fense unit "Arbeiterwehr," the successor of
teeny-weeny silver cup. Puzzle is
internationalism in art and about his proposal that
complicate the confusion that exists as a
if he left the Supreme Court to
scenery for the celebrated liabima Art Theater.
the former "Red Front" fighting organization.
how could a loving cup diminish
accept Zionist leadership that even
an exhibition of living Jewish painters be held at
result of the multiplicity of appeals. Let
to quickly?
The settings of Moliere's "Tartuffe," of "Peri-
when a Jew is appointed to the
• • •
the Levant Fair in order to crystallize the world
The Dresden Nazi paper issued a warn-
the Revisionist party finance such a self-
phery," and of Harry Sackler's "Rehab" were his
highest honor -within the gift of
defense effort, or let it become the obliga- ing to its readers not to be misled into be- Did you know that "Catherine conceptions of Jewish art and make clear what creation. He found himself closer to the spirit of the American government, he
the ,Great," Elizabeth Bergner's
our people are doing for the abvancement of cul-
it to serve Jewry. "You
tion of a group in Palestine. But we are
flicker, has been seen and ac-
see, a Jew cannot be a real Ameri-
treatment performed by Jewish actors, Jewish
not convinced that it is fair to Palestine to ing, and raises the cry: "They are still claimed by more people in three
can." That would be the Ford
The artist is a tall lanky man with a shock of
musicians, Jewish artists, scene-shifters, elec-
make an appeal for such a fund in the alive, they are boring underground." In
argument, said Brandeis. The
(Turn to Next Paget
upstanding black hair shot through with grey. To
tricians, dressers, and ushers.
(Turn to Next Page)
many centers outside of Palestine.
view of the revival of Nazi anti-Semitic
There has been too much talk about propaganda by Julius Streicher's Der
unity and too little actual effort to achi;ve Stuermer and other Jew-baiting periodi-
it: Insofar as Palestine is concerned, the cals, this is encouraging.
Similarly, there is encouraging news on
first step toward an united effort must be
About "Murder—Made in Germany," Yet Holland
to put an end to the class struggle which other Fascist fronts. The death of Pelley's
(3 21
(From the Nation of April 25.)
Punished Me.
threatens seriously to handicap the work
in the Jewish National Homeland. All ruptcy, will considerably relieve our peo-
eeee nn, wall, of the tenoning, In the !9-
yeur-old lierninn-Jenin
refugee alto arotp - Murder—Mode In tier-
both the Fascists and the Co m -
parties are obligated to make concessions ple of fears which were engendered by the CECRECY surrounds the activities In the next few days an announ e- munista
0...*." • *milting Indictment, In (tenon form, of the Nonl
In G erman,. After hls rotate.
insist upon ushering in
.entrullon rang , . he took
to the end that class differences be ad- anti-Semitic propaganda conducted by the Oaf certain groups interested in the ! ment may be expected as to who is bound to introduce again ce
refute In Holland ahere, on lehrunt, tY, Ice min anntenond
to a
linprIrainment benaune
of trade between Ger- will be the committee's head coun-
hno k nnA emdered
Ilbelnun of
justed through mediation, and that the bit- Silver Shirts in the past year. At the same expansion
the head of a frIndly government.
thin delicate problems whi ch
many and the United States. While sal. Then, after a few executive ses•
After hr nerved the neaten,
he no, deported to IleIrlunt. In
terness which mars the present situation time we are encouraged to believe that the no official overtures have been made I sions at which the committee mem- have been largely neglect ed
h e reasons and molls.. underlying his urrnot and punl.hntenj.
Mosley Fascist performance in England is to the United Stat es government re and counsel will put their since the Renaissance este
should be wiped out.
not as dangerous as some alarmists would by the German government, it has heads together, the propaganda in- fished the happy-go-lucky ma
(Copyright. IBM, Jewin TeinraphIc Aunty,
t become apparent that the move- luiry will get into its stride. The
drum it on to be. Labellin
g th e recen ment to increase trade between the ; rat hearing may be held
early in iin about being true to onesel f.
The first sentence of my book stilt to the
Good Zionist Tidings.
Mosley mass-meeting "Sir Oswald's Show," two nations is being furthered by May.
head of a state in friend-
We have always wondered ju st 'Vaterland" ("Murder—Made in ly relationship
with H 11 el." The
• • •
American business interests. Re-
Mo rris Rothenberg, president of the the New York Times makes the following p (ts i tli dicate that t he ap oaches Representative William I. Siss- what sort of spot the reconcile d Germany'"), says:
resume of his evidence was that the
"There is in this novel—which is "honorable" Reich president II in-
Zioni ft Organization of America, came to editorial comment on the attempt to create e vi ent y originate with German yish of New York played the role heretic found himself in whe n
really not a novel, but a pamph. denburg, who had fought "in the
of a New Deal champion when in he was compelled to believ
Detro it as a messenger of good tidings. lie Fascism in Great Britain and incidentally interests.
It appears as if both the Uni- an hour's address in the House he something he did not believe e let—not one word which was not front snake during the war," w as
broug ht the good news that the member- to arouse hatred of the Jew:
in my presence, not one the head of that country. Holland
ted States and Germany could defended the principles under which all, but we are sure that w
whom I did not know per- and Germany were preparing a
ship )f the organization is increasing, in-
agree to a trade pact. But, there the Roosevelt administration is shall, from now on, have fr 'e person,
I sonally, not one deed, which I did trade agreement.
Doubtless there were many non-Fascists in
are certain facts which stand in the operating and lashed into charges
dicati ng a growing interest in the move-
e " not see with my own eyes (or which
the audience at Sir Oswald Mosley's Black
In the meantime something else
way of immediate negotiations.; that this country is drifting to- quent opportunity to study tit
Shirt show in Albert Hall on Sunday night.
e was not seen and reported to me by happened. My attorney, Francois
ment ; that the deficit which accumulated
These facts are generally recog- wards a dictatorship or towards situation.
Consider, for e x- people who have been my comrades Pauwels, was interrupted by the
If all the 10,000 spectators were Fascists, his
over a period of 15 years had been con-
nized by officials and business in- Communism.
party wan present In its full strength. His
ample, the case of George Sy
for years and for whose reliability judge as he made the point, in the
terests of both nations.
alders ably reduced and that there are pros-
The New Yorker's address was a venter Viereck, prominent an , II vouch). With my honor, my exie- course e of a st he
followers are mostly young. Their enthusiasm
t h d.e.efe nosre i, gitnhaattedthis
• • •
scholarly piece of work and was i
a ! tence and my life I am ready to ccharge
is proportionate to their age. His pretense of
pects ier the raising of large sums of
indeed well-nigh unique exam - l answer for the actuality of all the Germany. Pauwels asked whether
In the first place, there is strong highly praised by his colleagues.
to the King can have deceived nobody,
mone v for the settlement of German-Jew- Voyalty
public disapproval at this time
In the course of his speech Rep- plc of the pro-Jewish Nazi. A events in this book."
even among his own partisans, who remembers
the judge knew an thin to h
ish re fugees.
against any trade arrangements resentative Sirovich made refer- few years ago he wrote in con
the Italian model of thi s delusion transplanted
In December, Van Kampen of contrary, at which the judge point-
with the German government as ence to Germany and the Hitler
in a soil no unfavorabl e to it. Sir Oswald is
Th i s is good news because it helps to
to a document which lay on the
long as that government insists on government which proved quite per- junction with Paul Eldridge
the man who would be King, could his enter-
man language edition, informed me desk. Pauwels walked up to it
novel entitled "My First Tw
build confidence in the most important
its highly nationalistic attitude t inent to his remarks and drew ap-
that police had starte d an investi- quickly and, returning to his that
prise succeed; and George V would be a
which includes the persecution of plause from fellow House members. Thousand Years." Its hero wa e gation of the book. About the mid- read it softly. Not so soffit place,
move ment for the saving of the thousands
dummy. Mosley's anti-Semitism is shared by
Jews and other groups branded as'
"Nazism has become a farce, a the Wandering Jew, and th e die of January I went to Amster- the audience and the press could
few in a country where the Jews have long
of un fortunate refugees who are the suf-
not conforming to Nazi "ideals." '0 ne-man farce, that came into being
damand reported to the police.
been accustomed to fair treatment. Once be-
not hear. First of all he read aloud
Leipzig authorities have jus t
ferers from the Nazi venom which has
Hitler and will pass out of
gin race discrimination, where would it end?
Th ree
an the word "secret!" and spoke the
fear that Germany will partially or being with his passing,"
been njected into the Third Reich by Adolf
The Scotch, long so conspierously successful
he said.' confiscated all copies. Wha I, official summons; the police chief name of the Dutch reserve officer
completely default on debts due to • 'It is a temporary fever of sadistic under these unhappy circum
Hitle r It is excellent news in that it pro-
in business and politics, might find themselves
. informed me that the Dutch gov- Brandenburg, at whose suggestion
private individuals in this country. e motionalism besetting the German
proscribed. Sir Oswald's economic policy "will
Stances, does Mr. Viereck do , lernment had ordered me to coo- the Dutch minister president had
So far as the United States gov- people, a transitory stage in the
vides a hope that confidence will displace
ment upon a passage in my book given the charge to the prosecu-
not bother with tariffs or quotas" and "will
ernment is concerned, Germany was r e-nationalism of Germany, which
despa ir, and that faith and hope will again
a dealing with the relationship be- torn office. This incident served to
buy no food or raw materials from any country
unable to pay $50,000,000 of prin- t he good sense of the great mass
decadent full of rotten idea a tween the East Prussian Relief reveal, in part, the political hack-
which does not buy England's manufactures."
rule i the house of Israel.
cipal and interest due March 31, on t he great German people eventually'
about the individual conacienc e Fund.
Fund, Hindenburg's estate and the ground of the cast. This d document
How beautifully simple! Ile forgets that Eng-
mixed claims and Army of Occupa- will discard into the sewer of time.
tpapotntment of Hitler. I mad; a had been withheld
Mr, Rothenberg's present visit to Detroit
from my adttor-
lish economic nationalism starts from the fact
tion costs. The German govern- Boiled brown shirts can never be would rage, or does he even per . a
was i n great measure responsible for the
at whose
that other countries have taken from England
statement and was freed. On Sat- ney,
material disposal
about my
ment, however, was willing to make s atiafactory substitutes for Goethe, mit himself an "e pur si mauve ., urday,
ry 10, my housekeep- i
the pre-eminence enjoyed by her for genera-
increa sed interest in the Zionist Organiza-
, • "token" paym,ent of $1,250,000. ' Vaguer, Kant and Schiller."
tions after the Industrial Revolution.
i . 11 , hays
tion a nd for the gains made here in mem-
• • •
• • •
ior authority? He does not. two police officials had come to thel" '
been placed. And it was
problemof fond supply remains with her. She
bersh i p by the organization. His address
Representative Samuel Dickstein lie kisses the rod like a good
house. They left a summons de- ,. only
Holders of German securities
as a result of the rash correc
ohii. mase
must fit her program to her needs. Walter
lion made , by y the judge that it and
prove the value of constant educational
Elliott, Minister of Agriculture, generally re-
Catholic, a good Communist, or
lice station at one o'clock on Mon- its "secret" label was revealed.
they will press for a trade under- ", aye. Within one week two things
work and the dissemination of facts about
garded as the strongest figure in the present
day morning. My friends earnestly
'ancing between the United States. ", appened. The Dickstein bill re- a good Nazi. Ile says:
Spent 34 Days I. Jail.
government, has tackled resolutely the ques-
Palest ins and Zionism.
and the Hitler government. The " acing fees in naturalization pro-
me to leave the country
The verdict called for • modth's
tion which Sir Oswald settles with all the
Our Wandering Jew . . .














Happened to Coughlin?

In his attack upon Henry Morgenthau,
Jr., Secretary of the Treasury, Rev. Fr.
Charles E. Coughlin saw fit to inject the
following venomous statement:

The financial Caisphases of today who fol-
low the prescription of the elder Rothschild—
when he said, "Give me the gold and I will
control the world," cared little for anyone, he
he poverty-stricken Jew or the unsuspecting
Gentile, save themselves.

For some time now the fear was ex-
pressed that Coughlin may suddenly get
the notion to attack the Jews. On several
occasions he saw fit to refer to interna-
tional bankers by naming only a group of
Jews, and by thus giving the false impres-
sion that Jews control the money market.
He went a step further in his attack upon

German government is understood C, eedings 50 per cent was signed by
to be considering a scheme for ' resident Roosevelt. Another bill
imulating German exports and n which Dickstein Was interested,
using part of the increased for- c oncoming equalization of citizen-
eign exchange thus made available ' hip, was passed by the House.
.• • •
to meet interest payments in other
currencies." The rest of the money.
Just as soon as press reports
it is understood, might be used for c arried the news that Leon Trot-
the purchase of needed goods from s Icy, left wing Communist leader,
other countries. The fact that part a as thinking about seeking refuge
of the increased foreign exchange
North or South America after
These are all encouraging elements reeulting from trade stimulation h n ■ ving
been ordered out of
which will serve to dispel fears. Evidently would be used in payment of in- Is ransce, inquiries began flooding
tercet charges on debts , may en- t he
the world isn't ready as yet completely to courage holders of German Recur-
Officials in the State Depart-
go to the dogs by joining the fascist band - ities to "lobby" for a trade agree- m ent
raid that they had not been I
ment with that country.
in formed of Trotaky's Intentions. i
• • •
I f he should request admittance
R e p r e s e n tative McCormack's t o the United States, It would be
"Liberalism is nothing but the Jewish Nazi propaganda investigating e onaidered on the basis of any ;
meant business. At leas, titer request.
enthronement of egoism," is the brilliant I t h at
at is the impression gleaned In the meantime the files onj
thought expressed by Richard Walther from the few guarded statements T rouky are being dug out of
Darre, Nazi Minister of Agriculture, in an made by those engaged in the mm- i n and their contents studied. it 1
mittee s work.
belx pee
s t coin
e d netih: alt
article in the Deutsche Zeitung. The longer
formal r eques t f or
Executive sessions are being held z
Nazism lives, the more amazing becomes quite frequently by the committee. a
United States,
i n T will think'
m bere . " m ta.hkl
its ideology. Will wonders never cease in . At present the probers are busy lay- le ivmkee ira
ing lines of street, along which t coke
g • decision
i the investigation will be conducted.,

jauntiness of the amateur.
Sir Oswald makes considerable noise, but no
visible progress. Most Englishmen watch him
with an amused tolerance. Even the stunt-
seeking Rothermere dropped him like a hot
brick. Beaverbrook will have none of him.
To an outlander his extravagance seems curi-
ously like that of Lady Houston's Saturday


Viereck Kisses
the Rod


at once. During the previous few i
and my immediate
refuses to accept any conclu-
weeks I had suffered a great deal as I arrest.
sion that cannot pass muster
a result of the injuries which were,
in jail. In pris-
before his reason . . . The
inflicted upon me at the German '0n t h ey were very considerate to
National Socialist German
concentration camp "Wittmoor." in
Revolution is a conscious pro-
Paris I had been o perated upon I N
h l
I .peif
l rtit porfishoin. aiteest e
i ,ray
test against the overemphasis
twice and in Holland I had been I b sick man. The prosecuting ettroney
of the purely intellectual
under daily treatment by two phy- the
point in of t he
extending sympathy.
point of view, as against the
tion speech. lie kept me in soli
instincts and feelings which
tary confinement, banned the week-
Germ•a•Mado Charge.
may be more infallible than
On Monday, Feb. 12, I went to ly visit period—a privilege accord-
reason. The philosophy of
the police headquarters and was ed every killer, confiscated a large
Cartaphilus . . . clashes with
taken into custody. Two
of my mail and led me to be-
hundred part
the conception upon which
copies of my
lieve, until ■ few days before my
National Socialiem is building
ed. After fivee days I release, that I would be extradited
the New Germany out of the
was taken before the examining to Germany if I refused to hand in
wreck of the old ... For that
, judge. Immediately after it be. apetition
, for pardon. b.
reason it would seem to me
came known that I had been im-
ackground of
entirely logical if she did not
prisoned, my
harbor, for the time being, so
a s a aVempt by the German gov-
of their own accord against the er the Thiff
disturbing • guest as my
sumption that my imprisonment ernment to discredit and have an
Wandering Jew. What is the
would not be dangerous if I did not anti-Fascist whom it finds unde-
fete of a book compared to
ate constant attention and treat- i "arable extradited through inter-
the fate of a nation? Al-
ment. But on the evening of Feb. mecfiaries, and, especially to fright-
though 1 have warmly de-
. 16, I was informed by the ie,..eett,, en my colleagues, was
only partly
fended National Socialist Ger-
magistrate that I would be ■ aucceseful. First of all, it did not
many, I do not acrid its
in prison. I as, taken to th . succeed in defaming either my bock
court of inquiry jail. The hearing I or my person. We succeeded in
anti-Semitic doctrine. Why
i took place on Feb. 22, thepublici
should National Socialist Ger-
gi ving the trial the political coen-
prosecutor demanding two month's i ' than
nce it deserved by means of the
(Turn to Next Page)
imprisonment for "delibeeate in-
(Turn to Next Page.)

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