A merica Par ish Periodical eater 1.1 CLIFTON AVENUS - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TH- EfiETROIT WISR!IRON ICql THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH • to rho R. or• luo, in uiYt ay. ,eld en- on- en- the his zed L i e tte i. of He ous ney it, ith, and the ere was of his 4N S'N der As- ter- all, of ?oat in. in the an On- : in din of I 41 to at t ro o- d. d- m a- ct e, 12 and VOL. XXXV. NO. 38 NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN THE LEGAL CHRONICLE DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1934 NATIONAL MEET OF J. N. F. WILL PLAN USSISHKIN COLONY , THE WEEK IN REVIEW By MILTON BROWN (Copyright. MO Jewish Telegraphic Agency. toe.) AUSTRIA: Tribute To Be Paid World The 225,000 Jews in Austria stand by and watch with increasing Leader at Philadelphia anxiety the struggle between the Conference. Dollfuss regime supported by the Ileirnwehr under I'rince von Star- hemberg and the Austrian Nazis. CHALUTZIM BANQUET WILL BE GIVEN HERE No matter which -side wins the Jews will lose. If as is most likely Nazis win, the Jews will suffer Detroit Council Also To the for having stubbornly supported Celebrate Purim With Dollfuss. If the Heimwehr-Doll- fuss crowd wins, discriminatory Rally on Feb. 28. legislation will be introduced which will ruin the Austrian Jews quiet- NEW YORK, N. Y.—The estab- ly without the barbarism of the lishment in Palestine of a new colony which will increase the land settling opportunities for recent arrivals in the Jewish Homeland of refugees from lands of oppres- sion, particularly from Hitler Ger- many, will be the goal of a na- tional conference of representa- tives of all Zionist groups and par- ties in the United States which will Joseph Sprintzak and Rabbi be held on Sunday, Feb. 18, at Samuel Wohl To Be the Benjamin Franklin Hotel in the Speakers. Philadelphia, Pa. Approximately 800 delegates representing numer- The reception banquet in honor ous organizations interested in the upbuilding of Palestine as the of Joseph Sprintzak, leader of the Jewish National Home will attend Palestine Labor Delegation to the the all day conference under the United States, will take place this chairmanship of Dr. Israel Gold- Sunday, Feb. 18, at 6:30 p. m., stein, president of the Jewish Na- tional Fund of America. The national conference, the first of its kind in recent years, will be an inter-party assembly of the right, left and central wings of American Zionists be- cause of the fact that it is being held under the auspices of the Jewish National Fund, the only organization in which all factions are united. The major point on the agenda will be the considera- tion of a plan for the enlistment of the co-operation of American Jewry in the establishment of the new colony which is to bear the name of Kfar Ussishkin, in tribute to Menahem Ussishkin, the famous veteran Zionist leader, whose seventieth birthday is now being celebrated throughout the world. The tribute is being paid to Ussishkin, universally known as the "iron man" of the Zionist movement. The movement was launched last summer at the JOSEPH SPRINTZAK Eighteenth Zionist Congress, and has been supported by Jewry of 20 countries where the effort to in the Byron-PhiladOlphia Hall. raise the necessary fund is now Rabbi Samuel Wohl of the Isaac under way. Other,questions con- Wise Temple of , Cincinnati will nected with the problem of share the honori! OT! the evening strengthening and co-ordinating with Mr. Sprintzak. Joseph Sprintzak is a veteran of the work in the United States in behalf of the Jewish National the Jewish labor movement in Fund will also be considered and acted upon. The sessions of the national conference will occupy the entire day, during which the delegates will be addressed by Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the Jewish National Fund of America; Louis Lipsky, American member of the World Zionist Executive; Morris Rothenberg, president of the Zion- ist Organization of America; Rab- bi Wolf Gold, president of Miz- rachi; Chaim Greenberg, the noted orator representing the Peale Zion-Zeire Zion; by a representa- tive of the Federal Government. and by other prominent leaders and speakers. A forum will be held in the evening at which the Rev. John Ilaynes Holmes of New York will be a speaker. Greetings in the name of the Jewish community of Philadelphia will be brought to the confer- RABBI SAMUEL WOHL ence by Dr. Max D. Klein and Hon. L. Arthur Greenstein, mem- Palestine. His activities date back ber of the Pennsylvania State from the heroic days of the his- Legislature.. • • toric Second Aliyah. Rabbi Wohl, a well known orator and thinker, DETROIT J. N. F. PURIM has recently returned from an ex- CELEBRATION FEB. 28 tended trip to Palestine. During The Detroit Jewish National his stay there he made a thorough Fund Council will celebrate Purim survey of conditions in the coun- at a rally, both educational and try. He will address the dinner social, to be held on Wednesday gathering in English. evening, Feb. 28, the eve of Purim, The banquet, which is to mark at Hotel Statler. the victorious close of the cam- A feature of this rally will be paign which has met this year the singing of Palestinian and with unprecedented success, will holiday songs by a group from also be featured by a rich and Hashomer Hatzoir, other musical varied musical program. Among selections, instrumental and vocal, those who will participate are Palestinian dances, and brief talks Rebecca Katzman-Frohman, well by Joseph Haggai and Philip known Detroit pianist; Emma Slomovitz. Lazaroff Scheyer, renowned De- An event of unusual interest troit vocal artist who has achieved and uniqueness is being arranged signal fame in her recent appear- by the local Jewish National Fund ances as Marguerite in the San for Tuesday evening, April 3, Carlo Opera Company's presenta- Chol Hamoed Passover, when a tion of "Faust" and in the Detroit Chalutzim dinner will be given, Symphony Orchestra's recent Jew- with a prominent national figure 'Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) delivering the address. PALESTINE LABOR BANQUET SUNDAY Jewish Agricultural Society Reports Unabated Interest in Farming by Jews Jewish Farmers Stick to Their Farms; 109,600 Jews Live in Rural U. S. Territory; Thirty-fourth Annual Report Issued by the Society. The report gives a comprehen- Gabriel Davidson, general man- ager of the Jewish Agricultural sive account of the work of the Society, 301 East Fourteenth various departments and branch street, New York, has issued the offices through which the society society's thirty-fourth annual re- operates. 11,060 Farm Loses. port to the effect that "the inter- The society, through its farm est of the Jew in the farm remains unabated. In good times and in loan department, has granted, up bad times there is always a seg- to the end of its last fiscal year, ment of our people in whom the 11.060 farm loans aggregating craving for the farm is instinc- over $7,000,000 to Jewish farmers in 40 states. This financial serv- tive and irrepressible." ice provides the Jewish farmer In 1900, when the Jewish Agri- with a source of credit not readily cultural Society first began to obtainable through other sources. function, there were 216 Jewish Farm loans are made on smaller farm families in the United States. margins of equity than are usually There are now, according to II. S. acceptable by lending agencies. Linfield, former director of the ' Their repayment is spread over a Statistical Department of the long number of years, and there American Jewish Committee, 109,- ' is no exaction of bonus or com- 600 Jews living in rural territory. mission or payment of renewal large numbers of whom derive ' The society's attitude their living, in whole or in part, ; charges. toward its clients is reflected in from agricultural pursuits. Even` the statement, We cannot be too I state in the Union has Jewish (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) farmers 1 Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents LA GUARDIA CALLS Wineman Strikes Keynote of Federation JEWS IN AUSTRIA FOR A BOYCOTT OF Rallies by Calling for a United Detroit TO BE ROBBED OF NAZIS IN GERMANY Effort to Aid Hitler Terror Refugees POLITICAL RIGHTS I German Nazis. It is no secret that the lieimwehr is anti-Semitic. I N. Y. Mayor Says Hitler Re- Government Organ Confirms Measures will be introduced by Makes Public Announcement to the Effect That Annual Drive for Funds in May vives Conditions Which Reports of Official the Dollfuss regime in the event of Led to World War. Anti-Semitism. Will Again Include National and International Obligations; victory which will sharply limit the legal and political rights of the Social Service Agencies Submit Reports, Elect Officers Jews, eliminate them from many CHRISTIAN COUNCIL SMOLAR CABLES SAD of the free professions and limit PROTESTS ON NAZIS NEWS FROM VIENNA them in commerce... The week was marked by an intensification of the FEDERATION ACTS TO RELIEVE STATUS OF SOCIAL WORKERS; Sen. Tydinga Asks Public Students' HomesBombed[, Nazi bombing campaign in Austria, AGENCIES REPORT THEY EMERGED VICTORIOUSLY FROM CRISIS Hearing on Anti-Hitler this time directed mostly against United Front Sought by the Jews. • . In Salzburg stores of Resolution. Jewish Community. 'Jewish merchants were bombed ... In Vienna the headquarters of the Annual meetings of the Jewish giving tradition. As • result of the army to "fight in this battle NEW YORK.—The Hitler 4 Jewish community, the Schiff school gime in Germany is a recrudei- Welfare Federation of Detroit the German tragedy, we have, for political liberty, religious ist!ty cB o'reS po M t e l :nA .1!r loo and the Jewish stores all through cense of the arrogance and and its affiliated agencies, held on for eight months, been flooded freedom and tolerance." the city were bombed by Nazi ter- "Schrecklichkeit" which brought Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, with eppe•Is for help. We have In the course of his address, BULLETIN rorists, however, the damage was about the World War, speakers heard reports of achievements been open to criticism. Mr. Wineman quoted the state- Latest cables from Vienna, small. . . In the smaller Austrian declared at a testimonial luncheon during the past year, elected of- "If we have not given, we at ments made at the recent meet- received from B. Smolar, staff towns, banks of Nazi hooligans in Town Hall on Monday in honor ficers, and emphasized that the least had plenty of time to give ings of Federation executives in correspondent of the Jewish the streets assaulted Jews and at of Charles Edward Russell, presi- Detroit community emerged vic- serious thought to this grave Chicago by James G. McDonald, Telegraphic Agency, reveal that broke the windows in Jewish shops dent and founder of the Pro- toriously out of the crisis which problem. Most of us have had High Commissioner of the League there were many Jewish victims . In many rases the special pol- Federation of Americo, came as a result of the closing of to ask ourselves, 'What would of Nations for the Relief of Ger- among the sufferers in the riots. ice assigned to guard Jewish dis- a Palestine we do if these things happened man Refugees, who pointed out Two are reported killed and movement dedicated to the re- the banks a year ago. tricts joined with the Nazis in at- turn The keynote of the gatherings to us?' This is no idle thought that the problem is not alone that hundreds of other. Jews of Jews to their homeland tacking Jews ... The Austrian cab- and for the advancement of goo was sounded at the dinner-meet- because we are surrounded by of the present refugees, but also wounded. wet empowered Chancellor Dollfuss will between Jews and non-Je of the many tens of thousands ing of the Detroit Service Group dangers. to appeal to the League of Nations "The present conditions have who will be compelled to flee from VIENNA. (JTA) — Fear Mayor LaGuardia, honoring M . by Ilenry Wineman, chairman of for aid against German Nazi ag- Germany. the board of governors of the set aflame ■ desire in every Russell for his efforts in behalf that the Jews of Austria are gression. Federation Meeting. Jewish breast to help the unfor- of the Palestine restoration move- Federation, on Sunday evening. The first of the series of meet- on the verge of losing their GERMANY: Pointing out that the Federa- tunates. We have • great task ment, urged "a well regulated The outstanding event of the system of boycott of German tion was compelled to cancel all ahead of us. The job falls upon ings was that of the Federation political rights, even under week as far as Germany is con- goods" to "impress the people 0( national and international obliga- you, men and women of the De- proper, held in the General Mo- the present government, cerned was the order issued by Germany that they cannot expect tions in 1933 on account of the troit Service Group. It is ■ tors Building. The meeting was were substantiated by the Wiener cpened by Aaron DeRoy, who later Zeitung, the official government Minister of the Interior Dr. Wil- the friendship of the world as Ionic bank crash, Mr. Wineman de- job for every one of us." the chair over to Mr. Wino- organ, which announced that helm Frick notifying officials as they tolerate the present Hito clared: Mr. Wineman announced that turned man. throughout Germany that the so- ler government." "This was • most drastic and the annual campaign is to be held are expected under the In the absence of Clarence Eng- changes called Aryan clause under which In his response, Mr. Russell! unusual procedure because we from May 6 to 16. He appealed projected Austrian constitution Jewish officials were dismissed from urged that the United Statioq always bad a very generous to the entire group to enlist in (Turn to Lest Page.) which will affect Jewish rights. the government was not intended Senate be called upon to adopt; Discussions entered into be- to be applied to the field of com- the Tydinga resolution protest•I tween party leaders and Chancel- merce. The rescript made govern- ing against the Hitler •trocitiesO lor Engelbert Dollfuss with re- WARNING ment officials in every part of Ger- and asked that everything pos•I gard to the Jewish position in many responsible for the carrying Bible be dens to create a home' Austria, with the ultimate aim of The Detroit Jewish Chronicle out of the order not to apply the for the refugee Jews in Pales- reducing the Jewish population warns the Jewish community Aryan clause to Jews in commerce. tin•. from its present full' citizenship against certain solicitors who The decree is regarded as a vie- Jacob dellaas presided at the to the status of residents of the are canvassing for a small New tory for the section of the cabinet luncheon and speakers included country living under a strict five headed by Minister of Economics Dr. Frederick B. Robinson, presi- Judge William M. Lewis of York weekly paper which they To Address Zionists at Book per cent restrictive quota, have are misrepresenting as a na- Cadillac Hotel; Open Kurt Schmitt, which has insisted dent of City College; Mrs. Rose Philadelphia To Speak at evoked a storm of protest among tional organ, claiming at the on more liberal treatment for the Halprin, president of Hadassahf Shaarey Zedek March 4. Members' Drive. leaders of the Jewish community. same time that the subscription Jews declaring that the expulsion Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of — "We are unprepared to give of the Jews from trade would dis- the Jewish National Fund; Charled Judge William Lewis of the Mun- money is to be used for a fund Abraham Goldberg, for 30 years up even the smallest fraction of to fight Hitlerism. rupt the economic system.... the rights guaranteed us under H. Tuttle, former U. S. attorney' icipal Court of Philadelphia, na- an outstanding leader in Zionist These solicitors are not only However, a day or two after the and president of the Inter-Faith tionally recognized leader in Jew- constitution and neither is misrepresenting facts, but are work in this country, recognized the order not to molest the Jews was League; Justice Mitchell May, Dr. ish movements, will be the prin- one of the ablest speakers on the Jewish community willing issued, the Nazi party organs David de Solo Pool, Dr. Stephen cipal speaker at the Purim dinner aiming to capitalize on a Jew- as to enter into negotiations lead- Palestine, will address the Zionist which have in the past nullified S. Wise, Rabbi William Margolin of Congregation Shaarey Zedek, ish tragedy in behalf of their Organization of Detroit at a meet- ing to any curtailment of Jew- paper. Sworn affidavits in the every effort of Minister of Eco- and Rev. Charles E. Russell of St. ish rights," an "outstanding Aus- possession of The Chronicle nomics Schmitt by instructing Nazi Ann's Protestant Episcopal trian Jew declared to this cor- contradict statements made to party officials to ignore the orders Church, president of the Goods respondent. Us by mail by the publishers of issued by the ministry of economics Will Union. The Zionist organ, Die Stimme, the paper, and tend to prove took the same stand toward the Christian Council Protests. editorially commenting on the sit- that the solicitors are asking order issued by the influential Nazi Grave concern regarding t uation, reproduced the full text ,tor funds . under false pretenses, chief , Dr. Frick. The effect of the situation of -the church in of the sections -of the Treaty of --- Frick order was also blunted by an many was expressed Saturday in Detroit Jews are therefore Versailles guaranteeing national outspoken anti-Jewish speech made I a statement issued by the Ameri- warned not to fall victims to minority rights for the Jews of by Adult' Hitler and Dr. Goebbels can Section of the Universal Chris- the misrepresentations of these Austria. The paper made clear immediately afterward and by new tian Council, representing the solicitors. that infringement of Jewish rights discriminations against the Jews. council and the Federal Council would result in complications and Nazi papers announced that a of the Churches of Christ in possible intervention. Brown Fair would be held in the America . The paper disclosed that some important commercial center Bre- The statement was issued simul- individual Jews are now negoti- men and all Jews prohibited from , taneously with that of the chair- ating with the government parties selling goods there. . . The Free man of the council, Lord Bishop regarding Jewish rights in Aus- City of Danzig came under com- of Chichester, England, who in a tria. The paper, in its own name plete Nazi control when the Nazi letter to Reichbiahp Mueller of and that of the executive body of dominated senate appointed a com-1 Berlin protested against the use the Jewish community, warns missioner to take over the func- of "force and coercion against Dr. Hershman Chosen Presi- that such negotiations are not tions of the city council which was those whose orthodoxy and zeal authorized and will not be recog- dent; Call on Community anti-Nazi . All children in the for the church, as well as their nized by the Jewish community. Thuringian primary schools must devotion To Support Movement. to their country, are be- produce certificates proving that doubt. " Anti-Semitic Demands. they are Aryans. Failure to pro- , youn At a meeting of representatives VIENNA. — (JTA) — Vater- duce such certificates means that j Meeting Held in Chichester. of the synagogues of this city held The administrative committee of landfront, which includes the the children will not be permitted at Congregation Shaarey Zedek on Heimwehr, the clericals and all to enter higher schools von Step- the Universal Christian Council Feb. 7, an executive board was has just held its meeting at Chi- ABRAHAM GOLDBERG the other pro-Dollfuss elements, formed, and the following were (Turn to Last Page) cheater. Representatives of the has submitted numerous extreme ing at the Book Cadillac hotel on anti-Semitic demands to Chan- elected by the delegates: various European churches were JUDGE WILLIAM M. LEWIS present. In the course of the pro- Rabbi A. M. Hershman, Morris Monday evening, Feb. 19. cellor Engelbert Dollfuss in the ceedings the present crisis in the March 4, according to an announce- H. Zackheim and Jack Tobin, James I. Ellmann, chairman of form of an ultimatum. German church was discussed. ment made by Judge Charles Ru- representing Shaarey Zedek; Ben the program committee, announces While the exact text of the ulti- The Bishop of Chichester, as biner, chairman of the committee. F. Goldman and Robert Rosenberg also that the Detroit Zionist Or- matum is being kept secret, it is, president, reported on his corre- In releasing this announcement, of B'nai Moshe; William Sandler ganization has arranged for • lec- however, understood that in ad- spondence with Reichbischof Muel- Judge Ruhiner said: of Beth Tephila Emanuel, Louis ture here on Saturday evening, dition to demanding the curtail- ler especially relative to the use "We are fortunate indeed to have Ellenbogen of Beth Abraham, March 3, at Hotel Statler, by the ment of the constitutional rights of force against a large body of Henri Rose, Nine-Year-Old pastors in the German church. Judge Lewis' acceptance of our in- David Cohen of B'nai David. Ja- well known non-Jewish friend of enjoyed by Austrian Jews, the vitation. He is a Jew whose qual- cob K. Smith of Ahavath Zion, Palestine and Jewry, Pierre Van challenge insists that the Dollfuss Pianist, To Be Featured The administrative committee ex, ities of leadership arid whose zeal Meyer Weisenfeld of Young Is- Paassen. regime rid the Austrian universi- on Program. pressed its conviction that coer- for things Jews have placed him in rael of Detroit, Fred Altshuler of ties and the professions of the Start Membership Drive. (Tura to Pip Opposite Editoriel) the vanguard of men to whom we Nusach Ari, and Ben Kaufman The series of lectures which Jews. A demand is also made An interesting and entertain. must look for guidance today. His of Ahavath Achim. were inaugurated with the ad- that even private industrialists ing Father and Son program of message to us no doubt will be a The executive board held its dress at Webster Hall delivered be compelled to employ members Pisgah Lodge of B'nai B'rith will FATHERS AND SONS valuable one." first meeting Sunday, Feb. 11, and by Rabbi A. M. liershman on of the Vaterlandfront from which be held on Feb. 19, at the Mecca- Wednesday evening mark the all Jews are barred. DINNER AT TEMPLE Born in Lithuania, Judge Lewis elected the following officers: bee Building. The headliner of At the same time, the Anti- President, Dr. A. M. Hershman; opening of the Zionist member- to Philadelphia as a child and TUESDAY EVENING, came a variety program will be Henri has made his home there since. Af. vice-president, Morris H. Zack- ship drive under the chairman- se mi te n bund (Anti-Semitic Rose, nine-year-old child prodigy League), which includes the Aus- ship of Samuel Schaflander. • Plana were completed for the ter serving three terms in the heim; second vice-president, Ja- pianist, • pupil of Dr. Mark Gunn- Fathers and Sons banquet to be Philadelphia Council, he was ap- cob K. Smith; treasurer, Ben F. The drive was initiated at a trian Nazis as well as government burg, who won acclaim for his supporters who agree with the meeting at the home of William pointed to the bench in 1922. In Goldman; secretary, Meyer Weis- performance on Jan. 20 with the in held 6 p. m. Feb. 20, 1923 he was re-elected to ■ 10•year enfeld. , B. Isenberg, president of the or- Nazis on the Jewish question, is- the at social hall Tuesday, of Temple Beth Detroit Symphony Orchestra when sued • proclamation setting forth term and was re-elected for a like The board decided that the first ganization, last Saturday evening. he rendered ■ piano concerto by El. term last November. step to insure the success of the Fred M. Butzel was the speaker, its anti-Jewish program. Mozart. Henri Rose will render and in the course of his address Increasing popularity of the Judge Lewis' Jewish interests are Adopt Aryan Myth. several solos and then will ac- Temple Fathers and Sons banquet numerous. He Is, among other movement to remedy the Kashruth he stated: The League, the proclamation company his father, Boris Rose, in the last few years has prompted things, national chairman of the situation in Detroit Was the neces- "Every Jew who has any spark declared, does not consider the sity of calling a conference of all who will play the violin. the committee in charge to pre- American Palestine Campaign; • of emotion or sense of responsi- Jews as members of the Austrian The program will also consist pare for an attendance of more vice-president of the Zionist Or- the rabbis of the city, and map bility should contribute to the nation or of the Austrian national of talking pictures, brief speeches than 500. In charge of the affair ganization of America; • director out • program for the future of restoration of Palestine. family. The solution of the Aus- (Turn to Last Page) by spokesmen for fathers and is Saul H. Rose, who is being as- of the Jewish Publication Society "The separate Palestinian inter- trian Jewish problem lies in de- sons, a magician and refreshments. slated by Emanuel J. Harris and and of the Federation of Jewish ests will not survive if there is claring the Jews "a national mi- Members are requested to come Max Lowenstein. Charities of Philadelphia; presi- (Turn to Last Page) (Turn to Pass Seven.) early so that this program may Members of Temple Beth El and dent of the Associated Talmud Tor- FRAM TO SPEAK DN be completed early for the young- their sons have been invited to at• ahs of Philadelphia and president GERMAN RELIGION' sters. tend the function, which will be of the Order Brith Sholom, a na- The international order of B'nai opened with a dinner. Following tional fraternal organization. To Describe Revival of Paganism B'rith has appropriated $280,000 the meal, a two-hour program of The following additional sub- in Germany on Sunday. for anti-defamation and youth entertainment will be in the na- scriptions to the dinner, at $15.00 movements, including the Hillel (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) Many people have asked Rabbi Foundation and A. Z. A. Pisgah Leon Fran, to explain the mean- Lodge is especially anxious to en- ing and extent of the German Reports on Horrors Perpetrated Upon Jews and Non-Jews list as many Jews as possible in churches' resistance to Ilitlerism, Under Nazi Rule; Appeals for Support of World the coming class of Feb. 25, so and he has decided to speak on Committee To Aid Victims of Fascism. that this work may continue. "Christianity in Germany" at Dr. Victor Droock has extended Temple Beth El on Sunday morn- the last day for the reservation Lord Dudley Marley, chairman political work, and that its efforts ing, Feb. 18, at 10:45. for the membership dinner-dance Van Grove and Blake Scott Direct Hundreds of Volunteer Are the churches winning or of the World Committee to Aid are devoted entirely to relieving at the Chalet to Feb. 20. Dr. losing the fight against the co- the Victims of Hitler Fascism, ink the needs of the sufferers from Actors in Rehearsals; Mayor Couzens Welcomes Droock can be reached at Temple ordination of religion with Nazi- two addresses in Detroit on Mon- Fascist cruelties. Coming of Pageant to Detroit. 1-9474, or Longfellow 4936. Ttse Nam Oppressions. ism? Are the churches really day, described the horrors that "Democracy no longer exists in combatting anti-Semitism? What are being perpetrated upon inno- Jew and Gentile are working creed in this city, bent their heads is the character of the ancient cent victims of Nazism in Ger- Germany," Lord Marley stated. ZIONIST EXECUTIVE together in the production of the in unison over the mimeographed pagan religion of the aboriginal many, and pleaded for the com- There is no freedom of speech, OPPOSES CONGRESS most spectacular religious pageant song sheets and chanted In reson- Germans which the Nazis are try- munity's wholehearted support of land individuals are liable to be MEETING IN 19 3 4 ever presented before an American ant cadence: "Y'hi Or" (Let there ing to revive? Has the Catholic the committee's efforts. arrested, beaten, tortured, the audience — "The Romance of a be Light), "Chayim L'chol Chay," Church joined the revolt against Lord Marley spoke at a lunch-I police having orders not to inter- (Life to the Living). NEW YORK—The national ex- People. the nationalization of religion in eon at Hotel Statler and in the fere. There la no redress; no one Mr. Van Grove, swaying from Germany? Are the Nazis aiming evening addressed a meeting at! to whom the people can turn. Rehearsals, which got underway ecutive committee of the Zionist Organization of America, by • to ■ flying start, continued this piano to director's position on the to destroy the Christian religion the Naval Armory. About 3,000, There is a conspiracy of silence I platform, exhorted and pleaded- because of its Old Testament Jew- people aseembled at the evening! due to tyranny. week with two groups meeting. vote of 25 to 17, on Sunday after- "The most fortunate are those noon went on record shelving the on Tuesday night, in the Maccabee , praised and scolded his cast as the ish origin? These are among the meeting. !rehearsals progressed. Then, jump- questions which Rabbi Fram will Building and in Webster Hall. The who escaped —the 70.000 refu- proposal for the convening of a Raise About $1,200. gees. But there are three-quar- World Jewish Congress in 1931. unanimity of purpose and the vo- , ing down from the rostrum he attempt to answer. The sum of about $650 was Discussion on the proposal was cal harmony was generated at the brought Into being the first groups The Temple Forum is soon to raised for the Marley relief fund ters of a million people in Ger- will represent the tortured Is- announce many who are still suffering. The marked by heated arguments and Maccsbee building meeting which ! that its program for next at the luncheon, which was at- raelites as they sweated and suffer- many personal references. Oppo- Was presided over by Isaac Van ed Holders of season tickets tended by about 125 prominent sufferers are mostly workers who under the lash of bondage. To- season. were political opponents of Hitler. sition to the convening of a Con- Grove, production director of the ! ed will be invited to renew their sub- men and women. More than $500 tether they moved in cadence The Jews have suffered gar- gress at the present time was led pageant. scription and hundreds of new additional was subscribed at the I ticuhrly owing to their sseadessie Close to 800 young men and we- across the floor, chanting as they subscribers are being anticipated mass meeting. by Louis Lipsky, while Dr. Ste- phen S. Wise fevered immediate men drawn from all walks of life I tugged at their imaginary bur- in view of the success the Forum Lord Marley emphasized that position. They wore weeded se and representing probably every 1 (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) had this year. calling of a world meeting. (Turn to Pao as.) his committee is not engaged in GOLDBERG SPEAKS HERE THIS MONDAY SPEAKER SELECTED FOR PURIM DINNER KASHRUTH COUNCIL OFFICERS ELECTED FATHER-SON NIGHT OF PISGAH FEB. 19 Lord Marley Tells Detroit Audience , Conditions , in . Germany Getting Worse Jews and Gentiles Work Together To Produce ' Romance of a People'