• ▪ oar 111EIATKOnJEWISfi CARON ICLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE WEEK IN REVIEW (Continued From Page One) tensifieci, two or three thousand Jews will leave Germany every year, mainly youth, while the elder generation remains behind to face suicide or death. The Guardian also predicted that German Jewry will soon be reduced to half its present size .. , The London head- quarters of the Jewish Agency for Palestine scored the Revisionist Union of Paris for having circulat- ed petitions against the Mandatory power, saying that the agency was the only recognized body represent-1 ing the Zionist movement and that the petition would do harm instead of good. The Revisionists were sc.' cured of having violated the decis- sion of the Eighteenth Zionist Con- gress. . . The London Financial News, leading finance paper, scored Hitlerite tactics in expropriating the property of German Jews and declared that Hitterism was an at- tack on capitalism. PALESTINE , A remarkable turn was given to the Arlosoroff murder trial when defense counsel Samuel declared that two Arabs were now under arrest in Jerusalem and that one of them had confessed he was one on the murderers of Dr. Chaim Ar- losoroff. lie demanded that the Arabs be produced in court, but the police refused saying that the in- vestigation was secret The magis- trate suggested that the defense subpoena the police files . . Fit- :teen members of the Brith Trum- . peldor, who participated in the demonstration against the immi- gration policy of the Palestine gov- ernment on Dec. 9, in Tel Aviv, were sentenced to serve four months in prison for unlawful as- sembly ... Palestinian wine grow- era signed a contract for the ex- port of 3,000,000 bottles of wine into the United States in the corn- ing year . . . The Aeefath charim, the regularly elected as- : icembly of the Palestine Jewish communities will meet on Feb. 12, in Jerusalem. RECRUIT CAST FOR GREAT PAGEANT TO BE PRESENTED HERE IN APRIL 35TH ANNIVERSARY I SERMON PREACHED .1 BY DR. FRANKLIN One) (Continued from Page One, I MO'OS CHITIM COMMITTEE TO MEET SUNDAY TO PLAN PASSOVER RELIEF 1 DR. KLIGER HEADS M A CCABEE BRANCH ! With an attendance of about 1600, the newly elected officers of Tent 1005 and Modern Hive 968 of the Maccabees were installed by Great Commander Herbert B'NAI B'RITH LADIES TO STAGE PLAY FEB. 5 The Women's Auxiliary of B'nat B'rith offers a varied program, including a play,. dances by Miss Sklar and other interesting feat- ures, for the next open meeting, to be held on Monday, Feb. 5, at 8:15 p. m., at the Hotel Steller. Miss Lee Rosen is in charge of the program. Rosen is in charge of the program. The Auxiliary is pleased to an- nounce that the food carnival, which was held at the Staler Ho- tel on Jan. 13, was a huge success, with over 300 people in attend- ance. The proceeds will be used to assist the Hillel Foundation at Ann Arbor. The success of the carnival was due to the untiring efforts of Mesdames Harry Yud- koff, J. Feller and their commit- tee. An invitation is extended by the organization to all women to attend this and all future meet- ings. [ Reform opposition to the nation- i Charles A. S. .i+' , chairman of the Detroit alistic program of Dr. Theodor Ask Volunteers To Apply for Places in Cast at Once; 1Herzl. He referred to the oppo- Mo'os Chitin Committee, announces that his com- sition to the Palestinian move- First Rehearsal at Central High School Next mittee, together with interested representatives of ment incorporated in the Reform Wednesday Evening, Feb. 7. organizations, will meet at his home, 2244 Long- platform adopted at the Pitts- fellow avenue, at 11 a. m. this Sunday to plan action burgh convention in 18a4, and A cast of 2,000 is being recruited for the staging of the I stated: for the relief of the needy during the coming "In discussing the whole prob- pageant "The Romance of a l'eople." Passover. lem of Jewish nationalism, one This great spectacle will be shown here beginning on Organizations interested in assisting the move- must, of course, remember that April 16, at the Olympia. since the day of Herz] it has un- ment to supply Passover necessities to needy fam- The first rehearsal, at which at least 1,000 of the first dergone many and basic changes group of actors are expected to be present, will take place ilies during the coming festival are asked to send in content and in form, and that next Wednesday evening at Central High School. Isaac Van representatives to this meeting. I even those who were most vio- Grove, director of the pageant, former director of the Chicago lently opposed to it as a political Civic Opera Co., will be present for this rehearsal. Meyer W. movement have been eager these Weisgal, general director of the pageant, will be here to give many years to give to it their finishing tapches to final arrangements. moral and their financial support, AESCULAPIAN LADIES I The complete clod is now being recruited, and the enlist- so long as its emphasis was upon BRIDGE ON WEDNESDAY I - ing of volunteers Is urged at once. Volunteers should apply Jewish culture and upon the reli- DR. JUNG TO ADDRESS immediately by sending the following coupon to the pageant gion of the Jew. But their early JEWISH RADIO FORUM The Ladies' Auxiliary of the I (Continued from Page One) i opposition was based upon two headquarters: grounds, first, their conviction Aesculapian Pharmaceutical So- Dr. Leo Jung, M. A., Ph.D.. ciety will aid a number of chari- exclusive right to run buses on the The Romance of a People,. that the mission of Israel can be rabbi of the Jewish Center of interpreted only in the terms of table causes with proceeds of the Lodz-Tomashoff route. The group Fifth Floor, consists of the late director of the New York City, will be the guest card party to be Park Avenue Building, his religious belief and his reli- Harriman Concern, Martini, the di- speaker of the Jewish Radio DR. DAVID KLIGER gious idealism, that his genius is held next Wed- 808 Park Avenue, rector of the Lodz Electrical Works, Forum next Sunday, Feb. 4, over not for government, and his des- nesday after- Detroit, Mich. and the Polish Senator Iwanowski. O'Connor and Assistant Supreme Station WJBK, on a program tiny can not be read in terms of noon, at 1:30 I volunteer my services as a member of the cast for "The This group at the same time ap- Commander Mrs. Francis Burns, broadcast from 5 p. m. to 5:30 a restored national life. And in o'clock, at the Romance of a People" pageant to be produced at Olympia, plied for a government subsidy of an Jan. 24, on the fourth floor of p. m. the second place, he opposed the Book - Cadillac under the sponsorship of the Jewish Welfare Federation of 2,000,000 zloty (about $400,000) the Maccabees Building. Rabbi Jung is one of the prom- movement because he believed, as Hotel. Detroit, with the co-operation of the Detroit Free Press, Detroit for the purpose of building new Newly elected officers of Tent inent leaders in Jewry in Amer- In addition to he must have believd, that so long News and Detroit Times, and pledge myself to attend all 1005 are: ica, having contributed numerous roads. as it was a political movment, it the program of Commander, Dr. David Kliger; works on Jewish life and religion. rehearsals as instructed. The line in question was until inevitably called into question his entertain- now in Jewish hands, and provided lieutenant commander, Max Samp• His subject will be "Living Jude- integrity as an American citizen ment which will work for no less than '700 persons. son; record keeper, Charles Lip . ism." and gave rise to the charge of a feature this ......... Name The people now applying for the pitt; chaplain, Berman Lippitt; Others on the program will be divided loyalty. I do not claim event, there will license demand in addition a very physician, Dr. Benjamin W. Do- Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Beth that under Zionistic philosophy be many prizes, Street Address large subsidy for work which the vitz; sergeant, Sam Rubin; mas- El in his question and answer pe- the charge was justified, that the and each lady Jewish owners had to undertake ter-at-arms, Nathan Rubin; first riod, and Aaron Kurland, chair- State Jew was attempting to live at present will be City or Town at their own expense. The work the master of guards, Manny Rosin; man of the forum, in • "radio- once under two flags. But to be given a souvenir Jews have done up till now, the second master of guards, Mr. Mar- torial." honest with myself on this day selection of Telephone Number large capital they have invested in golfs; sentinel and picket, Hyman Mrs. S. S. Stahl drugs. when I am trying to give an ac - Previous experience: the industry, count for nothing. Colchary. Trustees are Edward The society is counting of my own religious phil - ( Their capital is lost, for since the Kopel, Samuel Brezner and Harry headed by Mrs. Samuel S. Stahl Singing osophy, I cannot refrain from say- Female ( newly-elected president. Other of bueses may no longer be used, they Bennett. The past commander is ( ) ing that I understood how such Dancing ( ) Male ficers are: Mrs. Dorothy Pommer• are entirely valueless. Alex Glick. an interpretation might have been ( ) Dramatic Officers of Modern Hive 968 are: Age made by those who were only too once, secretary; Mrs. Zelda Ten- The net result of the change will Commander, Mrs. Sophie Kopel; ready on any ground to read the nen, treasurer; Mrs. Albert Boe- of course be an enormous loss to lieutenant commander, Sophie sky, chairman of the entertain- Poland as a whole. But the Jews Jew out of the circle of American meat committee; Mrs. Frances will have been ousted from yet an- Zingeser; past commander, Ann patriots." Magid; record keeper, Sadie Siss- be Kollenberg, associate chairman of other branch of industry, and the Calls for Unity. Continuing to review his reli- the entertainment committee. government apparently considers kind; chaplain, Morley Steiner; GvenizE:,,, head of the Liberal physician, Dr. Boudana Sherman; this worth the cost. For the Jew- gious philosophy, Dr. Franklin , party in Greece delivered an ulti- ish community it implies one fur- mistress at arms, Cybille Pepper; said: matum to Greek Jews in which then step towards their economic sergeant, Ann Joblan, first lady o f "Despite the differences which he insisted that Greek Jewish vot- extinction. Slowly, but steadily, guard, Edythe Epstein; second the varying religious philosophies : tens give up their franchise rights, the Polish government is driving lady of guard, Bessie Dinetz; gen- have brought into the camp of , returning to the previous system The Junior Congregation of H. Fauman will give the resume Israel, I, for one, from the first its Jews to emigration or starve- tinel, Eva Uppeovsky; picket, Ber- !of a special electoral college for of the portion of the law to be tion. nice Posen. Greek Jews. This would relegate Shaarey Zedek Synagogue will read. The duties of the chazzon day of my ministry have never • Gifts were presented to lier. conduct services in the main audi- • On the occasion of Chamisho Order them to a political ghetto. He of torium this Saturday. This marks will be carried out by Irving forgotten that Jew is bound to bert O'Connor, Mrs. Burns, Mr. POLES AVOW THEIR -anti- Jew with a hundred strong but Osor b'Shvat, trees were planted ,fered to suspend the virulent Muech and Herbert Levin, who and Mrs. Magid, Mrs. Thorp and the second time this season that FRIENDSHIP FOR JEWS tender and indissoluble ties. I in Jewish National Fund forests will enable them to buy domes- Semitic campaign now being car- will each render a portion of the An entirely different story from Dr. Kliger. tic or imported articles at the .ried on by the Liberal party press the juniors have been accorded service. David Weisenfeld will have done my utmost to create in Palestine by the following: The guests of honor were Dr. this privilege. One who attends out of the various elements of Thirty trees by the pupils and the above is related in an article Torgsin Stores located in every •if they accepted his conditions. these services cannot help but be read the sedra of the week. Jos- and Mrs. B. F. Black, Mr. and communicated this week to The De- Jews in this community one group city of the Soviet Union. Or- teachers of the United Hebrew Venizelos blamed the Greek Jews eph Cotten and Leonard Kasle will troit Jewish Chronicle front a Po- Mrs. O'Connor, Councilman Ed- ders promptly executed. Prices :for his political failures in recent impressed with the inspiring sight also occupy positions on the bimah that, irrespective of birthplace or Schools. Three trees by the children of lish source. This article relates an ward J. Jeffries, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. at the Torpors Stores compare elections ... An anti-Jewish dem- of the young men and women of as the officers of the Junior Con - social position or theological tra- event that took place recently in Thorp. Refreshments were served favorably with those in the dition, might plan together and Shaarey Zedek Sunday School. 'onstration took place in the Greek the synagogue conducting these gregation. Rowne, Poland. The communicated and dancing followed. services. United States. Three trees by the Sisterhood parliament when Premier Tsald- The services will begin promptly work together in common holy The sermort will be delivered by article reads in part: Announcements were made of of Congregation Shaarey Zedek. aria defended the Greek Jews from cause." For orders on Torgsin apply to at 9 o'clock. The public is wel- Louis J. Gordon. Ills sUbject wilt "The Jews of the Volhynian be the annual dance to ee held on Two trees by the Temple Beth your local bank or authorized the attacks of the anti-Semites. Led "There have been differences come. province organized a drive to col- Feb. 25, at the Maccabees auditor- agents. by the Greek Liberal oppositionist be "Standing Before God." Lays El School of Religion. between the two groups during Trees were also planted by Pur - lest funds for the purchase of an illill featuring Dave Diamond and Deputy Apostolu, the anti-Semites the years of my ministry here," , ' h estra. ' ' ity Chapter No. 359 of the Order airplane to be presented to the Po- s BO created an uproad in parliament. orc Dr. Franklin continued, "but I as officially of Eastern Star, on the occasion fish army. The drive w believe that the wounds have POLAND: inaugurated with a mass meeting, — of Chamisho Osor b'Shvat, as PRENZLAUER GROUP'S The Polish premier accompanied been healed and we are ell Corn- which was attended by officials of (Continued from Parse One) follows: EVENT by the minister of commerce left ing to lee more and more that PURIM _ FEB. 25 the Polish government. Among — for Palestine to be present at the the essential thing to e mphasise One tree in memory of Henry , those present were re presentatives opening of the Polish pavilion at act in refusing to direct the 1933 ose General Peprecentative In U.S.A. A dance and revue entitled "A is not Orthodoxy and not Re- Alter Rissman, of Rebecca .... the Thanks are tendered to all who i es, the th coon- Festival at Bayreuth" The quiet Rieman, Purity father member; one tree ; of district authorities, at Anoterg-261 Fifth Ave., N.Y. but Judaism unqualified the Levant Fair in Tel Aviv • • • echo of the storm Night in Ilarlem" will be presented form, ty chief (Starosta) of Rowne, the made possible the success of the was A ninteen-year-old Polish youth and unadjectived and the Jew. lit memory of Mrs. Rebecca Berea- was jailed for a week for having of protest against the oppressive by the Junior League of Shaarey , county vice-chief, the president and first bridge-dansant given by the son, mother of Mrs. RoseRob- vice-president of the city, represen- Eva Prenzlauer Maternity Aid. "down with the Jews" dui- and discriminatory policies of the Zedek, this Saturday night, i eh.. lab lae. Dr. Franklin stated that while arts, member of Purity; one tree I Wives of state police, the board of Thanks are given to the Equality s houted Nazi regime in Germany, unloosen- ing an anti-Jewish demonstration. ed in the world of art and letters he stood for the liberal in terpre• d in I in memory of David Zausville of education. The Polish army was Club and the East Side Sunshine Four Polish Jews were chosen to when Mr. Toscantni headed a group Cation of Judaism, he rejoice Toledo, father of Anna Mona represented by General Knoll, and Club a :sis rt tet hnetsi r acroe- o pg i e yr: n t i o tnhe . Tel:: represent Poland on the advisory of distinguished composers and 1 the progress of his Orthodox , Kurz, Purity member; one tree in by b the commander of the garrison chairman, Mrs. Meyer Finkel, and body of the refugee commission brethren. "Today more than ever memory of Aaron Madiessky, fa- of Rowne. Also attending the meet- h musicians who forwarded their pro- The Polish rabbinate asked the test to Adolph Hitler against the it is needed that the Jewry of a! titer of Ann Robinson, Purity ing were representatives of the predation of Mrs. George Cohen, Corporation Jews of Poland to prosecute the ousting and persecuting of world great community, not to say the rabbinate and the Jewish religious president, for their efforts.. • boycott against German goods ... Jewry of the world, must stand Plans for a Purim dinner-dance' is doing business as usual. One tree was planted by Mrs. community, delegates from many famous artists on the ground of An anti-Nazi committee was organ- with a united front," he said. We Sophie Cohn of 2740 Fullerton, on Volhynian cities, and a number of have been completed and the date Despite all difficulties and hard- tied by Polish workers and Social- their race, religious or political af- are one people, we are one family the occasion of the Yahrzeit of invited guests. was set for Sunday evening, Feb.' ships due to fire which broke filiation. This protest was cabled group, we have a common past, her son, Joseph Lee Cohen, who , ista. . "The speeches included that of 25, at Congregation Beth David, con- to Adolph Hitler on April 2, 1933, ■ out in our plant, we are a common tradition and our fu- died on Jan. 30, 1900. the Starosta of the county of ' Elmhurst at Fourteenth. For. tinuing our business without and when it wills ignored by the EGYPT: ture is bound up one with the The Carlo Mixed Tribunal re- N azi . government, Mr. Toscanini re- Rowne, Mr. Kanski. I reservations, call Mrs. Rose Gold- any interruption. Louis Tobin, chairman of the jected the libel action brought by fusel to accept the urgent pleas of "In his speech, General Knoll berg, chairman of tickets, Town- other." Jewish National Fund tree com- [Best Milk, Cream, Cheese, Turning to the challenge of the Italian Jew Umberto Jabes, the ' among other things: send 7-2171, or Mrs. Morris Bitt• musical world in Germany to mittee, who can be reached by said, - As reprmentativa of the military author!. • r Butter. future, Dr. Franklin stated: against the president of the Cairo direct the 1933 Wagner Festival at : chairman, Townsend g calling Lafayette 1575 or Town- ties In this district, I wish to voice my most , aegeneral - L„ "Our work is not yet done. German Society and a printer for Bayreuth. The inscription g in encl.,. expretalona upon the action under.' 6-7328. Service Is Our Watchword send 8.7073, this week stated: There are many problems that having libelled him in • pamphlet Golden Book, the n first of a series "While the planting of trees lotkrar ,50; a5t1":„loPlig""s 0:11 Plrh""‘""8 loom large in days like these be- issued by the society. The court made possible by the contribution RODIN CLUB through the J. N. F. is a means praSeworthy. as It nnot Lei to whiceli ngu, fore us and we most meet them. have been compelled. ThIA spontaneoue artIon :dismissed the action for lack of of f Louis P. Rucker, Is an honor Mrs. Fred Zierer was hostess at of eying a tribute to a friend Is of particular signifleance In Polish-Jewish costs g To meet them we must give of our jurisdiction, a s s e s s i n to that accorded to few non- co-operation It la more shmificent be- the last meeting of the Rodin material substance. Too many of , en memorializing a departed e.. It was IMtiated in the mono.. border- Club. The meeting was held at against him. M. Castro, attorney Jewish Corporation ish notables including Emile applicable Mg on our eaatern frontier. The Jcwith ;mink iend, it is even for Jabes announced that he would " defender of Dreyfus, g us try to attain our reli ion too I fr the home of Mrs. B. R. Salinger Al • Whole Is not yet fully cognisant of the MR. GULA, Pres. e panic mor to organizations, cheaply. In recasting our budget: schools sla- import of this action. The •hole history of of Webb avenue, on Tuesday , appeal the decision. The Nazi press, f' . 'la 1 el etnte President h Woodrow Wilson, King Call a s and we will take in depression times, the synagogue I terhoods of congregations. I Polend- and I empluelte this strongly—is free which had followed the case closely, Edward VII( David Lloyd George The next afternoon, Jan. 23. from antl-Sernitlain Anti-Semitism le one of your order. is the first to suffer at our hands. would therefore urge every or- these pernicious planted on our land by the meeting will take place at the was jubilant at the verdict and thej and Arthur Lord Balfour. a It should not be so. I ask you ganization, large or small, partic- perstionin ■ powers This need has been eon- HELEN LEFKOFSKY Longfellow 8655 case will be utilized in nation-wide I siderebly exterminated Or our Soodnibrot. due- home of Sirs. F. Rodin, 277 Bel- In making the presentation , Dr. not to let a few of us carry all the ularly during this week of Chum- Ina the 15 years of Independent existence. I mont, on Monday evening, Feb. 5. broadcast over the government Israel Goldstein addressed Mr., Tos- 3, in the social hall of the syna- burden. Let us renew our coy- labs Osor b'Shvat, to avail them- emphatically state. the. Um Polish army I. owned radio in Germany. of anti-Semitism '• canini es follows: gogue. A capacity crowd is ex- enant today to carry on. But the selves of this fine custom, thereby "General Knoll then spoke at UNITED STATES: • %Then lest April you headed • imp eI l A few tables are yet problems which are ours to solve paying honors to members and at A delegation of American Zion- dintineumhed connmaers arid musicians 10 as I pected. Inegth about the notable services structive per- ' available and may be reserved by do not relate only to our material the same time doing con ist and Jewish Agency leaders pre- . 1,1,,a1 tO i s. oe se......r.sees to asp. . Trees rendered by Jews in the Polish !S e .7e• "5. 'Z' ,fr ' calling Helen Lefkofsky or Louis affairs, they lie rather in the real m work for our homelan d .4 see . ." ,'.,.% 1 '; V-il r?....... mental the British ambassador in ! ,,7 u_ be planted in the name of army and added in conclusion: . .tt. e , may also n with a copy of a reso- amides sr .ever lever a liberty .rte .it.; , J. Gordon. of the spiritual. "This gift of yours to the Po- Washingto the organization wishing to do so." Ad t: when in pmts. against Waldron'. failure Dill McDonald and his Ilarlem "I stand again before the moun- lution protesting the immigration fish army will demonstrate to the en Strutters will provide the music t i of my early vision. I have policy of the Palestine government. ise'irrte","0`,TZ zic,.: t.tv gigt":, tire world that as citizens we are millions of hemts went out le - • y reuth The ambassador agreed to forward n :::.',,W70`,,t;Tas•tr`,;:,;;°", for ""' lee...ea for occasion. in A full floor show Three Events Feature en Cter all equal, The air knows no boun- will be the presented addition to dreams ideals a unreoal I w mounted n r :,zil pan- ; died. I unfulfilled, have bit the petition to his government. The 271 y en„ ea, 0,,, a, g. o ,..: defies and yuor selection of a gift Program. 11-piece orchestra. There will y misjudgment! trZiii= to the .hose committee on immigration' was thus unusually ee,,:- ma gic lam , and then, through _ point." , , singers, t ,.' be dancers report with the house on ' ro . "Resolution was adopted to dis- impersonators, acrobats and other sometimes, and at others through I filed a pre of ,r,... o namee - l eater; l be Three one-act plays wi its unofficial investigation of Nazi ssail.. ie., es,. the circumstances beyond control, I ech.e gpurebelticingasndtottohemparresshiad lelntpout c ee sill to written future generation/ Win 11, m the reliant ch•mpiona of the spirit entertainment to be presented in have undoubtedly slipped back. sented by the Young People's So- pillt aim activities in the United States and • recommended to Congress to take vs. :lava ...ease.. is. powers es IsigotrY . typical Harlem style. Decorations But I still look toward the heights. clety Players of the Shaarey suds ki. The public gathered at " '''''"."-- that with Zedek for the Jewish Community this mass meeting subscribed the the re , - , ' and tables have been worked out God grant me strength continued •immediate action to prevent foreign jue ;L:":),:,..eirz, try,b....., Center at the Center building, sum of 5000 zlotys for the drive." our ..t. wile in typical cabaret form. There agitators from gaining a foothold „,..7, V" ,..es Police suffered h. -.egr.. will be favors and prizes for all your help and y O Woodwar d eolmed e y e ' in this country • .. Definite liter- 1 y ,,,r er...ilea. er and refreshments will be served. sympathy and our mutual devo- 890 4 nessee .,:,,,,, ,,z, 6, the Center n Tuesday, Feb. avenue. lion to a great and holy cause, I aliza ti on of immigration restric- • In recognition of your noble wales to s may in the years, be they many is sponsoring a theater party feat "The Sabbath Queen" To Be lions to permit the entry of Ger - Ballet urine the Monte Carlo t or few that lie before me, moun „ en " l' a7 MI% re Staged at Chamisho Osor man refugees, under the regular nexus. e" c:f . tth "R b.d in the Masonic Auditorium. the Jewish National Fund Thi• In- BAY CITYANS HEAR immigration quota a as assured j ust a little higher, and as I rise, Russo .eta of similar Celebration Sunday. gel-lotion ss the drat of A bridge and dance will be held 14FtS. D. GREENBERG may you, dear and devoted P moved to expecliate w hfficial en o the Center Auditorium Satur- `. `` friends, climb upward with me." formalities involved... In a Wash- 's,'„„ which mu In , day evening, Feb. 3. An interest- The playlet entitled "The Sab- et is. Jewlds ewe.] nes BAY CITY, Mich.—An inspir- ington address Rabbi Stephen S. Wise asked President Roosevelt to f.;;VrIen'="•,!ere'::;,,b;;;4„4,-; ing talk on Palestine and the re- Dr. Free tin To Preoch on "TIN ing program has been prepared bath Queen," which was staged at 0. Mare beside in. es.. a zee. za. . the Woman's Auxiliary of the 11.." raise his voice in protes t against cent achievements of Hadassah was Church That Ought United Hebrew Schools on Jan. On Sunday morning, Feb. 4, at for this event. More than 1, 300 Ger- t';'0".,%,''',:d47. given by Mrs. David a Greenberg oi i.. sm. Alienby Lord Arthur Balfour, Baron 24, will be presented again for Seek and find thrilling pro- d the ' ' 10:45 Dr. Leo M. Franklin will man an ref ugees ave en 1 Mt ernon, . 17,:: ,tz„vr„, E. Au gust To Ad- parents, friends and the children ) the Hitierite per- 1.r.T rf, sho meeting of the Junior and Sen- preach at Temple Beth El, Wood- Dr. Harry grams all over the globe. Cod States s n on-ires. on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 4, at Inter-Collegiate Club. Colonel began, it was announced...es ether eis.tees. ties at the Wen- ward and Gladstone, on the sub- th• ""h or Hadaasah socie 3 o'clock, at the Philadelphia- PHILCO has revolutionized 7°. th"'"''''" h That t Ought To Colonel Edwin Emercon. one of the ject The Churca b Hotel. °na Dr. Harry E. August will be the Byron Auditorium. The staging leading Nazi propegendiets in the The public is invited. short-wave tuning of for- ...rite Jests!, People in Paintine tadsare B. Harrison presided Mrs. Lo L engaged in a nations! rem...tame ones: Its of this playlet will be part of the principal speaker at a special United States, left sidderly for introduced the eign stations with many at the meeting and Mrs. meeting of the Inter-Collegiate Chamisho Osor festival which was Europe on the Bremen. So secretive Greenberg ph, guest speaker. was the Colonel that attempts to meee. ie. sail of Palestine memoir. tn. exclusive improvements, North Woodward J. W. E . Club of Detroit to be held at the celebrated in all the classrooms told of various countries she recent- on Wednesday. In addition to the 74t1 1= 11 evening, otel on Monday Giv Dinner- find out his destination were un- e Stetter H W. O . To ly visited and of the Jewish strug- enabling you to enjoy the h., . the h^nne Feb. 5 Ile has chosen as his sub- playlet, there will be choral sing- availing. Whether the Colonel's a,. *sae s. ceeree.et s. arms gle for existence there in compari Dance. ing and Palestinian dancing by finest world-wide reception. decision to leave was motivated by 4,,0 A meeting of the North Wood- jest "The Application of Psychi- mieh The J - ew with Palestine, where Jews find mai eaterno and approvattre et you other groups of children, under in of congreseional in- the certainty a haven of refuge. She also told ward branch of the Jewish Worn- atry to Professions Other Than the direction of A. Panush and here 12: vestigation of Nazi activities a man en's European Welfare Organize- Medicine." This meeting is open k of Hdes- of the remarkable wor Let us give you an actual oa.is o n ior sosn oos, sod freede which would doubtless have called Mrs to members of the organization Miss Zelda Rosenthal. The play- 16x h i Palestine whe re Ger f h h let has been coached by Fay Gal- demonstration. You will be lion him ■ wanes.% is not known. R. B. Newman, Tuesday after. and their friends. and Jewish medical experts are vani Leah Pike and Betsy Ulanoff. to addition be the mane Pew ell- a OF EUROPE: The entire program is under en REST THE TH being established and given amazed! e lettere... this PHILP () The Hungarian government capi• SEVERAL PROJECTS OF chance to continue their research noon, Jan. 30. raised at the theater the direction and supervision of hetet. ..... ether Important a. All funds tulated to the striking ant t-. - e m JUNIOR HOME RELIEF work. indoelemt, met, es the Pa,.. were turned Drs. Daniel Cohn and Dennis Ko- INTER-FRATERNAL LEAGUE 14 !weave flansdlee Scant Se- Gire your home a REAL radio! Mrs. Julius E. Ginsberg, pro- party given Jan. ite students and agreed to intro- d tha van, while C hairrnan Milton M. Awe. Sreele ger ''Cleee A resolution elief Society gram chairman, presented • skit• the money act as toastmaster. dues strict numerus clausus for , Junior !tome Shed•te Teal's, Aedlt•r1.• The Inter-Fraternal League held was fora the purl - Maddin will s be ued Jewish students in the universities ! m t S : The fourteenth annual winter Serest,. eta toplet• Su n da y , at theR its weekly scheduled games Jan. will give a party rth , "The Pioneers," directed by Mrs. of tickets to bring the wife formal of the Inter-Collegiate e rehb.4 rebleell et Coast weed. A Danzig Nazi court sentenced The club Ad Iman and act- chase daughter o PHILCOS $ 20 UP • ' 30 at Durfee School, with the a o Only Me. a Jew to serve three months in I 1 b° Club will be held in the ballroom following results: fo r the residents of the Jewis ed by Mill Beryl Voight, Miss Jos. and jail for expectorating on • a Children's Home from 3 to 5 ephine Berglass and Miss Edith from Europe. The ways and means committee of the Hotel Stadler on Saturday Alpha Tau Alpha Fraternity re- newspaper poster. . . Belgian So- o'clock this Saturday. . ay. tained leadership of the league by Klepper. bner Goldman sang a group of completed plans for • dinner- evening, Fe . orchestra hestra h and as been cialists instituted action against ein's the defeating Phi Alpha Tau, 37 to J ules The girls are sponsoring several sonAga Model Show. Above-16X, 3173 Lassaut, Belgian an Klor t it a point to give a basket of fond berg. accompanied by Mrs. Gins- ,dance, the date to be announced ' secured fhe ' 16. winning its eighth straight 'next week. Belgium hope other projects: They are making The next meeting will be held entertainment committee has as- league game; Epsilon Mu upset that the verdict will have effect on gr After Mrs. Greenberg's talk, coo-- to a poor family each week, and • proam of professional the Live Wires, 19 to 13; Phi Beta the Nazi press in Belgium. . . • are taking care of a family ten-' ' lion pictures of modern Palestine at the home of Miss II. Mitt of , on sured t. inmen t secured for the Epsilon broke into the win col- oteorta French papers denied that Alexan- porarily, Winifred Cornell being shnodwoHadassah activities were Webb avenue. 1 e umn by defeating Alpha Tau Beta, a The sick committee asks that der Stavisky, center of • nasty in charge. The club also supplied A buffet supper will be served 18 to 16. Mrs. William Kentz, assisted by ' members or friends ill or in dis- !Kends), was a Jew. Staviaky was • a kir] with school books, various The following is the schedule !Mrs. Harry Alpern and Mrs. Philip tress should communicate with at midnight with dancing contin- morn- Russian who became a Roman ng throughout the for Feb. 6, at the Durfee School: girls donating them. early i nvite- l stri ct Garfield 3 512 Catholic. 'Ile Juniors also "adopted" • , Zacher, had charge of dinner ar- any of the following: Mrs R sig. le Phi Alpha Tau vs. Phi Beta Ep- Betwee ■ Blaine and Gladstone Weissman, 2724 Townsend tional to members and their Tall Alpha vs. ED- sheaf at an Ann Arbor hospital.. rangementa. Redbla tt, 3286! 6-2859; Mn. A. Leslie, be silon, Alpha 1 "1"11 Club mars weer/ el ilon Nu; Live Wires vs. Alpha Sec ts1 ""clu ma The apart. . rst, Townsend 6-7825; lire. friends. Reftervans taws a osuois! Each girl Ls writing to her and tin Daniel Cohn • Per I tree bete si Mitt, Webb avenue, Longfel- made by calling Dr. Tea Beta. hems ws • obese le I slaking a small personal gift! A wife's III•humor is often more Elmhu see than a husband's good en..1 of benefit n IL.,1 _ at Cherry 0854. — . , POLISH GOVERNMENT ANTI JEWISH DRIVE Ilan' you, • SHAAREY ZEDEK JUNIOR CONGREGATION 0 CONDUCT SERVICES THIS SATURDAY RELATIVES FRIENDS Oki? TREES PLANTED IN ZION ON OCCASION OF CHAMISHO OSOR • Your Gift of a Torgsin HONOR TOSCANINI JR. SHAAREY ZEDEK LEAGUE DANCE AN D REVUE SATURD AY White Star Milk White Star Milk . . . with this New All-Wave HILCO Listen to London, Berlin, Paris, Rome, Russia, Madrid, Buenos Aires, erc.,,:c. rose PHILCO EASIEST TERMS - Liberal Trade-In Allowance SHELTER'S 8737 TWELFTH STREET