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January 26, 1934 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1934-01-26

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"7-1- r-1-11 7"


litEPerRordEmsn (ham=




'Buy your Chevrolet
where you will
be well treated

Morris Kutnick, who organized
the Kadimah Hebrew School here
The committees working to sell
in 1930 and was an active Zion-
Maxwell L. Black Heads ist, died on Friday, Jan. 19, at the theater tickets for the play to be
given at Littman's People's Thee-
National Fund Commit-
age of 37. Burial took place on ter on Wednesday evening, Jan.
Sunday, Rabbis Aishiskin, Sperka, 31, brought a fine response from
tte for Project.
Eisenman and Fine, and the presi-
dents of the e Volks Verein
Pinsker Verein, delivering the
PLANTS FIRST TREES eulogies. About 1,500 people were
present at the funeral.
The Jewish National Fund Coun-
Mr. Kutnick is survived by his
cil of Detroit this week inaugur- wife, Iska; two sons, Oscar, 14,
ated a new project to honor Pron. and Ben, 10, and a daughter,
dent Franklin D. Roosevelt on the Sarah, 12; his parents, Abraham
occasion of his birthday, occur- H. and Zeporah Kutnick; two
ring next Tuesday.
brothers, Aaron and Philip; and
Leon Kay, chairman of the three sisters, Deborah, Ethel and
Council, and Louis Tobin, the Shoshanah.
Noted as an educator and peda-
gogue, Mr. Kutnick was also an
able speaker, having delivered ad-
dresses on important Jewish (ies•
Tributes to his memory were
paid this week by many of his
friends, including S. Smullin of
Toledo, former Detroit Hebrew
teacher; M. Michlin of the United
Hebrew Schools, M. Klavans, pres-
ident of the Oinsker Verein, who
announced that a memorial meet-
ing has been arranged in tribute
to the deceased by his Verein for
different organizations called
Feb. 6 at Jericho Temple.
Morris Kutnick was born Sept.
Mrs. Bessie Sarasohn and her
15, 1896. As a young child he
already showed proficiency in Bib- players will present a special play-
lical and Talmudic studies. He let following the regular perfor•
also participated in Zionist work, mance in which the entire Litt-
beginning with his very early man cast of actors will participate.
youth. Ile wrote numerous ar- Other novelties will be presented
ticles under the pseudonym "Bez- (luring the concert to follow the
alel." While in Europe he taught regular play.
Tickets can be procured from
in the famous Tarbuth schools,
and was an organizer of its high members or at the boxoffice.
school in Luninietz, where he en-
The next meeting will be held
gaged Morris and Abraham Lech- at the Russian Village on Twelfth
ee rw
, anow o f Detroit,
.ctive n a as teachers. street, Monday, Jan. 29, 1:30
chairman of the Council's tree- w
p. m. Members are urged to
planting committee, announced on
ion and
in charitable e e
bring their friends. Refreshments
Wednesday the appointment of Z.
In 1921 he accepted a teacher's will be served for a nominal fee.
Maxwell L. Black, assistant attor-
position in Pinsk and became ac-
Mrs. Rose Ferrar, assisted by
ney-general of Michigan, as chair- tive there in communal affairs.
Mrs. J. H. Goldberg, will be in
man of a special committee to have
He came to Canada in 1926, and full charge of candy at the per-
charge of this project, which aims
settled in Detroit in 1930.
formance. Mrs. H. Lewis and her
to plant a grove to be known as
committee are calling on the dif-
the Franklin D. Roosevelt Grove
ferent'organizations for their co-
In the George Washington 'Forest
in Palestine. The goal is a mini-
Members who have tickets out-
mum of 100 trees, which will be
standing should bring in final re-
planted with contributions of
by next Monday, as tickets
$1.60 for each tree.
or money must be turned in a day
(Continued From Page One)
Trees may be planted by calling
before the theater party. For
or writing Mr. Black at •663 Pen-
thing that had gone before. Its further details call Mrs. N. Blat-
obscot building, Randolph 6976.
nikoff, Euclid 0059-M.
Mr. Black announced the selec- anti-Semitism is based on an ex-
tion of the following committee to ploded racial theory, and no mat-
assist him In this project: Aaron ter what an individual may do to
Kurland, Miss Betsy Harley, Mrs. separate himself from his racial
Ida Kleiman, Mrs. Maxwell L. background, it will be of no avail
"The Project Method As Applied to Religion,"
was the pbject of Rabbi Taman'. Friday
Black, Aaron Rosenberg, Dr. R. to him."
ammo lecture
Seek Ways To Aid Refugees.
R. Goldstone, Allan D. Brown,
A ruling delivered by Attorney
Mrs. Chivies Cherin and Mrs J. D. Felt-
Samuel Sternberg, Leon Kay,
were bosteeses at the metal hour fol.
Louis Tobin, Philip Slomovitz, General Cummings on Dec. 26, men
lowing temple services.
James I. Ellmann, Hyman Altman, that the Department of Labor has
nuer itraut luncheon will feature the
Dr. S. Wittenberg, David Wrubel,
monthly potluck sponsored by the Sisterhood
D r. John Slevin, Dr. R. Rosen, bonds" for immigrants seems like- sod In charge of Mrs. M. Neuman. Mrs. J.
Mandell Bernstein, Sidney Alex- ly to have important .effects for D. Furman and Mrs. Joe Ch.M.
At an Impressive ceremony. the officer. of the
ander, A. Lappin, Oscar Kaufman, German refugees seeking admis-
sion to the United States.
Enal Writh went Installed. Loth. 0100 is the
George M. Stutz.
A public charge bond is a bond op president,
The first five trees In the Frank-
Coretinoing the bIbdy of 'anti-lienOthon,
lin D. Roosevelt Forest in Pales- given by a responsible person in the
Youth Club met with Rabbi and Mrs.
tine were planted by Attorney- the United States . as guarantee Polkman.
General Patrick H. O'Brien, ac- that the applicant for entry will
Rabbi inolMnen had Pepe of the dissug-
cording to Mr. Black, who issued
lion period which followed the apt lecture
the following appeal for support ruling was given at the request of of the Jackson Civic Forum.
the Departments of State and La-
of this project:
Mrs. Charles P. Clarke entertained asoPII
"TT. Jewish Democratic ranks In Michigan bor, which differed over the inter- group cf friends at bridge on Sunday eve-
have organised • Franklin D. Roosevelt Week
pretation of the existing Immigra- ning.
to dal honor snd to pay homage to our great

tion Law.
hum attaches Democrat. Preedent Franklin
Mrs. M. S. Ferman was hostess at • bridge


The new automobile
dealers' code makes all
trade-in prices uniform.
One dealer cannot offer
you more for your car than
another, so why not pa-
tronize a dealer well
known to the Jewish com-
munity for fair dealing
and welcome service?
Come to Streng Chevrolet,
Inc., for real, neighborly



8510-12th St.

MAdison 3670

Shaarey Zedek Jr. League
Dance Saturday, Feb. 3.


Jacob Skdlnick s



Cppesita Dexter Theater

We spestell• in kitimpale raw in
Wedging limps ('ope, Enlargement. led
all Math ef frame ll Reasowablo Meek
SteA. OPP • as I. I N. m.

Swim l a. • la I v. m.

Our Annual Sale
Now in Progress



Every Overcoat
Reduced to

The Junior League of Shaarey
Zedek will present a dance and
reveue entitled "A Night in Har-
lem," next Saturday evening, Feb.
3. There will be dancing to the
tunes of a fine orchestra, and a
complete floor show will form the
entertainment. This will be sup-
plemented by refreshmeats which
will be served at Individual tables
In cabaret style. Elaborate decor-
ations are being worked out by
the committee and the social hall
of the synagogue will be trans-
formed into a Harlem letting.
There will be 'favor, for all.
Reservations should be made in
advance and if individuals cannot
obtain tickets from any of the
members of the committee, they
may reserve tables by calling Miss
Helen Lefkofsky, chairman of the
event; or Louis J. Gordon, presi-
dent of the organization. Mr.
Gordon has announced the follow-
Ing committees in charge of ar-
rangements: Decorations, Herschel
Berman, Leonard Kasle, Daniel
Segiel, William Feldman, Jerome
Rosenzweig, Barney Schwartz and
W ilbur Loewenburg; refresh-
ments, Diana Davidson, Madeline
Meyers, Neil Lenhoff, Evelyn
Bloom, Sydney Dunitz, I.aya Fau-
man, Betty Kohen and Edith
1 Sarasohn.


D. Roosevelt
- Our people could' conceive of no better
medium of peppingour sentiments of de-
votion land respect for our leader, than
consecrating In his honor • part of the
holy soli of Palestine
"A Franklin D. Roseevell Grove will be
planted in the Oeorge Washington Forest In
F.B.I.. Knowing Your sentiment. toward
the presldent. Ira ere certain that you will

Prof. Raymond Moley's week-
17. Today, contains an editorial
attacking the attitude of the
State Department toward the
admission of German refugees,
which Professor Moley describes
sus one of "crusty formalism."
V;I:r7irt"or:irlurert`"t Ver
An article in the same issue
'Thy plentins of a use In the Franklin D
call. it "bureaucratic pseudo.
Roosevelt Orop eels only II SO. and ite
solicit your kind c crsoperetion in assisting the , legalism," and rejoices that the
Jewish community to make this celebretion
State Department must now
nest success.
share with the Labor Depart-
ment "its hitherto jealously
guarded jurisdiction over the is-


Open Evenings to 9

1430 Griswold Street

of 3788 Humphrey, 70 yearn old,
died on Jan. 18. Funeral services
were held on Jan. 19 with inter-
ment at Machpelah Cemetery. !lei
is survived by his wife, Esther; 1
two daughters, Mrs. Ily Finkel-
stein of Detroit and Mrs. Anna
Packin of New York, and three
eons, Sam, I'hillip and Ben.


of 4033 Sixth street, 48 years old,
died on Jan. 24. Funeral services
were held on Jan. 26 with inter-
ment at Machpelah Cemetery. Ile
is survived by his wife, Edna;
a son, William; four daughters,
Adelaide, Mre. Esther Sallow, Mrs.
Jeanette Sallow and Mrs. Grace
May; 5 grandchildren; a sister,
Mrs. Anna Goldberg, and four
brothers, Sol, Benjamin, Barney
and Meyer.

:ass , s

Rev. Samuel



- Surgical Mohel





Ins Eby.let•.

Its Nears






Suits Also Greatly




lama Endorsee!

67 Loading


silk importer who had been a resi•
dent of Detroit for many years, I
died in New York and his body
was brought to Detroit Wednesday,
for burial. Funeral services were I
held in Lewis Bros. chapel on
Thursday. Ile is survived by his
wife, Helen; three sisters, Mrs.
Charles Prag; Mrs. Bessie Gott-
leib and Mrs. Philip Goodman, and
three brothers, Samuel, Jacob and
Edward. Samuel and Jacob Fin-
silver are in the packing busi-1
ness in Detroit.

of 2483 West Euclid avenue, died
Wednesday. Ile was 80 years old.
Funeral services were held at the
home at 2 p. m. Thursday, with
Rabbi A. Si. Hershman officiating.
Burial was in Clover Hill Park
Cemetery. Mr. Wetsman was born
In Russia and had lived here 35
years. Ile was a member of Con-
gregation Shaarey Zedek. Two
daughters, Mrs. Anna Goldman

Israel, survive.



Monuments of Charactel

Euclid 10467


1 ‘11 4",

Rev. Cantor
)avid Golds!


0etrolt's Famelte

Vedding Corm*.
lie. Performed
Home and by

Manuel Urbacb

' Appointment

Gmatto and Merl. Mtrappwle

Euclid WO



ICCLID 11118


,y)Avis Atodi

7739 John R. St.

Charles Jay, advertising solicitor,
at one time associated with The
Detroit Jewish Chronicle, died in
Mercy Hospital in Monroe a few
hours after he had been injured in
an automobile accident on Huron
Drive, near Flat Rock, on Tuesday.
At the time of his death, he was
associated with the Leesan Al-Adl,
weekly Syrian newspaper.
Mr. Jay, who resided with his
family at 12087 Stoepel avenue,
was 47 years old. Funeral services
were held at Lewis Bros. Funeral
Home, 7739 John R street, at 1
p. m. on Thursday, with Rabbi A.
M. Hershman officiating. Burial
was in Clover Hill Park Cemetery.
Mr. Jay was a member of Con-
gregation Shaarey Zedek.
Surviving him are his widow,
Esther; a daughter, Elaine; his
mother, Mrs. Jacob Jay; a sister,
Mrs. A. I eldstein, and three broth-
ers, Harry A., of Chicago; Dr.
Philip Jay, a professor in the den-
tal college at the University of
Michigan, and Jay I. Jay, of De-

Trinity 2-2114



BERLIN.—(JTA) — Dr. Alfred
Goldschmidt, general secretary of
the German B'nai B'rith and mem-
, bar of the central executive of
'the Central Union of German Chi-
' lens of the Jewish Faith, died
here of pneumonia. Ile was 69
years old. lie had been ■ mem-
ber of the Central Union execu-
tive ever since it was created. He
was the author of several books,
including a history of the German
B'nai B'rith movement.



osrictl mi.': nt ot o f;'Irs;
gnei7r se:17Z
United States."


In loving memory of our dear
friend, Joseph Weil, who passed
away ten years ago, Jan. 29, 1924.

lo our harts your memory linger.
sweet. tenderand true.
There la not a day Pee by
That we do not think of you .

Ann and Mark Weinbeck.

In fond and loving memory of
my dear husband, Joseph %Veil,
who departed from this world ten
years ago, Jan. 29, 1924.

Days of sadness some per no
Tears in silence often Sow
Memory welts him eves near me
Through he died ten yam

His loving wife, Sophia Weil.

In loving memory of our' dear
mother, wife and grandmother,
Etta B. Weber, who passed away,
a year ago, Feb. 5, 1933.

A loving mother. true and bind
No friend on earth lite he we'll find.
Por allof us she did her beat
And Ood gave her eternal rest .

Sadly missed by her loving hus-
band, children and grand-children.

In loving memory of our dear hus-
band, father and grandfather, Bar-
nett Rosenberg, who passed away
seven years ago, Jan. 13, 1927, 10
days in Shevat.

A wonderful tether. man and ald.
One who •a. better Clod never made
and true.
A wonderful worker. to
One In • million. that. father. wes you.
Just in your judgment. Sheave upright.
Honed and liberal. slaps urornt

r. r.'id nY
Our wvwe

tsmr wee you.

Your loving wife, children and

B'nai David Sisterhood Card
Social Feb. 14.

In /sad and loving memory of
Esi Sorin, whopassed away six
Plans are now being set for the years ago, January 20, 1928.
first affair of the recently organ- eight days in Shevat, at the age of
irod Congregation B'nai David Sia- two years, five months.
terhtsat to be in the nature of a
Raid I pold forget the one whom I
card social and to be held on Wed- Who loved
so dearly
nesday evening, Feb. 14, at the Who sold 1 could overlook hi. vision which
is Muses before m e
B'nai David synagogue, Elmhurst People
do not believe it but that does not
at Fourteenth.
III Tell end your find whom I bre foe .
Mrs. Archie Goldberg was ap- It
Al these are Me palts shish lead Ins
pointed chairman in charge of the
affair, and will be assisted by Jean
Sadly missed by your mother,
Faudman, Sally Kramer and Lily dad and brothers.
In loving memory of our dear
mother and grandmother, Mrs.
AB plan. I of the •nnual open PPP be
Minnie Starr, who passed away
be held at the snot Loa. Sp...us Date
a,/ Lawrence •aturday event. Jul T. It
five years ago, Jan. 26, 1929.

a kun been wmpleted. Mandell Bern-
et.. ertares will be the pester . Dusan.
and other forms of entortropped arse
There will be notdraission Parse Pal
are invited The Dawn., Ms 09(1(14
I Pouter embalm
TileDeterntty marts its basketball ante
m Suedes Jew II. at the Jevlah Center
merman ,. and Writes all tr.& le mew

ANA Fratarally wet. •ymy Toredm arm
wine at the PPP Centers •ooesard and

OP sailed bee boos
It wm will
BM la our hearts
eve hems. mill
74 P memory W sa 6ear VAar
As in the hoer she, puspl aw.s.

Sadly missed by her loving
daughter and grandchildren, New-
ton Leon and Jerome Weingsrden.

party on Sunday,

Mr and Mrs I. M. D•ch are to Chicago,

Mrs. A. E Kanto, with hPother. Mrs.
Cohen of Alpena. and Biller, Mrs. /(eels of De-
troit, are In Mimi. }Wilda

Mrs J. Adrian somber( leaves the latter
pert of the west for Califon..

Calendar of Events,

Jan. 28—Zedakah dinner-dance.
Jan. 28—Sisterhood of Shaarey
Zedek supper and entertain-
Ian. 29—Hone Relief meeting.
Jan. 30—IrMa Skariatina lec-
ture before Beth El Forum.
Jan. 31—Old Folks' Home the-
ater party at Littman's The-
Jan. 31—Home Relief birthday
Ian. 31-11adassah Profession-
al Group, 8 p. m., at Steller.
Feb. 3 and 4 — Anniversary
dance and banquet, respec-
tively, in celebration of
Young Israel's tenth anni-
Feb. 4—Jewish night with De-
troit Symphony Orchestra.
Feb. 6—Temple Forum lecture.
Feb. 6—League of Jewish Wo.
men's organizations—lunch-
eon and dramatic entertain-
ment. Mme. Miriam Elyas,
Feb. 7—Charity bridge of Aes-
culapian Ladies' Auxiliary, at
Book-Cadillac hotel.
Feb. 8—Father and Son Dinner
and Fun Frolic of Shaarey
Zedek Men's Club.
Feb. 11-13 — Annual meetings
of affiliated agencies of Jew-
ish Welfare Federation.
Feb. 11 — Dinner and get-to-
gether of Detroit Service
Group of the Jewish Welfare
Feb. 12—Card party of Sister-
hood of Shaarey Zedek.
Feb. 17, 18, 19—Third annual
bazaar of Congregation B'nai
Feb. 19—Sisterhood of Shea-
/ rey Zedek card party.
Feb. 24—Annual donor lunch-
eon of Equality Club.
Feb. 25—Bicur Cholem
Purim dance.
Feb. 28—Zedakah Donor Lunch
March 3—Young People's So-
ciety of Shaarey Zedek, for-
mal dance at Book Cadillac.
Starch 4—Shaarey Zedek Purim
March 4—Fourth annual $10
donor luncheon of Junior
Iladas.sah, at Hotel Stotler.
March 4—Purim dinner-dance
of Congregation B'nai Moshe.
March 11 — Cantors' Associa-
tion concert at Emanuel
March 11—Jolly Elite Club's
fifth annual Passover charity
dance at Pier Ballroom, Cara
and Elizabeth.
Mar. 20—Annual donor lunch-
eon of Pioneer Women's Or-
ganization, at Hotel Stetter.
April 15-22 — Pageant, "The
Romance of a People," at
May 2—Annual $5 donor lunch-
eon of Jewish National Fund

On Sunday, Jan 28. at 10:48 a. or Dr. Leo
W. Franklin will preach him thirty•tlfth anni-
rr Prmon under the title, An Acconot•
of e


.•Winning th. Non-Believer• will be the
subjest of Dr. Vsnklink eermon Saturday
morning. Jan. V. It 10.10 a. In.

Give the family a treat!
Bring them to


Event Arranged To Assist
Unemployed Cantors and
Their Families.


The Cantors' Association of

On Sunday, Feb. 4. Dr. Trenklin rill occupy
the pulpit and peak an ow esarci.
ew Detroit, at the last meeting which
wan sea ane,orsi enders- • soak ream I was attended by all members, de

Temple Ade Sestet,:
On Wednesday menIng. PP 7. the Temple
Arts Society will present three play. under
the direction of Wynn Wright.
A social
hour tf dancing and refreehments will fel-
low the production.

The whole town's talking

about our Special Sunday Din-

cided to arrange a concert, to take
place Sunday, March 11, at the

ners. Briny the whole family.


Temple Fop..
The firth and only aristocrat to return to
Swirl RUS31A. Princess IMP fikarlatine, he
pendant cf Prince Evils maid of honor to the I
late Penna. author of "A World Can End."
"A World amine and "The Fleet to Go Beck"
will addrees the Temple Forum Treadey. night.
Jan. 30, at 830, on "The Old Russia and the


at our Delicatessen

Cole Slaw -

15c lb.
Potato Salad - - . 15c lb.

LOAM et 'pleb Womenla Organlptians:
The LCOUlt of Jewish Womenls OrganiestIons

Young Steer Pickled

present MIrI•un EDas of the NON. Theater
of Moacow in s dramatic recital Tueaday.
Pa. ,, at 2:30 p.
t Temple Beth NI. A
luncheon will precede the pchal Tickets, for
lu ncheon end recital. 15 cp.. for recital only.
Ni cents


12c lb.

There is only one Boesky Bros

store — we are not connected

Belk El Carle. :
j "How the Jphill population of the world
is distributed"-this Is the fascinating
Jed now being Diren up In Rabbi Leon Fran's
course in "Th. Jr. In the Modern World."
"The Reticle. of China" are being Muffled
In Rabbi Zeiger's class In remnant'. relig-
ions. Some courses AIRY still be joined. Others
re closed. For Information.
call the college
er. Madison 401.

with any other store bearing a

similar name.

Boesky Bros.


Jewish - American Demo-
cratic Club Stages Get-
Together Rally.

■ treat they'll enjoy and






Emanuel Synagogue, Woodrow
Wilson, corner Taylor. All can-
tors and many well known Jewish
vocalists will participate. A choir
of about 30 is being mobilized for
the event.
The purpose of the concert is
to raise a fund to assist unem-
ployed cantors and to support
widows and children of Chazanim.
The cantors, who were always
ready to lend their services to all
organizations at all times, with-
out remuneration, expect to have
the co-operation of all Jewry of
'Detroit. Further details will be
announced in The Chronicle. Or-
ganizations are asked to take no-
tice of this date and not to ar-
range affairs for the same day.
Cantor A. A. Rosenfield, former
Zedakah Juniors Celebrate
president of the Cantors Associa-
Second Anniversary.
tion, is a member of the committee
on arrangements for the concert.
Miss Pearl Sperber of 2499
Cantor J. H. Sonenklar is presi-
Blaine avenue will be hostess to the dent of the Cantors' Association.
Zedakah Juniors on Sunday after-
noon, Jan. 28, at 2 o'clock.
Millie Shugerman, chairman,
Florence Golden, Rosanne Schweit-
zer and Arlene Feldman are spar-
ing no efforts to make the Ze-
Congregation B'nai Israel, one
dakah Junior birthday bridge
luncheon a success. This affair will of the oldest synagogues in the
take place at the Broadway Tavern city, has organized a Chevra Ayin
on Saturday afternoon, Feb. 8, at Yaakov, among the many pun-
1 o'clock. Reservations may be poses of which will be to furnish
telephoned to the chairman, Gar- a minyan of men to be present
field 1969.
at the home of a mourning family
for the services which are held
the eight days of Shivah.
Inscribe Name of Late Prof.
' At the meeting on Saturday
Bachnoff in Golden Book. evening,
Jan. 20, at Congregation
Through the fforts of Mr. and B'nai Israel, the following officers
Mrs. L. Linsky, the name of the were elected: Samuel Levine, 2969
late Prof. Zalman David Bachnoff Fullrton, president; Louis Levin,
was Inscribed In the Golden Book 3200 Fullerton, treasurer; Samuel
of the Jewish National 'Fund In Goldberg, vice-president; Samuel
Wiener, secretary.

The Jewish-American Democrat-
ic Club has arranged for a social
affair for Saturday, Jan. 27, at the
People's hall , Twelfth street at
Seward, at 8:30 p. m.
Attorney General Patrick H.
O'Brien, County Treasurer J. Su-
meracki, Judge Joseph Sanders,
chairman of the state tax commis-
sion, Chester Martin, Dr. John P.
Slevin, chairman of the Wayne
County Council of Club, and other
state and county officials will
Louis Haas, president of the Jew-
leh-American Democratic Club, ex-
tends an invitation to everyone to
attend this social. Admission and
refreshments free.





TION—Let the Mickey Manage-
ment Co. relieve you of your
property worries. For efficient
management and economical
maintenance, call Mr. M. H.
Goldsmith, Cherry 9689.

FOR RENT — Attractive, large,
airy furnished room in com-
fortable private home for a
couple. Kitchen privileges and
garage if desired. Price rea-
sonable. On Tuxedo, between
Linwood and Dexter. Call Town-
send 7-7926.

Prenzlauer Group Bridge-
Dansant Jan, 27

A bridge-dansant will be spon-
sored by the Eva Prenzlauer Ma-
ternity Aid on Saturday evening,
Jan. 27, at Hotel Tuller. There
will be prizes, refreshments and
dancing. Bob Cruzet and his or-
chestra will furnish the music.
Proceeds will be devoted to the
Malvina "Mother" Klein Memor-
ial fund for tonsilectomy cases of
poor children. Mrs. Myer Finkel
and Mrs. Nat Ilolden are co-
chairmen. Tickets can be ob-
tained at the door.

WILL PAY CASH for improved Home Cooked Luncheon Is
property in the city of Detroit.
Planned by J. W. E. W. 0.
Quick action. Price must be
reasonable. Phone Mr. Gold-
The North Woodward branch of
berg, Garfield 9228, or Univer-
the Jewish Women's European
sity 1-5528.
Welfare Organization will spon-
David Deem, a recent graduate
Kalamazoo, Mich.. is in need of a sor a home-cooked luncheon in the of the Detroit Institute of Tech-
Kosher Meat Market, as well as near future.
nology, was pledged to Omega Al-
The next meeting will be held pha l'1, honorary scholastic frater-
a Delicatessen and Spice Store.
We have a large number of at the home of Mrs. R. B. New- nity, in the School of Commerce of
small country towns with Jew- man, 1478 Glynn Court, Tuesday, the Detroit Institute of Technology.
ish people, as well as 75 to 100 Jan. 30. A resume of the year's Mr. Desow was one of 10 stud
families in the, city. If inter- activities will be given. Members who received marks averaging over
ested, please write E. II. Graff, and their friends are invited.
95. Ile is the third Jewish stu-
All cards for the donor lunch- dent to be pledged to the
Kalamazoo, Mich.
eon should be turned in at this nity whose membership numbers
TAKE NO CHANCES with cheap meeting, as a final check-up is I
over150. Mr. Deso• is a member
shoe repairing when M. Kaner's necessary.
of Zeta Alpha Rho, an all-Jewish
quality costs no more. %Ve do
accounting fraternity.
the finest work in the city of
Detroit. Don't be afraid to Activities of Jewish North-
bring us your best shoes for
western Democratic Club.
repairing. M. KANER, Expert
Mr. and Cr, William Present hap ND
Shoe Repairs, 127 E. Grand
The Jewish Northwestern Demo-
to extended trip through Pe southwest
River (opposite Broadway Mar- cratic Club was organized about foe
c a Lt.t. L. sod
six month ago, tf
to foster
t the
t e ideal I s
t L amiry ass mar, meas.,
HOUSEWIVES—The famous or- of President Roosevelt. Weekly sss
iginal Ernest marinated herring meetings are held every Thursday, PIP' Mr es.ro..
is now available in large or at 7 p. m., at 1705 Blaine avenue. and Mrs 8.1 ". a '
Two manias. of seta n
small quantities at the Royal At meeting's, talks are given by Zed
Junior. have en.
collegiate rank They are Min
Palm Hotel, Park avenue and Democratic leaders. Other activi-
Montcalm. Inquire Dining Room ties are devoted to discussions on tows ts=
Toi!11; .
m "
dsughter of Mr. and Mr. Fran; ,
for Paul Ernest, Cadillac 8310. political economy.
Both are Amine to Mee
The executive board has under I is....s.s t
helrE•Tdp cXe.
1 FOR RENT — Beautifully fur- consideration a card party for the " ""
nished large bedroom in private near future.
1 On Prides Jan it Rabbi Cetimbaum
. rmon Peed on the book. More
family for one or two young
Membership has grown so that !ached ve
ladies. No other roomers. Bos- it will be imperative to move to cons`s- sw eisea' cturt:: fry. ol n tl . te 1 1::r.7;
ton boulevard corner Lawton. larger quarters soon.
music for the pews Their song. Imre
A Junior No
Phone Townsend 7-7853.
Demo- """ ''''''''"
cratic Club, which at present num-1 Samuel Edelsonof East Lansing left Sat-
FOR RENT—Attractive room In h er s aout
80 between the ages of zrz..I•er
trlf. t*" TOO H' "
comfortable private home for • 20 and 30 years, has been formed ,
/sr Youn g ofPeo pl e's Lapf
gentleman. Half-block east of by the senior organization.
p o•
La n.i
bling held
ne w officers e t
puc met-
Dexter. Meals if desired. 3300



Pingree. Call Hogarth 8527.

Goldie Meyers

Plants Trees'

in Paleatine.
LADY, alo1ne, will rent comfor-
tably furnished room in flat to
one or two young ladies or
Trees were planted in Palestine
young men. Twin beds. All through the Jewish National Fund
conveniences. Good transpor- Council of Detroit by Goldie
tation. Call Madison 8520.
Meyers of 2976 Calvert avenue,
as follows: One tree in memory of
YOUNG BUSINESS GIRIs desires Celia Becker Stross and one tree
room and board and home pnv-
in memory of her uncle, Wolf
lieges in small private Amer-• Keidan.
can Jewish home in northwest-
ern section. Call Sunday after
Gifts to Hadassah Fund.
11 o'clock, Townsend 7-8265.

WANTED—A middle-aged or el-
derly lady with means who de-
sires a fine home and living by
a widower with means. Write
Box 100, Detroit Jewish Chron.

man for general furnishings and
shoe store. Must be exper•
References necessary.
Jack Brode, 3456 West Warren,
Garfield 6888.

Contributions have been re-
ceived for the Infant Welfare
Fund of Hadassah from Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph H. Ehrlich, in mem-
ory of Mrs. Moses Stremling of
Minneapolis, who is the sister of
Mrs. David Zeman; from Mrs. M
Lipsitz, in memory of Mrs. M.
Stremling; from Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Ehrlich, in honor of the
graduation of Faga Beth Wein-
stein, Beatrice Smith and Sarah


Inc Surdsr maim.


It. at the gimpy


Barr and Bernard Friedland The ...um
am followed by • reception and dancing

Perfection Chapter, Order
of DeMolay.

Preparations are Being made for
the second dance of the current sea-
son to be given at the Bonk-Cadil-
l ac
Ma rch. Milton Pink
is chairman of the entertainment
At the next meeting on Feb. 5,
there will be special election for a
;junior councilor, due to the resig-
nation of the present officer.
I The following Masons of Perfec-
tion Lodge No. 486, F. & A. M.,
have been appointed as the advis-
' cry board for the coining year:
Mr. Mann, chairman; Dr. Guntz,
Dr. Gsuld, Dr. Friedman, secie-
WY; Mr. Sandorf, Mr, Gottfusa' t
and Mr. Klein. I. W. Rlumhe- c
continue as the "dad" of the
chapter. Co-operating with the
board is I.. Shapiro, present wors
shipful master of Perfection Lodge.

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