• PAGE FOUR MEDEI:ortinvIsn aiRONICIA13 and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ABE BOESKY extends to you all a cordial invitation to attend the Grand Opening of his beautiful new DELICATESSEN • RESTAURANT - at - STEINBERG DEVELOPS EDUCATIONAL GAME "The 400" Capture s Imagination and Is Fast Becoming Fad as Instructive Recreation. --- Believing that "body and mind, to balance well, need play and diversion," Morrie Steinberg ham made a definite contribution to ed- ucational recreation by perfecting a game-"The 400"-which is capturing the imagination of thou- 8701 TWELFTH STREET, Corner BLAINE GRAND OPENING Sat., Jan. 20 FREE t Souvenirs to our customers opening day. : An important meeting will be held at 2:30 p, m. this Sunday, at Congregation Shaarey Zedek, for the purpose of discussing the Kashruth problem. All Detroit congregations are urged to send representatives to this meeting, as important deci- sions are to be reached. CLEVELAND CELTICS PLAY TOOLE TEAM HERE ON WEDNESDAY, FEB. '1 An old friend in a new location! You'll be thrilled at the beauty of this new modern dining palace that Abe Boesky has brought to Twelfth street. This well known name, for years a byword for fine foods and delicatessen, 'assures you unexcelled cuisine, high quality foods and the pleasing service for which it is famous. Come, make it a point to attend the opening. We congratulate Abe Boesky ■ nd pledge our co-operatio n for his success: All Delicatessen Meats supplied by GUNSBERG PACKING CO. 1016 Napoleon St., RA. 2545 All Linen supplied by CENTRAL LINEN SUPPLY CO. 7042 E. Palmer, Whittier 8181 All China, Glass and Silverware Kitchen Equipment by SERWER'S - 660 Gratiot Ave. sands and is fast becoming the fad. Mr. Steinberg began to earn his livelihood as an accountant and bookkeeper, then drifted into the printing industry, building u one of the finest printing plants in what is now the Morris Press at 550 West Lafayette. But his avo- cational interests have always been in the direction of recrea- tionally educating and mind-train- ing activities. For many years he has been a leader in chess and checker circles, not only in De- troit but throughout the country. lie is a past president of the American Checker Association and of the Detroit Chess and Checker Club. Ile has been instrumental EQUALITY CLUB in interesting thousands of young people in wholesome recreational TESTIMONIAL DINNER Equality Club thanks all tho se work. For months, checker in- FOR HORATIO ABBOTT who patronized their bridg e- struction was carried on through his efforts over the Michigan Ra- dance at the Barium Hotel an d Sponsored by the Fifteenth Dis- dio Network, and radio checker made it such an outstanding affai fans were assisted by means of a Mrs. Sylvia Berkowitz, pres r,• trict Young Democratic Club, a n ial dinner will be tendered JOE LAPCHICH A ND DAVEY BANKS dent, and the chairman of ente 1- testimo specially arranged radio checker. tainment, Mrs, Evelyn Goos r. to Horatio J. Abbott, Democratic board prepared by Mr. Steinberg. After an absence of five years, Altrock and Al Shacht's barnstorm. thank the following for their c e, national committeeman of Michi- The era of the NRA-which Mr . Mr. Rosenblum, millionaire Cleve- 0- gars and federal internal revenue Steinberg interprets as the New , land sportsman, brings his Original ing clowns, and whose every move operation: The assistance at the chec k collector, on Monday, Jan. 25, in Recreational Age-caused him to Celtics, world's professional basket- on the basketball court brings to K think in terms of a new form o , ball champions here, to oppose the light the fetes of the great Hol- room by A. Goose, Mrs. M. Berk 0- the Fountain Roost of the Masonic Temple, at 6:30 p. recreation for old and young. lie Dr. Toole Club, Detroit and state , man; Pete Herlihy, 6 ft. 6 in. in witz and S. Peck; the cashie re, Ed F'edek, chairman of the din- figured out that as many as 800, champions, Wednesday, Feb. 7, at I his stocking feet and weighing 220 Mrs. E. Peck and Mrs. I. Kus h- 000,000 hours of recreation will the Light Guard Armory, Lamed ! lbs., rounds out the squad. Obtain- man, and check girl, Mrs. Edit ner, announces that invitations are h being mailed to a large number of ! ed from Kingston in the Eastern Cohen; hostesses, Mesdames Bett be added yearly to the leisure time an d B „ if ireet, at u p. m. P rofessional League, where his Berkowitz, Sadie Fisher, Betty y prominent Democrats and state offi- of the people of this country as a Included in the array of this l play in the last five years has been cials and that many acceptances Freedman, Minnie Bloom, Dora result of the reduced hours of the great and colorful club are: Joe Berkowitz, Rae Donish, Bessie have been received. working week. Having advocated Lopchich, 6 ft. 6 in. captain and nothing short of sensational. Judge Thomas J. Murphy will Rosenblum's Original Celtics, as Ostrow, Rive Fishman, Alice Gal- for years that "play habits aid in coach; the veteran Pete Barry who act as toastmaster. Speakers will moulding the character of the in- starts his seventeenth consecutive they are known throughout the lant, Ida Glassman, Florence Lien- include Harry Glass of Muskegon. United States, and where they are 1934 Chevrolet Master Six Coach off, Anna Berkowitz, Bessie Co- dividual and cannot fail to con- season of professional campaign. Mrs. Irene Chapin, national com- tribute greatly either to success ing; "Dutch" Dehnert, the inventor in demand from the time they open hen, Libby Wolfson, Sarah Wein- The new 1934 Ch evro 1 et with these springs had to hold the axle mitteewoman of young Democratic All bodies are approximate) 3 3.4 game which is now hailed as "the of the pivot play which revolution- the season in the middle of Novem- garten, Rae Klein. wlc eels , clubs of America; Carl AL Seas- ber through the middle of April, orse- and wheels In place. Independent inches longer, with the cowllength- or to failure," he developed the The chairman, Mrs. Evelyn ized the game of basketball, and power "Blue body Streak" engine, epringing relieves the front springs ened 1 3-4 inches and 2 inches add- aristocrat of games" and is known necessitated the changing of the I play an average of 130 games per Goose, thanks Mrs. Dora Berko- warth, chairman of the fifteenth streamlined and an imposing' congressional district young Demo- b asketball rules to conform with season. Almost as many games as witz and Mrs. Rive Fishman, who crats. list of improvements and refine- of this task and permits the use of ed to the width of the closed body as "The 400." a major league baseball team par- sold the largest number of tick- front doors. On the interior of the It Is an unusually fine game for that style of play; the diminutive ticipates in, and In a sport that is ments is announced. a front spring which has a solft, closed bodies, the increased overall Active on the committees are: eta for the affair, and also thanks In the design and development of velvety action, just as soft, in fact, many reasons: One or many can Davey Banks who succeeds the re- much more strenuous. Mrs. Bessie Ostrow and Mrs. Syl- Carl Seasworth, contact; Bernard length is divided to provide more the new models, particular atten. as the rear springs. The car, by leg play it, it has elements to inter- tired Nat Holman as the greatest The Dr. Toole club, led by Philip via Berkowitz for their donations Glassman, treasurer; Dr. David room in the front and 2 1.2 in tion has been given to driver and this system of suspension, has front the rear seat. est every member of the family offensive threat in basketball to- "Cincy" Sachs, coach, has already to the club. Kliger, house; Ernest Lacy, pub- day; Carl Ilustta, 190 lbs of bone passenger comfort and every effort nod rear springs of eqqual tension licity; Betty R. Harley, women's The same smart beaver tail de- and any type of individual and it and muscle, who as a member of started its seventeenth consecutive has been made to eliminate the sen- and there is no tendency for the is not only recreational but also contact; Horace Thurber, recep- season in basketball circles here. sign and flowing stream lines, which nations of both sound and feeling car to bounce and Jolt along the educational. It works with a the Cleveland Rosenblums in the Reserved seats for this game Central Young Democrats tion; Bill Bryson, brochure; FA characterize the 1933 closed bod- American Professional league was may be obtained at the Wolverine that prove annoying CO motorists. road. Fedek, ticket. spinner and several series of ies, are continued in the 1934 line Get Headquarters, Give The new Chevrolet is longer-it questions, and requires that those picked as the most valuable man in Sporting Goods Co., 231 Michigan The new "Blue Streak" engine Miss Betty Harley, who is an has has a 112 inch wheelbase-roomier, with which the 1934 Chevrolet is with modifications. The front head- who participat e in the game should the circuit; Nat Hickey, formerly avenue, or by calling Randolph Banquet. active worker in Democratic cir- er panel, just above the windshield, with the Chicago Bruins and Nick 'nor powerful, smoother and more powered, is more powerful, smooth- provide answers to questions pro- 5124 or 5125• cles, organizer of the Junior Wo- is smoother and more rounded. quiet than its predecessor. The en. er, quieter and more economical The Central Young Democratc, men's Civic Club for Jewish girls, The windshield on all closed bod- pounded on the following sub- gine is placed several inches far- than any fo its predecessors. In- which was organized a few months is vice-chairman in the Young jects: American History, Famous ther forward in the chasis and seat- corporating many unique design ies is sealed more effectively Sayings, World Events, Love and ago with a successful dance and Democratic Club of the fifteenth against leakage of rain at the lower ing has been rearranged. membership drive, procured the congressional district. Tickets may features and refinements, the new Marriage, Riddles, Spelling, Foods By independent front wheel sus- motor has a bore of 3 6-16 inches edge. The rubber insulation is and Cooking, Etiquette. There are Young Israel Clubhouse, Joy Road be secure the of Harry office pension is meant the attachment of and a four-inch stroke and develops matte in a single piece with the 400 questions and as many an- and Linwood, as its permanent Stone. 122d 6at National Bank Build- meeting place. the front wheels directly to the 80 hrosepower at 3,300 revolutions glass seated deeper in it. The rub- swers in each book of the series. ing. ber is moulded with the outer seal- frame without the use of a front per minute. The club will soon sponsor a The playing of any one of the ing lip turned inward so as to in. axle. In the conventional type of banquet for members and friends, Good Will Sewing Circle The 1934 line of Passenger cars eight sub-titles is an education in springing it was necessary to have again features Fie her No-Draft sure sufficient pressure between it itself. It is an excellent test for out of the recent dance proceeds. Plans Donor Luncheon, very stiff front springs because ventilation in all closed body types. and the windshield glass to make a memory and is an interesting At the last meeting, Aaron Kur- ti ght o n . land, attorney, chairman of the method of measuring the player's The Good Will Sewing Circle en- Jewish Radio Forum, delivered an knowledge of the particular sub- CHEVROLET ANNOUNCES Rabbi Shimon Kahn Dies. NEW YORK PHYSICIAN address on "The Jew in Politi " tertained the Jewish Old Folks ject. It is a combination of fun with a party at the home. PRICES OF 1934 CARS' At the next meeting, Monday, Jan • - HONORED BY FRANCE and In education. - 22, at 9 p. m. Harvey Meyerson giving each member a gift. A RIGA, Latvia.-(JTA)-Rabbi Detroit a downtown depart- , fine program was presented by ac- co-chairman of the speaker's coo WITH LEGION AWARD "I ent store sells this game. NEW YORK.-Prices on the Shimon Kahn, for many years the T hroughout the country leading mittee, promised to bring a promi - tors from Littman's Theater. new 1934 "knee-action" Chevrolet, rabbi of Mittau, died there Jan. On Wednesday evening, Feb. 14, 1934 Pontiac-Two-Door Touring nine Democratic worker as a PARIS.-(JTA) - Dr Samuel d epartment stores report that the Sedan with trunk and epeeist its were announced here by William 10. He was the Sewing Circle will h ld speaker. wheel equipment 84 years old. Rabbi Kopetzky, prominent New York g ame is fast becoming the fad. E. Holler, general sales manager party at Assembly Sam Those between the age of 18 and Mr. Steinberg, besides having Kahn held posts in several Latvian physician, was honored by the 40 interested in the Jewish trend and Dexter. Mrs. Sam Jaulus, of the company when he arrived cities before coming to Mittau. French government with the be- p repared this game, has also per- The 1934 Pontiac--successor t o dentally, is not merely a rear in politics are invited to come to Mrs. Irving Greenspan and Airs. f from Detroit for the New York Ile is the author of a volume of stowal upon him of the title ected numerous other valuable the straight eight which last yea ✓ wheel parking brake; it operates Automobile Show. Irving Sims are co-chairmen. meetings every Monday evening, rabbinical learning, "Shaer Shi- Knight of the Legion of Honor. , ' &tents. His recipe box, when invaded the low price field wit h on all four wheels and provides Prices on the new line of The circle is also planning a cars Ilion." His son, who survives him, The title was awarded Dr. Kopec• d placed on the market, will un- . I braking power beyond that of the are: Five•window coupe $565. ' . such spectacular success-now pre- donor luncheon in April. Mrs..1. kno wn evils journal- zky for h is cobo oubtedly become the popu - lla ration foot pedal. medi- lar Nagler started activities with a sport coupe with rumble seat, ist, Lazar Kahn, of Warsaw. sents even more highly competitiv object in thousands of homes. cal work with French scientists. e I $605; coach, $585; sedan, $645; brldge-tea at her home last Mon- Pontiac engineers assert that the Steinberg's electrical checkerboard values, The new Pontiac, althoug town-sedan with built-in trunk, day. Alre. Nathan Nagler will is also one of his outstanding re- larger, faster and more powerfu h I improved 1934 straight eight motor $616; sport roadster with rumble have a bridge-tea on ‘Vednesday, I is even more smooth than its fem. cent recreational achievements. than before, remains a low-price seat, $645, and cabriolet with rum- dlous predecessor in the 1933 Pon- PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTEN- Jan. 24, at 2010 Pingree. Anyone straight eight. It offers marked . tiae. They claim that it ble seat, $665. wishing to participate in this lunch- is match- TION-Let the Mickey Manage- advances in riding comfort and These prices represent an aver- ed in smoothness by only one en- ment Co. relieve you of your eon should call Mrs. James Solid, Banquet Jan. 28 of Molly ease of control. Several improve I ,' gine Madison 7044. age increase of $70 in list price in the entire American auto- property worries. For efficient menta in motr design result in • - ' Segal Auxiliary. over the list prices of the 1933 mobile industry, the motor of ■ management and economical 10 per cent improvement in econ Chevrolet line. - car in the extremely high price maintenance. call Mr. 51 II Cut in Torgsin Prices Bal- omv. Seven smart new windstream The Molly Segal Auxiliary of field. This increase is directly in line G oldsmith, Cherry 9689. antes Drop in Value Detroit Jewish Consumptive Re- bodies have been created by Fisher with the recent prediction of Al- With the motor developing 84 lief Society of Denver of Dollar. , Colo on fred P. Sloan, Jr., president of WHY LOSE ALL when we pay behalf of the unfortunate sick in b rake horsepower, seven more than General Motors, that automobile cash for improved real estate Detroit, appeals to all organiza- in last yearn car, the 1934 Pontiac prices for 1934 would advance or land contracts located in De- MOSCOW, U. S. S. R. - The tions who have not been approach. accelerates with silent, split-second approximately 155 per cent; how- troit? Even if property is in recent horizontal cut in the gold ed by committees to send their pick-up and attains an effortless ruble prices charged for goods at ever, due to co-operation between default or foreclosure started, delegates to the third annual ban- road speed of well over 80 miles Chevrolet and its 10,000 dealers , we will buy your equity, deal Tomlin stores throughout the So- To add to the collection of books is the Bay quet on Jan. 28, at 7 p. m., at per hour. And it shall come to pass at the end of days that the Synagogue the actual increase in the cost to City Het., Library. member. of th• Senior viet Union is good news to the direct with buyer. No Independent "knee action" sus- Young Judea. who support the library, have charges Congregation Emanuel, Taylor at the purchaser is only 8 per cent. nor commissions. 15 years in thousands of persons receiving shall be established at the top of the hill and all of Jewish faith shall I Wilson. Since this is the only af- pension of the front wheels is planned •• dance to be given March a Al a Actually, Mr. Holler nointe out gifts from relatives in foreign same location. Write Box 600, flock unto it, including those who were formerly aloof or diabarred fair of the year to which organi- largely responsible for Pontiac's ;117..'".i.".`,11 .°" „..",1,.dug7b.gt,7 in his statement, Chevrolet's deliv- 'es. The cut was made nec- Detroit Jewish Chronicle. or unable to pay the price, for the unaffiliated shall then be no more au.. by Mervin Harrison. Mi.Lillian LW zations are approached and asked amazing improvement in riding ter... ered prices throughout the United In. Jo...cm. Beet.. Milton Wm- in the land. It shall stand beautiful, commodious, in form and style to help this cause, the group hopes comfort, especially for rear seat beloo Mi.. Phyllis Golden. M. So.. HOUSEWIVES-The famous or- i e n aaa vle n o;rie tliv e o df olV o States generally would show an shal' fall n foreign passengers. Other contributing Oreenstein. alias edith slipper.Mu Janet for wide co-operation. characteristically Jewish, it. interior replete with Jewish symbolism, average increase of only 8 per iginal Ernest marinated herring exchange market. factors are increase in wheelbase Taylor. M. tool Kessler. and Ahem. cent over the delivered prices Recipients of Torgsin remit- Kahn Om.. were elected for HIM and lam is now available in large or -a shrine for devout and unaffected worship, a fountainhead of to 117 1-4 inches, increase in car rued. Taylor ia is the new president. M. IMO which prevailed in 1933. This is small quantities at the Royal tances from abroad are able to Jewish education, a center for sociability and fellowship. It shall weight to 3455 pounds (for the rar:y7s"and"trrnid;" Stepin Aid Society. made possible by the Chevrolet A'easVit!"." Palm Hotel, Park avenue and purchase good quality merchan- ., en; fuor-door sedan), low pressure Morris Ormnotein Is the group*. have a mortgage, but only In proportion to its resources and not advisor. dealer organization's admirable Montcalm. Inquire Dining Room dise of ■ wide variety at tires of larger diameter and long- greater than it can btu. prices A meeting was held at the home co-operation with the factory in Ulm Sylvia and Miss Mary Polght Lett to for Paul Ernest, Cadillac 8310. often lower than those in the er, roomier bodies, rubber-mounted spend • work In coca,. MO lira Laden of Mrs. D. Krauss. The club is sharing with the factory reduction U. S. A. Here are a few samples: Its prayers shall express the modern soul and be attuned to the on a new type K.Y frame of tre- jambe.. sponsoring a bridge dance Sunday FOR RENT-Steam-heated seven- in profits. Flour, 6 kopeks; kasha, 14 kp.; Mr and Mrs rioter Koffman modern heart. Its mimic shall have its roots deep in Jewish yearn- evening, Feb. 11, at Barham Hotel. mendous strength. room furnished home to respon- sugar, 40 kp a kilo, 2 and In Pontiac's new front-end Roffman et Borth V. Buren street Berman left to sible party. Garage and mer- Mrs. Z. Needle, president, appoint- I wend • w•ali is Chicago. side m an lbs.); pair of men's shoes, Symposium Sunday of Young ing and aspiration. Its sermons shall give moral and spiritual nour- spring design the conventional ed the followin g. drive. Reasonable. Davis, 2024 3.75 rbl.; ladies' shoes, 3.70 rbl.; ishment and nothing that is vital in human life and character shall Meek Shown. alf_Iforth Van sum strew front axle and front leaf springs Poole Zion Alliance. Virginia Park. Chairman of entertainment. returned home after • neer. visit in Chl. as eturned ladies' rubbers, 90 kp.; be alien to them. And all its company shall be taught of the Lord, men's Mrs. Goose; ticket holder, Mrs. S. are eliminated, effecting ■ consider- rage and 1111.autee suits, rbl.; ladies' suits, 7,30 At Northern High School, Sun- from the youngest of them even unto the oldest of them, for there OR RENT - Attractive, large, ruble; 7.50 Freedman; reception committee, able reduction in unsprung weight ' A as sparse sneakers, 40 kp.; soap, 8 and rendering it impossible for day, Jan. 21, there will be held a airy furnished room in com- kp. a Jewish education shall blossom like the rose and than saturate every Thursday ...leg. honorTne"Ur Mrs. A. Shainbrom, Mrs. Wiener, We' piece. bride-elect al .1-^ symposium under the auspices of fortable private home for ■ 18 Mir Pearl Brenner •5.1 Mrs. D. Goose, Mrs. G. Galens, road shock to deflect the front activity of the Synagogue like a refreshing stream. Its young it:. Ant d;a. tirm The gold ruble quotations are couple. Kitchen privileges and the Young Poale-Zion Alliance. wen Mrs. A. Isaacs, Mrs. Z. Cirtlar, wheels from the line in which the It. people shall dream drums and see visions that are redolent of given in dollars at the prevailing car is traveling. A rigid king pin Curd. MI. Mildred sod Ma. Zilith Each of the participating organi- garage if desired. Price rea- Airs. I. Sweet, Mrs. S. Siegel, Mrs. rate during December. Jewish mysticism and idealism. Its Sisterhood. and Its Brother- mounting on • short "dead axle" utions will present their ideology. teeT.for eonable. On Tuxedo. between R. Kessler, Mrs. D. Goldman. r'rhhe fill liWeoti Wree ""'Ist hitt "1: :ffeta . " o , hoods shall be an integral part of the whole, the problems of the Organizations taking part will be Linwood and Dexter. Call Town. Next affair will be a luncheon extension of the frame holds the home and If. Paull. &Herman vs. hos tess Zedakah Jrs. Give Birthday front wheels in unvarying relation send 7-7925. the Young Poale-Zion Alliance, Synagogue Itself being their problems and their own contributions r..enrer hates:: Teiral 0 at the home of Mrs. E. Stone, on :tab :Ode:motet 'ft to the chassis. Each front wheel othermoo. Included l MUG Hashomer Ilatzair, Mizrachi Hat- ,Miller.end Y to Jewish life unfolding as a part of the same flower Tuesday, Jan. 23. Party. Bern. attortnaa. and fruit. WILL employs an extremely resilient dual , 500 &hatter Mae 1.• Miller. nal Liss zair, Junior Icor, Youth of Today. PAY CASH for improved The Zedakah Juniors will cele- Its lay leadership shall be a leadership of knowledge and char- coil spring and two-way hydraulic property in the city of Detroit. brate All are invited, there being no their second year of suc- 041111011.1111 tor4out Is etzt for tbetherieet shock absorbers, all enclosed and to Quirk action. Price must be charge for admission. . . ing acter and Jewish worth. Its rabbis shall minister to every human Al the wt the Oambolmrs ohlett i sealed in • massive oil-filled how, toll Zionist . reasonable. Phone Mr. Gold- cessful existence by giving a birth- On brie at the bog. of Mao.* Woo.. the oreantaation of America, le need, not indeed individually, but collectively, for there the scholarly be•;71; day bridge-luncheon at the Broad- dub deckled to resume its noothly Informal berg, Garfield 9228, or Univer- et , 50.1 Wang, Monday J. 0 Mn. MOGROTII 111S101t1 card parties no nest card party will suueus memo«. unee• the direct,. at hod way Tavern on Saturday after- preacher and the trained educator and the understanding pastor shall Big. powerful Bendix brakes, Leila a . Harrison chapter peemdent. IOU In- sity 1-5528. on Sunday. Jan. II. at the some of Miss of Montana 6.d.e. has arranard for a bMerlin tr..* the fret.. neater Me. D• noon, Feb. 3, at 1 o'clock. Itssei ma simple in design and certain in s.a.e. of km Yore stop etInner.t.11, 1;11 "reallya all come Into their own. The call to social service and to social club will n cede one Bondar memo CZ,: month for bowl:. TAKE NO CHANCES with cheap The chairman in charge of this bt ou ' Irt a?:". •7 4:2 operation, which multiply pedal rheum an Int.nting an.esr justice and to civic righteousness r The Oaraboleers would like to hear from and to goodwill and to universal ily Laped:rhairman Cl the entertainment •mmlunt, pressure many fold, afford addi- other mind social troupe for the Pewee of shoe repairing when M. Kaner's affair is Millie Shugerman. Her imams prepare/one for a card Wm rotor rielooliner who graduals. from peace and brotherhood that shall sound like a clarion from the pul- crowns a boellne leaf. •ddre. quality costs no more. We do co-workers are Florence Golden, MOM to be held the last omit in January Central High Wool on Jan M. has been tional driving safety. Even with .pondeott le Harry rustusan 1112 Mahar. averted the 'ennui highest bone. among lot Aso PAPA* A totting funds es that this pit there, shall not fall on deaf earl there, but shall go forth from Mt the brake shaft sawed completely students in the roar ream Of be, mow the finest work in the city of Arlene Feldman and Rosalise otaanaatten ler represent. et the cane L. Mot there to make Itself felt in the affairs of men, .1n the lifting of Schweitzer. The rm.'d membership dove Chet the Aor.11ary's nn Id donor divvy-Gar. in two-the rigorous French goy- hemohner nut Ashen the ea:otology at the Detroit. Don't be afraid to du% instittnol three wee . ace Is not VW. cm. hat been owl.. to attend son . nnual soles oat RN Plane to suns ha the . mankind to a Plans for this luncheon will be se otteeational aerates. eniteinn.1 fit OHO s., pi Aro tee bet. . the Mm W el rnment test-the car still can be IT .e M. la Joarnallam and lem. higher plane of life and conduct and la the building bring us your best shoes for and IS latoreetoll m lainina MP weed meal oeyseesalket, completed at the home of Pearl laccolcy imams, of a better world to live In. Jacob caked on all four wheels by using' repairing. M. KANER, Expert , web .amid write Irs Maori. Ilrooka mad Pant Set LA MS Ammo SW high whoorandostes this wan. D. Schwarz ...111.71 Shoe Repairs, 127 E. Grand) Sperber, 2439 Blaine, on Sunday the emergency hand lever and the are Sophie 010e1111.16 Hants Dergis. litnalson 2132, f Chula. leausta, Ps the nut IMOUsal. afternoon, Jan. 28, at 2 o'clock. ootpedal. The emergency, Usti- Ofttpo• Milton 11111er River (opposite Broad.. ••• ■ M ar - Reservations may be telephoned hat). to the chairman, Garfield 1969. 8701 Twelfth St., Cor. Blaine IMPOSING LIST OF IMPROVEMENTS IN NEW CHEVROLET of yea r eer y inte r tery He fou r ing Mrs ter Fri Jou / trot( , Los Yor city J. Bras ,'• . - - 7- -- - F us " MARKED ADVANCES IN 1934 PONTIAC CLASSIFIED • _ Glad annt topos. ! Henry Wineman, chairman of Mrs. William Roth, chairman, the board of governors of the and Mrs. R. R. Kallman, co- Jewish Welfare Federation of chairman, announce that they Detroit, was elected secretary have completed plans for the des- of the National Council of enth birthday dinner-dance to b Jewish Federations and Wel- given by the Home Relief Society, fare Funds at the national as - Wednesday evening, Jan. 31, at sembly held in Chicago last Club addition itn to the regular floor show there will be other b r Neinatxeirntea.i in , entertainers dinner Aicl Given Foreign-Born b be served front 7 until 9:30. will The following ladies will assist Women's Council. Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Kallman: The committee on service fo Mesdames Sidney Barnett, Arthur r Ginsburg, Leon Zechman, S. B. the foreign born of the Detro Danto, Louis Weiss, I. I. Edgar, section of the National Counc it 11 Seymour Lewis, Max Kogan, J. J. of Jewish Women reports sever important results of their setts al Jacobs. For reservations call ties. Their first applicant for a 8 Mrs. Roth, Townsend 8-5027, or !! , R. R. Kaltman, llogarth 5656. sistance front the revolving fun d ! Mrs. • The installation of officers of o secure citizenship papers ha b been able by means of the loan t it! the Home Relief Society for the end for his certificate of arrive a! coining year will take place Mon- Jan. 29, at the home of 51rs. o the Commission of Naturalise I • ion at Washington, D. C. He i ! Anthony Deutsch, 1745 West a Boston boulevard. Mrs. Harry now hopeful of securing employ ment and greatly relieved of anx - 1Shulman, honorary president, will - be the installing officer. A fine iet y. The class in citizenship had i to program has been arranged by the entertainment committee. first meeting at Northern Hig chool on Wednesday, Jan. 10 Mrs. Al Weisman Was unanimously tp a tlarge p class w a re-elected president. greeted by the teacher, Milto 11, larwil, and by the chairman o he committee, Miss Henrietta A • B'NAI MOSHE Y. P. A. , obinson. Miss Robinson TO HEAR MRS. WERBE ex p lained the plan of the revolvin und, and that all will be give The Young People's Auxiliary he financial aid to secure coin of B'nai Moshe will meet on Sun- lets citizenship as soon as the y day, Jan. 21, at 4 p. m. Follow- eve overcome the handicaps o f ing the business meeting, the in- he necessary English mastery in tellectual committee will present he class work to be conducted Mrs. David B. Werbe, who will everal evenings each week at the speak on "Art Appreciation." This Al orthern High. This class is tin . is an open meeting and the public der the Federal Emergency Re. is invited. lief Administration. A public s eaking class is con- Th e committee is now working c e y I arry Seligson from in co-operation with Welfare Dis 12:30 to 1:30 every Sunday. trict Fifteen, to contact the Jew . A dramatic rehearsal will be ish men and women in the western held at 2:30 Sunday, Jan. 21 . part of Detroit who are not citi- Thursday evening, Jan. 25, un- s. This is the second large der the co-chairmanship of Miss district to be given such assist- Helen Herman and Mavis Rosman, ance„ the first being the North the V. P. A. will give its monthly Woodward or old Oakland district, card party, in the club room of cthitreedaynagogue. The public is in- n MORRIS STEINBERG ABE BOESKY RESTAURANT Council of Federations HOME RELIEF SOCIETY Picks Wineman Secretary DINNER-DANCE JAN. 31 CONGREGATIONS CONVENE SUNDAY TO DISCUSS KASHRUTH PROBLEM • sag Ott; Nabs , I t ■ . 4 •