America Awls* Periodical carter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO DEVentorrinvisn PAGE THREE &torn= and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE. Violinist's Betrothal Announced to Dentist Value ... Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Finaterwald of 1239 Chicago boulevard announce the engagement of their daughter, Miriam, to Elliott H. Moyer, son of Mrs. Dora Moyer. At home Saturday, Jan. 6, from 8 to 10 p. nt. No cards. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Fenner of 17385 Woodingham Drive announce the engagement of their daughter, Roselyn Helen, to Paul Friedberg. On Monday, Dec. 25, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Mellen of 3773 Burlingame announced the engagement of their daughter, Betty, to Sidney Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Rosenblatt of 9365 Martindale. The announcement was made at a dinner given for friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sovulkin of 10431 Bryden avenue, Detroit, announce the engagement of their daughter, Selma Ruth, to Saul Grossman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grossman of Pittsburgh. The engagement will he formally announced at a dinner on Sunday at the Sovulkin residence. The wedding will take place this summer. Mr. and Mrs. I. Jacobs of 1951 Virginia Park announce the of engagement of their daughter, Rose, to David A. Feldstein, SOIL Mr. and Mrs. J. Feldstein of 1614 Taylor avenue. Mr. and Mrs. David Gold of Mt. Clemens, Mich., announce the betrothal of their daughter, Thelma, to Edward Damsky of Brooklyn, New York. IS GREATEST when the ai IT E ess this been play . . . p is dis ex- pets, iness ■ ent. re- ded. NINGS IENCE Price - - - IS RIGHT! THE PRICE of a suit of clothes is RIGHT when it is neither too high nor too low. S. A. GRANADIER IN "GRANADIER" tailoring it is the purpose to strike exactly the level of correct fabrics, correct fittings, correct linings and trimmings and a grade of hand-workmanship which insures the lasting shape-retaining qualities of the garment. Engagements 11 1.. Betrothal Announced Of Nurse and Doctor FOR LIMITED TIME .. . FOREST Vitalize DRY CLEANING Reduced in Price — But Not in Quality Priceless quality added to painstaking care give you cause for real satisfaction and pride in clothes Forest Vitalize Dry Cleaned. Sparkingly Vitalize Dry Cleaned and Hand Finished, only MEN'S SUITS Cleaned and Re- shaped . . . Approved MEN'S (Felt) Factory Methods Used, HATS only vitalist CHILDREN'S CLOTHES .. . Ulla Goats. Dreams , Do Cleaned . . Iland ?Unshed. only --Photo by n D. Spellman . 75c 50c 0c Our Prices Include Pickup and Delivery to Any Part of Detroit or Suburbs. MISS CELIA LOUISE BERLIN CITY SCSI/ ACCEPTED Mr. and Mra. S. J. Berlin of Lincoln avenue, Highland Park, announce the betrothal of their daughter, Celia Louise, to Dr. David Kliger, son of Mrs. Ida Jan. 7—Miss Celia Goldsmith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kliger of Dexter boulevard. Miss Berlin, besides having been Goldsmith, to Samuel P. Chase, son of Mr. and Mrs Nathan Chase. an honor student and the youngest Now in our new location— member of her class, has the dis- tinction of being the first Jewish SUITE 414.416.418 student ever to graduate from the UNITED ARTISTS BUILDING Highland Park General Hospital. She is a member of the board of directors of the Junior Women's Dec. 31—To Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behrmann (Esther Atlas) of Civic Club and was one of the organizers of the Englebach Study 3002 Calvert, a son, Joel David. Dec. 29—To Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Avrin (Martha Katzman) Club. Dr. Kliger, a graduate of the TAILOR of 3840 Monterey avenue, a son, Gerald Martin. Tufts Medical College, is a mem- Dec. 26—To Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sedan of Miami, Fla. (11elyn ber of the boards of directors of Newlander, formerly of Detroit), a daughter. the House of Shelter, Jewish Old To Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Lawton of 627 Owen avenue, a son, Morrey. Folks' Home and the Zionist Or- ganization of Detroit. He is a SEEK FUNDS FOR member of the Jewish Emergency Council; commander of LAND REDEMPTION LEAGUE TO SPONSOR Relief Maccabees Tent 1005 and is on Arizona, New Mexico, Texas MME. ELYAS RECITAL the medical staffs of the Jewish B'nai Moshe Y. P. A. To Provide Children's Home, Children's Hos- Means To Settle Refugees and other western states—and also . KLIVANS - EHRLICH Presents Noted Habimah Star pital and the North End Clinic in Palestine. abolishes surcharge in Pullmans. The marriage of Miss Beatrice Here on Feb. 8. licsi e ni ng Miss Mollie Freedman is presi- Ehrlich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Long limit first class fare, Chicago- tN December EXAMPLE Klivans, dent of the Young People's Auxil- Moe Ehrlich, to Milton P. On Feb. 6, Madame Miriam Los Angeles and return, Cut from $143.78 to iary of Congregation B'nai Moshe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Kli- Elyas of the liabimah Theater of DR. HARRY AUGUST which has volunteered its services vans of Youngstown, Ohio, was an Moscow will make her appearance $111.001 Pullman lower, ChIcago-Los S. Z. STUDY GROUP to the Jewish National Fund Coun- event of New Year's Eve. Rabbi Angeles and return, from $47.26 to $31.50. DISCUSSION LEADER Leo M. Franklin officiated. Guests SAVING, ONE ROUND TRIP, $48.541 were present at the wedding from Columbus, Cleveland and Youngs- Dr. Harry August will lead the for details and picture folders. Ott It. C. SMITH, Gen. Agent discussion at the next meeting of town. SANTA FERE% Mr. and Mrs. Klivans left on a the study group of the Shaarey 604 Transportation nidg. motor trip to Florida, where they Zedek Young People's Society, to DETROIT, MICH. Mona: ItAndolph171 1 will spend their honeymoon. be held on Tuesday, Jan. 9, at T13 the home of Miss Helen Aronson, PLOTKIN—ROSENBERG 1997 Clairmount. Harry SLlig I son and Jacob Clayman sponsor ZEDAKAH BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. William Rosenberg the group, which meets weekly for That is the reason our of Glynn Court announce the mar- discussions on Jewish history and riage of their daughter, Nanette DINNER ON JAN. 28 Colonial Room is becoming topics of current Jewish interest. Ettenheimer, to Nathan Plotkin, increasingly popular — that Miss Zelda Teitelbaum, 2936 son of Mrs. M. Plotkin, on Sunday, Rabbi Leon Frain was the and prices which will be Fullerton, Longfellow 4651, is in speaker at the first pep rally in Dec. 31, at Temple Beth El. Dr. charge of the pick-up service the interest of the Zedakah sec- Leo M. Franklin officiated. sure to please your sense of squad, which will pick up books ond annual donor luncheon which After Jan. 8, Mr. and Mrs. Plot- economy. for the newly-formed synagogue kin will be at home at the Lee library. Call either Miss Teitle- Plaza, 2240 West Grand boulevard. We. serve a seven-course baum or the synagogue, Garfield 6200, for volumes to be contrib- dinner.for $1.25. SUGARMAN—GRANET Gra- The wedding of Miss Celia uted. The next regular meeting of net, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the Young People's Society will Morris Granet, to Louis L. Sugar- How would you like a be held on Sunday, Jan. 14. man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sugarman, was solemnized at the NICE JUICY STEAK? MIRIAM ELYAS -Photo by D. D. Spellman. Stotler Hotel, Dec. 24. Rabbi Leon MISS MOLLIE FREEDMAN Then, by ■ all me•ns. make it a From officiated, assisted by Rabbi here, as the guest of the League of Junior Hebrew Ladies' Aid point to dine at • Buddy's-for Society Bridge Feb. 18. dl of Detroit in sponsoring a pro- E. Aishiskin. After the ceremony, Jewish Women's Organizations. here you can always get • The daughter of a chief rabbi ject for the raising of funds to dinner was served for 200, includ- tender, juicy, tasty and deli- ing many out-of-town guests. of Ukrainia, and for many years The public is invited to attend aid in the redemption of the soil cious ste•k. The bride wore a Patow model an actress and singer with the the second bridge-dansant spon- of Palestine as the inalienable of white satin, fashioned with a llabimah Hebrew Theater of Mos- sored by the Junior Hebrew La- property of the entire Jewish peep. WEEKEND SPECIALS white chiffon ruching around the cow and the Jewish Theater of dies' Aid Society, to be given at ple. Si t h e Delicatessen Counter Recognizing the need for more neck and sleeves. A triple row of New York, Madame Elyas has won the Cowshed, on Feb. 18. Tickets Pickled Tongues — I2c lb. seed pearls formed an opening at for herself a world-wide reputation land on which to settle large num- must be purchased in advance and First Quail, Guaranteed bers of Jewish refugees from Ger- the back which ended in a beauti- as a brilliant interpreter and por- are securable from members or by Vienna Salami — 17c lb. many in Palestine, the B'nai Moshe ful buckle of larger pearls. She trayer of Jewish life. She draws calling Trinity 2-2890 for further Featuring Jack McCoy and His Orchestra SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER Y. P. A. undertook to sponsor the wore a headdress of tulle braid cov- her dramatic material and inspira- information. ROAST DUCK. sale of several thousand tickets ered with a tulle veil which ended tion front classic Hebrew legend Members selected to participate for the Dexter Theater, Dexter with the train of her gown, and and lore and recasts it with the on the various committees are: with all the trimmings - 55C carried a bouquet of calla lilies. skill of a true artist of the theater. Miss Jeanette Perairie, tickets; and BurIngame. Igaels The bride's mother wore an ecru "Her work is entirely in Hebrew Miss Lirraii ne Greenwald, in charge Ths project has been made pos- au W orth Gives Yea • Chantilly lace gown with a sequin a nd Yiddish, but it is so colorful, of cards and prizes; Miss Evelyn sible through the generosity of A. CASS - BAGLEY MRS. AL. WEIN DETROIT, MICH. SET OF DISHES FREE Brown, owner of the Dexter Thea- inset at the back of the dress and so intense and so melodious that Miller, head of advertising, and understanding of the words is ter, who donated the tickets which wore a corsage og Johanna roses, lley. hardly necessary," says the Lon- Miss Lillian Greenfield, chairman will be held Feb. 28 at the Ma- — will be honored for a period 0f sweet peas and lily of the va eac of all committees. sonic Temple. a p h The groom ' s moth er wore don Times of Madame Elyas. five weeks. Mrs. George Weingarden led in Madame Elyas will give her re- On the B'nai Moshe committee satin gown with clever insertions KOSHER DELICATESSEN singing the theme song of Ze- which is actively engaged in this of brown satin around neck and cital Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 6, AND RESTAURANT dakah Club. Caterle Hal project are: Jack Allweil, Alice arms and wore a corsage of Jo- 2:30 p. m., at Temple Beth El. A Progress was reported by Mrs. Mb al TI ■ 710f Calendar of Events Frank, Mollie Freedman, Andrew henna roses with a spray of sweet luncheon will be served to mem- Al Wein, chairman of the program peas. Da- bers of organizations affiliated tczkowitz, Evelyn Miller and Mrs. Edward Sklar, Wayne "Health" Reducing Baths are so successful that The matron of honor, Miss with the league at 12:30, at a cost Jan. 8 — Membership tea of committee; vial Schwartz. Hogarth 6407, chairman of cards; they are sold with guaranteed results. No drugs—no weaken- Leon Kay, president of the Naomi Eder, wore a flesh colored of 75 cents. Tickets for the re- Sisterhood of Shaarey Zedek. Mrs. Paul Deutch, Longfellow ing diets—no exhausting exercises--just restful relaxation Jewish National Fund Council of satin gown with a tulle hat to cital only will be 35 cents. They Jan. 8—Sisterhood of Temple 7231, chairman of card parties, while our "Health" Reducing Cream does its wonderful work. Detroit, in a statement lauding the match and carried Talisman roses. may be procured through various Beth El. and Mrs. Sal Osborne, chairman of After each treatment you'll find new vigor in your actions 1 efforts of the B'nai Moshe group, The maid of honor, Miss Clara members of affiliated organizations Jan. 9 — European Women'. rummage. and a new sparkle in your eye. urges unstinted support of their Granet, sister of the bride, wore and at Temple Beth El. We'fare Donor Luncheon. Mrs. Ben Lefkowitz, Longellow project by the Detroit Jewish a Schiaparelli blue gown trimmed Jan. 9—Music Study Club. 7822, general chairman, will be community. with sequins and a tulle hat with Jan. 10—Women's Auxiliary of Separate pleased to help those desiring to Mineral Baba Tickets for this project, for ad- silver to match, and carried a boa- HOME RELIEF SOCIETY Dowt ■ ests United Hebrew School at 2 earn their money for the donor Turkish Baths missions to the Dexter Theater, quet of American Beauty roses. . • Ter p. m., at Hotel Stotler. 'T.. Establishment In the Middle Weet luncheon. Toole Baths may be secured from members of Dr, Marcus Sugarman, brother Mee sad ELECTS MRS. WEISMAN Jan. 13—Grocery party of La- The next meeting of the Zedakah Swedish Paths FOOT OF THIRD ST, Detroit the committee, from members of of the groom, acted as bent man, Wm. dies' Auxiliary of B'nai B'rith Club will be held Monday after- Seducing Baths the Jewish National Fund Council and little Laurence Fleishman, Randolph 6744 Organization's Leader Retained • at Hotel Stotler. noon, Jan. 8. or at the office of The Detroit cousin of the bride, was ring bear- Jan. 15 — Council of Jewish President for 1934 Zedakah's annual birthday din- Jewish Chronicle. er and was assisted by Miss Bev- Women—card party at Stot- ner-dance will be held Sunday eve- erly Stollen, flower girl, of Wash- On Thursday, Dec. 27, Mrs. Jo- ler. nong, Jan. 28, at the Oriole Ter- 1 onoi ,l a L , C. T ir o f V I lioosweiiin Sy i b ngt des MRS. FINEMAN HEADS Jan. 16—Schoolman Schmidt- seph Sachs was hostess to the race. Mrs. Morris Davis, Garfield LEOPOLD SNYDER I soCIETYI SHAAREY ZEDEK MEN lvia hausen debate before Temple Home Relief Society. ZVILLER AID 40314, chairman in charge of this Parent-Scout Night Conduct- Rose Pearlman, Lillian WILL HAVE EVENING Karchak, ed by J. S. A. Beth El Forum. Mrs. Ralph Levy, case chairman, WINS AUGUST PRIZE affair, is planning an elaborate Snyder, Sadie Wisper and Rose reported on the work which her Jan. 16—Meeting of Jewish evening and will receive calls for The fifth annual card party OF GAMES ON JAN 14 Kamen. . National Fund Auxiliary, at committee has done in the past Two hundred and fifty friends, reservations. Saul Scheifman Awarded Maurice given by the Zviller Ladies Aid David Specter, Abe Stooirsky. year. Sirs. Goldman, hospital Hotel Stotler. Additional paid pledges were re- parents and scouts attended the Society Dec. 16, at Assembly Hall, Morse Silver Medal A gala night of fun is in store Sam Hassan, Louis L. Stoller and chairman, reported on the work Jan. 21—Eva Prenzlauer card ceived for the donor luncheon parent-scout night held on Dec. for all those who attend the an- Louis J J. Stoller were the ushers. party. 28 in the social hall of the Shaarey her committee. from: Leopold J. Snyder I received noel Shaarey Zedek Men's Club Minn Rose Kamen of Windsor, of Mrs. Tot Mi.. gay Wallace. Nettle Gold- Zedek under the sponsorship of Harry Shulman, chairman Jon. 24 — Five Dollar Donor monk the Herman August gold medal R. Goodman: Mesdames A. Ginsberg. evening of games, in the social • Ont., sang "Oh, Promise Me." „„ of the annual carnival held Dec. Luncheon of Woman's Aux- Jack Ellenstein. Carl Rosenblatt. liar. Kaden. the Jewish Scoutmasters' Associa- for his oration, "E Pluribus on Sunday, Jan. 14, at 8 p. m. Diana Granet, younger s sister Mio - f T. Ploardmar. R. Chianti, P. iliary of United Hebrew Morris Paul. Unum," at the twentieth annual 17 at Hotel Stotler, gave a de- 8. ()old... Irv. Cohn. M. Good• tion. "Not a dull moment" is the slogan the bride, who acted as hostess, tailed Schools of Detroit, at Hotel Lienemon. report and presented to the The main features of the pro- man. Ham A.D.. Marry Leach. /lam Saar. oratorical contest of the Philo- of the committee, and the gam!' wore a given crepe gown with me- treasurer a check for the amount now. lull Mehl.. Harry Moberg. M. Ilii- gram were two scout plays pre- Stotler. mathic Debating Club, held Thurs- tein Ds. Bumf gam Seller. !act Chi- have been arranged with that in tallic trim and green and gold ac- raised by this carnival. For her 28—Sisterhood of Shaarey c.. r FL Jan. Gleither. irons Goodman. M. Good- sented by Troops 104 and 179. day, Dec. 28, at Congregation view. Plenty of excitement is in se‘sories to match. win. A. Relpier, BOIrna, R.., lien Lemberg. "After Dark," a presentation of splendid work. Mn. Shulman wan Zedek, supper and card party. T. B'nai Moshe. The judges, Judge . Boardman. Carl Rosenblatt, Chat Oilman store for those who vie with their The out-of-town guests present gen iv 28—Zedakah dinner-dance. Harry a rising vote of thanks. Jan. Tallow.. Ben LeRtt. M Bit.. Panne Troop 104, portrayed the experi- Robert M. Toms, Louis S. Cohane friends for one of the many prizes. wer,• Mr. and Mrs Abe Cohen, Dud Blum. Herrn. Ralln. IL Mrs. Al. Weisman, president of 3 and 4 — Anniversary Rodin. Id D. Wold. and Markus S. Simon, also award- Diamond Mal Silverman. Lewis ences of a scout troop while hik- An unusually large number of Ephrata, . a.; ?CIA ' Minnie Kesaler, the Home Relief Society, gave a Feb. dance and banquet, respec- 14011nn. ed the Maurice Morse silver medal, Light..., R. Bennet. M. Waterston*. D. ing in the woods. "Mac's Deci- prizes will be the reward of the Frederick, k P Md.; Mrs. B. During, resume of the pant year's work. rederie 14.e. Dave Diamond. Marcus Lichmann. Chas. sion," prenented by the members tively, In celebration of indicative of second place in the Lloyd. M. Id Matheom, Rockwood, Mich.: founate participants in the daughter Ruth, and M. J. Wasser-1 Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich, chairman rt Young Israel's tenth anni- Mn M M. Owirtch, Rockwood. MOIL of Troop 179, concerned the re- contest, to Saul Sheifman for his g ames and plenty of consolation man, Baltimore, Md.; Mrs. H. Ben- the nominating committee. read versary. speech, "What It Takes." Leo- covery of the patrol leader's inter- awards will be provided for the des and daughter Bessie and Mrs. of the list of nominees for the vari- Feb. 6—League of Junior Wo- est in Scouting through the ad- pold J. Snyder II won honorable less fortunate. Ethel Atkins, Cleveland, 0., and ous offices, which was accepted Two men's Organizations lunch- mention with "This Business of a tion feat A fine orchestra will provide the Mrs. Rose Stoller and daughter unanimously. JR, HADASSAH DANCE n ogra b m y eon program. ther g program e the o usres e Education." Other contes.ants nn uwneiue qua q music for dancing following the Beverley, Washington, D. C. The following officers were Feb. 8—Father and Son Dinner and their orations were: Louis ON SUNDAY, JAN. 28 were a minstrel impersonation Benjamin A. Gladwin performed elected for the year 1934: ; games. Refreshments will be pro- and Fun Frolic of Shaarey and an 164 Troop Selig, "Putrid Patriotism"; Arnold vided after the games and during the duties of master of cert. Mrs. Al Weisman, president; Zedek Men's Club. a member of Sharkey, "Clasped Hands"; Jack The dramatic group of Detroit of Fanny Brice by the dancing. monies. Mrs. Harry Shulman, honorary Feb. 11-13 — Annual meetings unit Troop 207. The musical program. Behrmann, "W ill America Con- of Junior Hadassah will spon- Many novel features will be in- president; Mrs. Milton Wolfe, Mrs. of affiliated agencies of Jew- sor a dance at Hotel Stotler on consisting of piano solos and quer?" George Schreiber presid- troduced for the entertainment of William Roth, Mrs. Reuben Kali- ish Welfare Federation. ed. Abraham Silver gave a piano 28, featuring Ray piano and saxophone duets, was all who attend. The committee B'NAI B'RITH LADIES by talent from Troop 179. man, Mrs . Ralph Levy , vice-presi- Feb. 11 — Dinner and get-to- Sunday, Jan. interpretation of GrIPE'll "Wed- in charge of arrongementa con- Correll and his orchestra. The supplied PARTY TO BE JAN. 13 dents; Mrs. Ira Friedenberg, treas. gether of Detroit Service were a fire-by- ding Day. " proceeds will be used to further Added attractions Isists of Harry Satovaky, Saul Saul- are being corn- urer; Mrs. Charles Cornell, seer,- Elaborate plans demonstration and a rat- Group of the Jewish Welfare The first oratorical contest of the work of the orphan's colony, friction MRS. L. FINEMAN son, Moe Prince, . Elconan Saulson S. Arkin, financial Mrs. M. Federation. Tickets of ad- pitted by the newly-organizedtkrY; Training School. and aid skit, given by Troops 207 and th e Philomathic Deb ating the Nurses' Refreshments B'nal of Ash, ear• Sister- H. B. dies' Auxiliary Feb. 12—Card party of B rith secretary; Mrs. 265. respectively. was held in 1914, although the Was a success, due to the untiring and John F 14 Jewish National Fund in Palestine. are good for par- for the grocery party, which will responding secretary; Mn. Jerome . hood of Shaarey Zedek. served. club itself had been founded 16 efforts of the chairman of the eve- I mission, which The chairman of the dance is were . are ree ga place at Hotel Stotler on Jan. Kanter and Mrs. Anna Moss, cor- Feb. 28-Zedakah Donor Lunch Dr. William C. Lawrence, chair- years earlier. At the first contest ning, Mrs. L. Fineman, who was timpation tn t being as- Sarah Bloomfield, who Is a.s.isted by Mrs. M. Schlain. available from members of the 13. The next business meeting of responding secretaries; Mrs. Sam Esther El- man of the La Salle District corn- eon. Herman August and Maurice Men's the slated by the Misses committee, members of The organization. headed by the the group will be held on Monday, J. Lave, recorder. March 4 — Shaarey Zedek Purina conin, Sarah Rosenberg and Char- mittee, gave an inspiring talk on Morse presented the gold and sil- and commended the Mrs. William Roth is chairman dinner. ver medals for best and second- president, Mrs. M. Perin, thank,' Club board, and at the office of Jan 8, at the Staler Hotel. lotte Zn!. Scouting, Jewish troops In Mrs. Fineman and her group for the synagogue. March 4—Fourth annual $12 for the eleventh birthday dinner- best speakers, respectively. They who is interested in progress of the Any girl dance to be given by the Home donor luncheon of Junior earning her money for the $10 the district. Gifts to Hadassah Fund. have donated these medals at their co-operation. Young People's Club. On behalf of the assocletion. The Zviller Ladies Aid Society, Hadassah, at Hotel Stotler. Relief Society for members, has of The Infant Welfare Fund every contest since. the election of Mrs. L. The recently organized Galician Hadassah has received the follow• bands and friends. The date and April 7.14—Pageant. "The Ro- donor luncheon by selling tickets Maxwell Lowenstein, chaircout. Louis Cohane and Markus S. announces for this dance may communicate LoIped make ads Fineman, of 246 East Ferry ace- Young People's Club meets each at thanks all who announced in the mance of a People," be place will Simon, two of the judges of the with any of the following: Sarah, 60011b. president; Mrs. M. Perin, Thursday evening, in the auditor - ing In contributions: Olympia. memory of Jacob Weinstein near future. Bloomfield. Townsend 6-3551; Sar- affair especially contest, are honorary alumni of nue, as Earl a Willis of 184, Atka oh m of Congregation Beth Abra - May 2—Annual $5 donor lunch- vice-president Rosenberg. Townsend 6-0297. masters the Philomathic Debating Club. O Ashes , ham, Linwood at Sturtevant.. Next from Mr. and Mn Benj. Goldstein 266, and In vandal, as In robbery, the eon of Jewish National Fad of The next Philomathic meeting Pontiac. and Esther Elconin, Townsend Freeman I believe there is nothing among , Thursday evening the club will of In tier of 101. Auxiliary. memory of Millicent Jacobs receiver is always thought as bad will be held at the Shaarey 3o 8s. a 7 h - 22R mankind swifter than ranter.— hold election of permanent of. as the thief.—Lord Chesterfield. from Miss Helen Ehrlich. Sunday, Jan. 7. These meetings Plato!. i teem. Visitors are welcome. are open to the public. S. A. GRANADIER MISS SADIE COOPER Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cooper of , 2500 Taylor avenue announce the engagement of their daughter, I I Sadie, to Dr. Abraham J. Alper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hirsh B. Al- per of 2725 West Boston boule- per yard. ' Dr. Alper is a graduate of the University of Michigan College of I Dentistry. Miss Cooper Is well known here as an accomplished violinist. She was a scholarship protege of the famous Leopold Auer, besides having studied with Michael Preen and Jasha Fishberg. On Nov. 21 Miss Cooper was presented in a violin recital at the Maccabee Auditorium and was highly lauded by critics for her excellent per- formance. Wedding Calendar Births FOREST ( I FANIAS aridDYFRS 33 - 41 E. Forest THE SANTA FE CUTS FARES TO • a . fine food 'attractively served DETROIT LELAND COLONIAL ROOM The DETROIT - LELAND Would You Trade Your Figure for one that is Fifteen Pounds Slimmer? Wayne Baths I ICOR tMSKY ieward 35c, 50c, 75c Is LE sRS VER BUDDY'S