• ALVErRorr,/Emsti Os i ROA and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE 16 34444 - -- L. A. S. AUXILIARY INEW ORDER TO "SAVE" COUNTRY U. S. EXPORTS TO BARS "JEWISH INFLUENCE" PALESTINE DOUBLE $6 DONOR DINNER iniU3s.c.s.I.R; (Continued from Page One) goverturtetit has offered him citi- zenship right , , but he had declined since he dew., on Palestinian which he hopes to secure Your RELATIVES and FRIENDS in the SOVIET UNION will appreciate a gift sent them through TORGSIN to purchase domestic or imported articles. AT PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED. Your Meal hank or authorized agent will give you t h e eary Information or accept your TORGSIN Went. \, cording to earlier press re- the l(c, i-lanist hailer had amd lael foi 1 -, -",11 citizen-41in in t., L. J., the Polish Ifs sisiort- o iery strong. • nf Arab ,lots of I .t.•-1111-k I headed the t man .1, , ,011 youths t,th- tlith antis Ira • not. d Zionist on'. Pele-tine. Ile found- • I e gicti we h,rh fought \ Heathy in the cap- Hera are some of the prices: Flour, e kopeks; kasha. 14 kp.; eug•r, 40 Lo.); Palr Men's shoes, 173 Rol.; Ladles . shoes, of Abe, Men's rubber., 1.75 001; Men '• Ladles' rubbers. 90 Op.; Risk; Lames' suite. 7.30 Ruble; 750 sneaker., 40 kp.1 Snap, 3 kp • piece: ■ kp. sitd, 121 5 American „di GENErliab gt A, • A;Troz..t lVE 00. , r „,, STORES IN EVERY CITY — U.S A. RUSSIAN and POLISH Money Orders Also TORGSIN ORDERS Reasonable 0 You get return receipt showing safe arrival of money. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. 1227 WASHINGTON BLVD. — BOOK BLDG. Cherry 1660 40.1t.W10.‘ ■■■■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■4 r SPECIALIST IN FEDERAL TAXATION [ out" on I. 2 - .Hill It. Ins °dice. n, bra'-hip into hi- Ile ri'iiid011 , 1 f• , tl A New Year Equals New Opportunities "If ROY B. CARLIN Inctatte Tax Cages IP! g2 Yeats. , ll—su. 1217 renobttot WASH JOINT SYMPOSIUM AVUKAH, MASADA Detroit's Largest and Beat Equipped Car Washing Plant LUBRICATION — BODY POLISHING MICHIGAN BELL TELEPHONE CO. CHARLES K. HARRIS COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Mtmhee 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 of Cerlined 2 3 4 1 . 11.1C ACC111111.11.r e The Detroit Life Insurance Company IS ON THE AIR' Listen In—ALTMAN'S JEWISH RADIO HOUR, STATION WMBC—SUNDAY, 12 to 1:30 P. M. s Demand the New Seal Cap for Your Protection m. ■ It is closed on the bottle. The entire top and neck of bottle are sealed. You are not charged any more for your milk. Our Ili-Test Milk is brought to your home daily in a sanitary, clean, double-sealed container, which positively prevents tampering of any sort. For Better Quality and Service call it ,) "At the end of last year." writes the twentieth jubilee convention of the present day. lecsj WII1Cil Mr. Novonwysky, "the country had the sanatorium, which has, for the The series of lectures on inter- certain "criminal r, apparently just sufficient labor to last two decilaes, rendered splen- pretations if comparative Jewish must be dealt with. "G.,,,,I Jews.' ben,,,,,.„,, , ,,, yvyn ben,,,,,. cover its requirementri. There ‘48, did services to American Jewry. SIIIII. "Illay history will be resumed at the next he . , thia na large surplus ai'ailable for in- The following are on the •r- meeting when Max NI. Barahal will hers of Ow order.” Ile siii creased Iletnand. By the second rangements committee for this address the group on - The Jew of tunny ministers have signed up. First on the list of those L. ho half of January, 1033, the situation donor dinner dance. lien Galdberg, the First l'entury." , had changes{ and skilled and even chairman; Dolores Levitt, Sol \Yin- The current events Program ill attacked by the Ord,. of '7, an , ii - semi-skilled labor could he found ter, Julius Stiller, ()scar Paransky, lAs agn a , a the "dirty crooks at 1Va-larbitn : -1 srweral weeks only with difficulty. By the end of N. Silverstei n, Sam Barach ,lames gathered from los can', regular feature of each meeting is It is t h ese include n ,, ,,, v ,,1 August, the position had become Simon and A. Il..latlin meeting with approval. This pro. [ion that : .., , , ti l,, ht. 1,,,.1,:,Ig still worse, and in the report to the h,,nl Sae,%"hboy hair o banker i ,, t target Reservations for tlo,.afrair ma y gram is under the direction of RAI,- . th,.. hoard of directors at Palestine Pot- be had Icy calling 51,1 Winter Ear- ht . :Max' Weine. ash, Ltd., it was stated that One lid a Ina I( , or IN calling Rea, The executive committee has ie• paitriat and true Christian soldier, AL the reasons for delay in fulfill- berg, 'Townsend 0-4073, acknowledgintint Dudley Pelle!, head of the Silver centiv ' received ing the approved extension pro- o- tram' the Detroit Public Library Shirts and editor of the elan'- gram was the scarcity of labor in . of audient copy dispatched front on presentation of a cop for the. Palestine. 'fins high and published in his mega h e Brandeis Avukah An I in the zine, Liberation. "At the end of S Some e of the a et a. suet su et r nov. ' I — situation was critical. ptember the Mr. Gulden also points out that On \Vednesday, Dec. 20, the Mik reference room of the main library workmen who had been employed where it is available only for stud)'a large portion of out criminal, for over three years began to leave saic Lodge No. 530, F. & A. M., purposes. It is a valuable source are Jewish. The Jews, it seems, and about a quarter of them had held its installat i o n of officers at of information to students of Zion- can't fool Mr. Gulden by changing left by the end of October, attract- the Highland Park :Masonic Tem- ism and other problems of "'stem- their names. "'fake an instance ed by the considerably higher wages PI,' like this." are Gulden pointed out, The following officers were porary Jewry. offered in the towns. Therm was ac- installed: '' a man by the name of Jack IA,- Nally a competitive race for labor Lewis Bernstein, is arrested for some crime or worshipful n n 1 nn aar'E'T 1 INGS 1X-tr C MEET e rnwtx A between the various industrial en- master: Ray M edigt"II, senior wain- .. other. We get busy iin t he job c I I, ,prises, a rare event in presents den: Harry Hyman, junior war- right aa'ay, trace the man's name day world economic conditions. dent ,lobo Kerr, senior deacon( ' through public school and other — TThese men appear to have filled Ralph Goldsmith, junior deacon; , records, and the first thing we (Continued from Page One) freshly created economic position,, s tew Levinson, Charles Cleagen,i his name sit: ie iii , Tiii- a I l Iet• ' . . o. ki110, Wh wl . ti , l i ustk y i 1 .. h . following on the rapid development Thomas Powell and Jack IIa A • ' l t at 0 wit h Duel( .. ( .1 111, t l' ut • ' chairman, With .. of the country. ds. chairman, and Bernard Isaacs, co- works? . "Non-Jews have to be' employe{ haisllian igd i,t ,t1.(i,Ar-i(t.ii, o( f,e(t)hrge ,ey_e-. :Mr. Gulden warns all "en.,.1 i ' ( perating in planning d etaik i ast at the Dead Sea works because of n i nTgh estd '- Tay next parlor Imaging was Jews" not to become panicky a lion the scarcity, and there was one Groves. past grand master of I N the held at the home of Harry Cohen the big day arrives. "The trouble group, consisting of a German. a State of alichigan F. & A. M. and on the evening of SaturdaY. Dec.: is," he said, "all Jews get scared Hungarian, a Dane and two Arabs, IVilliam Mills, acting grand mar- 17. Mrs Ilertnan Ai August acted when we begin to clean up on this all non,leas, which did some of the - shall, P. M. S. 0, Union Lodge 'c ■ A pres- really had element. We ain't got A m on g ■ those - P. as secret . ar y. A machine work. 2, F. & A. M. ere: Aaron M. Pregerson, - ladling against the little Jew ,1,1 , An undertaking like the Pales- Follnwing the installation a ban- Harm; ,nt w Cohen, Dr. Albert E. Bern- mind s his pushcart and his Dili, Dili, tine Potash Works is faced with quet was tendered in honor of the Harry I l' ICJ es • in an honest way. eos in , . Julius It newt, M , aut 3.. 0 I ., an- I aisint .• t he alternative of either raising newly elected officers. , e're ,ft, Om, II. Marwil, Louis Itii - the ltig fe ll o w s w wages by at least 5 per cent over ___________ st e m , t, Aaron II. Silberblatt, Ahra - who don't earn the money Do v last year's rates, or suspending LEVIN IN CHARGE OF ham .1. Lachnver, Morris Lachover, get. " parts of the work for the present." BICUR CHOLEM DANCE dal', Hobert alr. Gulden relates a sad I, Nlichael Michlin, Sol Kasdan, .1 , ,e1 Cashdan, Max Gordon, A. Panush, vela-rico of his own with the J•a.. Hebrew University Gives Eaten- The twent -7---- annual Purim \l. NI ' NV '.• feld Itatibi Max We'll , . At One OW, according to hi- sion Courses. """ loseph Haggai, . Bernard Isam•s. ticy. 1 ;11111( . 11 was a big real estate ball of the Bieur Clad . .Junior., J ' • . TEL A V IV.-1.1T A 1 - Extension will although this entire 111111p:11W ilealer 111 New York, worked hi, take place at the grand courses which are open to the pub- - conducted in an ilolls ohm' a dog, but he certainly did rue ' , tic and are given by professors and .'"-ni of the Ito o g_cla' a•Ilathi i ihati,-, will be, o thinned i I night Ft b al- II II ; m anner, every worker tieing rei..p.m. the business pay. lecturers of the Hebrew rniversity 1,,,vi„ 'o Sufav hi I ' ' Fob. -' a' `Ode personally f" , eett"'" '''" real estate transactions involved ., I . 1W iiihaa in Jerusaltall in (. 0.0p,rat ion with o f th ., dfr'lyell appointed y.1;1.1'111;111 ' . tram. hair' the construction of the Woolomil , air. Formal annout • - the Palestine Friends of the Ile- ,""1 " I " ' I ' '''•' : ' I g ti II ' Ii " ,r ed " I .1 5 I d b ui ld '', an d th e N e w York I e i, m•nts of this en /jun ki e( w ill b, 0 e e 11 or brew I niversity are being arrang- ubeit`tegl. Ofe - ATTII "f this hi it trill Railroad, he did. And ,,I ed fir the munch of December. made in the near future. Chars le rli. went well until his company kk:1 W ein 'They are ?nodded after the evening (;, l'ar mv'lli 't 'zi7lr 'Dt-Ii li lti . a . ,,,i,, t „ „ .1,,,, n „„,,.,1 Gold. h u ' nai'zl'l ingA. iiK elected as presid g ena trhI, I, , eas,;;(hit:tIt h, ' ,z,arg rurses given under university aus- ,' for the fiscal period. • R W'I'''''I fe ld ""'I A. 1, it""'"tti""t. ,',tit Hilted to use the reed PM ' , es in Europe and America, or- lealll of Gulden: and it cost sonic-Lai - Through its recent drive the so. Will organize a Y,tung Isrin•I Poling to an announcement by ' ciety has attained several new Louis Robinson is organizing a like $15,000 for Gulden t. , I Intint Nachman !Batik, famous oven 8 tram ""' I he Pledged nano. hack from the firm. " f hit' Hebrew poet and president of the members which will augment the ..1A a Ka s- to secure :.0 new members. Si ..,, you know anyluol • In `., Palestine Friends of the Hebrew present membership. NI This Purim hall is will enable the s to - Alan and M. Michlin are organizing York making a success of 01 , society devoted entirely Fniversity, and Dr. Judah Kauff- 11'11111 , ill their respective sehonl, business out side of Jews?" \ I • man, of this city, who is princi- charitable. work and has never ii ' the Tuxedo and the Fenk, II. , A Gulden asks. pal of the university extension lec- dated from its can se success: t, :Ire An g le.) ii, planning to bay, tIllettt toll i .• tures in Tel Aviv, at the home of „if . Ili,. answer is , ttN • ,..• next mulling '' th the ciety to continue it work. A new group of _ ,ie ansivers the ________ T111.0401'1' Levin,. Arab Defendant Causes Disorder "Ann Paul's Girls Club" Is tinr.,•,,,..lile e,,okerS i.1.111e. ■ at Riotiny Trial. t..! JAFFA.—LITA I—Shouting that Formed, he had been insulted, Aunt Abdul BENNY FRIEDMAN MAY Iladi Bey, member of the Arab At a beautifully apt ,- '• COACH AT C. C. N. ) Executive, interrupted the trial of l'inchition. served at the the Is Arabs acused of participa- their hoe ssk :Mrs. Anna l'aul of tion in the illegal Arab demonstra- 2 1 100 1;. t (Continued From Page One) tion rn tlatia on October 27. which led to much bloodshed. The inci- Chapter for the year I:• dent ,s•curred when a British con- ;led the Ann Paul (id .20,1,- nud ge d Auni Bey and told honored their past \en,' t In t . -top talking- with Jamul El NIrs. A it :Irma Paul, with • , 1111,- , 1111. tItlothel ..f the ttet . 11St . d. president : - Viola kb t J11, after Aunt Bey had ignored repeat- retary, and 71 Fl o ,. . ed warnings from :Magistrate trea-ii• Ralph Bodilly. Nleinlici , • • 1 , • I Auni Bey claimed that the police- Chili are: )1, man had hit hint, but Magistr a te Mary 1Vallace, , I. Badilly replied that it was the duty witz. Pauline Sand,. • I , Ire tO maintain respect for Sklar. Rase Ruben, St•.71..1 • t *Iiit •I , .:after a brief recess, the Malt, Sylvia Shapero, Apt i ,• ,as resumed with a state- rows, Betty Weitilierg, Ida h f I , the prosecutm• that no Ida Gould, Golda lientiviii, , in- ; • Po) been intended and the Iliewnian. Henrietta Nieman, 1•:- 'drawn atm • no-1r rt resulted merely train an ther Cahn, Teresa Rosenman • Ant a l, • etfatt to maintain order III the Karbel, Blanche Greenblatt, Sarah student, Il.„ / ; ;; ,. nowt. .ri; ;;, ; %Voice. Sara Fixler, Viola IV•••. Aral, lawyers cross-examin- Ann Paul, Johanna Metzger. ed patine witnesses in an attempt to show that since District (' ,nn- had 'vaults.) to leader of a Liberal faction in chi nes, bit I • missioner receive a deputation composed of Haus,. also revealed before the making g p that the proposed new ing the tut, dellloll,t rat orS, the dispersal of the for Palestine provides football. demonstration was unjustified. Chattering. h-i, nt by death for crimes The V. S I.. T than murder, and flogging •t, Euploration. for Oil in Palestine . • - minor offenses. Cunlitre-Liet. r. solemn tte,loll it Transjordan Authorized, Conl- ael that the high commisaion. tvingx ef the on. Told. I. played tennis during ■ • IN. consulted on this quest Ii LOND1)\ I ITA -- The d ,, 'A l., Ile assured the house that 1033. For tthe that the Itriti•h • P - *Jewish woman. I rii is based on the print • ..,•t year granted perna. telly leivo.h 1:i 111-h law and justice. Sutherland to ex plot. f, r 1-1,10,,i hi-, 2 - n Palestine, was mad. Anthony Nat•nsohn Dies: Wes 1mi on. 'te ` , “i"n Of the House of Polish Anti-Zionist. `he got I amnion- by Major General Sir r, WARSAW.-- I.ITA -Pref. .An. in the sen n klfred Knox, Con.ervative mem- o , t I Alfred also di4closeil that thony NatansAbn, last unbaptiz..1 rank , On, a, tenors, the awful. r of the famous Warsaw had been granted the ' .ierd • I C I , -ire Company which had sinulationist family, duel her, lb was numb-,-t P Jacolis (he right to search of was 72 years Add. Professor Nat • though ho lean, .ohs taught for 32 years. 1.1 oil in the regions of , e didn't win the 1. • The Natansohn family is u, - nrdan. , 1 • tt`t/tt p, The War-as ball champ -I lap Cunliffe•Lister, /don- known in Poland. 1. Aary. did not deny Sir :M- branch of the family pnalue“I a tint on one a the gte,,te•t xhih ial quarAnrbit. king her toms medical men, haul, t number of fr.-AT- -tat/Anent. Ile said that con- The ,hot Le ultat ions are being held with High and andu , trialists. Several of • t • on a gridiron. 1 d lad. threw, ran and Is so held the post of pi• r Sir Arthur Grenfell Natanhns i• tam against the nt af the Warsaw Jeuish Wato 11 ,, p/- in connectinn with both reap, ti nnily. They were strong opp r. I nil was "'thin in ""' question, am 1 nnther for every point the to int- ents of the Zionist movement Samuel, former high Ifertiert - Sir commissiuner of the Holy Land and fought the Polish Zionists bitterly. a-tared. • , . [MOSAIC LODGE, 530 , INSTALLS OFFICERS L 0 1317 GRISWOI-D BLDG. — CAdillac 3338 2 Labor Shortage ill Holy Land. It WU,. 11111111iMOUttly decided that ‘I' v ' II,I,', I f ;;;‘ II; ,‘ / PII I ,I.I\ai ns la I N' ‘''. ' S iti?Iii 'llUisseN1 1':,xf 1 t he .. I. 1 , ` ./ r!„! II I , II '„I "' ; .' I , , . ,,I , f . Novemsky, managing dire c- t k . li .ho i ta,..enu i i5xi. n ir, siaar ivy ,. ,,,, fle ihhTt ie utrih,e.- .‘,„.;,.;,; an d w Farber and I tt';' ,`;'.. is ' ' a,,A,- ri ,fle tai,i legally, for at {intestine Potash, Ltd., the t company working the Dead Sea tinning of the Jewish Consumptive Ii ' ,,recited. . ,. \:.• '.1 ' F ;', 11 : :; :;;:. :' .... minerals concession, recently pub - and Ex-Patients lb-lief Association, ' ,,N.I 1IILI'": I.,-I.I': ,:l.: lil ift / s t'"'," 1 i''' ‘ 's kl."1.: Gulden." lisped an article in the Palestine \eh a h op, ' rates .\1,1.1,.,' :', ,l',Ih'!:Ii;,11.1‘ti- it 11',j-',.tyl.(it .';- 111f. ll' irAil:::saith,i;i:k1:1-', . Royal es t he '""" t erium, .:, 1,,:;\,11 Pest warning the Palestine govern- with a Io n ic dinner-dance, to take "The meat ag ainst precipitating an eco- place an Sunday Feb. II. The price on ' "The () I I- Igin (II I„II111/ 1„);.'"Il a °1, ', InT.,I jaki 1;: r f gbillt'ilikrisntsuliit'ttaline'Pt(Ildijilii!.(ili'it I. ' , noinic crisis by its oicr-cautious per plate evill la , 5/1.00. 'this donor :)1r. Gulden insists t 11:,.. t!.. . Ink ed the traditional music of the ,, t, , , ,i ,,e,(. , ,. ,,, it immigration policy. affair is the last affair prior to from its earliest beginnings ta tit,,,) t ,a( A-iitiiitl , claanust ei, nu,lii iii s, 12005 DEXTER BOULEVARD Corner ELMHURST An analyst exi ■ erieneed in making studies of business systems and problems may fur- nish you with new ideas and prepare you to take advantage of the opportunities in business as thry ;Ippear, iisited Luis "I.•. These me the tlIti.l. 4,449 Jew s Admitted to Palestine in October. tios fr. , oi applications .1110 J,..11,F.:11.-- onna and oil,- I c vas, 'Alt:I - CuIv- c, incipally located in III, nt :Mures di-close that 1,572 5,, 1 "We get hi); s upport frau,- o. Pains sotthel In Palestine during the 'union of October. I ec side of the counti v The number includes 1,110 :leas, M, il , len announced. whom 110 wcere immigrants en. ii•latod how lie had "can tering in the l • apittl1Ht elaSSitiett - 11 , 41 Whit'll requires a fund of one thousand pounds and 32 were '4 4 slew ish tourists who had their sta- tus legalized after arrival. OF BEN GOLDBERG The number of tourists who were . - refused permission to remain tier - nook, to be issued in Conjunction It a , b.,. a j o int symposium he- f„[ ,. momently totaled 136. with the twentieth jubilee eoni'en- 1 ta. i II I he pet l'Olt Chapters of A e,„. 1 11 ::: : .1 , '' The figures do not include Arabs lion of the sanatorium, to take g„,. „„,1 m,,,,,,i a , to b,. he ld at the , 'i .,, : who entered Palestine from Trans- place at Los Angeles, on Feb. 22. 1 A, , , 1 1 1 Jan. 17, I ' ''"; ,. .., have , ,,.1•'llie o ,;,•onesoar, m rdania during the month, as there Sol Winter. Julius aline'. and Abra- , , ' , de TA.'„, en bi e ,a, "Pal - '''' ''' are no restrictions imposed on such ham II. Jallin \Vert' appointed ,,n '"'''' " h """;""„... . 1 t . ,', of ow ,,,,,,... entan. - in, ,-l all pe-ople I--, ,,,. immigration. the A.oinntittee to prepare the e a ' III - ",,t; ; t II ''''''''' '' from tographic Inc , — ;sitl'tel'Ie'''''' will 'Ie treated aerial fur this lil,k. 55c Dexter AUTO 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 , aid, "but di•rea.,r," iil iws.- ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ .w o s. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■■■ ■ N Safe • Quick - 1. to iii rs for the' coining term: WniititrucAl front I'regAaling Paige.) ' lured the second bona. n,ms seems that when this Att• , la. the Detroit ' Auxiliary of the Los Angeles Sena-' d, it is e .atreane.ly mod es t in his sA.endeil titian Wash:in:tan curium at the last meeting. public utterances nigainling rebuffed by the loweriare,c their demands for bonus, tone:, A letter from the national office .t ttIltlItly toward the ,Yews. , .., 1 of sanatarium %ea`, read in . which the auxiliary was invited to Orglitli/titten. whin it, history in the Golden t' At • I, -• A number of throii." In. t, it it tIi. croup, , tho Ft 1,111,2, dt inn of idltytt . 111111n• I .■'■ furor in Wall Streit)" , ineintmesba, 1,1 the li I , r the th a t ,,t" Of -I • t, are said to lote't- Igo and pow- 1, Were nominated Longfellow 6051 „ „.. ■ TO GAIN MEMBERS ne■h h n ■ "I'LL BE LATE FOR DINNER, MOTHER" convenient it is to he able to telephone home when you are detained at store or oilier! How desirable, wlen you are delayed, to telephone friends who are expecting :sou: Such calls do more than dispel worry or un-, certainty ... they represent a courtesy that iv highly appreciated. A telephone series the entire family in many wilt, each day. "oft And in emergencies, it tumbles to summon doctor. firemen, police or other aid, instantly. Any Tii/•pl • Ito 'int,. (We will • .wrrire. take .tor only, fur Icier? InAtolluti ,,,, will hr mode prompt/i. Outstanding Improvements in the New Ford V-8 BI I I ER PERFORMANCE W VENTILATING SYSTEM DISTINCTIVE NEW APPEARANCE FENDERS IN COLOR GREATER RIDING COMFORT PRICES REMAIN LOW A telephone call will bring you ■ demonstration on the new Ford without any obligation. GINSBERG Motor Sales Sales Service We have • selection of guaranteed used cars for lisle. We Will Accept Any Make of Car in Trade 12535 - 43 GRATIOT AVE. Tun Minutes Drive East of City Airport PINGREE 6400 Open Sundays Chronicle Want Ads Pay! The lid and seal is your guarantee that your milk is free from contamination. Insist on our protected products. You are invited to our plant, where you can inspect the entire process of bottling our milk and sealing same. If the seal is not broken, you are assured that your milk is brought to you in the most scientific manner possible. e• Starting this Tue.day. Jan. 9, at 10 p. m., listen in every Tuesday night to the United Dairies program over Station WJIIK. This week we are featuring the Halevy Hazoir rn Singing Society; also the Chord of Judea Orchestra, A Delightful Program for Your Entertainment! UNITED ■.. ■ DAIRIES, Inc. ■ 950 EAST 6-MILE ROAD Longfellow 6051 y ou Can Save All Interest Charges & Penalties if You Pay Your Back Taxes Before January 10th! will save 16c'o on your 1932 OU City Taxes ... 28ec on your 1931 Y Taxes ... 38% on your 1930 Taxes ... 48% on Taxes ... This is your 1929 your LAST CHANCE to pay these taxes without any interest or penalties. Payment of all back taxes will be received at the CITY TREASURER'S OFFICE in the City Hall, ACT NOW and on your back taxes. to save from 16% to Sincerely yours, City Treasurer