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November 10, 1933 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish Chronicle and the Legal Chronicle, 1933-11-10

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PtIblighed Wrrk'y Ivy Tlo..le• , •11 tin oriole Pubhallos( Co., Inc.








L ci Mort h 3,


General Offices and Publication Building
525 Woodward Avenue

Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle
errios °Into
14 Stratford Place, London, W. I, England

Subsc ription. 11 A.

::'. 1)11 Per Year

SaLlonth Reading. of the Law.
lien. 2:i:1
lial loot
Pent I.
I kinv- I: I al
Pool:II-it , al oircari

November 10, 1933

Cheshvan 21, 5694

Mowrer's Detroit Visit.

to be delivered here
next Friday •1 ening, Nov. 17, by Edgar
Ansel :%Itmret . , at the Detroit Institute of
Arts, is an occasion of more than passing
Ilaving risked his curer for the cause
of a free press and in defense of honest
dissemination of news, Jlr. :111()wreC, wio ,
ranks among the leading champions for
justice: in the present crisis created by the
Nazis in Germany. Ili, hook, "Ger-
many Tuts the Clock I:acle." is a great con-

Thr IWO ad 1 l'I'SSIS

11•1%P 'y
tribution In the caitso. ,if
is today being sacrificed on the altar of
Nazi-ism and Fascism.
Winne.r of the Pulitzer prize ah
year's best foreign corre,poodept, mr.
Ili wrer's reputation for accurae ■ . and ver-
acity is unquestioned. The messages he
brings from Germany are, therefore, of
great importance and should be heard by
as many as can possibly be accommodated
at the lecture hall chosen for his Detroit
For the Jewish C11111 11
iv y JL, Mowrer's
visit her is of particular importance. Ile
has rendered a great sere ice to the cause
of freedom 111(1 equalit ■ ;Ind by presenting
the true facts in the horrors perpetrated
against Germany's Jewish population he
has been directly responsible for arous-
ing public opinion against the Ilitlerites.
The Jewish (mmunity welcomes Mr.
Alowrer with an expression of gratitude
for the great service he has rendered the
cause of liberalism, and for the manner iu
which he has come to the defense of Jew-
ry's elementary human rights.

The Myth of Jewish Unity.
Michael Ilaiper takes the rich Jews of

America to task, in an article entitled "The
United Front of the Jews," in the current
issue of The American Spectator.
Relating it personal experience, of being
called upon to prepare the text for an anti-
Hitler motion picture, Mr. Ilalper
his own disappointment, and the dis-
appointment of the movie producer, when
the rich Jews whom they had considered a
part of an united Jewish front against the
German metiace refused to finance their
Mr, Rainer goes into detail •io eXplain the
plot outlined from actual occurrences )11111
facts. Ile relates how his employer con-
sulted Carl Laefunde and other movie mag-
nates, and all agreed that the picture would
not only prove It great moral triumph but
that it would also make. money. Imagine
their consternation when Jews refused to
support them with a measly hundred thou-
sand dollars. Ilalper's job was done be-
cause the producer realized that he
couldn't put the picture through. And
lialper thus describes this movie man's
realization of the failure of his project :
Ile realized he could get no money.

Ile realized that jilt because a lot of
wealthy Jews had it ou :1 plalf111111 in Mali.
son Square Garden an a protest again-t Hitler-
ism was no guarantee that they would shell out
any American dollars for ea anti-Hitler pic-
He realized it wasn't practical because many
of these rich New Yolk Germatihlew s had cash,
interests in Germany and didn't want any
strong, anti-Hitler phdure to can, "complica-
tions. "
Geschavft is Geschaeft.

Is it possible that personal financial in-
terests of Jewish leaders are responsible
for their lethargy and indifference. to Jew-
ish suffering in the present tragedy, and to
the dangers which face Jewish civil and
political rights throughout the world?
Time and again, the charge has been
made that Jewish owners of department
stores continue to purchase German-made
goods because of personal financial inter-
ests in Germany, or because :they are anx-
ious to save their dollars which are on de-
posit in Nazi-controlled banks. This charge
has been leveled with particular emphasis
against Macy's of New York.
Insofar as there is an effort by Jewish
merchants to save their cash possessions in
Germany, there is ground for defense of
their actions. As long as they :ire unable
to take their money from the Nazi banks,
and are instead saving their deposits by
taking from Germany their equivalent in
merchandise. they are harming rather than
helping Germany. Would it have been
better if they had left both their money
and their merchandise in Germany? Of
Course not. Having no other alternative,
they take merchandise, and by that much
deprive the Nazi-ruled Germans of certain
possessions which would have been theirs
had these merchants been foolishly stub-
born to refuse a substitute for the money
they are not permitted to take out of Ger-
But is it possible that their cash interests
also cause them fearfully to withhold their
support from movements which would
cause the unification of Jewry in behalf of


less fortunate brethren and jor the

defense of Jewish rights? Are we to believe
that selfish motives are to he ascribed tothe
existing indifference and to the failure that
is being experienced in the raising of large
sums for relief purposes and in preparation
for the defense of our human rights as citi-
zens everywhere? Is it possible that such
selfishness and indifference is to be ascribed
to the total disunity which rules American
Jewish life?




American Jewish Committee's Work.

‘Then the complete story of present
occurrences in Germany will be written by
the historian, it will be the American Jew-
Committee that will undoubtedly
emerge as the body that has done the most
good ill sanely defending .Iewish rights and
in counteracting the insidious propaganda
that has been spread in this country
against our people.
Our authority on this point may he ques-
tioned, particularly in view of the fact that
the American Jewish Comaiittee (loss not
publicize its activities. Perhaps this is the
best thing that can be said to the Commit-
tee's credit. It has a definite task to per-
form, and it does its work without pleading,
for the plaudits of fickle audiences and
without shouting its glories from the house-

By publishing the "NN'hite Book" listing
the crimes of the Nazi government, the
American Jewish Committee did a distinct
service to the cause of justice and in de-
fense of the Jewish position ill Germany.
The recent publication of the pamphlet,
"The Voice of Religion," containing editor-
ial comments and expressions of 1)11111 ion Ill
condonitlat ion of Ilitlerism by Christian
clergymen is another accomplishment
which stands out definitely to the credit of
the Anwrican Jewish Committee,
It is perhaps natural that this body
should be ill position to do the !mist good
without resorting to excessive public fire-
works. The connections the Committee has
in European countries, including Germany.
make it exceptionally well suited for the
job of defending the rights of our people.
NVe had occasion to see proof of the . Com-
mitt ee's work when it came to our service.
in !orating two distinguished German Jews
who ar e being persecuted by the Nazis. We
made use of the Committee's services at
the request of a non-Je•. who expressed
anxiety over the fate
were located — one ill Italy,
but now seeking refuge in this country. and
the other having been found to be on trial
for a crime he could never have committed
and is therefore in great danger. Both nom
are outstanding figures in the scientific
world. There is hope that something may
be done for them.
Thus, an unheralded piece of work goes
on. in spite of the 'act that it is not gener-
ally known, and in contradiction of the
charges of inactivity occasionally leveled
against the American Jewish Committee.
The complete story, when told, will relate
the true facts,

frien s. Both

H. his two Jewi,t,

Welcoming the Refugees.

Former German Consul Dr. Paul
Schwartz is quoted as saying that 351 refu-
gees from Nazi persecutions have thus far
been admitted to this country, and that of
these, 300 are Jews.
It is to be regretted that the number does
not run into the thousands. Speaking at a
Hadassah meeting in Philadelphia. Dr.
Stephen S. Wise of New York stated:
"Let America admit live to ten thousand
refugees yearly just as a token of friend-
ship. If that is too much to ask. then I
am sorry. not for the refugees, but for
We agree with Dr. Wise. We feel that
there is justification for the demand that
the traditional haven of refuge for the op-
pressed should open its door for the suffer-
ens, Jews and non-Jews. This is America's

chance to redeem its ancient glory.


1.., Lein the Iy-
...r of the tied-
, •n to
lievo(ile the
I bah, hail

I \sill not speak
ions ease's of heat-
lull-, it ail, ts and
11 Lotto,
of all the
, osOa Null
al, of little
III I,d \kali
-11 ' ac 1111 Mr,- Ilion III
Aar. loll-
Sg. •
I. II .

and turned
.pile of
alms of





I t hi • ■ •
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- I had


y l L our:
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..• of des:


11 1111


, 1 of con-
" fa,





mind: 'LH.. the
Ile- levet or
-od parinll
, nee of the


that, they are helpless.
With few
eh option , they have not learned to recog-
nize danger; tool they certainly have not
learned to contribute to ,lewish needs in
proportion 1,1 their wealth.
How is the desired Jewish unity to be
achieved? Must it come through even
greater tragedies than the present German
Perhaps the present trying problems will
force action. All hope is not gone, and
there is yet reason to believe that the hour
will produce the desired tool able leaders.
Until now' We have failed to provide for a
well-prepared a n d well-informed Jewish
constituency out of which should come
such a leadership. Perhaps the hour of
need will bring both to It sorely-tried peo-
ple which craves for unity.

.2'2 I catm. here






I,:nr Lees
I, -
■ •,
I. ,1
n. hallowed




r Programme" of

Navis, aril for which Song , Were
1,111p0Sell (11111 e at eel I the


.5 moral int, rvent ion has al-
tireely taken place. The street
demon-t rations and protest meet
Ings in a large number of coun-
tries, and actual denuneiai ion- in
parliament in others, especially
in England, have shown Ilitlor
Germany what the foe, nations
think of it. But such demon-
stration:, while they nuts+ give
sum• spirituel satisfactions,
to these who rot -t, have but
tiller effect on Ole guilty one:, It

"nights Of the long {sakes - from
which wi old "11, , hv Jewish Id I."

I rall 11,11 all those Who hare
nlareeded in eSIaping from the
Hitler 111 II In W'illien* the truth

of what I have said alaiut the
St. Itartheihinie•w Eces.-oer rath-
er a ineielerni,s1 and technically
perfected Ven:11,11 of them. 1 do
not think that it is generally
known that IQ1 these 111111111'r

the victims
were brought to the Jewish cem•-

night , the corpse; I f

tery in Berlin, and that the
watchmen there won. forced to
bury them lend In swear to SVC-
rrcy. Anil if Hitler in his Reich-
Stag speech denied this, then he
is either lying hies , II, or else he
had been misled liy Gisioing--•ho
has 11 sire nlg chine to the title
of "Mini-ter of !lest rind ion," for
he himself de:Anna! "I am not
here to carry nut justice., but to
Id' 1 . 11111110e 1111i1 IO
phrase. of Cosiring's \vas
published in a Berlin paper un-
der the censorship of Dr. Gab-



I and many either Berliner'
tel of actual cilia, of Jell ' , II

illn 1-.1' , WIln inl11,1 out ief

their lax!. m the middle. of the
night in miler to .dent to a
patient, were elriiggeid away ill
ill's le ill, iiiireilekS Of the Nazi
Stio esipers, where they Were
1011/11clon , IS heaten and mishnn.
died, and then returnee! tee
homes with the warning that
they \could he inurele•ovel if they
I Vac re\ealesl what had happened
; I hem. In other cases they
nni1 1 1 . to sig n a document
declaring that netting had been

I , - Illl-

11.•iiiry of the lag
H -I half from the his
c•,manity. then s•ielent
••- it lct: dono
a/either pheroolileIliill
.11- - Ile rnmurip neon
till they hale gone
frth• 5: t he anti-
:old oeimplooly false
le• and the "Aryan-
; h.. Navis throw hu-
!;,. 1: not only nil° the

hell inter till- dark
, when wild
.:1 inch other. The
; ....rid must rise
and primi-

I..ol tile.
I Ii.lt no t
any .leis in
•-ei hi
I I. of 1 tiolor•
ie.,r l .•
r • loci) of
the o w!
rI11;i1 ten

I!.! ,


or 111- •.


.,'''D'Al iv.fis.`,','",`, /,A',,,',4,'

icoecrisht. Ili 3. Je.en Townoihic uvi... I.


who never lets the sun co h e „,
II h
1 )ilitlY
there Is 1'I L II ;!1°`• 5(
; ll';I ukn'''.-"':
writing ut least half a book, has written a book calloil eN1,:,,.
' p ' t0T1,1
oh, these times!--makes his living T o you."
as a Into h alosinan? Ile travel: Oyyr
a book of prescriptions for success, and am .:, . the to
the country selling to exhibitors
Iii r i t k in Pre'll'Ilta's is 115551.
.. . and on Friday night this back
Dr. ritkin relates how once, when he oink:lir]
t 00 his pulpit.

• •
dilly store, they brought him something else. lb
1111(1 rushed back to the drug store with the .i
"Six writer. in Search of a
But he noticed that, for the first tim e i ll a
Gag" really should be the title
age ,: werecleared, and he wit, in an emotioind .•„.
to Jack Pearl's latest picture.
iii-, .t\ l, i1 i1 i i I III,I.
in hove
"Meet the Baron" . . . for it
very night.
required six Jewish scribbler.
l' "il tukhilt11-1::liello11.s from
o t I ta' : I . ' I .:
doing .00le fancy pencil-chewing
ti, our glands when we make it a policy In tare- a,
to concoctenough giggle-pro-
voker. for a foll-leogth feature.


Is there some significance in Ow

fact that Charlie Chaplin used two MY OWN EXPERIENCE
le,.,.,,„„„n y. I h as ., zdscay, found enitlitic•t
•fewish jokes (albeit of antique
mit ion. oxlmusting. As a general rule, after I hav e io.1
in his recent
vintage I
wide broadcast • • • •15111 they were moments
it, I 11111 good for minting. for at ii,
the Ptily. bits of humor ill his day.
P111 :Ips o it may have cleared illy nasal ise
e ,

te dii sonithlii rig else to me, not quite so teeneiliihal
This may be because I (het. know holy t" It
Information was sent to the
getting angrY as there is ill painting.
Warners' office that a dinosaur
hum.. a young W0111:111 whose
would be supplied for the lobby
I hair akvays admired. I can See liee
exhibit of "The World Changes."
!lee minutes after each boil
"That' s great!" was the enthu-
soft-boiled egg and talking most benevolently v •
siastic reply. "But what shall we
has joist 111511 flaying.
I rather think that poll
feed it?"
Is in lily reaction to my tits. A conviction of
Inch gripped the
ian ill the old dah

Did you know that Edwin-I ti. iorhp-
this i.eaction allmi. than the indulge,
Robinson can
It ash t ho finer whirl) puts
in this dream' 1111111.
points of Tschalhowhl,y'h
I -hall
fen; I must clear my rah
phonies, but can't read a note ill
Ile once pasted twit it AND THE JEWISH PROBLEM
his favorite parts of several
a ilittkihil co :monist. I rat1st think of tip-. ,•
nograph records and tichil, ell .1
a .1, , k1 ish point of V i1 , 11', and
seems to me thin it 11,1
very moque effect.
IWO ion with Ili.1eIvish problem.
Nlay It not la., I
that thi, Nebo!,
Ed Wynn started to write a
nethiiiih to], all 111 .0 1'
, y
at r. •
book on the philmophy of a fool
tow aid
:thing its 10 Id pressure?
four years ago . . and it i s n't
5Vahserm ani, has just Ir ritten
1.....1, called . ' My LItI a:
finished yet.
:1 .1 1•SV and
German," and it consists of a

ici,tllanesius writings, in senile of svhich
; •
Fate m A p,11vn sh p . .
heroine). the Ceerilian is faced by It plot le,•
Irish once liinhins to look for a scapeigreat, and Sy s
"'modeler," was s eeking a sucolld- early' 11 riling* that Ile
pl edit-led mall
11,1111 sail for :I picture. Ile fin- taking place
placeill Germany Inday.
ally found one fur 53 and dis-
No \h. does not this tie up somewhat with the ant , . ,
covered in an inner pocket that The German needs a scapegoat. Ile's got to get
it had been tailored for Felix War. -e
It happens to be that the Jew can lie
burg by Arthur Levine, New York for that purpose.
tailor. Ile now has it cleaned and

preSSed . .
and wears it every
and it I.. here, it
etc, that the
to lii-
Semitisnl may be indicated.
Sophie Tucker and Eddie were
The ant i -Sem lit.'s nasal par-mos.-
seen at Palm Springs last week-
cleaned out.
In fact, he is not
end gallivantin' around on a
intd ely pitiful man suffering from e .11 a 1 h.
"bicycle for two.•
Eddie Cantor calls Mae West
It may be t hat t hey who shall finally
, •
the Community Chest ... Maybe
)W111111411 of alai-Send! i,111 Will 1111t be the Zr•ii• '
we shouldn't have mentioned it.

levs on good-will, will not even lee;
- I
he 111:11 ,111111. physician or chemist will
l'ierre 11111111 Levy' 4111,
iI • 1
anti-Semite, \t 111'11 he feels that fet.liid.
French picture called "I,

nelle." In negotiating .1 I:
jar company f o r its d is t ri li u l
in Germany, they informed i •
that it would save a lot of owl•'
sill would Mean .Levu .IIIg,Iaul
fl ulIl- 11101, for rte polo, it
would delete the - Levy" from hl-
mint... He refused, haying, - 1. 011
don't kilo.• \chat it 111011 11S to
11 French Jew."

fight 11 itli e ∎ onotili , Wean , . I
enemies bal.. taken away the
liveldad ,1 of half a million—and
15 million Jews the III over
must reply to this w ith a boycott
o f a ll Gernu,u goods.
tvith the
Miami:int part played by Jews in
international trade, and with the
Particination of the social-demo-
cratic bade unions, such n b oy -
cott would prove fatal to the eco-
nomic plans Ili Hitler, who prom-
ised to free his cnuntry of unem-
ploym•nt scithin four years. The
fooled masses of Germany will
turn against their leaders who,
instead of alleviating their mis-
ery, will have made it ever worse.
if their political isolation
hits not opened the eyes of the
leaders, their economic isolation
will soon stiller down their blind-
ed followers. This fact has been
realized by the Jewish masses
who are spontaneously carrying-
out the boycott ill many. coun-
tries. New this spontaneous ac-
tion is beginning to be organized.
in the Jewish Preparatory c i a o .
ferentai in Geneva eine, in the con-
ference, in London and New Volk.

What a firm Emil Ludwig ha ,
had ill l'inema-lanell Onoi day a
certain director, wishing to play
a trick on 'Alervyn Leroy, said In
Ludwig, "By George'.
the type that. Mr. LeRoy is seeking
fir his ne11 picture." The delighted
Emil anssvmed : "Is that so?" and
hurried to t he Warner lot. Of the
surprised LeRoy he asked what
kind of make-up had he better use.
Thr director Ills nonplussed, but
didn't want to hurt his feelings, so
instructed him about the make-up
. . . and gave him a screen test.
The other night the eminent
biographer %vas very gay with
movie friends aimmg the nickel
1111(1 thine
al the beach.
. . perhaps to salve his
literary conscience amidst all hi-

(Turn to Next Page)

(Turn to Next Pagel




ht' Charles

deep blue si a. Ito is driven out of
I may not be tone. A Lae
(again merely li , h11111ing that
The .51111.rican Israelite seems to Germany and Wants to tint a haven
scarr,ly anyone woul(
1 Intik that the Jews should take in the land of his fathers. But he he is :1
cognizance in som e o rganized w a y finds it over-I-tin by "strangers? hate Lien proud of the fact tha
of the growing, anti-Semitic propa- who usin't let him come. And so LitvineilT Wan a Jew bemuse the
ganda in this country. I fear that arturIlli1,1 II are they to kelp him world was trying to Mame every
if such action is undeirtaken it will out that they are ready tee tight the thing bad on the Jews of Russia.
easily get Is pitad control and reach must powerful nation on earth. If The io.olutieen was a Jewish atiai
the stage of hysteria which is one wants to stop and THINK 1 , 11 u e Ive re told); the Ibilshe
what the Israelite appartintly TOO :51 rel I about alt these irri- siks we re mostly Jews tsto we wee
Want, to avoid, Sometinies 011• tating conditions one can almost told): the Jell - is)) leaders were re
.pen He- for the elimination of re
pi egle, cr at leant a erinsido.ralile gu crazy.
• •

p item of them go to extrenv S
ligion from the Russian program
And ho e II and so forth. SO it wa.
in sue.h situation, Provost meetings NAZIS IN U. S.
and parades are held Inns; after
This stateinent is interesting and nattliiil eche n so much chiticisn
there is any value in them. And I bin; it's true. l'ongressman was directed against Russian lif
in other ways we login to focus Samuel leie•kstenn, chairman of the and if s system of government tha
attentinn ern anti-Semitism just be- House Ciituntittee on Immigration, the fewer Jews that were in the
cause we are keeping it constant- said that in his (minion "Spank- limelight, the better we liken! it
ly agitated by slush Iowans. From nooilwil and many of his henchmen But not with Russia suddenly be
what I can eiliso•rve, the Nazis are have left the country to avoid pp*. coming reSileetalde and even Oa
finding sledding pretty hard be- Salle deportation proceeilings and elan Uncle Sam extending an in
cause the sentiment of the people I don't think they'll corm back, citation tee come and dine with hini,
of the United States is anti-Nazi.
either." And he went on In say then the whole picture suddenl,

that if Communism is It thorn on changes. Now, Ilr. Litvinotr is
the flesh to hurt our institutions quite a personage and everybewl,
It is a I , I better for 11ayiir and government, so is Ifitlerism. wads to claim acquaintance wit
•V VI irk to prohibit In other words Germans in Ger- him and so ein and n11 forth. Tha
o'llrien in
•.g of the Friends eif many had better mind their own is why the Jewish people, that is
11111.** nn
New Geirnia•
eir that action is business and not send emissaries to some of them, would like Mr. Lit
being Lake •
dy the autheeriti's this country to meddle in our sys- tines to he a Jew. I am not interest
even if he is a Jew, he
against a ei t:on Nazi spy who is tem of government. What would HUMAN
posing as something or Somebody Mr. Hitler doe if a large number isn't judged by the standards
else. It is better that einIvrc's- of Americans ere nt to Germany to valve.

111an Dickstein should Irk , l• gal disseminate anti-Nazi sentiment?
'I (IS to Prevent Ni.•
ding He would probably have put them HUMAN NATURE IS GRAND
deal of
spit s to this counOL in
to death if he could get away with
triaty r•gulatier•
II, it. KEEP GERNIAN SPIES OUT attention is paid to religion in
Europe. But doesn't it strike one
Germany a treat. ,•-
of paper). Yes. w1 much prefer ARE TRYING TO UNDERMINE rather queer that with so much em-
that Nazi and LUNAZI bv corn- 011 . 11 SYSTENI OF. GOVERN- phasis on religion that Europe is
filled constantly with marching
liattes1 through such channels than MENT.

Soldiers, and soldiers and

by rrganizing aiming ourselves. ,
se Idiers . Militarism and munitions.
II ith r has done so many things
War talk and more war talk and
antagonize I Cher liellples that tne
Is LitvineifT a Jew? I don't know.
still more war talk. Ev rybody p re-
Noy sight Of the Swastika arouses
I's en if he' i',
hi^ In Rucc a I •
ea.-a-nu:rent among most American'. Orloff surely must to' one hundred paring to KILL. Every effort ma

Elea Eokener who commanded the „
p r cent atheist.
So, from the
Zr1 1 1" 4 '" "L" " Se ' 55ou '" ' nit " 5 standpoint of religion he certainly
rep. rt• el.
!Sy the time all these
isn't a Jew even though he was
h ap- s
ari,: get back t • Ilith•rland• born of Jewish parents. which may
German ollieials will begin to reia-
I17• what has happened to them.
• •

A mi , ht
re.us situation has de-
., I- peal in Palestine-.
The Arabs
again are on the war path as a pro-
t•st against increased Jew
• e. im-
ern:rat:on. I *AS "pr test." but
when sone are killed and a great
n-any are serieouhly inured in
n e t', and the British g yr nment
Las to order out roops and Rol,.
ei'anes to maintain Trace, then the
pt. lure (slits on the semblence
Id war, Really. the Jew is con- i
scantly between the devil and the

By-the-Way 7

dty- S
, FIOfT, \\ S,A

inn/• in illy
ill Itigio as all


of out.



I5■ the Jo,

\l'e are rather inclined to the belief that
Di e )riven by Nit. . Ilalper, that "Ges-
(+leen is G•schaeft" is not the dominating
c a use of lethargy an•tng wealthy Jews.
There are much more important reasons.
In the first place, the shock of sudden loss
of rights ill the Germany which was 50
sacred to German Jews has so bewildered
them that they are found helpless. They
are lacking the defensive armor which pro-
vides Eastern European Jews with a power
to meet emergencies and to defend their
right , at all costs. German Jews have
themselves that they has
cea,eil to think in terms of self-defense.
'Fifty have taken their emancipation for
granted. Now they are without rights and
will:lint the defense mechanism so impor-
tant for a minority.
And ti more important reason perhaps
is the l'N t rptues to which su many
Jews have gone in seeking
at ion. They have lieentnt. hardened.

\,.,.„1,1, y

Our Film Folk

A Refugee from Terrorism


Great Lord of Life who lices in me
And lices in all I know,
With happy thoughts I go to sleep
And while I sleep I grow.


• I

words, I hone y101
' le
11 ,
Nobel (.11111111i,,
research, that the pooh!,
er.i al, and that the only cure is a shot ill •
ii•i; :it is really nothing but a form a th e



1 11,11'1..1, I
I Shall
he regarded us ern r
my people when I say that perhaps it is Only fail ;
St mite get angry at the Jew.
l•'or after all, the Jew must inevitably possess
1 1
I it: dell o.; than the non-Jew, for the simple reason
so malty more dirty looks that he must be a little at,.
To even up matters, 1151111111 propose. not for th,
tor On' non-Jews, that he allow the Jew, for a chanr.:,..


But casting levity to the side, I should not be .
ultimate solution of anti-Seinitisin shall Collie from
physical source.
Henry Adams, you Duly recall, foresaw political
written some day in the same terms as physics.

things as energy, motion, direction.
Names and ;
superfluous. Indeed, it lilt, written
physics is
statical symbols.
When the real fundamental stutly of an'
perfected, it Will he stated in an equation in which 11
even be mentioned. Greek, Englishman or what I101 '
:lust be '111111' XS 111111 1" S and
.: pluses and 1

n" ! '

There are pointy who, when you ask them if Ho'.
wain, will lioiiiti to quote statistics about the fall of I •
111111e, ell'
lilt1 say that IlitIcrism is doomed, heehaw,.
for Germany to get hot :new.
There I1;1...
v Lilo :1 sweat co told alway s lie raised.
This anti-Si
•. ai y
Ill now thing. It has e•soisted there from the
ir row ish settlement. But how can they agitate mud ,
the Jews there? The Germans have deprived thenisel‘:
Then again, in Germany, Communists and Siithal 'h
ihsties over which Germany could get hot. But now C , to. Ilk'
Jows, have been eliminated as emotional nutlets.
Only one thing remains--and that is the bogy issue
St this r-''

is raising that the whole world is against Germany.
time, Germany is carrying On it farcical election campaign .0e1
matter. Hitler and his lieutenants are flying everywhoir
speeches ten times a day in advance of the election, .
mans shall decide whether Germany's withdrawal fps.
Nations shall be approved.
' The' whole thing is obviously merely an attempt '
nothing, for none but Nazis will be permitted to
peoldent of the world against Germany is the (illy.
Ilitlerized Germany tee get excited about, and they. v.
will make the most of it—until it leads 10 war al,
of Hitler.


Noted Author's Autobiography, in Which lie Views 11 '
Life as a German and a Jew Is a Severe Condem-
nation of Germany's Anti-Semitism.

A Review by Philip Slomovit.,

MY LIFT AS OF.RM.AN AND JUN ten Jacob WeAserrnan Translann '
ro•ard•Mrrolin no.. 55 Filth venue. Nei York (12

Although the autobiography of tributions in the l;-roan
Jacob Wasserman, eminent author guage. But he found ,•
of "The World's Illusion," "('as-- was snubbed, he was ; •
per Hauser" and other important suggestion abused: he
novels, appeared 12 years ago un-
Thus, 12 years ago.
der the title "Mein Weg als heat- a conclusion that he way boll' I.
t s o
r .auitnd uJnutidi e,'a'
LI the
n z h a, pGteerr maf t.
ftiterwat shede i l itnlet:: jcleu"
d an
;her urn
atrocities for a translation into his "Mein Weg als
English. It now comes to us with Jude" he asked, Wd
an additional chapter to the orig- Jew do? And he wr,
final and as a highly probing and
oe rine Is nol eno orll I e•r n 0 ".'"
emotional revelation of the suffer-
coo•Inolm . '",".„% •
IngS to which the German-.newish ••ne
.-e •a' 0"•. ,
ar ist was subject.] even a decade
before the advent of Nazi-ism.
le,invent fie 1111ish machines with
autobiographical :nril' onit l'srre Inv ol* ,* P* , , n . '' '
which to deist!, y human life and sketch, ably translated by Mrs.
What remains? he .
Ft hraoi nisi n e, osnheoeurInd,,iintoe,rcersttheeveprrye,.1.2nut-
to increase human suffering. R e . .
In the at the time h
ligirn. religion. religion. What is
it all about! Is this murdering to German-Jewish tragedy.
stnosruy;eraenddhoepxeePfeufirl ril.: t i'. ' LI‘ :- ••
be done because of the defense of first place it serves to bring to a
HUMAN RIGHTS? Oh, my n •! light a condition which existed is a future. Perh a r' :' ' , -
Whatever war is in the making is long before German Jews them- of hope remains. And '
locause some country wants mare selves were willing to admit op. he stated:
LAND than it ha. now or more pression and suppression. Twelve
.., ,,,,, . e.-,.,n ,.e I , t .s . •::
MONEY than it new has or more years ago Wasserman already ow. ...• .. too .. in. • ■ ••••
POWER than it now has.
No my made charges of unbearable preju- "'"...." '''d ''''''''" ..
dear, all this has nothing to do with dices. Among writers and artists,
.n came
:i th:;
RELIGION or the RIGHTS OF in the army, in the factory—every- an d
he . clhiiitati.':er r;'
with it a e n the
MAN; no it is a MATERIAL busi- where he felt the sting which came
, t , P ° 1,
- story and permission f.,t'd'n•
lie lication in English tran•dt
preaching religion and the paci- wanted to be a German, to pro- thin new chapter Herr 11.6•"'
fists peace and governments keep duce as a German, to show that
e 0_7
mann searches his soul
en preparing and preaching WAR. he does in reality think in
to the question' he

I hope to wake this coming morn
More strong and brave and
While you shall stay both night and
With all I Ins.• tonight.
1 Yes, human nature is
isn't it!

German answer
GRAND, terms and write as • German ,
thinker — making his literary con
(Turn to Next raze )



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