pfEherRorra firxisit GIRD/410Z and THE LECAl. CHRONICLE $5 DONOR LUNCHEON OF OLD FOLKS' HOME - - - 11,.• meeting of the North PAGE SEVEN CALENDAR OF EVENTS Sept. 3t) Annual Yon) Kippur Night Dance of Inoue Cho. Iein Jr., at General Nlotor• Building ballroom. Sept. 30 You Kippur Ilan,'; f Young l'eople's Auxiliary 4 Congtegation !Finn at the synagogue, Dexter and -t el it branch of the Jewish (1 1 .1 Ihitne boot, place OH NI on day a fterhoori, Sept. IS, lit th. COUNCIL KITCHEN WORKS OVERTIME, Aims To Supply Demand for Delicacies; Menu Contest Draws to a Close. It t 2 -Sisterho o d of Shame" %e.t..:, Luncheon. ' t Nhoic Study Club i I, I. s Women's Auxiliary of of .Ilitilter. 9 -Open Meeting of W. mart's Auxiliary of United Ilebrew School•. at 2:;i , lock. t • to Hadassah lirift Il i ' t. I I ./ tic been. ' opt•ain Woo, II' , 11, Ifai e Dinner (lance. Women's Auxiliary of • gust. Frank Couzens AARON DeROY NATE SHAPERO SOL M. COLE \ lit luncheon : , NI., I l'aiaiuda. 11 lamina. S. illueli• II,. C Schmidt N Waaldrvii. Isis Shapiro, /I W..,loi ■ g, hire Ansbact l'udkoa. Korman, 1.aui•kr. li,, , ,nam. H Msltiahai. Charles WO- J liakolo , .. MlbS M itYPIIPII of Mtimflas. l'er. a.,.1 NI:, Hannah Aromon 12 Ilatlassah Idonor D in- Ey( ?ry Jewish Home--- SHOULD GET `rh e It Helps to Hol d and to Build that Spirit of Jewish Neighborliness. It Carries to You A Vital Message each Week in Its Editorial Columns It is a Champion of Jewish Rights and the ever Alert Foe of Intolerance. f:s It Keeps You Posted on Jewish Society Life and So- cial Events. It is a Newspaper for the Young and Old. Last but not Least--It Brings to You the Offerings of Hundreds of Live Merchants Who Desire and Apprec- iate Your Business a' The subscription price is $3.00 a year. mailed to your address each Friday. It is sold by subscription DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE 525 WOODWARD AVENUE 1 11 1 tU.,, losesiq s oistAcs CADILLAC 1610 ,,,1 1..1.11- 1 , 1, t 'WOOI 111111 , er rye a ...lulu\ . 11111 , 1,t1I1 pickles , 1 , 111110 1111111 jc11\', gur,,' , - 1 Vral',• crii1.1 , 1 , 1■ • Ili, membership campaign of the 11,14 , V 11,1,1111r Singing Smdety, . , u hit it I- III pi ogre, this month, i „ wng „di,. ,-salts with t hi., .,_ .... hi ,,,,, „f „hi,,,,, n , n„. .„,,,, of ileac 1. ', . -m , ,e the beginning of the , .. hi, lee- than a month ;Igo, All •• . thins of the chorus Mier with new members. J. Nov. I ... Not, . .1Iso Tourist Elsie in these • ships. I great choice id con% cniciii sailings in tiltrit• 1 , 111in Du G e E.. the inability of Samuel II. oiter, executive director • lie sanatorium. to be in Detroit act. 15, the date for the special our attitude toward Jews. Als o , I 'Wish to add that we are riot I.'s. affiliated will) the Brown Shirts of Germany. In fact, we are not affiliated with any other urganiza- flf. ,t,idht ,t),„existing in Canada or "I•Ve wish to assure you that out • organization is not anti-Jewish ot against any other nationality. Ou r one ain't is to relieve the present "7- $ conditions and to advance the wel- :) ,: .! t+ fare and 'tell-being of all." , David A. ('cull, Nlayor IN ind- sot', told The Chronicle that no one Windsor is alarmed seer the formation of the Blue Shirts. He 11 4 expressed the belief that it is not anti-Sonitic. i'. A prominent Windsor reauleml also had this to say: 'is ; "If left alone, this movement '.'+r trill die a natural death. It was by an ardent f llowed o of Mussolini, and a great numhe, I7,4 i joined the organization with the tZei, understanding that they would he 5, getting some clothes and, since the dollies were nut forthcoming. 'eei the organization is beginning to die a slow death." CUNARD LINE 1.51,,erille, 'mod in Is - ∎ n;ngngal„ OPTIMISTIC OUTLOOK /kr arein, ,,,, Eit her: "s„ Navy. What are your pr , i bar promotion?" Plebe: "The best in the wL•.10 at'y, sir. MY i" • FOR 10 SUCCESSIVE YEARS CUNARD AND ASSOCIATED LINES HAVE CARRIED MORE PASSENGERS TO AND FROM I UR OPE THAN ANY OTHER LINE OR GROUP OF LINES • taitittoc, l'10111pote ' , hitter (Council Kitchen 'vaternielon rind, assorted pick- l es , yellow tomato presmrves, ginger Indust. (lead lettuce, Council Kitchen l'renclt dressing, l'arker house rolls, cresol cheese, Council Kitchen grape eon- ring Fu la , r(\ 11111 1101 . 11 II. INI•i/11)1tI1 ,,11 IN E. 1 -2 1 1 ht T • 1 " , I ph. it, -, ,o1 for Lairope almoi Far‘i I Is—, 11ith roil/led ..f 11 . 111.11