THE ONLY ANGLO-JEWISH AN OFFICIAL LEGAL NOTICE HE . bETROITMS'''. E RRON ICLE NEWSPAPER FOR WAYNE COUNTY and VOL XXXIV. NO. 32 THE LEGAL CHRONICLE _ DETROIT, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1932 LENGYEL DECLARES Morris D. Waldman Views Hitlerism and LEADERS COME TO JEW'S POSITION IN Political Status of the Jews in Germany MIZRACHI YOUTH POLAND HOPELESS CONVENTION HERE of American Jewish Committee Outlines Existing Conditions of German t. Secretary Jewry in Address Delivered Before Judaeana; Urges Campaign of Education on the Part of American Jewish Organizations, Describes Manner in Which Jews Are Persecuted Economically. SAYS GALICIANS HAVE LITTLE TO HOPE FOR By MORRIS D. WALDMAN (ColUMtht. ISA Jewish Tokfr•ohle Agency, locorporst,0 , John Bach McMaster, late pro- the subject. It was' probably th e "If Only They Would Let Us fessor of history in the University huge vote polled by the Nazis i n Make a Living," Is of Pennsylvania, in a brief essay the elections for the Reichstag i n on Macaulay, said: Jews' Cry. The tragic position of the 3,500,- 000 Jews in Poland is described in Emil Lengyel's "The Cauldron Boils," a volume dealing with Po- land and its minorities, published by Lincoln MacVeagh—The Dial Press. Mr. Lengyel, an American journ- alist whose book on "Hitler" was an outstanding volume on the con- ditions in Germany, in his new book describes the struggles between Po- land and its minorities whom she seeks to denationalize. A com- plete chapter, entitled "In the Ghetto," is devoted to the Jewish problem, and the author comments on the Jewish situation in other portions of the book. 35 10 :5 "He wrote about Addison and Johnson, Hastings and Clive, Mach- iavelli and Horace Walpole and Madame d'Arblay; yet in no case did he analyse the works .. They are to him mere pegs on which to hang a splendid historical picture of the times in which these people lived." Hitlerism has a significance too serious for us Jews to engage in a literary pastime about it. In the spirit of Macaulay's procedure I shall venture to do little more than scan the literature on the subject, but shall stress what is appropriate for Judcans, the Jewish implica- tions of Hitlerism. Apart from the precedent set by the illustrious Macaulay, the pau- city of the American literature on Hitlerism also appears to justify this course. While the Jews of America have been and are deeply interested in the phenomenon, the general public seems to have been apathetic and even to some degree good-naturedly tolerant. This viewpoint will perhaps ex- plain the fact that although Hitler• ism has been living and growing for a decade, it was not until the present year that American pub- lishers came to believe that the pub- lic would be receptive to books on , "Nordicus," appeared about the same time in 1932. Miss Thomp- son's book is a swift, vivid, im- pressionistic portrayal of the man. When she confronted Hitler, she says, "I was convinced that I was meeting the future dictator of Ger- many; in something less than 60 seconds, I was sure I was not." The book by Nordicus is a simi- lar effort. It is much larger than Miss Thompson's work, and is in places not free from factual inac- curacies. But it is very informa- tive and well documented. Combin- ed with an historical review of the movement there is a description of the chief leaders as well as an ana- lysis of the Hitlerist program. The Jewish aspects are given full con- sideration. Formal Opening at Public Meeting at Northern High School Saturday, CONVENTION BANQUET ON SUNDAY EVENING Rabbi Myer Berlin Heads List of Outstanding Visiting Leaders. Orthodox Detroit Jewry, partic- ularly the youth, is anticipating with eagerness the opening of the mid-western conference of the Mizrachi Youth of America Friday / Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper _ Per . Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents Program of Midwest Convention Of Mizrachi Youth of America FRIDAY EVENING 1 :30 P.61.—Registration at Mizrachi Center, 9036 Twelfth street. 4:30 P. 91.—Services at Congregation Beth Tephilah Emanuel, 5:30 P. 51.—Dinner at Krulick's Restaurant; Oneg Sabbath; Greetings from delegates; Edward Ruthenberg, chair- man, SATURDAY'S SERVICES 8:30 A.51,—Services, Congregation Beth Tephilah Emanuel. 12:00 M. —Meal at Krulick's Restaurant. 2 :30 P. M.—"Referat" on Education, Harry Karp, vice-president, 4 :30 P. M.—Shnloth Seudath, Krulick's Restaurant. FORMAL OPENING OF CONVENTION, SATURDAY, 8 P. M., AT NORTHERN HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Ilerbert Eskin, president of Mizrachi Youth of Detroit, chairman. Greetings from organizations. Musical selections by Cantors' Association of Detroit and Mrs. Miriam Feigenbaum of Cleveland, soloist. Principal speaker, Rabbi Myer Berlin. Address by Rabbi Wolf Gold of New York. Brief addresses by Aaron Bin-Nun, Harry Karp, Seymour Zam- browsky, President's message, Isidore Epstein, Election of presidium. Appointment of committees. PROTEST PLANNED AGAINST ATTACKS ON POLISH JEWS Meeting of Local Organiza- tions To Be Held on Monday Afternoon. PRESIDENT OF WARSAW COURT IS DISMISSED Breslau University Senate and Rector Oppose Jewish Professor. Local organizations are band- ing together to protest against the riots In Poland and to demand that the Polish government take steps to prevent future recur- rence of outbreaks and injustices against the Jews. SUNDAY'S SESSIONS At 2 p. m. this Monday, Jan. 2, 10:30 A. M.—Committee meetings, Hotel Staler. a meeting will be held at the B'nai 1:30 P. b1.—Second session, Hotel Steller. David Synagogue, Elmhurst and Organization, Aaron Bin-Nun. Fourteenth, at which plans for Chalutziuth, Zelda Rosenthal. the protest will be completed, and Committee reports. definite resolutions drawn to de• 'I:00 P. M.—Conference banquet, Hotel Steller. mend justice for the Jew. MONDAY'S SESSIONS Other Work.. It is believed that more than 9:00 P. AL—Bridge dansant, Chinese Tea Gardens. Emil I.engyel's "Hitler" is also 10:30 A. M.—Closing session. "Referat" on B'nai Akibah by Samuel 60 organizations will be repre- an infornative work, and it is fa- sented at the protest gathering on Gordon of Buffalo, Resolutions, Closing addresses. Have Little To Hope For. cile reading. It adds little to the Miss Edith Sharp, Chicago, and Miriam Feigenbaum, Monday. Speaking of the Jews in Galicia, facts presented in the other books, Cleveland, Soloists. Mr. Lengyel writes: but is entirely worthwhile for its Dismiss Court President. "In the small town through which difference of aproach, the interest- WARSAW.—(J. T. A.) — The we drove, Jews in long kaftans and ing views of its author, and its en- president of the University Court Dickstein Bill May greasy hats of frayed velvet were gaging style. The writer calls at- MORRIS D. WALDMAN was recalled from office by the Help Alien. Visitor discussing some momentous ques- tention tc this striking antithesis, Senate of the University of War. tion. They formed small groups 1930 which startled America into a that, whereas under the depressed saw because of the partiality and looked extremely excited, which economic conditions of Germany WASHINGTON.—(J, T. A.) state of mild interest. evinced by him to the students on they had every reason to be. A —At the request of Secretary of today others are impelled to be- They Can Be Wrong. trial for attacking the Jews dur- Labor, Doak, Congressman Sam- stranger in a Galician town is not Dorothy Thompson's "I Saw Hit . come Socialists, and even Commun- ing the recent anti-Semitic ex- Comes to Detroit Under the a good omen, he may he the new uel Dickstein, of New York, as ler," originally published as a mag ists, Hitler, by invoking the theory ceases, the Yiddish press reports. tax-collector or a new spy. The chairman of the house immigra- azine article, and "Hitler, the Iron of race superiority, has been able Auspices of the Local Professor Waszutiruild, the pre- tion committee, has introduced a Jews of Eastern Galicia have little Fist of Germany," by an anony to swing a vast following into the RABBI MYER BERLIN Chalutzos. siding officer recalled, showed his to hope from life." bill to make it possible for an mous writer who calls himsel f President, Mizrachi World (Turn to Page Eqpt) favoritism to such an extent that alien temporary visitor to When Jews in Vilna were asked Organization. Goldie Myerson, Palestinian la- Jewish students who suffered at • change his status and obtain per- what stand they took in the quern!! bor leader and representative of the hands of anti-Semites were night. It is the fisrt time that manent admission without leav- between Lithuania and Poland, Radium Discovered by . Detroit Jewry will have the oppor- ing the country, as heretofore the Histadruth, the Jewish Labor expelled as disciplinary measures, they said they had no desire to he- Federation of Palestine, will be Experts in Palestine while their attackers escaped with tunity to meet and hear all the has been necessary. long to Lithuania. They told Leng- ' Under Dickstein's bill, such the guest of the Chalutzos, De- minor reprimands. leaders of the Mizrachi and Miz- yel: "We can get on fairly well alien would apply to any immi- rachi Youth, with our Polish neighbors, if only The dean of the Evangelical JERUSALEM.—(J. T. A.)— they would let us make a living." Problems of vital importance to gration office in the United College of the University of War- American experts, who have Mr. Lengyel adds that his informer the Mizrachi Youth will be dis- States, and if he could show saw, a clerical, Hume, was ap- come to Hamath-Geder, near forgot "the Jew beatings in the au- Contest To Be Held at the Zemach, for the purpose of ana- Rabbi Lauded for Service in cussed. Among the problems on that he is entitled to permanent pointed to replace Waszutinski. Melbourne Center on admisison in accordance with tumn of 1931 when students of the lyzing the water there, report The Yiddish press expresses the Detroit in the Past immigration laws, would be en- University of Vilna had started a that their chemical analysis has Jan. 5. hope that Bursze will conduct the 25 Years. titled to a change of status with- rumpus." proved that the wells in Ha- trials impartially and will not out the production of animmi- Blamed by Lithuanians. evince the provocative methods The Jewish Center debate team math possess radium elements. A festive occasion marked the gration visa. It is necessary In the meantime, according to will open the season in a contest The experts are continuing their displayed by his predecessor. three-fold celebration at the din- at present to take a trip abroad Lengyel, Jews are also blamed by with the City College of Detroit investigation. - to obtain such a visa from an the Lithuanians for not siding with on Thursday, Jan. 6, at the Jewish Apart from this, considerable ner of Congregation Shaarey Opim* Jewish Professor. Zedek last Sunday evening, Ap- American consul and then face them. Ile writes: Center, 31 Melbourne, at 8:15 interest has also been evoked by BRESLAU.—(J. T .A.) — The immigration inspectors, in addi- "The Lithuanians told the Jews o'clock a statement made in the British proximately 500 filled the social Rector and the Senate of the tion, upon returning. that they were ungrateful. Had not The Jewish, Center represnta- Parliament a few days ago to hall to capacity in celebration qt University of Breslau have openly The fact that the request for Lithuania given her Jews local au- lives will argue the negative of the effect that the government Chanukah, of 'the seventieth an- joined the Nazi opposition to the this bill came from the secretary niversary of the synagogue and tonomy? they asked, without men- the proposition, "Resolved, that at would be prepared to take a continued membership on the law of labor, is regarded as a favor- tioning the fact that the autonomy least 60 per cent of all state and practical interest, for naval pur- the twenty-fifth anniversary of faculty of the Jewish professor, able indication. So far as is was subsequently withdrawn. They loyal revenue be derived from poses, in any petroleum resour- Dr. A, M. Hershman's service as Ernst Cohn, who has been the known, however, the state de- reminded the Jews that Lithuania sources other than tangible prop- ces which Palestine may be rabbi of the congregation. target of agitation and attack partment has not yet expressed was supporting the Jewish schools erty." proved to possess. It is regard- Speakers at the dinner joined its position regarding this pro- since the opening of his lecture out of government funds. They The method of debate will be ed as a sign that some practical in lauding the contributions to the josed legislation. series on Nov. 10. reminded them in the summer of somewhat new in local debating progress has been made by the Jewish life of Detroit by Rabbi 1920—when the Lithuanians occu- circles. The cross question meth- investigators who have been Hershman, and the event was a Rector Brockelmann and the pied Vilna—they appointed a Jew od wherein each debater will be searching for petroleum pools in demonstration by the audience for University Senate have Issued ■ as minister of Jewish affairs." Southern Palestine. According joint statement declaring that sits rabbi, in recognition for the questioned for a limited period by Thus the Jews in Vilna find them- the opposing side will be used. to S. G. Blake, geological adviser 'services he rendered during the "the continuation of Professor selves between two fires. Cohn's lectures cannot be toler- The Jewish Center team will to the Palestine government, quarter of a century of residence GOLDIE MYERSON petroleum companies have ex. In the Ghetto. ated since Professor Cohn has not here. Numerous telegrams of be chosen from a squad consist- Discussing the position of the ing of Max Chomaky, Adolph pressed the opinion that oil pools greetings were received from or- troit Women's Pioneer Organiza- maintained the necessary political reserve." ' Jews in Poland, Mr. Lengyel quotes Goldberg, George Kratchman, Ida may exist within that area. He ganizations and from individuals tion for Palestine, this Saturday a Jewish authority as stating: Hertz, Morris Shilman and David adds that exploration of the area who were unable to attend the evening, Dec. 31, Sunday, Jan. 1, Professor Cohn is believed to is now being made to determine dinner. "There are about 3,500,000 Jews Goldman. Dr. William Feinbloom's and Wednesday, Jan, 4, have fallen into a trap net for him in Poland; 3,000,000 of them are AARON BIN•NUN David Goldman has been appoint- whether the surface flows indi- Greetings from Seminars. Telescopic Glass Hailed Miss Meyerson will address in the course of a newspaper inter. paupers and 490,000 are destitute. ed coach of the team to fill the cate the existence of petroleum Leader of Poel Harnizrachi. Dr. Hershman'. alma mater, the view. Asked by a newspaperman meetings of the groupa in this by Optometrists. The rest can barely make a living." vacancy caused by the resignation in commercial quantities. Jewish Theological Seminary of w hi ch talk s city and will also confer with their whether or not In his view Leon Mr. Lengyel quotes this authority of Theodore Baruch. Mr. Goldman will be given with dis- America, and his fellow-alumni, Trotsky, the exiled Soviet leader, executive committees. CHICAGO.— (J. T. A.) — The as stating that enough ships conic' has had wide experience in public Joined in greeting him through cussions to follow will be: Organ i- perfection of a new type of tele- Mis- Myerson, whose visit here merits asylum in Germany. Pro- not be built to take ail the Jew, speaking. Last year he was the eFduuncdatiofonr , Chalutziuth, their spokesman, Dr. Louis Fin- fessor Cohn • replied: "Spiritual who would want to leave Poland, winner of the Davidow City Col- f scopic lens that will bring vision to last year left a profound impres- workers always deserve protection kelstein of New York, who was V' n aA t v i o o Akibah "if they had the money and knew lege Oratorical contest and partici- da nh' , purpose o people with as little as two per sion and whose remarkable per- f they avoid agitation as politi- the guest speaker of the evening. B'nai movement, Torah cent sight, was announced here at sonality won for her and her ' where to go." pated in the national oratorical Comparing the conditions which constructive work in Palestine. cians of whom we have plenty This is the first mid-western the eleventh annual cf Cause a host of admirers, comes urselves." "Trapped in the Ghetto." contest. For the past two years affected the Jews of Palestine in convention that the Mizrachi the American Academy of Optom- as the representative of the Pal- ° he has been a member of the City Mr. Lengyel writes in describing the days of the Maccabees with estine Jewish Workers' Federa- The reactionary press caught up etry. College debate team. Previous to Polish Jewry's the problems of Jewry today, holds and was called upon the Dr. William Feinbloom of New tion and In particular its women's t his statement and denounced Pro- college career he was an out Dr. Finkelstein emphasized that request of the branches in this York, whose seven years' experi- division, the Moazath Ilspoalot f essor Cohn as a Trotskyist , "The Jews of Poland are now his President of Kosher Kitchen debater at Northern High part of the country. The confer- ruthlessly put out of existence, eco- standing Jews are Orientals with virtues ence G ets ImportantPost; At the same time a number of School. was made necessary because ment resulted in the new type lens, ans . will devote her visit locally nomically. Driven from gainful oc- that crave for "firmness of faith , Admission to this event is free. of the constant increase of revealed the discovery in a paper to aid in the work of the Pioneer p rofessors and students announced Other Appointments. deep idealism, unswerving loyalty, read before the assembled optome- (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) The public is invited. (Turn to Page Five.) Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) profound affections." In the mod- (Turn to Page Four) trists. Maxwell L. Black and Byron ern order, he continued, Jews According to Dr. Feinbloom, who Geller were appointed Assistants come in contact with a searching is chief of the optometric staff of Attorney General of Michigan by for order and for systematic liv- the West Side Hospital, New York, mg. Attorney General-elect Patrick IL the improvement will bring sight to • • "Rabbi Hershman and men almost dimmed eyes, and will en- of his type can best interpret our able thousands of greatly handi- ideals to the world," Dr. Finkel- capped people to perform the same tasks as those with perfect vision. stein said. "We now find our- Social Consciousness of Detroit Jews Lauded by Mayor The discovery was received with All "..fliliated Agencies To Make Their Reports Under selves spiritually bankrupt. Our Rally To Aid Drive Planned Murphy; Key to Building Presented to President Chairmanship of Clarence H. Enggass; Maurice Jewish professional men do not enthusiasm among members of the To Be Held in ' Academy and Dr. Thomas McIlur- Herman Cohen; Appeal Made for Support. help us bring our message to the Caplan Heads Campaign Planning Committee. January. ry. nie of Brooklyn, N. Y., president of world, and therefore lose it them- the American Optometric Associa- selves. The world today is sinking Impressive ceremonies marked I that the genius of the Jew lies in Plans for the annual meeting will be the second year that Mr. Preparations are now under way tion, said: back into paganism and atheism. the official dedication of the Jew- I a craving for social righteousness. "Its importance can only be rea- of the Jewish Welfare Federa- Caplan has served as chairman of There is only one basis for eth. for the annual membership cam- ish Childrens Home, Burlingame Ile said that he always looked upon tion are now practically, complete. this important committee which o the United Hebrew lized when we recall the state of ical life—the belief in God. It earls. of and Petoskey avenues, last Sunday Fred Butzel as the first citizen in The membership' dues those who are almost blind. This The meeting will be held at 4 will have charge of plans and ar- is the fear of the Lord that we be oo afternoon. A group of noted Detroit in social endeavors, and o'clock Sunday afternoon, Jan. 29, rangements for the Allied Jewish The world Jews must teach is to not the running world have been reduced, and instead of invention which is given free'y to at Temple Beth El. speakers joined in inspiring the mentioned as other outstanding Campaign next spring. 55 it is now between $2 and 65, the world of science, and can le again. overflow audience which filled the figures for social service Milton M. Clarence H. Enggass, president The following officers of the used by every -iptmetrist i with $5 the maximum fee. Milton to help a away from but is seeking God." gymnasium of the beautiful home. Alexander, Mrs. J. H. Ehrlich and of the Federation, will preside and Detroit Service Group and the Continuing his in comparison of Bernstein, a member of the board his patients, will do much to make Has Faith Jewry. It is estimated that more than 600 Mrs. Henry Wineman. was thousands of people now depend. will give his annual message. Re- Jewish Welfare Federation are men and women filled every avail- The work radiating from the ports of the activities of the agen- members of Mr. Caplan's commit- unanimously to act as ent on public charity, independent. modern and ancient conditions, of directors of appointed the schools, able seat and lined the walls of the j home, the Mayor said in conclud- chairman of the campaign. His A new world is in store for thore cies in the Federation will be pre- tee: Maurice Aronsson, Vise-chair- Fi have been Dr.nkelstein said: nig his address, is a credit not only large hen. man of the board, Detroit Ser- "We chosen by God committee consists of Julius Braun, partially blind who will be helped ' sented by their presidents. A solemn note was given the to the Jew, but also to every citizen Agendas To Report. to come here and to enjoy the Harry Cohen, Joseph II. Ehrlich, by this discove•-y." vice Group; Aaron DeRoy, preei- occasion at the very opening of in this community. Dr. Feinbloom showed what a The program will thus include dent of the Detroit Service Group . L a n d a , D A ; ,Mid. the program, when Dr. Otto A. Rev. Woodroofe Speaks. fruits and advantages of this land. Louis Robinson, Zemon, distinct improvement the new type an account of the year's work of and vice-president of the Jewish Hirsch, superintendent, gave the "Nothing is more appealing in It is enduring proof that East and and Robert R. Marwil, ex-officio. A lenses were over the old type in the Detroit Service Group, Fresh Welfare Federation; Clarence H. invocation, prior to introducing life than the appeal of the child," West finds its amalgam. I find meeting for the purpose of formu- use for the past 60 years by com- Air Society, Hebrew Free Loan Enggass, president of Federation Fred M. Butzel as master of cere- declared Rev. W. B. Woodroofe, great hope in this congregation lating plans for the campaign was paring the latter with the ordin- Association, House of Shelter, and chairman of the board. Dte monies for the afternoon. Then fol- president of the Social Agencies and others like it for what they held at the home of Mr. Bernstein ary opera or field glasses. Jewish Centers Association, Jew- troit Service Group; Israel Hind- lowed the ceremony of the pres- for Metropolitan Detroit, whose ad- • From statistics taken from his WI Child Care Council, Jewish hoch, Robert R. Marwil and Nor- can do to interpret the Jew to where all details were planned. It entation of the key to the new dress followed the Mayor's. the world. I believe that the was decided to have • large mem- personal study, Dr. Feinbloom is of ' Child Placement Bureau. Jewish man Schwartz, vice-presidents of MAXWELL L. BLACK building to Herman Cohen, presi- "If we can safeguard the life of meeting of the Jewish faith dating bership rally some time in January.Ithe opinion that 40 per cent of per- Home, Jewish Old Detroit Service Group; Nate S. dent, who also was the chairman the child we do a most constructive O'Brien. Max J. Keidan was re- back 3,500 years with the Greek It was made clear that this con- sons now classed as blind, but who , Children's of the building committee. The key work," he continued. "I am con- appointed collector of the state's culture which find, expression tribution paid directly to the I are suffering from subnormal vbs. , Folks Home, Jewish Social Ser- Shapero, vice-president of Feder- vice Bureau, Jewish Unemploy- ation; Samuel Summerfield, hon- was first presented by I. M. Lewis, cerned that the social agencies delinquent debts by Mr. O'Brien. into this countrywill give birth school , in the form of annual mem-lion only, will be aided in returning I ment Emergency Council, Mothers' orary president, Detroit Service architect, to Maurice Aronsson, should carry on so that we may bershi;t dues does not in any way to the ordinary pursuits of life. . Cii , North End i to a greater civilization, Other Jewish appointments an- Group, and Henry Willman, chair- chairman of the dedication com- strengthen the faith and hope of The new lenses are of the cylin- Hebrew Schools, United Jewish man of the board, Jewish Welfare "Will Jews become American- interfere with the contribution nounced this week include the mittee, who then turned it over to the people." ized to the spirit of Ralph Waldo made to the Jewish Welfare Fed- selection by Sheriff-elect Thomas I Charities, and Young Women's Federation. (Turn to Page Five.) Mr. Cohen. Congratulating the home, Rev. C. Wilcox of Dr. Mark Herzfeld Emerson and Oliver Wendell eration of which the schools are a Hebrew Association. Other members of the commit- Mayor Murphy'. Address. constituent agency. The member- member- Woodroofe called it a great piece to be under-sheriff, and the fol- Everyone interested in the work tee, which will hold Rs fint meet- Cantor Jacob Sonenklar of Shea- of humanitarian service. Holmes, to the great ideals upon ship dues is comparable to the dues FRANKLIN TO PREACH lowing to be among his deputies: of the Jewish %5 eltare Federation ing early in January, are Charles rey Zedek then gang • dedication which this country was founded, paid to any other organization. It A NEW YEAR'S SERMON, 4 Dr. Fesnklin's Address. Roy Radner, David Gottlieb, or will they be Americanized to invited to attend. Contribu- N. Agree, Milton M. Alexander, hymn of his own composition, ac- Rev. Woodroofe's address was Louis Berg, Harry Goldstein, Isa- the boxing match and the foot- is simply a membership fee by Irving W. Blumberg. Sol M. Cole, tors to the Allied- Jewish Cam- companied by Miss Della Tobin. followed by Dr. Franklin's who dore Jacobsen, Sam Leve, Albert ball game? The combining of which t h e contributor identifi es Under the title "The Call of ' Paign. the Community Fund, or Joseph II. Ehrlich, Mrs. Joseph H. Mayor Frank Murphy, whose en- declared: himself (tiredly with the institu. Federetion's constituent agencies Ehrlich, Roy IL Fisher, Samuel Block, George Buckley, Joseph Judaism with Americanism of the trance into the hall was the signIsl lion and expresses his sympathy Tomorrow," Dr. Leo It. Franklin "We are here not only to dedicate will preach a New Year's sermon are eligible to vote. Frank, Dr. Hugo A. Freund, Wil- highest order will mean the area- for its work. for prolonged applause, declared the Jewish Children's Home, but Craig. f from the pulpit of Temple Beth liam Friedman, Iles. Samuel It. lion of super-Americanism. The reeeting will be followed by Black'. Jewish Activities. that "the home should be twice also to dedicate ourselves to the The dance of the Alumni Assoc - blessed because its dedication takes cause for which it stands. No "It is because I believe this iation of the schools that was to El on Sunday morning, Jan. 1. , a dinner and entertainment spon- Glogower, Harry S. Grant, Jesse Maxwell L. Black, who will be place on the Feast of Dedication more responsible task rests upon assigned to condemnation work in congregation can do much to hold have been held Dec. 28, and was Is thin address he will attack sored by the Detroit Service F. Hirschman, Julian H. Kroh's, Isadore Levin, Theodor, Levis, of the Jews and on the First Day the community than the care of its the state's legal department, came an this light, to rekindle the postponed because of the death of some of the salient problems by which modern civilization is con- I Campaign Plaaniag Committee. Meyer L Prentis, Reward L Rods- in the Christian year." children. We must meet the prob- to Detroit seven years ago from Chanukah light, that I have faith A. D. Markson, will be held Jan. 21. fronted. Maurice man. J. Samuel H. Istdiset, Nod= Caplan will head the Mayor Murphy quoted from the lem of child care with an united Massachusetts. Ile has practiced in the Jews of America. Rabbi The fifth annual anniversary din- The Temple Choral Choir, un- Csmpaign Planning Committee of H. Scholnick, Mows abotaer, Hoe. address delivered by Dr. Leo M. front. There must not be • mul- law for the last ten yearn, and Hershman plays ■ great part in ner of the Chevrah Mishnah Ge- der the leadership of George Gal- the Detroit Service Group of the Ty &Wawa, Sidney Stew Franklin at the religious sympos- tiplication of effort. We should all had offices in Boston and Law- this respect." morrah, which was scheduled for Tux edo rani, will furnish the musical ser• I Jewish Welfare Federation, se- George M. Stet; Melville IL ptttiy `P ium conducted recently under the dedicate ourselves for working to- rence, Mass. He is an ardent Dr. Finkelstein congratulated S un d ay, an., cording to an announcement by Mrs. Henry Wiaeraaa, Sawa A... School, and was also postponed, will vice. Services begin as =al at auspices of the Mayor's Unemploy- (Turn to Page Flve) be held Sunday, Jan. 15. I Aaron DeRoy, president. This Wolf and Julian 10:45 a. tn. ment Committee, and emphasized (Turn to Page Onpolt* Editorial!) (Turn to Page Owens Editorial) ► GOLDIE MEYERSON WILL SPEAK HERE CENTER TO DEBATE WITH CITY COLLEGE IS SYNAGOGUE HONORS DR. A. M. HERSHMAN JEW INVENTS LENS AS AID TO BLIND IF s NEWSPAPER PRINTEDc IN MICHIGAN . BLACK AND GELLER ON O'BRIEN'S STAFF Dedication of New Jewish Children's Home Marked by Inspiring Ceremony O I . . HEBREW SCHOOLS SEEKING MEMBERS Complete Plans for Annual Meeting Of Welfare Federation on Jan. 29