i rt AN OFFICIAL .1) THE ONLY ANGLO•JEWISH NEWSPAPER PRINTED IN MICHIGAN, . Michigan's Home Jewish Newspaper LEGAL NOTICE NEWSPAPER FOR , WAYNE COUNTY and • DETROIT, MICHIGAN LFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1932 VOL. XXXIV. NO. 24 AUSTRIA WARNED AGAINST ATTACKS ON U. S. STUDENTS Plain Clothes Police Are Stationed on Vienna University Campus. STOCKTON, STIMSON ASSURE PROTECTION Half of 300 American Stu- dents Are Jews; Phila- delphian Injured. t VIENNA.— (J. T. A.) —The American Minister to Austria, G. B. Stockton, informed the Ameri- can authorities that American stu- dents would leave Austria if new excesses occur at the University of Vienna. The protest of the American Legation coupled with that of the protests of the envoys of Poland, Rumania, Bulgaria and Yugosla- via, the number of whose nationals injured is estimated at 30, includ- ing non-Jews who appeared Semi- tic, has caused the Austrian gm- ernment in consultation with the police authorities, to increase mea- sures fo rthe protection of stu- dents at the university. The Austrian authorities have decided to introduce on the univer- laity campus special plain :Ionics po• lice, wearing police badges, who are to be subject to the joint au- thority of the rector and the police praesidium. To them will be en- trusted the duty of maintaining pence, and of arresting such dis- turbers as are evident. 300 Americas Students. If these measures prove insuffi- cient, the autonomy of the univer- sity will be withdrawn temporarily and the police will be charged with maintaining order in the buildings. The Polish ambassador in Aus- tria went so far in his protest, it is learned, as to reserve the right to claim compensation from the Austrian government for Polish na- tionals attacked. The Nazi statistics on the num- ber of American students at the university, which the Nazis set at 120, are false. There are a total of 390 Arm ri- can students at the university of whom 200 are specializing in var- ious subjects. The Jews constitute approximately 50 per cent of the American body. The four Americana injured dur- ing the attacks prefer that their names be not divulged, particularly since the injuries are not serious. Stockton'. Assurances. A delegation of 25 American students, including non-Jews, rep- resenting the American student body at the University of Vienna visited the Americaa minister, G. B. Stockton, to lean whether it is advisable for them to return to the United States, in view of the anti-Semitic disturbances or wheth- er the American minister will as- sure American citizens of protec- tion. The American minister assured the delegation that the most far. reaching protection would be ac- corded. Ile advised the students to remain aloof from AuStrian pol- icies and to try to pursue their studies peaceably. If trouble re- curs, an American self-defense group should he organized, the min- ister said, and the students should immediately leave the university campus. The meeting with the Americ minister was followed by a stormy session where the delegation report- ed to the American student body the results of the interview. A section of the student body expressed dissatisfaction with the results of the interviews between the American minister and the Austrian government and educa- tional authorities, declaring that insufficient guarantees of peace had been given by the Austrian authori- ties. Jewish Community Protests. The praesidium of the Jewish community of Vienna had an audi- ence with minister of education, Dr. Anton Rintelen, to whom it presen- ITurn to Page Eight.) Union College Names Lippmann Chancellor SCHENECTADY.—(J.T.A.) —Walter Lippmann, prominent publicist, has been named Chancellor of Union College. Mr. Lippman is 43 years old, and is the youngest man to be named to this post at Union College as well as the first newspaper man to receive the appointment. TEMPLE RE-ELECTS ISRAEL HIMELHOCH Optimistic Spirit Evidenced at 28th Annual Meeting of Beth El. Preceded by a dinner served to several hundred by the Temple Sisterhood, the eighty-second an- nual meeting of Congregation ISRAEL HIMELHOCH Beth El took place in the Brown Memorial Chapel last Sunday evening. The reports submitted by the officers and rabbis of the congre- gation all breathed a highly op- timistic spirit and indicated that both financially and spiritually, Congregation Beth El today is in a most enviable condition. De- spite the pressure of times, the reports indicated not only a bal- anced budget for the coming year, but showed that the cash income of the congregation during the year just closed practically equalled the cash expenditures. This was accomplished by the ut- most economy on the part of the officers.and the co-operation. that was received from every group within the congregation. All-Jewish Chorus Choir. Although the actual income of the congregation during the past two years has decreased, not a single essential activity of the congregation has had to be cur- tailed, and it was shown in re- ports that a number of new phases of work have been undertaken and that all are going forward successively. Particular praise was given to the splendid all- Jewish chorus choir which, under the direction of George Galvani, has supplanted the former pro- fessional quartet. It is agreed on every side that never has the Temple music been of such a high order as it is today, permeated as it is by the Jewish spirit, every participant in the musical service being now a worshiper with the congregation itself. The appreciation of the officers and members was also expressed to the faculty of the Temple Re- ligious School, which for the time (rumlo Page Opposite Editorial) FRANKLIN WILL SPEAK ON ELECTION ISSUES Under the title, 'In the Valley of Decision," Dr. Leo M. Frank- lin will speak from the pulpit of Temple Beth El on Sunday morn- ing, Nov. 6. The address will be appropriate to the pre-election period and will deal with certain phases of national life. The services begin at 10:45 a. m. The choral choir, under the direction of George Galvani, will render the musical service. 2 000 Workers Assist Maurice Caplan In General Solicitations for Fund 1 Community Drive in Full Swing; Jewish Leaders Take Active Part in Important Fund Raising Effort; Open House at North End Clinic, - An impressive and interesting! spectacle of civic loyalty, public spirit and a willingness to serve the less fortunate people of the city was presented during the week in the money-raising cam• paign of the Community Fund. With the launching of the gen- eral campaign, Monday, more than 3000 men and women were con- tributing their time for the work of soliciting pledges to maintain the 80 social agencies which min- ister to the poor, crippled and otherwise needy of the metropoli- tan area. There were three sections of the year's campaign in operation, the industrial, office building and general division. While the drive of the special gifts section, which is to raise $2,100,000, is sched- uled to open Nov. 14, it was prac- tically launched at a preliminary luncheon Tuesday. 2,000 A aa i .. Caplan. Maurice J. Caplan, chairman of the general division, since Mon- day has been directing an inten- sive campaign with more than 2,000 workers. Prominent among his division chairmen is Mrs. S. R. Glogower. The effectiveness of the crew of which she is captain was manife1ted at the Monday THE LEGAL CHRONICLE luncheon when she announced pledges totaling $3,632 before the formal start of the canvass. The general campaign is cov- ering the city with five division organizations, one of which is de- voted to schools. air. Caplan an- nounces that the solicitation is going successfully, and he expects to be able to finish his job of raising $252,000 by Nov. 10, the day his work is scheduled to end. The industrial division, which was the first to start soliciting, has extended its campaign, which was to have ended a week ago, and no date is set for its closing because of the many small and large in- dustries which have been opening or hiring extra men during recent weeks. The office building drive has been going strong and its chair- man, Joseph P. Glaser, looks for an early cleanup of its quota of $102,000. Active Jewish Leaders. Many of the speakers and ar- tists who have been lending able assistance in the various drives are well known Jewish men and women. Judge Charles Rubiner delivered a radio address Tuesday night. Mrs. Joseph Ehrlich spoke (Turn to Page Eight) Political Scene: Dr. Wise Backs Thomas, Adler for Roosevelt, Warburg for Hoover Jews are to be found in every political camp, but the present na- tional campaign finds an unusually interesting division in sentiment. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, rabbi of the Free Syagogue of New York, is in the Socialist camp, supporting the candidacy of Norman Thomas for President. On the Democratic side are to be found many Jewish leaders, and among the men who just announced their support for Franklin D. Roosevelt is Dr. Cyrus Adler, pres- ident of the Jewish Theological Seminary of New York and of Dropsie College of Philadelphia and head of the American Jewish Committee. Among those who urge the re- election of ('resident Hoover is Unpopular With Jews, Denied Political Post LONDON.—(J. T. A.)—The failure of Sir John Hope Simp- son to secure the High Com- misionership of Danzig, in suc- cession to the late High Com- missioner, Gravina, is due to his unpopularity with the Jews, the Evening Standard reports. The paper states that Sir John's report on Palestine, as special investigator for the British government, has antag- onized the Jewish world. Since there are more Jews in Poland than in any other country at present, Sir John Simpson's ap- pointment failed to materialize. Sir John will return to China to continue his relief work. RUTTENBERG AGAIN CHOSEN BY J. N. F. HODS for Adjustment. The Jewish Agency points out that Jewish public opinion is once again experiencing the disappoint- ment which had been somewhat allayed by the letter of Prime Minister MacDonald to Dr. Chaim Weizmann, because the under- takings given in the letter which had a direct bearing upon the progress of Jewish work in Pales- tine were not implemented in such a way as to leave their mark upon the practice of the Palestine Ad- ministration." The communication expresses the hope that the matter will be adjusted in the near future and that a policy will be worked out which may be regarded as con- sonant with the assurances con• tamed on the subject in the Prime Minister's letter. At the same time, the communi- cation points out that the Coun- cil.of the Jewish Agency believes that the letter of ('rime Minister MacDonald to Dr. Weizmann "is not a complete statement of pol- icy and also contains reservations which afford grounds for appre- hension. In these respects the Council looks to His Majesty's Government to reach a satisfac- tory settlement with the Jewish Agency in the spirit of the Man- e e. Peiser and Wineman Chosen Members of Administra- tive Committee. CLEVELAND. — (.1. T. A.)— The National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, whose purpose it will be to de- velop standards and principles of effective community organization, was formally constituted here Sun- NELSON RUTTENBERG day at an all day session at Hotel _ • 11.' Statler. ■ Zionist parties and groups as the • William J. Shroder of Cincin- president of the Jewish National nati was elected president of the organization; vice - presidents Fund of America, the American named are Dr. Solomon Lowen- branch of the Keren Kayemeth stein of New York, executive di- Le Israel, world-wide Jewish fund rector of the Federation for the engaged in the redemption and Support of Jewish Philanthropic Societies, and Edward M. Baker reclamation of the soil of Pales- of Cleveland, member of the board tine as the property of the Jew- of the local charities; secretary, ish people, at the annual meeting Irwin Bettman of SL Louis; Eu- of the fund's board of directors, Buis for Negotiations. "The Council regards the letter (Turn to Pace Elev.) held last Thursday evening at as a basis for further negotiations Zionist Ileadquarters, 111 Fifth (Turn to Page Three). avenue. This will be Mr. Rotten- berg's second term as president of the popular Jewish fund, having first been elected to this office in October, 1931. An administrative committee of Polish Telegraphic AgencY 14 and a board of directors cf 48, Gives the Lie to comprising representatives of the Zionist Organization of America; Relief, Peace, Employment His Denial. — Mizrachi, the Orthodox Zionist Discussed by Central WARSAW.—(J. T. A.)—The Organization of America; Poole Conference. Polish Telegraphic Agency officially Zion-Zcire Zion, the Zionist So- confirmed that David A. Brown cialist labor party, and of the The opening sessions of the granted the interview which was Order Sons of Zion, were chosen published in the press of Poland at the annual meeting which was forty-third meeting of the Cen- by Mr. Ruttenberg. tral Conference of American which it serves. presided over The interview alluded to is the The other officers elected are: Rabbis, now in session in Cincinn• one which Mr. Brown denies having Solomon La m p o r t, treasurer; ati, 0., were marked by utterances granted in a cablegram sent from Louis Rimsky, associate treasurer; papers and discussion indicating Peiping to his paper in New York, Isaac II. Rubin, secretary. As a keen desire on the part of the the American Hebrew. members of the administrative assembled rabbis to come to grips The Warsaw office of the Jewish committee, the following were with the many pressing problems Telegraphic Agency emphatically elected: Samuel Bonchek, Meyer confronting Jewish life in Amer- denied that any member of its staff L. Brown, Ephraim Caplan, Miss ica and overseas. This was evi- Eudice Elkind, Samuel Fishman, dent especially in the dealing al- t had approached David A. Brown for an interview during his stay in Leib Glantz, Abraham Goldberg, most exclusively with practical Harry Karp, Rabbi I. Si. Kowal- problems in the message of the Warsaw. president, Rabbi Morris Newfield. Mr. Brown's allegations that he sky and Morris Margulies. had refused to grant any inter- The vote followed the accept- of Birmingham, Ala., on Wednes- views to the Jewish Telegraphic ance of the president's message in day night. Matters such as the Agency representatives is termed which it was reported that (hiring re endorsement of the work of a blatant untruth. the period between Oct. 1, 1931, the Joint Distribution committee and the Jewish Agency for Pales- to Oct. 1, 1932, the Jewish Na- Advises Brown to Protest to Pat. tional Fund of America has re- tine; the necessity of the Confer- consideration of the pro- NEW YORK.--(J. T. Al —The coved in small and larger contri- ence's posed World Jewish Congress; Federation of Polish Jews of Amer- butions a total of 4246,890.99. ica which had received from the This figure includes a gift of land b e t t e r understanding between American Hebrew the text of Mr. and buildings in Jerusalem, evalu- Jews and Christians; opposition to Brown 8 cable, communicated f the methods of missionaries seek- a sled at $60,000, presented to the ing to convert Jews to Christin- reply in which it questions A r. Jewish National Fund as a the pro- Brown's denial of the interview and p it R; consideration of the state of remarks on Mr. Browns sudden erty of the Jewish people by the the rabbinate, especially in the Palestine Lighthouse, an institu- publicity shyness. matter of unemployment and re- Sion for the blind in the IL ' lief, pensions, etc., all came in The communciation, signed by 7. I.and, created and maintained by Tygel executive director of the en organ ration of American Jew- for the consideration of the con- federation, advises Mr. Brown to ish women, headed by Mrs. Samuel ferenee its president. protest to the Polish Telegraphic Likewise, positive recommends- Agency if he was really misquoted. linos toward the promotion of in- "I have your letter of Oct. 24," ternational peace, towards the fur- says the communication, "in which therance of its program for social you communicate to us the cable- justice, in the form of specific gram you received from David A. recommendations from those two Brown .. You add that our organ- committees, placed the rabbis on ization instigated the attack with- out troubling to inquire into the au- At the annual business meeting record in these two important thenticity of the report upon which of the Michigan Conference of fields of practical religion. Stim- our protest is based. Social Work. Kurt Peiser, execu- ulating papers were followed by "Permit me to point out that it . tire director of the Jewish Wei- stirring discussions from the floor cannot be our concern whether Mr. fare Federation, was elected to on the important problem of the Brown was rightly or wrongly serve on the board for a period of relation of the synagogue to Jew- quoted. or whether he altogether' three years, his term ending in ish communal life, introduced to the conference by Rabbis Morde- gm the interview to the I °bah . 1936. cai M. Kaplan and Rabbi Sidney Telegraphic Agency. The fact that E. Goldstein, also of New York. the Polish Telegraphic Agency is- Dr. Leo M. Franklin of Detroit sued • statement and gave it wide , SERIES OF LECTURES publicity in the press of Poland—; STARTED IN WINDSOR reported for the Tract Commis- lion and for the committee on re- was harmful—this fact is indis-: A .series of Friday night lee- ligious work in the universities. putable. It seems to us that our ' tures commences at Congregation During his stay in Cincinnati, Dr. organization only fulfilled its duty Shear Hashomayim in Windsor Franklin also reported to the when it protested against the lud- ' Giles Boulevard and Goyeau. Alumni Association of Hebrew icrously miskading contents of the : street, this Friday evening. Can- Union College for the board of repo rt of the Polish Telegraphic tor Freiman and his choir will managers of the college. Agency, and if Mr. Brown is any- , o ffi c i ■ atee at E•doreed J. D. C., Agency. the services, which will ions to remedy whatever harm heel", at 8 p. rn . Reviewing the condition of the been done to Polish Jewry, he ■ Eastern and Central Eu- . Th e first lecture in the series Jews in Easte .,94.' a n d in Palestine, Rabb i New ' Polish Telegraphic Xgency and it ; I will be delivered by Rabbi Harold r field drew the attention of the Rosenthal of Detroit, who will is his duty to have the Polish Tel.- i ,peak on Nov. 4 on "The Clash of I rabbis and of the American Jew. (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) I Classes in Jewish Life." (Turn to Page Three). BROWN INTERVIEW CALLED AUTHENTIC PROBLEMS VIEWED BY REFORM RABBIS PEISER ON BOARD OF STATE SOCIAL WORK CONFERENCE Per Year, $3.00; Per Copy, 10 Cents — ' OPTIMISTIC REPORT Sachar, Gutstadt STATE ZIONIST CONFERENCE LAUNCHES Speakers EFFORTS FOR PALESTINE'S UPBUILDING OF JEWISH EFFORT Peiser Jubilee and Finsterwald To Pisgah Rally IN MANY COMMUNITIES IN MICHIGAN ISSUED BY AGENCY Address Monday Evening. Felix M. Warburg, noted leader and philanthropist; James Marshall, son of the late Louis Marshall; Mrs. liebecca Kohut and others. Of particular interest for Jews Palestine Development Is in the election next Tuesday is the Shown in Memo to Man- contest which will decide the po- dates Commission. litical fates of the following out- standing Jews: In New York, Herbert Si. Leh- DISSATISFIED WITH man is candidate for Governor on ENGLAND'S POLICIES the Democratic ticket and George Z. Medalie is candidate for United States Senator on the Republican Criticize Land Legislation t ic ket. and Immigration In Illinois, Judge Henry Horner Rulings. is candidate for Governor on the Democratic ticket . LONDON.— (J. T. A.) — Dis- In Ohio, Gilbert Beaman is the Republican candidate for United satisfaction with British policy in connection with land legislation, States Senator. immigration, protection of public security; employment of Jews in public works in Palestine and on the police force; and government contributions to education and health work are expressed by the Jewish Agency for Palestine in a communication addressed to the Palestine High Commissioner. $246,890 Reported Raised The communication,accompanies for Fund in U. S. in a memorandum on Palestine de- Past Year. velopment prepared by the Jewish Agency which the High Commis- NEW YORK. — Nelson flatten- sioner, Sir Arthur Grenfell Wan- chope, will submit to the Mandates berg, Zionist leader and Deputy Police Commissioner of the City Commission of the League of Na- of New York, was the unanimous tions which convenes in Geneva choice of representatives of all on Wednesday. The communication is signed by Nahum Sokolow, as president of the Jewish Agency. SHRODER HEAD OF WELFARE COUNCIL - - The committee on arrangements for the diamond jubilee celebra- tion of Pisgah Lodge No. 34 of B'nai B'rith reports that the pro- gram commemorating this mo- mentous occasion has been defin- itely arranged. All events will be held at the Hotel Stotler on Sun- day, Nov. 20. The principal event of the day will be the banquet at 6:30 p. m., in the ballroom of Hotel Stotler. Dr. Abram Sachar of Champaign, Illinois, director of the Billet Foundation at the University of Illinois, will be the speaker of the evening. Franklin the Toastmaster. Dr. Leo M. Franklin, rabbi of Temple Beth El, will be the toast- master of the evening. Brief ad- dresses will be given by leading officers of t h e Constitutional Grand Lodge and District Grand Lodge No. 6, as well as prominent city and state officials. During the dinner hour the Chord of Judea Symphony Orchestra will render several selections. Follow- ing the banquet and speakers' pro- gram, there will be dancing to the tunes of one of Detroit's most popular dance orchestras. In the afternoon, starting at 2:30, there will be an initiation of new members, and the principal address will be delivered by Rich- ard E. Gutstadt of Cincinnati, director of special activities for the Constitutional Grand Lodge. Mr. Gutstadt has the reputation of being one of the silvery-tongued orators within the ranks of B'nai B'rithdom. Before coming to Cin- cinnati Mr. Gutstadt was presi- dent of District Grand Lodge No. 4, with headquarters in San Fran- cisco. Memorial Service. The new candidates who com- prise the Milford Stern Memorial Class will be initiated with the impressive B'nai B'rith ritual by Pisgah Lodge's degree team, corn- Itnising Elias Goldberg, Aaron Rosenberg, Harold Silverstein, Max Edwards, Joseph L. Staub and Harry Yudkoff. Following the initiatory pro- gram there will be a brief mem- orial service in honor of the mem- ory of. IlloSe.Who, during the past 75 years, made it possible for Pis- gah Lodge to survive. Many reservations have already been received for the banquet and dance in the evening. Ben F. Goldman, chairman of committee on arrangements, states that res- ervation cards have been mailed to all members and they should be returned promptly as the seat- ing capacity of the Stotler ball- room is limited and reservations will be declined when the banquet hall is comfortably filled. For further information or reserva- tions phone Mr. Goldman at Gar- field 0736-W or write to 2466 West Philadelphia. Next Monday night, Nov. 7, Pisgah I.odge No. 34 of B'nai B'rith will hold a big rally at its lodge rooms in the Maccebt•e Building. Nathan D. Metzger, president, urges members and friends to be present at this meet- (ram to Page OPDC6it46 Editorial) NIEBUHR TO SPEAK AT COUNCIL RALLY Noted Liberal Will Speak on "How Will the Fallen Giant Rise?" Because of the prominence he has achieved as one of the outstand- ing thinkers and leaders in the lib- eral movements of the day, Dr. Accepts $50,000 Quota for American Palestine Campaign and Resolves To Enroll 2,000 Members in Zionist Organization of America. SIMON SHETZER ELECTED PRESIDENT OF STATE MOVEMENT; ROTHENBERG INSPIRES CONCLAVE National President Asks for State's Support in His Efforts; National Fund Celebration, at Conclusion of Con- vention, Draws Large, Enthusiastic Gathering. Unusual enthusiasm, reminiscent of the days when the Balfour Declaration was first issued and when the San Remo decision was reached by the League of Nations, was in evidence at the Michigan State Zionist Conference on Sunday, Oct. 30, at Hotel Statler. Inspired by national leaders in addresses during the day's sessions, the delegates at the conference decided to accept a quota of $50,000 for the state for the American Palestine Campaign. It is planned, by a concerted effort in com- munities throughout the state, to raise this sum during the year 1932-33. Another resolution pledged the state organization to a quota of 2,000 members in the Zionist Organization of America from the state of Michigan. Simon Shetzer Elected President. Simon Shetzer, who presided at the sessions of the conference, was elected president of the newly- ,' formed state organization. Rabbi Zionist Conference S. Z. Fineman of Flint, Rabbi Jer- Resolution, Leaders ome D. Folkman of Jackson and Thanks the Chronicle Louis Rabinoff of Grand Rapids were elected state vice-presidents. Mrs. Albert Feldstein of Detroit Mr. Philip Slomovitz, Editor was chosen secretary-treasurer. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle, The state executive committee 525 Woodward avenue, will include two representatives Detroit, Michigan. from each Michigan city. Commun- ities which have thus' far chosen My dear Sir. Slomovitz: their representatives on their ex- At the closing session of the ecutive, and the persons chosen, Michigan State Zionist Confer- are: ence, Sunday, Oct. 30, the follow- Grand Rapids: Nathan Winer ing resolution was adopted by and II. Pious. acclamation: Pontiac: A. L. Boor and M. "The Michigan State Zionist Meyer. Jackson: Sam Goldfarb and Dr. Conference, recognizing the in- valuable assistance rendered by J. Feinberg. Midwest Executive Meets. The Detroit Jewish Chronicle in The official conference sessions publicizing the conference were preceded by a meeting of the through its editorial column and news columns and more particu- executive committee of the Midwest Zionist Region, Saturday evening. larly in the thoughtfulness and Max Shulman, president of the re- generosity evidenced in the pre- gion, presided, and the report on paration and publication of a ape- cial State Zionist Conference edi- activities for the past three months tion for the occasion, records its was submitted by Meyer W. Weis- deep appreciation to The Detroit gal, executive director. Continuing its sessions on Sun- Jewish Chronicle, its editor, Mr. Philip Slomovitz, and its business day, the Midwest executive decided, to continue its efforts on the basis manager, Mr. J. II. Schakne." You will be interested in know- of a federation of state organiza- ing, too, that Mr. Meyer W. Weis- tions, activities to Include efforts gal, executive director of the Slid- in behalf of the American Pales- west Zionist Region, the writer, tine Campaign. Members of the executive com- Rabbi Jerome I). Folkman of mittee of the Zionist Organization Jackson, and others took the op- portunity publicly to acknowledge of Detroit held a joint meeting with our indebtedness to The Chron- the Midwest executive, and the icle. You have in this instance group of 50 was entertained at a as on numerous other occasions reception at the home of Mr. and demonstrated a splendid public Mrs. Isaac Shetzer, 2071 Longfel- spirit and a deep sense of respon- low. siveness to a vital Jewish effort. The First Session The writer is personally grate- Simon Shetzer was elected chair- ful to you for your many cour- man of the conference, the other tesies. With kindest regards, officers being: Max Subar of Grand Sincerely yours, Rapids, secretary; Mrs. Louis Leb- SIMON SIIETZER, ster of Flint and Theodore Levin of President Michigan State Zionist Detroit, vice-chairman. Organization. Addresses at the morning ses- sions were delivered by Joseph If. Ehrlich, president of the Zionist Organization of Detroit; Mrs. Da- vid Diamond, president of local Ha- dassah; Miss Charlotte Lev, presi- TORONTO.—(J. T. A.)—A bud- dent of local Junior Hadassah; get of $60,000 was adopted by the Leon Kay, president of the Detroit Women's Pioneer Organization for Jewish National Fund; Jacob M. Palestine at its convention here. Braude, president of the Zionist The convention endorsed the Organization of Chicago. Chalutzim movement in the United Greetings to the conference at States and demanded a larger ap- this session were read from Mayor propriation of certificates for Frank Murphy, Governor Wilbur Chalutzim. M. Brucker, Ossip Gabrilowitseh Another resolution scored "the and Fred M. Butzel, who wrote unjust attitude of the Revisionists from Des Moines, Ia., that he re- in Palestine to organized labor." gretted his inability to attend the A speaker at the sessions was sessions. Golda Meyerson, Palestine repre- National Fund Luncheon. sentative of the Histadruth, Pales- The Jewish National Fund forum tine Labor Federation, who charged luncheon, presided over by Leon the Revisionists with seeking to Kay, was addressed by Philip undermine the Histadruth. Slomovitz, II. Steinberg of Chicago, At the convention mass meeting, Morris Rothenberg, president of the Emma Lazaroff Scheyer of Detroit Zionist Organization of America; was the featured artist who sang Mrs. Lebster, Mr. Subar, Sir. Ehr- .1 group of Palestinian and other songs. (Turn to Page Opposite Editorial) CHALUTZOS ADOPT BUDGET OF $60,000 Complete Program for United Hebrew Schools' Graduation Next Wednesday Numerous Interesting Features Planned for the Occasion, With Pupils as Well as Communal Leaders Participating; Peiser, Marwil To Speak. Or DR. REINHOLD NIEBUHR The tenth graduation exercises of the United Hebrew Schools will be held Wednesday evening, Nov. 9, at the Philadelphia-Byron auditor- ium. The program will commence pre mptly at 8:30 o'clock with the processional by the graduates. Ber- nard Isaacs, superintendent of the schools, will open the exercises by introducing the chairman of the evening, the president of the class, Meyer Danzig. Immediately following the in- troductory remarks of the class president, the echoed chorus will render several Hebrew selections. Then • resume of the study of the Bible in Hebrew and in English will be given by the following chil- dren: Mordecai Borah!, Jacob Jacobs, Renee Davis, Gershon lied- rich, Morris Trager, Hyman Mold- awsky, Joseph Epel, David Reis- man, Mary Berlinsky, Bertha Cohen, Joseph Hamburger, Norman Broder, Louis Lipsitx, Charles Mon, Ben Turkin and Jacob Ro- sengarten. This resume will be prefaced in Hebrew and English by Herbert Fortgang and Myron Dushkin. Reinhold Niebuhr was chosen as the speaker with which the Detroit Section, National Council of Jewish Women, is reviving its former cus- tom of presenting one evening meeting during the year to whirs• the members are privileged to in- vite gentlemen of their households. lie will speak on "How Will the Fallen Giants Rise?" at Temple Beth El, Monday evening, Nov. 7, at 8:15 o'clock. Mrs. A. J. Levin, chairman of the program commit- tee. will introduce the speaker. Dr. Niebuhr is professor of eth- ics at the Union Theological Semi- nary at New York, and is en edi- tor of "Christian Century" and "The World Tomorrow," and a fre- quent contributor to the Atlantic Monthly. Ile to the author of many widely read books and is deeply in- terested in all civic and humanitar- ian movements. Candle-Lightieg Ceremony. An admisison fee of 25 cents The traditional ceremony of will be charged to unafflilisted lighting the candle will then take guests who wish to attend. place. The light of the candle is symbolic of the light kindled by the Torah and the candle, having teen guarded and preserved by the graduating class, will be turned over to the next class which is to keep it and cherish it until the time comes to turn it over to the suc- ceeding class. The ceremony will be carried out by Miriam Rivlin and Robert Braun, The recipients of the candle will be Kolman 'Whit- man of the Philadelphia-Byron School, and Etchonon Ross of the Tuxedo School, representing the 1933 graduating classes. The songs will follow this cere- mony. The singing will be con- ducted by David Shkolnick, well known local musical director who is devoting to preparing the chorus properly for this occasion. The Valedictorians. The valedictorians are Silvia Radin who will speak in Hebrew and Sam Fortner, who will talk in English: "What did the Hebrew School Give For Me'" • by Moll* Rifkin and Mandell Berman• sad "The Place of Palestine In thi's Her brew School." Brief addressee will be delivered. by Robert K. Moroi], preeldeat ad the school., and Kurt Nisei', di- rW.d. of the Jewish Welfare Fed erAti , n. airs. M. H. Eack.belse„ (Turn to Page Ekabg.)