PAGE NINE itit 7iIBI9LTROTIJEWIMI C_T06113 rind THE LEGAL CHRONICLE I. Yet, tory dot re- . the of her eh ful- 1 power self to ements In the • ncient lance :ent. — The Italy, pm a or- unday I as a prac- which ervice indus- ns of nigh -More miss- ebrew id So- 0 first year. 'oland, .,atvia, • and on of- tattles Its. In its et- a and JUDGE GORDON STANDS Executive Council Confirms UPON AN ABLE RECORD Lewis Goldberg as Justice of Superior Court. In addition to the contests for state and county offices which will be decided Sept. 13, there will be one election on a city ticket. This solo performance has ref* erence to the Recorder's Court, to which Judge Arthur E. Gordon, for many years justice of the peace and judge of the Common Pleas Court, was vppointed by Governor Brucker a year ago, af- ter Juclge Arthur W. Kilpatrick resigned to take a place on the Circuit Court. Judge Gordon has an enviable reputation as a fair-minded, ca- pable judge, never discriminating for or against any person, and a capacity for work which has at- tracted attention. Ile handled more cases in Common Pleas and Justice Courts than any other judge now living, totaling more than 350,000 in 13 years. This was possible only because he never left the courtroom until every case assigned to him had been disposed of, Your Confidence He D VOTE FOR — BOSTON.—(J. T. A.)—The Ex- ecutive Council of the State of Massachusetts unanimously con- firmed the appointment of Lewis Goldberg as justice of the Superior Court of Massachusetts. Mr. Goldberg, a former mem- ber of the Massachusetts depart- ment of public utilities and promi- nent in Jewish affairs, was nomi- nated for the post by Governor Joseph B. Ely on Aug. 1. Justice Goldberg, who was horn in Russia, received his education at Ilarvard College and at Harvard Law School. Ile is prominently identified with Jewish and civic activities. From 1915 to 1921 he was as- sistant United States attorney for Massachusetts, and from 1921 to 1926 assistant attorney general of Massachusetts. For a period he served as commissioner of the de- partment of public utilities. Justice Goldberg is associated with the Zionist Organization of America, the American Jewish Committee, the Menorah Society an dthe Big Brother movement. Ile was the first president of the Jewish Bib Brother Association of j Boston, serving three terms and is a trustee of the Boston Federated Jewish Charities. He is a director of the Boston Y. M. H. A.-Y. W. A. and of the Big Brother and Big Sister Federation, Inc. Ile is a member of the Kehillath Israel Congregation of Brookline. LEGAL NOTICE SECTION TIIEbaROITIEWISI- 1 efRONIGLE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE A Way.. County Loral Notice Publication. SAMUEL STERNBERG, Manager of Legal Department 525 Woodward Ammo NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS Cadillac 1040 I Melcolni McMillen, Attorney, 1305 Dime Rank Bldg. 595225 STA'IE OF MICHIGAN. County of I wags., so—Suit penitnA liceotu7 go::: bytue. Gold.. F. Le Geo, plaintiff, v. Frank A, Klemm, and Ethel Stumpy. hi. wife. , Issued sod re- defendants. Sommer. turned that defendants cannot be found, It et•oetring by affidavit, that said de- fends Its reside in this state •nd that proems for their •ppearance has been duly msued and the same could not he served hy reegon of their absence from this -tate, or their concealment within this 'tub. •1oEur their continued ab- tence from their place of residence. It Is ordered that the gaid defendants ap- pear St the Courtroom of the under. short. Wayne County Building, Detroit, Mich:can at ten o'clock A. M. on the fourth II.y of October, 1932, •nd defend the complaint filed in thia suit or Judg- ment will be entered by default. sod that this order be terved or published as re- quired by ttatule. The foregoing suit invokes title to: Lot numbered It, Heller Datum', Subdivision of the West 195 feet of Private Claim 174. North of Gratel River. Detroit, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 21, page 53 of Plats, W•yne County Record., or ill of property comnionly known as No. 5615.0622 Missouri avenue, Detro It, Michigan. Dated: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 30, 1931. ROBERT E. SAGE, Circuit Court Comm...nen , 189205 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, sc—At • mission of the Probate said County of Wayne. held Court for at the Probate Courtroom in the City of Detroit. on the twenty-ninth day of Au- gust in the year one thousand nine hum- dred sod thirty•two. Present: Edward Command, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of CHARLES FISK, deceased. Carl R. Hostler., epee. ad. ministrator of Raid estate having ren- dered to this Court his final mcount. It to ordered, that the fourth day of Octo- ber, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at said Courtroom be appointed for ex• mining sod allowing .61 account. And it is Nether ordered. that a copy of this order be published three ...eve weeks previous to .61 time of hearing in the all Jewish Chronicle and 'the Leg Leal D Chronicle. • newspaper printed and rir• culatiou in sigid County of W•yne EDWARD COMMAND. Judge ot Probate. THEODORE J. BROWN, Deputy Probate Register. vok wen.* City of Detroit. County of by restos of the non-paymeot of the in• Wayne. Michigan. ot.imente of the principal owl Interest due thereunder. and you honey McClurey are hereby further notified that the said Donald Kaufmann elecb to declare and dov. hereby dec.. saki contract for. felted. and you, Barney McCiorey, are hereby further notified to yield, soy' render end deliver up poesession of aaid premises in mid land contrect mentioned and of which you are now t:,posse.sion under •nel by virtu. of the terms thereof. Sled premises are described in said land contract Os follows, via.: All that eer- ie. piece or parcel of land being situ- ated Ci the City of Detroit. Wayne county, Michigan. and more particularly known and described an lot 169, Me- Gregor's ;dui:division of lot 3, 4, 5, 12 and part of lots 2, 6 and II. 14 Section XI, 10.000 Acre Tract, anon ding to the plat thereof 55 recorded in the office of the Register of Deed, W•yne County Records, in fiber 50, page 39 of Plat, taid premise§ being eituated on the South side of Virginia Park, between 'twelfth .0,1 Fourteenth •ve... •n known house numbers 1959 and 1993. Y... further notified that from and aft. thio dote you will be liable to the said vendors for double damages which Obey may suffer by reason of your .• copeney of .1,1 premix. order and by virtue of the provisions of Section 14956 of the Compiled Laws of the State of Michian for the ye. 1929. Dated: Detroit. Mich Aug 25, 1951. DONALD KAUFMANN, Ily JOEL W. JOSEPHSON, His authorised agent and attoroer• nd 11111 ARTHUR E. GORDON Judge Recorder's Court "EMINENTLY QUALIFIED." —AARON KURLAND :re HEAR Edward N. LEE Democratic Candidate for CONGRESS 13th DISTRICT Detroit Wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and all of Highland Park. over Altman Jewish Radio Hour THIS SUNDAY ri of kes Mr. Lee is endorsed by some members of Em1nuel Taylor Synagogue. TATE [AIR S And fXPOSITION DETROIT EN have here the e do t no .bat-, ■ gree SEPT.4/10 7DAYS 7NIGHTS OF COURSE you're coming to the State Fair...Start to make your e to it is plans NOW ...These.. s o many spoetacular features you eon never crowd them into*. day ... Plan to •prod Dot ONE day but SENrERILI I. 8413 jog em ■ IMIO " Admission Reducedto 45 4 ii Hews Shows MWwey Shows Newt, Gamiest Piga mod do Cantos' Livestock Show rood Ealdbite Gegen Rodeo 4- John G. Rernanoff, Attorney, 1227 Bar- ium Tower. 209218 STATE OF MICHIGAN, In the Circuit Court for thy County of Wayne. In Chan• eery.—Viola Woods, plaintiff, vs. Thom. F. Woods. defendant. Al • tette. of Mad Court. held at the Courthouse in the City of Detroit, In saki County, on the temnay-fourtk day of August. A D. 1932. Present: Hon. A. W. Kilpatrick, Circuit Judge. ftatlefactory proof by affi- davit showing that said defendant does not reside in this State but hie preswt *hereabouts is unknown, that his lest known residence was 64 Sibley avenue, Detroit, Michigan. It la ordered that the said defendant enter his appearance in said cause on Sr before three months from the date of this order, or the bill of complaint may be taken as confessed; that • copy of this order be served upon the defendant, penionally or by registered mail as required by low; and that said order be publi,hed es required by law in the Detroit Jewish Chroniele. A. W. KILPATRICK, Circuit Judge. (A tr....) WILLIAM F. MARSH. Deputy Clerk, STATE OF DRIll'ItAN. County of Wayne, pending bets. lion. liarry B. Letter. attorney •nd co.- Robert E. Sage, • Circuit Court Corn- sellor-at•law, announces the removal of missioner for ttid county, between his law offices front 11101 Oakland •ve- nue to 3404 Ilarlone Tower. Phone Cadti- returneil that defendant cannot be found. lac 0105. I t appearing by elidavit, that it cannot 149908 he •sc.tained in what state or countrY FIRST INSERTION STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countyof the defendant resides. It it ordered that Wayne. pa—At • session of the Probate the steid defend•nt •ppear •t the Court- Court for said County of W•yne, held 198870 room of the undereigned. Wayne CountY It the l'robate Courtroom in the City of STATE OF MICHIGAN, Count,' of Building. Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock Detroit. on the thirtieth day of Auto., Wayne, eg—Suit pending before Hon. A. 51. on the fourth day of October, 1932, in the year one thou.nd nine hundred Henry G. Nicol, a Cireuit Court Con, end defend the complaint filed in this Harold E. Schlesinger, Agent, 1674 and thirty-two. l'resent. 6.ilw•rd don, mi.ioner for said county. between ton or judgment will be entered by de. National Bank Bidg. mend. Judge of Probate. In the matter Alexander' Lasser, plaintiff, sm. Float. fault, and that this order be served or 2521110 of the est.. of NELLIE NEIPP, de. Treeing. and Apolonia Treeing., defen- publithed •s required by statute. The STATE OF kfICIIIGAN. County of The final account Herman M. ebtabd. dants. Summons issued and returned foregoing suit involves title to; Land in Wayne, se-Suit pending before 11011. Neipp, deceased. having been rendered to Shut defendant Fheuttin Treeing'. can- the Tonne/h. of Ifitintramck, County of Nicol, • Circuit Court Com• this court by Ph•la Moody, administratrix Loosen • Giles, Attorney., 3433 Bwium Henry O. not be found, it appearing by •ffidavit, W•yne, Michigan. to-wit. Lot numbered between mlasioner fur sald County. with the will annexed of the estate) of Tower. that said defendant F'austin Trecineki 269, Seven Oaks Subdivision of the Aaron Kurland, Attorney, 1663 Pena,- Henn. M. Neil., decested, and a pee. Harold R. Schlesinger, plaintiff, Os. Ray- FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. rexides in this state end that process for West 6. of the East be of the South- mot Bldg. Don having been filed therewith praying —To ARTHUR J. BANACKY, CARL N. mond Chatneld and Fr.c. L Chatfield. hit appearance hag been duly issued and west 4 of Section 5, Town I, S.. R. 12 295481 that the residue of said ettate be as- liANACKY AND HAROLD C. BANACKY, defendant.. Summons Issued and re• the seine could not be served by reason East, according to the plat thereof re- STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of to the persons entitled thereto. as keeutors of the estate of Matilda turned that defendants cannot be found, of his eoncealment within this state. corded in Liber 56, page 9 of Plats, Wayne, sc—Suit pending before Hon. signed It is ordered that the fourth day of Octo- Banacky and as heirs-at-law thereof. You It •ffimarIng by affidavit, that sold def.. and/or his continued absence from his Wayne County Records. Henry 0. Nicol. • Circuit Court Corn in the fore- Arthur J. Ilanacky, Carl M. 11..1. and dant. retitle in this state and that pro. mIssioner for said county, between ber. next, Si ten o'clock VI ace of realdence. It Is ordered that the Dated: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 30, 1932. noon at said Courtroom he appointed for Harold C. Itanseky, executor. of the ens for their appearance has been duly said defendant appear at the Courtroom B... Goldberg, Plentiff. YE Hew , ROBERT E. SAGE, Thome. and Ruth Thomas, defendant.. exemining sod allowing cold account and estate of Matilda Dantey and as heirs- Issued and the same could not he .rved of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne County Build- Circuit Court Comminsioner. Summons issued •nd returned that de- hearing said petition. And it is further at-lsw thereof. are hereby notified that by reason of their concealment within ing. Detroit, Michigan. at ten o'clock A. fendants cannot be found. It appearing ordered, that • copy of this order be • certain land contract bearing date of this rtate, snd/or their continued mbsence M. on the sixth day of October, 1992, 29808 by •ffidavit. that said defendants reede published three successive weeks prev• the sixteenth d•y of November, 1926, by from their place of residence. It is end defend the complaint filed in this STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of in thte state •nd that process for their km to said time of hearing in the De- and between Aim J. Steger and Violet N. ordered that the said defend.. appear suit or judgment will be entered by de- Chronicle and The 1..1 Skew. his wife, and by mew. of a.... at the Courtroom of Ilenry Si. Nicol, limit. and that this order be terved W•yne, sc—Rult pending before Hon. appearance has been duly issued anti the trolt Jewish W•yne County Building, Detroit, Weld- or published as required by statute. The Henry G. Nicol. a Circuit Court Com- same eould not b• served by reason of Chronicle, • newspaper printed and cir- manta conveyed to Violet M. Preston of County. between their concealment within thi• elate, culating in said County of Wayne. for said the first part, sod Matilda of gag at ten o'clock A. M. on the twenty• foregoing suit involve, title to: Lot turn. o...loner EDWARD COMMAND, the ...end part. Is in default, by reason of ninth day of September. 1932, and de• bered 31 in Block 7 of Mechanic's Perk Clara Marie Mingay, plaintiff. vs. George and or their continued absence from their Judge of Probs.. the nognayment of the installments of the fend the complaint filed in thia suit or being John M. Dwyer'. Subdivision of Moos, defendant. Summons issued and Piece of residence It is ordered that the by default, and THEODORE J. BROWN, principal and interest duo thereunder, and judgment will be entered Curt of Fractional Section 17. and Frac- returned that defendant cannot he found, said defend... appear at the Courtroom Deputy Probate Register. you Arthur J., Carl M.. nod Herold C. that this order be served or published tional Section 18, T. I. S.. R. 12. East, it appearing by affidavit, that said ele• of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne County Build• required by .tetute, 'The foregoing fendant resides in this state •nd that are hereby further wording to the recorded eat thereof in Banacky, as if ing. Detroit, Michigan. at ten o'clock A. suit involve. title to: Lot numbered 811, process for hi. appearance hut been duly M. on the fifth day of October, 1951, Liber 26. tore 1 of Plats, Wayne County Lew. B. Motels, Attorney, 2914 Union notified that the said Violet M. Preston II. E. Taylor's queensboro Subdivision elects to declare and does hereby de- Records. known as house No. 15640 issued and the same could not be served and defend the complaint filed in this Gwadlan Bldg. by reason of his concealment within this suit or judgment will be entered by de- clare mid contract forfeited, •nd you, of the Katt 44 of the Smith.. yi t of Ryan •venue, Detroit, Michigan. 198888 Section 53 Town 1 South, Range 11 kgot, state, and/or hit continued absence from hold and that this order be served or Dated: Detroit. Mich., Sept. I, 1932. STATE OF MICHIGAN, In the Circuit Arthur J., Carl M., •nd Harold C. 'ten- GEORGE T. MURPHY, for Henry 0. Nicol, his place of residence. It it ordered that Pubikhed as required by statute. The Court for the County of Wayne. In Chan- acity. es aforemid, are hereby further according to the plat thereof recorded In the maid defendant appear at the Court- foregoing suit involves title to: Lot num , cery.—Brifors Commercial 11 Development notified to yield, ...o der and deliver Liken 86, page 26 of Inats. Also known Circuit Court Commissioner. room of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne County bered 112 of Dogeland Subdivision. Also Company, • Michigan Corporation. plain- OS po eeeee of mid premises in sold as 9117 Meyers avenue, City of Detroit, Building Detroit. Michigan, •t ten o'clock h s000s. 18150 Norwood avenue, City tiff, vs. Edwin E. Johnson •nd Esther A. land contract mentioned and of which County of Wren., *, Mk.... Humaneness and tolerance Dated: Detroit, Niels., Aug. 25, 1032. A. M. on the fifth day of October, 1051, of Detroit, County of Wayne, Michigan. Johnson, defendant.. At • session of you are now in posteasion under and 292619 toward all races and creeds are GEOID*/ T. MURPHY, for Henry O. Nicol, STATE OF MICIDGAN, County of and defend the complaint filed in this Dated: Detroit, Nick., Aug. 31, 1952. said Court held in the Courthouse in the by virtue of the terms thereof. Said Circuit Court Commlseoner. declared to be outstanding char- Wayne, se—Suit pending before Hon. suit or Judgment will be entered by de- GEORGE T. MURPHY, for Henry G. Nicol, City of Detroit. C000t7 of Wert. • premimot •re described in mid land eon- Circuit Court Commissioner. E. Sage, • Circuit Court Com- fieult, and that this order be served or State of Michigan, this thirty-first day Meet w follows, vie 1 All that certain acteristics of Thomas C. Wilcox, Robert 297708 missioner for said Coonty, between published as required by statute. The of August, A. I/ I' resent'. 11,n piece or parcel of land being situated in former Detroit police commis- Jacob H. Scheline end Libbie Scbakne. foregoing suit involves title to: Lot STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of the City of Detroit, Wsyne County, Mich. I. W. J•yne, Circuit Judge. It me.- 120, Aber.. Subdivision of the R. Trust D. P Bldg. • Agent, 600 Guaranty tog to thie Court by •ffidavit on file igen, .d more particularly known and Mayne, se — Suit rItIld1/14 before Hon. sioner and Democratic candidate his wife, plaintiffs, v., Orb o Rice and numbered Henry G. Nicol. • Circuit Court Con, 15, and Easterly 30 feet of the Westerly Cora Rice, his wife, defendants. Sum- that the defendants, Edwin E. Johnson described as No. 17157 Barlow street. nestioner county, between for Sheriff of Wayne County. for said 198474 mons itsued and returned that defendants ell that part of lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6, and Egther A. Johnson. are not residents Beginning •t a point on the Southetst m. Alfred STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of of the state of Michig.n, but reside •t corner of lot numbered Ofty-eight (18) Ralph Weisman, Appointment of assistants and cannot be found, it appearing by affidavit, Subdivision of the Easterly 1/2; all of Payne and Anna Payne, defendants. Sum- geld defendants reeide in this state Priv•t• Claim 725 and lying between Wayne, as.—Suit pending before Hon. 2157 Second avenue. Minneapolis, Min• :Decker Ball Subdivide. thence Northerly treatment of prisoners without re- that mons Wooed and returns,' that defendant. and that pro.. for the...trance has Jefferson and Meek •venues, according Henry G. Nicol. • Circuit Court Cot, nesota. It is ordered that the said de- along the Eatterly line of •aid lot forty cannot be found, it appearing by affidavit. gard to religion or color are been duly istued •nd the same could not to the plat thereof recorded in the Regis- missioner for maid county, between fendants enter their appearance in Paid feet (40) to a point; thence Westerly that Wei defendante reside in this .151. II. Lem.. plaintiff, vs. Alice among the pledges in the platform be served by reason of their conceal- ter of Deeds office for Wayne County, Men. cause on or before twenty days from the parallel with the Southerly line of sald ment within this state, and/or their Michigan, in Lib. IX. page 83 of Plats, R. Burn, defendant. Summons issued date of this order, or the said bill of lot one hundred twenty-nine sod fifty enot that proem. for their appeerance has been duly issued and the mine could of Mr. Wilcox, who will bring to continued absence from their place of said premites also better known'. 1155- and returned that defendant ceinnot be complaint. will be taken is cent..., one hundredth, 019.60) feet to • point not be d by reason of their con- the office of Sheriff 30 years of esid nee It is ordered that the said 2100 Garland •ventse, Detroit, Michigan, found. It appearing by afndavit, that • nd that the said order he published sr on the Westerly line of lot swenty•three cealment within this state, and/or their said defendant retides in this state and Dated: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 5 I, 1932. appear at the Courtroorn of Waltham Subdivision contiwed abmnee from their place of required by law, and a copy sent to the (75) Lswrenec experience as a police executive defend•nts that rm..* for her appearance has been the undersigned, Wayne County Building. GEORGE T. MURPHY, for Henry G. Nicol, number one (11 thence Southerly along residence. It I. ordered that the said de. duly issued and the tame could not be last known address of the defendant in the municipal and federal Detroit, Michigan, it ten o'clock A. M. Circuit Court Committioner. the Westerly line of said lots @emote- fend.. &war at the Courtroom of by registered mail. served by reason of her Oconcealment on the sixth day of October, 1932, and branches of the government. three 1736 and flfty-eight (6e), forte Henry G. Nicol, Way. County Building I. W. JAYNE, within this state, •nd/or her continued the complaint filed in thit suit feet 140) to the Southwest corner of said Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock A M. Circuit Judge. 291683 Active in Mr. Wilcox's support defend ebsence from her place of residence. 11 IA true ropy.) or judgment will be entered by default, lot Site-eight (58) Sleeker Hell Sob. on the twenty-ninth day of September, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Is ordered that the said defendent ap- M. S. DONOVAN, Deputy Clerk. in this campaign are leading men and that this order be terved or pub- Wsyne, thence Easterly along the Southerly line 11531, and defend the complaint filed in pending before Hon. pear at the Courtroom of Henry G. Nicol, as required by sta u e. The fore. Robert E, Sage, • Circuit Court Com• of said lot one hundred twenty-nine •nil this suit or judgment will be entered be and women of all creeds and from lished Wayne County Building. Detroit. Michi- Harry E. Barnard, Attorney, 1033 Dime going suit involves title to: Lot numbered fifty one hundredths feet (129.6f. to the defeult, and thet thin order be eery. all walks of life, a few of whom 255 of the Edwin Lodge Subdivision of it...nee for said County, bew.n gan, at ten A. U. on the fifth day of Bank Bldg. Detrol‘ Wayne place of beginning. Roland L. Beate end Genevieve Brute, or publish.' as required by elate. The 1932, and defend the complaint NOTICE, OF FORECLOSURE SALE.— County, Michigan, Recorded Feb. 29, include the following prominent part of Private Claim 120, North of plaintiff. vs. Walter H. Vouler and October, Mack avenue, Township. of Grosse Mabel E. Vogler, his wife, defendant.. Sled in this telt or Judgment wall be Whereas, default has been made in the 1921, 1,Iber 01, page 42, Plats, Wayne foregoing suit involvee title to: Land in Jews: the City of Detroit, County of Wayne. Pointe sod Gratiot, now in the City of Summons issued •nd returned that de- entered by default. and that this order twine and conditions of • certain mort- County Records. Michigan, to-wit: lot numbered 1117, Albert Block, Adolph Sturm, Detroit, sod being eituated on the East fendant Mabel E. Vogler cannot be found, be served or published as required by gage made by Jacob Eder sod K•tie Eder, Amount due, 1250.00, same to be Ped Grosse Point Land, Company Subdivision The foregoing suit involves his wife, as mortgagors, to William T. on or before Sept. 9, 1552. Harry Goldberg, Samuel Leve, side of M•nistique avenue, between Lo- it appearing by •fida•it, that said de- statute. of pert of Private Claim 3118, lying South title to: I.nd in the City of Detroit, Perkins, moil... dated the fifteenth tier and Waveney •venues. better known Dated: Detroit, Nick., Aug. 26, 1952. of Jefferson avenue, recorded in Liher Solomon Reichert, Max L. Black, es 1159•58 Manistique •venue. Detroit, fendant Mabel E. Vogler retides in this County of W•yne, Michigan, to-wit: Lot day of December, 1927, end record. the VIOLET M. PRESTON, state and that process for her appearance numbered 231 of Woodward Park Sub. 37 of Plats. nette 91. Morris Bordelove, Dr. Robert Michigan. ha, been duly issued sod the same could Hybloc of all that part of lots 1 and 2, seventeenth day of December. 1927, In BY WILLIAM It, GILES, tinted: Detroit, Mich, Aug. 23 1931. Dated: Detroit, Mich.. Sept. 1, 1932. Her authorised went and attorney.' not be served by reason of her conceal- lying East of Woodward avenue, of the the office of the Register of Deeds for Drews, Dr. Jacob Levitt, George GEORGE T. II IIRPHY, for Henry G. Nkol. ROBERT E. SAGE, Wayne County. Michigan, In Lib. 2041 ment within this state, and/or her ton- Subdivition of the West half of the . Court Comnikskner. C Maltz, Dr. David Glotzman, D.D.S., Circuit Court Commissioner. of Mortgagee, on page 497, •nd olion Booed abgence from her place of resi- Northeast Querter and the East WIf of Dole H. Fillmore, Attorney, tso W. Fort Dr. Perry Bernstein, Dr. Harry dence. It is ordered that the said de- the Northwest Qu.ter of Section 11, which mortgage default h. been mule *trivet. Nallonal Richard Bead* Areal, the payments of principal end Interest 197831 Lewin, Dr. Herman Kramer, Dr. Dale H. Fillmore, Attar:Mb 150 W. Foot fendant appear at the Courtroom of the Town 1 South. Range II East, according in of said wmee. undersigned. Wayne County Building, De- to the plst thereof recorded in the office due therein. and by the terms STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of 30T168 Albert C. Hamburger, Dr. Harry street. troit, Michigan, at ten o'clock A. M. on of the Register of Deeds for Wione mortgage, containing a power of sale, the Wayne, es.—Suit pending before lion, 198575 STATE OF M1CHIOAN, County Of Goldberg, Morris Meyer, Louis the twenty-ninth day of September, 1931, Comity. in Liber 28, of Plats, on page 57. mortgagee therein has declared •Il sum. Robert E. Sage, Circuit Court Com• STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of «mired dm and payable forthwith; and rnissioner for said county, between Wayne, ss —Solt pooling before lien. defend the complaint filed in this Dated: Detroit, Mich,. Aug. 31, 1932, Meyec, Mrs. Harry Epstein, Mrs. Wayne. ..—Suit pending before lion. and wh there is at the date of this The Mortgage and Contract Company, • Robert R. Sage, a Circuit Court Corn- E. Sage, • Circuit Court Cotn• suit or judgment will be entered by de- GEORGE T. MURPHY, for Henry 0. Nicol, notice claimed to be due and payable for mki county, between mItsioner Irving Yarrows, Mrs. Ruby Block, Robert Michigen Corporation. plaintiff, vs. Frank Circuit Court Commissioner, miseioner for said county, between fault, .d that this order be d or upon the said mortgege the sum of Bodnar end Mary Bodnar, his wife, de- James C. McGregor, Jr. sod Alan II. Me- Mrs. J. L. Cohen, Mrs. Benjamin The Mortgage and Contract Company, • published as required by statute. The eleven thousand ilk hundred seventy dol. fendant* Summons Issued end returned Gregor, plaintiff., m Ws. Caroline Oein- Michigan Corporation, plaintiff, vs. W. B. foregoing suit involves title to: Lot num. defendwt. Summons issued and re- Keller and others. lam sod ninety-nine cents 1811,678.991 Hartness, defendant. Summons issued breed 388, Eastern Heights Land Com• Henry M. Rottman, Attorney, 3423 Bar- as principal and to and no proceed- that defendant Frank be turned that defendent cannot fwnd, found, It appearing by •ffidavit. that said and returned that defendant cannot be pane. Subdivision No I of the North- ium Tower. ings at Isle or in equity haying been in. defendant Frank Bodnar resides out of it appearing by affidavit, that said der 209595 the Sub- end 6 of erly parts of lots 4. 5 found, it appearing by affidavit, that said STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit stituted to recover the s•id sum or any the State of Michigan. It is ordered trinket reek. Is this state and that defend... resides in this elate and that division of the front and rear conces- Court for the County of Wayne, In Chan. pal thereof : Now, therefore, by virtue that the said defendant. appear at the proem. for her aware.* kaa been duly process for his appeal-eke has been duly sion of Private Claim 585, City of De- eery.— Batik Shad.. Plaintiff. vs. Jessie of the power oc sale contained in said Courtioom of the undersigned, W•yne Issued and the same could not be sewed lamed and the same could not be served troit, Wayne County, Michigan. statute, In such ruse County BuildingDetroit. Michigan, at by mown of her Whence kola this state, Shadan, defendant At • session of said mortgaire wd Dated. Detroit. Mich., Aug. 15, 1932. by reason of his concealment within this urt. held at the Courthouse in the made and provided. notice It hereby given ten o'clock A. Si. 1 on the twenty-eighth or her concealment within this state, ROBERT E. SAGE, state, and/or his continued stbsence from her wetinued absence from bee Circuit Court Commissioner. Ci ty of Detroit, County of Wayne an that on TUESDAY, TIIE SIXTH DAY day of September, 1952, and defend the sad/se his place of residence. It is ordered tint George T. Cartwright, residing State of Michican, on the thirtieth day OF DECEMBER, 1951, at twelve complaint flied in thin wit or lodgment plow of residence. It is ordered that the Court• appear at the the said defendant o'clock n.n, Eastern Standard Time, at will be entered by default, •nd that thie said defendant appear et the Courtroom at 14812 Mettetal avenue, Detroit, room of the unde.igned, Wayne County A. I. Gould, Attorney, 1863 Penobscot of 41,ggyt the Southerly or Cong.. •treet entrance order be served or published as required of the undersigned Wayne County Meld. I. candidate for Congress in the Building. Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock is Bldg. Ind from the •flidavit on Me herein, made to the County Building In the Cite of by eta... The foregoing Pet incomes Int, Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock A. A. M. on the sixth day of October. 1952. 112130 Seventeenth Congressional District and by the plaintiff. that the said defendant, Detroit. W•yne County, Michluto (that title to: Lot numbered 508, Kiefer Homes H. on the tiventy-elehth der of Ber- defend the complaint filed in thin suit STATE OF' MICHIGAN. County of Jessie Shadan, is not • rerident of e being the place of hold' . Circuit Court Subdivision of part of S. E. 1,1 of N. W. t..., 1912, and defend the eomplaint on the Republican ticket. Mr. or Judgment will be entered by default. Warne, ss.—At • session of the Probate Illed in .1. suit or Judgment will be en- 12. sod of Michigan. but that she reside* in said Wayne County), said mart.. ter. by default, and that this order Cartwright has lived in this dis- and that this order be served or pub- Court for said County of Wayne. held at State in the City of Huntington. Stat• of will be foreclosed by • sale at public If, rT4n )1,Scot ‘ 5°. ( :7)t 4 io' of lished as required by ststute. The fore. Probate Courtroom In the City of West Virginia. and that the last known suction to the highest bidder for cosh required by Range 11 East, lying East of D G. /I. be d or published so trict for 15 years and has been going suit involves title to. Lot numbered the Detroit, on the twenty-ninth day of statute. Ti,, foregoing •ult lovolv. title of the defendant Is 1950 Ar. the premises, described in etald mortgage, • N. R. R., Detroit, Woyne County, a resident of Detroit for more 15 of Elm Park Subdivition of a par August, in the year one thousand nine address tysiss •vonue. Huntington. West Vir- or so much thereof as may be neceesary Michigan; al. known as 631 Savanneh to: Lot nombered I, Block 12, Brewer's of the East part of Private Claim 670. hundred •nd thirty-two. Present: Ervin Subdivision of the South 14 acres of than 30 years. He has been prac- according ginia. It is ordered that the said de- to pay the amount then due on sed avenue East. to the plat thereof recorded In R. Pelmer, Judge of Probate. In the West 30 acre. of Privet. CM. 478, together with is thereon Dated, Detroit. Mich., Aug. 21. 1932. ticing law in Detroit since he Liber 12, page 51, Plats. ,Gros. Pointe matter of the estate of HUGO AND- fendant. Jeatie Shad., enter her appear. mortgage. lying North of Craned mime, City of ROBERT E. SAGE, • nee in thi. eau. on or before three (3) S t seven (7%) Per ', ti t, telles mid In' Detroit. County of Warw. Miehigen , graduated from the Detroit Col- and Gretiot Townships of Wayne County SEAS FELDMANN, dereated. An in• months tor premiums p•id on behalf of the from the date of this order, or Circuit Court Commission.. / Records, Wayne County, Michigan; al. ...sent in writing purporting to be the Dated. Detroit, Nick., Aog. 14, 1032. mortgagee, attorney's free •nd all level lege of Law in 1916. known as 4877-9 Lakepointe avenue, City last will and testament of said decesesed the s•id bill will be taken as confessed eottb •nd expenses allowed by law sod ROBERT K. SAGE, and that said order be published as re- Frank C. Golden, Att eeeee , 1209 Lafay- During the last 10 years he has of Detroit. having been delivered into this Court Circuit Court Commissioner. quired by law or scored upon bee by provided for in said mortgage; said ette Bldg. , Dated: Detroit, Mich., Sept. 1, 1932. for probate. It is ordered that tha six made a careful study of banking 297697 re-tittered mall at her last known ad- premises being ...led In the Cite of De- ROBERT E. SAGE. day of October. next, at ten o'clock in troit, County of We.. SW. of STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Samuel L. May, Attorney, 2125 Eget conditions in general, the effec- Circuit Court Commissioner. the forenoon •t said Courtroom be ap- dress. Grand headword. ran and described as follow.: The West Wayne,: ..—Sult pending before Hon. I. W. JAYNE. pointed for proving said instrument. And , 298104 tiveness of reduced hours of la- Circuit Judie. 20 feet of lot 55, and the E•st 10 feet Hubert E. Rage, • Circuit Court Coup IA true copy.) it is further ordered, that • copy of this ETATS OF MICHIGAN, County of of lot 51 of Legett's Subdivision, of pert miseioner for said county, between S. DONOVAN, Deputy Clerk. bor and unemployment insurance, Donald G. Carotene, Agent, 1422 Doi. order be published three suceeseive weeks M. Wayne, au—Suit pendlng before Dos. Arthur L. Davenport and Abbie K. Deere. of the Henry Weber's Subdiesion, of Guardian Bldg. and many of the other problems previous to said time of hearing, In the 0. 51001, a Circuit Court Com- Henry port, his wife, plaintiffs, m. Raymond P. part of Section, 65 and 56 of the Ten 295598 Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Howes Kass, Agent, 349 Woodland ave. Thousand Acre Tree, as per plat, re- Ullmann and Lillian K. Ullmann his missioner for said county, betwwn that have reached a crisis in the STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Chronicle. • newspaper printed unit cir• 298311 Burney.s issuer( and Anthony J. Lipke and Mary Lltike, plain- corded in Liber 21 of Plato on pew 63. wife, defendants. Wayne. ..—Suit pending before Hon. last three years. culating in said County of W•yne. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of W•yne County Records. subject to bond- returned that defendant Lill' . K. fill. tiffs, TB. Pawri 14.1dlo and Antonini G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com- ERVIN R. PALMER, Wayne, se.—Suit pending before lion. ing restriction. of record, al. described mann cannot be found, It wowing by Residlo, defendants. Many friends, having a sincere Henry Issued BiloiniOne missioner for said County. between Judge of Probate. Henry G. Nicol, • Cir.. Con. Com- as 901 Pallitter •Mdavit, that said defendant LIllien K. .d returned that defendant Pew! Wield. desire to see Mr. Cartwright in William Born 5 Company. • Michigan THEODORE J. BROWN, between m...ter for said county. Ullm•nn resides Is this state end that lo oinnot be found, It worm, by WI. Dated: Detroit, Mich., Sent. 2, 1932. oporation. plaintiff, vs. Wall.rn J Mark C. Wartell, plaintiff. •s. Sam Congress, are devoting most of Or Deputy Probate Register. her awesome* has been davit. that .5,5 oefendant Pawed Koetd- WII.LIAM T PERKINS, •rion Rapin, his wife. de. Process for •nd MI Sehrdrnmer •nd Ethel Schvirroner, defen- their efforts and time in behalf of Repin Mortgagee. duly lowed and the same could not be /o, rmides In this state and that pr.esti fend... Summons issued and returned dents. Summons issued and returned 161E103 eerved by reawn of her eoneeilment for hi. appearance hi• been duly Wiwi IIARRY F.. BARNARD. that defendants cannot be found, it .p- his campaign. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of that defendant. cannot he found, it ap- Attorney for Mortgsg.. within this state, sod/or bee continued eon •nd the same could not he nery.I by rm. peering by affidavit, that said defendants pearing by •ffidavit, that it cannot be absence from her place of residence. It son of hit concealment within this stator reside in this &tate •nd that pro.. for Wayne, as .—A t • session of the l'robate ascertained in what state or country the County of Wayne, held at ordered that the said defendant Kamer and/or hl. continued absent* from hit their appear•nce ha. been duly issued Court for said Leland Kennedy; Attorney, 2202 Dime defendants regide. It is ordered that the st the Courtroom of the undersigned, pie. of residence. It lo ordered that the and the s•me could not be d by the Probate Courtroom In the City et /aid defendants appear at the Courtroom Bank Bldg. Detroit. on th• twenty-ninth day of Au- Michi- said defend.. appear at the Courtroom reason of their continued absence from MORTG AG E SALE.—Defeelt having Wayne t County Building Detroi , Build• on the twenty- of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne County Build- "The First Year," starring the their place of retidence. It is ordyred gust. in the year one thousand nine hun- of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne County been made in the terms and conditions gan, at ten o'clock A. and thirty two. Present: Edward Inc Detroit, Michig., at ten delock A. eighth day of September, 1932, w d de- ins, Detroit, Michigan, at leo o'clock A. world's most popular lovers, Janet that the 'aid defendant. appear at the dred Cum/mod. Judge of Probate. In the M. on the thirtieth day of S•Pt•mber , of • cert•in mortgage made by Willis fend the complaint sled in this suit or IL on the tweaty-eitlith day of Sept.,- of Henry G. Nicol, Wayne R. Harlon and Inez M. H•rton, his wife, Gaynor and Charles Farrell, is now Courtroom matter of the estate of WILLIAM HER- 1932, and defend the compisint filed in Pidgment will be entered by default, •ncl bee, 1912, and defend the complaint tiled County Building, Detroit, Michigan, •t N. this suit or judgment will be entered by both of the City of Detroit. County of that ihi• order be .erved or publi•bed in this suit or judgment yell be entered MAN SPRIGGS, de...ed. Lutie at the Riviera Theater. The pro- ten o'clock A. M. on the .ixth day of Spriggs. Wayne. and State of Michigan, to Fronds executes under the last will default. •nd thtt this order be served or d as required by statute. The foregoing by default, nod that this order M. McAdam. and Ern...* McAdams. gram is augmented with an Our October. 1932, and defend the complaint and testament of said d.eased published at required by statute. The flied in this suit or Judgment will be rendered to this Court bee 11.1 •ccount. foregoing suit involves title to: Land in his wife, both of the City of Detroit, twit involves title to: Land in the City or published es required by rtatut• The Gang comedy, "The Pooch," their entered by default, sod that this order County of Wayne. and State of Mich.., of Detroit. County of W•yne. Michigan. foregoing suit involyes title to: Land in filed therewith • petition Preying the City of Detroit, County of W•yne. to-wit: Lot oumbered 200. Russell Woods the City of Detroit. County of W•yne, newest and most hilarious piece be served or published as required he anti said mortgage being deted the eighteenth thtt the residue of said estate be as- Michigan, to-wit Lot number. 350, etatute. The foregoinu suit Involves title day of Ape, A. D. 11125. sod recorded Subdivision of part of IS Sections 11 kliehigan, to-will Lots 2 and 3 of 'lucks- of screen work. signed in accordance with the provisions Cr.. and Wesson's Section of the Louis to: Lot numbered 123 of the Penn Ter• in the office of the Register of Deeds and IL Ten Thousand Acre Tract, ac• eteinbi Subdivision of Blocks Ilk 28, Pt of the Red last will It, is ordered that Moran Farm, north of Benton street, ac• recorded in and 51 of the Subdivision of the We.4 mina' Subdivision. Greenfield Township. for Wein. County. MIrhla•n, on the eordine to the plat thereof oordiner to the plat thereof recorded the fourth day of October. next, •t ten as per recorded plat in Liber 10. page o'clock in the forenoon at said Court• lune 30th, DIME in Liber 1. pure 54 of eighteenth day of April. 1929 in Libor the office of the Register of Deeds for di, Private Claim 91, known as Du.. Farm. 61 of Plat, Wayne County Records 2107 of Mortgage. on page 11 thereof, said County of Wayne. W•yne County Records. roam be appointed for examining and Piste. Dated: Detroit. Mich., Aug 14. 1932. Dated. De troit. Mich.. AOC 21, 1932. — now City of Detroit) premisen known sod on which me... there Is claimed netted: Detroit, Mick.. Aug. 28, 1952. allowing said account and bearing ROBERT E. SAGE, GEORGE T. MURPHY, tor Henry G. likeL. Lew Leslie's "Rhapsody in at 15053 Ilene even.. Detroit, Michigan. petition. And it is further ordered. that GEORGE T. MURPHY. for Henry G. Nicol. to be doe and unpaid Sc the date of this Circuit Court Commissioner. Circuit Court Commissioner. notice for principal, In and taxes Doted: Detroit. Mich.. Sept. I. 1932. Circuit Court Commisslorer. Black" is back at the Michigan GEORGE T. MURPHY. for Ilenry G. Nicol. • MT, of this order be publithed thee. the sum of •ix thoueand one hundred successive weeks previous to Pilid time Ft-ash C. &dim Attorney. 1209 Islay Joel W..1wepbsw, Attorney, 1613 Pint Circuit Court Commissioner. eighty•fi. dollars •nd seventr-eight for its fifth and final engagement of hearing in the Detroit Jewish Chron- 177995 National Bank Bldg. *tie Bldg. ) and no suit or pro - cent* with all 55 of its original stars icle and The Legal Chronicle, a newr• MORTGAGE. SALE.—Defeluit baving STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of reedings at law or In equity litying paper printed sod circulating in 5 AN. :Iounty of been made in the term. •nd conditione STATE OF /11115C7 18101G Waene, ss.—At a tension of the Probate singing new songs, dancing new David I. Hub., Attor.y, 1117 Pencils. County to recover the deht secured I ore 11 . pendi ng sef of Wayne. of • certain marts.. wide by James ■ 'mart for 'aid County of Warne, held at by s•id mortgage. or •ny part thereof, W.7 ... scot WO. dances, furnishing new laughs but EDWARD COMMAND, he Probate Courtroom in the City of Now dherefore, 198663 virtue of the power Robert 4. Sage. • Circuit Court Com• Temperley and Evelyn Temperley, hi. Judge of Probate. • Detroit, on the twenty•sixth day of A MI • a sale contained in gald mt.... and .l retaining all the outstanding fea- STATE OF MICHIGAN. lounty of • ife, of Detroit. W•yne County, Michigan, n •la nnnn t n• ne f tst. in the year one thousand nine hun- t h e Arthur I.. Davenport sod Abbie K. Daven- mortgagor., to Columbus Mutual Life pending before Hon. THEODORE J. BROWN, e.. o d e en d f „ f h SuIt a.. — W•yne, tures of the original production. Robert E. Sage. • Circuit Court Com- Deputy Probate Regbtor. I ..... nt: Edward poet, his wife. plaintiff, vs. Raymond P. Insure., Co., of Columbus. Ohio, so dred and thirty-two. In the vided. notice is here. gives that on Ullm•nn, Ethel Waters again heads the cast missioner for mid County, between Comm•nd. Judge of Probate. Ohio Corporation. morttagee. dieted the THE TWENTY•EIGHTII Ullmann cud Lillian MONDAY, stmoinL nsuKed fornuf fourth day of November. A. I), 1917. efetnsd.atntde ;r. Lor m•tter of the estate of JOE WALIGUR- 7.1,......d..d I of America's most brilliant col- F.troond Stiles, plaintiff. vs, James J. Stanley B. Dombrowski, 2441 Earl Mil- SX I. deceased. St•nley ffinarelak • ad• DAY OF NOVEMBER, A D. 1930. • 054 worded In the office of the Register Rogan soot Pauline It. Rogan. defendant.. waukee •vernie. ored stars. 12 o'clock noon. E.tern St•ndard Toon meinn ...not be found. it affinuieing minbtrator of ••id ester having rendered f„ fee , o,,, ed he e b foofteeee e , at Denis for the County of Wayne and Sununu. issued and returned that defen- 2091. Id at .61 defendant State of Michigan. on the ...nth del STATE OF.M1CHIGAN. In the Circuit to this Court his final account and filed sale On the screen, sharing honors dants cannot he found, it appearing bY publie vend. to the highest hid. •ffida•it th id a1 0 of te. 1917, in Lib. 2101 Court foe the county of W•yne. In Chan- therewith • petition pray'ne that the der, •t the Southerly or C.on ..... •treel Ullmann r eses in thi s elate and thK that it cannot be wirer • n with the stage, is "Devil and the endavit, pro.. for her appremnee hem been dul residue of ,•id estate be assigned to the • Mortgegee, on page 294, 00 .510 in whet state or country the defends. cery.—Emily (Emilia) Finlike.... entrance to the Wsyn• Count, d too...* there is claimed ta be due, st Is•ued •nd the o•rn• (011Id me be Deep," which brings back Gary .side. It is ordered that the said de- .1. Francis 5, Fillpkowsbt. def.. vorsons entitled thereto It is ordered in the City of Detroit. w efoe the date of tat. notice. for principal and dant. At aSetsion of enid Court held In that the twenty-ninth d. of September. 11014m ( that being the building in by reason of her concealment within thi Cooper, handsomer than ever, fendant. appear at the Courtroom of Sett, •t ten o'ebtrk In the forenoon st which the Circuit Court fur the Cour. state. eind!or her continued absences fronl , Interest the tom of terra thousand 511 Wayne County Building, De- the Courthoute in the City of Detroit playing opposite Talullah Bank- undersigned. de . her !dace of rmiclence. It is ordered the th }. hundred three and 06/158 117103.011 troit. Michigan. at ten o'clock A M. on said county •nd state, on the twenty' saM Courtroom he •ppointed for e.min- cf w.," the said defendant •opear •t the C d of of, tour oe id e, ofteeee. head in her best picture to date. the sixth day of October, 1555, sod de. sensed d•y of August. A. D. 1931. Pres. , ing and allowing said eccount •nd hear- No suit or proceed.. Si la• f ihed dollars ing said petition. And it is further Cr. .ftfeo o;te.f.e..fe zieteh fite room of th• under...d. Weyne Count • Of in equity leasing been Instituted to fend the complaint filed in thin suit or ent, the lion. A. W. Kilpatrick. unft tidoezo rour k pub- ndi., Detroit. Michig•n. at ten o'cloc B o judgment will be entered be defeult. •nd Judge. It •ppearing from affidavit or . Awed that • copy of thin order be reeover the debt secured by said mort• that thit order be served or published as rile that after diligent search and inquiry lished three nacre .. i ee weeks pre..s tcrest thereon •nd taxes as •fores •Id. A. M. on the twenty•eighth day of Sep- gwe or we part thereof. Now, there- required by statute. The feregoing .11 I t eannot be lescertained in what •tat• to said time of hearing in the Detroit sod all legal co... eh ..... .d expenses tember. 1922, and defend the complaint fore, by •Irtue of the power of .ale eon. Jewish Chronicle sod The Legal Chron• allowed by law, and any Bum or turns Sled in this suit or judgment will be ▪ tale. in said mortgage, and pursuant to involveu title to: Lot numbered 31/1 of or country the defendant reside.. It 1 Eddie Peabody, famous banjo Gr.. Pointe View Subdivision No. 1 ordered that he ao.. end •nswer the ' tele, a newspaper pr inted •nd eireulatIng which rn•y be paid by the undersigned entered by default. and that this orde the statute of the State of Miele., n woofr, akeLonuired sly.. o eald C oun tyf ., • such ea. made and pro•ided. notice It le f teze::mi The b0f 1. artist and well known to Detroit of port of Priv•te Claim III. lying booth bill of eomplaint filed in this ea.. bet o :. 7 a 1 p t oni... EDW A RD COMM AND, of Harper •••nue, City of Detroit. W•yne within three months from the date of thr hereby Oven that on TUESDAY. THE e, which o s """• III° foolot! oui , loroi•m tiii Insuranc said premi e o b e audiences, returns for a limited County. Miring.. according to the plat order. or said bill will be taken as no Judge of Pro at . TWENTY-NINTH DAY Or NOVEMBER. :: follows S. Sections I THEODORE J. BROWN. A. D. 1933 et II o'clock noon, Easter. engagement of one week at the thereof, recorded in Libee 50. page 23 fewed men. him. It it further sI tuated in Deputy Probate Reghtm. dered that • copy of thit order be rob Stan/herd Time. eald mortga. will he Plats. Wayne County Record, Fisher, heading • huge surprise of Dated: luw in the Det-el ' T dred of ac Detroit. Mich.. Sept. 1. 1932. n o1nd' f5 fpo A 'S t fem.l.ed he • sale at public midi.. .7,14steyrr sod t i t s pe t re em oo lfs '" IM'Ik.rhnMidgta.rorC yr enef f f Cenetn St-cords ' to Geer ee T On the screen John Gil- show. ROBERT F.. SAGE. Jewish Chronicle and The Legal cm. , the litehest bidder, at the Soeherly rien • n•n n ' lows, to.wit: Lot No. 116 of Honker's of also known as No 4150 Fullerton ay.. Circuit Court Commissioner. or Contr.. street entrance to the Comity •nd Ow that a co. of lois ord.' 06.11 14. bert appears opposite his real wife Mich. Detroit. he sent by re/Inbreed mail to r•id de. , 29.0s1 Rolidisi in the city a net... W. ,. th e Detroit. Mich. Aug 21. 1933 and recent bride, Virginia Bruce. Mi.' "" to" Dated: *tree, County of Maple •nd Thirteenth County, Stehle. (that being the btold. dnt let , STA TE OF MICHIGAN . r,r0Acre fr,T o,rde,ei . lancetohrde in.m g ,to.. ‘,T,11. •:ust ahned ROBEIti' Z. SAGE. log wherein the Circuit Coort for the Paull Lukas and Olga Baclanova Dal, H. Filimem, Attoreey, 150 W. Fort Wywdotte. Michigan, his last known ad , Wayne. eu—Suit goodie. be °. Hon. Tth.e" .r cm,r,r of Door,. Cleceit Court Commissioner. % of ff,„ Reo.for street. Cou•ty of Way. it /mid), of the preen- dress. f icrel,..aid Cirj.litntyCourb% .C.n... If ir.i ," ro ry...1 . No i fo•W appear in the supporting cast. Gil- 290109 , P et described in said mortgare, or so A. W.EILPATRICF STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of IA tru• ropy.) tirwit Jude*. Smuritlee .. Afoot. 1207 Deo - a bert himself wrote the story. cos's/lived s„oritiss corpora.... a a ''""` in l'ii'er 20 of "ni. ' en pore Ntional mu. thereof as TO•1 be seeming, to my Wityne, Suit pending before Hon Sleet BWg. ew o hn,,, ot. h: id on said %,,Z,' ,.1, " :::.°7 :,...‘7„::, ' . '"',.. 'd Michigan Corporation. plaintiff. m. Joh. ,1 0 th• amount due, a• •fogsw, WILLIAM F. MARSH. Deputy Clerk • Robert E. Sage. a Circuit Court Com- m Flans.. • , with the Interest t erwe • Flanagan •nd broom T. ll'Ai between reiesioner for .51,1 County. between 000r7nd Ricer ..7n G ko STATE OF 1IICHIGAN. County e ' seven per cent Is%) and all I•eal cost., nn ln n e n e „ Vol e. Mots. Surnmon• itsued and returned 111.4 nod The Mortgage •nd Contract Compan•. a 0. K. Uoderwoal, Attorney, 117 awful.; defendant. cannot be found. It •pp•aring Wilyne ••... — Sait pending before Hon. ebart. and espene., Includieg the at. Tewee. Michiran Corporation, plaintiff. •s. Merle .... torn. feet all I,.. 1.1..LCirreou.1,tn, courbt.,C:111 1It;.n.rey,„:::;. N ,...:.. 4. I Z e:sl, " :,: i n id"re., ""ftr ro. k."7.:::; . be law, and oho by ORM.. that said defendant• resid• J. • 10 5 4/3 Concurrent with the informa- V. Fenno In her own right sod s.sor. — It ewe or sums which NAY b• geld by their STATE OF MICHIGAN, In the Clocnstt Is this 'tate •nel that pro.. a for Ivol of Joe Van Fan... defendant. Sum• n 11. Tree If l ' en Anna M. Troesel an d Angeline anhe je Norrrob.r " . e " ee bir rriff. in fd re " n"' I. prot ect t the tion that the United Artists Thea- • nor. lonied and return. that defendant Court fur the Count• of Wayne. It Chan. appeeran. hat been doly issuedd de Fl an ' • ' et iff s vs. S sr se' an g y runs•on orks " 11 f --Clarenee /P.R., plaintiff. vs. Ad- .ate eculd not be me. lets. ai and ',girded In the office of s d Summons Issued snot rirtureM prevehm are described as fellow: Ail ter re-opened with the most ambi- cannot he found. It appearing by affidavit, eery 1 of their concetIment within this state. Register of Deeds Is Lifer 1001 of Deed. fends's' that said defendant resides in this state dle Sell.. defendant. At • ...ion of that defeadent eannot be found. It arm that rentals piece ow sweet of Mod tious list of big attractions for and and/or the . continued ali•ence from oo par Ill. together with the beredita• Court. held In the Comity stid Circuit e that prat. for her Mitse ...... peering by affidavit. that sold defendant situated In the Cite •f Detroit in the their place of residence. It is order. Buildlne, City of Detroit. State of 11khi• appurtenances thereof. eneni• •ed the new season was the news that been duly issued and the some could not reside. in this state and that process Co.. of W•mer, awl State of Michi- gan, on the afth doe of Almost. A. D. I that the .id defends.. •ppear •t the Dated Detroit, Mich., Sept 1, 1932, foe her •opeareece has peen duly Weed I. .d Mecribed • folio., to-wilt "White Zombie" would be the first be served by reason of her concealment 1132. Pretent: Hon. DeWitt H. Merriam. !Courtroom of Henry 0 Stead Wayne FRANCIS 111 MeADAMS •od within this state. It le ordered that the and the man. rated not be sewed by of these great attractions. "White said defendant appear It the Courtroom Circuit Judge. In DI. cause. It •opeariffir !County Building. Detroit, Mich.., at ERNESTINE McADAMS, his wife, wawa of her atnenee front this state, Lot 127, Robert Diikekre• Ford Ilithwer and Glendale Subdi•hioe of port of Quer- H eflida•it thst the said defendant. 1 ton deo. A. M. on the sisth day of or her eonvislreent within this state. tee Beetle. IS •ad II. Tee Thousoad Zombie" has been doing a spec- of the undersigned, W•yee Coen. Build- by Addle Sclilite, is not a resident a the . October, 11112, •nel defend the complaint I.ELAND KENNEDY. Detroit. Mhblean, at tea o'clock or beeeontinsed •Wenee from het Afro Trtet, and Section IL Town I •nd tacular business on Broadway ing fun ""i'g•g••• At . •tate of Mkhigas, but resides I. the I filed in this soil or Judeenent will be w• the fifth day of October. 1922, of rmideoce It Is ordered that the el no A M. on hy default, and that this seder be -- Reid defesdant amour at the Courtroom South. Seer, II, Bask Warr Chanty. where New Yorkers have found it sod defend the complaint filed In this City of Rockford. Winnebago County. ' tend Wart 14 — West 1./OfSf WO. O ., Mlehatan levered or publirked as required by SECOND INSERTION of Hone, G. bligoi Wayne Cma•ty or judgment will be entered by de. State of Illinois. on motion of 0. R. 1.1e• Ste. The f ortooing cult itvolme title ode of Waft avenue. • ur.ique and different type of mo- telt Mu, Detroit Ilichima, at tea o'clock A. faults and that this order be served or derwood, attorney foe plaintiff. It is to: Lot ••enfer. 7 of A. It Henry's TRII COLUMBUS M12717ILL Urn defends.. tion picture. Bela "Dracula" La- publi•hed se required by It... • The hereby ordered. tMt the said H. on the twente•eirth day of September. Jeel W. Jeomilawo. Attorney, 1033 nest Sleek H. West logrUlt.41OCII CO, Or °GLUM- Subdivieo• of the 1s of e. title to: Lot lum- Addle Willits. enter kw •pwarance Is Cook Far, Subdkielos of pert of Pri•• 1911, aid defend the emnplalet Wed Is pel plays the lead in the strange foregoing se t hevs Netiessoi beak Bldg. Mk OHIO. fawifffirig. bered I of Burehlil's Subdivision, of part kis mum within them mouths from the FOR/F.171'RX OF 1.AND CONTRACT, thls salt or Judemest will he retreat by JOEL W. J.....,RPHSO51, and weird drama. date hereof, •nd that in default thereof w e Clain. 27. 151. 11 a. 100. Detroit. —To SARNE IfeCLORZY. Vu,., Bar. default, cad that this Mee Ise served ow Y of lots It an/ 18 and lots 11 to 50 in• said Attorser for Mortgagee. the bill of complaint Bled In this cau•• Michige5 according to the plat of page aey Mello., are ery of Christy'. Subdietion. of part widtsbod es required hr etstete. The that • lby g clesi•• Oi this omrperty rewraps' le Lib. 17 . will be taken m eenfwsed: also that 387. 753 •d ewe- e. of the form/elm wait la•oleirs d title to: Lot certain land eentrut b eerta "I call Heaven and earth to wit- of PH.. Chime HT, order be published &recording to leo. sad 14 of Plats, W•yee Coved, Retort, meen4 day of Mem.. 1111. by sod be- Weed 113 Kercheral HMhlansie Behr- pert of Fractional Rnetion• 52 aol anta properly being amme movonealy or be Jew that whether it likewise that • emr of mkt order be nee, PLEASE TURN TO PAGE 101 twee Adolph Reeve.. sod Dew Keef- vision of part of Private Chase 119, I. S.. R. It E... .enynonly knows ailed to the last kn... Warms of said i knowe as 6434 lemma. armee. Detroit. Masa. WI wife, aad sehsw eestly es , hewer s [minims' ao4 Hach soon... oot heathen, man or woman, only ac- as 5171 llerlbut avenue. Cite of Detroit, FOR ADDIT)ONAL LEGAL i 'ChM.. defendant by r•risterre mel tiosod to the watlsoslatas4, Denehr Bald. esti kaosra ea the Soetherly It feet el W uese. I Dated: Demerit, Mk's.. Sept. 1, 1911. cording to their acts does the C.•tt 14011C1.3 NW ITT H. MERRIAM. ...abet 1114 Rod- I Si the Ant port. awl Boras, lot HI aatl boo. Dated: Detroit, Mkg. Am 11, 1931, muss. 0.581.01. for /i vory Y. f GEORGIC T. MURPHY. IA true eery.) Circlet Jed.. Divine spirit rest upon them."— MeClomy of the seeem4 part. ie la default Iowa avows*, bolos. Meek awl Marl. ROBERT C. SAGI. Mew. Circuit Court Comm's.' C. N. SMITH. Derely Clerk, Cireett Cowl Cosastlesiet.r. WILCOX'S CANDIDACY FOR WAYNE SHERIFF fS. Dated: Detroit, Mich., Aug. 12, 1633. GEORGE T. MURPHY. for lienry G. Nicol, Circuit Court Commissioner. Cartwright Candidate for Congress in the 17th District a Riviera Theater. Michigan Theater. Fisher Theater. c United Artists Theater. v. Midrash.