rsimminwmnalmes E f EDE M AIMS!! . RONN4 PAGE NINE and THE LEGAL CHRONIC PALESTINIAN VISIT THRILLS SCHAVERS great determination carries on the JR. SHAAREY ZEDEK work of reconstruction. We met Wilfred H. Lauri, Attorney, ISIS Was& Y. P. S. DINNER-DANCE ward ay. . the type of Jew who walks upright roars:tr unk OF LAND CONTRACT. and proudly, head erect, happy in R -To LOUIS GUMAN AND BECKY Final arrangements have been the thought that he is creating a GURMAN, him wife. You. Louts Gorr. new life and a secure environ- made for the big annual summer and Becky Gutman, are hereby notillal that • certain land contrast bearing dog ment. A tour through the colonies formal dinner-dance to be spon- of the twentygoond day of July, 1950, Describe Impressions of Col - convinced us that at last a group sored again this year by the Junior (Editor's Note: The Detroit Jewl. h a plant of his own. The ice COM- by and between Grinnell Realty Co. Id pleased to respond to sumer - onies, Where Mrs. Scheyer of men and women have banded. Young People's Society of Shaarey Chronicle pa. of the firot part, .,,d Louis Ger. our requests of le redo, for the Pr , pony brought suit. and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE man and Becky Gum., hls wife, of nog Hellen of the following minion b Liebman contended that ice manu- Gave Concerts. together unselfishly and devotedly second port is in default by reason of Justice Brandeis. The noted jurist Imre A Wayne County Legal Notice Publication. - to create something distinctly the non-payment of the installments of Invents a view which is r..lutiow• r fa,ture is not a public but a prie- the principal and Interest due there- in it. social and economic rope.). ate business, that he had a consti- Mr. and Mrs. Morris Scheyer Jewish, and to build the founda- SAMUEL STERNBERG, Manager of Legal Department under, and you. Louie Gunner and tutional right to engage in a corn- (Emma Lazaroff) returned from tions for a worthy Jewish life." Becky Gorman, are hereby further noti- The American people are faced nion calling, and that to make that 525 Woodward A Cadillac 1040 fied that the said Grinnell Realty Com- a prolonged stay in Palestine, and Prior to the return of Mr. and with an emergency more seriou a right dependent upon a finding of pany elects to declare •nd does hereby they brought back with them a Mrs. Scheyer to Detroit, reports &stare said contract forfeited. •nd you than war, Louis D. Brandeis asso- pablic necessity deprived him of song of joy and a message of great had already reached this city that NOTICE TO ATTORNEYS mvr•.,1., Allen., 1801 Dim• Bank ciate justice of the Supreme Court , his constitutional prerogatives. 2 r ,Thl.n r encouragement Mrs. Scheyer had scored a per. asserted in a dessenting opinion der and deliver up po sssss Ion o f ..411 The Western Oklahoma District VISITING JUDGE-9 IN WAYNE COUN 204617 For years both Mr. and Airs. sonal triumph in Palestine with premise. In said lend contract meat.____ March 21. Court and the Tenth Circuit Court TY, WEEK OF JUNE 20, 1932. • n of which you are now in peression Scheyer had been active in move- several song recitals. Mrs. Scha- STATE OF MICHIGAN, In the Circuit Justice Brandeis' picture of pres- of Appeals sustained Liebman's Court for the County of Wayne. la Chan• under and by virtue of the terms thereof. ver spoke with a great deal of ments i in Judge Fred 8. Lamb, Cadillac, week of the upbuilding vet ent-day conditions included a state- plea, and the ice company appealed si stry.-At • emotion of eald Court held Said premises are described In said 1.41 Judge X. A. Boombower, Dad Axe, contrail as follows. vix.. All that cer- of Palestine. They had aided in enthusiasm of the manner in which Is the County Building In the City of tain piece or parcel of land • being ment that many persons believe I,: the Supreme Court. In an opin. wee ks. situated Detroit, County of Wien, Michigan, causes for the relief of needy in she was received by the colonists. i ileir ge Glenn E. Warner, Paw Paw, "unbridled competition" to be one in. by Justice Sutherland the court wrrt 2 this eleventh d. of June. 1911. Preent: in the City of Detroit, Wayne County. "Imagine," she said to a repre- European countries. Their trip Michigan, and more particularly known of the chief causes of the economic held in Liebman's favor, but Jus- Judge Herman Dehnke, Harrirvillr. Ho, DeWitt If. Merriam. Circuit Judge, and described a, lot No. 63. excepting 2 abroad was therefore planned to s entative of The Detroit Jewish Alma Woodiek, plaintiff. •s. Claud Dar- depression. He said also that all tice Brandeis uttered the dissent- weekly Easterly 2 feet of Coonley's Suird, Woodier, defendant. It appering to the take in communities in whose wel- Chronicle, "imagine, if you can, a Oslo.' of part of the Ferry Farm, (lose. persons agreed that irregularity in ing opinion in which Justice Stone 2 Jwuredeker. George W. Sample, Ann Arbor, rel thie Court by Ofidayit on ale that the ter Settle. 111 end 49. Ten Thousand fare they were directly interested. stranger, like myself, coming to employment could not be coped with concu rred. defendant, Claud Darrel Woodlek, I. Judge Charles B. Collingwood. Lansing. Acre Tr., according to the plat thereof They went to Germany, to Poland T Tel Aviv, or to a colony in the not • rerident of the Stole of Mi h unless production and consumption Delivering his opinion, he spoke 2 week. recorded In Liber 31. page 10 of I'lata. Judge George 0. Driscoll, Ironwood. 2 but resider at Calgary, Alberta; on mu. Wayne County Records. with deep feelinp and from time to to France, to England. They took Eme k Jezreel, and being asked to are more nearly balanced. tion of Hugh Franck, attorney for the weeks. Amount due, Principal and Interest, in Italy. But their particular des- participate in a concert. Imagine Some thoughtful men, he stated. , tline emphasized his words with Judge James F., Spier, Mt. Clem..., 2 plaintiff, it Is ordered that the defendant, 11130.00. ow one who is accustomed to weeks. Claud Darrel Woodlock, cause his an' Dilation was Palestine. believed that plans for proration tgorous gestures. Judge William B. Brown, Grand Rapids • peens. to brenter. d in Mir canes American ways must feel when. Gr ,i;thr. R, LAURIE. "The people of the United States and stabilization will be futile un- within three months from the date of this 2 week. s Having visited in cities in Po- upon the conclusion of one num- less, in some way, a certificate of ire now confronted with an emer- (J udge Brown reports Tuesday morning • order, and in case of his appearance. that land where misery dominates, the her after another, the audience he euse his newer to the plaintiff's June al, 1932.1 ency more serious than war," Jua- public convenience and necessity bill of complaint to be filed and • cope J. W. Jeisepluon, Altera. 1033 First Schavers had the opportunity of remains silent. Not a sound of ap- • thereof to be was made a prerequisite to invest- ne Brandeis said "Misery is wide d upon the plaintira adding to the joy of their stay in plause! This is the Paleftinian National Bank bldg. Otorney within twenty days after service ment of new capital in an industry spread in a time not of scanty but weeks. Palestine by way of the extreme custom. They do not applaude! ESTHER LOEWENBERG MORTGAGE SALE.-Default ha•Ing (Judge Doty reports Thursdey morning on him id • copy of pirid bill and notice where capacity already exceeds the 'f overabundance. The long-con- June • of this order, •nd that in default thereof been me. in the terse and conditions 25, 1932.) opposites in contrasts. But let Nevertheless you can sense their Zedek. Knollwood Country Club production schedules. t' inued depression has brought un- or gage made by Georgie that the said bill be taken aa confessed OUTSIDE OF DETROIT b y the Schavers tell their story, enthusiasm and their joy when you non•realdent defendant. And It Flocher and Mary Flasher, hie wife. rat The dissenting opinion was given ireeedented unemployment, a 'ca- 20. Judge Frank L. Covert, l'aw Paw, June is Mother will be the scene of the festivities ordered that within twenty Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, mortr "When we entered Palestine we are with them wh fall in commodity prices so to o To, he poo Crtiluo mb F uosroi go at 8 o'clock on Thursday night, in the appeal of the New State Ice a It astrophic ll utu co day. •fter the date hereof the s id gagor oro alrpor„ Lifw Judge Hawley, Hastings, June 24. were oppressed by a feeling of glow in their eyes. On several oc- June 23. One of each couple at- Company of Oklahoma City against nil a volume of economicboot's Judge Hal L. Cutler, Saginaw, June p Ontiff cause • notice of this order to be published and eirrillated in mid non, of Columbus, Ohio. montane, gloom and despair over the events casions-and I was fortunate and tending must be a member of the Ernest A. Liebman. Under the . hich threatens our financial in- 20 and 21. dated the first County of Warn. day we , Ostolgr, A. D. and conditions which haunted us appy to appear at several con- that ouch public. Oklahoma laws, the ice company titutions. Some people believe 22. Judge Doty, Lapeer, June 20, Si and tion be continued and once each week for 1929, and recorded In the office of no as a result of our visit to Poland," certs while in Palestine-my sing- organization. Novel plans for en- had obtained a certificate ennecutive week, or that he cause Register of Deeds, for the Conn el of stub- hat the existing conditions threat- Judge Glenn C. Gillespie, St. Joseph. tertainment have been pl anned Mr. Scheyer said. "The misery ing did elicit some applause. But a copy of this order to be served person. Way. and Sete of Minis. on the convenience and necessity from i ' O even the stability of the capital. Beginning. June 20. • Ily on the eald non-resident defendant, fourth day of October, A. D. 1929 of our people in Polish communi- as a rule the custom of refraining by the social committee and an ex- lic the State Corporation Commission, stir system. at least twenty dir. before the time pre- Is Liber 2394 of Mortgage, on ties is indescribable. There le from applauding is adhefied to, at cellent dance orchestra will fur- had invested $500,000 in a plant and Pursuant to an order from the Circuit scribed for hi. appearance, And It la page 299, on which mortgage there la "Economists are searching for Court, floor bo g r o il l e o. l a t t oh de i d oatt r e r00 0ff. thie the regular monthly "No Progress" further ordered that the said plaintiff hunger on every block. Men, wo- concerts as well as at lectures." nish the music. Esther Loewen- in had been making ice for some years t he causes of this disorder and docket hes been prepared. The call of cause • copy of this order to be mailed no berg is one of the committee men and children walk in tatters. Mrs Scheyer stated that in the charge. Liebman, without obtaining or a . re re-examining the bases of our these cases will be med. on Friday, July to .aid defendanf. and a return receipt sum of ale thousand and 'lute-two deb I. 1932, 9:30 A. 11, In Courtroorn 18, I a's •nd 87/100 118082.87). Na enit requested at least twenty dam before Two and three families are crowd- Jewish colonies are still to be A new ceremony, to be followed applying for a license, bought a in dustrial structure. Business men before Judge Harry II. Eddie,. and un- the time herein prescribed for the appear- it law ed into apartments of two and ear the echoes of approval piece of land and started to build re seeking possible remedies. Most isex owe to the contrary is shown, will ance of the defendant. ret77.7t1LTd t‘ 71,"."fat''.« during the years to come at the three rooms. The gloom that this which were given Ossip Gabrilo- cured by eel,) mortgage or any Part f them realize.that failure to dis- be dismissed for want of prosecution. DeWITT H. MERRIAM. thereof, Now, therefore, by •irtut of THOMAS F. FARRELL. picture casts over you is so de- witsch and Jascha Ileifetz who annual summer formal will be in- tribute widely the profits of in- (A true copy.) the power of .ale contained in eaid mort- augurated this year. The outgo- County Clerk. ult Judge. dustry has been a prime cause of pressing that one must leave Po- appeared in concerts in Palestine gage. •nd pursuant to the statute of let C. M. CARR, Deputy Clerk. DO YOU WANT A State of ichig n.. mich eas• M me. and a 'our present plight. But rightly or I land with a feeling of nausea over during their visits there. She ing president, Albert Gordon, will present the incoming president, provided, notice Is hereby gi•en that on the condition into which a people stated that there is a genuine ap- Hanson Buchner, with a gavel. REAL VACATION? wrongly, many persons think that TUESDAY, TIIE TWENTIETH DAY OF FIRST INSERTION line of the niajor contributing SEPTEMBER. A. D. 19115, at 11 o'clock has been thrust. preciation of the truly artistic, At the last meeting of the year, National Securities Co., Agent 1207 David noon, Esteem Standard Time, said met- causes has been unbridled compe- "Then we came to Palestine. In and that an appreciation of the Stott Bldg. Me Will he fee. June 12, installation of officers Do you truly want a real va- tition. ls. by a sale at pub- spite of the fact that many days creative elements dominates Pal- on lie auction, to the highest bidder, at the was held. cation-where you can forget Samuel Reiss, Attorney, 1468 First Na- FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. motherl y or Congress street entrance have passed since we left the esEinian Jewry. "Increasingly, doubt is expres- tional Bank Bide. all social conventions for a -To JOHN J. WISNIEWSKI AND to the County Building In the City of De- scores of the charming and en- 166649 sed whether it is economically wise, HELEN WISNIEWSKI, his wife, You. troit. Wayne County, Mich's. (that a concert Mrs. Scha- week or two-where you can or morally chanting land of our people we ver Following J. Wisniewski and Helen WIsniew- being the building where the Cireit right, that men should gave in Tel Aviv, an unusu- STERNS TO SING OVER STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of John spend rollicking, strenuous days eki. are hereby notifled that a certain land continue to thrill at the change ally laudatory review by Menashe be permitted to add to the produc- Wayne....-At a session of the Probate contract bearing date of the third day of Court for the County of Wayne Is held), of the premises desoribed in geld for said County of Weyne, held at Fyb that came over us when we landed Rabinowitz in the Hebrew Daily ALTMAN'S JEWISH HOUR, or find quiet and solitude? If ing facilities of an industry which Court 1927, _y and between Georg* gage, or so much thereof as may he • - that is what you want-where is already suffering from over- the Probate Courtroom In the City of W. ruar Patti.. end Janet Patti., his wife, nee ssss ry to pay the mount due, ne in Eretz Israel. In Poland we Detroit, on the sixteenth day of June, sar described the enthusiasm Amateur Night June 25, From you can run about in camp toga assigned to Jacob Ramble and Catherine • foreeld, on said metre, with the in the year one thouend nine hundred capacity. In justification of that .5, 1thirty•two. Present: Edward Cow. Ramble, him wife, of the first part, and Interest thereon at seven per sent (7%) were met by gloom, in Palestine we with yhich thousands greeted her and revel in the sun's rays, or Midnight to 2 a. m. saw the domination of joy. I don't singing. Mr. J. Wisniewni and Helen WIsnlew• end err costs, eh sssss and omen., mind, Judge of l'robate. In the netter John Rabinowitz hailed idle away a few hours in corns doubt, men point to the excess-cap- of - e fen allowed by know how to describe the thrill Mrs. Scheyer for the estate of MARY SUTTER, also ,bI . • • ere y further notified that the eluding th attorney acity of our productive facilities her enthusiasm, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stern, fortable lawn chairs right on resulting from their vast expan- known Mary Hebei, deceased. Wil- said Jacob Ramble end Catherine Ran, nla w y . that comes to one who leaves an sincerity and her love of music. • 6%7 '1.1 d by an tle dm ii ii m rtg *e rgee .imi lies' P. Sutter. administrator of said es.. hie, hi, wife, elect to declare and do ne . e.a whit ry ii prominent New York artists-sing- the edge of the beautiful Lake sion without corresponding in- tat• having heretofore rendered to this hereby declare said contract forfeited, and to protect its int est in er the pr environment shadowed everywhere e mises. ers, for the past 25 years, promi- Iluron? In fact, do you want crease in the consumptive John J. Wielewski and Helen WI.. Which sald Premise* are decried as by death and comes into another capacity Court his IMO account. It is ordered you, SAYINGS OF THE SAGES niewski. are hereby further notified to follow., All that certain piece or Neel a place where you can "eat, nent as entertainers, appeared last that the nineteenth day of July, next, environment which is ruled l by the of the people. They assert that • t two o'clock in the afternoon,n. at said yield, ourrender and deliver up poses. of land situated In the City of Detroit, When the immortal sou be Sunday in a aeries of songs during drink and be merry" and store through improved methods of manu- superlative in happiness and joy. called to account before the shall be appointed for examining slon of s•id premises In said land contrset In the County of Wayne, and State a Divine Jewish Hour. By popu- up the energy you need to face facture, made possible by advances Courtroom and allowing said gement. And It is mentioned and of which you •re now In Michigan and described as follows, to-wits 'In Palestine we did not see Tribunal, the first question will be: Altman's lar request they will again be fem. the material problems that per- in science and invention and vast further ordered. that • copy of this po eeeee Ion under and by •Irtue of the Lot 59, V•n Meter. Subdivision of the hungry f We did not see "Haat thou been honest and faith- t be published three unreel., welts term. thereof. Said premises are de• North half of the Northeast Quarter' ef by Hyman Altman this Sun- haps await you on your return accumulation of capital, our in- order previous to said time of blurring In the ocribed in cud land contest aa follow., the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Tema starving children. We saw a happy ful in all thy dealings with thy tured day, over Station WMBC, from to the city? All that certain piece or parcel of 1 South, Range 11 F44. t. Greeneld dustries; have become capable of Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal viz, people which proudly and with a fellow men?" land being Muated In the City of De- Township, according to the plat thereo(, 12:15 to 1:30 p. m., Mr. Altman Chronicle, • newspaper printed and sir• Just such a haven is the Y. producing from 30 to 100 per cent troit, Wayne County, Michigan, and more . recorded In Lib. 59, page Id of Plats. having extended his hour another W. IL A. camp. It is open to more than was consumed even in culating in said County of Wayne. particularly known and described as lot T get. Emit side of Robson •venon EDWARD COMMAND, 15 minutes. numbered one hundred eighty-On (Iall) Ward 18(a. 12. all Jewish girls, 14 years and days of vaunted prosperity; and Judge of Probate. Doted, Detroit, Vin o June 16, 1912. of Beeengcr and Moore's Mt. Elliot over, for the nominal awn of that the present capacity. will, for THEODORE J. BROWN, avenue Subdivision of a% of lot 1 and THE COLUMBUS MUTUAL LIFE be the speaker this Sunday. On $13 for the first week, including a long time, exceed the needs of Deputy Probate RegIrter. lots 4 and 5 of Subdivision of S. W. 26 INSURANCE COMPANY OF of Section II, T. I. S count nus. OHIO. June 25, Assistant Prosecuting At- transportation, and $11 for business. o R. It, E., as re- Mwt1•4 44 , corded in Libor 3, page 12 of Plats; •nd J. W. JOSEPHSON, torney Duncan McRae will be the each succeeding week. For full - lot 5 and part of lot 6 of Subdivision of Attorne3 for Mortgagee. "All agree that irregularity in ISiornlArg k Sternberg, Attorney., 1201 Ertate of James Dunn on S. W. t4 of speaker. A. II. Jaffin spoke last particulars call at the Y. W. H. employment-the greatest of o or Majestic Ride. Sunday. Section 21, T. 1 S., R. II, E., ac r, office, 89 Rowena street, evils-cannot be overcome unl corded in fiber 41. pare 199 of Deeds; Mr. Altman announces that his A. FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. pet of Section 21, T. I. S., R. 12, E., Anna A. CampbelL Altera., 2702 David where detailed information will production and consumption S ere " -To MEYER COHEN AND GOLDA also annual amateur radio night will gladly Stott Bldg. Ifiontemck Townrhip. Wane County, be given. more nearly balanced. Many ins 3,yt COHEN, his wife, 3055 Elmhurst arm or. Mich., according to the plat thereof re- NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALL-- When you have mortgages to foreclose, estates to take place from midnight Sat, corded in Liber 55 of Plats, on pa. 19, Default ha•ing been made In the tee. re be some form of economic June 25, until 2 a. m., and anyone e o n,LareY aebl ey n e o r lIIIC erNarad ee U r‘ t 'a l l: Wayne County Records, more commonly and conditions of • certain mortgege settle, or other legal business requiring the publica- con trol. There are plans for pror- and contract bearing date of the eel known as No. 0011 Winfield avenue. , made by Herbert J. William, and En may appear and either sing or ati on. There are proposals for William., his wife, to Harvey M. between give a declamation. Two prima JACK GILMORE SPEAKS tion of notices, tell your lawyer or the court that you In ure d A dby rahlm "Ziiirilak1y"da.ndbeSXhi and Aline Z. Morn his wife, et JACOB RAMBIF., TO ROSENWALD GROUP stl bilization. will be awarded in this contest. Detroit, Michina, dated the second dun his wife, assigned to Joseph II Schulte • want all notices published in CATIIERINE RAMBIE, 'Some thoughtful men of wide and Chart. Ritter, assigned to Mar. April. 1920. •nd recorded in the gam The broadcasting of Jewish news Its LEONARD LANGKAM, their agent. of the Register of Deeds for Way. bu Caret McCarthy and Katherine McCarthy, siness experience insist that all has been discontinued for the sum- For the first time since its for- County, Michigan on the •Ixth rho/ of of the first part, and Me y er Cohen and Pro jects for stabilization and pror- Colds Cohen. hi. idle, of thg second part, Aprli. IMO, In Liter 157 of Mortgage. mer. Attorney Mandell Bernstein, motion, practically the entire mein- ati s en g n: I and whereas the aald Aline through the courtesy of The De- bership of the Women's Auxiliary . 0 on must prove futile unless, in is in default by reason of the non-pay- 0. 285051 ndied inlet.d on the twentieth me way, the equivalent of the ment of the Installments of the principal day of ° April, 1924, and her net. waa troit Jewish Chronicle, appeared of the Julius Rosenwald Post of and in do.thereunder. and you, certificate of public convenience and thereupon duly •dministered by the Pm- STATE OF MICHIGAN, eounly of every Sunday during Mr. Altman's the American Legion turned out Meyer Cohen •nd Gold• Cohen, his wife, bet• Court for the Count' , of Wane. Wayne, ''-suit pending oefore Hon. hereby further notifled that the eld Robert ADVERTISING RATES QUOTED ON REQUEST Hour, his brother, David Bern- en masse to hear the report of the necessity is made a prerequisite to are E. Sege. a Circuit Court Corn. Mate of Michigan, and by •irtue of an Margaret McCarthy and Katherine Mc- embarking new capital order of said Probate Court enter in an in- Carthy elect to declare •nd do hereby missioner for said county, between ed en stein, occasionally substituting for poppy sale, and the recent card C ooper land Company. • Michigan Cor- the ninth day of June, 1917, the one-half s, him. party staged under its own au. dustry in which capacity already declare said contract forfeited, and you poen°, vs. Starry Hyman., Interest in said mortgage of said Aline exceeds the production schedules. Meyer Cohen and Golda Cohen are hereby Motes (being a pert of the residue pices. Both proved successful. Anna D. Lipner •nd Maurice Hyman, de. to yield, merender end her said estate) was duly assigned 47 ''' " t" ' klaIlallekg-kbkaghtl' have been none to success- further notified Summon. issued and returned of Mrs. Mary Rodin, auxiliary ful "We up po ''''' ion of eid Drenthe to Harvey W. M... husband and irol• in the modest essays in economic deliver defendant...of be found, It appear- heir In ,.id land contract mentioned and of that by at law of seld deceased, !noblest to president, expressed satisfaction affidavit, that It cannot be already entered upon. The which you •re now In po mmmmm ion under ing Oh. payment of inheritance ton due the • ned n what state or country the defen• Sl over the splendid results, and urged control new proposals involves a vast ex- and by virtue of the terms thereof. Said dent, reside. It is ordered that the eld de. ate of Michigan front said elate, which the members to continue their work inheritanee tax was subsequently paid. premises are described in said land con- follows, nit. All !het certain certain fenda•rs appear •t the Courtroom of the by virtu• whereof the said W. and stressed the importance of tension of the area of control. tract Pt ece or erect of land . being situated in undersigned, Wayne County Building, De. Mos. beem• mie owner of raid mart- striving for an increased member- Merely to acquire the knowledge the 4P)- of Detroit, Wayne County, Michi- troll, Michigan, at ten o'clock A. M. on gam and oh said W. M.. required as a basis for the exer- gan. City the thirteenth day of July 1912, end died int...tate on October 1rd, 1916. and more particularly known •nd the complaint flied In thin milt • nd hie OKt•le was thereupon duly shi Lck Gilmore, state vice-comman- cise of this multitude of judgments deseribed a. lot 218 of Linwood Heights defend or Mimeo. will be entered by default. adminintered by the Prolgt• Court Subdivision of pert of Quarter Sections and der of the American Legion, spoke would be a formidable task. that this order be seen! or pub- for the County of Way.. Stat• of Mich, 13 and Is T. T. A. T., Town.hip of g in and by vie. of an order of saki "Each of the thousands of judg- on the veterans bonus Ile pointed ments involved Greenfield, Wayne County. of Michigan, lished re required by statute. The fore. Probate Court enterer/ on the involve title to: Lots 25, 16 in carrying out the according to the plat thereof as recorded going • out that while the Michigan Posts In the Register of Deed, in Wiese nd 27, Coope's Telegraph Road Sub- • day of July, 1927. cal,) mortgage (being plan would call for some measure part of the residue of his maid estate) of part of the North half of the favored the bonus payment, they County, Michigan, in Lint 25 of Plats, division was duly ..igned In equal Mar. to of prophecy. But even more ser- Northwest Querter of the Southwest on page 6. were not entirely in sympathy with H•rry Moon Martha A Gulley and Kat. Quarter of Section 9, Taylor Tow', el' the attitude of many fo the so-called ious are the obstacles to success Amount duo. $2100 00, same to be Town Three South, Range Ten, East, a, It. Welch, to each • one-third part thee- poen. being the only heirs at cording to Pl. recorded In Liber 64 of of, veterans' units now enroute or en- which inhere in the demands which "id ;ffn Alid0Ai rifF';I' d ilirCeANT i a LAND law of said Hee. W. Maxon, deceased. execution of the project would make Plat, page 29, Wayne County Records, KATHERINE McCARTHY, camped in Washington. subject to th• payment of inheritance Wayne County, Michigan tax d. the Stale of Michigan from .14 The members were entertained upon human intelligence and upon nY S TVI r " t o di r Dated: Detroit, With., June A, 1912. e late. which inheritance t. was subse- with several orchestral numbers the character of men. Man is weak quently paid; •nd upon which ',memo ROBERT E. SAGE. there is claimed to be du• end rendered by a versatile group, un- and his judgment is at best fallible. Circuit Court Commissioner. • t the date of this notice, for principol. "Yet the advances in the era der the direction of Leonard Ros- scien ct Int eeeee and taxes, the sum of three R. Lewiston, Attorney, 1937 30 ces an the achievements in 'Robert ner. Bo. Tower. thousand eight hundred thirte•three and invention remind us that the seem- 611,100 dollars. 135.03313j, and no suit Robert R. Lewiston, Attorney, I937-3B or proceeding it law or in equity haeng FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. ingly impossible sometimes hap- Book Tower. been instituted to reover eaid mum or VICTOR IIRKICH AND JUSTINE pens. There are many .men now -To 28911. any Part thereof: Now, therefor, Mr LESLIE'S NEW REVUE FIRKICH, his wife. You, Victor British virtue of the power of .ale contained in living who were in the habit of us- and Jelin. Brkich, are hereby notified OPENS SUNDAY NIGHT ing the age-old expression: 'It is that • certain land contract bearing data STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of said mortgage and pursuant to the atat. uls o ro in iosug•rha r as• irmade fh o n dirovidrg: rod roo the twentieth day of December, Ig25, Wayne, ..-Sult pending before Hon. as impossible as flying., The dis- of by and between Ti , .Brownwell Corpora• Henry G. Nicol. a (Area Court Com• mission. for acid county, betwee The company of Lew Leslie's coveries in the physical science, the tie, who. n In wet subsequently da Hunt Silbernen, plaintiff. vs. Isa. In =„ 7 "l oh n d `17;:rilyt!' 7.1.1.:'`471711t. I new all-white musical revue, triumphs in invention, attest the assigned to Louis II. Roe, of the first Newman and Rebecca Newman. defen• TEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER. 1912, and Victor Drkich and Justine dents. Summons issued and returned at trek, o'clock noon, &eters Standard "Clowns in Clover," which has value of the process of trial and Cart. Firkin, of the second part, ir In default that defendants cannot be found. it •to Time, at the another!, or Come. street been rehearsing for the past four error. These advances have been by reason of the non-payment of the In• by •ffidavit, that raid defendants entrance to the Wayne County Bondi.g weeks, will have its premiere at due, in large measure, to experi- eallments of the principal end interest peering reside In this state •nd that prose. for In the City of Detroit. Way. County. thereunder, and you, Victor BOOM their •ppearance ha. been duly bored and Miele. (that Mei the place el the Cass Theater Sunday night. mentation-which for two centuries due and Justine Balch, •re hereby further the erne could not be served by reason Circuit Cant within mid County). holding of the = This is the world premiere of has been not only free but en- notifled that the s•id !guts II. Ross, of their absence from this state, or their prorate.. described In mid mortgage. or elects to declare and does hereby declare "Clowns In Clover" and Mr. Les- couraged. within this state. and/or se much thereof as may be necessary to mid contract forfeited. •nd you. Victor mocealment P. the amount due on said morel their continued absence from their place lie's plans call for a summer run "Some say that our present plight Belch and Jurti HAIM, are hereby of residence. It I, ordered Met the together with interest at seven per rent said (7%) and all the legal eels Mown in Chicago with a New York en- is due, in large measure, to the dis- further notifled to yield, surrender end defend•nt. appose at the Courtroom of by law .d provided for in .•id mart- up po lon of seld premise. gagement in the fall. Walter couragement to which social and deliver undersigned. Wayne County Building, Me. in said land contract mentioned end of the Including the attorney's fee. said Detroit, Michigan •t ten &dock A. M. on premise Woolf, who has appeared in a economic invention has been sub- which you are now in possession under the heist in the City of Detroit, twenty•first day of July. last. end In the County of Warns, and State ef cod by virtue of the term. thereof. Paid number of Shubert operettas and jected. I cannot believe that the defend the complaint fled in thla cult Michigan, and described •s follows, to- snare described In raid land eon. or judgment will be entered by default, who tried his hand at drama last framers of the Fourteenth Amend. prowl wit. Lot numbered two hundred el tent ne follows, viz. All that certain that this order be eeeee d or pub- (III) of C. II. Sherrard Subill•Isints at season in "Experience Unneces. ment of the states which ratified piece or parcel of land being situated In end •s required by •tatute. The fore- part of Prieto Claim ono hundred tweet, City of Detroit. Wayne County, Mich. lished nary," is the star of Mr. Leslie's It, intended to leave as helpless to the going suit Involve title to: The F.anterly 11101 according to the plat as recorded igan. and more particularly known end 20 feet of lot numbered 11 and th In Liber 12 of Plat. on page 55 W latest venture. A troupe of Mei, correct the evils of technological described ayen as lot numbered one hundred we.t.rlr 15 feet of lot 22. Block 4. e ' Registry, said lend being on the riel Abbot dancers and a sizable unemployment and excess produc- eleven (111) Plea sant Home Subdivision Thom. and Wiener's Subdivision of the minty act side of M•nielque a•enue. nee. II of part of lot . Alter's Plat Merlin, Northerly 60 feet of Qu•rter restion 41 echoed avenue rind Water!. street. chorus provide the backgroun I. tive capacity which the march of Wet part of Private Claim 670. igloo and the Southerly le feet of Quarter Dated. Detroit, Mich,. June 2. 1112. The score is by Dorothy. Fields, Invention and discovery has en- Part of the E. part of P. C. 670, Greiot , Section 17 and the Southerly 65 feet of HARRY MOXON, MARTHA A. GULLEY, daughter of Lew Fields, and Jim- tailed. There must be power in Tow.hip, Wayne County, Michigan. no. lots 14 to 26 inelurive and of the East KATE II, WELCH. cording to the plat therm( recorded in half of lot 15, Mott's Subdivision of part of the states and the nation to remould my McHugh, who have the music Heir. at law of Harvey W. Mon. the tare of the Register of Deed. for the South 40 acre. of Qu•rter Section 37 of "Blackbirds" and "I Can't Give through experimentation our eco- Wayne County in Libor 10, page 0 , Plat.; .000 fl rOe rect. accord' . to the plat A NNA A CAMPRELL deceased. nomic practices and institutions to eld lot being situated on the Es•t side a.recorded in the offIc• of the You Anything But Love" and Attorney for helm at law of Harvey of Maryland avenue, between Wren. thereof changing social and economic and Register or 1)...3. for Wayne Count', W. Mo., deceased. "The Cuban Love Song" to their meet Voight avenue. In fiber II of Met, on page PO; eid needs. 2701 1/a•ld Slott Bldg. Detroit . credit. LOUIS If. ROSS, premises being .ituated on the Southerly Michigan. "To stay experimentation with- Sr ROBERT R LEWISTON A of Leicester Court. between Brush Fenton S Smith Serer. Co., Inc. • tregt in,) Oakland avenue, Detroit, Mich. in the law in things social and eco- AMBASSADOR CLEANERS nomic is a grave responsibility. De- 1937 Book Tower, Detroit. Mich., Dated, Detroit, Nish, June 14, 19$5. A. H. Jalfin, Ater., 713 Lafagetlat HENRY G. NICOL, OPEN BRANCH OFFICE nial of the right to such experimen- Bldg, Circuit Court Commissioner. 172544 tation may be fraught with serious Laundering and dry cleaning consequences to the nation It is "Brothers Karamazov" STATE OF MICHIGAN. County at Wayne. es.-At • melon of the Probato curtains has within the past few one of the happy incidents of the Knewie, Attorney, 3215 I.e. Next German Picture M?,ng & Terms. Court for mid County of Wayne, held at years become a highly speciali/ed Federal system that a single cour- the Probete Coortroom in th• City of 2.1924 Noon on the ninth dsy of June, la the profession, according to David ageous state may, if its citizens The answers to these questions may be found each week in THE "Brothers Karamazov" Is the year one thmend nine hundred an Weiss, owner of the Ambassador choose, serve as • laboratory; and next STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of thirty•two. Preent: Horny B. Hulbert, German talking film coming Wayne. try novel social and economic ex- Curtain Cleaning Co. vs.-Suit pending before Hon. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE. If you are interested in things G. Niro], a (Arndt Court Com- estate of LENA LARRISON, also known riments without risk to the rest to the Little Cinema Theater, 68 Henry "A method of washing and dry- missioner for s•Id county, between Jewish and want to know about Jews and their activities you should LENA WAX)1A5I, deceased. On read- Mg curtains that is not in common f the country. This court has the East Columbia street. In the cast Rollo P. Walt,. and Blench• W. Walters, as 111ff and ring the petition of Nathan use is being successfully employed power to stay such experimentation featured in this famous picture his wife. plaintiffs, Joseph M. Pl. and Hoffman. •thninktretor with the will no read THE DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE regularly. are Fritz Kortner, Anna Sten, w e. defenents. Summons nesed of eld *state. relying that he le We may strike down the statute 4 '7 n our plant." he said. "This i •nd returned that defendant Julia licensed to •ell certain real estate ef Fritz Rasp, Bernhard Ninetti, Dr. Issued known as the "pinless" method. embodying it on the ground that, Max cansot be found. It appearine by saW demised for the Purpose of paying Pohl, Hanna Waag, Lim • Pl. • debt. of said &neared and comoi e- Mda•It, that erld defendant reside In The curtains are correctly shaped In our opinion, it is arbitrary, cap- Neuman. thl • s tr. •nd ihet prose., for her •p. Mg with the provisions of said last will. by a frame which pontracts them ricious or unreasonable; for the The subscription price is $3.00 a year. It is sold by subscription has been duly Ironed and the It is ordered that the twenty.elghth day Here is • picture replete with penes due-process clause., has been held same could not be along the edges and holds them d by res. or of Jo.. Instant at two o'clock in the and mailed to your address each Friday. action. It has as a background • her toneelment within this state, and/or applicable to matters of substan. fternen, at traid Courtroom be an- securely in form until they are her continued absence Don, her place po in t ed for hearing said petition. and live law as well as to matters of Russian life, the plot being one of of thoroughly dry. reridence. It Is ordered that the raid that all persons Interest In said intato the most fascinating adopted for defendant •pear at the Courtroom of app.ear before s•kl Court at mid ten "All curtains and drapes are procedure. But in the exercise of the screen. and-, the underOgned. Way. County Building. place to chow cause why • protected by adequate fire and this power we should be ever on Detroit. Michigan, at ten,dcloch A. M. lionise should not be granted to said ad- guard, lest we erect our prejudices Fritz Kortner plays Dmitri on the twentieth day of July, 11112, and Meier.. with the will emoted to aall theft insurance from the time Into legal principles. It we would Karamazov and Anna Sten is Grus- defend the emplgint el in this .ult eel estate re prayed foe In saki petition. they are entrusted to our care to by the light of reason, we chenka, who finds herself being or Judgment will be entered by defeolt, And It Is further ordered that • *eV, the time they are delivered to the guide end that this order ha served or published ef this order be publiebed three .e.. courted by Dmitri and his father. e. required by statute. The foregoing elve webs previous to said time of owner. They are returned in must let our minds be bold." Justice Sutherland, delivering The father is killed by Dmitri, suit involve title to: L 970 of Roe Ro,. ,.e healing I. the Detroit Jewish Cheek.. mothproof storage bags at no ex- the majority A•latIon Field and The Legal Chroelel, a aenegnaer opinion, declared that who Is sentenced to Siberia for 10 nerves Lend Company's 525 WOODWARD AVENUE tra cost if the owner requests it:" No. 2. part of Southwest printed AM aerating la said Conte CADILLAC 1040 "it is not necessary. to challenge years but finds consolation In the truhdivision Quart. .4 part of Soothes( Quarter., if W•y.. Due to an increasing number authority of the state to indulge fart that Gruschenka follows him Sortie 6, Town Tow Routh, Range Knee HENRY IL HULBERT of calls from the East Side of the the East. Village aad Town.hip ef Sprereell• in experimental legislation, but It Into exile. W ept. Coate. Michigan: commonly (A tree vv.) .44" city the company has established r `.1.w. would be • strange and unwarran- Imo. as No. 10946 South Marrow Cir- THEODORE J. BROWN, branch office at 14605 Kereheval ted doctrine to transcend theJimi- cle. Dearborn, Min Deputy Probate Register. avenue. The main office is at 3308 tations imposed upon them by the THE VALUE OF KNOWLEDGE Study is more meritorious than Dated: Dern, Mich, June II. MM. ADDITIONAL LEGAL Joy Road. Federal Constitution': NOTICES HENRY G. NICOL, sacrifice. Cireult Court Cammlesloser, ON PAGE TEN Brandeis, Viewing Crisis "Worse LEGAL NOTICE SECTION! Than War," Urges Test of Economic Control by State THE „ETROIT L111511 tfRONICIffl NOTICE to Our Subscribers! ttr The Detroit yewish Chron i cle ss. 17 .04 P Do You believe in keeping yudaism and the yewish people alive? What is the present condition of Jews abroad? What projects are now the aims of the various nation-wide Jewish organizations? What are the Jewish organizations in Michigan doing? ri What are Michigan Jewish congregations doing? What interesting Jewish social events are scheduled? r DETROIT JEWISH CHRONICLE Ps