[LEVerRorrjaisnetROXICI ' t PAGE EIGHT sad FRENCH STATEMENT RELEASED TO ARAB, JEWISH EXECUTIVES For Good Eats-Try the Blaine AWAITING YOU SUNDAY! SPRING CHICKEN DINNER DELUXE Plump, tender, delicious springers-e heaping plateful! with all the "trimmings"-, dinner from •PPe- tiser to dessert you'll long remember, for only 50C BLAINE KOSHER RESTAURANT 8729 TWELFTH ST. at GLADSTONE MORRIS FEINSILBER and ALEX SCHWARTZ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1. During the en tire summer season we will feature • regu- lar Dairy Dinner every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday at 50C (Continued from Page One.) Parliament for discussion and Par- liament will be asked to authorize the floating of a £2,500,000 loan for the land development scheme. The government, on the other hand, may not consider it expedi- ent at this time to ask Parlia- ment's sanction of this loan in view of present economic condi- tions and may try to carry out such parts of the development as the annual Palestine budget will permit. This would obviate the necessity of bringing the matter before Parliament altogether. Should the Palestine govern. ment decide upon this latter -/ course, the Jewish Agency will op- , pose it, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency learns. AT THE HEIGHT ()I7 THE SEASON One Arab Acquitted, Another Gets 15 Years. JAFFA.-(J. T. A.)-The Jaffa THE LEGAL CHRONICLE AVRUNIN CAMP • CLASSIFIED ECONOMIC AGENCY OPEN ON FRIDAY, JUNE 24 FORMED BY KISCH A. PEREIRA. Ember Caterer-En. tenements, weddInps, parties and bans Suety. We cater In all leading hotels for the past 27 years. Detroit Catering Co., Longfellow 6654. MACK 13 WEISS-Strictly kosher caterer for weddings, engagements, bridges banquets and parties. We rater In all leading hotels. 15781 Princeton ave- nue. University 1-5541. I WILL TEACH YOUR CHILD to read nd write Hebrew a Yiddish in five ) lens. so I will also teach YOU to read and write English in 5 lessons. First trial lesson free. Absolute satis- faction guaranteed. l'reparing for cid. zenship and preparing buys for Bar- Mitzvah-my specialty. David Horo- witz. the teacher. 2001 Blaine avenue, apt 101. Phone Garfield II914-R. I h Lieutenant- Colonel Frederick II. Kisch, former head of the Pal- estine Zionist Executive, an- nounces the formation of an agency in Jerusalem, with repre- sentatives at Haifa and Tel Aviv, 3013 RENT-Nicely furnished room in Northwest •ection. with email family of congenial aduB s. Convenient to ear eason and bus. Rable. 2755 Richton, Arlington 6756-W. FOR RENT-Upper net. Five large rooms and breakfast nook. Steam heat. frigidaire. Newly decorated. Garage. Near school. Call at 150its Wooding- ham Drive, near Puritan, after 6 p. tn. $21." $26." $29. " MAX KOSINS IN MEMORIAM JACOB GOODMAN of 136 Clairmount avenue, 57 years old, died on June 10. Fu- neral services were held at Gil- bert'a Funeral Home on June 13, with interment at Oakview Ceme- tery. Dr. Leo M. Franklin offici- ated. He is survived by his wife, Rose; two sons, Sydney of Detroit and Dr. Leon Goodman of Chi- cago, Ill., and a daughter, Mrs. Theresa Finston of Detroit. Oilonernory of him will never dim. our Oiouahts •nd hearts •re always with him. We mourn for you. deal\ Walter, our jewel, but not with nutwa41 show, for thos• that mourn silently 'Mourn sin- cerey. No eyes ran see us weep. but many • silent tear we shed. When others are fast mileep. And though we cannot say •nel will not 'Sr our darling boy Is dead, for you era lust sway. JULE OLEN SAM WEIN A distinctive store featuring exclusive men's apparel with 6 5c price tags even • Scotehman can understand. OPEN EVENINGS-SUNDAYS TILL 5 • Dexter AUTO WASH 12005 DEXTER BOULEVARD Corner ELMHURST Detroit's Finest and Best Equipped Car Washing Plant LUBRICATION - BODY POLISHING that he received 2,500,. ANTI-SEMITIC COAL I charging 000 lire from Italy in exchange OF GERMANY'S NEW for abandoning Austria's dein? to REGIME REVEALED South Tyrol. (Continued from Page One.) questions placed by Kurt Rosen- feld, former minister of justice in Prussia, on the ground that the latter was a Jew, during a libel suit. Mr. Rosenfeld, attorney for Werner Abel, a journalist, who is being sued for libel by Hitler for years' experience in a position which brought me into close touch with all aspects of local economic life. "It is hoped that the agency thus established will, through its char- acter and standing, meet a need which has long been felt, more es- pecially by residents abroad who may desire to place investments In Palestine on a business basis, but have hitherto been deterred from doing no by lack of personal contact with the country and by the difficulty of procuring reliable inform ion as to local condi- tions." EXCURSION OF BICUR CHOLEM NEXT SUNDAY The twenty-third annual excur- sion of Bicur Cholem Juniors to Tashmoo Park will take place next Sunday, June 26. Many games have been arranged for this event, which is a traditional occasion in the social life of Detroit Jews. The boat will leave the foot of Gris- wold at 9 a, m. Baseball games, a pie-eating contest and other features have been arranged for the event by the committee in charge. Herr Hitler's patience reached an end when Dr. Rosenfeld in- quired whether the Nazi party was receiving subsidies from Czech or French munitions indus- tries. Pounding the table with his clenched fists, Hitler shouted: "I won't answer any more questions from Jewish lawyers!" While his admirers shouted "bravo," the court proceeded to prison alternative for refusing to impose a fine of 1,000 marks or a answer questions put by an attor- ney and for unruly behavior. During the excitement aroused by the question, Hitler exclaimed: "Were these accusations of bri- bery true, there would be nothing left for me to do but to shoot my- self on the spot!" Hitler's temper was further aroused when Dr. Rosenfeld re- ferred to the Nazi party. "What do you mean by 'party'?" he de- manded. "They could only be my personal representatives, for I am the party." Dr. Rosenberg's inquiry con- cerning Ilitler's subventions were based on the accusations in the French Chamber of Deputies to the effect that the "Nazis" were being financed in Czechoslovakia and the Schneider-Creusot concern in France. Emulating the tactics of his chief, a Nazi in a Munich court refused to answer questions put to him as a witness on the ground that the presiding judge, Dr. Hein- rich Rosenfield, was a Jew. The witness was threatened with administrative punishment punishment for contempt of court and when he persisted in his re- fusal he was fined 500 marks and 10 days in jail. The Nazi pre- ferred to take this punishment. EMIL ECKHOUSE and RALPH LEVY advise you to BUY TIRES NOW and save the TAX! U. S. GOVERNMENT TAX GOES IN EFFECT JUNE 21 Only 4 MORE DAYS to buy TIRES at these LOW PRICES! tion Closely; Believes Arab- Jewish Friendship Will Result. I Monument Sales & Service Co., Inc. MEN'S SHOP 9038 Twelfth St. at Clairmount The Detroit section, National Council of Jewish Women, re- ceived a contribution to the me morial scholarship fund in memory of Levy Jacobs and Milton Freud from Mr. and Mrs. Leon Frank. I Monuments OLEN & WEIN Gift to Council Memorial Scholarship Fund. of the World Mizrachi Organize- tion, conferred with Palestine NEW YORK.--(.1. T. A.)-Be- high commissioner, Sir Arthur nito Mussolini, Italy's premier, is Grenfell Wauchope, May 21. a close follower of events in Pal- Rabbi Berlin, it is understood, estine and an optimistic believer touched upon questions of secur- that the Jews, and Arabs will reach ity and immigration. He de- an amicable understanding. mended that the government sub- This was the impression brought sidize the rabbinical court of the sack by Rabbi Solomon Goldman chief rabbinate inasmuch as it of Chicago, who had a converse- grants such subsidies to the Mos tion with Mussolini prior to his re- lems. In loving memory of our sister, turn to the United States from A ANNA SHERMAN The high commissioner stated of 9206 Cameron avenue, 50 years Nellie Rosenthal, who died one trip to Europe and Palestine, as his appreciation of the work of the old, died on June 11. Funeral year ago this Saturday. related to a correspondent of the Mizrachi, since he himself is re- Jewish Telegraphic Agency. services were held at Lewis Bros.' ligious. Some of the requests A precious one from from us Is gone . Funeral Home on June 12, with Mussolini follows closely the made by Rabbi Berlin will be ful- A noire we is Mill. A place is •arant in our hearts. interment at Machpelah Cemetery. Palestine Bulletin, published by filled, it is believed. Which never men be ens& the Palestine Telegraphic Agency, 814 Jews Entered Palestine in She is survived by two sons and three daughters. April. Sadly missed by her brother and and the only English publication A total of 814 Jewish immi- sister.in-law, Clarence and Rose In the Near East, he said. Mussolini, according to Rabbi grants entered Palestine during Sarasohn. Goldman, inquired about the prog- the month of April. During the ress of Tel Aviv, the only all-Jew- I same month, 33 Jews left the MANUEL URBACH In loving memory of our dear mother, Polly Clark, who passed ish city in the world, and was , country. gratified to learn that it already An Arab committee has been Granite and Marble away May 28, four years ago. has a population of 50,000 and I formed to hold a Levant Fair. A loving mother. true and kind, that the European influence is The fair, according to plans, is to No friend on earn like her we'll And. felt there. be held in May of 1933. For um she did her beet. The Italian premier also in- An Arab shepherd trespassin:' And 'God gave her eternal rest. quilted concerning the colonies. in the fields of Kvuzah Gesher 7729 TWELFTH ST. Sadly missed by her children, When informed that the colonies spoiled 150 dunams of land. Euclid 7192 Harry, Ray, Sam, Isabelle, and in Judaea, in the valley of Jet- Two settlers who sough tto pre- granddaughter, Paula. reel as well as in Galilee have vent him were wounded. made tremendous strides, Musso. Jewish Orange Growing Delegs. lini stated, "Well, the Jews are tioa En Route to Ottawa. good Agriculturists." A delegation of Jewish orange growers is proceeding to Ottawa 1017.18 DIME BANK BUILDING CADILLAC 1823 to plead for the remission of the N"....• Leaves P•I"Iti". duty on oranges imported from JERUSALEM.- U. T. A.) - Palestine. The Arabs have with. Memorial Designers and Builder. of I Emanuel Neuman n, American drawn from the delegation, which Mausoleums, Monument., Markers, of Every Description. member of the World Zionist includes M. Rokach, manager of We Duplicate, Clean and Cut Letters on Erected Monuments and : Executive, departed from Pales. the Pardess Company, and Ber- Markers at Cemetery. tine after • visit of several nar d Joseph. Before Buying Let Us Submit Our Prices .td Gi•• You an Estimate. months. Twenty-two Palestine members Mr. Neumann is proceeding to of the Actions Committee and the Display at 9401 W. FORT ST., zee. Weeding. ISAAC DREIFUSS, Pres. France and England, whence be Administrative Committee of the will embark for the United States. Jewish Agency met May 31. He will continue the work of or- It was decided to hold the next miring financial Institutions. session of the Actions Committee Mr. Neumann, Dr. Chaim Arlo- and the Agency Administrative FUNERAL DIRECTORS soroff and Hesh el Farbstein Committee in Palestine. Dr. Leo lunched with the Palestine high Motzkin presided at the session. JEWISH commissioner. A number of po- litical matters were touched upon, including the perort of Lewis Because of increased immigra- I French, Palestine land commix- tion of Jews to Palestine, Achooza stoner, which will be sent to the Aleph, co-operative society which I Jewish end Arab Executives next has already built the two colonies! week. of Raanana and Gan Yavneh, has; Trinity 2-2114 7739 John R. St. Berlin Sees Wauchope. decided to enlarge its holdings of I Rabbi Meyer Berlin, president land in Palestine. J. FRIED of 3310 Sturtevant avenue, 51 years old, died on June 14. Fu- neral services were held on June 17, with interment at Oakview Cemetery. Rabbi Leon Fram of- Sadly missed by his loving Par- ficiated. He is survived by his ents and Sisters, Thelma and Har- wife, Jennie; a daughter, Violet riet. Francine, and a son, Lawrence L. EUGENE LIEUT.-COL. F. H. KISCH opens on Friday, June 24, ac- cording to an announcement made this week by Mrs. C. Avrunin, di- rector. The opening of the camp this year, according to Mrs. Av- runin, will be marked by the ad- dition of six new, modernly con- structed, airy and completely fur- nished bungalows, which are now being completed. Avrunin Camp is managed by an able staff of directors and counsellors. There is a nursery in charge of a graduate nurse, and there are complete facilities for the comfort and safety of the boys and girls. Children in ages rang- ing from 3 to 16 are accepted at this camp, and they are grouped according to ages in the presenta- tion of the camp programs. In addition to the regularly scheduled activities at Avrunin Camp, the boys and girls are of- fered instruction in piano playing by one of Detroit's ablest teachers. Special activities also consist of instructions in elementary drama, art, music, actual participation in plays, modeling, drawing, dancing and elocution. Handicrafts are represented by instruction in bas- ket-weaving and sewing for girls, and shop work, woodcraft, pho- tography and the like for boys. The counsellors who direct this training have had experience in the work they have undertaken. It is interesting to note that most of the counsellors at one time were campers at Avrunin Camp, which is now in its seventh year. "for preparing reliable informa- tion as to the industrial and eco- nomic resources of Palestine, with a view to the development of such projects as are likely to appeal to the class of investors who are in- terested in Palestine and are de- sirous of finding a safe and prom- ising field for the investment of private capital." Mr. Kisch's headquarters in Je- rusalem are on St. Julian's Way. In a statement to The Detroit desired, to undertake its subse- Jewish Chronicle, Colonel Kisch, quent commercial management for who is known to many Detroiters an agreed period. as a result of his visit here a little "(e) Generally, to advise as to over•three years ago in behalf of existing and prospective invest- the Keren Hayesod, states: ments in Palestine, and to under- "My agency, which is entirely take the supervision or manage- independent of any other organ- ment of the same. ization or institution, is now in a "I have secured the co-operation position to undertake the follow- of the leading authorities in the ing services and responsibilities country on the various aspects of for clients: land, citrus plantations, the mar- "(a) To act in an advisory ca- keting of fruit, industrial invest- pacity, furnishing information ments, real estate, and other forms and advice on the merits and pros- of enterprise. pects of any proposal that the "I have also entered into an client may wish to investigate. arrangement with Mr. I. Braude, "(b) Alternatively, to under- F. L. A. A., certified accountant take on behalf of the client the and auditor, under which he will preparation of any definite project assist in the financial business of in which he may bejnterested, and the agency, the accountancy of to furnish detailed and accurate which will be under his personal information and plans as to the supervision. best method and means of carry- "The legal work of my office ing it out, with an estimate of the will be in the hands of Mr. S. probable return on the capital to Ilorowitz, barrister-at-law. be invested. "In the preparation of projects "(c) To make arrangements, in and in the carrying out of any un- any part of Palestine, for the dertaking entrusted to this agency, actual execution of any particular it will be my constant endeavor project that the client may decide to provide clients with the best to carry out. technical opinion obtainable in the "(d) To establish the necessary country, combindy with my per- machinery and services for the sonal judgment based on an Intl- proper maintenance and working mate knowledge of men and meth- of the client's enterprise, and, if ods in Palestine, derived from nine Completed in 1933. HAIFA.-(J. T. A.)-The Haifa harbor construction will be com- pleted by the spring of 1933. The completion will be cele- brated with impressive ceremonies Sadly missed by her Husband. in the presence of the Prince of Daughters, Son and Grandson. Wales and the rulers of neigbor- ing lands, it is understood. In loving memory of our dear Simultaneously a large trade son and brother, Walter Bartlet exhibition will be held. Levine, who passed away 17 years ago June 16, 1915. Mussolini Follows Palestine Sitesa. AT Popular Camp. Former Head of Palestine Executive Prepares Re- Avrunin Camp, at Stack Island, on Big Bear Lake, Mich., officially liable Information. FOR RENT-Large, airy, furniuhed room for lady or gentleman in clean home. Board if desired. Rentreasonable. (' . 209 Sturtevant, near Lin• wood. District Court at its session re- cently acquitted Salib Abusaliman, FOR RENT-Large. airy, furnished room for one or two in • private home, all aged 17, of complicity in the mur- conveniences. near ear and hue lines, der of Zalia Zohar and Johanan 2442 Glendale, call Arlington 3291•51. Stahl, last June. Rashid Abusaliman, 20 years GIRL WISHES ROOM in refined adult h ome. Northwest section preferred. old, was sentenced to 15 years' im- Convenient transportation. Write Box MAX KOSINS prisonment and ordered to pay 100, Detroit Jewish Chronicle. £50 indemnity to the families of Regular $30 & $35 Regular $35 & $45 GGG Regular $40 FOR RENT-Beautifully furnished room the two victims. for refined man, in private home on values- values- and $50 values- Blaine, corner LaSalle Rent reason- The young Jewish couple disap- able. Euclid 0157 peared last June while on a walk- ing tour. Their bodies, in a state FOR RENT-One ur two roorns In cottage of decomposition, were found in on Cass Lake Allconveniences. Call Mr. Goldberg, Lincoln 61 , 6. November after an intensive search had been conducted, which had enlisted the co-operation of the Jewish Agency, the Palestine MOE LEITER LEADING National Jewish Council, the Tel PRODUCER OF GREAT Aviv municipality and the Hebrew WEST LIFE INS. CO. publication, Doar Hayom, with the Open Evenings 'Till I) CLOTHIER FURNISHER police. Moe Leiter has just completed The families of the two victims 10 years' service with the Great 1430 GRISWOLD STREET will not claim the payment of in- West Life Insurance Company of demnity. Winnipeg, Man. In the 10 years First Jordan Power House Is he has made an CONFIRMANTS PLANT SAMUEL KNOPF, BOOK Opened in Presence of High outstanding suc- TREES IN PALESTINE PUBLISHER, IS DEAD Government Officials. cess as one of its JERUSALEM. - (J. T. A.) - representatives in The first Jordan power house at MAMARONECK, N. Y.-Sam- George Washington Sabbath Michigan, being uel Knopf of 815 Park avenue, Jisr was opened with impressive the leading pro- Observed in Numerous New York City, treasurer of Al- ceremonies attended by the high , ducer of the Synagogues. fred A. Knopf, Inc., book publish. commissioner of Palestine, Sir branch and an era, of which his son, Alfred A. Arthur Grenfell Wauchope; Emir honorary presi- NEW YORK.---a 'George Wash- Knopf, is president, died here June Abdullah of Transjordania; Col- dent of the Hun- ington Sabbath" was observed in 11 in his room at the Beach Point onel Cox, the British resident in dred Thousand many synagogues throughout the Club on Oriental Point of a heart Transjordania, Jewish representa- Club for the com- country on Saturday, June 11, the attack that came upon him sud- tives and other high government pany. Ile was re- second day of Shevuoth, the Jew- denly and unexpectedly. officials. cently congratu- ish Feast of Weeks, as a part of Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope Mr. Knopf was born in Poland lated by his corn- the nation-wide celebrations of 70 years ago and was brought to threw the switch which set the pany for leading Moe Leiter the bicentennial anniversary of the United States as a boy. Ile power station into action. in paid-for business in the United the birth of George Washington. The present plant is capable of States and Canada and ranking always had made his home in New Rabbis throughout the country York City. For a time he was as- producing 12,000,000 units annu- first in aggregate leadership. devoted their sermons to the mem- sociated with the Pacific Bank ally. Ultimately its capacity will ory of Washington and urged the and then entered advertising be 65,000,000. The building of worshipers to participate in the Thirty years ago he was at the the plant was undertaken in tree planting program in the head of his own advertisng 1927. Six hundred Jewish and MRS. EMMA ROSENBERG IS CALLED BY DEATH George Washington Forest in Pal- agency. Arab workers were employed. The Jewish Agency Executive in estine which is being 'sponsored In 1921, six years after his son by a national committee of all had started the Knopf publishing Jerusalem assigned the 2,000 im- Was Prominent in Jewish Com- faiths under the auspices of the house, Mr. Knopf joined the firm. migration certificates it has re- munities of Detroit and Bay Jewish National Fund of America, At his death he was not only ceived from the Palestine govern- City; Die. at Age of 70. the Zionist agency for the reclama- treasurer and a director of that ment, for a six month period, to Mrs. Emma Rosenberg, for years tion and reafforestation of the corporation, but also treasurer and various countries. Holy Land. The day was observed a director of , the American Mer- The largest number of certifi- Prominent in the Jewish commun- in accordance with a decision of cury, Inc., the company, headed cates were assigned to Poland, 'Hee of Bay City and Detroit, died the Rabbinical Assembly of which by Alfred A. Knopf, that issues which received 980, while the Tuesday morning at her home, 1170 Prof. Mordecai M. Kaplan is presi- the magazine edited by Henry L. other divisions were made as fol- Collingwood, at the age of 70, fol- lowing an illness of several weeks. dent. Mencken. Mr. Knopf has made lows: Rumania, 121; Lithuania, Funeral services were held on The confirmation classes of the several trips abroad in the inter- 70; Aden, 70; Russia, CO; Ger- Jewish religious schools affiliated ests of the publishing firm. In many, 48; Latvia, 40; Czechoslo- Wednesday afternoon from Lewis Brothers' Funeral Home, with in- with Reform temples, which held 1927 he supervised the enlarge- vakia, 35; Turkey, 24; America, their graduation exercises on the ment of its branch in London, The 26; Austria, 21; Greece, 15. terment at Machpelah Cemetery. occasion of the Feast of Weeks, New York offices are at 730 Fifth Other countries received 10 cer• Rabbi A. M. Hershman officiated. Mrs. Rosenberg was born in Lat- tificates or leas. will each plant a certain number avenue. A Sephardic Jew, Joseph Levy, via and came to Bay City 45 years of trees in the George Washington ago. She made her home in Detroit who has been missing for a fort- Forest, according to plans formu- night, was found dead in a cave 20 years ago. She was the mother lated by the committee on temple of the late Lillian Rosenberg and near Beth Sahur. participation of which Dr. Louis A Bedouin family in the village is survived by the folowing: I. Newman, rabbi of Congregation Four daughters, Mrs. H. F. An- is suspected of having caused his Rodeph Shalom is chairman. The In sad and loving memory of death. Levy was a peddler in the thony of Bay City and the Misses planting of an eucalyptus or pine Harriet, Rose and Helen Rosen- our dear wife and mother, Rachel district, which is inhabited by berg of Detroit; one son, Sam Ro- tree in the Palestine forest in- L. Webber, who died seven years Arabs. volves an expense of $1.50. senberg of Bay City; a sister, Mrs. ago, 11 days in Sivan, 1925. T. Hirschfield of Bay City, and Peacefol be the rest, dear mother: Haifa Harbor Construction to Be three grandchildren of Bay City. It Is sweet to breathe thy name. In life we loved you dearly. In tieeth we do the same. The moon and stars •re •hining On • lon• and silent grave, Beneath Iles one we dearly loved. But whom we could not se m.. FATHER'S DAY Sic Modern Bungalows Are Being Built as Additions to Max Kosins offers these three groups of fine hand-tailored suits at unus- ually low prices. Hurry for choice selections. OBITUARY BUY YOUR GIFT FOR M. We have been fortunate in having bought large fresh stocks of all sizes of GOODYEAR TIRES . . TAX FREE! We pass the savings on to you as long as the supply lasts! Come in over the week-end. Re- member the tax goes into effect on Tuesday, June 21. SIZE SPEEDWAY PATHFINDER Prices Each in Pairs 29x4.40-21 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x4.75-20 30x4.75-21 29x5.00-19 30x5.00-20 31x5.00-21 32x5.00-22 28x5.25-18 30x5.25-20 31:5.25-21 28x5.50-18 29x5.50-19 $3.49 3.79 3.83 4.50 4.57 $4.65 5.19 5.27 6.16 6.24 6.40 6.45 6.55 6.77 7.47 7.30 7.65 7.91 8.10 8.23 4.72 4.80 4.98 5.39 5.82 PATHFINDER 8 PLIES UNDER THE TREAD 32x6.00-20 33x6.00-21 34x6.0022 22 BUY NOW SIX "PLIES"-ol the sin layers of cord febrio under the tread in this tire, two do not run from bead to bead - they ars really "breaker stripe" and that's what ive all them, al- though enroll tire makers ad them extra An $10.62 10.77 11.25 For your Vacation Trip For Summer Driving For Your Fourth of July Trip. SUNOCO GAS & OILS ALEMITE GREASING WASHING POLISHING Concord Super Service EMIIL ECKHOUSE Proprietors HAMILTON & BALTIMORE RALPH LEVY TRINITY 2.9724