PAGE TEN TnufkrRonlarisnaROMICL§ awl LEGAL NOTICE SECTION Continued from Page Nine, Hugh Fowls, Attorney, 11301 Dir. Bank Bldg. 2.701 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of IP•yete, sc—Suit pending before Hon. Robert E. Sage, • Circuit Court Com- missioner for sill county. between Ile!. Thompson Cannier, plaintiff, vs. M ary If. Simon, defendant. Summons issued and returned that defendant can• not he found, it appearing by affidavit, that saki defendant reel.. in this •tate and that protean for her appearance has been duly Issued and the same could not be served by reason of her absence from this state, or her concealment within Phi, *tat.. and/or her continued absence from her place of residence. It Is or- dered that the nald defendant appear at the Courtroom of the undersigned, Wayne County Building. Detroit, Michigan. at ten o'clock A. M. on the eighteenth day of July. 1932, sod defend the complaint hied in this cult or judgment will be entered by default, and that this order be served or published as required by statute. The foreyoing suit involve title to: Land In Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan, to-wit: Lot 327. Crane • Wenson'a Section of the Lignon Lognon) Farm, lying North of Chicago Road. Dated: Detroit. Mleh„ June 13. 1932. ROBERT E. SAGE, Circuit Court Comminioner. Clyde B. Owe, Agent, 9842 Linwood ann. 258610 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne. sa—Suit pending before Hon. ' Henry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Cow. ...loner for said County. between Charle. Short and An. Short, his wife, plaintiffs, vs. M•rguerite Ailey:rink de- fendant. Summons issued and returned that defendant cannot be found. It ap. Searing by •ffidavit, that said defendant resides in this state, sod that proms for her appearance has been duly lesued and the same could not be eerved by reason of her concealment within this state. and/or her continued absence from her place of residence, It is ordered that the said defendant appear at the Court. room of the undersigned, Wayne County. Building, Detroit. Michigan, at ten ekl.k A. Id, on the eighteenth day of July, 1932, and defend the compinint filed in this suit or judgment will he entered by default, and that thin order be served or published a. required by statute. The foregoing suit involve, title to: Land In City of Detroit, to-wit: Lot 133 of Edi- son Ileinhte Subdivtelos of the East half of the Northeast Quarter of Section 14, Town One South, Range Eleven East, Wayne County. Michigan. (hand: Detroit, Mich.. June 13, 1932. IIENRY G. NICOL. Circuit Court Commissioner. Colby, Berns • Coat..., Attorney*, 1102 Majestic Bldg. 288860 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, se.—Sult pending before Hoe. Henry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Com- minioner for nid county,. between Adolph Radtke and Ida A. Radtke, his wife, plaintiff, ve. Carl E. Duckwitx and Ir ene Duckwite, his wife, defendants. Summons iseued and returned that de- fendants ...not be found, It appearing by affidavit, that said defend..a reside out of the State of Michinan. It le ordered that the said defendants appear at the Courtroom of the undersigned. Wayne County Building, Detroit, ran, at ten °clock A. M. on the thirteenth day of July, 1932. and defend the tom• plaint filed in this null or Judgment will be entered ky default, and that this order be served or published •s required by n a ute. The foregoing eult Involve title to: Lot 627 of Grote Pointe Colony Sub- division of tote 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, El, 28, 04, 35, 26, 27, 93, 34, 35, and Part of lot 15 of Rivard l'ark SubdivInion of Private Claims 253 and 458 and lots 9, 9. 10, 11, 12, 113, 17, 19 sod Part of lot 7 of the Subdivision of Private Claim 300 In the VIII.. of Crone Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, according to the recorded plat thereof. Dated: Detroit. Mich., June R. 1931. HENRY G. NICOL. Circuit Court Commissioner. Ale. J. Groebeck, Attorney, 1601 Diesn Bank Bldg. MORTGAGE SALE.—Default haviffir been made In the terms and conditions of • certain moil.00 made by George M• Copeland and Emma Copeland, hie wife, to Grange Life A...ranee Association, • Michigan Corporation, dated August 16, 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of W•yne and State of Michigan on the twenty.econd day of Auguat, 1919, is fibre 938 of Mortgages on page 640, (which eld Grange Life Aeourance selation changed Its corporate name to Grange Life Insurance. Company, taid change of name becoming effective June I. 1920) and which naid rnortnags w. assigned by eald Grange Life Insurance Company, • Michigan corporation, to the Michigan Life Insurance Company, • Michigan Corporation, by .111¢nment dated May 29, 1930, and recorded in the office of the Regieter of Deeds for the County of Wayne on August 18, 1930 in Volume 227 of Assignments on page kb on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice. for principal, Interest and taxes, the turn of twelve hundred forty-eight dol. I ars and ninety-eight rents 131218 M. and no suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been inetittited to recover the debt eecured by laid mortgage or any part thereof: now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortme and the •tatute of the State of Michigan in euch ease made and provided, notice is hereby given that on TUESDAY. THE TWENTIETH DAY ()F SEPTEMBER, A. D., 1912, at twelve o'clock noon, (Eg.tern Standard Time), said mortgage will be foreciond by • tale at Public cation to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congress street entrance to the County Building In the City of Detroit, Warne County, Michigan, (that being the place where the Circuit Court for the County of Wayne Is held) of the premises described In said mortgage, or so much thereof as may be netersary to pay the amount due on said mktg.. as •formid, with Interest thereon and all legal costs, charges and meta., including the at- torney fee allowed by law, and any sum or sums which may be paid by the under. dined at or before load naJe for tme and/or Insurance on eald premises, which premise. are Methed as follow.: Land., premises and property eituated In the City of Detroit, County of Wayne and State of Michigan, described an follows, to•wit: Lot numbered four hundred nine- teen (419) of Grace and Roos Addition to North Detroit, Quarter Section nine- teen (IS). Ten Thousand Acre Tract, formerly Townehip of Homtrarnek, now City of Detroit, according to the plat thereof recorded in Liber 15 of Plats, on page II, Said premixre being sit- uate on the south aide of Mead avenue, between Dubois street •nd Dequindre avenue, in the ninth ward. Together with the hereditament. and appurtenant. THE LEGAL CHRONICLE Franck K. Young, Attorney, 909 Ford Bldg. 258000 STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of W•yne, se.—Snit pending before lion. Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Cum• minioner for said County, betw.n Stewart Paterson, plaintiff, vs. Harry M. Hainan, defendant, Summons booted and returned that defendant cannot be found, It •ppearing by affidavit, that field def.. dant resides in thin 5 tate and that proeess for his appearance bas been duly krted and the same could not he nerved by rope son of hte sheen. from thin elate, or hi. concealment within thin state, and/or his continuer! absence from his place of resident.. It is ordered that the said defendant appear at the Courtroom of the undersigned, Wayne County Building, In- troit Michigan, at ten o'clock A. U. on the thirteenth day of July, 1932, and defend the coro2iOnt tiled in this suit or jutinment will be entered by default, and that thin order be eerved or pub. fished aeeeuoired by etatute The fore- going cult involyen title to: Land In tin City of Detroit. Wayne County. Michi- gan, to-wit: Lot 76 of Mary A. Damm's Subdivision of Priv•te Claims 727 and 729. North of Grand River. Dated: Detroit. Mich.. June A. 1912. HENRY G. NICOL Circuit Court Commissioner. Joseph J. Bede, Attorney, 3115 Barium Tower. 177746 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, se.—At • ...lion of the Probate Court for said County of Wayne, held at the Probate Courtroom in the City of Detroit, on the ninth day of June. In the year one thetut•nd nine hundred and thIrty•two Preeent Edward Command, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estate of LOUISE DAVIS. deceased. Jos- eph J. Ileck, Special Adhinistretor of said e,tate having rendered to thie Court his final account. It in ordered that the sixth day of July, next At ten o'clock in the foren000 •t said Courtroom be appointed for examining and •Ilowine taid aeroont. Aod Ur er ordered. that • ropy of kis order be publiehed three succeseive weeks previous to said time of hearing in the Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Legal Chronicle • newspaper printed and circulating in said County of Wayne. EDWARD COMMAND. Judge of Probate. THEODORE J. BROWN, Deputy Probate Regirter, • J. W. Joephson, Attorney. 0013 First National BeechBldg. MORTGAGE SALE—Default twiny been made in the terms and conditionn of certAin mortgage made hr Bert C • Whitney and Laura June Whitney, his wife, of Detroit Wayne Count. Miehl- ran, mortgagors, to Columbus Mutual Lae Insumee Company. of Columbus, Ohio. a' foreign corporation, mortgagee, dated the thirteenth day of May. A. D • 1929. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for the County of Weyne and State of Michigan, on the I ourteenth day of May, A. D. 1929. in Liter 2919 of Morten/es, on nage 471. on which mortgage there is claimed to be due, at the date of this notice, for principal and in the sum of fifty- five hundred and eighty•four •nd 08/100 (1558303) dollars. No suit or proceed. boa at law or in equity having been in- stituted to recover the debt secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of el. contained In said mortesee, and pursuant to the statute of the State of Michigan, in ouch cane made and provided, notice is hereby given tl.t on TUESDAY, THE TWENTIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A D. 1932, at 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard Time, said mortgage will be forecl.ed by • stale at oukile auction, to the highest bidder, at the southerly or Congrees etreet entrance to the County Building in the City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan (that being the build- ing wherein the Circuit Court for the County of W•yne in held), of the prem• lees deecribed in said mortgage, or no much thereof as may be net to Pay the enount due, as aformid, on Raid mortgage, with the intern< thereon at erten per cent (7%) and all legal costs, charnes •nd expenees, including the at. I ooney fees allowed by law, and also any sum or rtme which may be paid by the mortgage. ...nary to protect its In• tenet in the premkee. Which said premises are described as follows: All that certain piece or parcel of land situ• sled in the City of Detroit, in the County of Wayne and State of Michigan and described an follows to-wit: Lot 513 of J. W. Fate's Subdivision of part of the East half of Northwest (barter of Sec- tion 4, Town 2 South, Range 11 Ent, Greenfield Township, artordine to the plat thereof as recorded in Liber 35, page 25 of Plats, Wayne County Record.. Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 17, 1982. THE COLUMBUS TUAL LIFE MU INSURANCE COMPANY, OF COLUMBUS. 01110. Mort gager , J. W. JOSEPHSON, At for Mortgagee. Samuel Dubrinsky, Attorney, 902 Law- yers Bldg. PETITION TO CHANGE NAME STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne. as.—Probate Court for the said county. Notice is hereby given that I intend on the nineteenth day of August, A. D. 1982. at ten o'clock in the fore- noon. to make application to said Probate Court for an order chanting my name from SIMON A. MARCINKEVICH, to SIMON A. MARTIN, according to the provisions of the •tatute in •uch case made •od provided. Dated: Detroit, Mieh., June I& 1932. SIMON A MARCINKEVICH, By SAMUEL DUBRINSKY, Attorney. Signs, Attorney, 919 Fr. Herb. " Press Bldg. 288.32 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, es.—Sult pending before Hon. Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com- minion.. for said County, between Harry Grad, assignee of Abraham Stein and Beattie Stein, his wife, plaintiff, vs. Joe Adelman and Mob Adelman. de- fendants. Summons issued and returned that defendant Jacob Adelman cannot be found. It appearing by affidavit. that said defendant Jacob Adelman reeldes in thin stare and that process for his epearance he been duly issued and the name could not be nerved by reason of his absence from thin state. It is ordered that the said defendant appear at the Courtroom of the undersigned, Wayne County Build- ing, Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock A. M. on the fourteenth day of July. 1982 and defend the complaint filed in this bit or judgment will be entered by de fault, and that thin order be served or publtihed as required by statute. The foregoinn suit involves title to: Land in City of Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Michigan, to-wit: Lot 120, Stormfelte Loveley Company's Subdivision of part of Ferry Fart, In Quarter Sections 48 and 49, Ten .Theueand Acre Tract, ac- cording to the Slat thereof recorded in Litter 29, of Plats, Page 99. Wayne Coun- ty Retrirter of Deed's Records, Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 9, 1992. HENRY G. NICOL, Circuit Court Commissioner, SECOND INSERTION Jongste and Anna Jongete, his wife. de- fendants. Summons issued and returned that defendants cannot be found, It ap- pearing by •ffidavit that said defendant* reside in this State and that process for their appearance has been duly Issued and the same could not be served by r.son of their coneeelment within this State, it is ordered that the said de- fendant. men at the Court Koran of the undereigned. Wayne County Building, De- troit, Michigan, at ten o'clock a. m. on the fourteenth of July. 1992. and de. fend the complaint filed in this skit or judgment will he entered by default, and that this order he served or published as required by %Mute. The foregoing suit involves titled to: Land in Detroit, to- ws.: Lot 563, Fairmount Park Subdi- vision of part of Fractional Sections 20 and 23, known as Private Claim 12, in Hamtramck and Grosse Pointe Town- ships, Wayne County, Michigan. Dated: Detroit. Mich.. June 9, 1932. SOREST E. SAGE, Circuit Court Commiesioner. Louis Giesler, Attorney, 2427 First Na- tional Bank Bldg. 108310 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, ee.—Suit pending before Hon. Henry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Corn- mlnioner for said county. between Sanford Adler and Max Rosenfeld, doing business as Adler-Rosenfeld Building co.. plaintiff, vs. Gordon Williams and Gladys William., his wife, defendants. Summons iesued and returned that de- fendants cannot be found. It meaning by affidavit, that it•lit defendants reside In thin state and that proms for their appearance has been duly isnued and the same could not be d hy reason of their absence from this elate, or their concealment within this state, and/or their continued absence from their place of resider... It ia ordered that the said defendants appear at the Courtroom of the undernigned, Wayne County Building, Detroit Michigan, at ten o'clock A. M. on the fourteenth day of July; 1902. and defend the corn mid filed in this suit or judgment will be entered by de- fault, And that this order be d or published an required by tart.e. The foregoing suit involved title to: Lot 426 of Orchard Grove Park Subdivision of the East 40 acres of the Went 60 acres of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Town One South, Range Ten East, Red- ford Township, now City of Detroit, Wayne County. Michigan. Dated: Detroi(. Mich., June 9, 1932. HENRY C. NICOL. Circuit Court Commissioner. 257044 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wayne, as—Suit pending before Hon. Henry 0. Nicol, • Circuit Court Cum- minsioner for said County. between RM..* F. RuPP and Eliaabeth G. Runt, his wife, plaintiffn, vs. Frederick A. tlyington and Genevieve E. M. Byington. defendants Sumo.. hunted and returned that defendants cannot be found, It in- haling by •ffidevit, that said defendants reside In this state and that process for their appearance hap been duly iseued and the same could not be served by reason of their concealment within thin state, end /or their continued absence front their place of residence. It to order- id that the said defendants appear at the Courtroom of the undersigned. Wayne County Building. Detroit, Michigan at ten o'clock A. M. on the eighth day of July. 1)32. sod defend the complaint filed in this suit or judgment will be entered by default, and that this order be served or Publirted as required by statute, The foregoing suit Involve. title• to: Lot numbered 148, Wark-Gilbert Company'n Security Subdivieion of part of Quarter Section 18, Ten Thousand Acre Tract, City of Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan. according to the plat thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Wayne County. in Libeo 88 of Plats, page 60; better known house No. 3217 Buena Vista avenue went IIENRY G. NICOL. Circuit Court Commissioner. Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 3, 1932, Edw. B. Benson & Herbert M. Elie Attorneys, 919 Fr. Pres. Bldg. Aaron Fellman, Attorney, 2426 First Na- 288017 tional Beak Bldg. 206527 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit Wayne, ..—Sult pending before lion. Court for the County of Wayne, In Chan- Robert E. Sage, . Cirtult Court Com- cery.—Lell• Jackson, plaintiff, ye. Foreet minsioner for said County. between Jackson defendant. At a session of said Northwestern Contract Company, • C ourt held in the County Building. in Michigan Corporation, plaintiff, rt. Mur- the City of Detroit, Wayne County. Stat ray II. Noble and Hasel 13. Noble, his of Michigan on the first day of June, A. wife, defendants. Summons issued and D. 1932. natant: lion DeWitt H. Mer- returned that defendants cannot be found, riam. Circuit Judge. In thie cause, it appeariffir by affidavit, that said de. appearing from the affidavit of Leila fendants reside In this state and that Jarkson, plaintiff herein, and now on file, process for their appearance has been that the defendant, Forest Jackson, I. duly issued and the same could not be not • reeldent of the State of Michigan. William H. Kaplan, Attorney, 3005 Bar- and that the last known place of addrees d by reason of their absence from ium Tower. and reside.s of said defendant, Forest this state, or their conre•Iment within 206091 Jackson, in the City of Beaver Falk, this state, and/or their continued absence STATE OF MICIIIGAN, In the Circuit State of Penneelvania. On motion of from their place of mid.... It Is or- Court for the County of Wayne, In Chan- Aaron Felhan, attorney for plaintiff, It der.' that the said defendants appear cery.—Edith Cohen, plaintiff, vs. Harry is ordered that the defendant, Forest at the Courtroom of the undersigned, Cohen. defendant. At a seseion of said aPPear and *newer the bill of Benj, B. Cordon Attorney. 1224 First Wayne County Building, Detroit. Michi- National Both Bldg. Court held at its Courtroom in the Wayne complaint filed in the cauee, velthin three gan. at ten o'clock A. M, on the thir- ^8 - 718 County Buildine, Detroit, Michigan, on 131 months from the date of this order, teenth day of July, 1932, and defend the Lynn C. Gabriel... Petitioner, 4.441 STATE OF MICHIGAN, Count. of or that thin order be publInhed. or coy. the thirteenth day of June, A. D. 1932, Vancouver avenue complaint fled in this suit or judgment Wayne, es.--Suit pending before Hon. thereof be pereonally served onon the said Robert R. Lewiaton, Attorney, 1837 Book Present: Hon DeWitt H. Merriam, Cir- 17119rtt Ilenry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Coro- will be entered by default, and that this defendant. Forest Jackson, and that i• Bldg. cuit Judge, preelding. In thie eau. It STATE OF MICH IGA order be nerved or published nnrequiced copy of thin order be mailed, by regintered minion. for said county, between County Wayne, es.—At • mlon e o f the N. Probat of e MORTGAGE SALE—Default having appearing that the defendant Harry mail. to the said address of the said de- Lettle H. Bailey. plaintiff, ve. Mary by statute. The foregoinx suit involves Court for said Connty of Wayne, held at been made in the termn and condition,. Cohen, IR not reeldent of this Otte fendant. Forest Jackson, all •ecording to Thrall and Nellie Thrall defendants title to: Land In the City of Detroit, hut resides in Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. Summons mooed and returned that de- the Probate Courtroom in the City to-witt Lot 105 of Ann Arbor Ilelghts c • I'Varit. "117nt g eFrmnatdoen P ay ndNI' ll a i r e ne l; On motion of William Henry Gallagher, law. fendants cannot be found, it appearing e ro • on e e e•ent •y o f une, "r Subdivision of the East half of the DeWITT II. MERRIAM. by affidavit, that said defendants reside 'the year one thousand nine hundred and Smith, which eald monk.. is dated the attorney for the plaintiff, It in ordered (A true copy.) Circuit Judge. Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Q., that the eald Ifsery Cohen appear and twente•second day of July, 1929. and in this state and that process for their thirty•two. Preeent Edward Command. ter of Section 18, Town One South, C. M. CARS, Deputy Clerk. Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 15, 1932. appearance has been duly issued and the Judge of Probate. In the matter of the was recorded in the office of the Reeler. •nswer the bill of complaint filed in this. Range Eleven East, Greenfield Township, MICIIIGAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.. same could not be eery.] by reason of Mate of COLI.INS CHARLES GABRIEL- of Deeds for Wayne County, Michigan, cauee within thr. (3) months from the Wayne County, Midden., Assignee of Mortgagee. their concealment within this state and/or SON, deceased. Lynn C. Gabrielson,. ad- on the twenty-eixth day of Join. 1929, date of this order. or nid bill will be ALEX J. GROESBECK. N. Calvin Bigelow, Attorney, 514 Fidelity Dated: Detroit, Mich., June P. 1912. 285732 their continued abeence from their place in Liber 2355 of Mortgages, on Pare 45, tak eoaaronfeseed ...het him. It in ministrator of said estate having ren- ROBERT E. SAGE, Attorney for /insigne. of Mortgagees Treat Bldg. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of of residence. It is ordered that the said and which said mortgage was ••eigned further ordered that a topy of thin order dered to this Court Ma final account, A. Circuit Court Commissioner. 179682 Wayne, se.--Sult pending before Hon. D. It I. ordered that the twelfth day to Fenton & Smith, Ice • Michigan he publilhed according to law in The Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com- defendants appear at the Courtroom of STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit of July, next. at two o'clock In the Corporation. hi inetrument of Assign- Legs! Chronicle. and also that • copy missioner for laid county, between the undereinned. Wayne County Buildlrt, Court for the County of Wayne. In Chan- afternoon, at said Courtroom be appointed ment. dated the twenty•eighth day of of this order be forwarded by registered Carrie IL Wherritt, plaintiff, vs. William Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'cloek A. M. cery.—Merchants l'rotectIve Association, Lawhead & Kenney, Attorneys, 2230 175272 on the fifth d•y of July, 1932, and de- for examining and allowing said account. Jsmry, 1981. recorded in the office of mall to the last known address of the First National Bank Bldg. Inc., A Michigan Corporation, Plaintiff, STATE OF k MICHIGAN, Count. of And it it further ordered, that a cony the Resrister of Deeds for Wayne County. said Mary Cohen, Oklahoma City at least F. Darby and Jane B. Darby, his wife, fend the complaint filed in this suit or 2888323 Alennder C. Applebaum, defend•nt. Wayne, se.—At • ...ion of the Probate of this order be Imblished three successive Michigan, on the twenty•ninth da. of twenty (20) days before the time ex- defendants. bailed and re- Judgment will he entered by default, and turned that defendant William F. Darby that this order be d or published as Notice le hereby given that default having STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Court for said County of Wayne, held at weeks previoos to mad time of hearing Jen., y, 1981, in Liber 232 of Aneign- pires prescribed for his •ppearance. cannot be found, It appearing by •ffidavit required by statute. The foregoing suit been made on the part of the said dc. Wayne, sc—Suit pendinn before lion. the Probate Courtroom in the City of In the Legal Chronicle. • new.paper print- entente and Mortgages. page 897. and DeW1TT H. MERRIAM, that said defendant reeffies in this State involveo title to: Lot 109, Stormfeltz- fendent, Alexander C. Applebaum, with Robert E. Sae, • Circuit Court Corn. Detroit, Oct the thirteenth day of June, ed and circulating. in said County of which said mortgage was Circuit Judge. ...Signed to IA. true cony./ and that proem for his appeerance hay Lovely Company's Subdivielon of part of respect to the payment to be made to the minioner for said county. between in the year one thousand nine hundred W•yra. Fenton & Smith Service Co., Inc., • C. M. CARIL Deputy Clerk. been duly issued and the same could not the Ferry Farm in one-quarter nett.. plaintiff, under the term, condition. •nd Alpheus I.. Wilson nod Agnes Wilson. bin and thirty-two. Present: Edward Com- EDWARD COMMAND, Micbtgan Corporation. by instrument of be nerved by reason of his concealment 48 and I& Ten Thousand Acre Tract, provision. of • certain decree entered in wife. phantiffs. vs. Arthur Miles 'and Ly• mand, Judge of Probate. In the matter Judge of Probate. Artignment, dated the thirtieth day of within this State, and/or hin continued south of Euclid •vense, Ward 14. City said cause upon the fourteenth day of die Mlles. his wife. defendants. Summons of the estate of VALENTINE SATZ. THEODORE J. BROWN. June, 1931. recorded in the Office of the Dale H. Fillmore, Attorney, 150 W. Fort affilence from his place of reeidence, it le of Detroit. Wevne County, State of October, A. D. 1931, and there being now band and returned that defendante can- MAN. deceased. On reading and filing Deputy Probate Register. street. Renister of Deeds for Wayne County. ordered that the said defendant appear at Michigan. better 'known as (old number) due and owing upon said decree the sum not be found, it appearing by affidavit the petition of Walter lislickl, Praying 255128 Michigan, on the tenth day of July, the Court House of the undersigned. 1239.1211 Euclid avenue. of five hundred twelve and 96/100 dollar: that said defendant* reside In this State that administration of told estate be Dated: Detroit, Mich., May 31, 1932, 1931, In Liber 239 of Anignments and STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Wayne County Building, Detroit. Michi• and that process for their appearance (4612.91) for principal, and sixty•seve granted to Walter A. Stempien, or eome Malone] Securities Cs., Agent. 1207 Mortgagee. page III, on which mort• Wayne, se.— Suit pending before Hon. sr., at ten o'clock a, m. on the fourteenth HENRY G. NICOL, has been duly batted and the tame could and 35/100 dollar. ($67.36) for costs of other suitable person. It is ordered, that David Stott Bldg. Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Corn- Circuit Court Commissioner. day of July, 1932, and defend the com- gage there le claimed to be due at the suit and In on the total of "id two not he served by relation of their conceal- the twentieth day of July, next, at ten 285130 Dean & Person, Attorneys, 702-3 CBI- minsioner for said County, between plaint filed in this Rua or judgment will date of this notice., kb principal and in- amount, to the now of tante. and 93/10° ment within this State. sod/or their con- o'clock in the forenoon at said Court• zee Belo Bldg., Flint. Mich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Mortgage and Contract Company. • Mich'. be entered by default, and that thin order terest, thirteen I hundred •ixty•one 1316.931 dollars, snaking the total sum tinued anent* f rem their place of resi- r.m be appointed for hearing said pelt. Wayne, nn.--Sult pending before Hon. he Nerved or published as required by oration formerly Detroit Land La (111361.711 dollars and menty•one cent, !I. of five hundred ninety•seven and 23/100 dence, it Is ordered that theotaid defend- lion. And It is further ordered that • Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Caca- C e r t P Co.. an finee of Nathan fluky etatute. The foregoing suit involves Norman J. Munn., Aleut, 903 Majestic and no suit or proceedings at law or In r.... * on tra° dollars (8597.23), now due and owing ant. appear •t the Court Room of the wi- copy of thin order be published three o...loner for said County, between Bldg. equity having been instituted to recover •nd Ellen Gutov. plaintiff, rt. Julius title to: Lot 120, John Ford Subdivision to the plaintiff under the terms of said den...ft, Wayne County Buildinn, De- euccesslye weehn previous to said time Lena Wagner. Emil Joseph Schweitter, said aunt or any part thereof: Now, Wartell and Ethel Wartell, defendant.. of a part of the northeast gustier of the 287014 troit, Michigan, at ten o'clock a. m. on dm., the undersigned will sell at public STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of the fourteenth day of July, 1932, and of heart. In the Detroit Jewl. Chron- William J. Schweitzer and Marie Schweit- therefore, by virtue of the power of pale Summons limed and returned that de- northwest quarter of Section 1 . Town 2 auction to the highest bidder at th e Wayne, ...—Suit pending before Hon. defend the coml.'nt flied in thi• malt or cle, and The Legal Chronicle, st newspaper ler, hie wife, plaintiffs, •s. Louis Ryan. contained in eald mortgage, and pursuant f ' n d•° t J° lin° Wartell cannot be found. South, Range II East, City o Fordson Souther!, or Come. street entrane !fenny G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com- judgment will be entered by default, and printed and circulating In .aid County of defendant. Summons bilked and returned to the stetute In much case made and It appearing by affidavit, that said de- (now Dearborn), Wayne County, litchi- minsioner for said County, betw.n of the Wayne County Iluildinn on ERI! that thin order be mewed or publiehed an Wayne. that defendant cannot be found. It .- provided. notic is hereby given that said fendant Julius e Wartell resides in this Anthony J. Mo... artignee of Frank DAY, THE SECOND DAY OF sErTrm• required by statute. The foregoing suit EDWARD COMMAND, ..Mg by affidavit, that .1(1 defendant mortgage will be foredo.... he sale, at state and that process for his appearance ir Tlated: Detroit. Mich, June 9, 1932, Mydiase and Mary Myrna" hie wife, BER, A. D. 1932 at the bout of 12 noon. Involves title to: Land in Detroit. HENRY G. NICOL, Judge of Probate. resides in this state and that proem Public vend., on TUESDAY. THE TWEN. has been duly balled and the same could plaintiff. vs. Mike Pawl. John all the right, title, claim and in of Wayne County, lifelike% to-wit: Lot 28 THEODORE J. BROWN, Circuit Court Commissioner. ohn Penult. for his appear.. has been duly hunted TIETH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1932, not be d by reason of his ahem. . of Wawreyniet Pietas and ensign. Deputy Probate Register, the said Alexander C. Applebaum in and of Ilinell's Subdivision of Out Lot 39 and the eame rould not be nerved by at twelve o'clock noon, Eastern Stand from chic state, or hie concealment within Konstaney• Figula, hie wife, defend- to those certain pieces and parcels of and Lot 3 of Pepper'. end McLaughlin'. t a e, •n d/ or Id a a C neuron of his absent. from this state. and Time, at the Southerly or Con eeeee t his •t nue d b pence ants. Summons itteued and returned land, tenements and hereditament*, more Subdirtelon of Out Lot 39 and the north or hie concealment within this state, street entmee to the County Build- from hie place of reeldenee It le or- Dale H. Fillmore, 'Attorney, 150 West that defendant John Pm., cannot be Matt SmItt, Attorney, 2232 Buhl Bldg. Fort St. particularly known and described as fol- 130.37 feet of Lot 37, Labron• Farms. and/or Ms continued absence from hie Ins in the City of Detroit. County f dered that the raid defendant me. at found, It appearing by •ffidavi, that said 179379 288263 io.: Parcel 1—S. W. corner of Devi.. Dated: Detroit Mich., June 9, 1932. ° the Courtroom of the undersigned. Wayne plate of reeidenee. It In ordered that Wayne and State of Miehigan, (that STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of defendant resides in thie state and that COMMISSIONER'S NOTICE—in the • Woodward avenues, City of Highland ... „, t v ROBERT E. SAGE, County Building. Detroit, Michigan, at the said defendant appear nt the Court- process for his appearance has been duly matter of the estate of JOHN M. Park, Michigan: being for the building the Circuit Court Commissioner. " — ten o'clock A. U. on the sixteenth day Wayne, se.—Suit pending before Hon. issued and the name could not be served room of the undersigned, Wayne County Court the County wheee of Wayne le Ci held), Robert F.. Sage, • Circuit Court Com- WELCH, JR., deemed. We, the under- I51 The East 150 feet of lot 2, Block Building, Detroit, Michigan, et ten oklork the premine described In said mortme, of July, 1932, and defend the complaint missioner for Raid county, between by reason of hie concealment within thin planed, having been appointed by the 2. Da•lson's Subdivinion of Park lot 1, A. M. on the thirteenth far of July, or no much thereof an nay be nee eeeee y filed in this suit or judgment will be Mortgage and Contract Company, a Michi- ntate. It is ordered that the said de- Probate Court for the County of Wayne. Quarter Section 6, Ten Thousand Acre Rosenberg An Metzger, Attorneys 1415 entered by default, sod that this order gan Corporation. formerly Detroit Land fendant appear •t the Courtroom of the State of Michigan, Commiseionere to re- 1912, and defend the eornnlaint Sled in to reallae the amount due, as %formic!. on Tract. First National Bank Bldg. this Pull or judgment will he entered he said mortgage, together with interest at be served or published •n reouired by Contract Co., plaintiff. vs. Charles 8. undersigned, Wme County Building, De- ceive. examine and adjust all claims and (b) The North 26 14 feet of the East 160979 default. and that thls order he served seven (7%) per cent Per •nnuffi . and A etatute. The foregoing null involves title Peterson and Mathilda Peterson, his wife, troit, Michigan. at ten o'clock A. . on 160 feet of lot 1, Bk. 2, Davison'. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of demand. of all perms against said de- or published an required hv statute. The all legal costs allowed by law and provided to: Lot 644 Linwood Height. Subdivision defendant, Summons 'Retied and re- the eighth cley of July. 1932, and de- Subdivision of Park lot 1, Quarter See. Wayne, as.—At a melon of the Probate ceased, do hereby give notice that we inmost. null Involves title to: Land In for in said mortgage. Including attorney of part of Quarter Section. 13 and 20. turned that defendant Mathilda Petereon fend the complaint filed in this suit or tine 5, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Court for said County of Wayne, held will meet at the oflice of Max Smitt. Detroit, Wavne County. Mehl., viz.: judgment will be entered by default, sod fee: paid ermine being located Is t h e Ten Thoueand Acre Tract. Detroit, South cannot be found, it appearing by affidavit (e) The North 21 feet of the South at the Probat• Courtroom in the City 3212-39 Buhl Building. Detroit, Mich.. In Lot 15, RInds 14, Joseph Cimpau Ferri, Pity of Detroit, County of Wayne and of . Cortland •venue, Detroit, W.. C .,... thst said defendant rendes in this State that this order be env. or published 42 feet of the Wet 60 fee of the Etat of Detroit, on the fourteenth day of laid county, on MONDAY, T/IE FIF- being the North side of Mullett Pt . be- State of Michigen, described as follow.: ty. Michigan. locally known as Not. and that proem for her appearance han required by •tatute. The foregoing salt TEENTH June in the year one thmand nine hun- involves title DAY OF AUGUST. A. D. 1932, to: Land in H•intrartick. 150 feet of lot one, Block 2, Nikon's been duly inked and the same could not tween Cheno and Dubai, known as to-wit: Lot numbered three hundred 3209.3211 Cortland avenue. W 23 ayne County, MIchisan, to-wit t Lot Subdivinion of Park lot 1, Quarter Set• dred and Ihirty•two Present: Edwerd and on FRIDAY. THE FOURTEENTH 2261.2265 Mullett street. Dated: Detroit, MIA., June 11. !M. be served by reason of her absence from ninety•eleht Me) Nardln Park Subdi- Command, Judge of Prolate. In the DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1932, at two tion 6, Ten Thousand Acre Tract. this State, or her concealment within this Moran .d Croul'e Subdivision, etc., said HENRY G. NICOL. Dated: Detroit Mich.. June P. 1982. rtsion at the Northwest fmtional '4 premises being Ritual. on the south matter of the ntate of HYMAN RES- o'clock p. m of each of eld days, for Id) The South 20 feet of the Wes Circuit Court CommistIoner. State. and/or her continued Mem from HENRY 0. NICOL. of fractional Section 114 and the South. aide of Carpenter avenue, between Jon 100 feet of the East 200 feet of lot 1:, NICK, deemed. Nathan Reenick, ad. the purpose of examining and allowing her place of residence, it is ordered that Circuit Court Commissioner. West part of 1 4 Section 80. and Went part wren. •nel McKay avenue. (Lot ministrstor of said estate having hereto- said claims, and that four months from • Block 2, Davison's Subdi•Ision of Par the said defendant appear at the Court Camp. 26, Mot.. •nd Subdirtnion of of 14 Section 31, of the 10,000 Acre Lot I. Quarter Section 6, Ten Thousand fore rendered to thin Court his first the fourteenth dey of June, A. D. 1932, Trac(, Greenfleld Towneh.h. T. I. P. R. Siegmund L Ban, Attorney, 901 Trans. Room of the undernigned. Wayne County the Northe eeeee ly 60 acres of Quarter account. Nathan Resnick. administrator were allowed by said Court for creditors Acre Tract. Building, Detroit, Michigan, at ten odor porton. Bldg. 'action 22, Ten Thousand Acre Trait. II, East, Wayne County, Michigan. .- 357974 of said estate having rendered to this to present their claims to on for mamma. I. m. on the fourteenth day of July, 1932, Parcel IL—City of Detroit, Wayne 1.102 Town One South, Range 12 Eaet, ae- ding to the plat thereof as recorded STATE OF MICHIGAN, AN Count, County, blichittan, located on the N. W. Court his final account and filed there- lion and allowance. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of and defend the complaint filed in this cord, . to the plat thereof recorded in i i he lice of the Reginter of Deeds Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 14, 1932. Wayne. se.—Suit pendine before Hon. g." Corner of Temple A•enue •nd Third with • petition praying that the residue Wayne, es.— Suit pending before Hon. suit or Judgment will be entered by de. Liber 29 of Plats, page 19, W.. HERMAN A. AUGUST, Henry G. Nieol. • Cirenit •Iourt Con,' ' 21' t r ia ,e oh. ° ,° . Cor p?... h1 •treet:—The Ent 11 feet of lot 9 and the of eald estate be assigned to the per- 96 le hle sn p int... 11b4: Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Cow. fault, and that this order he or Colinty Record, rsioner for said Cnunty, between CHAS. HAWKINS, missioner East 73 feet of the South 10 feet of lot .. entitled thereto. It in ordered, that 1, •id County, between Published as required by Plat... The Dated: Detroit, Mieh., June 3, 1932, George T. Bader, nbantIff. en, Wleillslaw be l'ino g commonly known 'as 9601 Nardin Leon Van Vilet, Rose Artpach, Siegmund foregoing suit involve. title to: Lots Commi.loners. 8, Block 75, of th• Subdirtst., of part the fourteenth day of July, next, it ten HENRY G. NICOL, Ilialkowekt and Helena Bialknoreki. de- •yenue. Detroit. Michigan. of Jones Farm, North of Grand River o'cl.k in the forenoon at said Courtroom L. BIM and Frances V. Brin, plaintiff., 15, 19 and 20, Robert Oaknutn's Monterey Circuit Court Comminioner. Dated Detroit Mich.. June 13, 1931. be appointed for eaamlninn sod allowing fendant, Summonn lerted and return. [eights Subdivision of part of quarter Avenue, according to the plat recorded vs. Charles Simon (Charles E. Simon( or FENTON & ShIITH SERVICE CO.. INC., Said accounts and /oaring said petition. that defendant Wiadielaw Blalkowski ear,. !section 28. Ten Thousand Acre Tract. Simons, defendant. Summons issued and In Liber S of Plats on page 7, Wayne Dm. • Pearson, Attoneys, Flint, Mich. Art ignee of Mort. .., And it is further ordered that • copy of Laotian'', Kenney, Attorneys, 2290 Fket not be found, it apnearine ho elides+. returned that defendant cannot be found. Town 1 South, Range 11 Ent: alio County Record.. 207173 ROBERT R. LEWISTON, Malian! Bank Bldg. that said defendent Wladielaw It appearing by affidavit, that said de- known as 1610 Richton Avenue, Detroit, Parcel —City of Detroit, Wayne thin order be published Ihr. earnestly.. STATE OP MICHIGAN, County of Attorney for Aseignee of Mortgagee.. reside, in this elate and that proms 289323 County, Michigan, known as 1646 Boston weeks previous to said 'time of hearing fendant reoldee In this stoat and that Wayne, es.—Suit pending before Hon. Dated: Detroit, Mich., June 9, 1912, Blvd, W.t:Lot 413 of Boston Boulevard in the Detroit Jewish Chronicle and The Proem for his appearance has been duly Robert E. Sage, • Circuit Court Coro- STATE OF MICHIGAN, "aunty of for ht. apeman. has been duly inued ROBERT E. SAGE. tithed and the name could not be served Subdivision of lots I. 2. 3, • 7, 3, 9. Legal Chronicle, a newspaper printed and Wayne, tic —Suit pending before Hon. and the name could not be d by re.- minion., for said county, betw.n Harry ON. Agent, 13310 Dequindre by reason of his &beener from this state, Circuit Court Commissioner, 10, II, 14. 15, 17, 18, 19, 21, 21, 24, 27, circulating In eald County of Wayne. Felix Bober, assignee of John Janiteki Robert E. Sage, • Circuit Court Com- .on of hi, concealment within this state, street. EDWARD COMMAND. or hi. concealment within thin nate, and Warcyanna J•nitzki. plaintiff, •s. 10, and 31 of Quarter Section 36, Ten miseloner for said County, between told/or his continued name tenets his .7076 Yin rht Lukanewk, John Lukaseewlez. Judge of Probate. and/or hie continued therm from his Thousand Acre Tract. according to th: Alphe. L. Wilson and Agnes Wileon, place of reeldence. It im ordered that the STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of THEODORE J. BROWN, Oat thereof recorded in the office of th his wife, plaintiffs, n. Arthur Miles and said defendant el/ear at the Courtonnm Wayne, es.—Suit pending before Hon. place of remidence. It is ordered that the Wilfrid R. Laurie, Attorney, 1511 Wed- Alexandra Lukaseewlez, Stanley Wolf.- Deputy Probate Regirter. koo. k and Helen Wojtkowlez, defendants. Register of Deed• for Wayne Count.. said defendant appear at th• Courtroom Lydia Mile, his wife. defendant.. Sum- of the Mt-mined. Wayne Count• ward Avenue, Henry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Coot. Summons 1.11. and returned that de- In Litter 29 of Plats on page 23. mons inued and returned that defendants ins. Detroit, Michiran, at ten o'clock A. mission. for said County, between of the undersiened, Wayne County Build. FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. Parcel IV.—City of Detroit. Wayne tog, Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'cloek A. —To ALBERT II KLAVONS AND MIN- fendants Vincent Lukenewica, Stanley cannot be found, it appearing by affidavit, M. on the thirteenth day of July. 1531. County, Michigan, Lots 139, 119, 140 Led. G. Friedman, Attorney, 2150 Penne that said defendants rnide In this state and defend the complaint filed in this George Getyina, plaintiff, vs. David J. If on the thirteenth day of July. 1532, NIE KLAVONS. hie wife. You. Albert Wojtkowles and Helen Woitkowlez rev. Pigott. ant.. of There. Kerell, de- and defend the complaint filed in this scot Bldg. 01 be found, it •pperting by affidartt that nit or judement will be entered by de- of Crix Horne Perk Subdivision of the and that process for their appearance has H. )(lay.. and Minnie Klavone, are said last mentioned defendants reside in fendant . Summons issued and returned 150407 South half of the East half of the North- been duly teed and the name could not f.., and that this order•he "eyed or that defendant cannot be found, it ap- suit or judgment will be entered by de- hereby notifled that • eertain land con- this etate and that protege for their ap- STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of east Quarter of Section 11, Town 1 South. d or tract bearing data of the fifth day of Mean. has been duly issued and the be served by mown of their conceal- publlehed as required by statute. The pearing by •ffidavit, that said defendant fault, and that this order he Wayne. as—At • amnion of th• Probate forming (Mt involves title to: Land In Range 11 East. according to the plat publiehed as required by statute. The September, 1930, by and between Grin. eam• could not be Court for srtd County of Wayne, held at ment within this state, and/or their Detroit, Michltran. to-wit: Lot .66 of reside. In this state and that protest. Tor d by reason of thereof recorded September, It. 1911, In foregoing suit Involves title to: Lot Ill nell Realty Company, of the fleet part, their concealment within this state. the Probate Courtroom in the City of continued •bsenee from their place of his appearance has been duly issued and Laser 29 of Plata on page 62, Wayne Detroit, on the fourteenth day of June, residence. It Is ordered that the said de- Sum Side Subdkisinn of East 60 acres the same could not be seemed by reason and the South 16 feet of lot 144 of John. and Albert If. Eisoone and Minnie lilac. and/or their continued absence from their of Weal PO acres of Quarter Section County Record.. sten's Subdivieion of the LaFountain ens of the ...and part. Is In default by places of reeldenee. It is ordered that fendants appear at the Courtroom of the In the year one thoueand nine hundred his concealment within the state, Farm, being part of Private Claim 44, reason of the non•payment of the Instal- Peel V.—City of Detroit, Wayne one M. Ten Thousand Acre Tent liarn• . of hdthe ht. eont i undereigned. Wayne County Building, De- nued hheen,e from his the said defendant. appear at the Court- and thirty.two. Prelent: Edward Com- County, Michigan, located on the North- mand, Judge of Probate, in the matter troit. MIchIgan , at ten o'clock A. M. on lying between the Chicago Road and the lments of the principal and inter.t due room of the undereigned, Wayne County tramck, plat thereof re. place of residence. It is ordered that the rend. h artordiew the nine* to wet corner of Cortland and Linwood of the Register a Deed,. .1d defendant appear at the Courtroom Grand River Road nod recorded in Liber Building, Detroit. Michigan, at ten o'clock of the estate of CHARLES VAN PAT. the fourteenth day of July, 1932, and a lCil a v A rr re li Py l" a re: A. M. on the eirth day of July. 1911. •n'i a for Wayne Count, avenue :Lot 98, A 9, and 90 of Linwood 466 of Deeds in Wayne County records; th nr Win d: TER, deceased. On reading and Min& defend the complaint filed in this stat of the undersigned, Wayne County Build- notified that the said Grinnell ni nealty defend the complaint Sled in thin suit Heights Subdivision of part of Quarter Deed: Detroit, Mirk: June P. 1922. also known as Northeast corner of Fit. the petition of Edna J.keon, pray!ns or judgment will be entered by default, ing, Detroit, Within., at ten o'clock A. teenth •nd Perry Streets, Detroit, Mich. Company elects to declare •nd does hereby or judgment will be entered by default. Sections 13 and 28, Ten Thousand Acre that admineitration of said estate he and that this order be d or published HENRY G. NICOL, M. on the thirteenth day of July. 1112. declare *aid contract forfeited, and you, and that this order be served or pull- Dated: Detroit, Mich., June A, 1932. Tract, seconding to the plat thereof • Circuit Court Commissioner. granted to Mary Page, or eom• other a. required by statute. The foregoing and defend the complaint tiled in this suit Albert H. Kla•ort and Minnie Kt.., liked as required by aktute. The fore- receded in Ube 15 of Plats on page HENRY G. NICOL, eultable person. It in ordered that the soft involve title to: Land In Detroit, or judgment will be entered by default, are hereby further notified to yield, sur- going null invol•es title to: All that cer- Wayne County Records, Circuit Court Comminioner. twentieth day of July. nest, at ten o'clock Wayne County, Michigan, to,sit: Lot IA, render and deliver up posmsion of said tain piece or parcel of land being •Ituated sod that this order be served or pub- Vendee's interest--City of • Detroit. In the forenoon at said Courtroom be an. of Ilinelen Subdivision of outlot 39 and Marc. Howard, Attorney, 2921 Ent fished as required by statute. The fon- J.. F. Bean, Attorney, 2501 Barium premises in said land contract mentioned Iv the City of Detroit. Wayne County. es Wayne County. Michigan, known Davison Avenue. and of which you are now in po eeeee Ion Michigan, and more partkularly known pointed for hearing said petition. And lot I of Pepper's and MeLautchiln's Sub- teeing cult Involves title to: Land in the Tower. 14021 Breh street. The North 67 feet of It is further ordered, that 2.464 under and by •Irtu• of the terms thereof. and described as lot number 121 of Sey- . copy of this division of outlot IC and the North 130.37 Cit y of Dtroit, e MOM., to-w it: 296593 lots 61 and 61 Pallor's SubdIviaion of order be published three/wee...lye wnks feet af lot 17, Labroe• Terms, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of 319 of t he John P. Clark Est ate SLot Said premises are described in said land mour & Troesterk Michigan a•enue flub- ub- STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of South half of lot 6, Quarter Section, four , Dated: Detroit, Mi., June 9, 1932. Wayne, es.—Sult pending befo.• on. division of lot 5, Shipyard Tract, accord• Wayne, sa—Sell pending before Hon. content as follows, •le.: All that certain di•leion of part of Private Claim 719. Ten Thousand Acre Tract. ROBERT E. SAGE, Ve'ty ri. oT:Je th wisl id Cit t i r m on eae h a e n a dri gte 7..?e .l Hen. G. Nicol, • Clreolt Court (am. Inn to the plat thereof as recorded in Robert E. Sage, • Circuit Court Com- piece or parcel of land being situated in said Premien hying further known as Vendor'. interest (a)—Clty of Detroit the Cite of Detroit. Wayne County. Licht- frame house and frame abed at 5503 Circuit Court Commissioner. rnissioner for eald County, between Lib. 24 of Plate , on pa Chronicle, • newspaper printed and cir- ge 32. Way. mksioner for said county. between W•ere County, Michigan: Iota 8 and 1 culating in staid County of Wayne, m ore John L . Cman. ar plaintiff, ye. Adolph coon. Records. Procter •rtnue. Robert H. Atkinson and If At- r and the southerly 117 feet of lot 1. Dam . e:i ZrAllitroll.A"gknniaar'114. Dated: Detroit. Mich.. June 1, 1531. EDWARD COMMAND. erten Men and Sadie Green.... hie wife. I Dated: Detroit. Mleh.. Jose 5, ley?. kinson, hie wife, plaintiffs, la Albert barton Read Subdivielon of part of the Puritan Park Subdivielon of the Ent defendants. Summons teased and returned ROBERT E. SGE. Judge of Probate. HENRY G. NICOL, A•attaneo, defendant Summons lowed Westerly half of Quarter Section 49, Ten THEODORE J. BROWN, half of the West half of the Southeast G. F. &Munn. Agent, 2127 Feerkell that defendants eannet he found. it op- Circuit Court Commissioner. Circuit Court Comminioner. end Teturned that defendant eannot be Quarter, Section 15, Town 1 South, Range Thousand Acre Tract as recorded Or. Deputy Probate Register. Peering by elida•lt, that said defendant. found, It appearing by •ffidavit, that acid 11 Ent, being lot No. 3 of the Sub- J...p h sober IT, 1922 in Lib. 44 of Plats on 159411 reel. In this state and that proms for R. Leen. Attorney, 5141 Ham- ha. 72. Wayne County Records. nd Bld mog. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of their appeannee has been duly Issued Reeoodk R. Lowisteav Attorney, 16374 defendant wide In this state and Mt division of the South half of Section 16, Procee• for his appearance has been duly recorded in Litter I, page 54 of Piet., (h) City of Detroit. W•yne Coanty Robert R. Lewiston, Attorney, 1937-39 Wene, as—Suit pending before Hon. and the earl. could not be served by re. FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT. B Tower. inked and the same could not be served Greenfield Township, in Liber 14, page Michigan lots numbered 17 .d 2. of To JACOB ROSENBLATT AND Robert Z. Sage, • Circuit Court Corn• eon of their absence from thin eate, or Beek Tower. 205036 17 of Plate. Wayne County Record.. by reason of hie concealment within this G W. Reed's Subdkision of lot 10, of . PAULINE ROSENBLATT. his wife. You. minionee for nald County, between their concealment within thin state. 31.510 STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of state, and/or his continued absence from Amount due, 1500.00, principal and in- nod each of you. are hereby notified that the Connor Bubdivielon of the Forsyth STATE OF MICIIIGAN, County of Coopentive Builders. be., • Michigan and/or their eontinned Aintree from Way.. ss.--Sult pending before Hon. his plate of residence. It I. ordered that Meet. • certain land contract bearing date of Farm. Town 2, South, Range 12 East, Wayne, ea—Salt pending before Hon. Corporation, plaintiff, •s. Mary Tent, their place of residence. It In ordered that Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com- the said defendant appear at the Court• GRINNELL REALTY CO., the twenty-third day of March, 1929, be according to the plat thereof recorded Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Com• defendant. Summons breed nad returned the 'raid defendants appear at the Court• By WILFRID R. LAURIE, minioner for eald County, between nd between Morris Peal. and Anna In Giber 7, of Plate, page 16. Wayne minioner for said County, between that defendant cannot be found. It op- room of the onderriened, Wayne Colin. Norman Schwartz, plaintiff, es. Mortis room of the undereigned, Wayne County Peskk, his wife, of the lint part, and County Fterorda Theodore Schw•rtz, plaintiff, on. Edward Peeing by efidelt, the It cannot be as- Building, Detroit, Idichigan, at ten o'clock Sett's, and Pearl :Whin. defendants. Sum• Building, Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'Hoelt Jacob Ronenblatt a d Pauline Rosenblatt. n tel City of Detroit. Wayne Coon.. Orlikow.1 and Alice Orlikoweld, defen- certained In what etatg or eountry the A. M. on the thirteenth day of July. mons issued and returned that defendants A. M. on the eighteenth day of July. 1932, and defend the complaint filed In his wife, ef the necond part. le In default Michigan: (a) lot numbered 25, except dants. Summons Issued and returned defendant on... It is ordered that the 1989 and defend the complaint filed in Albert C. NA% Attorney, 629 Ford by reason of th• non-payment of the easnot be found, it appearing by affidavit, the Westerly 171 feet thereof of Dien that defendants cannot be found. It ap- said defendant appear at the Courtroom this euit or judgment will be entered by that said defendant. rel. in thk •tate thin rtit or judgment will he entered by Bldg. 1931 City, State and County taxes and default, sod that this order be V. Bell's Subdivision of part of outlet pearing by affida•13 that MI defendants of the undereirned Wayne County Build. default, and that this nrder be served and that proem for their appearance 2016e1 pert No. 4, Alley Paving taxe, and you. 11, Mullett Farm, Detroit. Michigan. melds In thi. state and that *moms for Ing, Detroit, Michigan, at ten °kip. A. or published as required by statute. The has been duly Posed and the same could or published as required by statute. The STATE OF MICWIGAN, In the Circuit and ea. of you. ere hereby further noti- (b) North 30-1/100 feet of lot IL ex- their appearance has been duly heed M. on the Afteenth day of July, 1973. fore/ech .s , . tills to: Lang not be served by reason of their eon. foreeoing suit title to: I.ot 57, Court for the County of Wayne. In Chan- fied that the e slit in' Motels Reto Mort cept the Westerly 10 feet thereof of and the erne could not be erred by and defend the complaint filed in thin suit In City of Detroit. Michigan, to-wit: tn. eealment within this state, and/or their Block 2 of Chrietyk Subdirtsion of part cery —John Grotty, Plaintiff. n• Lille sign. of Morrie Peel. and Anna Pesick. L. P. Desnoyerk Subdivision of outlot reason of their concealment within this or judgment will be entered by default, 79, Oahrnan & Mom* Subdivision or continued absence from their place of of Private Claims 257. 317 and 7t1, and Groely. defendant. It appearing from the his wife. elect. to declare and doer here, 10 and South port of outlot IL Mullett state, and/on their continued absence and that this order be eerved or pub- East half of Lot 1. Sulodhlsion of FA. residence. It is ordered that th• said part of Fractional Sections 21 and II, •ffidvait on file that defendant, Lilly declare eald contract forfeited. and 7.• ., Is not . resident of the State of and each of you. arc hereby further noti• Tern, Detroit /Whir.. from their place of residence. It is !lobed as required by eatute. The fore- half of Southmt Quarter of Section I0. defendants •ppear at the Courtroom of Town One South, Range Twelve East, Gr' tel South 13-1/106 of the North If- ordered that the laid defendant appear at going suit involve title to Lot 94 of Town One South, Ran. Eleven East, the undersigned. Wayne County Building, being situated partly in the City of Detroit. Michigan, but reside. in Indiana, and her fled to yield, surrender and deliver lots 1/200 feet except the Westerly 10 feet the Courtroom of the undersiened, Wayne Grosse Pointe Highlands Annex Sub- according to the plat thereof recorded in Detroic Michigan. at ten o'clock A. M. VIII.. of St. Clair 114hts and Town' present address is 460 Taylor, Connelton, P.session of said premises In said land ships of Gratiot and Hamtramck, ac- Ind. It I. ordered that the defendant thereof of lot 14, L. P. Desnymk Sub- County Building, Detroit, Michigan, at division, of the Northerly pert of lots I, 24 of Plats. page 100, Wart• on the sixteenth day of July, 1992, and cording to the plat thereof recorded In enter her appear.. In •ald rein within contract mentioned and of which coil division of cadet 10, and the South ten o'clock A. M. on the taxteenth day of I, I, 4 and a of rereoncesolon of Priv- County Reeorde. !defend the complaint filed In this suit Lihee 11 of Plata, on pace 47, Wen, three months from the date of this order are now In p.m.'. under and by ', Hue the terms thereof. Said premise. rte irt of .t.lot 11, Mullett Farm. Detroit, July, 1932, sod defend the complaint ate Claim flit Grelot Township (now Dated: Detroit. /die), June I. 1932. or judgment will be entered by default. County Records, said lot being situated or said hill will he taken aa eonfeeed of described In eskl land contract as fol- Skim. Sled in this melt or Judgment will be City of Detroit). Wayne County, MIchl- HENRY C. NICOL, and that this order be served or pulk on the East side of Barwick ann.. be- and that the said order be published ac- lows, •Ie.: All that eertain piece or pat- id) That certain 'trip or parcel of land entered by default, and that this order • accordinn to the plat thereof as Circuit Court Commissioner. Belted as required by statute. The fore- tween Harper and Shoemaker eenuee, cording to law. rol of land being situated In the City of which lies •nd io eituated between. the be served or published as required by retarded in !Aber 41 of Plata, page 52, ' eel. mutt Involvea title to Lot 43 cab) Premise. being In City of Detroit. DeWITT IL MERRIAM, Detroit, W•yne County. Michigan, and Westerly line of Russell street in said statute. The foregoing eult involves Wayne County Records. (A true copy.) Koeh's Subdivision. part of huh Inn Wayne County, Mick. Circuit Judge. more perti.larly known and deleribe4 City of Detroit and the easterly line t itle to Lot 25 of Herrahk Livernois Dated: Detroit. Mich . Jove In. 1932. C. M. CARS. Deputy Cbrk, numbered eeven (11 of the subdi•leion ax lot No 35 of Wenon's Subdivision of Dated: Detroit, Mkh , June I I, 1912. of the North 66-6/100 feet of lot 16. Subdirttion of part of East half of the ROBERT E. SAGE, FORFEITURE OF LAND CONTRACT of Section 07. Ten Thomnd Acre Tract. ROBERT E. SAGE, outiot 1.5 I,. Ileaublen Farm, *Runt. no —To WILLIAM G. 51ST AND ANNA r an nem in Wayne County Record* of L. P. Desnoyer's Subdivision of out- Northeart Quart. of Seetkn 1, Town Circuit Court Commissioner. Circuit Court Commies' the eoutheaet corner of Leland and let II and the South part of outlet 11, Two South, Ranee Eleven East. Including BIRT. Me wile, 1969 Lothrop. You. Wayne County. Michigan, In Lib. 0, Ileaublen week, Mullett Farm, Detroit, Miehigan. that part of Private Claim 574, which William G. Flirt and Anne Bin, are hereby Rkitard J. Holden, Petitioner, 4593 3. or 14. Plate; known a. 124.111 Mt. 2..04 Amount due, $33.35. part No 4 Alter tel That certain Otrlp or parcel of Ii es west of Limn.. Road, City of De- notified that • certain land contract beer. Vernon Avenue. Detroit bait avenue. Pawl. Tax, 190 95 City tax. for Int STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of land which lies and It situated between nett, Wayne County, Michigan. Marcus Howard. Attorney. 2921 East ler date of the se•enth d. of Werth. I Dated: Detroit. Mich., Jew IL 1932, 150140 13023 1931 state and county Me.. total Wayne, pending before Hon the Westerly If. ef Ruseell street In said Davison Avenue. by and between Edward F.. Shel. Dated: Detroit, Mich.. June II, MY STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of amount of 1161.49 same to HENRY G. NICOL. Henry G. Nkol. • Circuit Court Cove' Paid on Peet City of Detroit. and the Easterly line of ter., who Resigned to Siegmund L. Rein HENRY G. NICOL. Circuit Court Commissioner, reinioner for said enontv. between Wayne, sc—At • ...ion of the Probate or before May II, 1931. Jot 16, Disby V. Bell'. Subdi•ision of Circuit Court Commissioner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of and Frances V. Rein, of the tirst part, MORRIS RAISKIN. Angrtt F. Rupp and Elizabeth G Rupp. Court for said County of Wayne, held By iostrif R. LEEMON. Wayne, ...--Suit pending before Ho n. and Robert R. Reinsmith and Valmetta part of outlet 11, Mullet Farm, Detroit, ki• wife, plaintiffs, e. Joiteri, C. Maloney at the Probate Courtroom in the City of Detroit. on the third day of Jane. in Ills Attorney and Agent. Henry C. Nkol, a Circuit Court Com• Reinemith, who assigned to William G. Michigan. 205514 and IC•thryn R. Malone, his wife, de. IrD City of Detroit. Wayne Coon . . mieloner for said County. between flirt and Anna flirt, of th• second part " STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of fends.n. Surnmon• issued and returned the year one thousand nine hundred and Michigan: Lots II and II, Mandelbaurn • Bessie MacDonald, Attorney, 212 Ham- Mao Illumbere and Thelma Slumber,, Is In default by reason of the non-payment Wayne. as.--Snit pending before Hun. that defendant. cannot be found, It ape thirty-two. Present: Henry S. Mullett, 'molt R. Lew., Attorney, Ill Ham- Judge of Probate. In the matter of the of the his wife, plaintiff., vs. Anna Direst.- Subdivision of outlet 117, Cass Farm. Installments of the principsi and Henry C. Nkol, • Circuit Court Coen- PearIng by •ffidartt, that said defendants mond Bldg. 11 "triti lE.T Blid D I RE OF LAND CONTRACT. 200563 ski, defendant Summons issued and re- Interest due thereunder. and you William ' relleioner for said County between reside in this state and that process for .tate of GEORGE THOMAS HOLD)'N, Detroit, according to the recorded plat deemed. On reeding and Aline the — To LEA MET?., SOLOMON METZ. STATE OF MICHIGAN. in the Circuit turned that defendant cannot be found, G. flirt and Anna Dirt, are hereby further Ada F.. Prtkineton. Plaintiff. e.. Rino their ...ram ha. been duly issued petition ther.f. of Richard J. Holden, praying that ROSE KAHN, CF.LIA SCHMIDT, ANNA let City of Detroit, Wayne C,00nty, Court for the County of Wayne, In Chan. It appearing by afltda•it, that veld de- noti9ed that the said Siegmund L. Rein Jerome and Lydia Jerome. las wife. de- and the same could not be served by administration of said ertate he granted RICH. being all of the heirs of Jechill IMIchlean:Let 19. National Park Serdies- rery.—Hel. Breen Bradford, plaintiff, fendant mid,. 112 this state and that and France V. Bain. elect to declare and , fondants. Summon* imed and returned reason of their rta from thie state. to him or some other suitable person It Men rt et, deased You and each of ou km. beers as 614749 Trenton ••enee. vs. Harold Albert Bradford, defendant. priori?sn for her epergne. Ins been dule do hereby declare said contract forfeited, diet defendant Rill. Jerome cannot be or their coneertment edIble nt. elate. I, ordered that the seventh day of .1.0•. • 1f1 Cooley of Wayne: Lots 15 to At • tresses of said Cove held In the Issued and the game could not he served and you, William G. Bin and Anna Rim found, It •ppearine by •ffidartt, that said and or their mannaed ah from next. at ten oklock in the f orrr-r t re hereby notified that • certain land eon- raet bearing dots of the nineteenth day 11. both Inclusive of the F •nd F. W. fourth.... at the City of Detroit, Wayne by marts of bee absence from this are hereby further notified to yield, sur- defendant re... in this state and that their place of reeldenee. It is ordered at said Courtroom be appointed for hen•- I Janu•ry. 1910, by and between Jaen state, or her e.eealment within this render and deller op poneelon of saki Park Sohdivisioa of part of fractional County. Michly.. held Mt th• eleventh Preen for his appearance haa been dale that the nab) defendeet appear •t the big said petition. And it is further or- Nebonion-and Else' Mekeity his wife. seek. 17, Town 3, South Range II Last day of June. A. D. 1931. Present the state. andror her continued abloom from premise In said land retract ', tenoned Ike. and the man. could not he served Courtroom of the underskned. Warne dered that • fop, of this order be pub. • *reeding to the recorded plat thereof Honorable DeWitt H. Merriam, Circuit her place of residence. It is ordered •nd of which you are now in Penne he by neon of his anew from this state. County Building, Detroit. Mkhigan at lished three namely. weeks previa, t tie .econd pant, (a t n it a jre tf h tsn ult i :t.i b. , " , f the M the offlee et the Berber of Deeds Judge. It satisfactorily appearing to that the said defendant appear •t the under and by •Irtoe of the terms thereof I or hi. meet/neat within this eate, ten o'clock A. M. on the nineteenth day to said time of bearint in the Detroi• ef Way. Coonty In Libor If of Plats on thin Court by •ffidavit on Ale that the of the andereigned, Wayne Said premises •re described In said land sad/or his continued ab•ence from his of Joe, 1913, and defend the complaint J.rieh Chronicle and The Leval Cho.- of the principal and Intone due there- defendant, Harold Albert Bradford's ye. County Building, Detroit, Michigan, at contract an follows, viz.: All that cer- ' piece of residence. It Is ordered that the Sled I. this suit rer jodymet will be big. a newspaper printed and circulating ander. and you and garb of yon, are he.- Page 41. And also and undivided (11.10) ewe. Set place of reed..e le not knew. his ten o'clock A. M. on the thirteenth day tain piece or parcel of land being @Mated said defendent appear et the Coartrome entered be default and that chit order In said County of Wayne , further notified that the said Morris HENRY S. HULBERT. tenth Went In and to ney and all pe- se place of residence bear 916 Drou• of July, 1132, and defend the complaint In the City of Lincoln Park. Wayne Coun- of the undershreed Wa y .. County Belid• be served re publiebed as required by o . fi. Jac t. obMor to d.,r. koks vitz and Juds of Probate. wee preperty of the estate of lease lard Rand. % T. Dudley, E. Windsor, Sled It thie suit or Adment will be ty. Mkbles, and more Partbni•rlY known Me Detroit, Michigan, at ten o'clock A. statute. The foregoing emit blvd.. B RO W N my hereby declare Province of Ontario, Canada. It is or- entered by defeult and that thie ord.r and d.erlbed an lot eixtealx (461 of I M. on the 'Osten. day of July. 1911. title to: Lot 179 of Pah.. Boulevard ThE l3epu e.traet for. l tte r. P. 1t• fet , ter. 1. and and each of you. are dered that the maid defendant eater his be served or published as minfred by the Predertch. Roberts.Mc glnnee Realt and defend the complaint Aled In this Estate Suni1.4.1iss of the W.t half of ■ thv Ninth, notibed to yield, oncrsowler Wm. la said Wee. this .ale being In •piscarancir is said ..• no or before etatete. The foregoinfr mutt involve. Company'. Ruhdl•irtoo of part of Private en t or judenent will he entered by de- the Southeast Charter or lacetion 5, Town • nd d•lvec up pramebn of end premise. pee.on of the term., condition. and three Ill monthn from the date of this title to: Land In the City of Detroit. Claim 1411 ...dine to the plat of said fault. and that this order be nerved or One South, Range Eleven Ea. I, es. land contract mentioned and or preen:. of On laid deeree of the said order or -said hill will be taken its ems. Wayne County. Miehlen. to.wit: Lot 44 eubdieleion recorded in Libor 11 of Plate. I published as required by statute. The fog to the Plat thereof Day Smith, Attorney. 503 Lawyen1 which you are now In poseeesion under nage 9. Wayne County Records. CMS Court en .tared Is said ***** foregoing atilt involves title to: The Liber 35. on rare 43. of Plats. Wm. Frank eseed and that the said order be gob. of A. Meyers • Son Subdivision of pet Bldg. Amount doe. 99940 and merle,. tar. 1 Westerly 39 feet of lot AO of T. J. R. County R.ords: better known as house on the said fieurtenth day of October, lobed an required by law and a espy of the Southwest Quarter of Northwest id ea or legione seen days Crane's Subdirtei. of the La Breese No. 17160 Lilac inOw A. D. 1111. et O. thir Wt known addersn by regis- Quarter of Faction IL To. One South. same le be said STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of after reeleag thLo notice. TURN TO PAGE ELEVEN AMZIUCAM STATIC TRIM' CO.. tered mall. Renee Twelre East. Farm: Cite of Detroit. W•yne County. too Drive) Detreit, Mich, Wa yne. I. " —s ail "^4 " 1"4"'• Re ' Reeve. Dated: Detroit. Mich., Jane 9, 1932. SIEGMUND L. PRIN. D•WITT H. MERRIAM. I Dated: Detroit, Mkh, June II, 1131. Dated: Detroit. Wick. J.. 14,11111. Robert FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL Sae. a Circelt Court Com- a, nuw D. MARL, (•true tey.1 HENRY G. NICOL. PRANCES V. BRIX Clesnit Jades. HENRY G. NICOL. HENRY G. NICOL. mie.. for said county. Wee NOTICES Vino-FersOlm0. C. Y. GUM Delay c1m-9. area Court Commissions... NA 511 TrauportatIon Bldg. areal, Conn Commkele.r. aren't Court Commleeleme. awl. L. Week.. Plaintiff, e, William I • D :rttrzerdT,:,"ii.ikl:LthC ..47.1! 1" l I