EIATROIVEWISf at RON ICIE and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE ThEVEntonjEwisnefROIOCLE Gabrilowitsch and Palestine. Danzig Under "Protection" of Hitler Our Film Folk By-the-Way Tidbits and News By DAVID SCHWARTZ In a quiet, unheralded and unassuming manner, Ossip Gabrilowitsch, one of the (Copyright, 1552. Jewish Telegraphic 4grencr. joe.) By HELEN ZIGMOND most eminent pianists of our time, director Speaking of good advice, here is some fel° all those budding law- Published Weekly by no Jewish Chreakle Publishing Ce, Inn HOLLYWOOD, Calif.—Opening yers and even those beyond the budding stage from no less a person of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, is spon- entered as Second-class matter March 1, 19111, at the Poet. Jewish Population Subjected to Anti--Semitic night of Jolson's "Wonder Bar" than Max Steuer: Never come to court with an air of importance. ofnce at Detroit. Mich, under hr Act of March I. 1579. soring a specific piece of work in Palestine Terrorism. in L. A.! .. A gawking, autograph- . . . Never use big words in your trials . . . Never take notes—use General Offices and Publication Building hungry mob in the streets and your memory instead. Coming from a lawyer who is said to make a His devotion to his project was revealed lobby • .. In the box office, Al Jol- million annually, it ought to be worth listening to. Perhaps the bril- 525 Woodward Aienue By M. SONNENSCHEIN here during the triennial convention of the son, himself, handing out tickets liant Max should also say something about knowing how to charge, Telephone: Cadillac 1040 Cable Address: Chronicle 1931, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Ina.) (Copyright, and shoveling in shekels.... And for he certainly tan do that—and what is more, they seem glad to Landon Office. National Council of Jewish Women, when the flicker-folk! Ricardo Cortez, pay- . Stetter, it is said, gets tens of thousands of dollars annually 14 Stratford Place, London, W 1, England the Ilitlerists, with the result Archie Mayo, Mervyn LeRoy, Mar- from lawyers who come to ask him what's wrong with their handling he informed a representative of The Detroit In Germany, the Hitlerista are $3.00 Per Year Subscription, in Advance that at any moment the Hitler- ion Byron, Carmel Myers, Gregory of a cue. By the way, they tell a story of a certain man that came war against the Republic, waging Jewish Chronicle that an honorarium he to establish their third regime, ists can turn the government out Ratoff, Jetta Goudal, Rouben Ma- to consult Steuer. "I never give advice until I am paid," said Steuer. To Insure publication, all correspond.ee and news matter !MOO Of OOCh week. must reach this Oa. by T UVIROp was to receive for his recital at the conven- but in the Free City of Danzig of office. To remain in power the moulian, and many more. Quite a "But first, I just wanted to ask you to think over this aspect of the When mailing notices. kindly me one side of th e , paper onlY. government has gold its soul to chummy evening . . . Jolson hop- case." "I can't think without money," replied Steuer. And to start they have already won their way, tion dinner would be turned over for the and they have converted it into the Ilitlerist demon. No matter ping off and on the stage, greet- the cerebral processes of the brilliant Steuer it was necessary to give The Detroit Jewish Chronicle invites correspondence on sub. the Ilitlerists do, the gov- ing his Hollywood friends (he him a check in four figures. a Hitlerist fortress, where the Mete of interest to the Jewish people, but disclaims reepomi.. support of the Palestine music movement Jewish population is subjected to what ernment must wink at it, or out knew every face for 20 rows back) bill. for an Indorsement of the views expressed by the writer. By the way, did you know that Rabbi Milton Ellis, formerly of it goes. Hence the cocksureness . . . Lew Brice, Fanny's brother, anti-Semitic terrorism and has of which he is the guiding figure. Sabbath Readings of the Law. with which the Ilitlerists go fox-trotting to his seat . . , Al some North Carolink pulpit, is now in a managerial capacity at Alt- no redress. On a previous occasion, speaking under jumping off again to say "howdy" man's? This makes the second, so far as I know, graduate of lie- about their work; hence the in- Pentateuchal portion—Lev. 12:1-13:59. It is astounding: The Free of the government injace to- Eddie Cantor and the missus. brew Union College to be employed in a department store. First was Prophetical portion—II Kings 7:42-5:19. the auspices of Detroit Hadassah, Mr. Gab- City of Danzig is under the pro- action of the Ilitlerist provocation and And did the Warner contingent Rabbi Voorsanger, former World War chaplain.—Very sorry about tection of the League of Nations, under a rapid fire that report of the serious illness of Rabbi Kress of Temple Emanu-El. Nisan 2, 5692 rilowitsch eloquently described the pro- and the League is represented in terrorism. Jews are not safe in have to bear up April 8, 1932 ject to which he so wholeheartedly deyotes Danzig by its high commissioner, the streets of Danzig, and the of Al's well-aimed wise-cracks! —Talking about news that is not depressing, consider this: Lewis (You know the inside . . . Jolson Browne's "This Believing World" sold lots and lots at the standard cry of "Perish Judea" is raised himself. A new and fascinatingly interest- whose primary duty it is to see without fear. is reputed to have put the W. B,'a price. Then they got out 50,000 copies in that $1 edition and now the Free State should act The Forthcoming Campaign. ing life is developing in Palestine. Every- that When Jewish representatives on "easy ptreet" with the "Jazz that's all sold out. So now they are getting out new editions at old up to the ideals of the League of go to any member of the govern- Singer,' but now he's just an standard price. Tragic harvests reaped by the economic thing that goes to make up a modern com- Nations—which are inter-nation- ment to complain, the answer in "ex" on that lot.) 'Twas a nice peace and conciliation between Best buyers of Hebraica books besides Jews are who? .. . Yes, depression have threatened the very exis- munity is included in the life of the growing al so many words is always that homey affair all 'round . . • the peoples. These principles the Catholic priests. Jewish book publishers all over the world are tence of most important Jewish institu- Jewish homeland. The romance of a rebuilt should have governed the rela- the government does not approve Al almost broke down when the slumping but there is compensation in the fact that many of the non- tions. Wherever one turns, in practically Palestine has attracted to the land out- tions between the three groups of this anti-Jewish agitation, but ushers brought forward a huge jewish publishers are taking up Jewish books. . .. By the way, there is powerless to prevent it, be- horseshoe of gardenias from Wil- ret%ntly appeared an interesting book on Jews published in France nationalities living in Danzig every Jewish community in the land, des- standing leaders in art, science and litera- of cause without Hitlerist support liam Fox . . . "I don't know why titled 'Damn the Jews." Contrary to its title, however, the book —Germans, Poles and Jews, In it will cease to be a government. pair is beginning to play an evil and dan- ture, and music is not being neglected. actual fact, the Free City of Dan- he sent it. I've only spoken to him speaks very favorably of the Jews—it is dedicated in satire to the zig has become the home of Hit BROWN SHIRTS DOMINATE once in my life, when, before the Ku Klux Klan. gerous role. But insofar as the leaders of In the course of a visit to the Holy Land, lerism. Everything that has to It is not surprising, therefore, me I Talking about Jewish glory, is there anything to excel the fact the Jewish Welfare Federation of Detroit Mr. Gabrilowitsch met friends of many do with international peace, con- that the Hitlerists in Danzig go days of talkies, he d told wouldn't be any goo in pictures. Belgium is the present presiding officer of the are concerned, there is defiance in the air. years' standing, men who have gained fame ciliation between the peoples, and unpunished, whatever they do. Well, I guess he did it because that Paul Buymans of ' parents, I understand, was not One o f II ations. 0 of Nations, the ideal of the League of Na- In Germany Ilitlerists are not al- we're both out of pictures . . . ,..eague o Huymans himself is is very little interested in things Jewish. As usual, without deviation from principle in the musical world. Together with these tions, and he's sorry a Jew and' is subjected to vilification lowed to appear in the streets in I'm sorry for him, a Still his father was Jewish and his grandfather, Solomon, was one of and tradition, the annual Allied Jewish noted musicians he worked out a scheme and held up to scorn. There is their Hitlerists uniforms, but in for me." the most scholarly figures in the Jewish world of Holland and Huy- Campaign is to be conducted here from for the establishment of a school of Music open incitement in Danzig to race Danzig the arteet swarm with • • ts mans himself, chief of the League of Nations, is married to a Jewess. hatred and economic boycott, Hitlerists brown shirts. They May 8 to 18. It is a heartening occurrence in Palestine, and for the inauguration of mainly against the Jews, and the openly But Jolson is not through with So put another feather in your cap and expand, huh? engage in their military that local leaders should have plunged into a Palestine music movement, thus encour- Hitlerist forces grow in numbers training and hold their parades pictures. His next will be "Happy Don't be PO down in the mouth about depression, says Peter itlerist Go Lucky,' min original by Ban Wiernik, strength from day to day. veteran editor of the Jewish Morning Journal. Wiernik I in Danzig, and if a H the work of preparing the community for aging the development of musical art in and Hecht, produced by Jos. Schenck and are becoming a real danger recalls panic of 1894 ... People said then that 1873 was worse . down a Jew and sends him the drive with an enthusiasm that equals the Jewish National Home. Together with in public and in social life. The knocks ,.. on the U. A. lot. and yet country got better. . . Wiernik says all prophecies must be the hospital with grave In- into • • • the fund-raising efforts of past years. taken with three or four grains of salt. Before the Spanish-American Misha Elman, Mr. Gabrilowitsch appeared Central Union of Danzig Citi- juries, the Hitlerist need never Our Who's Who Department re- war, he recalls, he wrote an article that the Jewish press would not zens of the Jewish faith has fear that he will be punished by So far as the local leadership is con- in concert in New York, shortly after his re- launched a vigorous self-defense a court of law. In fact, if a ports this week that the original live very long. "See how wrong I was. That taught me not to make cerned, not a single cause of worth is to turn from Palestine, and the proceeds campaign. It has held a big pub- Jew is kept in hospital because of label of Jane Winton, screen prophecies." Talking of the good old times, Wiernik recalls the time demonstration at which all serious injuries inflicted on him actress and former Follies girl, when he could go from New York to Chicago by railroad for $5 .. . suffer at the hands of this community, and formed the nucleus for the desired fund. lic sections of Danzig Jewry united by Hitlerists in the street, be- was—Weinstock. She's leaving low rate was competition between railroads.—Did you every movement of importance—locally, Now, the eminent Detroit musician utilized against the Hitlerist anti-Semit- cause the authorities have failed "moon-pitchers" for a while to Because know that Buddy King, radio entertainer, is a relative of Sam Koenig, ism in Danzig. Jews—national- to provide the most elementary sing in opera in Canada. Republican boss of New York? . . that Samuel Shipman, play- nationally and internationally—will again an invitation to appear in recital before the ist • • • or assimilationist—all are suf- of public security, and the wright, has ambitions for the concert stage and is taking lessons to have a place in the Detroit appeal. A bul- National Council of Jewish Women to se- fering equally because of the ter- degree Study your math, boys and girls, that end. . . . Yes, there was a little friction caused the other night police have stood by and made no letin issued by the speakers' bureau of the cure an additional sum for his Palestinian rible anti-Jewish agitation in move to come to his assistance, you may be a scenario writer some at opening of American Palestine Campaign when Nathan Straus, Jr., the Hitlerists are engaged he must pay heavily for his treat- day . . . Mark Sandrich, who's chairman, twice called time on Rabbi Schulman for going beyond time local drive lists the causes for which funds project. His interest in Zion in many ways which in all branches of economic life, ment, and if he happens to be a been a film scrivener for "yahs limit? ...And the comic Irving Caesar, who in times past was wont to enhances the Palestine romance. Such sin- In the schools, in public affairs, foreign are to be raised as follows: Jew, he is threatened with and yahs," got his start by show- indulge in much criticism of the producers, has been very reticent of everywhere. cause must suc- a ing a producer that money could late, explaining it thusly: I would rather be wrong than not work. deportation if he does not pay. cerity and devotion to (a) Relief for destitute Jewish men, HAVE UNLIMITED POWER What is the high commissioner be saved by solving the production ceed. Mr. Gabrilowitsch's efforts will un- women and children right here in While figures mathematical may be able to help you tell, and while of the League of Nations in Dan- problem of a gag with the use of The Hitlerists in Danzig hap- the female figure may be taken as one of the indices of pulchritude, doubtedly be rewarded by the gratitude of zig for if not to see that the ideals trigonometry ; of all things! Detroit. pen to occupy a strategic position when it comes to male figures, it is hard to say what they mean. Take for which the League of Nations the Jewish people. (b) The Jewish Old Folks Home, at which gives them almost unlimit- And while we're on the subject, Irving Berlin, George Gershwin—well, they are lean in figure, but on founded and is' supposed to The interest thus manifested by Mr. Ga- ed power. They are not repre- was the other hand, such composers as Lew Brown, de Sylva, etc., are 318 Edmund Pliace. stand are not violated at every trig is a simple game compared brilowitsch in this Palestinian cultural sented in the Coalition Govern- step? What is the good of the with the system of preparing a stocky. Also among the stocky are the Shuberts, Roxy, Max Gordon, (c) The House of Shelter, located at and Sam Harris. So you can't lean as much on figures, as it were. of Nations if Jewish story for the screen. One day the cause, not only demonstrates the power ment, which consists of the bour- League 79 Alger, which cares for transient lives and Jewish rights are not adaptors are handed a manuscript —Someone was showing Lincoln Steffens' work—I mean his auto- geois Parties. But the govern- biography—the other day to Dr. Joshua Bloch. There is the story with which the Zionist romance has gripped ment is short of flee votes in the safe in the Free State of Dan- . . . it's the story on white paper Jews stranded in Detroit, and homeless there that Joseph Fels, of Fels-Naphtha fame, once said to a distin- outstanding Jews, but seems also to act as senate, and for these five votes zig, which is under its adminis- unattached Jewish men. (Turn to Next Page.) guished Christian that the Jews would never cease to exist until they a weapon for poetic justice. The National the government Is dependent upon tration and its protection? had fulfilled their mission. And the distingished Christian thereupon (d) The Hebrew Free Loan Associa- queried: "What is their mission?" And Fels did reply: "To teach Council of Jewish Women consistently kept tion, at Clairmount and Twelfth, one the Christians Christianity." Whereupon Dr. Bloch with a Muradish aloof from the Palestinian cause, but be- of our oldest traditional organizations arles look replied that Maimonides had said the same thing.—And, by cause Mr. Gabrilowitsch made the Pales- which loans money without any inter- way, did you know that the ancient Jewish philosopher-physician, Ch Avicenna, was a great exponent of sun therapy? . . . And if that H. Joseph the tie School of Music his hobby, the Council est or service charges to small mer- doesn't interest you, maybe you will be interested in the fact just indirectly became a contributor to a Jew- chants and artisans. discovered by this columnist that Meyer Guggenheim, the founder of the great Guggenheim-Anaconda fortune before he went out west ish project in the Holy Land. Zion's claims en (e) The United Hebrew Schools. Jew-baiter with a guard of JEW- is to gather German citizensinto a looking for mineral wealth was a merchant in Philadelphia—and an YIDDISH RADIO FAULTS (0 Foreign relief for the politically do assert themselves. ISH policemen, at his first open group to help Hitler get hold of unsuccessful merchant at that. Somebody ought to write life story meant for criticism is While this air speech in New York. We have the Vaterland and start, as one o harassed and economically boycotted the radio stations in the Pittsburgh, the same situation now. Ilitlerites his major programs, the persecu of the old Guggenheim. Pretty nearly every one of those old pio- neers has had his biography written—but not so Guggenheim.... Gil- Jews in Eastern Europe. Pennsylvania, district, it should be advantage of the hospitality tion, banishment and even annihila bert Gabriel, Jewish dramatic critic of the New York American, Benefits of a Jewish Hospital. brought to the attention of Yiddish taking of America, which stands for tion of the Jews in Germany. (g) Palestine. An interested Detroit Jewish physician hours on other stations. A reader everything opposed to Hitlerism, "America is and ought to be th indeed has just completed no less than a fictional life story of John (h) Many other miscellaneous worthy me that this is the outline of are trying to arouse interest in all haven of the oppressed. But it Jacob Astor, and there have been several genuine biographies of sends us the following clipping, which ap- tells causes of local, national and interna- a sketch he listened to on a Yiddish that makes the movement objec- soil should not be permitted to be him before, so I repeat, get out your pencil, and sharpen it for a peared under the heading "The Jews in Radio Hour and of which he com- made the battleground of European little life story of Guggenheim. . . , Some fragmentary aspects of tional consequence. plains. A Jewish girls marries a tionable to self•respecting people. with such vicious objects Guggenheim's life, to be sure, are touched in "The Silver Dollar," Grouped together, these causes present English Medicine" in the foreign letters Gentile—against the wishes of her The following editorial appeared in factions as the Hitlerites profess to have." recent new opus by David Karstner. Well, does that interest you? section of the Journal of the American Med- . . . Well, maybe the fact that the Soviet ambassador to Paris is a parents. For committing this dread- the New York World-Telegram in- an appeal which no human heart or reason- the attitude of the repro- ful crime (using, of course, the dicating Jew interests you. tentative press on Hitlerism. ing minds can reject. And what is par- ical Association: WISE AND HOLMES dramatics of the play) she is ex- The other day Rev. John Haynes ticularly encouraging is that the leaders are pelled from home. The Gentile (ac- The prospects of Anglo-Jewry contributing Holmes, the fighting Christian lib- cording to my correspondent the "HITLERISM IN N. Y." confident the community will support them leading scientists in the sphere of medicine, such The World Telegram captions its eral and Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the Gentile is always pictured as vil- as have appeared on the continent, were discus- in their efforts. Such confidence is half of fighting Jewish liberal, crossed lain in Yiddish plays) is a drunk- editorial: sed at the annual dinner of the London Jewish ard, a gambler and a wife-beater. "HITLERISM IN NEW YORK" swords with Governor Roosevelt of the battle won. The tradition of local cam- Hospital Medical Society. Lord Moynihan, who "New York had plenty of trouble New York. As chairman and vice- This the Jewish girl realizes im- was the guest of honor, said that the intrusion paign successes and of the existence of a mediately after her marriage. She of its own without seeing the Hit- chairman respectively of one of of the Jew into science had been a matter of "The Tragedy of Henry Ford" by Jonathan Norton communally-minded group of workers who is filled with remorse and is crying lerites begin starting rumpuses New York's civic groups interested great interest to him, for, after all, the striking Leonard Reveals "Failures" of Man Who in cleaning up the town, they want- for her father to take her home. here. are determined to honor Jewry's obliga- thing about the Jew was not so much his zest Attacks Jewish People. The Gentile is a hooligan, the Jew- "A black swastika and the cabal- ed the governor to remove the sher- for knowledge as his zeal for righteousnens, and tions will, we have reason to believe, assure ish girl a saint. Alter each drink- istic lettering NSDAP, symbols of iff of one of the Boroughs. The when that zeal was carried out, as it had been by complete victory for the Allied Jewish ing bout, her husband beats her the Nazi, the Hitler movement have governor, while agreeing that the Once again the life-story of Brasol, who got an introduction to many Jews of quite first rank in medicine and and she continually pleads for her a peered on the door and windows sheriff in question was not a shin- Liebold and helped with the preps- Campaign. surgery, it had given to their practice a kind home and "out of the swamp - of he t German Fascist headquarters ing example of merit, yet he would Henry Ford is debunked, and this and THE LEGAL CHRONICLE , RANDOM THOUGHTS by Pathetic Henry Ford! F Jokes at Expense of Jews. In protesting against anti-Semites and anti-Semitism, we should take into account certain harmless things which some are wont to interpret as Jew-hatred, but which Is in reality merely a jest. And when non- Jews laugh at a Jewish accent, it is not always done with a spirit of malice. At this time we are thinking particularly of the Goldbergs, who have captured the hearts of millions of radio fans. People come to us with the complaint that the broadcasting of such an act is a "chillul ha- shem ;" that it disgraces the Jew because it adopts an accent Jews don't use, etc., etc. We are inclined to take the opposite view. Had the Goldbergs' been the only act to adopt a foreign accent in the use of the English language, there might be some jus- tification for the critical attitude. But it isn't. There are Italian and French and Irish and Scotch acts, and all these are taken in a spirit of good sportsmanship and jollity. Why not accept the Jewish at in the same spirit, especially when it does pos- sess an element of idealism and if it does have moral influence for good? Perhaps the reprinting of the enclosed from the London Opinion will further illus- trate the point. We are indebted for it to the London Jewish World. Instead of in- spiring another protest, why not get a good laugh from this quotation from the English periodical? Sir—Since you have changed the format of your paper, you have allowed many stupid ex- pressions of anti-Semitism to creep in. You do not seem to care whether you offend your Jewish readers or not. Yours, etc. Editor's Note—If, by anti-Semitism, you al- lude to jokes about Jews, then we are anti ,Scot, anti-Welsh, anti-French, anti-American, anti- everything that has ever made anyone else smile. And we shall continue to be. But if you accuse u. ,f anti-Semitism in its accepted sense, we plead "not guilty," and are ready to be tried by any judge Tea name, and you can bring your Jewry ..,et„. . 'name ore intrytne elements of humor and easdiee, and we should learn to differentiate of intellectual integrity that he thought was quite distinctive. Dr. A. Goodman Levy said that it was remarkable that English Jews had so far failed to attain that degree of fame at- tained in medicine by their continental brethren. They had no men to compare with such famous names as Cohnheim, Ehrlich, Politzer, Nidal, Wassermann, larael, Schiff, Ilaffkine, Besredka, Freud, Landsteiner and Baginsky. Was this due to the lark until recent years of a Jewish hos- pital in England? ration of the articles. Brasol ap- lunged why should my Ninty-second Jew- is at into, 309 East street. not remove him. Aside from the time by an expert who knows his pears to have been • professional ph soul be among Gentiles?" And Inside are more swastikas and issues involved in this particular subject and is able to picture the anti-Semite, and was the author of rough- t so on and so forth. And th , black eagles and pictures of Hitler, case, the point I would like to stress tragedy of the man who set out to booka which, according to Nor- out the whole story the Gentile is with his Charlie Chaplin mustache. is that men like Dr. Wise and Dr. malign the Jewish people and man Hapgood, he described ■ as "In charge is Paul Manger, de- Holmes are LIVING their religions. ended in the role of a clown. denounced and the Jew glorified. worth ten pogroms each. , scribed as believing 'in everything It seems that the old idea that a -- Jonathan Norton Leonard's clergyman should remain in his pul- "New that we know the origin that Hitler believes in—anti- Semi- "SHOULD BE OFF AIR" "The Tragedy of Henry Ford," pit and let the world's business be of the protocols we can predict I do not read Yiddish nor do I tism, a certain form of socialism published by G. P. Putnam's Sons, what comes later. It is hardly conducted by the laity is exploded. understand it, therefore, I must and loyalty to all things German.' au- trouble with the ministers and opens with a confession. The in a y to read the Dearborn take my correspondent's word that, "The object of Mr. Manger (who The thor had planned to write th f t are as he states If the has taken out first naturalization the rabbis has been that they never fury of indignation. Instead, he Independent to find out, for the promoters of Yiddish Radio Hours papers here) and his associates went out themselves to translate saw the tragedy of the automobile technique of Jewbaiting has changed but little in 600 years. In a few concluding words, the writer of have to resort to such trash they their teachings action. should into not be held entirely They respon. magnate and describes the pathetic The method is extremely simple— this item makes a -ommentary in which is better not be on the air. Some- sible because our captains and lieu. failures of the man. determine the prejudice of each should exercise a censorship Once an Abbe Asked a Rabbi tenants and corporals of industry The peace voyage, his attempt Group in the population and blame summed up the view held by many medical body because sooner or later such stupid to enter politics, the Muscle Shoals the Jews for everything which of• and prejudicial delineation of Gen- — decided in their own pompous way and lay leaders that the Jewish members By RABBI LOUIS I. NEWMAN that clergymen aren't PRACTICAL campaign, his eye on the White' fends it. If the audience is ignor- will create a boomerang. Imag- of the medical fraternity are greatly bene- tiles House—all these Don Quixotian ant and superstitious, you may Inc what those very Yiddish play- — men! What a rabbi know , about does economics? What does a rabbi aspirations are described in this se,. , ,, shout fited by a Jewish hospital, the Awish com- ors and writers would say if the Once an Abbe asked a Rabbi ritual murders, the know about driving a bargain? volume. But of particular inter- Jews' habit of drinking babies' as The a devil and "Pray (says a inform mediaeval scroll) munity in turn being the beneficiary. While JEW were pictured saint. Amert me why in syna- What does a rabbi know about labor is the est to the Jewish reader the Black Sabbath, and blood, a the Gentile as conditions, that is, the PRACTI- vivid description of the attacks in s it is an accepted fact that the possibility of can Jewish Committee, the Ameri- Rogues worship. If the people have CAL side of it, such as, trying to the Dearborn independent. the construction of a Jewish hospital is more can Jewish Congress, the B'nai You have no bells to toll?" strong moral feelings of ■ nega• buy men, women and children at the was Rabbi to the Mr. Leonard reveals a deep un- tie s sort, the best procedure is to remote than ever before at this time, we B'rith, the Civil and Religious o Said f Who called ('ere Abbe Jean-Pierre: LESS than LIVING wage! It's derstanding of the underlying describe Jewish orgies in consid- Rights Committee of the Union gladly reprint these lines so that the value American Hebrew Congregation, "I will show you, brother teacher, quite true that our rabbis couldn't bigotries which affect the minds of erable detail. The audience will use no bells for prayer." indulge in the unethical business anti-Semites. In his discussion of read with envy sad view with in- of such a health institution may not be for- the Federal Radio Commission, the Why we tactics of some of the members of of the United States, Rep- , their congregations and attend the campaign which was launched dignation. Facts are easy to find. gotten and underestimated by a community Congress resentative Sol Bloom, United First he led him to the market by the Dearborn Independent he There are Jews in walk of services with pious faces. But I unfortunately deprived of it. States Senator Davis, the Yiddish At the corner of a square, speaks of the vaguenesi which , and at least • few may be Press of the East Side, New York,: Where the hucksters shouted do maintain that in most cases rab- marked the beginning of the fa- , life, found in every moral, political and M s of the Stephen fit Ise type are Senator Wagner of New York, I business moos anti-Semitic drive. Until— , social group." than most rclhyants sold their ware; abler economists mee Mayor Walker and a million others And thheoa When Palestine Plays. This chapter, In which the anti- g, flounder, carp, men. They understand FUNDA- but let the author explain it. We would have been brought in to de- Sold theirherrin Telegraphic reports describing results of nounce the program and insist that ' Wrangling loud and haggling MENTALS which the average cap- quote from "The Tragedy of Semitic crusade is explained, is an tain of industry does not. The pres- HenryFord": illuminating explanation of the sharp; the first Jewish Olympics held in Palestine it be taken off the air. So this ' ent depression proves that rabbis "But on July 10 the mystery Ford anti-Semitic enigma which impart a feeling of emotion even to those Yiddish Hour and all other such Though their customers were many, and ministers and priests, the was solved. An article called crumbled in the dust, with the programs in Yiddish or English or Of good fish there was not any, "children" in business ,economic 'Does a Jewish World Pogrom Dearborn Independent relegated in the Diaspora who must depend on the any other language should be taken But the poorest, cheapest fishes, to Exist?' explained it all. Ford had to the realm of silly anti-Semitic and civic matters might be able printed word to secure an idea of the joy off the air. So I call the atte tion For the lowliest of dishes. lead the nation out of its business got hold of the long discredited documents which, unfortunately. studio managers to CHECK UP Then the Rabbi took the Abbe and enthusiasm that reigned in the Jewish of distress and out of its unspeakably Jewish Protocols and •pparently are even today being revived in FOREIGN PROGRAMS IN FOR- (Who in humor was not flabby) evil social conditions. swallowed them whole. backward lands like Spain. Other settlement as a result of the athletic gath- EIGN LANGUAGES and I suggest I To a section of the market "Theo Jewish Protocols had chapters in this volume, which de- that those responsible for Yiddish Where silence was profound. ering in the land of the Prophets. IN FATHER'S FOOTSTEPS The 1900. first appeared before bunk Mr. Ford's other enterprises. melodrama on the air will see to it Though the patronage was small, Palestine has learned to play and to thatitisiay It is quite true that most of us word protocol sounds impressive, similarly illuminate the pathetic kept Ino with i n n the ebounds :"tfawda a the most Se ec o all; law shimmer- merch. ndise away from the job at our el- but it means merely the steno- run tragedy of the man whom some laugh and to rejoice in its games. This is of propr iet y. If bow. Wheher it's the fault of the graphic minutes of a meeting, and hold up as the symbol of the prog- fag steps shounld do perhaps the healthiest sign of the true ac- voluntarily t h en other children or the parents I don't know these protocols pretended to be ress of the machine age, but whom be taken to take them oft the air. , In the sunlight gaily glimmering, All the choicest brands of fishes, 1 hly father was a small merchant the records of • meeting o t • the masses single out as the leader hievements of Jews in their homeland. The For the lordliest of dishes. in a small town many years ago. Learned Elders of Zion explaining of an oppressive system which is mere building of roads and colonies; the UNDESIRABLES government wants to keep I Then 'the Rabbi drew the moral, 4' for T here were three of us, one became • If the enslaving the worker. of swamps and the transforms- saying. drying up i tii rnld. a tiew; e mpplairn o eer "ttbi w out undesirables it might take its! : a lawyer, practicing in New York, itshisw empire Had thin volume been published is C ar- z two tion of desert lands into blooming garden eyes for the moment off some of the "Abbe Jean-Pierre, a second became an engineer, and had hem forged by months later, imagine how half-baked so-called "Reds" who. Do you see why for our Braying provocative •gent, Professor as for myself, I thought I might i s t spots--these may or may not have been the seem to do more barking than bit. We dispense with bells and blare? much more pathetic Ford would become a writer. Now that's typical Serge Niles, and had been poh- emerge with the recent riot to en- results of a fanatically determined people ing and renter their atttention on For we Jews have no desire of a great many Jewish families in lisherd by the Russian govern meat hance his career. the minaret or spire; expressing resentment at the antagonism German Ilitlerites who come to this For Muezin—public the smaller cities. I might have in 1905 as • part of its effort to crier— country to sow the seeds of hatred. No divert the revolutionary energy bee and persecution of a bigoted and unfriendly They ought to be kicked out of the Needs our Lord and Heavenly Sire,n better and probably would FROM THE TALMUD been off a great deal happier try- of the Russian people into •nti- have world. But these builders of Zion now have count ry if there 1§ a possible way But the merit o our ac ngs, ing to run • small clothing store Semitic channels. They had been do it. Many years ago an anti- And the wisdom of our preachings, in %neighborly village than trying successful to • ghastly degree and their games and eportc, they have joys to The Brute is not afraid of sin Semite came here from Germany Are the surest, clearest summons The Ignoraw cannot be truly satisfy readers of newspapers. had produced the desired pogrom which offset the sorrows which must ac- and Theodore Roosevelt was at that Of our worshippers to prayer." to Well I know • whole lot of nobodies all over the Russia. empire. They pious. company the birthpangs of a people's re- time police commissioner of New The Timid cannot learn. thee disappear.' and were brought who are in profession§ and a whole in Troyes spake Rabbi Joseph York. Threats had been made Thus The Bully cannot teach. lot of somebodies who are doing a to light by Ford, who seems t• vival. These are healthy signs. They against this German Jew-baiter so To his comrade, Jean-Pierre: And he who trades always wit, have received them through an at home, following in their good job n ian enterprise is ali. he asked for police protection, sol And the Abbe, far from crabby, . a. t. Isrpaet'sit Pinalest pro ve ith never be wise. exiled Csarist officer used Boris father's footsteps. Roosevelt with • wink supplied the Praised a parable so rare.