A NCtiCalt Ara Perialical awter CLIFTON AVENUE - CINCINNATI 20, OHIO TifEVETROIT/FIt LEGAL NOTICESECTION Preceding Page Continued from pro ee's for her appearance ha+ been duly o Stuart D. Hubbel, Attorney, 306 Mar.1 ued and the am could mot lie seryoti q.t. Budding. by reyon of her concen,m.i within 'hit EDREEITURE OE LAND CONTRACT., to, FRANCES C. JAI_ KriN. 1 Yin ore .1 , otnttl defendant appear at the Courtroom tract Yhearing" date' eig litneenntIOn:NrOf _,...4 ti onf,rtKeiiru,nr,,lt.. .T. im aleh tl i W fin rnay.nte 1 ., ount ,Y I.Tk 'iaa" .11,u,rnoer,,I, troL5,:dby , ir Aniri hrlIn e rt .:rip.ArItloyerto t sti:1; • J, . W. So'ernon. Burkhardt, Attorney, 2232 Buhl ni. on the nineteenth day lif mottle Builddia. Attorney, 308 May Henry Oel' . ell ' iler Build ng. •t f the 1931, and deft. the rorno.int iii.i in • fi ' t , 'art, '''' d your • If " Party 267152 oecund part, is in default I.y reason of the, o this suit tor lodgment will be entered by I son. s'rAtE OE MICHIGAN, County of payment of the Installments of the ' STATE or 6121(i.(.4'474; AN Weivne. e . -- count of 'j Sn'I minding Ilan. '% ":;'). 0:11:;eill ' Iro'yk'slha'tli7e1.. '"!f fil e 1 t Principal and interest due thereunder. and Ilenry G. Nicul. a ('mutt Court 'a...! 1..ononw • Winne, v+.-Suit penoline Wore Hon. ',. ,1 : 'ili".1))%,,ra inn are hereby further notified that the slower for •aid rounty..between Albert Henry ^''y 1:. Niro!. a Circuit Court Commis- • °nn ii tli ffi, "' tit in ''''''' IiIIe I ''' " nd said Al,rt Kahn. Incorpo,Dod (A. for survivor lid Connty, ,tween Kahn, Incorporated. n Michigan corpota•. I,. loner Fronde, of h..r hu 17.izabeth 'y'! tiOnt Ieh'of CA si.,.hl Iga In),'tril r'te. tVolaOt' ine .." , ilt lion. Vaintle vn • Ir 'S" , I ''' 'In"' and , loand. 1'1.6. Comet'. . ..Zree) slid ctiOitdr'LIt'"foot"fntlte' 17.1t!1" 511Y1 and' lip I. Fronde, and her elf. plain, vs. illarly de t•riloed a+ the 'northerly Clementine I, Iteati..0+ wife, defendants. iff '''''' ''.' 1. ,rebv Dinh, notified to vied' stir. 1 -Auld and returned That defen. . d.d John Gottentau and Jennie . Got f. ::n:I f th k e, x.,, Itithei r,,I.v.. 1 r are , rd.a tentag. o"n , I o, , I n LI 1 : 1 11 1 1 41 ■ , t b 212 „d de an d d e li., „ 4 , , „,,„" of rd ....,..rn. raid live , .. Sammons ix t Ul•Id I' .a Hr," . , • ",... a, " i f ,"‘”, a,.. n , Prom ises in vaid land contract mentioned ell that defendants cannot be found It atm 'onion iv . nn '''''''• "'''' ""' wi•k*, Sa ''''''''''' a Private i'l"rn '''• nod id which you are now in too:session ' ' ' ''''''•i•mem.. by affidavit, that .0.1 defend. dant , ides in this state and the process between Kerchesal and Mat k Avenue+. , • ,,,,,,. and ,..irtue of the ternis thereof. better known a+ 3112 Bewick Avenue. for hi. apptoarance ha+ been doily i uilrol ant+ reside in this suite nod that ioroce++ ,I htel,I premises are described nab' land Dated. Detroit, Ntovember 11. 1931. and the •affie ' mil d fill b. fur th••ir amearance ha" been duly issued t er Y .'d "'' o and the 1 contract as follow-, vivo: All that rer• , of hi+ concealment within t hi t ROBERT 1: SAGE. same could not be ,rved by yea. , t o i r, ni ece fir par c el o f inn,' be t, s it. state, nrd or Ha continued nlosenee from , sun of their concealnient with thi. state, Cireiti1 Court Contmketoffier• 1 os,d in the City of Detroit. Wayne hilt ', Winos, ' ab - ,nee Iron, their hi , Id. , of re.idence, It i+ ordered that . 1 .11 County, Michigan, and mo, particularly oo the s aid d fendants apptoar a t the Court- , la t place efendant of re idence. Ili, tordered that ' known and deotsrlbed an lot number (Ill t •hi d room of the undersigned. Way ne Colo no s' s a ppear at the Court- Lindale Garden: Stilodi.I•ion of West l t Betiding. Detroit, Michigan, at ten to rloek rOOm of the under.igned. Wayne County 266123 of 'with...to.' I. of section I, Town I. A. M. on the twenty-ninth day of 1),„m • I 1111ildiRIC, Detroit. Miehican at ten o'clock STATE. OF MICHIGAN. l'ounty of . .ac c ording o Pin t ben. 19.11. ,nil defend the complaint filed a rn. on the eighte,th day of Deeendier. Pen lire W o , ".• '''..--'''''t 1')4 ",r." ii;''''.; ; Thereof recorded Erbroary 7, 1916, Lffier In this suit or lodgment wil be entered " " l • S'.' d ''''.'''rui 'h.' rontrbtint Ine , 1 in Ifobeet E. Sapll . o . l til l liii l " l i r, i .2',.. • 31. page 1,7 flats Wayne Count y Rey by tbdault. and that this order he served ','"ii. - 'int' tor i .liontmcnt wid he entered by count, 1 ''''' r 110 '"I "..1 " -on '''''''''' Intr.. def a ult ront that this order he served Kthetsky, plaintiff. I. l• )inane or oulti beds aut. PA required by statute. The M ' in ' - y: sitirmr KAIIN. INCORPORATF:D. r „r .„4,... • ,i t 4,,,,,,,,„ title to , Land r44. and returned . or published a+ re•mired by t•ti.ite. Th e defendant. Summons is By STUART D. HUBBELL. noted in the It of Detroit, Wavne foregoing snit involves title to: All that that defendant cannot he found, t i ap ■ PAGE ELEVEN RONICLE ••••••111.M. MOMENTS OF DISCRETION ■ . . • After your dent ( usual nap, on the morning train, you suddenly rush out and find you left a package containing your wife's dress 'minty, Michigan. noore particularly dem. n•nitton Piece o r parcel of land being sit• peering by Yfitlavit. that said doe( f, en:11n or t Lou's Startield Coker, & Regene Freund trilled a • lot No. 195 of Downie' , Ala& looted in the City of Detroit, Wayne re ides in thi• state and that . i .n • • Cohwe. Attorneys, 844 Buhl Bldg, din Subdivi ion of part of the southwest . .MY. Michigsr. and more particularle her n i l l .".. " • h." Loan duly 17-1•7' - - o quarter or ,..,- quarter or the suthwest an t . t t cribed as luta 21 and 25 'hr ' tn. ' •''''''' nut ''' w '• ". r STATE OF MICHIGAN, County " ." "' ' of Hun M. Town tone, South of Ranee twelve except the ea terly 3 feet of lit25 of f h her conceal ment ithin this state, I Wav ne, x+-Suit pending before Hon. re- Stocking's Stil to the plat thereof I s o rt lered that , ail defendant attar a Est or olividon of the smith part Henry G, kind. • Circuit Court Commis- corded in Lib, 35 ,of Plats, page 51. of lot 17 of sections 23 and 32. T . 1 S. the Coolirtroom of the undersigned, Wayne i roner for oak) County„ (between Louie WaYre Connty Resist,. R. 12 E., according to the tfial theretof Coon, Ithilding, Detroit, Michigan, •t e ,.,..4,, 4.ndr 4 w 0 , )r n,n yb rr, D ochatey and Alice llochatey, his wife, i . of p ian , o pare 30. ten ,o'clock a. no. on the twenty...roto Dated. Detroit, Mich., Nov, 21, 1931. HENRY ENRY C NI C(11, 1 , day of Decemb 1931. and defend the and Francisi. Voeffray and Julie VoeffraY, Circuit Con, Commissioner. Dated: Detroit, November 13, 1931 complaint Owl in till , suit or Judgment his wife, plaintiffs. vs. William 1111..ett, Frank Ilussett, Andrew Sh•ron. Mrs. Nel- HENRY G. NICOL. will lo• entered by default, and that this lie hinner and Mrs. Gertrude Bolta. In- Circuit Court C ommissioner. order be served or publi an required dividually and a+ heir+ of Mary Lena by statute. The forego'. omit Involves Whittaker, decesed, and Equitable •nd title (oh Land Wonted In the City of Jos . W W. So'eunon Attorney. 308 Mar- - Central Trost Co. as executor., defentlantn. John P. We l ssenhsgeo, Attorney, 1220 Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Mich- Summon+ I5 , 11P1I quett• Building. and returned that defen- igan, more particularly described as lots Free Press Bldg. 267150 49 and 50 of Puritan Hanoi SubilIviilun dant+ William Russet', Nellie Khmer and STATE OF MICHIGAN! County of 266566 of the sith m one•half on the south one• Gertrude Bolts cannot be found, it appear- Men, sw-Suit pending before Hon. ATF: OF MICHIGAN, County of half of the southwest oneditairter of the ing by affidavit that said defend.. Nel- Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit Court Comtnis• Wayne, as. - Suit •ppearing before Hon. northra, oneqpiarter of section IS, Town lie Kinner and Gertrude Bolts reside out limner for said County, between Edith Henry G. Nicol, • Circuit ('"art Commis- one :booth Range eleven East, formerly of the State of Michigan, that s•isl de- Kahn, plaintiff, vs. Anthony AdomaPin rendes( William fluwett resides In thi' sioner for raid County. between Union Greenfield Town, hip, according to the plat and Anna Adomaiti, his wife, defendant.. .tate and that issue proves.and Guardian Tru t Company, guardian of •ppearance thereof an recorded In !Aber 45 of Plat, Summons looted and returned that de- John. Frank. Edward and Charles Cwik• ha, been duly d for the his same cou ld on ;Mae 12. In the office of the Register fens'ant. cannot be foliml, it appearing by not be served by reason of his contini llql lime. minor, assi•nee+ of Lane Bloom of Deeds for Wayne County, Miehigan. affidavit, that said defendant+ reside In e , from hi+ plae lda Bl oom Pesta c of resiece. I t d n plainti, ff, e- vit. Dated: Detroit, November 17, 1931, this !tate and that process for their •P• Cel I + o rde red that the rai d defendan ts appear andia Ze Amt ni in, alias , his Celia wife. Aetna d r I ROBERT E. SAGE, pearere has been duly issued and the fendant. Summon+ issued and returned at the Courtroom of the urpler.ignett, Circuit Court Commissioner. same could not be serveil by reason of that defendant ...not be found, it ap- Wa yne County Building, Detroit, Mice.' their concealment within this state. pearing gan, at ten o'clock m. on the twenty- by davit, that •aid defendant and or their continued •Iwence from their Ilrnt day of December. 1931, and defend stat e a n tha t ii roeess for 0 S. Anargyros 1.5 COrporittiOn) t known have iif residence. It in or- her appearance ha+ b e en duly ot •in 1. 11 in thin suit or pude- uly i s sued •nil David Keller, Attorney, 1130 Lafayette Capital Stock 00110111g dered that the said defendant+appea, the sonic r,.11111 not be sr red hy rea rot will be entered by default. and that Building. P. Lorillard Co., Inc. • at the Courtroom of the undewigned.1 of her continue(' alwence from her place his miler be served published as re- 2115+73 Wavne County Building. Detroit, Michi- of rikblence. It Is ordered that said de- oired by ntatute. The foregoing suit STATE 4.1.1 _MICHIGAN. County of I gan, at ten o'clock A. M MI the twenty- fe n nvolyes title to: t appearWayne Land situated in City at the Courtroom of the W•yrie, st.,-7-14ffilt pending before Hon. 0 meth day of December. 1931, and defend u nd danign er e d. Cou y Robert E. Sag, a Circuit Court Commis- o f Detroit, Wayne County, Michigan, more the complaint tiled in this suit or judg- Detroit, Michigan, at ten nt articularlyeserib ed as lot 4 Bck 62, lo o'c lock a. m. ment will be enterwl by default and that on the eighteenth day of December. 1931, nioner for raid County, between Benjaniin f the Jones Far nt Subdivi.ion of the Aranowits an.1 Lena Aranowits. plain• G OD order be served or published an re- and River Avenue Road, according to and defend thecomplaint filed in this tiffs, on Jacob Goldberg and Fannie Gold- t quired by •tatute. The foregoing suit , or judgment mill he entered loy des he deed for Wayne County, Michigan. 'it here. defendants. Summons Issued and i n involves title to: Land in the city of fault, and that this order be serves] or Liher 1 of Plats, page 1,t4, being the Detroit, County of Wayne, State of Mich- publi• hell • requireti by •tatute. The returned that defendants cannot be found, eni rken better known mNo. 2+1 and igan, more particulatiy ile.crilitsi •1 that foregoing suit involves title to: Land it appearing by affidavit, that maid de- 2 Fourth Avenue, (new numbers, 2217- (mtants re'' - Id in this state and that 2 portion of lot 655 of the Smart Farm 219 Fourth Avenue.) situated in the City of Detroit. 1Vayne process for their appearance has been Subilivi•ion known an number 6774 Ad• County, Michigan. Wore Dated: Detroit, November 16, 1931. particularly des- duly Dsued •nd the .ame c ould not be di on •ventle. d a+ the eaoterlY live feet HENRY G. NICOL, co lot served I reason of their ncealment Dated: Detroit. Mich., Nov. 24, 1931, Circuit Court Commi.sioner. twenty-four and the westerly twenty-si x xithin this state or their continued Ow HENRY G. NICOL, feet In width of lot twenty - five of Lane- ence from their ISA Of residence, Circuit Court Commindoner. ley'. Subilki inn of he north hillf of out- It in ordered that said defendants appear Dan Farm. accordiog to at the ( mit:Doom of the undersigned. FOURTH INSERTION the hat thereof recorded in Layer I, lace Wayne County Building. Detroit. Michi- at of Plat, Wa•ne County records: •1,0 gan, at ten o'clock a. tn. on the eighteenth known as 995 Illinois street. THIRD INSERTION day of December. 1991, and defend- the •J. W. Josephson. Attorney, 1033 Firs( Dated: Detroit, November IS, 1931, complaint filed in this suit or judgment National Bank Building. HENRI' 0. NICOL, will be entered by default, and that this MOICILAGE the SALK-Default hon. aving ANN ARBOR, Mich.-On Sun- Circuit Court Commissioner. order be served of publi.hed a+ required been made il l terms anti conditi of Watson Walkiewica, Attorney, 1001 Bar. day afternoon, Dec. 6, the Ilillel by statute The foregoing wilt involve, • certain mortgage made by Morria lum Tower. title to: Land situated in the City of Cohen and TillW Cohen, his wife, of De- Foundation at the University of MORTGAGE SA•E.-Default having Edmund M. Sloman, Attorney, 2462 First Detroit. County of Wayne, State of Mich- troit, Wayne County, Michigan. Mort- Nat anal Bank Bldg. been made in the terms and condition+ igan, more particularly described as the gagors, to The Columbus Mutual Life Michigan will sponsor an all- 266346 of a certain mortgage made by Frank east 32 feet of the north 100 feet of Instil... Company of Columbus, Ohio, campus forum on the subject, "The STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Ku' EnidCarolina Kujawski. his.• lot 97. Slott's Subdivi ion of lots 2+, 29 Mortgaitee. dated the twenty•ninth day Church and the Iforld • Wayne, as..-Suit pending before Hon. Economic Card and wife of the City of Detroit, and 30, pert of lot 27, section 46, ten of March, A. D. 1929, end recorded In the Henry G. Niro!, • Circuit Court Commix- County of Wayne, and State of Michigan. thoer•nd me tract, according to the office of the Register of Deeds for the Crisis." stoner for oitid County, between Kennedy mortgagors, to Joseph Nesha of the City inu y o plat thereof recorded in I.iher 30, page 61, •yne •nd State of Michigan, Endeavoring to point out what Bros. Co., a Michigan corporation, of Detroit, County of W•yne. State of Wayne County Flats. on the third dav off April A. D 1929 sign, of Charles J. Kennedy and Charles the church is doing to allev:iite the Michigan. mortgagee, beating date of Dated: Detroit, November 13. in liber 2300 of Mortgage, on page 179 • A. Kandy and wife, plaontIff, vs. Rev. October 5, 192J, and recorded in the office on which mortgage th ere is cl aimed to be present depression, and what its ROBERT E. SAGE. of the Heater of Deeds for the CountY Michael Den', O'Neil, defendant. Sum- due, at the date o f thi4 notice, for prin- Circuit Court Commisnioner. doctrines and programs art. fur the of Wayne •nd State of Michigan on the mon+ is.uwl and returned that defendant cipal and interest. the stun of four sixteenth day of October. 1929, In Liter cannot be found. it aPtearing by •ffid•vit• thou. and one hundred forty•nine and prevention of another, the event t of the 2400 of Mortgages, page 37, which mort• that oak] defendant resides 64,100 114,149.61) dollars. No suit will feature four outstanding Ann utate Michigan, •t Des Moine, Iowa. gage contains • power of s•le. There IR Edmund M. Stamen, Attorney, 2462, First or proceetling• at law or in equity having It is ordered that the raid defendant Arbor ministers as speakers and claimed to be due and unpaid on sed National Bank Bldg, been instituted to recover the debt ..- ntortg•ge at the date of this notice for appear •t the Courtroom of the under- . red by ,aid mortgage or any part there- one of the leading faculty men as 266342 Detroit, pollen al. interest and taxes the PURI of signed, Wayne Countr STATE. OF MICHIGAN, County of of. Now, therefore, by virtue of the chairman. l'rof. Roy W. Sellars, Mrhiran, at tot . . twenty-iour hundred eight y•nine dollars evne, s•.-Sint pemling before Hon. power of sale contained in said mortgage, and twenty-live cents ($2.9.25). No ruin twenty-second day of December, 1931. Henry G. Nicol, a Circuit Court Commis. an d manumit to the statute of the State of the philosophy department, nd defend the complaint filed in thIs or proceeding. at law or Inn equity hay boner for said County, beteen Kennedy of Michigan, in suhf c w are made and pro• widely noted for his leadership in • r uit or Pi 1 t I been had or institutes] to re rover the debt video!. notice it hereby given that on Itro, Co, • Michigan Corporation, •s• fault, and that this order be served the field of tfurnanism, will direct secured by said otorte•ge or any part •'x WEDNESDAY, THE TENTH I/AY OF of Charles J. Kennedy and Charles published 11.1 required by Atatute. In, A. K no di 00 ," wife, ob i n tity, vs. c o urt FEBRUARY, A. 1932, at 12 thereof. Now, therefore by virtue of • tielork the program and discussion. Dr. foregoing suit Involve s title to. ,,and the power of sale in said mortgage con- moo, Eastern Standard Time, raid mort- Frederick II. Fisher, formerly • Ituated in County of Wayne, State of Beaton. defendant. Summons Issued and t•ined, and pursu•nt to st•tute of the returnol that defendant cannot be found. gage wid be foreclosed by • sale at pub. Michigan, more particularly described • IN MANY SHAPES AND SIZES State of Michigan in such ea, made and it appearing by afTlilit. ay that said de- lie auction, to the highest bidder, at the Bishop of India, will present the lot No. I, Tel graph lioad. of Dearborn- • dd ludic, hereby given that on vied (cIldant reside+ in thi s et and that southerly OR Congress street entrance to Methodist viewpoint; Rabbi Ber- THURSDAY. THE EIGHTEENTH II. DAY Telegraph Subdivirion of the south one- movers for hill •ppearance h. been duly the County Building in the City of De- OF FEBRUARY, A. 1932. •t 12:00 troit, Wayne County, Michigan (that be- nard Heller, director of the Ilillel If of the southea•t one-quarter of se, le.ticti and the name could not he served Li on on 29, Town two. South of Range ten o'clock noon (Eastern Standard Time). by re of his concealment within this ing the building where the Circuit Court Foundation, will otter that of the Fast accordin to the I h said morig•ge will he foreclosed by: a fo r the malty of Wayne 10 held) of the c orded in the office of the Register of state. It is ordered that the ••id defend- Jews; Rev. henry Lewis will give sale at public auction to the highe.t bid- t appear aayne t the Courtroom of the premises described In sadd mort. e, or Deeds for raid County In Liber II of oh the Episcopal doctrines, and Rev. der •t . the southerly or tonere.. street so much as may Ile der:' W e es y count y Buildng. i p y entrance to the County Building in the Plats, page 19, raid premises being sit• troit, I'. Marley will discuss those of icbigan. at len & chick a . m . De- on amount dote, •sy efor reo lbl 7orn staoid: rnottie- Rate (lity of Detroit, Wayne ('ounty. Michigan on the wert nide of Telegralsh the twentwsecond day of December, 1931, sr, an tte t t. inntnedrest a i thereon ven per the Un tarians. th•t being the place where the Coruit Road hotween Columbia boulevard and •n defend the complaint filed in this Philadellihns eentle. Ccurt for the County of Wayne I. held) Each of the nien will speak ap- suit or judgment will be entered by de- and expenses, inclu ding, thecoartt ,o,rnrehy"frr ee e: Dated, Detroit. November IL 1911. of the premi:es dweribed in said mort- rs n. and that this order be served or . allowed by law, and also any sum or proximately 21) minutes, and will HENRY 11 NICOL, gage or so much thereof an may be neces- pupshed tol toms which m•y be paid by the mortgagee required by statute. 'fhe Circuit Court Comissione, be followed by questions and dis- sary to pay the amount due on sail mort- npreer. esilr.„): interest i foregoing omit Involve+ title to: the Land gage ••fores•id es with the interest there- which said premises • re de, cussion front the floor. In this way situeted in the County of W•s•ne St. • •. I cribed o n. and all legal costs, charges and ex• follows, All that certain piece of Michigan, more particularly -•- described pen es thereon. including •ttorney fees or or parcel of land situate in the City of , large part of the audience is ex- tut N • Ilowed toy law. which r•id premi+em are Samuel J. Rhodes, Attorney, 1863 Union Vear obo rnsW arri r1. e'n Detroit, in the County of Wayne, and ' ected to participate. Guardian Bldg. described a+ follows: The parcel of land ° State of Michigan and described •t part °I I'. 265719 °° " : " . " I°. °I lows, to-with Lot 966 Young's Gratiot j An audience of several hundred situated in the City of °Detroit, County section S. Town two. South of Range ten STATE OF MICHIGAN, A expected, County of of W ■ yne. State of Michigan, describel Ea,. . Wa . yne....ati. - Suit pending before Hon. recor acc ording to the plat thereof a s of new Subdivision Annex of the east Fs DEALERS: NATURAL BLOOM WILL WIN YOU NEW CUSTOMERS a. lot 20. Frischcorn's Estaten. Su - ded the northeast Quarter of Section 12, in the office of the Register of division of the northwest Quarter of sec- !tersert 15. Sage. • Circuit Court Cornink- Deeds for said county in Litter 52 of Town 1 smith. range 12 east. Gratiot ,t, Tow nship. a c cordin g loner for said County. between Eugene Plat+, on page 73: said premise+ being Dim eleven II": T " . . Iwo Ill• south o the plat t ereof, ' " Steinherger, plaintiff. vs. Pool Ranee ten (10) cwt. ea Drborn Townshl , as recorded I n !Hoer II t. page 7 2 ofh P lats. J. inn,, situated on I he weut side of II ighv Hew , olt.nolant. Summons Issued and returned ...ling to the plat thereof as record RVeRIIP, between Golfyiew •venue and Dated at Detroit. Mich. Nov. 6, 1931. (orty•two (42) Page rinetY• • tnat defendant cannot he found. it •Ptie•r - C.airview In l, THE COLUMBUS MUTUAL LIFE By FRIEDA R. BIENSTOCK •venue. tion. "It contains everything a three (93) of Plats together with the i ,R2ss j.,,,I: IY in„ffi whV. ,„tthoonet 1,tin cr,,n ,,n otiylietha,scde,r-. INSURANCE COMPANY OF CO- !titled, Detroit, November 17. 1931. Notes About Authors. hereditenent+ and apportenvice'i thereof. . LUMBUS. OHIO, good Jewess ought to know and is HENRY G . NICOL, Dated at Detroit. Mich.. Nov. 12. 1931. fendant rwides. It is ordered that .0 i11 Norte•eee t Circuit Court Commissioner, Did you know that Jung, the invaluable to hose women who are okfendant appear •t the ( ourtmom of the . J. W. Joseph..n• . . under taw d, Wayne County Building. psychiatrist, is credited Mortgagee. ADrley for Mortg gee. a with hav- anxious to live an to the letter as Detroit. Micitigan, tit ten o'clock A M. WATSON WALKIEWICZ, ing, on the course of his attempt- well as the spirit of the Jewish 1033 First National Itatolt 11141gs Wiliam A. Rankin, Attorney, 815 Ma- on the seventeenth 41•• of December, Attorney for Mortgagee. beat e Building. to disprove the theories of Ad- 1"ws•" I. for one, believe sin- Ilt3I, end defend the complaint tiled ill 1001 Bottum Tower. J. W. Josephson. Attorney, 1033 First Inc ler 171412 this suit or judgment wiil he entered hr National Bank Build.ni. and Freud, made the remark cm l 5 ' that few J ew s, men or wo- STATE OF MICHIGAN County of .. . de defaultand that this order be served or Ws:. nf so.-A t ‘ a on tot the (held roba te b een . nn ,re in. I ' he' ,,,,:n ;T un ,T:UlnIfflihnIIn ‘.,•°: ), that I t would be unwise to accept men, are sufficiently acquainted R os enberg & Metro er, Attorneys, 1418 1 1' ,iultbelci ".);e".1 •.In,. it u° ,,,I.I ,: . h j ii .a:If I lt I o, e b T h .; Cc rt e, or' aid(m inty 'of Wayne, at 1 ; 1 the theories of the latter two fa- with the ritual and laws of their Inc. Lend erto in noran !. Fret Nat ono Bank Bldg. made by Aaron Ti . he city II ( Detroit( former l y the Probate Courtroom in the City of cr' lborn 1 situated) 'Town file ItolJou not MiirTilchin, his wife, 4 ,r mous psychoanalysts because of religion. I'd like to see a copy of e Detroit. o n the fourteenth day own hip.) ( of 'Flay,. her, i n of Novell, petrol', Wayne County. Michigan, Mort STATE (IF MICHIGAN. County of the yr. one thousand nine b - the Jewish ness of the Me11 who ' such a volume in every Jewish ,ol i u n- . g tate i S a gors t Pe of Michigan, more particularly v t Th e Col umbus Mutual Lif Wayne. s+,-At • se ts.. of the Probate dr I thin'-one. thirt !sone Present Henry S. t n as o 23. 9 and 210. ChaveY'r her ' l. u v of Cou rt tor s aid County of in o lumhu s Oh, the yne. held at of • evolved the theories?-Ruth Ra• home. Then I'd feel certain that J d g' e of In the m a tter I Morr7agrt7o note nt.C school ‘-' raft Siihditi ion according to • to. the rat seventh day rof 0 c:1 Probate C ourtroom ache City • ot e of SARAII J. phael, first publicity woman in the these JeWa who edge off toward McCARTNEY.1 tither. A. D. I t or chave,' 1327. and recorded In the' schonirraft nututivkion I.e... Situps. J. McCertney of Fait] I office Detroit. the thr thirteenth day of Novem- P. N ‘ I of part of the southeast one - guar - a the Regis.r or Deed, t ot l b,' pu Lii bli sh i ng . fi e ld . , i s 110t out of a • assimilation knew what they were nem, her, In the yeas .e thousand n in e hula Petate. having rendered to this court his I County of W.ne •nst State of Michigan. te7: of' section 22. sired thirty-one. Present Edward Com- job even thou though Cosmopolitan missing, in being ignorant of the first .41 final account and filed therewith on the thirteenth day o f October, A. II l ilted :. . .. . . u se lo ro oate. In the m•tter a petition praying that the balance on 1927. In liher 202+ of Mort . Publishing. has been bought b beauty of their own relig ion , s cis R OBER T E, SAGE. of the e rate of WILLIAM PESSELNICK. hand be turned over to the State of Mich- page 42, o n hich m Circuit Court C ommi•sioner. wor tgage the e re (Copyright. 1931, J. T. Al . Farrar & Rhineha , h ares ed. . Emma Pe selniek. mlnitni tr•- rt. That young igan. It i+ ordered that the seventeenth claimed to be d ue, a t the l•te of thi• - trix of ••id estate having rendered il7 this lay of December, next. •I ten o'clock in notice. for principal mod for the bli n Interest Ihr lady will do pucity co urt her first and fina l account. •nd th e forenoon . •ai d ro u rtrsoom he ap- •unt of fiye thou-and two hundred eighty. . liti llat magazines. She is in pri- ii.ed therewith her petition- praying that A. J. Nutmeat. Attorney. 1202 David Pointed for examine •nd allowing v•id five and 6+:100 (85,2+5.6+) &tiers. No the re blue of r•bd entate be assigned to Step Bldg. ! mount and hearing s•id Petition. And suit or procedings •t lew or in enmity vete life, the wife of David no 1 the embroils entitled thereto. It D ordered 200191 . R Is Panther ortlibred that• copy of Ott, bovine been instituted to recover the Cord of the Literary Digest.- Oat the tenth day of D . ceeolort• n°"• order be published three •urcersive wee. ne ebt cured by said mertgage or Ent STATE OF MICHIGAN. In the Circuit ist tee o'clock in the e forenoon, at d art th ,,, ,,,r. iSiow, theses), n e .1,11)) Five different rabbis have written PRill ellIlrt for the County of Wayne. in Chan- to said time of hearing in the Detroit ', etv _ 1 , e ,, s ee h ne h . h b u i nt Hy . appointed fur exam ining and Ch a new•paperliirinted and of the power of sale contained In .ill to ask me confidentially who the v .,. • Jewish Chronicle snow Because of his excellent record owing • o id a c cun o t •rid hearing earing • •irl e>di mo rtgage and tour•bient to he o I I t h .* Seebach. defendant. At a searion drrllini ' g in l'nl.'. 1 ' n."'. ' n' , !4.‘, y.boworfl i.9 . ', ,,... . petition. And It Is further ordered that a o f or the state of Michigan . S. each h c ase •• is. n I during. his first year, Max Cahn, . oald l i on held et the Courthouse in e t,. o f thi. order . w i sh I knew: . A made and provided, notice is herel,y WI Flo bil- hed three sue- the City ‘a Detroit, in said Cont. 4.n Judge a ii s„a a t e been CP si ve previous to eaid time f) f ' Risen that on THURSDAY. THE ELEY- IA tr. spov.1 - young genius of the violin, has the seventeenth day of November. 1931 warned about the libelaws so l hearing In th the e Iletr4oit Jewish Chronicle. ENT)! DAY OF FEBRUA FRA IL CIS MAHON, . A. D. 1932. , Present, lion. RI/bell M. Tom, Circuit ' ' • new pa per printed and cireill•ting M a t 12 o'clock noon, Eastern Standard there's no danger of my guessing; been awarded a second fellowship eput y Probate Register. Judge. It .1 factorily •e•ring Cl to This said County o f Wevne. - mortgage . •i trait. wt. ! h e forecloswl OUOUd In se print!-Governor , t loy affidavit „ntile showine that the - b y • sok at public auction, to the F BwAHD b , cour • id defendant s present whereabouts •re hisnso y Pinchot of Pennsylvania, vania, Senator I • t the sou therly or Coneress Judge o r Prob. ,. unknown, apd further that it cannot be Arthur 1. Gould, Attorney. 1663 Pend,- bidder. -"-' '''; ' ' '-• ); IA true onv.1 ntreet en trance to the County Building . lugo L Black of Alabama and scot B'd 1 • tio '''',. r', '?') a cettained on was state or county the 2 ,,,,, in th e City to( Detroit, %v.v.) coon,. Donald R. Me FRANCIS MAHON, Rid defendant re iden. It i+ ordered that lberg, nationally Michigan (that being the building where Depot . Prtoloate Register. The an d t defedant innt n enter her iilo pe•renc. STATF: OF MICHIGAN. In the Cirruit the Circuit Court for the County o f known legal authority on public Chao- wayne p■ swise on o r before three m onth+ 1 Colirt for ihe co,,;, o r w.,.,,. . In . howl. a the pre mises de cribed , . utilities, have "just sent their tin- I d, the date or his or.; or the hill In ,a roe,, ,i . je , e, ., he taken • ron4r ,„44 , .,Florenee St Yens defendant. At • • me • in said mortgage, or no m uch thereof a - Samuel J. Rhodes. Attorney. 1863 Union - may be neres.ry to pay the mount duc. qualified endorsements of Jack lina GuardianB d1 Ion of baid renori. held at s 1. Courthouse thoun'e . • .•nd that said order he mailed and pub- ore.•141. on Paid mortgage. w th the Levin 's book on public. i 265721 utility pro- b in the City of Detroit, in aid County on interest thereon at «even per cent I, . ) li+hed •.. required by law. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of the sixteenth day or November. A. D. ()agen da, ''Power Ethics ROBERT M. TOMS, Alfred W• tie. Y.-Suil pending before Hon. 1 ,, s ' i • Present, the Hon. Robert M. Toms, tc Circuit Judge, ' o' lur niln lir '" the ' r*•.ltrerrhie .yr Te. '" A. Knopf, op all ."; o w e ""” f, the publi sher, or r at least It.ffiert E. Satre, • Circuit Court Commi• . ( A true ropy ) Cirit cu Judge. Sat is factory proof by law, and also got, sum or surn• ■ d h • i•.rer for raid County. between Enil d e ':. ' affidavit -bowing the ••irl defendant does he publicity agents, writes me. e n • J. R. PFEIFLE. paid lov the wort e In . nee eeeee Sol in here., painti ff. v•. raul J. Jones., not reside in thin •t•te hut re•ide• in D liereputy Clerk. ar t his interest in the . Prote td premlnes. --MTS. Israel Davidson of the defendant. Summon I•sued and returned ! Chicago. Illinois at 3590 S. Perk . It Which said premises are • ibed as Women's League of the United )I-g) defendant c no be found. it a pear- , o ordered that the sold defendant enter follow.: All that certain pie, or parcel ir, by a ffidav it. . ' .th at it cannot be e or; . Synagogue of America, writes to La.- err atmeerance In said rail, on or 11 .• nf land sit., in Payne & Payee, Attorneys, 10211 at the City of Detroit. in . „ c e , ai 'led In w hat e t•te o r c ou n ty t e tot, three month. front the date of thin 'h. (+ non , or w aynt, an d qt.,. o f 144,.h. Cell USt that Deborah M. Melamed's yet, Bldg. de'rnilant re ides. It D ordered that the otried. or the bill of complaint Under the year of 12 months the householder pays his house rent 2.375 Mae he loan and de „'bed .dfollows to•wIt: Lot ••is defendant appear at the Courtroom , 12 times a year. also his bills for gas, electricity, telephone, insur- !eke. •• confe•sed, "The Three Pillars" (Thought, that a ropy of this . 09. Ilanjamir F. Morten•on's University STATE 0E MicHsGAN, coon', of awer 1,..... tyed op. the rif the under inn. W•yne Cminty Dodd. • defendant. pee- ' Place Silhdivi•ion of the rough In cre I Practice and Worsh ip for the Je w- before non.. on ance premiums and all other monthly items. But under the 1, 1t. Detroit. Michi..n. ., t en ofid oc h A . w.,,, ...._spit nodes or hy regbotered mada• rebodred of the nor thwest maen year of 13 mo ths all such bills and premiums would wart „ of southwest Tel) woman), has j us t be en p ub- s' . on the .eventeenth day of December. Itol , rt E. Sage. a Circuit Court Commis- by law: and that said order he p n o es,h 0d. „ net , et section Iu. have to be paid 13 times 1 , 11. and defend the complaint filed in ioner for ••id County. between Mrs.: • T .. . 1 ''..'' ' • lished in a new and enlarged rwritired by law in ire Detroit Jewish r•ntre II ea t. according to the plat there. • edi- during the year, greatly to the financial loss of the average citizen, thi roil or Judgment will be enteral b y M Helfer. Plaintiff. vs. Mich.] Chronicle. of as recorded in Lib., 16, page 59 of ... era and to the gain of ... _. the nett and Mrs. Blanch. Itoll•trorn. de. p.,..d ., n....00, mi,h Nov. ,, v.,1. des...t. •nat ri th thin order . sery ed RORT ISE (. 14,..,, l', 0 In.... z.f rt riw. : 7. • , ti..:,:rEu.t.iLC:F:rtlhfirportr:tn, capitalist.-Liberty, Magazine of Religious e.i:Ceorn ,unit:: or toubli•hed ao required by •t•tute The fertlant•. Summon i .4,1 and returned Freedom, Washington, D. C. ic ne tonne', ...not IA true copy I •going o tiit Involves title to, Land that de en, ant THE COLUMBUS MUTUAL LIFE • ,„ Yed In the City of Detroit. (formerly lie found. it •ppe•ring by •f6d•sit. the J. R. PFEIVI.E. INSURANCE COMPAN Y C OF O- : T "".. •" m•> be nere • litrY id defendant resides In this state •nit . Deputy Clerk. Reword Town tip) Canty of Winne. • monort due. as •tnregaid. on said mrt• LUMBUS. 01110. Some or Michigan. more particularlY dm, that more. for hi• appearance, ha. been . rage, with the inter. t thereon •t •eyen of Leon Sametine, one of the few Deputy Mortgagee ' , jibed as lots 237 and 23+. Chav•y • e dolt issued and the same could not he I J. W. Joseph•on. per cent 1 '11 and •Il leg. cowt•. 7 Says His Would Not Accept by mof his ro e with- , Edmund M. Venue. Attorney, 2462 First S. Keolcr•ft Subdivision. according to • great violin pedagogues of the Attorney for Mortraree. harges one exp.., includine the •t- prat of Chavey's Schoelcraft Subilivl Ion in thi• •tate. end d continued ah•ence from I National Bag,. Bldg. Casadius Cabinet Post Because torn, fee. • i dolved by lest. world, and of the late Leopold 1033 Firot National Rank Bldg. Which stli ,l So. I tot pm of the southeast one-quar- hi• la•t known place of re idence It Is ors I 244111 n....int', •re described ••• folios. All Auer, at the time of Cahn's at- of A•ti-Semitism. ter of section 22. , metedthat •eirl defendant appear appear•t the • STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of that certain • Edw. J. Jeff.... Jr and E K. Ali e tor parcel of land sit- • Dated: Detroit. November IL 1931, I Cnurtrtwen of the undemiened. W•vn. Wayne. ..-Suit pending hero-. Hon tendance • guest teacher at the A tt . 3rd Poor. M•ceabe.s B`dg. late in the City of Itetroit, In the County MAX CAHN Building, Detroit. mioaisso a , Henry C. Nicol. a Circuit Coort Commis- 1 Comity ROBERT E. SAGE. of Miry., and Slate of Michigan Chicago .Musical College. !MORTGAGE. SAI.E.-Deault d MONTREAL.- (J. T. A.) - lia•ne , rten o'clock • . ns . on the twent y-s ec- • loner for said Collate, bet Circuit Court CoMmi.nioner. b e erlhed no Kennedy been made in the term+ and condition! follow.,to.wit: follow., [At Nn ah a nd de - /Go , Co.. • Michlyan en ween nd day o f 1)., mber, rooretinn. ••• of • curial mot: Poole Cahn is a native of Nash- Deputy Peter Bercovitch, who is lel, Michael Greiner F tale, being ttttt trade by at the Juilliard Graduate School of b Carl r filed In l fetd the CoMplaint thi • •i gnee of Cherie. 3. Kennedy and Charles Mrer• •nsi Jeannette S. Myers. his wife Subdivi•Inn a Lot. 1 In I4, both inclu i Louis G. Friedman Attorney, 214840 •oi t , J+dement will . he where his father, Ellis being prominently mentioned for entered A Kandt, plaintiff. v.. Herman Berg- eld Ilarr• P. John-nn and Kate T. S • ive. of the Flat of the Ebtate of Cipher • Music in New York City, accord-, ' by default. and that thy( ender be , soon, defendant. Summons toed f ••nd Johnson, hie Penobscot Bldg. * I Cahn, is leader of the choir of the the post of provincial wI re, en-carmen, doin• buss Poe Greiner of part of the smith v o I served or poiblished required by eta- returned that defendant cannot be 5 ing to a recent announcement. 172267 treasurer, Petioni II and 12. Town 1 South. Ran, itae rae4.4, 0 4„ • cuj, i ovo ly e • ound. loess •• the Federal Investment Co of count , or . tote STATE j i g. h.4 4 .444,AN title. It ...Ina by •ffirlavit. that •aid de- ; Friday night services conducted and is supported by Detroit. Warne County. Michigan Mort. Ill n the English Mr. Cahn, now only 20 Years, Ws. ne, ..•-At • • •ion of the Probate to, 1.anti • itueted in the city of Detroit.; fendant re n ides I 112 .P "Part.; 1711er thi• fee@ •nd that tr... to The Memr•bee, • Michel. d'odrd iend ,14•O'fl 1 i . ...r1 for raid Cone. of WWI" held %•Sno. r ( bed more partici, pore • fn. hi. •ppearance s . of age, won the fello wship last ' there by the Y. W. H. A. press, announced that he would ha• been duly Corporation. of the ••me place, Mort - 4. /1. Pare 7 of Plata Warne Coon . , 'h• I'm., Courtroom in the City of lerly described •• lot 91 of Raker • , I•surd and the rat III• CORM not he ..r•ed ...... 0.4.41 th e tw„,r_nt,h tar 0. ty, not accept the post if proffered to • a competitive examination, Il•l•nit on the twelfth day of No..- Clark . • Siihdifl•ion of the north 11+2.10 by rea•nn Of hi. coecealment wi thin this Aurol•t. 1 4 Dated at Detsoit. Mirk Noy 4, 1931 0„,. .ha of 'So earth, s t a t e. 27. and recorded in the nlobe. her series. He has studied violin for ; him because of anti-Jewish preju- In 4 , nea,seed tha t syd d efendant In the revthy. end nne bun- I feet a the E.., of the Regi ter of Deed.. f for THE M ACCABEF.S. the Count• mi,hi... on deed thirty.... on. F,-ent Ervin ' R. Pal- ea 1 one - tint/Wee of a ection .1. T. 2. 2i. R •ppear at the f our t een,. of t h e under. et !v. v.. .,d Stateo dice which dominates the political II years. Before going to New A Michigan Corm-omit.. r. Judge of Probate. In the matter of 11 E, including that part of . Prt•ate I ' ,snood Wily ne County Boildint. Detr the t went y••i . h day of A ueu .t. 1927 life of the province. the e. York, he had received his Master . (, Aid m wee r _ at. of ALICE FORT JOHNSON. Claim 574 which lie west of Llverdmis , Miehieer. at ten o'clock a. rn. on the in D. 2083 of E. 3 JEFFRIES. JR. and E K. AKEY o M rtgage,. on page 321 Bd.& T own hop of Greenfield. no.. manic denetsed On readmit and filing the peti- degree "There were Jews in this Do- City tweney•second der of December. 1911. on which tootle.. there la at the Chicago Muni.' Z,,",;.,'', ": 14„ 7,71': Attorney• far Mar eeeeee . elsimed to tton of Norwood John-on PraYinir thi• of Detroit, moonlit,. to the plat thereof. and defend the complaint filed in thl• be due at minion long before Wolfe ar- the dete ofrh lehirsurrro. otalc cal College, where he also won r ethrf , or r,:s Dated, Detroit. 14 .ember II. 1 4 31. .1t. or judr mont will be entered m "utt •djudirate and determine who are • by de. principal and I R011F.RT F. SAVE. rived," falt,t, •nst that this• nrder he •eryed S.,00 violin in • music contest in , s er were •t the lime of hi , dee., the Deputy Berrovitch stated. or thou•and. rine hundred tlyent.•la an , TURN TO THE LAST PAGE ..:7 ii7e ""m'ot s !,)1 of teahrr-rfi'll'd Circuit Court Commis... , ' puh'i•hed •• required hire beics of •ald Alice Fort Johns., Which he appeared as a soloist with; mk. "and if you go back to 1788, you b• •tatute. Thy fore. 12 108 1113914 321 dollars. Na suit or LI. I goMe suit Involves title to, 1..ard alt. Prnreedi and ontited to inheirit the mtate of f dean FOR ADDITIONAL LEGAL , ,act et law or i t-e Minneapolis S act A,. ed ti find traces of original Jewish • ' • " p ony 0 rc h es- 1 st emd truer(' over Your tomb l noted In the Coon, of M•yne. State, beer in ni, It I. order. that the M ate d to re n " covertheit' ha L.• debt M. Bente.. AM...Y. 1112 • Lela- o Ira. th day of Imeerober. next •t ten o'clock or2,P • ti me colonies, to say nothing of the cu I Bell e olll de•tribmi eared I, sa id m o r f lot Michigan. t71.• or •n• port there in , Somewhere thy echoo yette Ild s tit number 9 the forenoon at ofd courtroom he et, - I i N ow, Jews who came over b • •Irt. of Her 241711 Poteted for Kneintr.cd petition. And it During the late summer he was Of your ass. Yoke- daring Dearborn-warren Subdi•Ision No. 2 . of power of •,h contained in ••1•1 marten. • further nedered that • cope of this h the French regime. Surely the Som.ere the old STATE or MICHIGAN. of the north.. t ont..o.rter o (4. nor1h• presented twice as a soloist poro.nt to th• •tatut• of the SIRIP • by the , esres ,, is e sang , :"'10 ; be Mobil bed three so ..... i•• Irm, Wayne. ..--Soit pendire before Hon. ea t one-lower of •i.e.-lion time has arrived for own two. of MOW., in .urh ra•• Ede and pro. ORIOLE THEATER Rol., al Sam • National Broadcasting CompanyI. e Circuit Court foment Smi th M - oh4, P li5)7'd. w ..i tLfth of Ban. ten Ea t. areordi. to Wed not1- to aid time of beim. In the t. mi. dm;+1.714t, b+reb• and for the bestowal of the rights er •Ioner for • •id County. between Otto the plat thereof recorded in Libor 57 or Detroit hal h Clobonkle, a Linwood and Philadelphia■ from their New York studios. Ilia fh rtes FRIDAY. TIlf: TWELFTH DAY OF Fri'- ntH and circulating in raid (- Mint, of Stern and Lout • Stern, hi. wl'e. OM,' Plate. on page 41 M yr. CO , rot that belong to us as • definite mi- u Sea 111 !sew York Win • • . . 4 Day., licrinning Sunday a e ock noon. F.• t- and Me ma .ale preml et Mire iturffed on the rne continue soraessssss slut canal to sae. tie . •• htco• Gw• es .i ern Standard Time , •eid mo Runty, Deputy Bercovitch stated, st.. w o n , drtenttentm Syn. I•ide of I...4! •• . Gio•annanyli. hie . "under Paul Kachanski, head of the I ERVIN R. PA 4 • myk • • enu.. bntm'e DOLORES COSTELLO . 'r h.,17. ;4, h• ho ' 10 . •t P thle auctio, 1 returned that d.f.4-1•••.• •nd Rtc h•ed on ••,.. n W •enen . he ab i a e. d ding that the Dominion govern- i '• . a returned mons .., d yd i violin department of the Juilliard Judge of Probate EDITH HARTY AN. he IA true rop• I 11.e.ta 1,6 nnaneel cannot in "Expensi•e Women" 1•a Dote d, D etroit No• mbre 17. Init. I ent m e ni o r s ron.,.....• (ire•i't io .7: e ot I••• ' ntbesh , oold School and internationally krmwn , t n.the 'en;•',..h FRANCIS MAHON. . found. P avp. Me et •ffdarit. t h. ...II HENRYG NICOL, I 1tooitding on the City of • Finn Detroit Showing Detroit , Wane ita lPeTbi n i ute r el:0;P it sod Mat dooiend.t resod. In Ili. a t f virtuoso . At the Chicago M 14 "Pute Probst. !toil et." Circuit Court cornmoetonet. usical: county. Wichita. that b.. the Is There is no discretion in lore and . it bagel g ee ---- . a . Be nonchulcint LIGHT A MURAD CELLOPHANE • SE.4LED TO RETAIN FRESHNESS HILLEL FORUM ON CHURCH AND CRISIS BETTER THAN EVER DETROIT CIGAR LOVERS now prefer Four Church Denominations to Participate in Discus- sion Dec. 6. NATURAL BLOOM QUALM Y CIGARS 100% Havana Filler --- Guaranteed Smoke and Enjoy NATURAL BLOOM from 5c -- to 3 for 50c LOUIS WHOLESALE CIGAR CO. LOUIS OSSEPOW, Prop, EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR a 736 RANDOLPH STREET DETROIT THE BOOK CASE WHAT THE REFORM OF THE CALENDAR WILL ACCOMPLISH MAX CAHN AWARDED VIOLIN FELLOWSHIP, ,.. . .„.., h ,. SOMEWHERE? ■ Y n., d here recognition V . i . n■ . - -,..., -=- ___I College he kas under the guidancecounsel in anger. wanted the best talent 'Yin-